HomeMy WebLinkAboutMechanics Bank of Grotonf`�m q mem n,rx ^r a..rIArT;rvr.. rA, r !� rvwz m A77 CF � ROT ole, ss V'e, the underli ned, hr.vi.n been elected Tns-:,ecor:., of an Iecticn of the ac'..:.r.ic; , an' °_ of !"Teton, ''orz, a ,tock. co.rrorction do he reby certify iaz rGilows: First; That a meeting; of id ccr^oraticn •--«s held at the Comf:4lz,, 5 o Tice on � .e 114,1' _ ' � gnur . Second; Th; -,t '::>efCre ente-in - 1 -r -on t'.e discharne Of our dutiea we ,."ere sevar!_-.11y L;.:'id iralividual2y sArcrn to raithful'.V p.1rn1J A t7,e duties Of Tnyou r3 f 4'j •+ � elt nr + + ar .^anC! ",ccord— ,.;cct�� c� � rction :_�� su.c.. �:. _i__ ,, °:°i�h ��rict ir.�1�.. tiality ink to t1to 7;;e -1t os cur ability, and t'.e o°:th 'v".s taken ; n'l -ul^scribed by us, an} is hereto att_-.chec, marked "Oath of Inal_'ectors", and is m.^de a -'Tart of this ceritificate. T4ird; Thaat •a cL:Mva.sj Of the votes of :such election ti:,'.:,^,°, that votc-3 rerreUentlno shareo, Of 4 , C`� `ta"' S-I-oc : 1:.^ he^".'_ cal,,t rOr tl.e foil. -Wing �e.rsons, to ,pit; N.rl� e Nr� . of �'Otes E'c,y Conger 5no Penn ror"er Jennie E. Conger 5no • T . C✓n­,er 500 r J . 7. :i,ughan SCO That t'.-.ereu,.cn t' a said -cusps. Jaz Con;7e-r Penn Conger, Jennie , .Con er L. J. ConSer, and .3, i:aughah, having received a plurality of all the votes ca :t :�L_ch elec, i cn, _-s re:;Uired by tuuff-.e lby�la�Js -.1ioreby b7 uo duly decla.rod directors of the 'Zechanics lank for tie ensuing ye -.r. Fourth; That the vote ta'.,,ena :'.t :auch nneoti.ng for the election or J c + s f n, n t f t i n. � -> > ,-. T, v -C ^-r t �^.. £i `.moi n u i n f y? •� 'rx e 3-L t 7 Ince:• �,o ora o.� I'1 ., ion .�.cr ___ 3•iiu c,o..l� � ., � �, �.4 r at�It�c., c ..r .Sarah Ai, Ic!i Tai l :Xeorga Culver 5co 17-00 0 -- On 01 F 17, T"1 u. i n '0 n e I L • o r'-, me Cu�... Ver M to V . -n,-' --c 1-d tl---, --c c 1 r, - c e rt 1 f i c �1 n nd 1 - - — -U n ,"I e :e cu, 7* 0 i - - 4 - 1 '- I � tl�e� - -3 v- r � -, 1. , I r "') n. '- o r c- r. - - - . 4 1 - -1 -- - - - I , COU'N,TY OF '"LOwTICULS TTCV. rT,- — r, .-, " "1 )'IT We, the un,'Ic oac- for himself del -ores and says, promises and afrees that he ,,,ill faithfull7- truly, honestly and .riell execute and rerform tie duties of Tno,-,ectors cf Election of election of directors, held at the meeting of the otoc's-'l. Ler- of -1U-he IMechanics Rank on V -Le 11Iuh ,;;,y of Janu-i-r:, 1910 -,-Iith strict impartiality and according to the best of 1,is un,terstanding, Judgment, knowledge and tj ability, -.rd, -xill cause this oath, togethor with a certificate of the result of the vote taken at said to be filed thereafter in the office of '.!.-e Clerk of the Ccunty of Tompkins, the same being the County -t .eruin J. , n 3u,h election is 'iel-1. Severally sworn to befora .,:1e t' is 11th Iay of Jo u .-1 r r, 1-910. IT t ry Pub I i c 1(4 -1 - z lz� --- T _71 „-' -, - e c 0 , 0 r 3 mi I and Geo rge Cu. ve r avirl'y Thatthereupon the said Sarah 'TJcG r: ,aceiveda yIurality of all tl-r, votes ,,doral bY us du' .y .nclanics Dan' 'or V-_Com.enou4,ncy the hereunto have set. t'-.eir -cw