HomeMy WebLinkAboutWebLink Overview and Searching (created by the City of Ithaca)Welcome to WebLink.
WebLink will allow access to various City documents regardless of day or time.
The City has been moving toward making our permanent records nearly paperless.
To aid in this process, departments have been creating electronic documents using a
Document Management Program called Laserfiche. Electronic documents will allow
most City and departmental information to become accessible 24 hrs a day, every
day of the year via WebLink.
The folders are divided into functional areas with sub -folders in each. These
functional areas include Boards and Committees, Budget Information, Forms and
Permits, Reports Plans and Studies, and more.
Working with WebLink - Opening Page
'Entire Repository
fib TSSERit
Browse Search City Of Ithaca Public Portal > Public Documents
Welcome to The TSSERR Records
Management System
Folders of records available in the
repository are shown on the right.
You may browse for records by clicking on
the folders. Use the quick search tool at the
top of this page or perform an advanced
search of the records by selecting SEARCH
Note the clickable'breadcrumb' navigation
above the main viewing pane. Once you
navigate into a folder. it may be used to
quickly browse to a higher level folder.
Please use the HELP link on the top nght of
the page for further help.
▪ Boards and Committees
Budget Information
Forms and Fermat
▪ News
Reports Plans and Studies
5 Entries
Page C[
1. Quick Search Tool
2. Breadcrumb' navigation
3. Functional Areas (folder structure)
Working with WebLink - Viewing a Document
Most commonly, documents will be viewed simply by using the WebLink
software. No other software is required. However, occasionally a document will be
in its original format. When that happens, the application needed to open the
document must already be on your computer. Primarily, these applications would
include a PDF reader (e.g. Adobe Acrobat), Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
Locating documents can be done two (2) ways: browsing each folder, as
shown above, or creating a search.
Working with WebLink - Searching for Documents
Quick Search
A simple search of the phrase typed in the Search Box; Quick Search searches text,
entry names, fields and annotations without having to open the Search Screen.
To Search the Entire Repository, enter the search criteria in the Search box
with 'Entire Repository' selected from the dropdown, then select Search.
- To Search the within a folder, enter the search criteria in the Search box with
'Current Folder' selected from the dropdown, select the folder to be searched
until it appears in the 'breadcrumb' navigation, then select Search.
Advanced Searches
Browse Search
'Customize Search
'Records Management Search
Enter the nam to search tor:
'MN -CC -2013'
❑� Document ❑ Folder
Limit search results to this folder:
® Search subfolders
Enter search
Search Criteria
Search I Reset I
Search Screen
Sort results by: Hamel Date Modified 1 Date Created
Results 1 - 18 of 18
A MN -CC -2013-12-31
Page Count: 3 - Template Name: Minutes - Volume Name: DEFAULT
0 Show less infom cation...
rch Results
Committee Name: Common Council - Meeting Date: 12/31/2013 - Department: Clerk's Department - Docu
j MN -CC -2013-12-04
Page Count: 33 -Template Name: Minutes - Volume Name: DEFAULT
I Show more information...
A MN -CC -2013-11-12
1. Select the Search button to open the Search Screen
2. Enter search criteria
3. Search results will be displayed to the right of the search criteria. Click on a
document name to view it.
For the different types of Advanced Searches you will be required to supply
additional Search information. For example, a Document/Folder
Name Search requires the user to specify the Document/Folder Name to be
searched in addition to the text/phrase to be searched. Other types of advanced
searches can include:
Within the Folder
- Creation Date
Modification Date
For example, to search for Common Council minutes from 2013, customize the
search by adding "Field".
- Select the template "Minutes"
Select the Committee Name "Common Council"
Enter the meeting dates "01/01/2013" to "12/31/2013"
- Select the Document Type "Minutes"
'Customize Search
Records Management Search
0 0
Committee Name
'Common Council
Meeting Dale
To assist in searching, here are some wildcards:
Asterisk (*): represents any number of missing characters,
o Example: a search for report* would find: report, reports, reporting,
reported, reporter, etc
Question Mark (?): represents exactly one character,
o Example: a search for Anders?n would find: Anderson or Andersen
Brackets ([ ]): represents a single missing character but allows you to specify
a range of options,
o Example: a search for d[io]ve would find: only dive or dove
Dash (-):is used with brackets to specify that only characters with in that
particular range should be found,
o Example: a search for 100347[0-9] would find: 1003475 or 103478
but not 10347S
Wildcards can be used in combinations:
- Example: a search for wr[io]t* would find: write, written, writing or wrote