HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947 Proceedings1947 PROCEEDINGS
Board of
L. P. STONE, Chairman
Trumansburg, N. Y.
Ithaca, N. Y. .
Mr. Harris B. Dates
56 Myers Road
Lansing, NY 14882
3 9 4 1. /,12.2-; /g S, /y1-3 /y�f,
"Yd, /6-9; /id, 16 i.Vy-)2°S
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Boned of
L. P. STONE, Chairman
Trumansburg, N. Y.
Ithaca, N. Y.
State of New York,
County of Tompkins,
Board of Supervisors,
In pursuance to the authority conferred by Section 19 of the
County Law, we each for ourself, do hereby certify that the copy
of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Tompkins, New York, for the year 1947, contained in this volume
is true and correct.
Chairman of Board of Supervisors.
Clerk of Board of Supervisors.
January 2, 1947 3
Annual Session
Thursday, January 2, 1947
Pursuant to rules of the Board, the Supervisors met in their
rooms at the court house -in the City of Ithaca on Thursday,
January 2, 1947.
Roll call. All members present except Messrs. Macera and
The Clerk announced the first order of business to be the
appointment of a temporary chairman.
Mr. Shoemaker placed in nomination the name of Daniel
Carey as such Temporary Chairman.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon.
Moved by Mr. Baker that nominations be closed and the
Clerk be instructed to cast one ballot for Daniel Carey, Tem-
porary Chairman.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis. Carried.
Whereupon, Mr. Carey took the chair and announced nom-
inations were in order for Permanent Chairman.
Mr. Snow placed in nomination the name of LePine Stone
to succeed himself.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker.
Moved by Mr. Downey, seconded by Mr. Vail, that nom-
inations be closed and the Clerk cast one ballot for Mr. Stone.
Such ballot was cast and Mr. Stone unanimously elected chair-
man of the Board for the ensuing year. _
.Mr. Stone took the chair and thanked the members of the
4 January 2, 1947
board for honor conferred and cooperation of its members
for the past year.
Mr. Vail placed in nomination the name of Gladys L. Buck-
ingham to succeed herself as Clerk of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Downey.
Moved by Mr. Shoemaker that nominations be closed and
Mrs. Buckingham be declared Clerk to serve during the pleas-
ure of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
The next order of business being the selection of Deputy
Mr. Shoemaker placed in nomination the name of Elsie
Seconded by Mr. Baker.
Moved by Mr. Carey that nominations be closed and Mrs.
Boyd declared Deputy Clerk to serve during the pleasure of
the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried.
The next order of business being the appointment of Jail
Mr. Gordon placed in nomination the name of Dr. H. H.
Crum to succeed himself.
Seconded by Mr. Vail.
Moved by Mr. Gordon that nominations be closed and that
Dr. Crum be appointed Jail Physician for the year 1947.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
Resolution No. 1—Clerk to Purchase Supplies.
Mr. Shoemaker offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
January 2, 1947 5
Resolved, that the Clerk be authorized to purchase the neces-
sary supplies for the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Baker. Carried..
Resolution No. 2—County Treasurer to Pay Salaries.
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to
pay the salaries of all county officers and employees monthly,
unless otherwise directed by a resolution of this Board.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Resolution No. 3—Payment of Audits.
Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved .its
adoption :
Resolved, that the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order
to the County Treasurer for the payment of each claim audited
by this board, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed
to pay the same out of the moneys in his hands appropriated
for that purpose.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Statement of town accounts from the towns of Caroline,
Dryden, Enfield, Ithaca and Ulysses were received and filed.
The Clerk read a letter from the Department of Health
relative to the proposed budget for the County Health Dis-
The Clerk read a letter from the City of Ithaca including a
certified copy of a resolution passed by the Common Council,
consenting to the inclusion of the City in•the Tompkins County
Health District.
Annual report of the Dog Warden was received' and filed.
Resolution No. 4—Change in Day of Regular Sessions.
Mr. Vail offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
6 January 2, 1947
Resolved, that Rule I—Session of the Board, first sentence,
be amended to read as follows :
"Regular sessions of the Board shall be held at 10 a.m. on
the second Wednesday of each month." And be it further
Resolved, that the action taken in the May 1946 meeting
establishing the first Monday of each month as Committee
Meeting Day be likewise amended to read the first Wednesday
of each month.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon.
Discussion held and Mr. Carey moved the resolution be
amended to read Tuesday instead of Wednesday.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis. Carried.
Discussion was had relative to a Civil Service matter and
Mr. Downey moved that Mr. Gold from the Civil Service De-
partment be invited to attend the next committee meeting of
the board which is to be held on Tuesday, January 7, 1947.
On motion, adjourned.
January 14, 1947 7
Tuesday, January 14, 1947
Roll call. All members present except Messrs. Vail and
Carey; Mr. Snow, excused.
The Clerk read the following committees as designated by
the Chairman for the year 1947:
Gordon Baker
Carey Loomis
Gordon Carey Ozmun Stevenson Shoemaker
Scofield Gordon Baker
Gordon Snow
Shoemaker Loomis Payne
Snow Macera Baker
Scofield Macera Shoemaker
Ozmun Downey " Stevenson
Downey Loomis Shoemaker
Loomis Carey Vail
January 14, 1947
Snow Downey Gordon Ozmun
Vail Baker Stone
Shoemaker Stevenson
Stevenson Carey Ozmun Vail Snow
Downey Scofield Ozmun Snow Stone
Scofield Carey Gordon
Downey Stevenson Baker
Payne Snow Vail
Vail Shoemaker Gordon
Carey Shoemaker Payne
Vail ' Gordon Scofield
Gordon Stone
Scofield Baker Downey
Macera Downey Ozmun
Stevenson Payne Snow
Ozmun - Scofield Snow
January 14, 1947 9
Carey Gordon
Gordon Macera Scofield
Stevenson Scofield Baker
Loomis Payne Macera
Payne Downey Stevenson
The Chairman announced the Representatives of the Board
on the Action Committee—Messrs. Scofield and Carey.
Resolution No. 5—Approval of Committees.
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved, that the assignments to committees as made by
the chairman and announced by the Clerk be and the same
hereby are approved.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Minutes of Organization meeting approved as typed.
The annual reports of the Farm, Home and 4-11 Club for
the year 1946 were received and filed.
The County Treasurer's report of the distribution of Dog
Monies was received and referred to the committee on County
Treasurer's Accounts.
Report of the County Judge relative to pistol permits show-
ing 290 permits issued for the year 1946, was received and
The annual report of the County Clerk for the year 1946
was submitted showing the net receipts to be a percentage
increase in revenue over the year 1945 of 49%. Said report
placed on file..
10 January 14; 1947
The Third Annual report of the County Historian was read
by the Clerk and placed on file.
The Clerk of Surrogate's Court reported the amount re-
ceived as fees for that office for the past year, and that the
same had been deposited with the County Treasurer.
The yearly report of the County Sealer of Weights and
Measures was received and filed.
R. A. Hutchinson, County Probation Officer and Clerk of
Children's Court, submitted his report for the year 1946
which was placed on file.
Report of Sheriff's fees for the month of December in the
amount of $84.04 received and filed.
Statements of Town Accounts from the towns of Danby and
Newfield were received and filed.
A certified copy of a resolution from Otsego County relative
to State Control of damages occurring from rabies was re-
ceived and filed.
A letter from Civil Service notifying us that a final date
must be set for filing of applications for examinations was
read by the Clerk.
A -notice was received from the Department of Public
'Works that the Convention of the Association of Highway
Engineers is to be held in Buffalo, N. Y. on March 19, 20 and
21, 1947.
The CIerk read a letter from the Department of Health
relative to progress in reference to hospital survey for Tomp-
kins County.
A notice from the County Officers' Association relative to
the convention to be held at Albany, N. Y. Feb. 13 and 14th
was read by the Clerk.
Moved by Mr. Stevenson, that the Clerk of the Board act
as Clerk of the Committee on Civil Service.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker. Carried.
January 14, 1947 11
Resolution No. 6—Re-appropriation from County Road Fund
for Ludlowville Bridge
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption: -
Whereas, the project authorized by Resolution No. 87,
adopted July 8, 1946, was not completed in 1946, and the
moneys then appropriated for said project were not expend-
ed ; and whereas, it now appears that the cost of said project
is $18,297.00,
Resolved, that the sum of $18,297.00 be and the same here-
by is re -appropriated from the County Road Fund for the
repairing and rebuilding of the Ludlowville Bridge near the
Town Hall in the Town of Lansing, and the County Treasurer -
is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same upon order
of the County Superintendent.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
Resolution No. 7—Re-appropriation from County Road Fund
for Iron Stake Bridge
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
Whereas, the project authorized by Resolution No. 137,
adopted on November 11, 1946, was not completed, and the
moneys then appropriated for said project were not expended
Resolved, that the sum of $9,000 or so much thereof as may
be necessary, be and the same hereby is re -appropriated from
the County Road Fund for repairs to the Iron Stake Bridge
in the Town of Lansing, and the County Treasurer is hereby
authorized and directed to pay the same upon order of the
County Superintendent.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
Resolution ,No. 8—Transfer from Contingent Fund to "Tax
• Notices -100-A"
Mr. Shoemaker offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption:
12 January 14, 1947
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund
to the Tax Notice Account -100-A, the sum of Seven Dollars
and Fifty Cents ($7.50).
Seconded by .Mr. Downey. Carried.
Mr. Downey reported that no estimate had been submit-
ted; as yet, from the Telephone Company, as to the expenses
of installing radio system for•county use.
Resolution No. 9—Authorizing Attendance of a Meeting By
Directors of the Soil Conservation District
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its _
adoption :
Resolved, that one of the Soil Conservation directors, to be
designated by the Chairman, be and he hereby is authorized to
attend a Soil Conservation Meeting at county expense.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
There not being a majority of the Finance Committee
present to audit the bills of that committee, the Chairman
appointed Mr. Downey to acton such committee.
Resolution No. 10—Resolution to Reconsider Resolution No. 4
Moved by Mr: Downey that Resolution No. 4, relative to
change of meeting day be reconsidered at this time.
Seconded by Mr. Baker. Carried.
A vote being taken upon the original resolution resulted as
follows :
Noes—Messrs. Stone, Loomis, Downey, Stevenson, .Gordon,
Scofield, Payne, Macera, Baker, Shoemaker and Ozinun-11.
Resolution lost.
Moved by Mr. Baker that the committee chairman notify
January 14, 1947 13
the Clerk of the Board the matters to be taken up at the com-
mittee meeting days so that an agenda could be made up for
those days.
Seconded by Mr. Macera. Carried.
The Clerk announced the following bills which are charge-
able to the Dog Fund under provisions of the Agriculture and
Markets Law, §123.
Nature of Expense Amt. Allowed
Edwin V. Gould, Assessor's Bill $ 3.72
Frederick R. McGraw, Expenses—Dog Warden 65.01
The Clerk read the following claims, as reported and rec-
ommended for audit by the several committees to which they
had been referred:
J- 1 Tompkins County Lab., H.R. Expenses, etc.
Co. Lab $15.82
2 Liquid Carbonic Corp., Cyl. Dem.—Co. Lab. 4.04
3 N. Y. Telephone Co., Services—Co. Lab. 10.37
4 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 39.13
5 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 14.50_
6 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 5.14
7 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 6.15
8 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 3.43
9 Warren E. Collins, Inc., Supplies—Co. Lab. 42.50_
10 C. V. Mosby Co., Lab. Journal—Co. Lab. 7.65
11 The Williams & Wilkins Co., Sub.—Am. Journal
—Co. Lab. 6.00
12 Certified Blood Donor Service, Serum—Blood
13 Floyd Spriner, City Clerk, Soc. Hyg. Clinic—
Public Health 4.50
14 Ruth E. Whitehead, Mileage—Public Health .... 76.08
15 Clara E. Goodman, Mileage—Public Health 86.08
16 Mary Clelland, Mileage—Public Health 67.60
17 Marion May, Mileage—Public Health 68.40
18 'T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Public Health 29.00
19 Dr. Harry G. Bull, ICH Clinician—Public Health 30.00
20 Childrens' Hospital, care—Russell Teaney—
P.H.C. 105.00
14 _ January 14, 1947
21 Lillian Payne, Teach. -Clara Tompkins-
P.H.C. ' 21.00
22 H. M. Biggs Mem. Hosp., care -Co. patients -
TB 1876.37
23 N. Y. State Elec. & Gas. Corp., Services -Co.
Bldg. 231.68
24 South Side Coal Co., Services -Co. Bldg. 119.30
25 N. Y. Telephone Co., Services -Co. Bldg. 287.58
26 City of Ithaca, Services -Co. Bldg. 1.13
27 McKinney Agency, Inc., Bond Premium-Prob.
Off. 10.00
28 American Surety Co. of N. Y., Bond Premium -
Sheriff - 45.00
29 N. Y. Casualty Co., Bond Premium -Co. Supt.
Mot. Veh. Clerk 25.00
30 McKinney Agency Inc., Bond Premium -Asst.
Mot: Veh. Clerk 7.50
31 U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co., Bond Premium
-Dep. Co. Clerk - 7.50
32 U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co., Bond Premium
Co. Clerk - 15.00
33 Wool Scott Bakery, Bread -Jail 14.44
34 Market Basket Stores, Groceries --Jail 35.18
35 New Central Market, Meat -Jail 32.99
36 Albright Dairy, Milk -Jail 6.40
37 The J. C. Stowell Co., Supplies -Jail 35.36
38 Clifford C. Hall,. Eggs -Jail 10.71
39 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Jail 27.54
40 Swift and Co. Inc., Supplies -Jail 50.00
41 R. A. Hutchinson, Check Book -Child. Ct. 2.00
42 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage -Child. Ct. 6.00
43 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -D/A 1.40
44 Clifford C. Hall, Mileage -Sheriff 55.68
45. Clifford C. Hall, Expenses -Sheriff 5.90
46 Clifford C. Hall, Refill Fire Exting.-Sheriff 5.40
47 H. H. Crum, M.D., Services -Jail Physician 8.00
48 Williams Press, Inc., Subs. Law Reports -
Law Library 47.50
49 VanNatta Office Equip. Co. Inc., Pencils -Co.
Treas. 10.80
50 Wayne D. Campbell, Supplies -Co. Treas. 5.70
51 VanNatta Office Equip. Co. Inc., Binders -
Co. Treas 9.60
52 -VanNatta Office Equip. Co. Inc., Calendar
Co. Treas. 2.10
53 Clarence Fiero, Painting -Co. Bldg. 102.40
January 14, 1947 15
54 Wilbur Post, Painting -Co. Bldg. 102.40
55 Bishop's Wallpaper & Paint Store, Paint -
Co. Bldg. 271.00
56 Sherwin Williams Co., Exolvent-Co. Bldg. 4.00
.57 City of Ithaca, Install Trap & Manhole-
Co. Bldg. 130.57
58 Ithaca Metal Weatherstrip Co., Tile -Co. Bldg38.00
59 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Wheel barrow -Co. Bldg.14.40
60 City of Ithaca, State & Co. Tax -Taxes on
Co. Prop. 301.89
61 E. Delos Crumb, Engr. Services -W. Hill Prop.. 25.00
62 Herbert VanOstrand, Expenses -W. Hill Prop. 24.50
63 Bert I. Vann, Postage, etc. -Co. Supt. 4.80
64 Bert I. Vann, Mileage, Co. Supt. 27.76
65 Art Craft of Ithaca Inc., Tax Invoices -Co.
Treas. 26.50
66 Stover Printing Co., Tax Rec. Books-Suprs70.00 .
67 Stover Printing Co., Tax Posters-Suprs. 11.00
68 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Cement-Suprs. .30
69 Gladys L. Buckingham, Postage-Suprs. 6.12
70 Williamson Law Book Co., Rev. Licenses -
Co. Judge 2.56
71 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Co.
Clerk 10.79
72 Corner Book Store, Supplies -Co. Clerk 20.45
73 Hall & McChesney, Inc., Binders, etc. -Co. Clerk 81.00
74 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Co..
Clerk .... 5.60
75 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies -Mot. Veh
Bu. 1.75
76 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Rubber Stamp -Mot.
Veh. Bu. 4.30
77 The Ithaca Journal, Classif. ad -Motor Veh. Bu. 1.68
78 W. G. Norris, Postage -Mot. Veh. Bu. 10.68
79 Irene H. Taggart, Clerical work -Comm. of Elec29.40
80 .Alice H. VanOrman, Clerical, work -Comm. of
Elec. 29.10
81 Alice H. VanOrman, Clerical work -Comm. of
Elec. 18.30
82 Carl Roe, Mileage -Sealer Wts. & Meas. 34.48
83 Walter L. Knettles, Mileage -Vet. Serv. Bu. 12.54
84 T. G. Miller's Sons- Paper Co., Supplies -Vet
Serv. Bu. 0.80
85 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Vet.
Serv. Ag. 1.50
86 Louis D. Neill, Expenses -Co. Invest. 21.00
16 January 14, 1947
87. History Dept. State Teachers College, Div. Cent.
N. Y.—Co. Historian 3.75
88 Paul E. Killion, Inc., Repair Books—Co. Judge 992.00
89 Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Mfg. Co. Inc., Carbon
paper—Suprs. 4.65
90 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Mildred Harris
P.H.A. 108.50
91 H. H. Crum, M.D., Exam—Richard Bush—D/A ....N.R.
Resolution No. ll—On Audit.
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the foregoing claims amounting to the sum
of $6,309.53, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom-
mended by the committees to which they were referred, and
the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out
of funds appropriated therefor; and that these claims be certi-
fied to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for
and on behalf of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis.
Ayes 11. Noes 0. Carried.
On motion, adjourned.
February 10, 1947 17
Monday, February 10, 1947
Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Snow ; Mr.
Loomis, excused.
The Annual report of the Rural Traveling Library for 1946
was received and filed. -
The 19,46 annual report of the Sheriff was received and
The Annual report of the County'Treasurer on County Road
Fund for the year ending December 31, 1946, was received.
The first Annual report -of the Tompkins County Veteran's
Service Agency (created February 1, 1946) was received and
Report of Sheriff's fees for the month of January in the
amount of . $193.52 was received and filed.
Statements of Town Accounts from the towns of Groton.and
Lansing were received and filed.
An inventory of the County Laboratory including the Blood
Bank was received and filed.
A resolution from Cayuga County, relative to legislation al-
lowing municipalities to guarantee performance of duties of
County and Town Officials in the same manner as compensa-
tion insurance was read by the Clerk and referred to the In-
surance and County Officers' Bonds Committee.
The Clerk read a resolution from Genesee County relative
to approval of Tax on Horse Racing. -
A resolution from Broome County relative to legislation
effecting Justices of the Peace was read and referred to the
Legislative Committee.
A letter from the, Department of Public Works including
copies of Agreement for Control of Snow and Ice on State
18 - February T0, 1947
Highways was read and agreement ordered placed on file.
Communications read by the Clerk :
From County Officers' Association acknowledging. receipt
of check for Tompkins County's membership.
From Assemblyman Stanley C. Shaw acknowledging receipt
of resolution relative to State Control of Rabies.
From Paul Woodard of Oswego notifying us of a meeting of
the Self -Insurer's Association to be held at 8 P. M., Wednes-
day, February 12, in connection with the County Officer's
The Clerk read a letter from the Tompkins County Em-
ployee's Association which was referred to the Salaries and
Wages and Civil Service Committees.
Resolution No. 12—Re-Survey of Susquehanna River Water-
Mr. Downey offered the following Soil. Conservation report
and resolution and moved its adoption :
The problems of soil erosion on farm land, stream bank
erosion, and flood are serious in the Susquehanna ,River water-
shed. There is an increasing interest on the part of the farm
and urban population in these problems, and a desire to know
what can be done to solve them.
A flood control survey was authorized in the watershed of
the Susquehanna River. On December 26; 1941, a favorable
report was submitted to Washington by the United States De-
partment of Agriculture field staff. After this, report was re-
viewed in Washington and an unfavorable report sent to Con-
gress. Since the original flood control survey was made on the
Susquehanna River, techniques and methods of erosion con-
trol and flood control have advanced.
WHEREAS, a part of Tompkins County drains south into the
Susquehanna River and
WHEREAS, other counties in the Susquehanna River water -
February 10, 1947 19
shed. are interested in an over all erosion and flood control
plan on the upper Susquehanna River watershed, and have so
expressed themselves by appropriate resolutions, and
WHEREAS, this plan would not be complete without all the
land in the watershed having control measures.
Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Board of Supervisors of
Tompkins County in session on February 10, 1947, request
that the Susquehanna River watershed be re -surveyed as soon
as possible by the United States Department of Agriculture,
Be It Further Resolved, that copies of this resolution be
sent to Senators Irving M. Ives and Robert Wagner and Con-
gressman W. Sterling Cole, with request that they use their
influence to have the survey reopened at the earliest possible
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Resolution No. 13—Easement for Electric Light Line Facil-
ities Over Crawford , Reforestation
Lands In Newfield.
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its -adoption :
WHEREAS, the New York State Electric & Gas Corporation
has requested the permission of this Board to construct an
electric distribution pole line along the highway on the north
side of the Crawford Reforestation Lands in the town of
Newfield, and has submitted an easement for this purpose
Resolved, that the said request be granted and that the
Chairman of this Board be and he hereby is authorized and
directed to execute on behalf of the county, and to deliver to
the New York State Electric & Gas Corporation an easement
for such purpose on the form submitted by said corporation.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Mr. Baker, member of the Committee on County Treasurer's
20 February 10, 1947
Accounts submitted the following report, relative to the re-
port of the County Treasurer of the monies in his hands in the
Dog Fund on January 1, 1947:
Your Committee finds that the total amount received in-
cluding balance from the previous year, was $17,528.42, and
the total disbursements were $11,054.03, making a total sur-
plus for the year of $6,474.39.
That 75% of the above surplus, amounting to $4,855.79 is
to be apportioned pursuant to Section 122 of the Agriculture
and Markets Law to the city and towns in proportion of the
contribution made by each and is as follows :
Cities and Towns
Amount contributed
incl. penalties
and costs
Apportionment of
seventy-five per
cent of surplus
Caroline $ 779.00 $ 331.50
Danby 640.00 272.36
Dryden 1,718.00 731.14
Enfield 508.00 216.18
Groton 1,256.00. 534.53
Ithaca 1,798.00 765.17.
Lansing 1,217.00 517.92
Newfield 660.00 280.91
Ulysses 1,119.00 476.21
City 1,715.00 729.87
$11,410.00 $4,855.79
Dated, February 10, 1947.
Resolution No. 14=—Apportionment of Dog Monies.
Mr. Baker offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the report of the Committee on County Treas-
urer's Accounts, relative to the moneys in the hands of the
Couny ;Treasurerbe accepted and that the County. Treasurer
be and hereby is directed to pay the several towns in the
county and the City of Ithaca, the foregoing amounts, as-ap-
February 10, 1947 21
portioned by him and now approved by this Board, out of the
surplus moneys in his hands in the Dog Fund on January 1, •
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Resolution No. 15—Welfare Employee to Attend Meeting.
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : •
Resolved, that Mr. Moyer of the Welfare Department be
authorized to attend the New York State Association of Pub-
lic Welfare Accountants' meeting at Syracuse, February' 20
and 21.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried. •'
R. C. Van Marter, County Commissioner of Welfare, ap-
peared before the Board relative to the complications in the
Welfare Department in carrying out the new law.
Discussion was had and meeting adjourned to 2 :00 P. M.
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Snow ; Messrs.
Loomis, Payne, and Macera, excused.
Resolution No. 16—Requesting City of Ithaca to Assume
Responsibility for Care of Children.
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca elected to administer public
assistance after January 1, 1947, under Option IV pursuant
to §74-e of the Social Welfare Law, and this board, at the re-
quest of the City, confirmed such option; and
WHEREAS, the option so selected contemplates that the City
shall administer in the city all forms of assistance for the ad-
22 February 10, 1947
ministration of which the. County is responsible; and
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that the City has not yet
taken over the administration of child welfare, and the county
welfare department has been obliged to continue child welfare
services in the city because of the failure of the city to assume
this responsibility;
Resolved, that this situation be called to the attention of the
Common Council of the City of Ithaca, and that this Board
respectfully requests the City of Ithaca to carry out its obliga-
tions andto assume full responsibility for the administration
of the Child Welfare program in the City in the manner re-
quired by law.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon.
Carried with one dissenting vote -Mr. Baker.
Resolution No. 17—Referring Request of Employees Asso-
ciation to Salaries Committee.
Mr. Ozmun offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, representatives of -the Tompkins County Em-
ployees appeared before this Board at its committee session
in January and made certain suggestions in regard to salaries;
WHEREAS, careful consideration was given by the Salaries
Committee, the Civil Service Committee and by the board to
the question of salaries and the salary scale before the budget
for 1947 was adopted last fall, and
WHEREAS, taxes were levied in December on the basis of
the budget so adopted ; a?
Resolved, that the request of the Employees be referred to
the Salaries Committee for consideration by them in connec-
tion with preparation of the budget and salary schedule for
Seconded by Mr. Vail. Carried.
February 10, 1947 23
Resolution No. 18—Appropriation From County Road Fund
for Bank Street Bridge in Groton.
Mr. Downey offered the following -resolution and moved its
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated from the
County Road Fund the sum of $24,968.00 for the repair and
reconstruction of the Bank Street bridge in the Village of
Groton, as requested and recommended by the County Super-
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 19—Repair of Railing at Glenwood Overlook.
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the County Superintendent be and he hereby
is authorized to repair the railing at the Glenwood Overlook
'in the I'c,wn of Ulysses.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resot'ttion No. 20—Appropriation from County Road Fund
for Groton City Bridge.
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved . its
adoption : -
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated from
the County Road Fund the sum of $10,650 for the repair and
reconstruction of the Groton City bridge in the Town of Gro-
ton, as requested and recommended by the County Superin-
tendent. -
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 21—Requesting Legislation for Control of
Mr. Shoemaker offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
24 February 10, 1947
WHEREAS, it has been called to our attention that a great
amount of damage is being done to domestic animals, includ-
ing cats, and dogs in Tompkins `County and throughout the
state by foxes; and
WHEREAS, there is abundant evidence that the disease of
rabies is being transmitted and spread by foxes, with the re-
sult that the lives of human beings as well as domestic animals
are being endangered ; and
WHEREAS, under existing law there is no adequate protec-
tion against the depredations of foxes; and local governments
acting separately cannot effectively cope with the situation.
Resolved, that this Board request the legislature of the State
of New York to provide a state-wide bounty on foxes or to en-
act such other legislation as will effectively control foxes and
minimize the damages resulting from their being allowed to
run at large ; and
Be It Further Resolved, that a'copy of this resolution be sent
to Senator Chauncey B. Hammond and Assemblyman Stanley
C. Shaw.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Resolution No. 22—Approving Proposed Legislation for
Restrictions Along State Highways.
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, Senator Desmond has, from time to time, intro-
duced bills for the purpose of establishing roadside protective
areas along state highways with appropriate regulations for
the use of lands within those areas; and
WHEREAS, such bills have not been passed by the legisla-
Resolved, that this board hereby expresses its approval in
principle of the legislation proposed by Senator Desmond and
the hope that either the state or the towns be given authority
to establish and regulate such protective areas along state
February 10, 1947 25
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 23—Disapproving An Act In Senate Int. No.
148—(Amending Town Law and Jus-
tice Court Act) .
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
WHEREAS, an act Int. No. 148 has been introduced in the
Senate which in effect amends the Justice Court Act and Town
Law by increasing the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace and
makes mandatory after 1949 that there shall be two justices
and two councilmen in each town, and
WHEREAS the present law provides that it is optional in a
town whether the said town shall have two justices and two
councilmen or four justices, and
WHEREAS it is undemocratic to provide that a town must
have two justices and two councilmen, and
WHEREAS certain towns in Tompkins County have voted to
retain four justices in the said towns, now therefore be it
Resolved, that this Board of Supervisors disapproves those
subdivisions in said act which provide that a town board of
any town in Tompkins County must consist of two justices and
two councilmen after 1949, and be it further
Resolved, thata copy of this resolution be forwarded to the
Legislators from this district and to Mr. Edw. E. N. lithe,
executive secretary of the association of towns, and to Gover-
nor Dewey.
Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Carried.
The annual report of the County Veterans' Service Bureau
for the year 1946 was received and placed on file.
The 1946 annual report of the County Treasurer was re-
ceived and filed.
26 February 10, 1947
Resolution No. 24—Assumption of Responsibility for Public
Assistance Pursuant to § 72 of the So-
cial Welfare Law.
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that on and after March 1, 1947, the cost of all of
the assistance and care for which the .towns and cities are
made responsible under the provisions of subdivisions one and
two of section sixty-nine shall be a charge on the county pub-
lic welfare district and administered under the direction of
the County Commissioner.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried. One dissenting vote—
Mr. Stevenson.
Resolution No. 25—Increase of State Aid for Repair and
Maintenance of Town Roads.
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, the cost of materials and labor for the repair
and maintenance of town roads has increased to such an ex-
tent that the contribution of the State of New York at the
rate of $37.50 per mile for the repair and maintenance of town
roads is insufficient and inadequate and should be increased in
keeping with existing conditions.
Resolved, that the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County
does hereby request the Legislature of the State of New York
to increase the amount of State aid granted to the towns for
town highway purposes and further
Resolved, that the representatives of the County of Tomp-
kins in the Legislature of the State of New York, and the
Association of Towns in the State of New York, be requested
to further the enactment of such legislation as may be neces-
sary to carry out the intent of this resolution, and further
Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to
the Senator and Assemblyman for the County of Tompkins
and the Association of Towns in the State of New York.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
February 10, 1947 27
The Clerk read the following Workmen's Compensation
claim as it was audited :
Dr. David Robb, care—Ernest Bell $11.00
The Clerk announced the, audit for the following bills which
are chargeable to the Dog Fund under provisions of the Agri-
culture and Markets Law, §123.
Claimant Nature of Expense
Amt. Allowed
Max C. Deyo—Dog Enumerator's Bill $ 95.25
Edward E. Welser—Dog Enumerator's Bill 189.25
Earl W. Smith—Dog Enumerator's Bill . 62.25
David. Dassance—Dog Enumerator's Bill 90.50
Ruth S. Moore—Dog Enumerator's Bill 133.50
Joseph McGill—Dog Enumerator's Bill 131.75
Rachel T. Hanshaw—Dog Enuemator's Bill 187.25
• William Marshall—Dog Enumerator's Bill 410.00
Frederick McGraw, Mileage & Expense—Dog Warden 56.15
The Clerk read the following claims, as reported and recom-
mended for audit by the several committees to which they had
been referred: -
J- 92 Tompkins Co. Mem. Hosp., Rent, etc.—Co. Lab. $ 255.18
93 Tompkins Co. Lab., Petty Cash—Co. Lab. 30.63
' 94 Will Corporation, Blood Lancet=Co. Lab. • 4.09
95 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 25.27
96 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 60.29
97 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 5.70
98 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 97.35
99- Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 2.45
100 Michigan Dept. of Health, Supplies—Co. Lab8.80
101 LaMotte Chemical Products Co., Supplies—
Co. Lab. 2.17
102 Burroughs Wellcome & Co. USA, Inc., Sup-
plies—Co. Lab. 5.00
103 Norton Printing Co., Supplies—Co. Lab. 134.80
104 Kline's Pharmacy, Supplies—Co. Lab. 42.05
105 Corner Bookstore, Typewriter & Supplies—
Co. Lab. 146.25
106 Difco Laboratories, Inc., Supplies—Co. Lab. 1.58
107 Fisher Scientific Company, Supplies—Co. Lab. 5.82
28 February 10, 1947
108 Eimer and Amend, Supplies -Co. Lab. 11.02
109 Norton Printing Co., Blood Bank Slips -Blood
Bank 27.74
110 American Hosp. Supply Corp., Supplies -
Blood Bank 132.60
111 Floyd Springer, Soc. Hyg. Clinic -Public
Health 15.00
112 Mary Clelland, Mileage -Public Health 88.00,
113 Ruth Whitehead, Mileage -Public Health 76.16
114 Clara E. Goodman, Mileage -Public Health73.68
115 Marion May, Mileage -Public Health 81.68
116 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Pub-
lic Health 2.62
117 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Pub-
lic Health 6.00
118 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Pub-
lic Health 4.87
119 Dr. Harry Bull, ICH Clinician -Public Health 30.00
120 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care - Russell •
Teaney-PHC 73.50
121 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care - Nelson
Emery-PHC 108.50
122 Lillian Payne, care-ClaraTompkins-PHC66.00
123 Mrs. H. W. Eaton, care -Lawrence Carlisle-
PHC 50.00
124 New York State Elec. & Gas Corp., Services -
Co. Bldgs. 285.09
125 New York Telephone Co., Services -Co. Bldgs315.76
126 Rodman M. Fellows, Envelopes -Soil Conserv. 6.88
127 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Folders -Soil
Conserv. 5.00
128 John F. Geherin, Steam Boiler Policy -Co
Bldg. N.R.
129 Clifford C. Hall, Mileage & Exp. -Child Ct 34.50
130 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage -Child Ct. 6.00
131 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage -Child Ct. 6.00
132 L. M. McClelland, Stenog. work -Child Ct24.25
133 Williamson Law Book Co., Supplies -Co. Atty. 13.90
134 Matthew Bender & Co., 1945 Supp. -Co. Atty. 10.00
135 Charles H. Newman, Supplies -Co. Atty. 7.27
136 Charles H. Newman, Mileage & Exp. -Co
Atty. 39.94
137 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper' Co., Supplies -Co
Atty. 1.20
138 Arthur G. Adams, Mileage & Exp. -D/A 54.52
139 Stover Printing Company, Forms -D/A 34.00
February 10, 1947 29
140 Dr. H. H. Crum, Exam, Richard Bush -D/A 10.00
141 Dr. C. Douglass Darling, Exam, Richard Bush
-D/A 10.00
142 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Jail
Supplies 17.30
143 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Jail
Supplies 17.20
144 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies -D/A 4.20,
145 Clifford C. Hall, Expenses -Sheriff 25.80
146 Clifford C. Hall, Postage -Sheriff 6.00
147 Clifford C. Hall, Mileage -Sheriff 149.35
148 Thayer Radio Co., Supplies -Sheriff 14.78
149 H. H. Crum, M.D., Services -Jail Physician..... 30.00
150 Market Basket Stores, Groceries -Jail Sup-
plies 67.83
151 New Central Market, Meat -Jail Supplies 82.93
152 The J. C. Stowell Co., Coffee, etc. -Jail Sup-
plies 14.56
153 Albright Dairy, Milk -Jail Supplies s 6.00
154 Wool Scott Bakery, Inc., Bread -Jail Supplies 22.32
155 Clifford C. Hall, Eggs -Jail Supplies 23.60
156 Clifford C. Hali, Misc. Supplies -Jail Sup-
plies - 3.92
157 Dr. George J. Visnyei, care, Earl Kuier-Jail
Supplies 3.00
158 A. B. Brooks & Son, Supplies -Jail Supplies 4.75
159 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies -Co.
Treas. 4.50
160 Van Natta Office Equip. Co., Supplies -Co
Treas. .40
161 Frank C. Moore, Comptroller Justice Fees, -
Justices 15.00
162 Bert I. Vann, Mileage -Supt. 57.44
163 Bert I. Vann, Postage -Supt. 5.10
164 Bert I. Vann, Expenses -Supt. 29.73
165 The Sherwin Williams Co., Sup. -Co. Bldg4.00
166 American Laundry Mach. Co., Cyl. Gear, etc
-Co. Bldg. 33.90
167 Driscoll Bros. & Co., Supplies -Co. Bldg. 8.70
168 Norton Electric Co., Supplies -Co. Bldg. 2.40
169 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Co. Bldg. 9.30
170 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies-Suprs. 32.60
171 L. M. McClellan, Stenog. work -Co. Judge 45.50
172 Matthew Bender & Co. Inc., Lawyers Dairy -
1947 -Co. Judge 3.50
173 W. G. Norris, Postage, etc. -Co. Clk. 9.02
174 Photostate Corp., Supplies -Co. Clk. 17.65
175 Photostat Corp., Supplies -Co. Clk. 358.69
30 February 10, 1947
176 Norton Printing Co., Supplies—Co. Clk. 25.00
177 W. G. Norris, Postage, etc.—Mot. Veh. Bu40.23
178 Alice H. VanOrman, Clerical work—Comm
of Elec. . 47.10
179 Irene H. Taggart, Clerical work—Comm. of
Elec. 45.60
180 Ithaca Journal News, Legal Notice—Comm
of Elec. 23.52
181 Louis D. Neill, Expenses—Co. Invest. 17.50
182 The Syracuse News Co., Books—Rur. Tray
• Lib. 15.61
183 Walter L. Knettles, Expenses—Vet. Serv. Bu44.03
184 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies—Vet
Serv. Bu. 0.87
185 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies—Vet
Serv. 'Bu. 2.35
186 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Vet
Serv. Bu. 4.17
187 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Vet
Serv. Bu: 1.65
188 Leon F. Holman, Expenses—Vet. Serv. Ag. 59.47
189 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Vet.
Serv. Ag. 1.50
190 Clarence Fiero, Painting—Co. Bldgs. 281.60
191 Wilbur Post, Painting—Co. Bldgs. 281.60
192 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies—Co
Treas. 2.50
193 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Co
Treas. - 1.05
194 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Co.
Treas. 6.50
195 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Co
Clk. 1.20
196 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Co
Clk. 51.10
197 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Co
Clk. 7.50
198 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Co
Clk. 0.40
199 Carl Roe, Mileage—Co. Sealer = 41.36
200 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., care—Co. Patients
—T.B. 1,822.50
201 Syracuse Univ. Hosp., care—Betty Gillow—
PHC 56.00
February 10, 1947 31
Resolution No. 26—On Audit.
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the foregoing claims amounting to the sum
of $6,551.99 be audited by this Board at the amounts recom-
mended by the Committees to which they were referred, and
the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out
of funds appropriated therefor; and that these claims be
certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board,
for and on behalf of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Baker. Carried.
Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried.
On motion adjourned to Saturday 9 :30 A.M. February 15,
32 February 15, 1947
Saturday, February 15, 1947
Roll call. All members present.
Minutes of monthly meeting of February 10, 1947, read and
Mr. Newman, County Attorney, reported on the County,
Officer's Association meeting held in Albany on February
12th, 13th and 14th.
Mr. Downey reported that he had received a letter from the
General Electric Company relative to a two way radio com-
munication system for the county and a telephone call from
the New York Telephone Company that their figures were not
yet ready.
Mr. Baker read a letter from a group of Ithaca Junior Citi-
zens asking the board to confer with them concerning youth
center problems.
Moved by Mr. Gordon, that the Chairman appoint a com-
mittee to meet with the Ithaca Junior Citizens.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Whereupon, the Chairman appointed as such committee :
Messrs. Baker, Carey and Gordon.
Resolution No. 27—Sale of County Owned Land.
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, the Highway Committee has recommended the
sale of lands in the inlet valley heretofore purchased by the
County from Stephen Gaydosh and Hugh Rumsey to the Gen-
eral Crushed Stone Company for $4000, with the understand-
ing that $600 of the proceeds be paid to the Town of Ithaca on
account of the contribution of said town to the purchase of the
said Gaydosh property.
February 15, 1.947 33
Resolved, that the said recommendation and the sale of said
lands on the terms aforesaid are hereby approved ; and, if
the said offer is accepted, the Chairman of this Board be and
he hereby is authorized and directed to execute on behalf of
the County and deliver to the. General Crushed Stone Com-
pany a quitclaim deed of the County's interest in said property
upon payment to the County Treasurer of the sum of $3,400
and to the Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca, the sum of 8600.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Resolution No. 28—Appropriation for Home Relief.
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
WHEREAS, the administration of home relief by the County
Welfare Department after March 1st, as required by resolu-
tion of this board adopted on February 10th, will require an
appropriation chargeable against the nine towns, exclusive of
the City of Ithaca ; and, whereas the administration of old age
assistance is in the same category.
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to set up a budget item for Home Re-
lief, the cost of which shall be assessed against the nine towns
of the County, exclusive of the City of Ithaca, and be it fur-
Resolved, that the sum of $5000 be appropriated for Home
Relief, and the County Treasurer -is hereby authorized and
directed to transfer the said sum of $5000 from the Old Age
Assistance surplus to the new Home Relief item.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Resolution No. 29 --Tentative Approval of County Health
District Budget.
Mr. Scofield offered the followingresolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, this board has adopted a resolution pursuant to
§20-b of the Public Health Law for the establishment of a
34 February 15, 1947
County Health District; and, the State Health Commissioner
desired an expression of this board in regard to the proposed
budget, for . such district ; and
WHEREAS, the budget submitted may require certain minor
adjustments in order to comply with the County salary scale.
Resolved, that this Board hereby approves a tentative bud-
get of approximately $70,000 per annum for the proposed
County Health District including a salary of $7500 for a Coun-
ty Health Commissioner, the details of said budget and the
exact amount thereof to be determined by the County Board
of Health and the County Health Commissioner when and if
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Resolution No. 30—Request for Salary Increase.
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that this Board hereby requests our Assemblyman
and Senator to introduce and the legislature to enact legisla-
tion authorizing this board to increase the salary of the County
Superintendent from $3800 to $4200 during his term of office
notwithstanding any general law prohibiting increases during
a term of office : and be it further
Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to Assembly-
man Shaw and Senator Hammond.
Seconded by Mr. Vail. Carried.
On motion adjourned.
February 28, 1947 35
To Gladys L. Buckingham, Clerk
Board of Supervisors
Tompkins County
Courthouse, Ithaca, N. Y.
The undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of
Tompkins County hereby request you to call a special meeting
of said board to be held in the Supervisor's Rooms of the
Courthouse at Ithaca, N. Y. on Friday, February 28th at ten
o'clock in the forenoon to take action on pending legislation
effecting the interest of the county and such other business
that may properly come before -the meeting.
February 19, 1947.
Friday, Febrt csry 28, 1947
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Snow, excused,
and Mr. Vail.
Mr. Gordon of the Legislative Committee, offered the fol-
lowing resolution and moved its adoption :
Resolution No. 31—Requesting Enactment of Legislation
Authorizing Increase In Salary of Coun-
ty Superintendent.
Resolved ,that this Board requests the enactment of legisla-
tion set forth in Assembly Bill Print No. 2450, Introductory
No. 2273, and in Senate Bill Print No. 2295, Introductory No.
2021, entitled "An act to authorize and improve the Board of
Supervisors of the County of Tompkins to fix the salary of the
County Superintendent of Highways around the terms of the
present amendment."
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Gordon that we ask our Assemblyman and
February 28, 1947
State Senator to support the bill Int. #1825 as presented by
State. Senator Sherbell relative to reimbursement to public
welfare districts.
Seconded by Mr. Macera. Carried.
Some discussion was had relative to two-way radio system
and Mr. Stevenson moved that a committee be given power
to make personal investigation relative to cost and mainten-
ance in other counties.
Seconded by Mr. Macera. Carried.
The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs.
Downey, Scofield and Stevenson.
Discussion was had relative to resolution No. 27, passed on
February 15th as to location of the proposed site of the Gen-
eral Crushed Stone Co.
Mr. Ozmun offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolution No. 32 --Authorizing Service Officer To Attend
Resolved, that Walter Knettles, County Service Officer, be
authorized to attend the National Rehabilitation Convention
to be held in Washingon, D. C., on March 4th, 5th and, 6th.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
Mr. Baker reported progress being made on Youth Com-
On motion, adjourned.
March 10, 1947 37
Monday, March 10, 1947
Roll Call. Ail members present.
The Clerk read the following:
Monthly report of fees• received by the Sheriff for the pre-
vious month to be $99.75.
From the New York State Association of Highway En-
gineers relative to their convention to be held at Buffalo,
N. Y. on March 19, 20 and 21.
From Thomas C. Desmond, acknowledging receipt of -copy
of our resolution relative to establishment of Roadside Zoning
From Senator Ives and Congressman Cole relative to re-
survey of the Susquehanna River Watershed.
From C. D. Breitel, Counsel to the Governor, acknowledg-
ing receipt of resolution passed by this Board disapproving
of Amending Town Law and Justice Court Act.
From Assemblyman Shaw acknowledging receipt of sev-
eral resolutions adopted by this Board.
From War Department, Corps of Engineers, Baltimore
District extending an invitation to interested parties to
attend a public hearing to be held in the Steuben County
Court House at Corning March 28th at 1 :30 p.m. in reference
to flood control.
From General Crushed Stone Company acknowledging re-
ceipt of, resolution relative to sale of certain lands owned by
the county to their company.
From R. C. Van Marter, a copy of a letter he had received
38 March 10, 1947
from the Cayuga Home for Children notifying him of increase
in charge for board and care for out of county children in
their institution ; effective March 1, 1947, the charge was
slated to be $10.50 per week.
From Floyd Springer, City Clerk, relative to Welfare situa-
tion in regard to Child Welfare. Said letter referred to Public
Welfare Committee, no action taken thereon.
From Department of Health, letter and certificate of ap-
proval of Tompkins County as a County Health District.
Resolution No: 33—Transfer from Contingent Fund to Em-
ployees' Retirement Fund
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Whereas, the amount heretofore appropriated for the Em-
ployees' Retirement Fund is insufficient to meet the county's
contribution as computed by the State Comptroller :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to . transfer from the Contingent
Fund to the Employees' Retirement Fund the sum of $1,534.93.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 34—Manner of Payment to Central Index
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Whereas, there was appropriated on November 29, 1946,
the sum of $100 to the central index for the current year,
Be It Resolved, that the County Treasurer pay the said
amount to Barbara Brock semi-annually.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Mr. Carey, member of the Action Committee, Tompkins
County Health Center, gave a verbal report on the progress
of that committee, specifying the conclusions reached from
their findings and recommendations for meeting the situation.
March 10, 1947 39
/Resolution No. 35—Establishment of Public General Hospita7l
Mr. Carey offered the following resolution and moved its
' adoption :
I Resolved, pursuant to §126 of the General Municipal Law,
that there shall be in Tompkins County a Public General
Hospital for the care and treatment of the •sick; and
IBe It Further Resolved, that included in such Public Gen-
eral Hospital or in conjunction with it there shall be an in-
firmary which will take care of both indigent and paying
patients ; and
Be It Further Resolved, that application be made to the
Post War Public Works Planning Commission for registra-
tion of a project for planning of the necessary buildings for
such hospital and infirmary, and for state aid in connection
Seconded by Mr. Gordon.
Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried unanimously.
Mr. Bond of the. New York Telephone Company explained
the working of their system relative to automobile radio
equipment and submitted figures thereon.
On motion, adjourned to 2 :00 P.M.
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Macera, excused.
Minutes of Monthly meeting, February 10; Adjourned
Monthly meeting, February 15th and Special meeting Febru-
ary 28th approved as written.
Mr. Baker gave a verbal report of the Youth Committee ,
meeting held a week ago and stated that a written report
would be filed later.
Discussion was had relative to an article in this morning's
Post Standard entitled "Liaison Key to Erasing Friction."
40 March 10, 1947
Resolution No. 36—Appropriations for Highway Reconstruc-
tion and Topping
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Whereas, the County Superintendent has submitted to this
Board the following program for highway construction and
topping in 1947:
Project #1 Trumansburg Cemetery
Road, Ulysses #148-1.7 miles $20;000.00
Project #2 South Danby Road, Danby,
#125-1.6 miles 18,000.00
Project No. 3 Midline Road, Caroline,
#114-1.6 miles 18,000.00
Project #4 Salt Road, Groton -2.0
miles 22,000.00 $ 78,000.00
Project #5 Schaeffer Road, Newfield,
#131-1.6 miles 12,800.00
• Project #6 Irish Settlement Road,
Dryden #162-2.75 miles 23,395.00 36,195.00
Resolved, that the foregoing program and estimates for
highway reconstruction and topping in 1947 be approved by
this Board subject to such minor modifications as the County
Superintendent finds necessary, and that the amounts estimat-
ed, namely, $78,000 for reconstruction and $36,195 for top- _
ping, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same
hereby are appropriated from the County Road Fund for the
purposes indicated and the County Treasurer is hereby direct-
ed to pay the same upon order of the County Superintendent.
• Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 37—Requesting Enactment of County Super-
intendent's Salary Bill as Amended
Mr. Vail offered the following resolution and moved its ad-
option :
March 10, 1947 41
Resolved, that pursuant to Section One of Article Nine of
the Constitution the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Tompkins does hereby request the enactment of legislation
as set forth in Senate Bill Print No. 2910 Introductory No.
2021 and in Assembly Bill Print No. 3060 Introductory No.
2273 entitled "An act to authorize and empower the Board of
Supervisors of the. County of Tompkins to fix the salary of
the County Superintendent of Highways during the terms of
the present incumbent."
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Resolution No. 38—Opposing Legislation re Local Taxes for
Mr. Vail offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that this Board disapproves the bill authorizing
counties and cities over 100,000 to levy taxes locally for edu-
cational purposes, and
Be It Further Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be
sent to Governor Dewey and to the Senator and Assemblyman
from this district.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
The Special Committee, appointed February 28th, was di-
rected to continue further investigationon two-way radio
The County Attorney read a letter from Mrs. Alice Shurter
stating that she did not care to sell her property in the Inlet
Valley section to the county.
The Clerk read the following Workmen's Compensation
claims as they were audited :
Chairman, Workmen's Comp. Board, Assessment §15 $ 8.54
Chairman, Workmen's Comp. Board, Assessment §151 258.52
Chairman, Workmen's Comp. Board, Assessment §25-A 10.00
The Clerk announced the audit of the following bills which
are chargeable to the Dog Fund under provisions of the Agri-
culture ,and Markets Law, §123:
42 March 10, 1947
Nature of Expense Amt. Allowed •
Lawrence Cortright, Dog Enumerator's Bill $ 81.75
Lois Beck, Delinquent Dog Bill .85
Rachel J. Hanshaw, Delinquent Dog Bill 4.00
F. H. Springer, Delinquent Dog Bill 8.80
Joseph McGill, Delinquent Dog Bill .85.
W. B. Strong, Assessor's Bill 6.00
Harold Clough, Assessor's Bill 6.60
Ralph Dellows, Assessor's Bill 3.90
Frederick McGraw, Mileage & Expense—Dog Warden 49.09
Edward S. Judson, Delinquent Dog Bill .75
The Clerk read the following claims, as reported and
recommended for audit by the several committees to which
they had been referred:
J-202 Tompkins Co. Lab, Petty Cash—Co. Lab 40.84
203 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hosp., Rent, etc.—Co
Lab. 250.01
204 Michigan Dept. of Health Laboratories, Sup-
plies—Co. Lab. - 8.80
205 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 11.11
206 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 12.00
207 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 14.80
208 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 77.39
209 Difco Laboratories, Inc., Supplies—Co. Lab. 1.58
210 LaMotte Chemical Products Co., Supplies—
Co. Lab. 3.85
211 Medical ,Gas Division of the Liquid Carbonic
Corp, Cyl. Dem.—Co. Lab. 2.84
212 Medical Gas Division of the Liquid Carbonic
Corp., Oxygen—Co. Lab. 13.50
213 Burroughs Wellcome & Co. USA, Inc., Sup-
plies—Co. Lab. 10.00
214 Fisher Scientific Co., Supplies—Co. Lab. 2.50
215 R. L. VanDerveer, Rabbits—Co. Lab. 22.50
216 Commercial Solvents Corp., Supplies—Co.
Lab. - 9.50
217 American Hosp. Supply Co., Supplies—Blood
' Bank 6.76
218, Certified Blood Donor Service, Supplies—
Blood Bank 51.00
March 10, 1947 43
219 Floyd Springer, Soc. Hyg. Clinic -Public
Health 22.50
220 Marion May, Mileage -Pub. Health 54.08
221 Mary Clelland, Mileage -Pub. Health 68.72
222 Clara E. Goodman, Mileage -Pub. Health 83.20
223 Ruth E. Whitehead, Mileage -Pub. Health 59.44
224 Ithaca Laundries, Inc., Service -Pub. Health - 26.01
225 Weed Stark Co., Supplies -Pub. Health 10.00
226 Dr. Harry Bull, ICH Clinician -Pub. Health 40.00
227 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care -Nelson
Emery-PHC 108.50.
228 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care -Betty Gil-
low-PHC 105.00
229 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care -Shirley
Heath-PHC 118.50
230 Mrs. Lillian C. Payne, care -Clara Tompkins,
-PHC 31.50
231 Syracuse Memo. Hospital, care -Juanita
Schaff-PHC 152.50
232 Buffalo Orthopedic Supply Co., Inc., care -
Russell Teaney-PHC 135.00
233 Children's Hospital, care -Russell Teaney
-PHC ' 105.00
234 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., care -Howard S.
Progner-TB 357.50
235 N. Y. State Elec. & Gas Corp., Services -Co
Bldgs. 229.82
236 N. Y. Telephone Co., Services -Co. Bldgs300.42
237 City of Ithaca, Water Bill -Co. Bldgs. 58.35,
238 New Central Market, Meat -Jail 46.69
239 Wool Scott Bakery, Inc., Bread -Jail 17.67
240 Market Basket Stores, Groceries -Jail 80.98
241 Clifford C. Hall, Supplies -Jail 25.03
242 Albright Dairy, Milk -Jail 5.60
243 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Child
Ct. 8.38
244. R. A. Hutchinson, Postage -Child. Ct. 6.00
245 Clifford C. Hall, Mileage -Child. Ct. 22.14
246 Theodore H. Malmud, Statutory fee-Subp
D/A 3.25
247 Norton Printing Co., Envelopes -Sheriff 8.00
248 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Binders-
Sheriff 5.85
249 Clifford C. Hall, Expenses Sheriff 5.50
250 Clifford C. Hall, Postage -Sheriff 6.00
251• Clifford C. Hall, Mileage -Sheriff 90.24
March 10, 1947
252 D. A. Stobbs, Envelopes -Co. Treas. 90.00
253 T. G .Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Co
Treas. 1.85
254 D. A. Stobbs, Expenses -Co. Treas. 23.74
255 H. L. Hornbrook, Coal -Co. Bldg. 551.25
256 Clarence Fiero, Painting -Co. Bldg. 291.20
257 Wilbur Post, Painting -Co. Bldg. 291.20
258 Jamieson McKinney Co. Inc., Supplies -Co.
Bldg. 12.00
259 Norton Electric Co., Supplies -Co. Bldg. 3.60
260 Cortland Venetian Blind Co., Supplies -Co
Bldg 18.00
261 Ward Spencer, Supplies -Co. Bldg. 4.95
262 Tisdels. Repair Shop, Keys -Co. Bldg. .75
263 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Co. Bldg. 57.38
264 Bert I. Vann, Mileage -Co. Supt. 70.96
265 Bert I. Vann, Postage, etc. -Co. Supt. 9.45
266 Stover Printing Co., Forms-Suprs. 48.90
267 Gladys . L. Buckingham, Postage-Suprs. 6.18
268 Gladys L. Buckingham, Expenses-Conv.-
Suprs. 24.74
269 Mary Mineah, Postage -Co. Judge 7.88
270 Charles H. Newman, Expenses-Conv.-Co
Atty. 28.15
271 W. G. Norris, Postage -Co. Clk. 10.40
272 W. G. Norris, Expenses-Conv.-Co. Clk. 27.90
273 Hall & McChesney Inc., Binder -Co. Clk. 98.25
274 Hall & McChesney Inc., Record Book -Co. Clk 75.00
275 Hall & McChesney Inc., Collector's Bond -Co
Clk 80.00
276 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -
Co. Clk. 5.70
277 Photostat Corp, Supplies -Co. Clk 1.19
278 Norton Printing Co., Postals-Co. Clk. 30.60
279 Lockrow's Book Store, History Travel -Co
Hist. 12.00
280 W. G. Norris, Postage, etc. -Mot. Bu. 11.26
281 A. J. Laux & Co. Inc., Cash Sheets -Mot. Bu. 5.14
282 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies-
Comm. of Elec. • 3.75
283 Daniel E. Patterson, Expenses-Conv.-
Comm. of Elec. 29.64
284 Journal & Courier, Statement-Elec. Exp. 28.05
285 Carl Roe,.Mileage & Exp. -Co. Sealer 41.92
286 P. W. Wood & Son, Bond Prem. -Co. Sealer 3.00
.287 Leon Holman, Postage, etc. -Vet. Agency _. 7.72
March 10, 1947 45
288 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Vet:
Agency .85
289 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Steno. Pads—
Suprs. 1.80
290 T. G. Millers Sons Paper Co., Supplies—D/A 1.40
291 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies—Vet.
Serv. Bu. .85
292 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies—Vet.
Serv. Bu. 12.30
293 Walter L. Knettles, Mileage & Exp.—Vet
Serv. Bu. 66.71
294 The Syracuse News Co., Books—Rur. Tray
Lib. ,8.91
295 H. A. Carey Co. Inc., Boiler Policy—Co. Bldg, 397.00
Resolution No. 39—On Audit
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved; that the foregoing claims amounting to the sum
of $5,439.87 be audited by this Board at the amounts recom-
mended by the Committees to which they were referred, and
the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the 'same out
of funds appropriated therefor; and that these claims be
certified to the County Tresaurer by the Clerk of this Board,
for.and on behalf of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis.,
Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried.
On motion, adjourned.
46 April 14, 1947
Monday, April 14, 1947
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Macera.
The Clerk read the following communications : a[
A note of thanks from Mrs. Payne for basket of fruit and
get well cards sent her during her illness.
A note of appreciation from the Snow family for the board's
kind expression of sympathy during the illness and death of
Mrs. Lamont C. Snow.
A letter from the State Department of Health approving
of our application for State Aid for public health work.
The report from the'sheriff that he had received in fees for
the month of March the sum of $96.49.
A letter from Mrs. Roma Horst enclosing a check for $375
for the five acre Morgan property (Inlet Valley) . Said letter
and check referred to Highway Committee.
A letter from Springers Real Estate firm in Cortland
relative to adjustment of taxes in this county at the time of
sale of real estate. Said matter referred to Tax Sale Commit-
A letter from the Mayor of the City submitting a list of
three nominees for the Board to select one for the County
Board of Health.
A letter from the County Medical Society submitting a list
of seven names of which the Board is to select three physi-
cians for County Board of Health.
Resolution No. 40—Re Inlet Valley Lands
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
April 14, 1947 _ 47
Resolved, that the proposal of Mrs. Omar Horst to purchase
from the County the lands in the Inlet Valley which the county
acquired from Mr. Gaydosh and Mr. Rumsey be rejected;
that the check sent with her proposal be returned to her, and
that Mrs. Horst be informed by .the Clerk that these lands be-
long to the County and may not be used without the consent
of the Board of Supervisors.
Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried.
Resolution No. 41—Appropriation for Snow Removal
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated from the
County Road Fund the sum of $31,000 for snow removal on
County Roads ;,and the County Treasurer is hereby author-
ized and directed to transfer the said amount of $31,000 from
the County Road Fund to the Snow Removal Fund, and to
pay out the same or so much thereof as may be necessary for
such snow removal, on the order of the County Superintend-
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Resolution No. 42—Burial of Soldiers, Sailors, Etc.
Mr. Ozmun offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved, that the amount to be paid by the County for the
interment of -the body of any honorably discharged . soldier,
sailor, marine or nurse who has served in the military or
naval service of the United States, or the body of any minor
child or either parent, or of the wife or widow of any soldier,
sailor or marine, who shall die such widow, if such person
shall hereafter die in the County of Tompkins without leav-
ing sufficient means to defray his or her funeral expenses,
be increased to $150.00.
Seconded by Mr•. Vail. Carried.
48 April 14, 1947
Resolution No. 43—Additional Compensation for County
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that commencing as of the first day of May, 1947,
there be paid to the County Superintendent in addition to his
salary, the sum of $50.00 per month as a cost of living adjust-
ment, pursuant to Chapter 573 of the Laws of 1947 ; and
the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to
pay the same to the County Superintendent in the same man-
ner that other salaries are paid.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Mr. Shoemaker reported that a saving of $200 per year had
been made due to a change of electric and gas meters in court
house and jai]. Said primary meter was installed on March
15th, the county retaining two meters for the Sheriff's De-
iVIr. Downey of the Special Committee to investigate a
two-way radio system reported that the Commitee had taken
a trip to Elmira, Corning and Bath in a radio equipped car
and had corresponded with several counties who had the
same equipment in both their Sheriff's and Highway Depart-
ments and the committee recommends the adoption of the
following resolution.
Resolution No. 44—Purchase of Motorola Radio Communi-
- cation System. .
Resolved, that this Board approves the purchase from the
Motorola Company of a two-way radio communication system
and the installation of the same by the said company, the op-
eration thereof to be under the control of the sheriff, and the
equipment to be available for use by the highway department;
the Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized to execute a
purchase order for the same on behalf of the County; and
that the cost of the units to be used by the highway depart-
ment and the maintenance thereof shall be borne .by the High-
way Department.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
April 14, 1947 49.
Resolution No. 45—Construction of Transmitter Station for
Radio Communication System.
Mr: Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the County Superintendent be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to consruct a transmitter station
for the radio communication system on Turkey Hill, and that
all bills for materials and labor in connection with 'such con-
struction be paid from the general funds upon audit by this
Board; and be it further
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $1000 from the
contingent fund to a new item "Radio Communication Sys-
tem" in ,the general fund for this purpose.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
Mr. Scofield read letters from Welfare Commissioner Van
Marter relative to hiring a Children's Worker and reporting
two stenographic positions vacant in this office.
Resolution No. 46—Rejection of Proposal for Continuance
of Child Welfare Administration in City
of Ithaca.
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca has requested that it be ex-
cused from complying with the contract for the care of child-
ren under option four as requested by the city
Therefore Be It Resolved, that this board refuses to grant
such deferment and request that, if the city is unable to carry
out its part of the contract, that they join a county wide wel-
fare district under §72.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Discussion followed and Mr. Shoemaker moved that Carl
Vail represent the city supervisors at the next Common Coun-
cil meeting relative to welfare matters.
50 April 14, 1947
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Mr. Baker, Chairman of the County Laboratory Committee,
reported on the new officers elected by the Board of Directors
at their last meeting as follows : Dr. H. B. Sutton, Chairman ;
• Eugenia Van Cleef, Secretary and Dr. David Robb, Vice Chair-
Mr. Baker, Chairman of the Special Committee on Youth
Center reported progress and submitted written report.
Mr. Shoemaker moved that the report of the Committee be
accepted and placed on file for future reference and that it be
praised for the good work done.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
County Clerk, W. Glenn Norris, appeared before the Board
and explained about a new organization being started called
the S.A.R..(Sons of American Revolution) and asked the
Board for the use of the Court Room for Friday night, April
18th and invited the Board to attend said meeting.
Mr. Downey, reported that the General Crushed Stone
Company had purchased property in another section of the
county and asked the opinion of the Board as to what should
be done relative to Resolution No. 27 passed on February 15th.
Said matter referred .to County Attorney.
Resolution No. 47—Payment of Hospital Bills
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the Commissioner of Welfare be advised
by this board that he is justified in paying the bills as sub-
mitted by the Memorial Hospital in which special care is in-
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
On motion adjourned to 1:30.p.m.
April 14, 1947 51
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Macera.
Minutes of March 10th monthly meeting approved as typed.
Mr. Scofield read a letter from Harold G. Rice, Construc-
tional Engineer on County Infirmary Plans, and offered the
following resolution and moved its adoption :
Resolution No. 48—Appropriation for County Infirmary Plans
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to set up on his books a new item
entitled "County Infirmary Planning," and to transfer from
the contingent fund to such item the sum of -$1500; and be it
Resolved, that the bill of Harold G. Rice, dated April 8,
1947, in the amount of $1500 to apply on his contract for
Architectural Engineering services be and the same hereby is
approved and audited by this board, and the County Treas-
urer is authorized and directed to pay the same and charge
it to County Infirmary Planning.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 49—Radio Communication System—Authori-
zation of John M. Mulligan
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that John M. Mulligan as service and mainten-
ance engineer b'e authorized to sign on behalf of Tompkins
County all forms and papers required by the Federal Com-
munications Commission in connection with the operations
of the Radio Communications System. - •
Seconded by Mr. Stevenson: Carried.
52 April 14, 1947
Resolution No. 50—Appointment of County Board of Health
•Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption:
Whereas, this board on December 9, 1946, adopted a reso-
lution pursuant to §20-b of the Public Health Law for the
establishment of a County Health District, and the same has
been approved by the State Health Commissioner,
And Whereas, it is the duty of this board to appoint a
County Board of Health consisting of eight members, one of
whom shall be selected from a list of three persons submit-
ted by the Mayor of the City of Ithaca, three of whom shall be
physicians, and one of whom shall be a member of this board ;
And Whereas, the Mayor of the City of Ithaca has submit-
ted a list of three persons, and the Medical Association has
submitted a list of seven physicians ; and the Health Coordin-
ating Committee has given careful consideration to the selec-
tion and appointment of a board of health and recommends
that the following named persons be appointed :
Resolved, that pursuant to §20-b of the Public Health Law
this Board hereby appoints the following named persons to
be members of the County Board of Health for the terms of
office specified, to wit:
Paul S. Livermore (City Member) for a term expiring De-
cember 31, 1952
Norman S. Moore (Physician) for a term expiring December
31, 1952
James E. Rice Jr. (Member at large) for a term expiring
December 31, 1951
Harry N. Gordon (Member at large) for a term expiring
December 31, 1950
Willard R. Short (Physician)
31, 1949 •
Henry B. Sutton (Physician)
31, 1948
Eugenia Van Cleef (Member
December 31, 1947
Harvey Stevenson (Supervisor member) for a term expiring
December 31, 1947
for a term expiring December
for a term expiring December
at large) for a term expiring
April 14, 1947 53
Seconded by Mr. Carey. -
Discussion followed.
Roll call being taken resulted as follows :
Ayes -13. Noes—None. Carried.
Resolution No. 51—Employment of Children's Worker
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption
Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Welfare be and
he hereby is authorized to employ an additional children's
worker at a salary not exceeding $2500 per annum commenc-
ing May 1, 1947.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Discussion followed as to salaries, civil service and pur-
chase of cars for various departments.
The Clerk read the following Workmen's Compensation
claim as it was audited :
Dr. D. M .Ryan, Care, R. D. Simmons $3.00
The Clerk announced the audit of the following bills which
are chargeable to the Dog Fund under provisions of the Agri-
culture and Markets Law, §123:
Nature of Expense
Amt. Allowed
Robert Palmer, Dog Enumerator's Bill . 75.75
Fred Hickey, Dog Enumerator's Bill 40.25
Edith M. Updike, Delinquent Dog Bill ,3.40
Ralph Dellow, Assessor's Bill 4.26
Wm. Strong, Assessor's Bill 4.26
Harold Clough, Assessor's Bill 6.20
Arthur E. Spearing, Assessor's Bill 3.24
H. C. Thorne, Assessor's Bill 3.18
Lawrence Morey, Assessor's -Bill 3.72
Wm. K. Ellison, Assessor's Bill 3.36_
54 April 14, 1947
Delford K. Barnes, Serving Summons
Lester A. Fowler, Serving Summons
Frederick. McGraw, Mileage & Expense, Dog Warden
The Clerk read the following claims as reported and recom-
mended for audit by the several committees to which they
had been referred :
J-296 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hosp., Rent, etc.—Co.
Lab. 255.98
297 Tompkins Co. Laboratory, Petty Cash—Co.
Lab. 48.26
298 New York Telephone Co., Services—Co. Lab26.82
299 Warren E. Collins, Inc., Supplies—Co. Lab. 48.50
300 American Medical Assoc., Subscrip.—Co. Lab. 6.00
301 Standard Scientific Supply Co., Supplies—Co.
Lab. 14.12
302 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 6.00
303 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 5.24
304 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 3.51
305 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 33.91
306 Medical Gas Division of The Liquid Carbonic
Corp., Supplies—Co. Lab. 4.00
307 Medical Gas Division of The Liquid Carbonic
Corp., Supplies—Co. Lab. 2.84
308 LaMotte Chemical Products Co., Supplies-
Co. Lab. 12.60
309 Norton Printing Co., Supplies—Co. Lab. 121.30
310 Commercial Solvents Corp., Supplies—Co.
Lab. 9.50
311 Cornell Cooperative Society, Supplies—Co.
Lab. 10.00
312 Kline's Pharmacy, Supplies—Co. Lab. 18.10
313 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hosp., Supplies—Blood
Bank 7.25
314 Will Corporation, Supplies—Blood Bank 44.81
315 Certified Blood Donor Service, Supplies •
Blood Bank 51.77
316 Certified Blood Donor Service, Supplies—
Blood Bank 87.94
317 American Hospital Supply Corp., Supplies—
Blood Bank 153.00
318 Norton Printing Co., Supplies—Blood Bank54.80
April 14, 1947 55
319 High Titre Serum Lab., Supplies—Blood
Bank 50.00
320 Floyd Springer, Soc. Hyg. Clinic—Public
Health 20.00
321 Clara E. Goodman, Mileage—Pub. Health .... 9.28
322 Marion May, Mileage—Pub. Health, 74.08
323 Ruth E. Whitehead, Mileage—Pub. Health 20.80
324 Mary Clelland, Mileage—Pub. Health 78.80
325 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Pub
Health 3.50
326 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Pub
Health 2.50
327 Ithaca Laundries, Inc. Supplies—Pub. Health 18.30
328 Kline's Pharmacy, Supplies—Pub. Health 50.90
329 Kline's Pharmacy, Supplies—Pub. Health 3.95
330 Marion May, Postage—Pub. Health 7.00
331 Frederick H. Knoff, M.D., Care, Betty Gillow.
— P.H.C. 10.00
332 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Betty Gillow
— P.H.C. 98.00
333 Dr. Martin E. Melamed, Care, Nelson Emery
— P.H.C. 10.00
334 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, . Nelson
Emery—P.H.C. 98.00
335 R. D. Severance, M.D., Care, Nelson Emery
—P.H.C. 35.00
336 Children's Hospital, Care, Russell Teaney--
P.H.C. 98.00
337 Mrs. H. W. Eaton, Care,_ Lawrence Carlisle—
P.H.C. 50.00
338 Mrs. Lillian C. Payne, Care, Clara Tompkins
— P.H.C. 22.50
339 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Shirley
Heath—P.H.C. 98.00
340 Syracuse University Hospital, Care, Shirley
Heath—P.H.C. 195.00
341 Leo P. Larkin, M.D., Care, Shirley Heath—
P.H.C. 10.00
342 Reconstruction Home, Inc., Care, Mildred
Harris—P.H.A. 80.50
343 New York State Elec. & Gas Corp., Services
—Co. Bldgs. 478.95
344 Ithaca Fuel Supply Co., Coal—Co. Bldgs. 659.40
345 New York Telephone Co., Services—Co. Bldgs277.63
346 City of Ithaca, Services—Co. Bldgs. .50
347 Norwich Distributing Co., Supplies—Co.
Treas.' 4.00
56 April 14, 1947
348 Geo. E. Burgess, Supplies -Co. Treas. .40
349 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Co_
Treas. 5.60
350 Tompkins Co. Trust Co., Safe Deposit Box -
Co. Treas. 5.00
351 Zdenka K. Stepan, Notary Fee -Co. Treas 7.00
352 The J. C. Stowell Co., Milk, etc. -Jail 27.74
353 Wool Scott Bakery, Bread=Jail 16.80
354 Market Basket Stores, Groceries -Jail 53.60
355 New Central Market, Meat -Jail 52.71
356 Clifford C. Ha11=Eggs, etc. -Jail 15.40
357 Albright Dairy, Milk -Jail 6.80
358 Bert I Vann., Mileage -Supt. 73.92
359 Bert I. Vann, Postage, etc. -Supt. 12.50
360 Tompkins Co. Rural News, Notices -Rabies . 14.19
361 Journal and Courier, Notices -Rabies 14.63
362 Ithaca Journal News, Notices -Rabies 15.96
363 Eleanor B. Daharsh, Services as Sec.-Rur
Tray. Lib. 12.50
364 R: R. Bowker Co.,Ad-Rur. Tray. Lib. 2.50
365 The Syracuse News Co., Books-Rur. Tray
Lib. 176.54
366 The Syracuse News Co., Books-Rur. Tray
Lib." 1.74
367 The H. W. Wilson Co., Catalogue-Rur. Tray
Lib. 8.00
368 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Ru-
ral . Tray. Lib. 3.75
369 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Soil
Conser. 1.37
370 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Soil
Conser. 6.70
371 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies -Soil
Conser. 1.50
372 Wayne D. Campbell, Type. Rental -Soil
Conser. 8.75
373 Norton Printing Co., Supplies -Co. Judge 148.00
374 Dennis & Company, Inc., 1946 Supp. -Co.
Judge 10.75
375 Beulah Wright, Notary Fee -Co. Judge 3.50
376 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Co
Judge 3.25
377 Norman G. Stagg, Envelopes -Co. Judge 30.00
378 Corner Bookstore, Repair Type. -Child. Ct12.00
379 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage -Child. Ct. 6.00
380 LaVerna M. Daniels, Checkbook -Child Ct2.00
April 14, 1947 57
381 LaVerna M. Daniels, Postage -Child. Ct. 6.00.
• 382 Ithaca Journal News -Jury Notice -Supreme
Ct. ‘ 26.28
383 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies -D/A 9.00
384 Tompkins Studio, Photos. -D/A 23.75
- 385 City of Ithaca, Exam-Giardano--D/A 2.25
386 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies....
Sheriff .60
387 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -
Sheriff 2.15
388 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -
Sheriff .... 2.45
389 Clifford C. Hall, Expenses -Sheriff 45.85
390 Clifford C. Hall, .Supplies -Sheriff 28.20
391 Clifford C. Hall, Expenses -Sheriff 25.33
• 392 Clifford C. Hall, Mileage -Sheriff 122.56
393 W. R. Tompkins, Photos -Sheriff 10.00
394 John Krupa, Services -Sheriff . 5.50
395 Wagner Funeral Home, Burial -Ara Perry,
Soldier 120.00
396 John A. Jackson, Window Shades -Co. Bldgs16.00
397 The Sherwin Williams Co., Supplies -Co.
Bldgs. 2.45
398 Bishop's Wall Paper & Paint Store, Supplies
-Co. Bldg. 32.88
399 Donohue -Halverson, Inc., Repairs to Pump -
Co. Bldg. 242.11
400 Dassance & Anderson, Repairs -Co. Bldg. 104.11
401 VanNatta Office Equip. Co. Inc., Supplies -
Co. Bldg. e 2.25
402 C. J. Rumsey & Company, Supplies --Co. Bldg37.62
403 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Co
Bldg. 1.00
404 Charles G. Downey, Expense to Elmira •
Suprs.. 7.68
405 Gladys L. Buckingham, Postage-Suprs. 3.00
406 Hall & McChesney, Inc., Supplies -Co. Clk' 80.00
407 Hall & McChesney, Inc., Supplies -Co. Clk33.00
408 Hall & McChesney, Inc., Supplies -Co. Clk50.00
409 Hall & McChesney, Inc., Supplies -Co. Clk.9.00
410 Photostat Corp., Supplies -Co. Clk. 122.99
411 Photostat Corp., Supplies -Co. Clk. 400.77
412 Corner Book Store, Supplies -Co. Clk. 2.50
413 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., File -Co. Clk86.50
414 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies= -Co.
Clk. 1.50
58 April 14, 1947
415 W. G. Norris, Postage—Co. Clk. 9.00
416 W. G. Norris, Postage—Motor Bu. 18.14
417 Daniel E. Patterson, Notary Fee—Comm.
Elec. 1.00
418 'Norton Printing Co., Supplies—Comm. Elec45.00
419 Carl Roe, Mileage—Sealer Wgts. & Meas. 50.16
420 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Vet
Serv. Bu. ... 3.10
421 Walter L. Knettles, Expenses ,etc.—Vet.
Serv. Bu. 84.40
422 Leon F. Holman, Mileage—Vet. Serv. Ag..... 10.78
423 Corner Book Store, Type Ribbons—Vet.
Serv. Ag. 9.00
424 Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Supp
#2—Vet. Serv. Ag. 3.00
425 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Vet.
Serv. Ag. .25
426 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Vet.
Serv. Ag. .48
427 Louis D. Neill, Services—Co. Invest. 35:00
428 Lockrow's Book Store, Dicty.—Co. Hist. 3.00
429 City of Ithaca, Fees & Felony—Justices 60.00
430 Ray Brook State TB Hosp., Care—TB Pa-
tients—TB 5.00
431 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., Care—Co. Patients
—TB 1,942.50
432 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., Care—Co. Patients
—TB ... 2,012.50
433 Tompkins Co. Soil Conservation District,
Postage—Soil. Conserv. 4.00
434 Tompkins Co. Soil Conservation District
Postage—Soil Conserv. 18.52
Resolution No. 52—On Audit
Mr. Stevenson offered the. following resolution and moved
its adoption:
Resolved, that the foregoing claims amounting to the sum
of $10,332.05 be audited by this Board at the amounts recom-
mended by the Committees to which they were referred, and
the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out
of funds appropriated therefor; and that these claims be
certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board,
for and on behalf of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis. Carried.
On motion, adjourned.
April 21, 1947 - 59
To Gladys L. Buckingham, Clerk
Board of Supervisors
Tompkins County
Courthouse, Ithaca, N. Y.
The undersigned 'members of the Board of Supervisors of
Tompkins County hereby" request you to call a special meeting
of said board to be held in the Supervisor's Rooms of the
Courthouse at Ithaca, New York, on Wednesday, May 7, 1947,
at 1 :45 p.m. in the afternoon to confer with members of the
hospital board and to consider and act upon any matters re-
lating to the hospital effecting the interests of the county ;
and such other business that may properly come before the
Dated April 21, 1947.
May 7, 1947
Wednesday, May 7, 1947
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Macera ; Mr.
Baker, excused.
The Clerk read the call for the special meeting.
Present from the Hospital Board were : James E. Rice Jr.,
President, Verne A. Fogg, Roland G. Fowler, Armand Adams,
E. Craig Donnan;, James Conley, Charles Dykes and Mrs.
Irene Oliver, Superintendent of the Hospital, Prof. Arthur
J. Keefe and Mrs. Mary Beck and Charles H. Newman, County
The meeting having been called for discussion of matters
relating to the hospital effecting the interests of the county,
the Chairman called on James E. Rice to open the discussion.
He read a list of suggestions as approved by the hospital
board as to supervisors' attitude toward operation, efficiency
and manner of selecting board of managers for a county
operated hospital.
Prof. Keefe told Supervisors there was a need for a nurses•
school costing between ten and twenty thousand dollars to-
gether with the need for new equipment costing $80,000 and
that there was a $77,000 mortgage and wondered if the county`
could assume it.
Verne Fogg stated that for twenty years the hospital board
had been trying to run on a voluntary basis but it had re-
sulted in a deficit, and is borrowing money to meet current
expenditures and has over a $70,000 mortgage.
Armand Adams suggested a $1.00 per thousand tax rate to-
ward meeting the deficit.
The Hospital Board was informed that an outright appro-
priation is legally ruled out. A lengthy discussion ensued
for the afternoon with no action taken and on motion the -
meeting was adjourned.
May 12, 1947 - 61
Monday, May 12, 1947
Roll call. All members present.
Minutes of the Special Meeting of May 7th read and ap-
The Clerk read the following communications:
Letter from the Conservation Department concerning the
change of Law relative to expenses of members of District
Forest Practice Board.
Letter from Walter Dunn, Chairman Memorial Committee
of Rochester relative to price of flags for Memorial Day.
Letter from Dr. R. D. Fear, District State Health Officer,
relative to procedures for amendments to State Aid budget.
Letter from Dr. Bourke, Executive Director of the Joint
Hospital Survey and Planning Commission, relative to re-
quest for Hospital Survey, stating the material will be avail-
able soon after May 15th. •
Letter from Civil Service enclosing revised specifications
for Junior and Senior Laboratory Technicians.
Letter from Cornell University submitting bid for Lot No.
9, Crescent Place; said matter referred to Tax Sale Commit-
Letter from the Department of Health relative to State
Aid reimbursement for County Laboratory.
Letter from. Cornell University relative to lands on Turkey
Hill under agreement with United States Government on
which the county contemplates erecting a frequency modula-
tion radio station., .
62 - May 12, 1947
The Clerk reported the sheriff had received in fees for the
month of April the sum of $147.91.
Report of inspection of the jail held on April 9, 1947, was
referred to the Building Committee with recommendations.
A letter from the Tompkins County Fish and Game Club,
Inc., relative to the cost of raising pheasants for liberation.
Mr. A. H. Underhill, District Game Manager; W. R. Sutton,
Game Committee Chairman and Mr. Evans, a member, ap-
peared and explained the contents of the letter. Referred to
Special Committee ; Chairman named as such committee
Messrs. Baker, Gordon and Stevenson.
Chairman announced Wm. T. Vann had been re -appointed
a member of the Tompkins County Alcoholic Beverage Con-
trol Board for a term of two years commencing May 1, 1947.
A resolution from Cattaraugus County relative to im-
position of Special taxes for support of mandated salary sche-
dules. Said matter referred to Legislative Committee.
Mr. Vail reported relative to his meeting with the Com-
mon Council on the Public Welfare contract and stated that
their decision would be submitted in the near future.
Mr. Scofield on the special .Infirmary committee reported
that a portion of the roof on the West Hill Property had been
repaired and asked an expression of the board as to repairing
another portion of the roof on said building and was author-
ized to have it repaired.
Resolution No. 53—Sale of Property In The City of Ithaca
to= Cornell University.
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
WHEREAS, Cornell University has offered the sum of $50.00
for a quitclaim deed of the county's interest in a parcel of land
in the City of Ithaca formerly assessed to C. J. Swartwood and
described as Lot 9 in Block 228 as shown on City Assessment
Map No. 177, which was acquired by the county at tax sale in
1934 and conveyed to the county by deed of the County Treas
May 12, 1947 63
urer dated November 29, 1935, and recorded in Book 250 of
Deeds at page 376;
Resolved, upon recommendation of the Tax Sale Committee.
that the said offer be and the same hereby is accepted, and
the Chairman of this Board be and he hereby is authorized
and directed to execute on behalf of the county and deliver to
Cornell University a quitclaim deed of the county's interest in
said premises upon payment to the County Treasurer of the
sum of $50.00, and upon the condition that said sum be paid
within thirty days from this date.
. Seconded by Mr. Loomis. Carried.
Resolution No. 54—Requesting City of Ithaca to Fulfill Wel-
fare Contract.
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, the City of Ithaca has failed to conform to its
contract under Option 4 of the Welfare Law with the County
of Tompkins,
AND WHEREAS, the neglect to conform with the above con-
tract has resulted in the over loading of County workers in
caring for the extra cases and has resulted in inefficiency and
loss to Tompkins County,
Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Welfare Commissioner
of Tompkins County be requested to petition the proper au-
thorities of the New York State Welfare Department to re-
quire this failure to be corrected or that the contract be de-
clared void due to the failure on the part of the City of Ithaca
to perform its obligations as agreed.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon.
Discussion followed.
Mr. Ozmun moved that it be laid on the table.
Seconded by Mr. Macera. Carried.
64- May 12, 1947
Mr. Downey reported progress on the Soil Conservation
work and as to cooperation between the Farm Bureau and
other organizations.
Resolution No. 55—Amending Civil Service Rules.
Mr. Ozmun offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that subdivision 3 of the rules of the Civil Ser-
vice Compensation Plan, as adopted by this Board on Decem-
ber 10, 1945, be amended to read :
"3. New Appointees
A new employee appointed to a position in a class shall
be paid the minimum rate of pay for the class; provided
however, that. the Board of Supervisors, upon the re-
commendation of the head of a department, may permit
exceptions, to this requirement in cases that are justi-
fied by previous experience of the employee."
Seconded by Mr. Baker. Carried.
Resolution,No. 56—Burial of Soldiers, Sailors, Etc.
Mr. Ozmun offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, since the adoption of Resolution No. 42 this Board
has been informed by the County Service Officer that the fed-
eral government makes a grant of $150 for the burial of hon-
orably discharged veterans, and that such federal grant is not
available for the burial of veterans' dependents;
Resolved, that Resolution No. 42, adopted on April 14th, be
and the same hereby is rescinded; and in lieu thereof be it
Resolved, that the amounts to be paid by the County for the
interment of the body of any honorably discharged soldier,
sailor, marine, nurse, or other member of the armed forces of
the United States,either male or female, who has served in
the military or naval service of the United States, or any
branch thereof, or the body of any minor child or either par-
May 12, 1947 65
ent, or of the wife or widow of any soldier, sailor or marine,
who shall die such widow, if such person shall hereafter die
in Tompkins County without leaving sufficient means to de-
fray his or her funeral expenses, shall be as follows :
In cases where a federal grant is available, the sum of
In all other cases, an amount not exceeding $200.00.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Resolution No. 57—Rejecting County Taxes for Education
and Requesting State To Provide There-
Mr. Vail offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, the Legislature has authorized a mandated
teachers salary schedule operative over the immediate years
ahead and have made no provisions, excepting Chapter 278 of
the Laws of 1947 permitting taxation by County Boards of
Supervisors, for the financing of this teachers salary schedule,
WHEREAS, an extensive survey of public sentiment with re-
gard to this special tax has been made, by the Board of Super-
visors of Tompkins County and this Board of Supervisors
finds that the preponderance of public opinion is against such
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Board of Super-
visors of Tompkins County reject the imposition of special
taxes for support of mandated salary schedules, and be it
Further Resolved, that this County Board of Supervisors
request that the Governor call into special session immediately
all members of the State Legislature to formulate a definite
program providing necessary funds to implementthe existing
salary law.
Be It Further Resolved, that this special session of the legis-
lature provide financial means from state funds for the in-
66 May 12, 1947
creased costs incurred by the mandated state salary law be-
cause of
1. The costs involved in the collection of such permissive
2: The elimination of the factor of equalized state aid which
the schools of the state now uniformly enjoy.
3. The inability of real property owners to pay increased
4. The inability of adjoining counties to levy uniformly
taxes which will not make for conflict between the busi-
ness interest of the several counties.
Be It Further. Resolved, that the Clerk of the Board be di-
rected to send a copy of this resolution to the Governor, to the
Governor's Committee on Education, to the Senator and As-
semblyman from this district and to the Clerk of each Board
of Supervisors in the State of New York.
Seconded by Mr. Macera. Carried.
Resolution No. 58—Appropriation for Indemnification for
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, Chapter 892 of the Laws of 1947 provides that.
each county shall be liable for damages resulting within the
county to domestic animals from rabies, , and shall be entitled
to 50% reimbursement from the state for payments. made
pursuant to said law.
Resolved, that the County Treasurer' be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund
to 1.27 -P -Miscellaneous the sum of $1000.00, which sum is
hereby appropriated for indemnification for damages result-
ing from rabies, the same to be paid out by the County Treas-
urer in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 892 of the
Laws of 1947.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
On. motion adjourned 'to 1:30 P.M.
May 12, 1947 67
Roll call. All members present.
Minutes of the monthly meeting of April 14th approved 'as
Dr. Norman Moore, President of the newly organized Board
of Health, presented the budget to carry said board for the
balance of the year.
Resolution No. 59—Adoption of County Health District
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the following budget for the County Health
District totalling $78,065.20 per annum, as recommended by
the County Board of Health, be and the same hereby is ap-
proved and adopted for the year 1947:
Personal Services Per Annum
County Health Commissioner $ 7,500.00
Supervising Nurse 3,360.00
Staff Nurses
4 @ $2500 10,000.00
1 @ $2320 2,320.00
3 @ $2200-2500. 6,600.00
Sanitary Engineer 4,620.00
Sanitary Inspector -2 @ $2400 4,800.00
Milk and Meat Sanitarian 3,700.00
Milk Bacteriologist 1,000.00
Dentist -80 Clinics @ $15 per clinic 1,200.00
Dental Hygienist 2,000.00
Stenographic Secretary 2,400.00
Senior Stenographer 2,000.00
2 @ $1728 3,456.00
2 @ $1600 3,200.00'
Other Personnel
Child Health Clinicians-
100 Clinics ® $30 per clinic 3,000.00
Veneral Disease Clinician
52 Clinics @ $20 per clinic 1,040.00
Janitor Service 200.00
68 May 12, 1947
Maintenance and Operation
Traveling Expenses (use of personal car)
4 county nurses -8c per mile ; max. ,mileage
1100 mi. per mo. 3,87.2.00
4 city nurses -8c per mile; max. mileage
295 mi. per mo. 1,003.20
Health Commissioner (300 mi. per mo.) 264.00
Supervising Nurse (700 mi. per mo.) 626.00
Sanitary Engineer (1000 mi. per mo.) • 880.00
Milk Sanitarian (1100 mi. per mo.) 960.00
County Sanitary Inspector (1000 mi. per mo.) 880.00
City Sanitary Inspector (200 mi. per mo.) , 192.00
Milk Bacteriologist (200 mi. per mo.) 192.00
Postage 350.00
Office equipment & supplies ....225.00
Medical nursing and other equipment & supplies 500.00
Laundry 400.00
Rental Office Space (Est.) 1,200.00
Gas and. electricity 200.00 -
Expenses for attendance at health meetings
Health Commissioner 200.00
Supervising nurse 150.00
Sanitary Engineer 100.00
Staff Nurses 400.00
Milk sanitarian & sanitary inspectors $25 ea75.00
Contingency Fund 500.00
Capital Equipment Expense 2,500.00
Total Operating Costs
Personal services $62,396.00
Maintenance and Operation 15,669.20
And Be It Further Resolved, that the County Treasurer
be and he hereby is authorized and directed to transfer from
Surplus Funds to a new budget item entitled "County Health
District" the sum of 439,032.60, the same to be available
from and after the date fixed by the Board of Health for the
commencement of operations of the said County Health
District, which date shall not be earlier than July lst, and
to be paid out upon warrants of the Board of Health after
audit by said board, except that salaries within the budgeted
amount and certified by the County Health Commissioner
May 12, 1947
shall be paid in the same manner that other salaries are paid.
And Be It Further Resolved, that the resolution of this
board granting war emergency compensation to county of-
ficers and employees during the year 1947 shall not apply
to the County Health Commissioner or to any of the employees
of the County Health District.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun.
Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried.
Resolution No. 60—Creation of New Positions Under Civil
• ' Service Rules
Mr. Ozmun offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, the Board of Health has recommended that its
staff include certain positions which do not appear in the
list of employees contained in the Civil Service Rules of this
Board as last amended by Resolution No. 181, adopted on
November 26, 1946,
Resolved, that there be and hereby are created the follow-
ing new positions to be added to the list of county employees
covered by the civil service rules ; that the salary range and
increments for such new positions be fixed and determined
as hereinafter set forth ; and that the same be incorporated
in the civil service compensation plan of the county as last
amended by Resolution No. 181, adopted on November 26,
Title , Increments
Min. Max. Inc. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
County Health Commissioner 7500 flat
Supervising Nurse 3000 3360 72 3072 3144 3216 3288 3360 ,
Sanitary Engineer 3720 4620 180 3900 4080 4260 4440 4620
Sanitary Inspector 2000 2400 •80 2080 2160 2240 2320 2400
Milk & Meat Sanitarian 3400 3700 60 3460 3520 3580 3640 3700
Dental Hygienist 2000 2300 60 2060 2120 2180 2240 2300
Stenographic Sec'y. 2220 2520 60 2280 2340 2400 2460 2520
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
70 May 12, 1947
Resolution No. 61—Appropriation for Pheasants '
Mr. Baker offered the following resolution and mpved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Fish and Game Club has
requested the aid of the County in the raising and liberation
of pheasants;
AND WHEREAS, subdivision 16 of Section 12 of the County
Law authorizes this board to raise taxes to aid in carrying
out the provisions of the forest, fish and game law;
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated for the
balance of the year 1947 the sum of $500 to be used in carry-
ing out the provisions of the Conservation Law with respect
to pheasants; and be it further
Resolved, that all expenditures for this purpose be ap-
proved in advance by the Special Committee of .this Board
on Preservation of Game, and all bills for such expenditures
shall be verified and be audited by this Board.
Seconded by Mr.' Macera.
Discussion followed.
Mr. Carey moved that this matter be laid on the,table until
the next meeting.
Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried.
Discussion was had relative to rabies control and Mr.
Stevenson moved that the Dog Quarantine Committee carry
on as they have before with the cooperation of the health
department and Dr. Fear.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Discussion was had as tothe need of an Assistant Jail
Matron, it being left with the Courts and Correction Com-
mittee to specify the compensation per diem for such services.
May 12, 1947 71
Resolution No. 62—Assistant Jail Matron
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be authorized to trans-
fer from the Contingent Fund the sum of $300.00 to a new
fund for the payment for services of an assistant jail matron.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Resolution No. 63—Bids for County Cars
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the proper committee ask for bids for cars
for the sheriff and welfare departments.
Seconded by Mr. Macera. Carried.
The Chairman referred the matter to the Finance Commit-
Resolution No. 64—Acceptance of Permit for Lands for Fre-
quency Modulation Radio Tower
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, Cornell University has submitted a permit for
the use of certain lands in the Town of Dryden by the County
for construction maintenance and operation of a building
and a frequency modulation radio tower upon certain condi-
tions specified therein,
Resolved, that the County of Tompkins hereby accepts the
said permit and agrees to abide by its terms and conditions
and authorizes the Chairman of this Board to execute the
same on behalf of the County.
Seconded by Mr. Baker. Carried.
72 May 12, 1947
Resolution No. 65—Interim Appropriation for County Health
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
of $200 for necessary miscellaneous expenses of the County
Health District prior to the commencement of operations
under the budget this day adopted, the same to be paid by
the County Treasurer upon audit of the County Board of
Health, and for this purpose the County Treasurer is author-
ized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund to
the credit of 'County Health District the sum of $200. _
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
The Clerk . read the following Workmen's Compensation
Insurance claims as they were audited.
Dr. A. C. Hartnagle, care—Frederick Clark $12.00
Dr. A. C. Hartnagle, care—James Beebe 18.00
Cortland County Hospital, care—R. D. Simons 8.00
Dr. R. M. Vose, care—Alex Yenei 23.00
Dr. R. M. Vose, care—Dana Tubbs 7.00
Dr. David Robb, care—Alex Yenei , 5.00
Dr. David Robb, care—Wilfred Lampila 5.00
The Clerk announced the audit of the following bills which
are chargeable to the Dog Fund under provisions of the
Agriculture and Markets Law, §123.
Austin Legge—Assessor's Bill $ 3.54
Harry Warren—Assessor's Bill 3.84
Edward C. Welser—Serving Summons 5.85
Carl J. Weidmaier—Serving Summons 2.60
Smith T. Weatherby—Assessor's Bill 3.00
Frederick R. McGraw—Mileage & Expenses, Dog
Warden 72.94
_ The Clerk read the' following claims, as reported and
May 12, 1947
recommended for audit by the several committees to which
they were raferred:
J-435 TompkinsCo. Lab, Cash—do. Lab 39.06
436 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hospital, Rent, etc.—Co
Lab 255.01
437 S. C. Landauer, M.D., Supplies—Co. Lab 124.50
438 The Liquid Carbonic Corp., Cyl. Demurrage—
Co. Lab. .36
439 ,Supplies—Co. LabI17.60
440 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 2.95
441 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 29.21
442 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 2.67
443 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 12.82
444 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 22.44
445 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 8.64
446 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 4.49
447 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 8.21
448 Will Corporation, 'Supplies—Co. Lab. 99.60
449 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 4.99
450 Norton Printing CoSupplies—Co. Lab. 220.80
451 Arthur H. Thomas Co.Supplies—Co. I,ub 24.03
452 C.J.Rumsey&s`lo Lab.4.76
Co.,.' Supplies—Co.
453 American Hospital Supply Corp., Snpplioa--
. Blood Bank 158'00
454 Rtb Whitehead, Mileage—Pub. 80.48
455 Marion May, Mileage—Pub. Health / 81.60
456 Mary Clelland, Mileage—Pub. Health 88.00
457 Clara Goodman, Mileage—Pub."Health 84.64
458 The American Journal bfNoraiog--Subaorip-
tiou--]Pub. Health 3.00
459 Dr. Harry Bull, ICH Clinician—Pub. Health 80.00
460 Binghamton Hospital, care—Alonzo Van
Ostrand—PHC 17,00
461 Binghamton City Hospital, care—Alonzo Van
Ostrand—PHC 30.00
462 Charles M. Allaben, M.D., care—Alonzo Van
Ostrand--PHC 15.00
463 Leo P. Larkin, M.D., care—Nelson Emery—
464 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Nelson
Ezuer I`IIC 108.50
465 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Shirley
74 May 12, 1947
466 Reconstruction Home, Inc, care—Betty Gillow'
— PHC 108.50
467 Children's Hospital, care—Russell Teaney—
PHC 132.25
468 Mrs. Lillian C. Payne, care—Clara Tompkins
PHC 31.50
469 Syracuse Memo. Hospital, care=Helen Nib-
lock—PHC 53.00
470 RayBrook State Tuberculosis Hospital, care
— TB Patients—TB 77.50
471 RayBrook State Tuberculosis Hospital, care
—TB Patients—TB 5.00
472 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hospital, care—Louise
Stabel—TB 7.50
473 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hospital,. care—Harry
C. Stahler—TB N.R.
474 41. M. Biggs Memo. Hospital, care—Edith
Switzer—TB 45.00
475 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hospital' care—Ellen V
Coyle—TB 125.00
476 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hospital, care—Co. Pa-
tients—TB 1,850.00
477 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hospital, care—Margaret
McCarthy—PHC 217.50
478 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hospital, care—Margaret
McCarthy—PHC. 77.50
479 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Kenneth
Lasher—PHC 76.00
480 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Betty Gil-
low—PHC 140.00
481 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Shirley
Heath—PHC 141.25
482 N. Y. State Elec. & Gas Corp., Services—Co
Bldgs. 129.94
483 N. Y. State Elec. & Gas Corp., Services—
Co. Bldgs. 43.33
484 N. Y. State Elec. & Gas Corp., Services—
Co. Bldgs. 214.35
485 Robinson & Carpenter, Coal—Co. Bldgs. 508.50
486 N. Y. Telephone Co., Services—Co. Bldgs 280.27
487 Frank C. Moore, Comptroller, Justice Fees
— Justices 28.50
488 H. L. VanOstrand, Supplies—W. H. Prop .75
489 Rottmann Roofing Co., Repair roof—W. H.
Prop. 332.57
May 12, 1947 75 ,
490 R. A. McKinney, Services -Veterinarian343.30
491 Ithaca Journal News, Legal Notices -Edu-
cation 13.72
492 The Journal & Courier, Legal Notices -Edu-
cation 12.50
493 Wool Scott Bakery Inc., Bread -Jail 17.04
494 Market Basket Stores, Groceries -Jail 62.25
495 New Central Market, Meat -Jail 42.10
496 Albright Dairy, Milk -Jail 6.00
497 The J. C. Stowell Co., Supplies -Jail 54.58
498 Clifford C. Hall, Supplies -Jail 15.47
499 Swift & Co., Soap -Jail 57.20
500 A. B. Brooks & Son., Supplies -Jail 10.50
501 Clifford C. Hall, Expenses -Sheriff 3.85
502 Clifford C. Hall, Mileage -Sheriff 113.68
503 H. H. Crum, M.D., Jail Physician -Sheriff 15.00
504 T. G. Miller's Paper Co., Supplies -Child.
Ct. 5.25
505 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage -Child. Ct. 6.00
506 VanNatta Office Equip Co., Supplies -Co.
Treas. .30
507 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies=
Co. • Treas. 1.20
508 Dassance & Anderson, Elec. work -Co.
Bldgs. 4.50
509 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Co. Bldgs. 10.80
510 Jamieson McKinney Co. Inc., Supplies -Co.
Bldgs. 1.40
511 VanNatta Office Equipment Co., Supplies -
Co. Bldgs. - " 1.90
512 VanNatta Office Equipment Co., Chairs -
Co. Bldgs. 109.00
513 J. B. Lang Engine & Garage Co. Inc., Supplies
-Co. Bldgs. 3.35
514 Bert I. Vann, Mileage -Supt. 83.52
515 Bert I. Vann, Expenses -Supt. 8.35
516 Matthew Bender & Co. Inc., Pocket Supp.
-Co. Atty i 12.00
517 Gladys L. Buckingham, Postage-Suprs. 18.00;
518 West Publishing, Co., Supp. -Co. Judge 15.00
519 Curtis 1000 Inc., Envs.-Co., Judge 12.31
520 Stanley W. Arend Co., Supplies -Co. Clk7.00
521 VanNatta Office Equipment Co., Supplies-
Co. Clk. 8.20.
522- Corner Book Store, Supplies -Co. CIk. 21.00
523 Paul E. Killion, Inc., Supplies -Co. Clk. , 288.66
May 12, 1947
524 W. G. Norris, Postage—Co. Clk. 10.00
525 W. G. Norris, Postage—Mot. Bu. 8.05
526 Norton Printing Co., Env.—Mot. Bu. 45.00
527 Norton Printing Co., Supplies—Mot. Bu. 10.00
528 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Comm. of Elec. .60
529 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Comm. of Elec. .90
Election Expenses—Comm.. of Elec. 19.78
530 Irene H. Taggart, Services—Comm. of
Elec. 2.40
531 Norton Printing Co., Enroll. Books—Elec
Exp• 977.66
532 Norton Printing Co., Enroll. Blanks—Elec
Exp• 8.00
533 Carl Roe, Expenses—Sealer Wgts. & Meas. 3.50
534 Carl Roe, Mileage—Sealer Wgts. & Meas. 49.60
535 Stover Printing Co., Vouchers—Sheriff 12.30
536 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Service Bu. • .55
537 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Ser-
vice Bu .35 ",
538 Walter Knettles, Expenses—Service Bu.• 50.60
539 Leon F. Holman, Expenses—Service Ag. 10.12
540 Norton Printing Co., Supplies—Service Ag. 1.60
541 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies-
Service Ag. 3.10
542 Louis D. Neill, Expenses—Co. Invest. 50.40
543 W. G. Norris, Expenses—Co. Hist. 3.00
544- W. G. Norris, Expenses—Co. Hist. 16.49
545 Harvey Stevenson, Expenses—Reforest 2.68
546 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Rur. Tray. Lib. .80
547 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies—Rur
Tray. Lib. 2.05
548 Edwin Allen Company, Supplies—Rur. Tray
Lib. 15.80
549 Edwin Allen Company, Supplies—Rur. Tray
Lib. 9.22
Resolution No. 66—On Audit
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption
May 12, 1947 - 77
Resolved, that the foregoing claims amounting to the sum
of $9,176.55 be audited by this Board at the amounts recom-
mended by the Committees to which they were referred, and
the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out
of funds appropriated therefor'; and that these claims be
certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board,
for and on behalf of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis. Carried.
On motion, adjourned.
78 June 9, 1947
Monday, June 9, 1947
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Macera.
Minutes of monthly meeting of May 12th approved as
The Clerk read the following communications :
A letter from Department of Agriculture and Markets
relative to Association of Sealers of Weights and Measures
conference to be held at Saratoga Springs on July 15th, 16th
and 17th.
Letters from Department of Health approving of State
Aid for maintenance of blood bank from June 10, 1946 to
December 31, 1947.
A letter from the Public Service Commission relative to
conveyance of certain lands acquired for the elimination of
the School House and Burtts grade crossings of the Lehigh
Valley Railroad in the Town of Ithaca, said excess lands, due
to a change in plans, to be sold back to Mrs. Shurter for a
one dollar consideration.
A letter from Department of Taxation and Finance rela-
tive to an assessor's meeting to be held during the month of
June. .
A letter from the City Clerk notifying the county that the
City Welfare Department had obtained the services of a
child welfare worker, who will assume such duties on June
16, 1947.
An offer from Hattie Merritt Lamb of $75.57 for a deed
of the property at 128 Cleveland Ave; also an offer from
Robert Whitmore for two parcels of land in Town of Groton;
said matters referred to Tax Sale Committee.
A report from the Sheriff of 8100.10 received in fees from
the month of May, 1947.
June 9, 1947 79
A bid from Cayuga Motors for seven cars for county use;
Said matter referred to Finance Committee.
Resolutions from counties of St. Lawrence, Broome, Cay-
uga, Schuyler and Genesee relative to special taxes for edu-
cational purposes.
Resolution No. 67—Closing Hours for County Offices
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that all county offices may, during July and
August close at 4 o'clock.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Mr. Snow, representing Draft Board 496 and Clarence
Morse of Board 495, thanked the supervisors for their co-
operation and the use of ,the Grand Jury room -for their
Resolution No. 68—Purchase of Automobiles
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
WHEREAS, this board has advertised for bids for automo-
biles and
WHEREAS, the Cayuga Motor Company has submitted a bid
for delivery of three 1947 Ford 8 cylinder 100 H.P. Deluxe
Tudors with heaters, defrosters and spare tires, and four
1947 Ford 6 . cylinder 90 H.P. DeLuxe Tudors with heaters,
defrosters and spare tires for a total price of $8,010.68, sub-
ject to the further terms and conditions stated in the bid,
Resolved, upon recommendation of the Finance Committee
that the said bid be and the same hereby is accepted.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker.
Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried.
80 June 9, 1947
Resolution No. 69—Charge to Towns and City for State Tax
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to charge to the several towns and the
city their proportionate share of the State Tax.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Resolution No. 70—Agreement for Maintenance of Radio
Communication System
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
' WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this Board an
agreement drawn by the County Attorney for maintenance
of the county's radio communication station and equipment
by John M. Mulligan, of 819 Clairmont Avenue, Elmira,
New York, which has been approved by the special commit-
tee on the radio communication system
Resolved, that this Board hereby approves and accepts the
said agreement and the Chairman of this Board be and he
hereby is authorized and directed to execute the same ' on
behalf of the County of Tompkins, and be it further
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriatedthe
sum of $600.00 for the maintenance of said radio communi-
cation system for the balance of the year 1947 and' the County
Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the
said sum of $600.00 from the contingent fund to the fund
heretofore established for the radio communication system.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
Resolution No. 71—Welfare Accountants Convention
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that Wallace E. Moyer be authorized to attend
June 9, 1947 81
the New York State Association of public Welfare Accoun-
tants and the expenses to be paid from the welfare traveling
expense appropriation.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Resolution No. 72 -Sale of County Property in the City of
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution ' and' moved
its adoption : -
WHEREAS, Hattie `Merritt Lamb has offered the sum of.
$75.57 for a conveyance of the county's interest in a 'parcel
of land in the City of Ithaca formerly assessed to Ida L.
Thomas, known as 128 Cleveland Ave. and described as Lot
7 Block 93 on Map 98;
Resolved, upon recommendation of the Tax Sale Commt-
tee, that the said offer be and the same hereby is accepted;
and the Chairman of this board is hereby authorized and
directed to execute on behalf of the county and deliver 'to
said Hattie Merritt Lamb a quitclaim deed of the county's
interest in said property upon payment to the County -Treas-
urer of the sum of $75.57, the same to be paid within thirty
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Mr. Downey reported progress on: the matter of clinics'
for rabies control.
Resolution No. 73—Appropriation for Insurance
Mr. Vail offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed - to transfer from the Contingent
Fund to "Administrative Buildings—Insurance Premiums"
the sum of $350.00.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Baker,- that "Resolution No. 61—Appropria-
82 June 9, 1947
tion for Pheasants" be taken from the table.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Discussion followed.
A vote being 'taken resulted as follows
Ayes—Messrs.. Loomis, Gordon, Baker, Shoemaker, Vail
and Ozmun-6. •
Noes—Messrs. Stone, Snow, Downey, Stevenson, Carey,
Scofield, and Payne -7. Macera being absent.
Resolution lost.
Resolution No. 74—Transfer from Contingent Fund to "Coun-
ty Court Expenses"
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized to transfer from the contingent 'fund to "Courts
—County" the sum of One Thousand Dollars.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
The bill for city taxes on the old county clerk's building
was called to the attention of the County .. Attorney ; after
reading contract he reported that the county should pay the
total bill in the first instance and then notify the tenant he
was to reimburse the increase in taxes before June 30th
according to the terms of said contract.
The County Attorney discussed some of the changes he
recommended including in the new -County Law as it is being
drafted at the present time.
The Clerk read the following Workmen's Compensation
Insurance claims asthey were audited:
Dr. D. M. Ryan, care—Lewis Westfall $3.00.
Dr. Leo Speno, care—Clo Calistri 5.00
June 9, 1947 83
The Clerk announced the audit of -the following bills which
are chargeable to the Dog Fund under provisions of the
Agriculture and Markets Law, §123:
Claimant •
Nature of Expenses Amt. Allowed
D. B. Bull, Assessor's Bill 3.48
D. B. Bull, Assessor's Bill 3.36
H. C. Thorne, Assessor's Bill 3.18
Lawrence Morey, Assessor's Bill 4.20
Smith T. Weatherby, Assessor's Bill 3.18
Smith T. Weatherby, Assessor's Bill 3.24
M. S. Allison, Serving Summons 15.30
Stover Printing Co., Books 14.90
Frederick R. McGraw, Mileage • & Expenses 73.32
The Clerk read the following claims as reported and recom-
mended for audit by the several committees in which they
were referred.
J-550 Tompkins Co. Laboratory,. Petty Cash -Co.
Lab. 17.33
551 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hospital, Rent, etc.
Co. Lab. 275.17
552. New York Telephone Co., Services -Co. Lab10.90
553 New York Telephone Co., Services -Co. Lab 9.34
554 The Liquid Carbonic Corp., Cyl. Dem. -Co.
Lab. 1.56
555 Difco Laboratories Inc., Supplies -Co. Lab9.68
556 Difco Laboratories Inc., Supplies -Co: Lab, 1.58
557 The Arthur H. Thomas Co., Supplies -Co.
Lab. 13.68
558 The Arthur H. .Thomas Co., Supplies -Co.
Lab... 32.14
559 Eimer and Amend, Supplies -Co. Lab: • 30.12
560 Michigan Dept. of Health Laboratories, Sup-
plies -Co. Lab. 8.80
561 Commercial Solvents Corp., Supp. -Co. Lab' 27.55
562 Sharp & Dohme Inc., Supplies -Co. Lab. 147.00
563 R. L. Van Derveer, Rabbits -Co. Lab. • 32.50
564 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 5.49
565 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 11.99
566 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 11.77
567 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 6.82
568 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 5.24
569 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 4.17
570 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 56.40
571 Certified Blood . Donor Service, Supplies
Blood Bank 87.97
84 June 9, 1947
572 High Titre Serum Laboratories, Supplies—
Blood Bank 25.00
573 High Titre Serum Laboratories, Supplies—
Blood Bank 62.50
574 Floyd Springer,' Soc. Hyg. Clinic—Pub. •
Health 11'.25
575 Floyd Springer, Soc. Hyg. Clinic—Pub.
Health 12.50
576 Clara E. Goodman, Mileage -Pub. Health 80.96
577 Marion May, Mileage—Pub. Health 88.00
578 Ruth E. Whitehead, Mileage—Pub. Health 78.72
579 Mary Clelland, Mileage—Pub. Health 83.60
580 Stover Printing Co., Record Cards—Pub.
Health 7.90
581 `T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Pub
Health 1.00
582 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Pub:
Health 5.05
583 Ithaca Laundries Inc., Services -Pub. Health 22.80
584 Kline's Pharmacy, Supplies—Pub. Health 18.41
585 Children's Hospital, care—Russell Teaney
—PHC 95.00
586 Leo P. Larkin, M.D., care—Shirley Heath—
PHC 10.00
587 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hospital, care—M. Mc-
Carthy—PHC 75.00
588 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Nelson
Emery—PHC 100.50
589 Dr. David Robb, care—Barbara Smith—
PHC 90.00
590 Edgar Thorsland, M.D., care—Barbara Smith
PHC 10.00
591 N. Y. Telephone Co., ' Services—Co. Bldgs. 291.18
592 City of Ithaca, Water—Co. Bldgs. • 59.93
593 New York State Elec. & Gas Corp., Services
—Co. Bldgs. N.R.
594 G. G. Stevens, Expenses—Veterinarian 70.40
595 G. G. Stevens, Expenses—Veterinarian 77.75
596 H. K. Fuller, Expenses—Veterinarian.15.15
597 Donohue & Halverson Inc., Supplies & Lbor,
Co. Bldgs. 98.45
598 James E. Farrell, Supplies—Co. Bldgs. 16.40
599 Tisdel's Repair Shop, Supplies—Co. Bldgs. 1.50
600 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies—Co. Bldgs. 2.92
601 Clarkson Chemical Co. Inc., Supplies—Co.
Bldgs. 36.50
'June 9, 1947' 85
602 Driscoll Bros & Co., Supplies -Co. Bldgs., 2.28
603 Homer Leonard, Supplies & Labor -Co. Bldgs, 5.85
604 Bert I. Vann, Mileage -Co. Supt. 87.84
605 Bert I. Vann, Expenses -Co. Supt. 5.30
606 Stewart Warren & Benson Corp, Supplies -
Co. Treas ' 88.00
607 Williamson Law Book Co., McKinneys-Co
Treas. 67.50
608 City of Ithaca, Taxes -Co. Prop 692.64
609 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Soil
Conservation 1.70
610 Albright Dairy,Milk-Jail 6.00
611 Clifford C. Hall, Eggs -Jail 14.53
612 New Central Market, Meat -Jail 47.03
613 Wool Scott Bakery, Bread -Jail 17.12
614 Market Basket. Stores, Groceries -Jail 64.44
615 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Jail 2.25
616 J. C. Stowell Company, Supplies -Jail 4.00
617 Rothschild Bros., Supplies -Jail 4.00
618 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage, Child. Ct. 6.00
619 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage -Child Ct. 6.00
620 Ithaca Journal. News, Legal Notice -Supreme
Ct. 26.28
621 G. A. MacGreevey, 'Desk -Co. Atty. 130.00
622 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -D/A 1.64
623 'T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -D/A 1.70
624 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper. Co., Supplies -
Sheriff 13.35
625 Clifford C. Hall, Postage -Sheriff 6.00
626 Clifford C. Hall, Expenses -Sheriff 19.35
627 Clifford C. Hall, Expenses -Sheriff' 2.33
628 Clifford C. Hall, Mileage -Sheriff 176.48
629 Red Flare Signal Co.; Supplies -Sheriff 97.00
630 H. H. Crum, M.D., Physician -Jail • 3.00
631 Onondaga Co. Penitentiary, Bd. of Prisoners
-Penal Inst. 868.49
632 R. A. McKinney, Services -Veterinarian, 464.35
633 Allen Funeral Service, Burial Wm. Stamp -
Vet. 25.00
634 The Journal & Courier, Bids for autos-Suprs9.90
635 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies-Suprs. 0.85
636 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper "Co., Supplies-Suprs. 1.70
637 Ithaca 'Journal News, Bids for autos-Suprs. 10.60
638 VanNatta Office Equip. Co. Inc., Supplies-
Suprs. 0.30,
639 The Journal & Courier, TB Records-Suprs. 12.22
86 June 9, 1947
640 Gladys L. Buckingham, Postage—Suprs.2.00
641 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Services -
Co. Bldgs. 38.45
642 Mary Mineah, Postage—Co. Judge 3.00
643 Hall & McChesney Inc., Supplies—Co. Clk30.20
644 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies—Co. Clk. 3.65
645 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Co.
Clk. 2.90
646 W. G. Norris, Postage—Co. Clk. 6.75'
647 W. G. Norris, Postage—Mot. Veh. Bu: 7.94
648 The Journal & Courier, Enroll. Blanks—Elect
Exp. 217.07
649 Norton Printing Co., Petitions, etc.—Elect
Exp. .30.00
650 Fort Orange Press, Inc., Calendars—Elect
Exp. 20.16
651 Carl Roe, Mileage—Sealer of Wgts. 20.16
652 Walter L. Knettles, Expenses—Vet. Serv. Bu35.78
653 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Vet
Serv. Bu. 3.25
654 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Vet
' Serv. Bu. 0.75
655 Leon F. Holman, Expenses—Vet. Serv. Ag 37.60
656 Corner Book Store, Supplies—Vet. Serv. Ag.'1.20
657 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., .Supplies—Vet.
Serv. Ag. 2.50
658 Treasurer, Co. of Tioga, care, Edna Bennett—
TB 177.50
659 RayBrook State TB Hosp., care, Foster, Har-
rison—TB_ 75.00
660 Madison County, care, Laura Wright—TB 27.50
661 Frank 0. Rothermich, Labor—Reforestation 93.60
662. Herbert Curry, " Labor—Reforestation 88.00
663 D. A. Stobbs, Postage—Co. Treas. 1.04
664.H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., care—Co. Patients
—TB N. R.
665 Mrs. H. W. Eaton, care, Lawrence Carlisle—
PHC 70.00
666 The Syracuse News Co., Books—Rur. Tray.
Lib. 13.05
667 The Syracuse .News Co., Books—Rur. Tray.
Lib. 46.99
668 A. C. Goff, Services—Veterinarian 51.30
669 A. C. Goff, Services—Veterinarian 24.90
670 Louis D. Neill, Expenses—Co. Invest. 44.80
671 H. A. Carey Co. Inc.,. Insurance=Co. Bldgs. 797.80
June 9, 1947 , 87 .
Resolution No. 75—On Audit.
Mr. Stevenson offered the following .resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the foregoing claims amounting to the sum
of $7,356.99 be audited by this Board at the amounts recom-
mended by'the committees to which they were referred, and
the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out
of funds appropriated therefor; and that these claims be cer-
tified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for
and on behalf of the. Board:
Seconded by Mr. Loomis.
Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried.
On motion, adjourned.
88 'July 14, 1947
Monday, July 14, 1947
Meeting called to order by the Chairman.
The Clerk announced the receipt on June 21st"of the resig-
nation of Anthony G. Macera, First Ward Supervisor: and.
Fred E. Rottmann of 420 W. Seneca St. appeared with his
notice under date of July 7th of appointment as Supervisor
from the First Ward.
Roll call. 'All members present.
Minutes of monthly meeting of June 9th approved as typed.
The ,Clerk read the following communications :
Letters from Department of Health relative to annual con-
ference of Health Officers' and Public Health Nurses of New
York State to be held July 29, 30 and 31st at' Grand Union
Hotel in Saratoga Springs ; also the matter of reimbursement
under the old Public Health Committee and also approving of
part of new County Public ' Health budget together with a
letter regarding legal status of the City as a local health dis-
Notice from R. D. Fear,-M.D., District State Health Officer,
that his office at 314 E. State St. will be closed as of the 15th
of July, 1947.
Letter from Miss Van Cleef, Secretary of the Tompkins
County Board of Health, notifying the Supervisors of the ap-
pointment of Dr. Wm. C. Spring, Jr. as Commissioner of
Health and requesting the Clerk to notify the State Depart-
ment of Health of said appointment. Also letter from V. A.
Van Volkenburgh, Assistant Commissioner of Health, ac-
knowledging receipt of notification of the appointment for a
term expiring June 30, 1953.
Two letters from Civil Service Department relative to
status of County Health Commissioner and to amendments
to the Civil Service rules for Tompkins County relative to
July 14, 1947
County Laboratory and County Building employees.
Letter from Tompkins County Fish and Game Club re-
questing•the Board to apply for an enabling, act to permit an
appropriation for conservation purposes. Said letter referred
to Legislative Committee for further study and resolution for
same was laid on the table.
Letter from Selective Service New York State Headquar-
ters thanking the Board for use of rooms for local Draft
A letter from County Attorney notifying the Board of the' .
reimbursement from the State Insurance Fund of $625 for
the Charles M. Benjamin tuberculosis case.
A report from the Sheriff of $69:78, fees for the month of
Dr. Wm. C. Spring, Jr., the newly appointed County Health
Commissioner, was invited to attend this meeting, who ap-
peared at this time and was introduced to the Board by Har-
vey Stevenson, Supervisor member of the Tompkins County
Board of Health, and made. a few remarks relative to health
The Chairman announced that Mr. Rottman would take
over the duties of his predecessor Mr. Macera.
Wm. Corcoran and Robert Peachappeared before the board
in behalf of the Robinson Airlines.
Resolution No. 76—Endorsement of Robinson Air Lines
Application for Certificate of Public
Convenience and Necessity
Mr. Carey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, Robinson Air Lines Corporation has made ap-
plication to the Civil Aeronautics Board fora certificate of
public convenience and necessity, .which application is being
considered as part of the Middle Atlantic Area Proceedings ;
90 . July 14, 1947
WHEREAS, the 'Robinson Air Lines is an established air
line operating in the State of New York, linking Ithaca with
Albany, Buffalo, Binghamton and New York, and is desirous
of expanding their service to the community by instituting
air mail, air freight, and interstate passenger service;
Resolved, that the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins
County hereby expresses itsapproval of the said application
on the part of Robinson Air Lines, and requests the Civil
Aeronautics Board to act favorably thereon for the reason
that this Board believes the citizens of Tompkins County will
be greatly benefited by the increased service, and that the
granting of such application is a matter of public convenience
and necessity. The members of this board feel that in view of.
the large volume of air mail originating in Ithacaand vicinity,
and the demand for passenger and freight service, it is in
the interests of the public that the application be granted.
This. Board also is convinced that the Robinson Air Lines
is well qualified and prepared to render the additional service
that would be possible if the certificate is issued. '
And Be It Further Resolved, that the Clerk of this Board
be and she hereby is directed to send a certified copy of this
resolution to Hon. James N. Landis, Chairman of the Civil
Aeronautics Board, Commerce Building, Washington, D. C.
Seconded by Mr. Baker. Carried
At this time the Board recessed for the Special Committee
on radio equipment to meet and for audit of bills.
The Board arose from recess and proceeded with business
of the day.
Discussion was had relative to contract for telephone ser-
vice in connection with the radio equipment:
Resolution No. 77—Contract with New York Telephone �.
Mr. Vail offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the Chairman of the Board be and he hereby
July 14, 1947 91
is authorized to sign the contract with the New York Tele-
phone Company for installation of radiotelephone channels in
connection with the operation of the two-way radio system.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Scofield, that the County Attorney be directed
to appeal to the public Service Commission to review the New
York Telephone contract rates for radio communication.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Resolution No. 78 -Oath of Office -of Town Election Of-
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, Section 44 of the Election Law requires local
election officers to take their oath of office before the Com-
missioner of Elections or a person designated for the purpose
by the Board of Elections; and whereas, this board feels that
it is a hardship to require the town election officers to come
to the office of the Board of Elections for this purpose,
Resolved, that the Election Commissioners be requested to
arrange for the administering of the oath of office at the office
of the Town Clerks when so requested by • the supervisor of
any town.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker. Carried. -
Resolution No. 79—Audit of Unverified Accounts by Com-
missioner of Public Welfare
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved, pursuant to Chapter 727 of the Laws of 1947,
that this Board hereby determines that any 'and all claims and
accounts which are payable by the Commissioner of Public
Welfare may be audited, allowed and paid by him if they
are accompanied with a certificate made by the person pre-
senting such account to the same effect as is required on an
92 July 14, 1947
account to be •verified by affidavit; provided, however, that
any such account so presented and certified may be disallowed
in whole. or in part, and the Commissioner of Public, Welfare
may require any other or. further evidence of the truth or
propriety thereof.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Resolution No. 80—Appropriation for Institutional Care
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
WHEREAS, this Board is informed that the County is charge-
able for the maintenance of wayward minors committed to
correctional institutions, pursuant to title VII A of the Code
of Criminal Procedure; and for the maintenance of persons
committed to Willard State Hospital for examination, pur-
suant to Section 662-e of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
of $500 for care and .maintenance of persons committed to
institutions, whose maintenance is chargeable to the county,
and that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized
and directed to transfer the said sum of $500 from the con-
tingent fund to a new budget item entitled "Institutional
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 81—Audit of Bill of St. Ann's School
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, the St. Ann's School of Industry and Reforma-
tory of the Good Shepherd have submitted a verified bill in
the amount of $119 for the care and maintenance of a way-
ward minor committed to that institution by the City Judge
of the City of Ithaca; and whereas this Board is advised by
the County Attorney that the same is a proper charge against
the County,
Resolved, that said bill be and the same hereby is approved
and audited, and. the County Treasurer is authorized and di-
July 14, 1947 93
rected to pay the same from the appropriation for institu-
tional care.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis. Carried.
Resolution No. 82—Adoption of Revised Budget for County-,
Health District,
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, upon the recommendation and request of the
Board of Health that the budget of the County Health Dis-
trict for the period from July 1 to December 31, 1947, as set
forth in Resolution No. 59 adopted by this 'Board on May 12,
1947, be and the same hereby is revised to read as follows :
Budget—July '1 to December 31, 1947
Personal Services
County Health Commissioner @
$7500 per annum • $3750.00
Supervising Nurse @ $3360 per an-
num 1680.00
Staff Nurse, 4 @ $2500 per annum 5000.00
Staff Nurse @ $2320 per annum 1160.00
•Staff Nurse, 3 @ $22007$2500 per an-
num 3300.00
Sanitary Engineer @ $4620 per annum 2310.00
Sanitary Inspector, 2 @ $2400 per an-
num 2400.00
Milk &,Meat Sanitarian @ $3700 per
annum 1850.00
Milk Bacteriologist @ $1000 per annum 500.00
Dental Hygienist (Salary or fees) @
$2000 per annum 1000.00
Stenographic ,Secretary @ $2400 per
annum 1200.00
Senior Stenographer @ $2016 per an-
num 1008.00
Stenographer, 2 @ $1728 per annum1728.00
Stenographer, 2 @ $1600 per annum1600.00
94 July 14, 1947
Fees—Physician—Child Health Clin-
ics_ @ 30. ea. per annum 1500.00
Fees—Physician—Venereal Disease
Clinics @ 20. ea. per annum 520.00
Fees—Dentist—Dental Clinics @ 15.
ea. per annum 600.00
Janitor @ $200 per annum 100.00
Maintenance and Operation
Traveling Expenses @ $9794.20 per
annum $4897.10
Rent @ $1200.00 per annum 600.00
Equipment @ $2500.00 per annum 1250.00
Add'l. Capital Equipment (1947) 6000.00
Other Maintenance & Operation @
$2475.00 per annum 1237.50
Contingent Fund (1947) 500.00
Total Budget $45,690.60
And Be It Further Resolved, .that the revised budget as
hereinabove set forth be and the same hereby is adopted in
lieu of the budget heretofore adopted ; and that the County
Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized and directed to
transfer from surplus funds to the credit of the County Health
District the additional sum of $6,658.00, that being the amount
by which the 'said revised budget exceeds the budget hereto-
fore adopted for the last half of the year 1947.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis.
Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried.
Resolution No. 83—Transfer from Contingent Fund To
"Painting—County Buildings"
Mr. Gordon offered the followingresolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby .is
authorized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund
to Account 102-H "Painting—County Buildings" the sum of
Sixty-eight ($68.00).
July 14, 1947 95
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 84 — Additional Appropriation for ADC,
Blind and Child Welfare
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved, upon the recommendation and at the request of
the Commissioner of Public Welfare, there be and hereby is
appropriated the additional sum of $1224.00 for the "Revolv-
ing Fund for Aid to Dependent Children, Blind and Child
Welfare" : and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and
directed to transfer the said sum of $1224.00 from the contin-
gent Fund to such Revolving Fund.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun.
Discussion followed and Mr. Carey moved that it be laid
on the table.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Resolution No. 85 -Appropriation for Insurance Premiums
Mr. Vail offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
• Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the ad-
ditoinal sum of $100 for Insurance Premiums for the balance'
of the year 1947 ; and that the County Treasurer be and he
hereby is authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $100
from the Contingent Fund to the Insurance Premium account
for this purpose.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Resolution No. 86—Sale of Property in the Town of Groton
Mr. Carey offered thefollowing resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, Robert R. Whitmore has offered the sum of $200
for two loth in the Town of Groton, one of which was formerly
96 July 14, 1947
assessed to Wallace and Ruth Arnold bounded north by Dewey
Avenue, east by Clinton Street, south by Arnold and west by
County property, acquired by the County by deed of the .
County Treasurer dated September 22, 1941 and recorded in
Book' 261 of Deeds at page 416; and the other having been
assessed to Frank A. Hoobler, bounded on' the north by Ar-
nold, on the east by Clinton Street, on the south by Washing-
ton Avenue, and on the west by Arnold, acquired by the Coun-
ty by deed of the County Treasurer dated November 11, 1928
and recorded in. Book 215 at page 324;
Resolved, that the said offer be and the same hereby is ac-
cepted ; and the Chairman of this Board be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the County
and deliver to said Robert R. Whitmore, or his assigns, a quit-
claim deed of the county's interest in the above described two
parcels upon payment to the County Treasurer of the said sum
of $200, provided the same is paid within thirty days from
the date of this resolution. •
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Resolution No.. 87—Appreciation of Dr. Raymond D. Fear
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that upon the occasion of the departure from
Ithaca of Dr. Raymond D. Fear after ten years service as
the State District Health Officer for this 'area; this board
hereby expresses its appreciation of the excellent and faithful
services which Dr. Fear has rendered to the people of Tomp-
kins County in his capacity as District Health Officer, and
its best wishes for his success in his future work in the State
Health Service.
Seconded by Mr. Baker. Carried.
Discussion was had relative to the parking situation around
the Court House.
Resolution No. 88 Parking Requirements Around the
Court House.
Mr. Baker offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
July 14, 1947 97
Resolved, that the Board of Supervisors .request the Com-
mon Council to make a study of the parking requirements
around the Court House. and confer with the Building Com-
mittee of our Board .to see what parking facilities could be
arrived at for various occasions.
Seconded 'by Mr. Loomis. Carried:
Resolution No. 89—Request to Legislature for Enabling Act
Mr. Vail offered the following resolution and moved . its
adoption :
Resolved, that the Legislative Committee beempowered to
request the legislature to pass an enabling act to permit the
Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to appropriate
$1000 a year for Conservation purposes.
" Seconded by Mr. Ozmun.
Moved by Mr. Baker that it be laid on the table.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis:' Carried.
The Clerk read the following Workmen' -s Compensation In-
surance claims as they were audited :
Dr. Hudson J. Wilson, care—William Dean $ 5.00
Dr. Eva Weddigen, care—Howard Schlick 10.00
The Clerk announced the audit of the following bills which
are chargeable to the Dog Fund under provisions of the
Agriculture and Markets Law, §123:
Claimant Nature of Expenses
Amt. Allowed
Harry E. Warren, Assessor's Bill $ 3.42
Harry E. Warren, Assessor's Bill 4.20
Austin L. Legge,. Assessor's Bill 4.20
Wm. K. Ellison, Assessor's Bill 3.72
Frederick R. McGraw, Mileage and Expenses 72.01
W. L. Messenger, Clerk's Bill 0.95
98 July 14, 1947
The Clerk read the following claims, as reported and recom-
mended for audit by the 'several committees to which they
had been referred:
J-672 Tompkins So. Lab., Petty Cash -Co. Lab. $ 14.81
673 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hospital, Rent,, etc.-
- Co. Lab. • 260.01
674 New York Telephone Co., Services -Co. Lab. 7.44
675 Medical Gas Division of The Liquid Carbonic
Corp., Supplies -Co. Lab. 13.50
676 Ridley's Book, Bindery, Reports=Co. Lab..... 4.75
677 Arthur H. Thomas Co., Supplies -Co. Lab. 14.22
678 LaMotte Chemical Products Co., Supplies -
Co. Lab. . 12.60
679 S. C. Landauer, M.D., Supplies=Co. Lab3.75
680 Norton Printing Co., Record Cards -Co. Lab. 108.25
681 Kline's Pharmacy, Supplies -Co. Lab. 15.00
682 Fisher Scientific Co., Supplies -Co. Lab. 20.56
683 Fisher Scientific Co., Supplies -Co. Lab. 6.72
684 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 13.85
685 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 56.09
686 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 6.65
687 Will. Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 3.15
688 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 60.64
689 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. . 20.73
690 Will Corporation, Supplies -Blood Bank .. 7.50
691 Will Corporation, Supplies -Blood Bank 2.67
692 High . Titre Serum Laboratory, Supplies -
Blood. Bank 62.50
693 American Hospital Supply Corp., Supplies -
Blood Bank 12.60
694 Floyd` Springer, V.D. Clinic -Pub. Health .... 20.00
695 Clara E. Goodman, Mileage -Pub. Health .... 86.00
696 Mary Clelland, Mileage -Pub. Health 66.88
697 Marion May, Mileage -Pub. Health 76.32
698 Ruth E. Whitehead, Mileage -Pub. Health 78.48
699 Ida M. Brown, Sewing -Pub. Health 3.00
700 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -
Pub. Health 2.10
701 Ithaca Laundries, Inc., Services -Pub.
Health • 7.80.
702 Mrs. Mabel Carlton, Laundry -Pub. Health 0.75
703 Mrs. Mabel Carlton, Laundry -Pub. Health 2.35
'704 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care -Kenneth
Lasher-PHC - -147.25
° 712
July 14, 1947 99
Home, Inc., care—Shirley
Home, Inc., care—Betty Gil -
Home, Inc., care—Nelson
H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp.; care—Margaret
Children's Hospital, care—Russell Teaney—
N. Y. State Elec. & Gas. Corp., Services—Co
N. Y. Telephone Co., Services—Co. Bldgs
City of Ithaca, Water (W. Hill)—Co. Bldgs
H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., care—Co. Pa-
H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., care -Co. Pa-
Ray Brook State TB Hosp., care—Harrison
A. C. Goff, Services—Veterinarian
G. G. Stevens, Services—Veterinarian
R. A. McKinney, Services—Veterinarian
Lois H. Beck, Postage—Rabies
Fahey Pharmacy, Supplies—Rabies
Corner Book Store, Cards—Rabies
Dept. of Public Welfare—Care—T. Buchan-
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Soil Conserv
T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Soil Conserv
Wayne D. Campbell, Rent Typewriter—Soil
Stover Printing Co., Letterheads -Soil Con-
R. M. Fellows, Postage—Soil. Conserv.
The Journal & Courier, Notices—Tax Sale
Ithaca Journal News, Notices -Tax Sale
Bert I. Vann, Mileage—Supt.
Bert I. Vann, Expenses—Supt.
H. A. Carey Co. Inc., Insurance—Education
H. A. Carey Co. Inc., Insurance—Welfare
100 July 14, 1947
734 Clifford C. Hall, Expenses -Sheriff . 12.15
735 Clifford C. Hall, Mileage -Sheriff 154.88
736 Royal Uniform Corp., Uniforms -Sheriff 371.50 ,
737 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage -Child Ct. 6.00
738 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage -Child Ct. 6.00
739 R. A. Hutchinson, Checkbook -Child Ct. 2.50
740 Charles H. Newman, Delivery Chgs.-Co.
Atty. 3.85
741 Arthur G. Adams, Expenses -D/A 17.80
742 Frederick B. Bryant, Expenses -D/A • '5.96
743 Stover Printing Co., Forms -D/A 9.50
744 H. H. Crum, M.D., Services -Jail Physician 8.00
745 Matthew Bender & Co. Inc., Bender's Forms
-Co. Atty 115.00
746 Albright Dairy, Milk -Jail ' 6.00
747 Market Basket Stores, Groceries -Jail 60.54
748 Wool Scott Bakery, Bread -Jail 18.50
749 New Central Market, Meat -Jail 66.96
750 The J. C. Stowell Co., Supplies -Jail 38.66
751' Clifford C. Hall, Supplies -Jail 13.68
752 Clifford C: Hall, Supplies -Jail 1.04
753 The J. C. Stowell Co., Supplies -Jail 13.90
754 Market Basket Stores, Supplies -Jail 4.75
755 Art Craft of Ithaca, Inc., Supplies' -Co.
Treas. 5.00 '
756 VanNatta Office Equip. Co. Inc., Supplies -
Co. Treas. .75
757 D. A. Stobbs, Postage -Co. Treas. 16.00
758 Elsie D. Boyd, Paper-Suprs. 2.25
759 H. A. Manning Co., City Direc-Co. Bldg144.00
760 William Press Inc.,. Supplies -Co. Judge 10.00
761 West Publishing Co., Supplement -Co.
Judge 15.00.
762 W. G. Norris, Postage -Co. Clerk 59.60
763 W. G. Norris, Postage -Mot. Bu. 17.95
764 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies-
Mot. Bu. 3.60
765 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies-
Mot. Bu. 6.00
766 Alice H. Van Orman, Clerical Work -Comm.
of Elec. 10.50
767 Irene H. Taggart,Clerical Work -Comm.
of Elec. 3.60.
768 Stella A. Dean, Clerical Work -Comm. of
Elec. • 8.40
769 Norton, Printing Co., Supplies-Elec. Ex-
• penses 38.00
July 14, 1947 101
770 Carl Roe, Expenses & Mileage—Sealer Wgts. 54.88
771 , 18.00
772 Walter Knettles, Expenses—Vet. Bureau 62.91
773 Corner Book Store, Supplies—Vet. Agency 3.50
774 Leon F. Holman, Exa--Vet. Agency 23.82
775 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Vet. Agency ' .75
776 Norton Printing Co., 1946 I`rooeedbJs--
Supra. 841.12
777 Louis D. Neill, Expenses—Co. Invest. 44.55
7?KHenry Il. Head, Heads Camera Shop, Sup-
plies—Co. Hist. • 5.10770 WilburPost,Services—Painter 185.60
780 Clarence Fiero, Services—Painter 217.60
781 The J. B. LanEngine & Garage Co. Inc.,
Supplies—Co. Bldg, 14.26
782 The American Laundry Machinery Co'' Sup-
, plies—Co. Bldg 13.75
. 783 James E. Farrell, Labor—Co. Bldg 2.80
784 Jamieson -McKinney Co. Inc., Repairs—Co.
Bldg. N.R.
�7QS Ward Stark, Holiday62.87
786 Driscoll Bros. & Co, Supplies—Co. ]Bldg. 2.50
787 Driscoll Bros. & 'Co., Supplies—Co. Bldg. 3.10
788 Ithaca Coop GLF Service, Inc., Supplies—
Co. Bldg. 19.50
789 C. J. Rumsey & Co.,Supplies—Co. 6.50
790 Dassance & Anderson, Bldg. _ 5.00
791 T.Q`Miller's Sons Paper ()o., Supplies—
Elec. Expenses .60
792 Frank O. Rothermich,et. .. 107.20
793 Herbert Curry, Labor—Reforestation 208.90
704 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Kenneth
Lasher—PHC 142.50
795 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Shirley,
796 Reconstruction Home, Inc.,care—Betty Gi�
lon--PIIC � �� 143.50
787 Reconstruction Home, Inc.,care—Nelson
]� I`IIC � 142.50
788 Patch Bros., Supplies—Radio System 76.43
Resolution No. 90—On Audit
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
102 July 14, 1947
Resolved, that the foregoing claims amounting to the sum
of $11,333.80 be audited by this Board at the amounts recom-
mended by the committees to which they were referred, and'
the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out
of funds appropriated therefor; and that these claims be
certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board,
for and on behalf of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis.
Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried.
On motion adjourned.
August 11, 1947 103
Monday, August 11, 1947
Roll call. All members present.
• Minutes of monthly --meeting • of • July .14th approved as
The Clerk read the following Communications :
A letter from George F. Havell, Manager of Veterans' Ad-
ministration, Syracuse, answering the Chairman's letter of-
fering a portion of West Hill Property for a veterans' hospi-
tal. Said letter placed on file. -
A•letter from the Department of Health relative to amend-
ed County Health Budget. Supplemental application for State
Aid was submitted on July 25th.
A letter from City Clerk ,dated July 15thcertifying the
appointment of, Fred E. Rottmann as Supervisor from the first
ward as of July 7, 1947.
Two. letters from Mayor E. , W. Randall, -Trumansburg, ,.
relative 'to South Street and Cemetery roads in that village.
Said letters referred to Highway Committee.
A bid in the amount of $1229.85 from Gleason & Knight
Inc., for resurfacing of parking area between Court House
and Jail. Said matter referred to Building Committee »for
further study.
A report from the Sheriff of $114.81 received in fees for
the month of July.
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolution No:91—Temporary Use .of Radio Communica-
tion Station by. Robinson Air Lines, Inc.
Resolved, that this Board hereby approves the temporary
104 August 11, 1947
use for a period not exceeding one year of the building,con-
structed by the County at Mt.. Pleasant by the Robinson' Air
Lines, Inc. and the installation by that corporation of a trans-
mitter unit in said building, and the privilege of mounting
• an antennae on the county's pole on said property, without
rent, upon the condition that said Robinson Air Lines, pay.
the cost of electricity used by it and any other expenses con-
nected therewith and indemnify the county against any lia-
bility• for said injury to any person or property caused by
their use of the said building, and upon the further condition
that said Robinson Air Lines shall not operate its transmitter
on a frequency modulation which will in any way interfere
with the operation of the county's radio communication sys-
tem; provided that Cornell University shall approve theuse
thereof by the said Robinson Air Lines, Inc. ; and provided
further that such use and privileges may be terminated -by
the County at any time on 30 days notice.
A1'-' Be It Further Resolved, that the Chairman of this
Board be and he hereby is authorized to execute an agreement
with the Robinson Air Lines, Inc., providing for such use,
conditioned upon the approval of the same by Cornell Uni-
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
Resolution No. 92—Appropriation from County Road Fund
Mr. Downey offered, the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
R"solved, upon the recommendation of the County Super-
intendent, that there. be and hereby is appropriated from the
County Road Fund for Project No. 3, Midline Road, in the •
Town. of Caroline, the additional sum of $6,000, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, and the County Treasurer is
hereby authorized and directed to pay the same upon order
of the County Superintendent. •
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried. •
Resolution No. 93—Transfer from Contingent Fund to
"Painting—County Buildings"
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
August 11, 1947 105
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby. is
authorized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund
to Account 102-1-1 "Painting—County Buildings" the sum of
• Seconded by Mr. Baker. Carried.
• Resolution No. 94—Transfer from Contingent Fund To
"Expenises—County Clerk"
Mr. Shoemaker offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby • is
authorized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund
to Account 107-F "Expenses—County Clerk" the sum of
Seconded by Mr. Loomis. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Scofield, that Resolution No. 84 "Additional
Appropriation for ADC, Blind and Child Welfare" be taken
from the table.
Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried.
Discussion followed.
A vote being taken upon the resolution resulted as. follows :
Ayes—Messrs. Scofield, Baker, Shoemaker, Vail and Oz-
Noes—Messrs. Snow, Loomis, 'Downey, Stevenson; Carey,
Gordon, Payne, Stone and Rottman -9.
Resolution lost.
A delegation from the Tompkins County Fair Association
appeared before the Board : L. J. Gaurnier, Charlotte V. Bush,
Merrill Curry and others together •with Vice President James
Conley who spoke for the association and presented to each
Supervisor a report and their budget for 1947 and asked the
Board for a $2000 appropriation to fulfill their proposed bud-
106 August 11, 1947
Resolution No. 95—Appropriation for Tompkins County
Agricultural and Horticultural Society
Mr. Shoemaker offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
of Two Thousand Dollars to the Tompkins County Agricul
tural and Horticultural Society for the year 1947, and the
County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the
same to the treasurer of that society from the Contingent
Seconded by Mr. Carey: Carried.
Resolution No. 96—Additional Appropriation for Home
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the additional sum of $6000 be and the same
hereby is appropriated for Home Relief chargeable against
the nine towns of the county, exclusive of the City of Ithaca;
and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed
to transfer the said sum of $6000 from the Old- Age Assistance
surplus to Home Relief for this purpose.
Seconded by Mr. Baker. Carried.
Resolution No. 97—Transfer From Contingent Fund for
Purchase of Automobiles.
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
, authorized and directed to set up a new item under the head-
ing of "Miscellaneous" in the General Fundfor county auto-
mobiles, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and,
directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund to the fund so
established for county automobiles the sum of $5,000.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
August.11, 1947 107
Resolution No. 98= -Abolishing of War Emergency Com.pen-
Mr. Ozmun offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that on and after January 1, 1948, thecost of liv-
ing bonus (war emergency compensation) be abolished.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker.
Discussion followed and Mr. Stevenson moved to lay it on
the table until next meeting.
Seconded by Mr. Baker. Carried.
Resolution No. 99—Bond Premium Costs.
• Mr. Vail offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, Municipal Corporations in New York State pay
out large sums annually for bond premiums covering public
officers and,
WHEREAS, a movement has been started in other counties
of New York State to get legislation passed authorizing munici-
palities to guarantee the faithful performance of duties by
town and county officials in the same manner that the county
self insurance plan allows a county to cover itself in lieu of
compensation insurance, and,
WHEREAS, it is felt a great saving would be had if legisla-
tion of this nature were adopted,
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that this Board request the
Legislature of the State of New York to enact legislation to
accomplish the above purpose, and be it further
Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to Hon.
Stanley . Shaw, Assemblyman, and Chauncey B._ Hammond,
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker. Carried.
108 - August 11; 1947
Discussion was had relative to gasoline storage tank for
use of county officers and it was mutually agreed that the
Building Committee act with power to find a place to 'install
said tank.
The Clerk read the following Workmen's Compensation In=
surance claims as they were audited:
Dr. R. M. Vose, care—Amandus Teeter $ 8.50
Dr. R. M. Vose, care—Robert Rorher 11.00
Dr. R. M. Vose, care—Sylvester Hubble 20.50
Dr. John Jackes, care—Robert Mix 20.00
Leo P. Larkin, M.D., care—Robert Mix 5.00
Leo P. Larkin, M.D., care—William Powers 8.00 '
Dr. Dale Pritchard, care—William Dean 5.00
Dr. J. E. Lovell', care—Purley Green 10.00
Stover Printing Co. -250 Report Cards 6.80
Dr. Willard R. Short, care—Walter Thayer 6.00
Dr. Bruce C. Tompkins, care—Lenferd Seeley 52.00
The Clerk announced the audit of the following bills which
are chargeable to the Dog Fund under provisions of the Agri-
culture and markets Law, §123:
Nature of Expense Amt. Allowed
Harry E. Warren—Assessor's Bill $ 3.36
Harry E. Warren—Assessor's Bill 3.72
Austin Legge—Assessor's Bill 3.66
R. C. Mandeville—Assessor's Bill 3.30
Frederick R. McGraw—Expenses & Mileage 80.71
$ 94.75
The Clerk read the following claims, as reported and recom-
mended for audit by the several committees to which they had
been referred.
J-799 Tompkins Co. Laboratory, Petty Cash—Co.
Lab. $ 88.70
800 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hosp., Rent, etc.—Co
Lab. 260.01
801 N. Y. Telephone Co., Services—Co. Lab. 8.50
August 11, 1947 109
802 VanNatta Office Equip. Co. Inc., Offiice Sup-
plies -Co. Lab. 107.33
803 Warren E. Collins, Inc., Supplies -Co. Lab15.20
804 Paragon C&C Co. Inc., Cabinet -Co. Lab. 31.19
805 H. A. Manning "Co., City Directory -Co. Lab12.00
806 R. L. Van DerVeer, Rabbits -Co. Lab. 17.50
807 " Kline's Pharmacy, Supplies -Co. Lab. 20.85
808 Standard Scientific Supply Co., Alconox-
Co. Lab. 15.02
809 Fisher Scientific Co., Corks -Co. Lab. 2.50
810 Difco Laboratories, Inc., Supplies -Co. Lab29.01
811 Difco Laboratories, Inc., Antigen -Co. Lab4.96
812 Certified Blood Donor Service, Serum -Co
Lab. 51.77
813 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 85.21
814 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 2.11
815 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 33.30
816 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 2.94
817 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 2.78
818 Will Corporation, Supplies -Co. Lab. 63.29
819 Will Corporation, 'Supplies -Co. Lab. 3.46
820 Certified Blood Donor Service, Serum -Blood
Bank 35.27
821 Will Corporation, Syringes -Blood Bank 12.25
822 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., Care -Margaret
McCarthy, P.H.C. 7.50
823 Children's Hospital, Care -Russell Teaney-
P.H.C. 142.50
824 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., Care -Co. Patients
-TB Hosp.. 2,430.00
825 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., Care -Samuel 0.
Walker -TB Hosp. 490.00
826 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., Care -Ruth G
Smith -TB Hosp. 302.50
827 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., Care -Dorothy V:
Shea -TB Hosp. 2.50
828 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., Care -Mary S
Allen -TB Hosp. 430.00
829 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., Care -M. M. Mc-
Carthy -TB Hosp. 67.50
830 H. M. Biggs Memo.. Hosp., Care -Donald S
Neel -TB Hosp. 130.00
831 N. Y. State Elec. & Gas Corp., Services -Co
Bldgs. 181.87
832 South Side Coal Co., Coal -Co. Bldgs. 522.10
833 N. Y. Telephone Co., Services -Co. Bldgs. 282.61
110 August 11, 1947
834 N. Y. State. Veterinary College -Blood Tests,
etc. Bangs Disease 123.60.
835 N. Y. State Veterinary College=Blood Tests,
etc. Bangs Disease 69.25
836 M. J. Kolar -Blood Tests, etc. Bangs Disease 14.50
837 New Central Market, Meat -Jail Supplies 58.91
838 Red & White Store, Groceries -Jail Supplies 49.32
'839 Wool Scott Bakery, Inc., Bread -Jail Supplies 16.71
840 'J. C. Stowell Co., Groceries -Jail Supplies 21.68
841 Albright Dairy, Milk -Jail Supplies 6.40
842 Clifford C. Hall, Eggs, etc. -Jail Supplies 15.02
843 Clifford C. Hall, Supplies -Jail Supplies 2.84
844. Dr. Edward C. King, Extraction, Kastenhuber
- Jail Supplies 3.00
845 Swift & Co. Inc., Water Softener -Jail Sup-
plies 4.20
846 Bert I. Vann, Mileage -Co. Supt. 91.04
847 Bert I. Vann, Expenses -Co. Supt. 7.80
848 Frank C. Moore, Comptroller, Fees in Felony
- Justices 38.50
849 Wilbur Post, Painting -Court House 281.60
850 Clarence Fiero, Painting -Court House 224.00
851 Donohue -Halverson, Inc.,. Valve -Court House 3.45,
852 Ward Spencer, Expenses -Court House ' 0.75
853 Bishop's Wall Paper & Paint Store -Paint,
etc. -Court House 26.50
854 Steel Boiler Repair & Service Co., Gaskets -
Co. Bldgs. 11.70
855 J. B. Lang Eng. & Garage Co., Gas -Co. Bldgs1.15
856 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Co. Bldgs. 20.98
857 Kline's Pharmacy, Rabies Vaccine -Rabies168.75
858 A. B. Brooks & Son, Rabies Vaccine -Rabies 168.75
859 W. L. Messenger, Envelopes -Rabies 10.02
860 Edward S. Judson, Envelopes -Rabies 14.33
861 Corner Bookstore, Cards, etc. -Rabies 7.05
862 John W. Richards, Jr., Services at Clinic -
Rabies 20.00
863 Stewart, Warren & Benson Corp., Checks -
Co. Treas. 33.50
864 Frank. C. Moore, Comptroller -Payroll Forms 3.00
835 R. H. Gardner, Oiling & Repairing Bks. -
Co. Treas. 151.80
866 Euclid Bindery Co., Books-Rur. Tray. Libr163.73
867 The H. R. Huntting Co., Books-Rur. Tray
Libr. 79.13
868 Regent Book Co:, Books-Rur. Tray. Libr145.12
August 11, 1947 111 •
869 The Syracuse News Co., Books—Rur. Tray.
Libr. - _ 12.16
870 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage—Child. Ct. 6.00
871 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Paper—Child. Ct. 1.10
872 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Binder—Child.
Ct. 6.00
873 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Receipt Books
—Child. Ct. 2.80
874 Frederick B. Bryant, Expenses—Dist. Atty3.88
875 Norton Printing Co., Letterheads & Env.—
Dist. Atty. 6.00
876 Clifford C. Hall, Stamps—Sheriff . 6.00
877 Clifford C. Hall, Expenses—Sheriff 8.45
878 Clifford C. Hall, Mileage—Sheriff - 135.04
879 H. H. Crum, Services—Jail Physician 6.00
880 Saint. Anne Institute, Bd. Frances Gaherty—
Inst. Care 39.86
881 Willard State Hospital, Bd. Wm. S. Jenkins—
Inst. Care • 96.77
882 Stover, Printing Co., Supplies—Suprs. 100.45
883 Gladys L. Buckingham, Postage—Suprs6.66
884 Martindale -Hubbell, Inc., Directory — Co
Judge • 32.00
885 Matthew Bender & Co. Inc., Vols. Gilbert Bliss
—Co. Judge 14.00
886 International Business Machine Corp., Service
Contract—Time Stamp—Co. - Clerk 14.00
887 Corner Bookstore, Rep. Typewriter—Co. Clerk 7.75
888 Hall, & McChesney, Inc., Spec. Proceed. Book
—Co. Clerk 48.75
889 Photostat Corporation, Paper—Co. Clerk 400.77
890 Photostat Corporation, Developer & Fixer-
Co. Clerk 122.58
891 Paul E. Killion, Inc., Books, etc. -Co: Clerk 192.44
892 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Books, etc.-
- Co. Clerk 6.20
893 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Paper -Co
Clerk 37.50
894 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., . Journal—Co
Clerk 8.55
895. T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Co.
,. Clerk . 11.20
896 T.' G. Miller's Sons Paper Co.; Supplies—Co.
Clerk 20.00
897 W. G. Norris, Postage & Expenses—Mot. Veh.
Clk. 25.44
112 August 11, 1947
898 Daniel E. Patterson, Expenses—Comm. of
Elec. 8.76
899 Irene H. Taggart, Clerical work—Comm. of
Elec. 6.00
900 Alice H. VanOrman, Clerical work—Comm
of Elec • 15.00
901 Katherine M. Grady, Clerical work—Comm.
of Elec. 10.80
902 Norton Printing Co., Calendars, Ballots; etc
—Elec. Exp. 1,128.90
903 The Journal & Courier, Pub. Primary Notice
—Elec. Exp. 5.06
904 Ithaca Journal News, Pub. Primary Notice—
Elec. Exp. 5.04
905. Carl Roe, Mileage & Expenses—Co. Sealer50.80
906 Walter L. Knettles, Mileage & Expenses—Co
Serv. Officer 71.07
907 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Space Pad—Co
Serv. Officer 1.20
908 Louis D. Neill, Expenses—Co. Invest. 30.56
909 W. G. Norris, Membership dues—Co. Hist. 3.00
910 Rottmanri Roofing & Remodeling—Roof W.
Hill --W. Hill Property 104.95
911 R. H. Gardner, Oiling & Rep. Bks.—Co. Judge 35.70
912 N. Y. State' Elec. & Gas Corp., Pole & Setting
—Mt. Pleasant—Radio System 150.72
913 Cayuga Motors Co., 1st car—Sheriff—Misc
Co. Autos 1,171.24
914 Tomp. Co. Highway Dept., Radio Comm. Sys-
tem—Radio System 645.93
915 Leon F. Holman, Mileage &;Expenses—Co. Di-
rector 5.88
Resolution No. •100—On Audit.
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the foregoing claims amounting to the sum
of $12,781.02 be audited by this Board at the amounts recom-
mended by the committees to which they were referred, and
the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out
of funds appropriated therefor; and that .these claims be cer-
August 11, 1947. 113
tified to the County Treasurer by the';:L1erk of .the Board, for
and on behalf of the Board.
Seconded by, Mr. Loomis.
Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried.
On motion, adjourned.
114 September 8, 1947
Monday, September 8, 1947
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Downey, excused.
Minutes of the August 11th meeting approvedas typed.
The Clerk read thefollowing communications :
A letter from Charles Newman, County Attorney, relative
to receipt of the State's share ($2781.48) of the cost of the
final plan for the County Infirmary.
Letter from Biggs Memorial Hospital announcing four new
cases admitted during the month of August.
Letter from the Department of Audit and Control relative
to re-establishing the Danby Fire District.
Notice from the Public Service Commission of Public Hear-
ing to be held on September 17th for discontinuance of New-
field R.R. Station.
Letter from Washington County Civil Service Commission
relative to compensation plan. Said matter referred to the
Civil Service Committee.
Resolution passed by Schoharie County relative to com-
munistic organizations in the State. Referred to Legislative
A report from the Sheriff of $182.67 received in fees for
the month of August.
Resolution No. 101—Contract for Repairing and Cleaning
Marble Work
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
September 8, 1947 115
Whereas, Messrs. Leo and Elmer Strittmather of Belmont,
New York, have submitted a bid for the repairing and clean-
ing of the marble work in the interior of the County Court
House, in• the amount of $694, and haveagreed to comply
with the minimum wage schedule for such work as desig-
nated by the Industrial Commissioner,
Resolved, upon recommendation of the Building Committee,
that the said bid be accepted and the contract for such work
be awarded to Messrs. Leo and Elmer Strittmather of Bel-
mont, New York.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 102 -Correction of Erroneous Assessment in
the Town of Ulysses
• Mr. Shoemaker offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Whereas, it appears that manifest clerical errors were made
in the assessment rolls of the Town of Ulysses for 1945 and
1946 ,in relation to the property of the Estate of Mrs. Jane
Kraft in that the assessment of said property as shown in
the assessors' field books was $7500, and such figure was
erroneously copied into the tax rolls of the said town for 1945
and 1946 as $8500 ; and the 1945 tax having been paid to the
County Treasurer by Percy D. Kraft on September 25; 1946,
and the 1946 tax not having been paid ;
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to pay to said' Percy D. Kraft the
sum of $15.36 as a refund against the 1945 state and county
tax, and to charge the same to the Town of Ulysses ;
And Be It Further Resolved, that the County Treasurer be
and he hereby is authorized and directed to correct the 1946
assessment roll by changing the assessment of the property
of the Estate of Mrs. Jane Kraft from $8500 to $7500, and
to collect the 1946 state and county tax on said property as
it should have been levied on the basis of a $7500 assessment,.
and to charge the difference to the Town of Ulysses.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
1`1'6 September.. 8, 1947
Resolution No. 103—Approval of Specifications for "Paint-
ers—County Buildings"
Mr: Ozmun offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved, that this Board approves and adopts the specifica-
tions for' the positions of painters -county buildings, as pre-
pared and submitted by the Department of Civil Service.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis. Carried.
Resolution No. 104—Appropriations from County Road
Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, upon recommendation of the County Superin-
tendent, that there be and hereby is appropriated from the
County Road Fund for Project No. 2, South Danby Road
in the Town of Danby, the additional sum of $5,000, or so
much thereof as may be necessary; and for Project No. 6,
Irish Settlement Road in the Town of Dryden, the additional
sum of $5,000 or so' much thereof as may be . necessary ; and
the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed. to
pay the same upon order of the County Superintendent.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
Resolution No. 105—Authorizing Purchase of Snow Plows
Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the County Superintendent beauthorizedto
purchase two snow plows for the county, one to be used in the
Town of Lansing, and one in the Town of Ulysses ; and that
the said snow plows be paid for from the County Highway
Machinery Account.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis. Carried.
Mr. Ozmun moved that Resolution No. 98, "Abolishing
September 8, 1947 117
War Emergency Compensation," be taken from the table at
this time.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield.
Discussion followed.
Vote being taken resulted as follows :
Ayes—Messrs. Snow, Loomis, Stevenson, Scofield, Payne,
Stone, Rottman, Baker, Shoemaker, Ozmun-10.-
Noes—Messrs. Carey, Gordon and Vail -3.
Resolution No. 106—Amending Resolution No. `98
M. Ozmun offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that Resolution No. 98 be amended to read :
"That the Salaries and Wages Committee be directed to
eliminate from the budget for 1948 all war emergency com-
pensation for employees, excepting that this resolution shall
not apply to officers or employees elected or appointed for a
definite term."
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker.
Ayes—Messrs. Snow, Loomis, Stevenson, Scofield, Payne,
Stone, Rottman, Baker, Shoemaker, Ozmun-10.
Noes—Messrs. Carey, Gordon and Vail -3.
Resolution No. 107—Appropriation for County Attorney's
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
118 September 8, 1947
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the ad-
ditional sum of $100 for County Attorney's postage and mis-
cellaneous expenses ; and that the County Treasurer be and
he hereby is authorized and directed to transfer the said sum
of $100 to Item 106-C, County Attorney's Postage and Mis-
cellaneous Expenses.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker. Carried.
Resolution No.108—Appropriation for Reforestation
Mr. Stevenson offered the following . resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
of five hundred dollars ($500) for reforestation in Tomp-
kins County in the year 1948, pursuant to subdivision 28 of
Section 12 of the County Law.
Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried.
Resolution No. 109—Sale of Tax Foreclosure Properties
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that theproperties acquired by the County
through foreclosure of tax liens in the years from 1940-1947,
inclusive, which have not heretofore been disposed of be of-
fered for sale by the Clerk of this Board in the Supervisors'
Rooms on October 11, 1947, at 10 :00 A.M., with a minimum
price on each parcel to be fixed by the Tax Sale Committee and
announced at the time of sale, each sale where the highest
bid is not in excess of $200 to be for cash, payable on the date
of sale, and each sale where the highest bid is more than $200
to be for cash, 50% thereof payable on the date of sale and
the balance within 30 days thereafter; and if said terms are
not complied with, the sale contract shall be automatically
terminated and the property so sold and not paid for in ac-
cordance with these terms shall belong to the county free
from all claim on the part of the purchaser and may be re-
sold by the county at any time after such default without
notice to the first purchaser ;
And Be It Further Resolved, that the County Attorney
September 8, 1947 119
shall publish a notice of such sale and that the Clerk shall
cause the same to be published twice in the Free Press, The
Journal and Courier, The Rural News and the Ithaca Journal,
and have 300 handbills printed, and distributed throughout
the county.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
Resolution No. 110—Transfer. from Contingent Fund to
"Painting—County Buildings"
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is au-
thorized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund
to Account 102-H "Painting—County Buildings" the sum of
Seconded by Mr. Baker. Carried.
Resolution No. 111—Transfer from Contingent Fund to
"Jail Supplies and Care of Inmates"
Mr. Carey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the ,County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund
to Account 116-J "Jail Supplies and Care of Inmates" the
sum of $100.00. ,
Seconded by Mr. Baker. Carried.
Resolution No. 112—Transfer .from Contingent Fund to
Physically Handicapped Children
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund
to Account 220-D "Physically Handicapped Children" the -
sum of $2000.
120 September 8, 1947
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Resolution No. 113—Appropriations for Hospitalization and
for County Home Inmates
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved, at the request of the Commissioner of Public Wel-
fare that there be and hereby is appropriated from the Poor
Fund the additional sum of $6000 for Hospitalization, Burials,
etc. and the additional sum of $1700 for Food, Clothing and
Supplies for County Home Inmates, for the balance of the
year 1947 ; and that the County Treasurer be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to transfer from the contingent
fund to the fund for Hospitalization, Burials, etc. the sum of
$6000, and to the fund for Food, Clothing and Supplies of
County Home Inmates the sum of $1700.
Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Carried.
Resolution No. 114—Appropriation for Insurance Pre-
Mr. Vail offered the following resolution and moved its
:adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is,appropriated the sum
sof $250 for insurance premiums on county -owned automo-
biles, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and
directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund to the budget
item established August 11, 1947, for County Automobiles the
:sum of $250 for this purpose.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker. Carried.
At this time a short recess was called for Highway Com-
mittee meeting. Upon "return to order, Road Inspection dates
were unanimously agreed upon for September 25th and,
26th ; also, County Home Inspection was set for the after-
noon,of October 6th.
Resolution No. 115—Appropriation for Radio Communica-
tion System
September 8, 1947 .121
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the bill of Motorola Inc. in the amount of
$9657.83 for purchase and installation of the county radio
communication system be and the same hereby is approved
and audited; and the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer for this purpose the sum
of $9657.83 from the Contingent Fund to the item "Radio
Communication System" established on April 14, 1947.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Equalization Committee, an
• nounced that all assessment rolls must be in before 10 a.m.
October 7th at which time the Committee will meet.
Meeting adjourned until 2 :00 p.m.
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Downey, excused.
Resolution No. 116—Attendance of County Service Officer
at County Officers Meeting
Mr. Ozmun offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that County Service Officer, Walter Knettles, be
and he hereby is authorized to attend the summer meeting of
the County Officers Association at Saranac Inn September
10th, 11th and 12th.
Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Carried.
At this time, James Rice, President of the Hospital Board, .\\.\
together with a delegation from the Hospital and Community
Chest appeared before the Board to present the cooperative
plan concerning the leasing of Tompkins County Memorial
Hospital as drawn up by the three-way (Hospital -Chest -
Supervisors) committee.
122 September 8, 1947
Mr. Richardson, spokesman for the delegation, explained
the principle of the plan, details of which are to be worked
out later, and requested the Board of Supervisors to approve
the plan in principle without committment as to details.
Mr. Stone thanked them for presenting the plan to the Board
and referred it to the Health Coordination Committee.
Discussion followed with no definite action taken.
The Clerk announced the audit of the following bills which
are chargeable to the Dog Fund under provisions of the Agri-
culture and Market Law, §123:
Claimant Nature.' of Expense Amt. Allowed
H. L. Brockway, Serving Summons $105.00
Austin Legge, Assessor's Bill 3.36
Frank Mastin, Assessor's Bill 4.20
Lawrence Morey, Assessor's Bill - 4.80
Frank Mastin, Assessor's Bill 4.20
Lawrence Morey, Assessor's Bill 4.80
James Mosher, Assessor's Bill 3.84
Smith T. Weatherby, Assessor's Bill 3.84
Smith T. Weatherby, Assessor's Bill 3.72
Smith T. Weatherby, Assessor's Bill 3.72
Harry Warren, Assessor's Bill 3.60
Wm. K. Ellison, Assessor's Bill N.R.
E. V. Gould, Assessor's Bill . 3.72
F. R. Caswell, Assessor's Bill N.R.
City of Ithaca, Justice Fees 52.50
Frederick R. McGraw, Mileage & Expenses 111.07
The Clerk read the following Workmen's Compensation In-
surance claims as they were audited :
Dr. Eva .Weddigen,' Care—William Powers $ 5.00
Dr. R. M. Vose, Care—Chas. Kastenhuber ' 8.50
Dr. R. M. Vose, Care—Claude A. Wood 21.50
Dr. R. M Vose, Care -Chas. Kauppinen 8.50
Dr. W. R. Short, Care—Millard Babcock 3.00 ,
Dr. R. M. Vose, are—Leo Emery 10.00
September 8, 1947 123
The Clerk read the following claims, as reported and rec-
ommended for audit by the several committees to which they
had been referred
J-916 Tompkins. Co. Lab., Petty Cash—Co. Lab 1 30.65
917 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hospital, Rent,, etc.—
Co. Lab. 258.93
918 New York Telephone Co., Services—Co. Lab11.37
919 Difco Laboratories, Inc., Supplies—Co. Lab57.90
920 Difco Laboratories, Inc., Supplies—Co. Labi 1.58
921 Medical Gas Division Liquid Carbonic Corp.
Cyl. dem. July—Co. Lab. 1.46
922 Medical Gas Division Liquid Carbonic Corp.
Cyl. dem.—Co. Lab. 5.72
923 Lederle Laboratories Division American
Cyanamid Co., Serum—Co. Lab. 14.22
924 LaMotte Chemical Products Co., Antigen.
—Co. Lab. 12.60
925 LaMotte Chemical Products Co., Supplies
—Co. Lab. 2.17
926 Michigan Dept. of Health, Antigen—Co.
Lab. 8.80
927 Dictaphone Corp., Repair—Co. Lab. 18.50
928 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. .59
929 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 30.46
930 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 51.41
931 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 8.60
932 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 6.94
933 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 2.24
934 R. L. Van Derveer, Rabbits—Co. Lab. 27.50
935 H. A. Carey Co. Inc., Bond—Co. Lab 5.00
936 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hosp., Supplies—
Blood Bank 22.10
937 Certified Blood Donor Service, Supplies—
Blood Bank 87.94
938 American Hosp. Supply Corp., Supplies—
Blood Bank 153.00
939 American Hosp. Supply Corp., Supplies=
Blood Bank 20.40
940 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hosp., care—Barbara
Smith—PHC 60.00
941 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hosp, care—Richard
Cassin—PHC 50.00
942 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Nelson
Emery—PHC 147.25
124 September 8, 1947
943 NYS Reconstruction Home, care—Alonzo
Van Ostrand—PHC 54.00
944 NYS Reconstruction Home, care—Alonzo
Van Ostrand—PHC 21.00
945 Syracuse Univ. Hosp. of the Good Shephard
—Nelson Emery—PHC 27.50
946 Ralph W. Jones, care—Jeanne Bierce—
lPHC 240.00
947 Ralph W. Jones, care—Donald Brown—
PHC 192.00
948 Board of Education—Lawrence Carlisle—
PHC 50.00
949 Board of Education—Lyall Blaker—PHC 60.00
950 Mrs. H. W. Eaton, care—Lawrence Carlisle
,—PHC 80.00'
951 New York State Elec. & Gas Corp., Services
—Co. Bldgs. 168.69
952 New York Telephone Co., Services—Co.
Bldgs. 287.70
953 City of Ithaca, Services—Co. Bldgs. 55.02
954 Syracuse Psychopathic Hosp., care—Glenn
Trembley—Child. Ct. 81.29
955 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Services—
Child. Ct. 2.75
956 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage—Child. Ct. 6.00
957 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Elec. fan—Child. Ct. 15.25
958 Stover Printing Co., Supplies—Co. Atty. 22.69
959 Charles H. Newman, Supplies—Co. Atty. 3.17
960 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Sheriff 5.80
961 • T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Sheriff 5.60
962 Clifford C. Hall, Expenses—Sheriff 6.50
963 Clifford C. Hall, Supplies—Cheriff 8.65
964 Clifford C. Hall, Mileage—Sheriff 44.96
965 Clifford C. Hall, Gas & Oil for cars—
Sheriff 13.56
966 Clifford C. Hall, Table—Sheriff 9.50
967 Saint Anne Institute, care — Francis Ga-
herty—Inst. care 43.86
968 Lederle Laboratories American Cyanamid
Co., Vacc.—Rabies 19.00
969 Klines Pharmacy, Vacc.—Rabies 15.00
970 R. A. McKinney, Clinics—Rabies 140.00
971 Norton Printing Co., Postal Cards—Rabies 60.75
972 Rodmann M. Fellows, Supplies—Soil Cons3.00
September 8, .1947 125
'973 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies
Soil Cons. 1.40
974 Wayne D. Campbell, Rental -Soil. Cons. 8.75
975 The Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co.,
McKinneys Law -Court Libr. 25.00
• 976 New Central Market, Meat -Jail 60.47
977 Red & White Stores, Groceries -Jail 41.43
978 Clifford C. Hall, Groceries -Jail 18.80
979 Albright Dairy, Milk -Jail 6.30
980 Wool Scott Bakery Inc., Bread -Jail 13.92
981 Clifford C. Hall, Mop fillers -Jail ... .90
982 C. J. Rumsey &• Co., Dbl. boiler -Jail 3.15
983 Rothschilds Bros., Floor mops -Jail 3.20
984 Red & White Store, Amonia, etc. -Jail 3.41
985 J. C. Stowell Co., Roccal-Jail ... 8.00
986 Gladys L. Buckingham, Postage-Suprs. 6.00
987 Matthew Bender & Co. Inc., Supplement -
Co. Judge 5.00
988 The Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co.,
Supplement -Co. Judge 25.00
989 Norton Electric Co., Repair Photostat-
Co. Clerk 9.60
990 Carl Crandall, Map of Cay. Hgts.-Co. Clerk 16.00
991 Williamson Law Book Co., McKinneys-
Co. Clerk 27.00
992 Paul E. Killion, Inc., Register -Co. Clerk 75.40
993 Paul E. Killion, Inc., Dental Hyg. Forms -
Co. Clerk 12.84
994 W. G. Norris, Postage -Co. Clerk 6.50
995 Remington Rand, Inc., Typewriter -Co.
Clerk 170.10
996 W. G. Norris, Postage, etc. -Co. Clerk-
(MVB) 11.14
997 T. G. Miller's Sons' Paper Co., Blotters-
Co..Clerk- (MVB) 2.00
998 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -
Co. Clerk- (MVB) 6.80
999 Stella A. Dean, Clerical work -Comm. Elec. 4.20
1000 Williamson Law Book Co., McKinneys-
Comm. Elec. 2.00
1001 Carl Roe, Mileage -Sealer Wgts. & Meas. 51.04
1002. Ridley & McClary, Supplies -Vet. Serv. Bu18.50
1003 Walter L. Knettles, Postage, etc. -Vet. Serv
Bu. 20.13
1004 Leon F. Holman, Postage, etc. -Vet. Serv.
Ag. s 16.96
126 September 8, 1947
1005 Louis D. Neill, Expenses—Co. Invest. 46.80
1006 Ben L. Joggerst & Son, Stamp—Co. Treas.70
1007 Williamson Law Book Co., McKinneys—Co.
Treas. 7.50
1008 Klines Pharmacy, Vacc.—Rabies 112.50
1009 Charles Dassance, Supplies—Co. Bldgs. 12.99
1010 Clarence Fiero, Painter—Co. Bldgs. 64.00
1011 Wilbur Post, Painter—Co. Bldgs. 70.40
1012 Jamieson McKinney Co. Inc., Supplies &
Labor—Co. Bldgs. 26.83
1013 Charles Dassance, Supplies—Co. Bldgs. 11.51
1014 Mrs. Helen Shriner, Telephone Oper.—Co.
Bldgs. 22.75
1015 Bishops Wall Paper & Paint Store, Paint—
Co. Bldgs. - 4.95
1016 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies—Co. Bldgs. 11.62
1017 H. A. Carey Co. Inc., Insurance-Endorse.—
Sheriff 35.68
1018 H. A. Carey Co. Inc., Insurance Liability—
Libr. 15.32
1019 Alice Marie Naas, Clerical work—Libr. 52.50
1020 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—Co
Treas. 2.50
1021 Bert I. Vann, Mileage—Supt. 94.24
1022 Bert I. Vann, Expenses—Supt. 48.84,
1023 G: G. Stevens, Clinic—Rabies 60.00
1024 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., Co. Patients—TB 2,300.00
1025 Leo P. Larkin, M.D., care—Shirley Heath—
PHC 10.00
1026 R. W. Smith, care—Beverly Newton—PHC43.00
1027 Children's Hospital, care—Russell Teaney—
PHC 142.50
1028 Cayuga Motors Co., car—Sheriff 1,263.97
1029 Motorola Co., Install Radio—Sheriff 9,657.83
Resolution No. 117—On Audit
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the foregoing claims amounting to the sum
- of $17,640.44 be audited by this Board at the amounts rec-
ommended by the committees to which they were referred,
and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same
September 8, 1947 127
out of funds appropriated therefor; and that these claims be
certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk . of the Board
for and on behalf of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis.
Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
T28' "October. 3, 1947.
To Gladys L. Buckingham, Clerk
.Board of Supervisors
Tompkins County
Courthouse, Ithaca, N.Y. -
The undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of
Tompkins County hereby request you to call a special meeting
of said, board to be held in the Supervisor's Rooms of the
Courthouse at Ithaca, N.Y. on Friday, October 3, 1947, at
ten o'clock in the forenoon for consideration with a report of
the Health Coordination Committee on the hospital situation
and the report of Dr. Bourke and taking action thereon.
October 3, 1947 129
Friday, October 3, 1947
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Rottmann, ex-
cused. Also present were members of the Hospital Board,
Community. Chest, Chamber of Commerce and other interest-
ed citizens;. also Dr. John J. Bourke, Executive Director New
York State Joint Hospital Survey and Planning Commission ;
Dr. R M. Vincent, District State Health Officer, and Dr. Wm.
Spring, Commissioner of Health.
The Chairman introduced Dr. Wm. Spring, newly appoint-
ed Health Commissioner, who in turn introduced .and pre-
sented Dr. John J. Bourke as the principal speaker..
Dr. Bourke explained in detailhis recent report. on the
survey of the health services for Tompkins County and the
proposal for the development of a coordinated health and
hospital center. He recommends that before any arrange-
ment is made by the board that signed agreements should be
down in black and white with the Board of Supervisors,
Hospital Trustees and University concerning the long range
Mr. Scofield, Chairman of the Health Coordination' Commit-
tee, moved that Dr. Bourke's report be accepted by the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
The Chairman referred the matter to .the Health Coordina-
tion and Finance Committees for further study.
A period of questions and answers followed at which time
Dr. Vincent, District State Health Commissioner, was intro-
duced and gave a brief talk.
Upon motion, meeting adjourned.
October 13, 1947
Monday, October 13, 1947
Roll call. All members present.
'The Deputy Clerk read the following communications :
Letter from the Conservation ,Department concerning ex-
penses for the Forest Practice Board. Referred to the Re-
forestation Committee.
Letter from Dr. Henry W. Ferris, Director of the County
Laboratory, requesting supplemental appropriations for the
remainder of the year 1947. Referred to County Laboratory
Letter from the Town of Groton petitioning the County of
Tompkins to include the volunteer firemen under the County's
Workmen's Compensation Plan. Referred to Workmen's Com-
pensation Committee.
The Sheriff's fees for the month of September received in
the amount of $160.85.
Resolution No. 118—Renewal of Contract with State Highway
Department for Snow Removal and
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its,
adoption : F. ,
Whereas, on or. about the 22nd day of November 1946, this
Board entered into an agreement with the People of the State
of New York respecting the control of snow and ice in Tomp-
kins County. on condition that the County's obligation for
sanding and cindering be limited. to a definite allocated por-
tion not exceeding 10% of the total mileage in the season
October 13; 1947- - 13,1
Resolved, that the said contract be and the same hereby is
renewed upon the same terms and conditionsfor the season
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 119—Purchase of Highway Machinery
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the County Superintendent be and he hereby
is authorized to purchase two 21/2 ton trucks at . a cost of
$3250 per truck, and one tractor at a cost not exceeding $5500
plus trade-in, .all of the same to be paid from the Highway
Machinery Fund.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Resolution No. 120—Appropriation from County Road Fund
for Maintenance
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Whereas, the County Superintendent hasrecommended that
additional funds in the amount of $30,000 be made available
for maintenance,
Resolved, that the recommendation be approved and the
sum of $30,000 be and the same hereby is appropriated from
the county road fund to be expended under the supervision of
the County Superintendent for maintenance during the bal-
ance of the year 1947.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
Resolution No. 121—Acceptance of Groton Volunteer Fire-
, men in .Workmen'sCompensation Plan
Mr. Carey offered the following resolution ,and moved its
adoption :
Whereas, the Town Board.. of the Town of Groton has -pe-
132 October 13, 1947
titioned this Board for the inclusion of volunteer firemen op-
erating in the Groton Fire Protection District outside of the
village of Groton in the County Town Mutual Self Insurance
Plan for workmen's compensation pursuant to Subdivision
3a of Section 50 of the Workmen's Compensation Law ; and
whereas there has been duly established a Fire Protection
District in said Town of Groton which includes theentire
territory of said town outside of the village of Groton;
Resolved, that the petition of the Town Board of the Town.
of Groton be granted, and this Board hereby consents to the
inclusion of volunteer firemen whenever engaged in the per-
formance of their duties within the territroy of the Groton
Fire Protection District in the mutual self insurance plan for
workmen's compensation to the limits as fixed by Section 205
of the General Municipal Law.
Seconded by Mr. Baker.
Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried.
Resolution No. 122— Attendance at Meetings of the Forest
Practice Board
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the members of the District Forest Practice
Board be and they hereby are authorized to attend the meet-
ings of said board at County expense.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Resolution No. 123—Transfer from. Contingent Fund for
Taxes on County Property
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund
to Account No. 100-E for taxes on county property the sum
of $50.00.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
October 13, 1947 133
Resolution No. 124—Transfer from Surplus to Contingent
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer from surplus to the Con-
tingent Fund the sum' of $50,000. •
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun.
Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried.
Resolution No. 125—Lease of Rooms in Masonic Temple
for the Board of Health
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its'
adoption :
Resolved, that the offer of the Ithaca Masonic Temple Cor-
poration to lease its auditorium to the County for the offices
of the County Health Department for a term from October 15,
1947 to June 30, 1950,, at an annual rental of $3750.00" pay-
able in monthly installments, be and the same hereby is ac-
cepted; and the Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized
to execute on behalf of the County of Tompkins a lease there-
for; and
Be It Further Resolved, that there be and hereby is appro-
priated the sum of $731.25 to the County Health Department
for the rental of the said quarters for the balance of the year
1947, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and
directed to transfer the said sum of $731.25 from the Contin-
gent Fund to the County Health Budgetfor such purpose.
Seconded by Mr. Rottmann. Carried.
Discussion followed and Mr. Stevenson asked for a short
recess for the Tax Sale Committee to meet.
Resolution No. 126—Office Space for United States Vet-
erans' Administration
134 October 13,'1947.
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the local representative of the United States
Veterans' Administration be granted office space in Room No.
4 in the basement of the Court House for a term commencing
October 1, 1947, and expiring June 30, 1948, with the privi-
lege to the government of terminating such occupancy in
whole or in part on 30 days notice; and
Be It Further Resolved, that the lease for such quarters
submitted by the Veterans' Administration under . date of
October 6, 1947,' be and the same hereby is approved, and the
Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to
execute the same on behalf of this Board.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Resolution No. 127—Appropriation for Repairing and
Cleaning Marble Work
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolutionand moved its
Resolved, that the bill of Leo and Elmer Strittmather for
cleaning and repairing the marble in the court house, in the
amount of $694.00 be and the same hereby is approved and
audited, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and
directed to pay the same from the appropriation for court-
house and jail repairs, and
Be It Further Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and
he hereby is authorized and directed to \transfer from the
Contingent Fund to Account 102-J for Court House and Jail
Repairs, the sum of $600.00.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker. Carried.
Resolution No. 128—Appropriation to Board of Health for
Expenses Incidental to Occupation of
New Quarters
Mr. Gordon offered the following. resolution and moved its
Whereas, the County Health Department is about to move
' October 13, 1947 135
into new quarters in the Masonic Temple and make the said
quarters available for their needs, it will be necessary to
construct temporary partitions,
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated to the
Board of Health the sum of $2500 to defray the expenses in-
cidental to the occupancy of new quarters, including the•con-
struction of partitions, and the County Treasurer is hereby
authorized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund
to the Board of Health for such purposes, the sum of $2500.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis. Carried.
Mr. Vail announced that the Soil Conservation District
Directors' would like as many as possible •of the Board of
Supervisors to make an inspection tour with them on October
25th at 9 :30 A.M.
Mr. T. B. Maxfield, Mr. Edward Richardson and Mr. T. M.
Shipherd of the Community Chest and Mr. James Rice, Presi-
dent of the Hospital Board were present to participate in the
discussion of the resolution concerning the hospital. Dr. Wm.
Spring, -Health Commissioner, was also present. .A lengthy
discussion was had during which time Charles H. Newman,
County Attorney, read the revised resolution and a compari-
son was made with the original resolution presented pre-
viously. No action was taken and the meeting was adjourned
until 1 :30 P.M.
Roll call. All members present.
Minutes of the September 8th and October 3rd meetings
approved as typed.
Resolution No. 129—Appropriation 'for County Infirmary
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved, that the bill of Harold G. Rice, dated September
136 October 13, 1947
13, 1947, for the balance due him on his contract for archi-
tectural engineering services for the proposed Tompkins
County Infirmary, in the amount of $3,371.66, be and the
same hereby is approved and audited by this Board, and that
the County Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized and di-
rected to transfer from the Contingent Fund to the account
for County Infirmary Planning the said sum of $3,371.66.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon.
Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried.
Resolution No. 130—Refund to Mrs. Ruth E. Davis
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Whereas, Mrs. Ruth E. Davis of Ludlowville, New York,
made application under the laws relating to physically handi-
capped children on behalf of her son Harold Davis, and paid
to the Clerk of the Children's Court the sum of $25.00 for her
share of the cost of the same; and whereas, said application
was denied, after her deposit had been turned over to the
County Treasurer,
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $25 from the
contingent fund to the Physically Handicapped Children's Ac-
count and to pay therefrom as a refund to Mrs. Ruth E.
Davis the said sum of $25.00
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Resolution No: 131—Additional Appropriations for Welfare
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
.adoption :
Whereas, the County Commissioner of Public Welfare has
requested additional appropriations which are needed to carry
his department for the balance of the year 1947, according
to the items hereinafter set forth,
October 13, 1947 137
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated to the
County Welfare Department the following sums, or so much
thereof as may be necessary for the balance of the year 1947,
to be allocated to the budget items hereinafter set forth :
Child Welfare Services (Foster Homes
and Institutional Care) $7,500.00
Office Expenses 300.00
Traveling Expenses 500.00
Salaries of city workers to be reim-
bursed by County 500.00
Aid to Dependent Children (Allowances) . 15,000.00
Blind (Allowances) 1,200.00
County Home Buildings :
Fuel, Light and Power 600.00
County Home Farm :
Fertilizer, feed, gasoline, etc. 100.00
Farm equipment and repairs 200.00
and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed
to transfer the said sums from the Contingent Fund to the
credit of the several budget items above stated.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Resolution No. 132—Appropriation for Old Age Assistance
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the ad-
ditional sum of $24,000 for Old Age Assistance for the balance
of the year 1947, and the County Treasurer is hereby author-
ized and directed to transfer the said sum of $24,000 or so
much thereof as may be necessary, from the Old Age Surplus
to current Old Age Assistance Account and pay the same
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Resolution No. 133—Ratifying Sale of County Properties
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
138 October 13, 1947
Resolved, that the sales of County properties hereinafter
specified made on October 11, 1947, pursuant to resolution of
this board, be and the same hereby are ratified and approved,
and the Chairman of this board is hereby authorized and
directed to execute on behalf of the county, affix the county
seal thereto and deliver to the respective purchasers, quit
claim deeds conveying to them the several ',parcels of land,
as hereinafter described upon payment to the county treas-
of the balance due upon their contracts respectively.
The following is a description of said properties with the
names of the purchasers and the purchase price of each
parcel :
One and one-half acres in the town of Caroline, formerly
assessed to Joseph Maynard Estate, bounded on the north by
Maynard, on the east by the road, on the south by Maynard
and on the west by Maynard, sold to Margaret D. Hoover
for $32.00.
Ninety acres in the town" of Caroline, formerly assessed to
Byron C. Perkins, bounded on the north by Stamiski, on the
,east by Laskey, on the south by VanDemark and on the west
by Caveny, sold to Perry Barbe for $900.00.
Sixty-two acres in the town of Danby, formerly assessed to
Henry Billings, bounded north by the highway, east by De-
putron, south by. Barnhart and west by Billings, sold to
Margaret D. Hoover for $255.00.
Twenty acres in the town of Danby formerly assessed to
Albert Brown Estate, bounded north by Heath, east by Giles,
south by Ink- and west by the highway, sold to Floyd Heath
for $115.00.
1/4 acre lot in the town of Groton, formerly assessed to
Wallace and Ruth Arnold, bounded north by county property,
east by county property, south by Washington Avenue and
west by county property, sold to Mrs. Raymond B. Torrey
for $55.00.
October • 13, 1947 139
Seconded by Mr. Vail. Carried.
Resolution No. 134—Additional Appropriation for County
Mr. Baker offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved, that at the request of the Board 'of Managers of
the Tompkins County Laboratory there be and hereby is ap-
propriated to the County Laboratory the additional sum of
$1500 to cover losses sustained in the August, 1947. flood and
additional equipment and,supplies in excess of the budget esti-
mate for 1947, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized
and directed to transfer the said sum of $1500 from the Con-
tingent Fund to the credit of the County Laboratory Account.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Resolution No. 135—Additional Appropriation for Board of
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $100 from the
contingent fund to the Board of. Health for Janitor Services.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried. .
Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Equalization Committee pre-
sented the following regular and supplemental reports of the
Committee on Equalization, on the Footing of the Assessment
Rolls, which were laid on the table one day under the rule.
140 October 13, 1947
Your committee reports that it has verified and corrected
the footings of .the Assessment Rolls referred to it, as made
by the Assessors of each tax district, and that the following
is a correct statement of such footings:
Total Real Only
Total Franchises
Grand Total of Roll
Totally Exempt Real
Dryden __..
Ithaca, City
Ithaca, Town
34,747 $ 1,110,2881$
33,286 1,269,257
58,286 4,927,125
22,207 825,253
30,275 -4,361,468
2,940 65,872,750
16,293 15,044,410
37,789 3,667,936
36,997 1,657,986
19,818 4,061,205
43,359 $ 1,153,647 $
59,412 1,328,669
182,916 5,110,041
46,366 871,619
107,040 4,468,508
1,033,896 66,906,646
316,404 15,360,814
124,451 3,792,387
68,918 1,726,904
131,026 4,192,231
293,0881 102,797,678 $ 2,113,7881$ 104,911,466 $ 37,978,407.
October 13, 1947 141
MENT ROLLS (Continued)
Ithaca, City
Ithaca, Town
$ 1,028,254
$ 1,028,254
$ $
1,064,762 3,182,578
2,241,502 1,730,007
3,060,857 5,896,863
Totals $66,933,059 $66,933,059 $ 7,488,142 $ 7,488,142 $12,964,006
LAMONT C. SNOW, Chairman
Dated, October. 13th, 1947.
142 October 13, 1947
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.
Your Committee renders the following supplemental report
relative to the assessed value of property within and without
incorporated villages of the several towns' of the county.
Towns and Villages
Total Franchises
Dryden Village
Total Inside Corporations
Outside Corporations
709,422 24,794
316,704 13,842
1,026,126 38,636
3,038,298 144,280
4,064,424 182,916
Groton Village
Outside Corporation
Cayuga Heights 2,995,616
Outside Corporation 5,645,700
Totals 1 8,641,3161
Trumansburg • 1,168,041 42,980
Outside Corporation 2,066,512 88,046
Totals 3,234,553 131,026
1,211,021 1,211,021
2,154,558 2,154,558
3,365,579 3,365,579
Dated, October 13th, 1947.
LAMONT C. SNOW, Chairman
October 13, 1947 143
Mr. Scofield moved that the regular and supplemental re-
ports of the committee on Footing of Assessment Rolls be
taken from the table at this time.
Seconded by Mr. Downey.
By unanimous consent, the reports were taken from the
Resolution No. 136. --Adoption of Regular and Supplemen-
' till Reports on Footing Assessment
Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the regular and supplemental reports of the
Committee on Equalization, on the Footing of the Assessment
Rolls, be accepted and adopted and that the figures therein
be used as a basis for taxation in the several tax districts of
the county for the year 1948.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Mr. Snow announced that the Equalization Committee
would meet at 9 :00 a.m. on Thursday, October 23rd.
Discussion followed relative to the hospital situation.
Resolution No. 137—Authorization for County Public Gen-
eral Hospital and Temporary Operation
of Tompkins County. Memorial Hospi-
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolutionand moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Coun-
ty hereby reaffirms its intention to establish a county public
general hospital as provided by Resolution No. 35, adopted
on March 10, 1947 ; and agrees to provide, as soon as prac-
ticable, a new building or buildings to house 'the same, in-
cluding accommodations for chronic and convalescent care and
quarters for the county laboratory and for the county health
department;and further agrees that within 60 days it will
144 October 13, 1947
apoint a Board of Managers for such county public general
ospital, pursuant to Section 127 of the General Municipal
aw; and in connection therewith the Board of Supervisors
further agrees to explore the possibilities' of correlating all
health services in the community as recommended by the com-
mittee of the New York State Department of Health and the
Joint Hospital and Survey Planning Commission in their re-
port of September 1947.
Be It Further Resolved, that, subject to the approval of
the State Department of Health, the County of Tompkins
shall lease from the Tompkins County Memorial Hospital the
buildings and equipment of the said hospital and take over
and operate the same as a public general hospital from and
after January 1, 1948, for an interim period until such time
as the proposed new county hospital building shall have been
constructed and be available for use, provided that the fol-
lowing conditions are met and complied with within 30 days
from the date of this resolution, to wit
1. That the Trustees of the Tompkins County Memorial
Hospital Association certify to the Board of Supervisors:
(a) That they have adopted a resolution authorizing said
(b) That they have adopted a resolution authorizing the
assignment and transfer to the County of Tompkins, as of
December 31, 1947, of all inventories of supplies, and all
machinery, equipment, furniture, instruments, accessories
and ambulances.
(c) That they have adopted a resolution authorizing,the
conveyance to the County of Tompkins upon completion
of the proposed new public general hospital or prior.
thereto, by good and sufficient warranty deed, all of the
lands and buildings belonging to said Tompkins County
Memorial Hospital Association, subject to the existing
mortgage thereon, which mortgage shall not be increased
in the meantime beyond the amount now due thereon,
namely, $77,000.00, and further authorizing the transfer
to the County of Tompkins at that time of the balance
then, remaining in the operating bank account of such
hospital association ; such conveyance and transfer to be
without consideration, but shall be upon the condition
that the county use such property or its proceeds for the
October 13, 1947
benefit of the new hospital or to ,help defray the count
share of the cost of such new hospital.
(d) That the foregoing resolutions by the Trusteesof the
Tompkins County_ Memorial Hospital Association have
been approved by the membership of the hospital as-
sociation and by the Court, as required by law. (And the
Trustees of the Hospital Association agree to ,recommend
such approval to the membership of such association, and
to take such action as may be necessary to obtain the
Coutt's approval thereof).
(e) That the Trustees of the Tompkins County Memorial
Hospital Association will continue their efforts to obtain
contributions from' the public and from the Community
Chest for the benefit of the hospital, and will use such
contributions, insofar as they are unrestricted, or the
income therefrom, for the payment of principal and -in-
terest on the mortgage or of other obligations of the
hospital incurred prior to December 31, 1947 ; and they
will use the income from the endowment funds, in their
capacity as trustees, in the manner intended by the donors
thereof for the fulfillment of the specific conditions of
such gifts, or for the furtherance of a coordinated health
and hospital plan in Tompkins County.
2. That the Common Council of the City of Ithaca certify
to the Board of Supervisors that they have adopted a resolu-
tion authorizing the conveyance to the County of Tompkins,
at or before the time when such new public general hospital
shall be completed, of all of the right, title and interest of the
City of Ithaca in and to the lands and buildings now occupied
by the Tompkins County Memorial Hospital, and the transfer
to the County of all equipment owned by the City of Ithaca
and used in or for the operation of the Tompkins County Me-
morial Hospital ; such conveyance and transfer -to be without
consideration, but shall be upon the, condition that the county
use such property or its proceeds for the benefit of the new
hospital or to help defray the county's share of the cost of
such new hospital.
And Belt Further Resolved, that the Board of Supervisors,
in considering the selection of a site and the -plan and con-
struction of the county public general hospital with the addi-
tional facilities hereinabove mentioned, shall take into con-
sideration the possibility of further expansion and the coor-
146 ' October .13, 1947
dination with other public and semi-public health and hospital
facilities, including Cornell University, Ithaca College and the
Reconstruction Home, which may effect economies in opera-
tion, elimination of duplication and betterment of health and
medical services to the citizens of the county, the whole to be
considered as a Coordinated Health and Hospital Center. ,
Seconded by Mr. Vail.
A roll call being taken resulted as follows:
Ayes—Messrs. Stone, Snow, Loomis, Downey, Stevenson,
Carey, Scofield, Rottmann, Vail and Ozmun-10.
Noes—Messrs. Gordon, Payne, Baker and Shoemaker -4.
The Deputy Clerk read the following Workmen's Compen-
sation Insurance claims as they were audited:
Dr. Eva Weddigen—care—Robert Smith $14.00
Dr. J. Frank W. Allen—care—James Fulkerson 3.50
A. J. Leone, M.D.—care—Joseph Wiedmaier 7.00
Dr. Hans Seligman—care—Millard Babcock 3.50
Dr. R. M.'Vose—care—Edger Armstrong 3.50
Dr. R. M. Vose—care—John Durant ' , 61.50
The Deputy Clerk announced the audit of the following
bills which are'chargeable to the Dog Fund under provisions
of the Agricultural and Markets Law, §123.
Harold Clough, Assesor's Bill $ 4.32
Harold Clough, Assessor's Bill 4.00•
Harry E. Warren, Assessor's Bill 3.60
Arthur E. Spearing, Sr., Assessor's Bill 3.48
Smith T. Weatherby, Assessor's Bill 3.24
Frederick R. McGraw, Mileage and Expense 75.14
F. R. Caswell, Assessor's Bill (Rabies) 3.60
Wm. K. Ellison, Assessor's Bill (Rabies) 3.48
Lewis E. Cummings, Assessor's Bill (Rabies) 4.20
Arthur E. Spearing, Assessor's Bill, 4.02
October 13, 1947 147
The Deputy Clerk read the following claims, as reportedand
recommended for audit by the several committees to which
they had been referred:
J-1030 Tompkins Co. Lab., Petty cash—Co. Lab.....$ 51.69
1031 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hosp., Rent, etc.—Co
Lab. 260.01
1032 New York Telephone Co., Services—Co. Lab 10.58
Supplies—Co. Lab. 20.86
Supplies—Co. Lab. 18.42
Supplies—Co. Lab. 4.20
Supplies—Co. Lab. 2.97
Supplies—Co. Lab. 4.98
Supplies—Co. Lab. .50
Supplies—Co. Lab. .90
Supplies—Co. Lab. 70.60
Supplies—Co. Lab. 6.03
Supplies—Co. Lab. 10.33
Supplies—Co. Lab. 1.89
Supplies—Co. Lab. 6.24
Supplies—Co. Lab. 22.71.
1046 Warren E. Collins, Inc., Supplies—Co. Lab.
1047 Medical Gas Division of The Liquid Car-
bonic Corp. Cyl. Dem. Co. Lab.
1048 The Liquid Carbonic Corp., Cyl. Dem. Co.
1049 Norton Electric Co., Repairs—Co. Lab.
1050 W. F. Fletcher Co., Inc:, Cleaning—Co. Lab.
1051 S. C. Landauer, M.D., Supplies—Co. Lab
1052 Norton Printing Co., Supplies—Co. Lab.
1053 Norton Printing Co, Supplies—Blood Bank
1054 American Hosp. Supply Corp., Supplies.
Blood Bank
1055 American Hosp. Supply Corp., Supplies—
Blood Bank 32.50
1056 American Hosp. Supply Corp., Supplies—
Blood Bank 104.10
1057 Certified Blood Donor Service, Supplies—
Blood Bank 56.99
1058 High Titre Serum Lab., Supplies—Blood
Bank 62.50
1059 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Shirley
Heath—PHC 294.50
1060 Reconstruction Home, .Inc., care—Betty Gil-
low—PHC 142.50
1033 Will Corporation,
1034 Will Corporation,
1035 Will Corporation,
1036 Will Corporation,
1037 Will Corporation,
1038 Will Corporation,
1039 Will Corporation,
1040 Will Corporation,
1041 Will Corporation,
1042 Will Corporation,
1043 Will Corporation,
1044 Will Corporation,
1045 Will Corporation,
148 October 13, 1947
1061 Reconstruction }Tome, Inc., care—Betty Qil-
' lovp–PfIC 394.50
1062 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Kenneth
Lasher—PHC 284.50
1063 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Kenneth
Lasher—PHC 148.50
1064 R. W. Smith, care—Rosemary DaBall—PHC 160.00
1065 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Nelson
E . 147.25
1066 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Nelson
]0 }IC 18.50
1067 Children's Hospital, care—Russell Teaney
—PHC 104.50
1068 Mount Morris TB Hosp., care—Leo Rabidou
—TB 77.50
'1069 Mount Morris TB Hosp., care—Leo Rabidou
—TB 42.50
1070 Mount Morris TB Hosp, care—Leo Rabidou
and Mary 135.00
1071 H. M. Biggs Memo. Hosp., care—Co. Pa-
tients—TB tioota--TB 2,080.00
1078 N. Y. State Elec. & Gas Corp., Services—
• Co Bldgs. 152.03
1073 New York Telephone Co., Services—Co.
Bldgs. 285.38
1074 City of Ithaca, Services—W.H. Prop 2.07
1075 A. B. Brooks & SonVaccine—Rabies 112.50
1076 Hart Pharmacy, Vaccine—Rabies 168.75
1077 Norton Printing Co., Cards--Ruhiea 90.00
1078 Dr. John W. Richards, Jr., Clinic—Rabies 40.00
1079 T. G. Milier's Sons Paper Go., Supplies—Co.
Treas. 8.15
I080 D A. Stobbs, 8npli o --Co Treas. .84
I081 Zdenka K. Stepan, Conf. exp.—Go. Treas40.75
1082 Ithaca Journal News, Legal Notices—Tax
Sale & Red. Adv. 61.88
1083 The Journal 8cCourier, Legal Notices—Tax
Sale & Red. Adv. 48.76
1084 New Central Market, Meat—Jail 49.43
1085 Red & White Store, Groceries—Jail 38.05
1086 Wool Scott Bakery, Bread—Jail16.32
1087 Clifford C. Hall, Eggs—Jail 10.30
1088 Albright Dairy, Milk—Jail 6.30
1089 The J. C. Stowell Co., Coffee—Jail 10.56
1080 Dr. Joseph B. Mattewson, care—Frank Hol-
lister—Jail 8.00
October 13, 1947 149
1091 Clifford C. Hall, Mop fillers, etc. -Jail 6.28
1092 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Jail 2.43
1093 Rothschild Bros., Supplies -Jail 3.13
1094 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -
Child Ct. 1.70
.1095 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -
Child Ct. 2.80
1096 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage -Child Ct. 6.00
1097 R. A. Hutchinson, Mileage & Exp. -Child Ct11.24
1098 Matthew Bender & Co. Inc., Supp -Co. Atty9.50
1099 Charles H. Newman, Conf. exp. -Co. Atty73.53
1100 Matthew Bender & Co. Inc., Gilberts Code -
D/A 25.00
1101 Frederick B. Bryant, Supplies -D/A 7.10
1102 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -
Sheriff 1.10
1103 Clifford C. Hall, Expenses -Sheriff 5.46
1104 Clifford C. Hall, Gas & Oil -Sheriff 25.84
1105 Clifford C. Hall, Supplies -Sheriff 8.00
1106 Saint Anne Institute, care -Frances Gaherty
-Inst. Care 50.57
1107 Willard State Hospital, care -William. Jen-
kins -Inst. Care 15.48
1108 The Syracuse News Co., Books-Rur. Tray.
Libr. 3.94
1109 Leo and Elmer Strittmather, Clean & repair
marble -Co. Bldgs. 694.00
1110 Dassance and Anderson, Repairs -Co.. Bldgs2.90
1111 Mrs. Helen Shriner, Telephone Oper.-Co.
Bldgs. 33.15
1112 Tisdel's Repair Shop, Keys -Co. Bldgs. 2.50
1113 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Co. Bldgs5.90
1114 Rumsey Broom Co., Brooms -Co. Bldgs. 16.50
1115 Harry ' N. Gordon, Expenses-Conf.-Suprs77.75
1116 Harvey Stevenson, Expenses-Conf.-Suprs38.50
1117 Gladys L. Buckingham, Expenses-Conf.-
Suprs. 40.75
1118 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper So., Supplies-
Suprs. .30
1119 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies-
Suprs. 2.70
1120 Williamson Law Book Co., April Balance -
Judge 3.64
1121 Matthew Bender & Co., Inc., Supplies -Judge 9.50
1122 Mary Mineah, Postage -Judge 5.10
1123 Norton Printing Co., Supplies -Judge 64.00
150 October 13, 1947
1124 Norton Printing Co., Supplies -Judge 91.00
1125 McMillan Book Co., Supplies -Judge 50.43
1126 McMillan Book ' Co., Supplies -Judge 50.43
1127 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -
Co. Clerk ' 2.65
1128 Photostat Corp., Supplies -Co. Clerk 38.79
1129 Keystone Envelope Co., Supplies -Co. Clerk 49.84
1130 Remington Rand Inc., Typewriter -Co. Clerk 159.98
1131 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies -Co.
Clerk 4.80
1132 Norton Printing Co., Supplies -Co. Clerk 65.00
1133 W. G. Norris,- Expenses -Conf. -Co. Clerk 34.80
1134 W. G. Norris, Postage -Co. Clerk 6.25
1135 W. G. Norris, Postage -Mot. Veh. Bu. 15.00
1136 Crispell Bros., Hauling Lic. Plates -Mot.
Veh. Bu. 42.00
1137 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Mot
Veh. Bu. 1.00
1138 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies -Mot
Veh. Bu. 2.15
1139 Irene H. Taggart, Clerical work,.Comxn. Elec18.20
1140 Alice H. VanOrman, Clerical work -Comm.
Elec. 18.20
1141 Steuben County Bd. of Elections, Vet. -
Comm. Elec. • 0.80
1142 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -
Comm. Elec. 33.84
1143 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies-Elec
Exp. 1.20
1144 Norton Printing .'Co., Postals, etc.-Elec
Exp. 867.00
1145 Carl Roe, Mileage -Sealer Wgts. & Meas 55.36
1146 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -Vet.
Bu. 12.30
1147 Walter L. Knettles, Postage, etc. -Vet. Bu. 35.38
1148 Leon F. Holman, Postage -Vet. Ag. 5.00
1149 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies -Vet
Ag. 7.85
1150 Louis D. Neil, Mileage & Exp., Co. Invest42.00
1151 Henry R. Head, Supplies -Co. Historian 5.10
1152 W. G. Norris, Conf. Exp. -Co. Historian` ' 36.64
1153 City of Ithaca, Taxes -Co. Bldgs. 542.88
1154 Norton Printing Co., Log Sheets -Radio 50.00
1155 Cayuga Motors Company, Equip. for cars -
Sheriff 215.35
1156 Harold G. Rice, Services -Co. Inf. 3,371.66
October 13, 1947 151
1157 H. A. Carey Co. Inc., Insurance—Sheriff 32.52
1158 The Journal & Courier, Legal Notice-Suprs19.09
1159 Bert I. Vann, Mileage—Supt. 84.08
1160 Bert I. Vann, Expenses—Supt. 7.05
1161 Bert I. Vann; Expenses—Supt. 57.15
1162 New York State Elec. & Gas Corp., Mt. Pleas-
ant—Radio 11.80
Resolution No. 138—On Audit.
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved--
oved'its adoption:
Resolved, that the foregoing claims amounting to the sum
of $13,787.12 be audited by this Board at the amounts recom-
mended by the committees to which they were referred, and
the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out
of funds appropriated therefor; and that these claims be cer-
tified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for
and on behalf of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis.
Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried.
Ori motion, meeting adjourned.
152 November 10, 1947
Monday, November 10, 1947
Roll call. All members present.
Resolution No. 139—Transfer from Contingent Fund to
. "Election Expenses".
Mr. Shoemaker offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund
to Account 108-C—Election Expenses the sum of $250.00.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Resolution No. 140—Tran.sfer from Contingent Fund to
"Physically Handicapped Children".
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund
to Account 220-D—Physically Handicapped Children, the sum
of $1,000.00.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker. Carried.
Resolution No. 141—Transfer from Contingent Fund to
"Patients At Biggs Memorial Hos-
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized to transfer from the Contingent Fund to Account
November 10, 1947 153
220-A—Patients at Biggs Memorial Hospital the sum of
Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried.
Resolution No. 142—Ratification of Agreement with -Lehigh
Valley Railroad Company.
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved,that the agreement between the Lehigh Valley
Railroad Company, the Town of Ulysses and the, County of
Tompkins, authorizing the town of Ulysses, in cooperation
with the county, to increase the visibility of a certain highway
where it approaches and crosses the right of way and main.
track of the Ithaca branch of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at
Peatown Road Crossing, west of Taughannock Falls by the re-
moval of earth therefrom to a maximum depth of two feet
from both banks adjacent to the railroad company's track
for a length of two hundred feet east and west of the public
grade crossing, on certain conditions set forth in a letter from
the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company to the Superintendent
of Highways of the Town of Ulysses and to the County, dated
October 24. 1947. be and the same hereby is ratified and ap-
proved and the Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized
and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the County.
Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried.
Mr. Snow, 'Chairman of the Committee on County Treas-
urer's Accounts submitted the following report of the com-
mittee relative to the Mortgage Tax moneys, in the hands of
the County Treasurer on October 1, 1947.
To the Board of Supervisors
Tompkins County, N. Y.
Your committee on County Treasurer's Accounts submits
the following report, relative to the Mortgage Tax moneys re-
ceived and the allocation thereof.
Caroline $ 706.68
Danby 783.63
Dryden 2,792.48
Enfield . 418.67
154 •November 10, 1947
Groton 1,507.23
Ithaca City 14,720.76
Ithaca Town 3,888.74
Lansing 1,370.75
Newfield 727.84
Ulysses, 2,184.22
Lansing—Prior tax 11.50
Your committee finds that the amount of $2792.48 to which
the Town of Dryden is entitled there should be paid to the
incorporated Village of Dryden, the sum of $241.36; and to
the incorporated Village of Freeville, the sum of $108.66; of
the amount of $1507.23 to which the Town of Groton is en-
titled there should be paid to the incorporated Village of
Groton the sum of $425.34 ; of the amount of $3888.74 to which
the Town of Ithaca is entitled there should be paid to the in-
corporated' Village of Cayuga Heights the sum of $664.39 ; of
the amount of $2184.22 to which the town of Ulysses is en-
titled there should be paid to the incorporated Village of Tru-
mansburg, the sum of $392.97; your committee therefore
recommends the adoption of the following resolution.
Dated, November 10, 1947.
Resolution No. 143—Apportionment of Mortgage Tax.
Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the report of the Committee on County Treas-
urer's Accounts, relative to the Mortgage Tax Moneys. and
the allocation thereof as herein made, be accepted and adopted
and that this Board issue its warrant to the County Treasurer
for the distribution thereof to the several tax districts of the
County entitled thereto, as herein set forth.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization,
presented Report of Equalization Committee for the purpose
of General and Highway Tax levies for the year 1947 which
was laid on the table one day under the rule.
November 10; 1947 - 155
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.
Your Committee on Equalization reports that they have ex-
amined the assessment rolls of the several tax districts in the
County of Tompkins, for the purpose of ascertaining whether
the valuation in one tax district bears a just relation to the
valuations in all the tax districts in the county ; that in the
opinion of the members of the committee such valuations do
not bearsuch just relations to the valuations in all the tax dis-
tricts of the county, and your committee would recommend that
the valuations of the several tax districts, in order that they
may bear such just relations, be increased or diminished ac-
cording to the following statements so as to make the aggre-
gate equalized valuations as indicated in the tabular statement
below. -
Special Franchise
Ithaca. City
Ithaca, Town
1,060,0561 97O1c
1,201,6621 98%
4,334,020 985
776,323 97%
4,052,560 98%
43,546,569 89°'o
9,048,202 99%.
3;450,134 975,
1,355,545 93C/,,
3,434,264 98%
Totals • 1 64,819,2711 2,113,7881 66,933,0591 72,259,8351
156 November 10, 1947
Ithaca. City
Ithaca, Town
40,336,448 1,580,002
46,342 981,912 931,912
64,550 1,113,079 1,113,079
232,511 4,014,529 4,014,529
33,960 719,558 719,558,
217,691 3,753,818 3,753,818
40,336,448 40,336,448
576,524- 8,381,196 8,381,196
150,829 3,195,801 3,195,801
72,816 1,255,618 1,255,618
184,479 3,181,100 3,181,100
Totals 66,933,059 1,580,0021 1,580,0021 66,933,059 66,933,059
And your committee would also report that they have de-
termined upon proper inquiry and investigation the ratio or
percentage which theassessed value of the real property in
each such tax district bears to its full value and would recom-
mend that, based upon such determination of your committee,
that the board establish such ratios or percentages which are
determined and in the opinion of your committee are as above
set forth.
That your committee have, in accord with such percentage,
compiled and that the foregoing table shows the aggregate
valuations of each tax district, as determined from the actual
values of property fixed according to the above ratios or per-
centages and the average rate of assessment of real property -
in the county which your committee have determined accord-
ing to the rules laid down by statute, to be 0.926283031 and
that the table shows by such valuations the several and aggre-
gate valuations upon which the taxes for the county, including
November 10; 1947 157
the state taxes, should be apportioned between the several tax
districts of the county.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Dated, Nov. 10, 1947.
LAMONT C. SNOW, Chairman
Mr. Scofield moved, that the report be taken from the table.
Seconded by Mr. Downey.
By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table.
Resolution No. 144—Report of Equalization Committee for
Apportionment of General and High-
way Tax Levies
Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the report of the Committee on Equalization,
be accepted and adopted and that the valuation of the real
property, for the purposes of General and Highway Tax
Levies, against the several tax districts of the county be equal-
ized and determined as therein set forth, as the basis of the
apportionment for such General and Highway Tax Levies for
the year 1947.
Seconded by Mr., Scofield. Carried.
A discussion was had on the new amendments to the resolu-
tion relative to the hospital and on motion adjourned to 1 :30
158 November 10, 1947
Roll call, All members present.
Resolution No. 145—Transfer from Contingent Fund to "In-
surance Premiums"
Mr. Vail offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the County. Treasurer be and hereby is au-
thorized to transfer from the Contingent Fund to Account
102-F Insurance Premiums the sum of $100.00.
Seconded by Mr. Rottman. Carried.
Resolution No. 146—Transfer from Contingent Fund to
Welfare Department—Petty Cash
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be authorized to trans-
fer from the Contingent Fund to a new account designated as
Petty Cash for the Welfare Department the amount of $25.00.,
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker. Carried.
Discussion was had relative to the parking situation around
the Court House duringthe time the Court was in session and
the Supervisors meeting at the same time. Chief Marshall
and General Chambers, Police Commissioner, were called.
down to the meeting for an interview to see if they had any
Resolution No. 147—Amendment to Resolution No. 119
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the last part of Resolution No. 119 reading
"one tractor at a cost not exceeding $5500 plus trade-in, read
as follows, "one tractor at a cost of $6100 plus trade-in."
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
November 10, 1947. 159
Resolution No. 148—Purchase of Additional Units of Motor-
ola Co.
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the Chairman of this Board be and he hereby
is authorized to execute a purchase order to the Motorola Com-
pany for one additional unit, for the Highway Department and
a group of additional units, number unknown, for the various
towns; and that the cost of the units purchased for the towns
to be reimbursed to the countyby the towns.
Seconded by Mr. Stevenson. Carried.
Resolution No. 149—Authorizing Execution of Agreement
with the Tompkins County Memorial
Hospital and the City of Ithaca Upon
Elimination of Certain Provisions.
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Whereas, this Board, by Resolution No. 137 adopted - on
October 13, 1947, agreed, subject to the approval of the State
Department of Health and upon certain specified conditions,
to lease the buildings and equipment of the Tompkins County
Memorial Hospital and to take over and operate the same as
a public general hospital from and after January 1, 1948 for
an interim period until such time as the proposed new county
hospital building shall have been constructed and be avail-
able for use;
And Whereas, an agreement to effectuate such purposes and
to meet the conditions imposed by the Board of Supervisors
was drawn up by the County Attorney and submitted to the
Board of Trustees of the Tompkins County Memorial Hospi-
tal ; and whereas, the Board of Trustees of the hospital in
approving said agreement suggested certain modifications
thereof which were not included in the proposal made by this
Board ;
And Whereas, the said agreement has been revised and re-
written as an agreement between the hospital, the County and /
the City, and such revised agreement incorporates the modifi J
160 November 10, 1947
Nations suggested by the hospital trustees in the following
language, to wit :
(1) The provision beginning at the bottom of page 4
of said revised agreement reading "that, during the per-
iod of operation of the existing hospital by the party of
' the second part, the party of the second part shall pro-
vide the necessary funds in its annual budgets for the
payment of interest and the required amortization of
principal on said mortgages. At the option of the party
of the second part, such sums may be paid to the party of
the first part as rental for its use of the hospital facili-
ties, in which case the party of the first part will pay
the same to the mortgagee; otherwise, such payments
shall be made by the party of the second part directly to
the mortgagee."
(2) The provision on page 6 numbered (12) reading
"It is further agreed that the Board of Supervisors of
the party of the second part shall give consideration, in
the appointment of the Board of Managers of the county
public general hospital, to the inclusion thereon of repre-
of the board of trustees of the party of the
first part or persons nominated or suggested by the
Tompkins County Memorial Hospital corporation, it be-
ing expressly understood, however, that the .Board of
Supervisors of the party of the second part does not un-
dertake to and is notlegally bound to make such ap-
(3) Two paragraphs of recitals, being the last two re-•
citals on page 2 of said agreement, each beginning with
the word "Whereas," and reciting the reasons for the
foregoing provisions.
,1 And Whereas, the above stated provisions of said agree-
\ ment are not acceptable to this Board, but the said agree-
ment is in all other respects satisfactory to this Board.
\ Resolved, that this Board hereby disapproves the modifica-
tions of said agreement suggested by the hospital trustees as
1 set forth above;
And Be It Further Resolved, that this Board hereby ap-
proves the said agreement with the exceptions above stated ;
November 10, 1947 161
and if the objectionable provisions above referred to are •
eliminated from the agreement, and the agreement with such
provisions eliminated is approved by the Hospital and the
City, authorizes the Chairman of this Board to execute the
same on behalf of the County.
And Be It Further Resolved, that as an alternative to the
said agreement as so modified, the Board of Supervisors is
willing to accept an immediate conveyance of the hospital
buildings from the hospital and the city, without consideration,
and without the ten-year escrow provision, in which case the
County will assume and agree to pay the mortgages which are
now a lien on said premises and, subject to the approval of
the State Department of Health, will take over and operate
the said hospital from and after January 1, 1948, it being
understood that in such case, paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4),
(7), (8), (10), (11), and (13) of the agreement this day
submitted to this Board would remain applicable and effective.
Seconded by ,.Mr. Vail.
A vote being taken resulted as follows :
Ayes—Messrs. Loomis, Downey, Stevenson, Carey, Scofield,
Stone, Rottman, Shoemaker, Vail, Ozmun-10.
Noes—Messrs. Snow, Gordon, Payne, Baker -4.
The Clerk read the following Workmen's Compensation In-
surance claims as they were audited : 1
Dr. Lyman Fisher, care—Frank Stepan $75.00
Philip J. Robinson, M.D., care—Frank Stepan 20.00
Dr. Ernst Foerster, care—David Barnes 6.00
Dr. Stanley K. Gutelius, care—Claude Wood 7.00
The Clerk announced the audit of the following bills which
are chargeable to the Dog Fund under provisions of the Agri-
culture and Markets Law, §123.
Frank L. Mastin, Assessor's Bill $ 4.02
162 November 10, 1947
Austin L. Legge, Assessor's Bill 4.20
Harry E. Warren, Assessor's Bill 3.72
Franklin Starner, Assessor's Bill 3.30
Frederick McGraw, Mileage & Exp. Dog Warden 60.50
Wm. K. Ellison, Assessor's Bill , 3.60
Wm. K. Ellison, Assessor's Bill 3.48
The Clerk read the following claims, as reported and recom-
mended for audit by the several committees. to which they had
been referred :
J-1163 Tompkins Co. Laboratory, Petty Cash—Co
Lab $ 52.94
1164 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hosp., Rent, etc.—Co.
Lab. 272.93
1165 New York Telephone Co., Services—Co.
Lab. 7.85
1166 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co._ Lab. 15.24
1167 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 26.24
1168 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 4.21
1169 Sharp & Dohme, Supplies—Co. Lab. 316.80
1170 Sharp & Dohme, Supplies—Co. Lab. 82.32
1171 Commercial Solvents Corp., Supplies—Co.
Lab. 9.65
1172 Standard Scientific Supply Corp., Supplies
— Co. Lab. 14.60
1173 The Liquid Carbonic Corp., Cyl. Dem.—
Co. Lab. 2.26
1174 Fisher Scientific Co., Supplies—Co. Lab. 11.02
1175 S. C. Landauer, M.D., Supplies—Co. Lab. 9.00
1176 Difco Laboratories Inc., Supplies—Co. Lab. 57.90
1177 LaMotte Chemical Products Co., Supplies
— Co. Lab. 3.85
1178 Kline's Pharmacy, Supplies—Co. Lab. 11.15
1179 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies—
Co. Lab. 277.65
1180 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hosp., Supplies—
Blood Bank 16.45
1181 Children's Hospital, care—Russell Teaney
—PHC 142.50
1182 Mrs. Edw. J. Beckhorn, care—Lawrence
Carlisle—PHC 55.20
1183 Mrs. Edw. J. Beckhorn, care—Lawrence
Carlisle—PHC . 45.60
November 10, 1947 163
1184 New York State Elec. & Gas. Corp. -Ser-
vices -Co. Bldgs. 174.80
1185 New York Telephone, Services -Co. Bldgs: 274.67
1186 Fahey Pharmacy, Tags, etc. -Rabies 112,50
1187 R. A. McKinney, Clinic -Rabies 100.00
1188 Dr. John W. Richards Jr., Clinic -Rabies 80.00
1189 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies -
Co. Treas. 7.70
1190 John M. Mulligan, Contract Service -Radio 1 56.00
1191 John M. Mulligan, Contract Services -Radio - 24.00
1192 Cayuga Motors Co., Car -Welfare Dept. 1,192.12
1193 H. H. Crum, M.D., Services -Jail Physician 44.00
1194 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage -Child. Ct. 6.00
1195 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage -Child. Ct. 6.00
1196 R. A. Hutchinson, Checkbook -Child. Ct2.50
1197 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -
Child. Ct: 2.75
1198 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -D/A 10.65
1199 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies-
) Sheriff 2.50
1200 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -
Sheriff 3.60
1201 Norton Printing Co., Supplies -Sheriff 16.50
1202 Clifford C. Hall, Supplies -Sheriff 6.00
1203 Clifford C. Hall, Gas & Oil -Sheriff 50.64
1204 W. S. Darley, Flashers -Sheriff 5.93
1205 Robert Van Zile, Fire Extinguishers -
Sheriff 20.00
1206 Saint Anne Institute, Care -Frances
Gaherty-Inst. Care 39.86
1207 Wool Scott Bakery, Inc., Bread -Jail 23.55
1208 New Central Market, Groceries -Jail 69.86
1209 Red & White Store, Groceries -Jail 33.17
1210 The J. C. Stowell Co., Groceries -Jail 30.24
1211 The Albright Dairy, Milk -Jail. 7.04
1212 Clifford C. Hall, Supplies -Jail 17.50
1213 Clifford C. Hall, Supplies -Jail 1.00
1214 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Jail 4.05 ,
1215 A. B. Brooks & Son, Supplies -Jail 3.90'
1216 Rothchild Bros., Supplies -Jail 12.48
1217 Frank C. Moore, Comptroller, Fees: -Justices .25.00
1218 Tompkins Co. Rural News, Sale, Co. Prop.
Suprs. 22.50
1219 The Ithaca Journal, Sale, Co. Prop.-Suprs20.60
1220 New York Casualty Co., Bonds-Hgwy.
& Mot. Bu. N.R.
164 November 10, 1947
1221 Tisdels Repair Shop, Repairs—Co. Bldgs2.50
1222 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies—Co. Bldgs2.30
1223 Gladys L. Buckingham, Postage and Keys
—Suprs 13.04
1224 The Frank Shepard Co., Supplemental—
Co. Judge 23.00
1225 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Co. Judge 3.85
1226 W. G. Norris, Postage—Co. Clk. 21.75
1227 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Co. Clk. 3.65
1228 Photostat Corp., Supplies—Co. Clk. 334.08
1229 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Co. Clk. 19.00
1230 R. W. Furman, Labor—Co. Clk. 8.10
1231 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies—
Co. Clerk 1.00
1232 Office Equipment Center, Clean Typewriter
—Co. Clk. 8.00
1233 Alice H. VanOrman, Clerical work—Comm.
of Elec. 20.15
1234 Irene H. Taggart, Clerical work—Comm.
of Elec. 5.85-
1235 Irene H. Taggart, Clerical work—Comm.
of Elec. 14.30
1236 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Elec. Exp. .90
1237 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Elec. Exp. 13.30
1238 The Journal & Courier, Legal Notices—
Elec. Exp. 47.08
1239 Norton Printing Co., Absentee ballots, etc.
—Elec. Exp. 2,169.00
1240 Carl Roe, Expenses—Sealer Wgts. 53.68
1241 Ithaca Delivery & Storage Terminal, Ser-
vices—Sealer Wgts. 40.50
1242 Leon F. Holman, Expenses—Vet. Agency 8.80
1243 Paul E. Killion Inc., Repair Books—Co. Clk1,159.40
1244 Walter L. Knettles, Expenses—Vet. Bu. 35.61
1245 Clarkson Chemical Co. Inc., Supplies—Co..
Bldgs. 9.00
1246 Bert I. Vann, Expenses—Co. Supt. 8.10
1247 Bert I. Vann, Mileage—Co. Supt. 91.04
1248 Hermann M. Biggs Memo. Hosp, Care—Co.
Patients—TB 1,997.50
1249 H. A. Carey Co., Insurance—Soil Conserv4520
November 10, 1947 165
1250 H. A. Carey Co., Insurance—Health Dept.:28.56
1251 American Library Assoc., Booklist renewal
—Rur. Tray. Libr. 5.00
1252 R. R. Bowker Co., Subs. Libr. Journal—
Rur. Tray. Libr. 6.00
1253 H. W. Wilson Co., Booklist renewal—Rur.
Tray. Libr. 9.00
1254 Edwin Allen Co., Books—Rur. Tray. Libr6.92
1255 Regent Book Co., Books—Rur. Tray. Libr1.34
Resolution No. 150—On Audit
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption:
Resolved, that the foregoing claims amounting to the sum
of $10,161.67, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom-
mended by the committees to which they were referred, and
the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out
of funds appropriated therefor; and that these claims be cer-
tified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for
and on behalf of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis.
Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried.
On motion, adjourned.
166 November 13, 1947
Thursday, November 13, 1947
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Carey excused
and Mr. Vail, absent.
Estimates for expenses of the County Judge and Surrogate
and Commissioners of Election were received and referred to
the committee on County Officer's Accounts.
The estimated budgets of Children's Court, the Probation
Officer and the District Attorney were received and referred
to the Committee on Courts and Correction.
The estimated budget for the County Treasurer's Depart-
ment was received and referred to the committee on County
Treasurer's Accounts.
The estimated budgets of the Tompkins County Farm Bur-
eau, Home Bureau, 441 Club and the Rural Traveling Library
were received and referred to the Committee on Education.
Town budgets of the towns of Dryden, Groton, Ithaca and
Ulysses were received and referred to the Committee on
The estimated budget for the . County Clerk's 1948 office
expenses were received and referred to the County Officer's
Lists of Corporations of the Towns of Caroline, Danby,
Dryden, Enfield, Groton, Ithaca, Lansing, Newfield and Ulys-
ses were received and filed.
Estimated budget of the Sheriff was received and referred
to the committee on Courts and Corrections.
November 13, 1947 167
Financial reports of County Clerk, Clerk of Children's Court
and Probation Officer, Clerk of Surrogates Court from Janu-
ary 1 to October 31, received and filed also a report of Pistol
Permits issued from January 1•to October 31, 1947.
Bonded Indebtedness of Union Free School District No. 6
and Village of Cayuga Heights received and filed.
The Clerk read the following communication from the State
Department of Taxation and Finance :
October 1, 1947
"Dear Sir :
The Boaid of .Supervisors of Tompkins County is here-
by notified, as required by statute, to raise by taxation for
the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1947 the amount of
$5,635.91, for court and stenographers' expenses, based on
the equalized valuation of $65,083,137.
Your attention is called to Chapter 117 of the Laws of
1947, effective March 11, 1947, which provides that on
or before the 15th day of February following the notifica-
tion, the County shall pay over the above amount to the
Division of the Treasury, Department of Taxation and
Check to cover the amount due should be made payable
and mailed directly to the Division of the Treasury,. De-
partment of Taxation and Finance, Albany 1, New York.
Very truly yours,
R. R. Slack, Director
Local Assessment Bureau"
Referred to Finance Committee.
The Clerk read a letter from Saint Anne Institute Inc. rela-
tive to increase of board rate effective December 1 from $9 to
$11 per week.
A notice from the Department of Health relative to the
deadline date of December 1 for the application for State Aid
to be received by that department was read by the Clerk.
Letters from the County Officers' Association relative to
assessment for membership for Tompkins County was read
by the Clerk.
Resolution No.151—Appropriation—Lowman. Money
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
168 November 13, 1947
Resolved, that there be levied upon and collected from the
taxable property of Tompkins County the sum of $28,110 for
the construction of highways in Tompkins County in 1948,
under the provisions of Section 111 of the Highway Law, said
sum of $28,110 to be duplicated by a like amount by the State
of New York, under the provisions of Section 112 of the High-
way Law, and be it further
Resolved, that in the event, that the State fails to duplicate
the sum of $28,110 that the monies herein appropriated be,
and the same hereby are appropriated to the County Road
Seconded by Mr. Scofield.
Ayes -11. Noes -0. Carried.
Special franchises from towns of Caroline, Danby, Enfield,
Groton and Newfield were received and referred to Commit-
tee on Town Officers' Accounts.
Dr. Ralph Low, Coroner, appeared before the Board and
read his 1947 yearly report which was received and placed
on file.
Minutes of monthly meeting of Monday, November 10, were
read and approved.
On motion adjourned to 3 p.m.
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Baker, Carey and
Vail, excused.
Dr. R. A. McKinney presented the report of the Bovine
Tuberculosis Committee relative to Tuberculosis and Bangs
Disease Control which report was placed on file.
The Clerk read a resolution adopted by the current Grand
Jury relative to the parking situation during court sessions.
A letter from Attorney Henry Shirey relative to a piece of
property on Floral Avenue was read by the clerk and referred
to the Tax Sale Committee.
On motion adjourned to Friday, November 14, at 10 a.m.
November 14, 1947 169
Friday, November 14, 1947
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Vail.
Minutes of November 13th meeting read and approved.
Resolution No. 152—Appropriationfor Dog tiWa.rden Ex-
- penses
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the Dog Warden be allowed not exceeding
$600 for his expenses in the year 1948 ; including telephone
tolls, dog food, ammunition, the occasional employment of an
assistant or witness, and mileage at the rate of eight cents per
mile ; all of such expenses to be paid out of the dog license
fund upon verified bills duly audited by this board.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker.
Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried.
Resolution No. 153—Appropriation for Physically Handi-
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
of $9,000.00 for physically handicapped children and adults
for the year 1948 as follows :
For Children $8,000
For Adults 1,000
Seconded by Mr. Loomis.
Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried.
170 November 14, 1947
Resolution No. 154 — Appropriation for Tuberculosis
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved,. that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
of $30,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary for the
maintenance and care of Tompkins County tuberculosis pa-
tients for the year 1948.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield.
Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried.
The Clerk read a bill received from the Conservation De-
partment relative to forest fires in town of Dryden, (Subdivi-
sion 3, Section 53, Conservation Law) . Said bill referred to
Mr. Downey, Supervisor of the town of Dryden.
Town Budget of the town of Caroline received and referred
to Committee on Finance.
Grand jury lists of the towns of Dryden, Newfield and
Ulysses received and referred to Committee on Courts and
Temporary Indebtedness of the towns of Caroline, Dryden,
Newfield and Village of Dryden received and filed.
Mr. Rottmann, Chairman of the Purchasing Committee,
submitted the following report from January 1 to December
1, 1947 :
— Appropriation $4,000.00
Disbursements 2,360.55
— Appropriation 2,500.00
Disbursements 2,441.46
$1,639.45 •
Balance 58.54
November 14:1947 171
—Appropriation 3,500.00
Disbursements 3,163.70
Water Rental—Appropriation 300.00
Disbursements 178.90
Balance 121.10
Total Appropriations $10,300.00
Total Disbursements 8,144.61
Total Balance $ 2,155.39
Respectfully submitted
November'14, 1947.
Resolution No. 155—Appropriation for Heat, Light and
Mr. Rottmann offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the report of the committee be accepted and
adopted, and be it further
Resolved, that there be levied upon and 'collected from the
taxable property of Tompkins County, the ,sum of $10,300.00
for the following purposes for the year 1948:
For Fuel—Co. Bldgs., in City of Ithaca $ 4,000.00
For Light—Co. Bldgs., in City of Ithaca 2,500.00
For Telephone Services 3,500.00
For Water Rentals 300.00
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun.
Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried.
172 November 14, 1947
Estimated expenses for the 1948 Budget for the Tompkins
County Veterans' Service Agency received and referred to
Committee on County Officers' Accounts.
Resolution No. 156—Appropriation for Administrative
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there_ be and hereby is appropriated the sums
hereinafter set forth for the items specified for the mainten-
ance of Administrative Buildings in the year 1948, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, thesame to be paid out only
upon verified bills duly audited by this board, to wit:
Old Court House—Repairs $ 200.00
Painting—County Buildings 600.00
Supplies and Miscellaneous Expenses—Co. Bldgs1,200.00
Court House and Jail—Repairs 1,000.00
Seconded by Mr. Loomis.
Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried.
Resolution No. 157—Appropriation for Highway Superin-
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sums
hereinafter set forth for the items specified for the Highway
Department in the year 1948:
Salary of Co.Supt $3,800+15%
Traveling Expenses 1,400
Office Expenses 200
Seconded by Mr. Carey.
Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried.
November 14, 1947 173
Resolution No. 158—Conveyance of Tax Sale Property in
the City of Ithaca
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Whereas, a parcel of land on Floral Avenue in the City of
Ithaca formerly assessed to William Parker bounded N by
Novidor, E by Harris, S by Taber and W. by Novidor was
acquired by the County at tax sale in 1932 for unpaid taxes
for the year 1931, and conveyed to the County by deed of the
County Treasurer dated Nov. 22, 1933, recorded in Book 235
of Deeds at page 12;'
And Whereas, taxes have been paid on said parcel since
1932, and the present owner Merrill F. Teeter has offered to
pay the sum of $9.63 for a quitclaim deed of the county's in-
terest in said parcel, that being the amount against it on the
records of the County Treasurer ;
Resolved, upon recommendation of the Tax Sale committee
that the said offer be accepted and that the Chairman of this
Board be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute
on behalf of the county a quitclaim deed of the county's in-
terest in said parcel and deliver the same to Merrill F. Teeter
upon payment to the County Treasurer of the said sum of
Seconded by Mr. Scofield.
Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried.
Resolution No. 159—County Highway Aid to Towns
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
of $27,000.00 to aid the towns in the improvement of dirt
roads, said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
to be expended under the same provisions and conditions as
provided by the resolution of the Board adopted December
31, 1930, as amended November 13, 1933, and be it further
Resolved, that there be allowed to each town the sum of
174 November 14, 1947
$1,500.00 per: mile for two miles of improved road, and be it
Resolved, that any town not completingin any one year the
two miles allotted to it as specified in the resolution as amend-
ed, such town or towns may complete the same the following
year and receive in addition to that year's allotment the
amount withheld from the previous year.
Seconded by Mr: Baker.
Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried.
Resolution No. 160—Appeal for Friendship Train Campaign
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Whereas, the Friendship Train Campaign is organized and
being conducted for the purpose of soliciting and collecting
contributions of food to relieve the suffering and starving
peoples of Europe,
Resolved, that this board hereby calls the attention of the
citizens of Tompkins County to this important and worth while
project and urges them to give a generous response to the
appeal of the Friendship Train Committee.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Dr. H. B. Sutton, Chairman of the Board, of Managers of
the Tompkins County Laboratory and Dr. Henry W. Ferris,
Director, appeared before the Board and Dr. Ferris submit-
ted the 1947 report for that department together with a yearly
report on the BloodBank, and the estimated budgets for 1948.
Said reports received and filed and his requests for appropria-
tions referred to Committee on Finance.
Discussion was had relative to Supervisors as members of
the County Laboratory Board of Managers. Mr. Carey moved
that Fred Rottmann continue in the capacity of a member of
the Board. of Managers of the Tompkins County Laboratory
until the expiration of his term.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker. Carried:
On motion adjourned to 2 -p.m.
November 14, 1947 175
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Vail ; Mr. Rott-
mann, excused.
County Sealer, Carl Roe submitted his annual report for
the year 1947 which was placed on file.
Resolution No. 161—Appropriation for County Investigator
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption:
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
of $500.00 for the County Investigator, pay to be at the rate
of seven dollars per day, and eight cents per mile for necessary
travel. Said bills to be audited and passed by the Board of
Supervisors in like manner as other county bills. Said investi-
gator to work under the supervision of the Board of Super-
visors and the County Attorney.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker.
Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried.
Resolution No. 162—Appointment of County Investigator
' Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that Louis D. Neill be named as the County'In-
vestigator for the year 1948.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker. Carried.
On motion adjourned until 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, November
18, 1947.
176 November 18, 1947
Tuesday, November 18, 1947
Roll call. All members present.
Minutes of November 14th meeting read and approved.
Dr. Spring submitted the proposed salaries and expenses of
Health Dept. for 1948.
Dr. Moore and Miss Van Cleef of the Public Health Com-
mittee appeared and submitted the final report of the Tomp-
kins County Public Health Committee from January 1 to June
30, 1947. Dr. Moore gave a resume of the tuberculosis and
health work during the past 17 years that he has been con-
nected with the work.
Grand Jury Lists from the towns of Danby, Ithaca, Lansing
and First Ward of the City of Ithaca were received and re-
ferred to Committee on Courts and Correction.
Bonded Indebtedness of the town of Ithaca was received and
Special Franchises of the towns of Ithaca and Ulysseswere
received and referred to Committee on Town Officers' Ac-
Reports of the Special Districts of the town of Ithaca were
received and referred to Committee on Finance.
The lease between the Board of Supervisors and the United
States of America relative to Veterans' Office in basement of
Court House was received for filing.
The final report of District Attorney, Arthur G. Adams,
from January 1 to July 1, 1947, was received and filed.
November 18, 1947 177
The Town Budget of the town of Enfield was received and
referred to Committee on Finance.
The annual report of the Commissioners of Election, with
the apportionment of Election Expenses by the County and
the several political subdivisions thereof was received and
referred to the Committee on Town Officers' Accounts.
On motion, adjourned to Friday, November 21st at 10 a.m.
and the balance of the afternoon was spent on committee
178 November 21, 1947
Friday, November 21, 1947
Roll call. All members present.
Minutes of November 18th meeting read and approved.
Attorney's James R. Robinson, Ben Sovocool and 'Henry
Shirey appeared in behalf of the Bar Association relative to
Law Library and suggested our County Building Committee
meet with their Library Committee to reach some decision.
Dr. Wm. C. Spring, Jr. the newly appointed County Health
Commissioner appointed July 1, 1947, under the new Tomp-
kins County Health Department, presented the quarterly
report of the health work.
Charles H. Newman, County Attorney, submitted a detailed
annual report of his work and a resume of the 1947 legislation
affecting counties and towns. Report received and filed.
The proposed contract for Board of Prisoners at the Onon-
daga County Penitentiary was, received and referred to the
Committee on Courts and Correction.
Special Franchises of the town of Dryden was received and
referred to the Committee on sTown Officers Accounts.
The Report of District Attorney Frederick B. Bryant, from
June 14th to November 18th, 1947, was received and filed.
Bonded Indebtedness of the City of Ithaca was received and
A report of the Special Districts of the Town of Dryden
was received and referred to the Committee on Finance.
A further estimate of the County Clerk for the year 1948
was received and filed.
November 21, 1947 179
Grand Jury List from the Town of Caroline was received
and referred to the Committee on Courts and Correction.
A request from the Sheriff of radio equipment to be in-
stalled in another car in his department was referred to spe-
cial committee on radio.
The estimate of expenses for the County Service Officer
was received and referred to the Committee on County Offi-
cers' Accounts.
Mr. Ozmun, Chairman of the Civil Service Committee, sub-
mitted the proposed minimum and maximum salary range
for the year 1948, the matter Left for discussion later in the
On motion adjourned to 1 :30 p.m.
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Baker, excused.
Resolution No. 163—Assistant Counsel for County Attorney
Mr. Loomis offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that County Attorney Newman be authorized to
employ an assistant counsel, of his own choice, for a period
of two weeks in a case for tax exemption in Supreme Court
which is of vital interest to the county.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Amos Strong of the Soil Conservation District and Merrill
Curry, Director, appeared and presented annual report of the
organization from January to November 1st. Said report
placed on file.
Resolution No. 164—Contract for Board of Prisoners
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
180 November 21, 1947
Resolved, that the contract for the board of prisoners as
submitted by the Board of Supervisors of Onondaga County,
be approved by this Board and that the Chairman be author-
ized and directed to execute the same for, and on behalf of,
Tompkins County.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker. Carried.
Resolution No. 165—Proposed Salary Range
Mr. Ozmun offered the following resloution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the proposed salary range be approved in
accordance with the following schedule :
Min. Max. Inc. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Clerk 1500 1800 60 1560 1620 1680 1740 1800
Senior Clerk 1900 2200 60 1960 2020 2080 2140 2200
Typist 1500 1800 60 1560 1620 1680 1740 1800
Senior Typist 1900 2200 60 1960 2020 2080 2140 2200
Stenographer 1500 1800 60 1560 1620 1680 1740 1800
Senior Stenographer 1900 2200 60 1960 2020 2080 2140 2200 Z
Telephone Operator 1500 1800 60 1560 1620 1680 1740 1800 0
Senior Account Clerk 2100 2400 60 2160 2220 2280 2340 2400 m
Bookkeeper 2300 2600 60 2360 2420 2480 2540 2600 3.
Surrogate Court Clerk 2300 2600 60 2360 2420 2480 2540 2600 c
Children's Court Clerk 1000 1300 60 1060 1120 1180 1240 1300 -'
Clerk, Board of Supervisors 2300 2600 60 2360 2420 2480 2540 2600 N
Deputy Clerk, Board of Supervisors 1900 2200 60 1960 2020 2080 2140 2200
Deputy County Clerk 2300 2600 60 2360 2420 2480 2540 2600
Case Worker 2200 2500 60 2260 2320 2380 2440 2500 40
Senior Case Worker 2400 2700 60 2460 2520 2580 2640 2700 4i
Case Supervisor B 2800 3100 60 2860 2920 2980 3040 3100
Probation Officer 1400 1700 60 1460 1520 1580 1640 1700
Veterans' Service Officer 2700 3000 60 2760 2820 2880 2940 3000
Assistant Veterans' Service Officer 1900 2200 60 1960 2020 2080 2140 2200
Welfare Home Manager 1300 1600 60 1360 1420 1480 1540 1600
Matron 900 1200 '60 960 1020 1080 1140 1200
Veterinarian 2400 ' Flat
County Librarian 2300 2600 60 2360 2420 2480 2540 2600
Sealer of Weights & Measures 1500 1800 60 1560 1620 1680 1740 1800
Dog Warden 2100 2400 60 2160 2220 2280 2340 2400
Min. Max. Inc. 1st 2nd 3rd 411, 5th
County Highway Superintendent 3800 + 15%=$4370
Cleaner 1600 1900 60. 1660 1720 1780 1840 1900
Assistant Steam Boiler Fireman 1700 2000 60 1760 1820 1880 1940 2000
Steam Boiler Fireman 1800 2100 60 1860 1920 1980 2040 2100 Z
Building Superintendent 2300 2600. 60 2360 2420 2480 2540 2600 0
Caretaker West Hill Property 800 Flat m
Accounting Supervisor—Grade B 2200 2500 60 2260 2320 2380 2440 2500 3
Director Veterans' Service Agency 3400 Flat e
County Health Commissioner 8000 Flat
Dental Hygienist 2100 2400 60 2160 2220 2280 2340 2400 N.
Stenographic Sec'y. (Office Manager) 2100 2400 60 2160 2220 2280 2340 2400
Public Health Nurse 2400 2700 60 2460 2520 2580 2640 2700
Director of Public Health Nursing - 3700 4200 100 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 .0
Sanitary Inspector 2200 2500 60 2260 2320 2380 2440 2500 V
Sanitary Veterinarian 3700 4200 100 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200
Senior Public Health Engineer 4700 5200 100 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200
Director—County Laboratory 8000 Flat
Senior Technician A 2700 3000 60 2760 2820 2880 2940 3000
Junior Technicians (2) 2000 2300 60 2060 2120 2180 2240 2300
Senior Technicians (2) 2400 2700 60 2460 2520 2580 2640 2700
Laboratory Helper 1700 2000 60 1760 1820 1880 1940 2000
Night Technician (Students) 240 -I- Maintenance
November 21, 1947 183 ,
Seconded by Mr. •Shoemaker.
A vote • being taken resulted as follows :
Ayes—Messrs. Snow, Loomis, Downey, Stevenson, Carey,
Scofield, Payne, Stone, Rottman, Shoemaker, and Ozmun.-11.
Noes—Messrs. Gordon, Vail -2. Mr. Baker, excused.
Resolution No. 166—Purchase of Additional Unit for Radio
Communication System
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved, that the Chairman of this Board be and he hereby
is authorized to execute a purchase order for the purchase
from the Motorola Company of one additional unit for the -
Radio Communications System for use in the Sheriff's Depart-
Seconded by Mr. Loomis. Carried.
Mr. Payne, Chairman of the Committee on Workmen's Com-
pensation Insurance, submitted the following report relative to
the compensation paid, and the expenses incurred in adminis-
tering the plan from November. 1, 1946, to October 31, 1947,
as $1662.67.
The distribution of said expense is as follows :
Compensation Paid $ 89-4.31
Cases over from Towns County Total
previous years $743.04 $ $743.04
during year 90.27 61.00 151.27
Medical Costs 469.50
Cases over from
previous years
Doctors 84.00 16.00 100.00
184 November 21, 1947
Cases reported
during year
Hospital 8.00 8.00
Doctors 109.00 252.50 361.50
Miscellaneous Costs of Cases 10.00
Cases over from
previous years 10.00 10.00
Cases reported
during year
Administrative Costs 267.06
State Assessments for administration
of Workmen's Compensation Insurance
Office Expenses 21.80
The total number of cases reportedin the year from Novem-
ber 1, 1946 to October 31, 1947, were 44, payments, being made
on 40 and the number of cases holding over from previous
years were 9.
Respectfully submitted
November 21, 1947
Resolution No. 167—Compensation Insurance Chargebacks
Mr. Payne offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Whereas, the Workmen's Compensation Insurance Com-
mittee, pursuant to the provision of Subdivision 3a of Section
50 of the Workmen's Compensation Law,has reported the
amount of the expenses incurred to be raised by taxation in
administering the plan of Workmen's Compensation Insur-
ance from November 1, 1946 to October 31, 1947, to be
Whereas, pursuant to said law said expense shall be appor-
November 21, 1947 185
tioned against the participating municipalities in the propor-
tion that the equalized valuation of each bears to the aggre-
gate valuation of all the participants, as set forth in the fol-
lowing schedule :
Participating Municipal
Corporations Valuations Apportionment's
County of Tompkins $66,933,059 $1,173.58
Caroline 981,912 17.21.
Danby 1,113,079 19.52
Dryden 4,247,340 74.48
Enfield 719,558 12.61
Groton 3,753,818 65.82
Ithaca 8,381,196 146.95
Lansing 3,195,801 56.03
Newfield 1,255,618 22.02
Ulysses 3,181,100 55.78
Dryden Village 734,216 12.87
Freeville Village 1 330,546 5.80
$94,827,243 $1,662.67
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the sum of $1173.58
set forth in the schedule above as apportioned to the County
of Tompkins shall be included in the general budget and levied
against the County of Tompkins, together with other taxes
levied in connection with the general budget; and be it fur-
Resolved, that in addition thereto; the amounts so appor-
tioned to each participating town in the foregoing schedule
shall be included in the next tax levy against the taxable prop-
erty of said towns respectively, and be it further
Resolved, that the Clerk of this Board shall transmit to the
clerk of each participating village a statement of the amount
apportioned thereto as shown in the said schedule, with the
request that the same be paid to the county treasurer.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Mr. Loomis, Chairman of the Committee on Town Offi-
cers' Accounts, submitted the following report of the com-
mittees relative to the report of the Commissioners of Elec-
tion pertaining to the election expenses for the year 1947.
186 November 21, 1947
To the Board of Supervisors,
Tompkins County, N.Y.
Your committee on Town Officers' Accounts reports that
it has examined the report of the Commissioners of Election
relative to the election expenses and believes the same to be
a true statement of the Election Expenses of the county for
the year 1947.
We recommend that the apportionment of Election Ex-
penses for the current year, as made by the Election Commis-
sioner be accepted and adopted by the Board, and that the
several sums charged to the county, city and towns be assessed
against, levied upon, and collected from the taxable property
of Tompkins County and the several towns and city therein,
as follows:
County of Tompkins $4,911.94
City of Ithaca 1,407.91
Town of Caroline 242.76
Town of Danby ' 161.94
Town of Dryden 485.52
Town of Enfield 161.93
Town of Groton 323.68
Town of Ithaca 323.68
Town of Lansing - 323.68
Town of Newfield 161.94
Town of Ulysses 242.76
Total for County $4,911.94
Total for City 1,407.91
Total for Towns 2,427.89
Dated, November 18, 1947.
, Committee
November 21, 1947 187
Resolution No. 168—Apportionment of Election Expenses
Mr. Loomis offered thefollowing resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the report of the Committee on Town Offi-
cers' Accounts, relative to the report of the Commissioners
of Election pertaining to the election expenses for the year
1947, be accepted. and that. the amounts therein mentioned be
Levied upon, and collected from the taxable property of Tomp-
kins County, and the several towns and city therein, liable
Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried.
Resolution No. 169—Appropriation for Farm and Home
and Home Bureaus and 4-H Club
Mr. Loomis offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated to the.
Tompkins County Farm and Home Bureau and 4-11 Club As-
sociation for the support and maintenance. in 1948 of
Agricultural work $5,000.00
Home Economics work 3,130.00
4-H Club Work 6,405.00
Seconded by Mr. Carey.
Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried.
Resolution No. 170—Manner of Payment to Farni and Home
Bureaus and 4-H Club Association
Mr. Loomis offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
directed to pay the amounts so appropriated to the treasurer
of the Tompkins County Farm and Home 'Bureau and 4-11
Club Association in four quarterly payments on the 15th day
of February, May, August and November, 1948.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
188 November 21, 1947
Resolution No. 171—Appropriation for Town Libraries
Mr. Loomis offered the following resolution and moved its,
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
of Three Hundred Dollars ($300) to each of the following
libraries of Newfield, Trumansburg, Dryden and Groton for
the year 1948, and that the County Treasurer be authorized
and directed to pay the sum of Three Hundred Dollars to each
of the following during the month of January, to wit:
The Newfield Library Association, Newfield, N.Y.
The Ulysses Philmathic Library, Trumansburg, N.Y.
The Southworth Library, Dryden, N.Y.
The Goodyear Memorial Library, Groton, N.Y.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker.
Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried.
Resolution No. 172—Appropriation for Cornell Library
Mr. Loomis offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated to the
Cornell Library Association the sum of Three Thousand Dol-
lars ($3000) and that the County Treasurer be directed to
pay said amount of Three Thousand Dollars to the Treasurer
of said Association in quarterly payments on the first days
of January, April, July and October, 1948.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker.
Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried.
Mr. Ozmun, Chairman of the Civil Service Committee, pre-
sented the following recommendation to the Finance Com-
mittee; that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of
One Hundred Dollars or so much as may be necessary for ex-
penses in the year 1948 properly chargeable to the county in
November. 21, 1947 189
connection with administration of civil service, the same to be
paid out only upon verified bills duly audited by this board.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker. -
Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried.
Resolution No. 173—Appropriation— Rural Traveling
Mr. Loomis offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated for sup-
port and maintenance of the Tompkins County Traveling
Library System in the year 1948, the sum of Five Thousand
Eight Hundred Sixty Dollars.
Seconded by Mr. Rottmann.
Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried.
The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Oliver, Administrator
of the hospital, enclosing copy of resolution adopted by the
Board of Trustees with respect to transfer of hospital facili-
ties to the County of Tompkins.
Discussion followed.
Moved by Mr. Carey, that the new hospital Board consist
of seven members.
Seconded by Mr. Vail.
A vote being taken resulted as follows :
Ayes—Messrs. Snow, Downey, Stevenson, Carey, Payne,
Stone, Rottmann, Vail and Ozmun-9.
Noes—Messrs. Gordon, Scofield and Shoemaker -3. Mr.
Loomis, excused. Carried.
On motion adjourned to Monday, November 24th at 10 a.m.
190 November 21, 1947
Monday, November 24, 1947
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Vail.
1Vlinutes of the meeting of November 21st read and ap-
Resolution No. 174—Contract for Elevator Service.
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, Tompkins County, through the Building Commit-
tee, has effected a contract with the Otis Elevator Company, as
of January 1, 1948, for servicing of elevator at the County
Jail, said servicing to be paid monthly, therefore be it
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
of $330.00 for said purpose to January 1, 1949, and the County
Treasurer is authorized to pay monthly to the Otis Elevator
Company the sum of $27.50.
Seconded by Mr. Baker. Ayes -13. Noes—O'.
List of Special Franchises of the Town of Lansing was re-
ceived and referred to the Town Officers' Accounts Committee.
Temporary Indebtedness of the Town of Lansing was re-
ceived and filed.
Town Budget of the Town of Lansing was received and re-
ferred to the Finance Committee.
Mr. Loomis, Chairman of the Cemmittee on Town Officers'
Accounts, submitted the following report relative to the valua-
tion of the Special Franchises of Tompkins County for the year
Your Committee on Town Officers. Accounts, reports the fol-
lowing to be a statement of all the Special Franchises of Tomp-
kins County, outside of the City of Ithaca, as reported by the
several Town Clerks of the respective towns of the county, for
the year 1947:
(Exclusive of the City of Ithaca)
Dryden Village
Groton Village .._
Cayuga Heights
$ 4,559
c -0
$ $
$ 33,368 $ 4,947
26,166 33,222
$ 485
Totals 1$ 7,576 $ 6,225$ 13,450
$ 6;566 $ 5,880 $ 599,914 $ 416,8731$ 485 $ 22,3371$
24$ 146
Dated November 24, 1947.
'yz aagwanoN
192 November 24, 1947
Moved by Mr. Loomis, that the report of the committee be
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Mr. Stevenson presented the following recommendation to
the Finance Committee ; that there be and hereby is appropri-
ated the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, for expenses in the year 1948 of the coun-
ty historian for historical purposes, pursuant to §1198 of the
Education Law, the same to be paid out only upon verified
bills duly audited by this board.
Seconded by Mr. Baker. Ayes -13. Noes—O.
Mr. Carey placed in nomination the name of Harvey Steven-
son as a member of the District Forest Practice Board for a
term of two years.
Seconded by Mr. Downey.
There being no further nominations, the Chairman declared
nominations closed and called for a vote; the result being
unanimous, the Chairman declared Harvey Stevenson as a
member of the District Forest Practice Board for a term of
two years.
Mr. Carey placed in nomination the names of Harry Morse,
Edward Marshall and Herbert Whittaker, as members of the
committee on Bovine Tuberculosis and Bangs Disease for the
year 1948.
Seconded by Mr. Snow.
There being no further nominations, the Chairman declared
nominations closed and called for a vote; the result being
unanimous, the Chairman declared Harry Morse, Edward
November 24, 1947 ',193
MarshalLand Herbert Whittaker'as members of the Committee
on Bovine Tuberculosis and Bangs Disease for the year 1948.
Mr: Carey placed in nomination the name of Harry Gordon
to succeed himself, as a representative of Board of Super-
visors on the Farm, Home and Junior Project Board for the
year 1948.
Seconded by Mr. Downey.
There being no further nominations,. the Chairman de-
clared nominations closed and called for a vote ; the result
being unanimous, the Chairman declared the above named
duly appointed.
Mr. Rottmann placed . in nomination ` the names of Carl
Vail and Charles -Downey; to succeed themselves, as members
of the board of directors of the Tompkins County Soil Con-
servation. District for termy of .one year from January 1,
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker.
There being no further nominations, the Chairman declared
nominations closed and called for .;a' -vote; the result being
unanimous the Chairman declared. Messrs. -V,ail and Downey
as representatives on the Soil Conservation Committee.
Resolution No. 175—Appropriation for Committee. on £o-
vine Tuberculosis
Mr. Carey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby :is appropriated the sum
of $5,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary for the
eradication or control of bovine tuberculosis, Bangs Disease
or other infectious or communicable diseases affecting domes-
tic animals and fowls in the year 1948 and the County Treas-
urer is hereby authorized and directed to pay moneys so
appropriated upon the written order of the Committee on
Bovine Tuberculosis and Bangs Disease signed by the .repre-
194 November 24, 1947
sentative of the board on said committee provided however,
that all 'bills. for expenses' incurred other than salaries .shall
be audited by the board.
Seconded by Mr. Snow. Ayes -13. Noes -O.
Resolution No. 176—Reappropriation to Snow Removal Ac-
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved, upon recommendation of the County Superin-
tendent that there be and hereby is reappropriated from the
snow and :ice, control funds $30,000 to be expended under the
supervision of the county superintendent for snow removal
on state ° highways during the year 1947-1948.
Seconded by Mr. 'Snow. , Ayes -13. Noes—O.
Resolution No. 177 -Purchase of Highway Machinerj
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
Resolved, that the. County Superintendent be and he hereby
is authorized to purchase an Austin Western Roller at a
price .not to exceed $7500 less trade in of old roller at a price
of• about $1200.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield.
Moved by Mr. Baker that the appropriation for County
Laboratory and Blood Bank be presented separately by the
proper committee.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
November 24, 1947 195
Resolution No. 178—Appropriation for County Laboratory
Mr. Baker offered the following resolution and 'moved its
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated for the
maintenance of the Tompkins County Laboratory for the.
year 1948 the sum of $40,475.00 as. follows :
Director $ 8,000.00
Senior Technician 3,000.00
2 Senior Technicians each @ $2700 5,400.00
Junior Technician 2,300.00
Junior Technician 2,060.00
Junior Technician 2,000.00
Senior Account Clerk 2,400.00
Laboratory Helper 1,760.00
Night Technician (Students) 480.00
Vacation and Miscellaneous 1,500.00'"
Supplies and Miscellaneous Expenses 11,575.00'
And Be It Further Resolved, that the County Treasurer be
and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay all bills, ac-
counts, salaries and wages'which are approved by the director
:of said laboratory within the amount of the appropriations
Seconded by Mr. Loomis. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried.
Resolution No.179—Appropriation for Blood Bank
Mr. Gordon offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated for the
maintenance of the Blood Bank for the year 1948 the sum of
$7,830.00 as follows:
Senior Laboratory Technician $2,580.00
Junior Laboratory Technician 2,000.00
Supplies and New Equipment 3,250.00
196 November 24, 1947
And Be It Further Resolved, that the County Treasurer be
and he hereby is authorized and directed to pay all bills, ac-
counts, salaries and wages which are approved by the director
of said laboratory within the amount of the appropriation
Seconded by Mr. Baker. Ayes -13. Noes -0.
Mr.. Baker placed in nomination the names of Eugenia Van
Cleef and B. F. Sovocool as members of the Board of Man-
agers of the Tompkins County Laboratory, for a term of five
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker.
There ' being no further nominations, the Chairman de-
clared nominations° closed and called for a vote; the result
being unanimous, the Chairman declared Eugenia Van Cleef
and B. F. Sovocool members "of the Board of Managers of
the Tompkins County Laboratory, for a term of five years.
On motion, adjourned until 2 :00 p.m.
Roll call. All members present.
The Republican Members of the Board of Supervisors pur-
suant to §20 of the County Law presented their designation
of the Ithaca Journal as the official organ to publish con-
current resolutions and all legal notices required to be pub-
lished by the County for the year 1948. '
The Democratic Members of the Board of Supervisors pur-
suant .to §20 of the County Law presented their designation
of the Groton Journal & Courier as the official organ to pub-
lish concurrent resolutions and all legal notices required to
be published by the County for the year 1948.
Resolution No. 180—Adoption of County Health District
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the following budget for the County Health
November 24, 1947 197
District totaling $91,080 per annum, as recommended by the
President of the Board of Health, be and the same hereby is
approved and adopted for the year 1948.
Personal Services Per Annum
County Health Commissioner $ 8,000.00
Director of Public Health Nursing 3,700.00
Staff Nurses
4 @ $2700 10,800.00
1 @ $2580 2,580.00
3 @ $2400 7,200.00
Senior Public Health Engineer 4,800.00
Sanitary Inspector (1) 2,500.00
(2) 2,400.00
(3) 2,200.00
Sanitarian Veterinarian 4,000.00
Dental Hygienist 2,200.00,
Stenographic Sec'y. (Office Mgr:) 2,300.00
Senior Stenographer 2,100.00
Steno/Clerk (Typist) 4 @ $1800 7,200.00
Part-time Local Health Officer 750.00
Dental.Clinic-80 @ $20.00 1,600.00
Child Health Conferences -100 @ $30_ 3,000.00
Private Practitioners (V.D.) 1,000.00
Maintenance and Operation
Malaria Control $ 3,000.00
Travel Expense 10,000.00
Rent 3,750.00
Equipment 3,000.00
Other Maint. & Operation 2,500.00
Contingent Fund 500.00
Total Operating Costs
Personal Services $68,330.00
Maintenance & Operation 22,750.00
And Be It Further Resolved, that the County Treasurer be
authorized and directed to pay to the "County Health Dis-
trict" the sum of $91,080, the same to be available from and
after January 1, 1948, and to- be paid out upon warrants by
198 November 24, 1947
the Board of Health after audit by said board, except that
salaries within the budgeted amount and certified by the
County Health Commissioner shall be paid in the same man-
ner that other salaries are paid.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon.
Ayes—Messrs. Snow, Downey, .Stevenson, Carey, Gordon,
Scofield, Payne, Stone, Rottmann, Baker, Shoemaker, Vail
and Ozmun-13.
Noes—Mr. Loomis -1. Carried. ,
Moved by Mr. Gordon that the Dog Quarantine Committee
be empowered to contact the Clerks of the adjoining counties
relative to means arid methods of rabies control. Seconded by
Mr. Baker. Carried.
On motion, meeting adjourned until 10 :00 a.m. November
26th. '
November 26, 1947
Wednesday, November 26,1947
• 1.99
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Rottmann, ex-
cused, Mr. Vail, absent.
Minutes of November 24th meeting read and approved.
Town Budgets from the towns of Danby and Newfield re-
ceived and referred to .the Finance Committee.
Resolution No. 181—Additional Proposed Salary Range
Mr. Ozmun- offered the following resolution andmoved its.
adoption :
Resolved, that the proposed salary range be approved in
accordance with the following schedule:
County ' Judge and Surrogate' $ 5,000.00
Judge of Children's Court 1,500.00
Special County. Judge and Surrogate 600.00
County Clerk 3,600.00 .
County Attorney 4,000.00
County Treasurer—$2800 + 15% 3,420.00
District Attorney' 2,600.00
Commissioner of Welfare—$2800 -f- 15% 3,420.00
Coroner. 900.00
Commissioners of Election 1,300.00 ,
Sheriff 5,000.00
Undersheriff 2,900.00
'Deputies 2,500.00
Emergency Deputy Sheriff 800.00
. Night . Turnkey 1,500.00
Matron, filing, bookwork, supv. kitchen and
deputy sheriff 2,000.00
Assistant Matron 700.00
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker.
Discussion followed.
200 November 26, 1947
Moved by Mr. Downey that the salary of the sheriff be
amended to read $4500 instead of $5000.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis.
Ayes—Messrs. Loomis, Downey, Stevenson, Carey, Gordon,
Payne, Stone,: and Baker -8.
Noes—Messrs. Snow, Scofield, Shoemaker and Ozmun-4.
A vote being taken on the original as amended resulted as
follows :
Ayes—Messrs: Loomis, Downey, Stevenson, Carey, Gordon,
Payne, Stone, and Baker -8.
Noes—Messrs: Snow, Scofield, Shoemaker . and Ozmun-4.
Resolution No. 182—Adoption of Salam Report
Mr. Ozmun, Chairman of the Salaries and Wages Commit-
tee, moved that the following schedule -be adopted as the sal-
- ary list for the year 1948:
County Judge and Surrogate $ 5,000.00 -
Judge of Children's Court - 1,500.00
Special County Judge and Surrogate 600.00
Senior Stenographer (Co. Judge and Surrogate) 2,020.00
• Surrogate's Court Clerk 2,600.00
' Clerk of Children's Court 1,300.00
= County Probation Officer ' 1,700.00
Senior Stenographer (Children's Ct. &
Probation Office) 2,020.00
County Clerk 3,600.00
Deputy County Clerk 2,600.00
Assistants in County, Clerk's Office—
Senior Typist (Search Clerk) 2,200.00
Senior Typist (Search Clerk) 2,200.00
Senior Typist (Asst. Search Clerk) 2,200.00
Senior Typist (Recording Clerk) 2,200.00
November 26, 1947 201
Senior Typist (Court Work) 2,200.00
Senior Typist (Photostat Operator) 2,200.00
Senior Typist (Asst. Photostat and Records) 4,900.00
Senior Typist (Index and Records) 2,020.00
Typist (Alphabetical Index) 1,560.00
Senior Account Clerk (Mot.Veh.Clk.) 2,340.00
Senior Typist (Asst) 2,080.00
Senior Typist 1,900.00
County Attorney 4,000.00
Stenographer (Part time •Co. Atty) 1,000.00.
County Treasurer—$2800 ± 15% 3,420.00
Bookkeeper 2,600.00
Clerk Hire for County Treasurer—
Senior Account Clerk (Tax Clerk) 2,400.00
Typist (Asst. Clerk) 1,800.00
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 2,600.00
Deputy Clerk—Board of Supervisors 2,080.00
District ,Attorney 2,600.00
Senior Stenographer (Dist. Atty) 1,000.00
Commissioner of Welfare—$2800 + 15% 3,420.00
Coroner 900.00
Sealer of Weights and Measures 1,800.00.
Commissioners of Election Office -2 @ $1300 2,600.00
Superintendent of Highways=$3800 + 15% 4,370.00
Sheriff 4,500.00
Undersheriff 2,900.00
Deputies -4 @ 52500 ea. 10,000.00
Emergency Deputy Sheriff 800.00
Night Turnkey 1,500.00
Matron, filing, bookwork, supv. kitchen and
deputy sheriff 2,000.00
Assistant Matron . 700.00
Superintendent of Court House and Jail 2,600.00
Fireman 2.100.00
Assistant Fireman 1,940.00
Cleaner -2 @ 51900; 1 @ $1780 5,580.00
Telephone Operator 1,800.00
Veteran Service Officer 3,000.00
Assistant Veterans Service Officer 2,200.00'
Stenographer 1,800.00,
Director Veterans Service Agency 3,400.00
Stenographer 1,620.00
.Total for County. Officers and Employees $132,970.00
Your Committee recommends that the salaries of the sev-
202 November 26, 1947
eral county officers and employees be fixed by this Board at
the foregoing amounts and that all fees received by thesheriff
in the performance of his duties be turned over to the county.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield.
Mr. Stevenson moved as an amendment that the deputies
in the sheriff's department be decreased from 4 to 3.
Seconded by Mr. Downey.
Ayes—Messrs. Loomis, Downey, Stevenson, Carey, Gordon,'
• Payne and Stone -7.
Noes—Messrs. Snow, Scofield, Baker, Shoemaker and Oz •
Amendment lost.
A vote being taken upon the original resulted as follows:
Ayes -Messrs. Snow, Loomis, Downey, Scofield, Payne,
Stone, Baker, Shoemaker and Ozmun-9.
Noes—Messrs. Stevenson, Carey and Gordon -3.
Onmotion adjourned until 2:30 p.m.
Roll call. All members present .except Mr. Rottmann and
Mr. Baker, excused; Mr. Vail absent.
Resolution No.183—Date for Signing Tax Warrants
Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its ad-
WHEREAS, by the provisions of Section 59 of the Tax Law,
as amended, the Board of Supervisors' of a county, not em-
bracing a portion of the forest preserve, on or before Decem-
' November.26, 1947 203
ber 15, in each, year, or such date as may be designated by a
resolution of the Board of Supervisors, not later, however,
than the' fifteenth day of January of each year, shall ahnex
to the tax roll a warrant, under the seal of the Board, signed
by the Chairman and Clerk of the Board, commanding the
collector of each tax district to,whom the same is directed, to
collect from the several persons named inthe tax roll, the
several sums mentioned in the last column thereof, opposite
their respective names, on or before the first day of the fol-
lowing May, where the same is annexed after the 15th day of
December, and
WHEREAS, it is impossible for. the Board of Supervisors of
Tompkins County, to so annex a warrant.on or before Decem-
ber 15th, therefore be it
Resolved, that this Board, designate December 24, 1947, as
the date on which shall be annexed tothe tax roll, the above
warrant as specified in said Section 59 of the Tax Law, as
amended, commanding the .collector of each tax district to
whom the same is directed, to collect from the several per-
sons named in said tax roll, the several sums mentioned in the
last column thereof, opposite their respective names, on or
before the first day of May, 1948, and commanding said col-
lector to pay over on or before the first day of May, 1948, `if
he 'be a collector of a city, or a division thereof, all moneys so
collected by him appearing on saidroll, to the Treasurer of
the County or if he be the collector of a town, to the Super-
visor thereof and . to the. County Treasurer, as provided by
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Resolution No. 184—Appropriation for Soil Conservation
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its.
Resolved, that there be .and hereby is appropriated for the
year -1948 the sum of $300.00 for the expenses of the Soil Con-
servation District, including mileage of directors at the rate
of eight cents per mile, and the County Treasurer is hereby
authorized and directed to pay the same upon ,verified, bills
duly authorized by this, Board, but it is expressly provided
204 November 26, 1947
that all directors of said District shall serve without compen-
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun.
Ayes -11. ' Noes -0. Carried.
Mr. Carey placed in nomination the name of Carleton Kintz
as a member of the Board of Directors of the Tompkins County
Soil Conservation District fora term of three years.
Seconded by Mr. Gordon.
There being no further nominations, the Chairman declared
nominations closed and called for a vote ; the ' result being
unanimous, the Chairman declared Carleton Kintz as a mem-
ber of the Board of Directors of the Soil Conservation District
for a term of three years.
Mr. Shoemaker placed in nomination the name of Eugenia
Van Cleef to .succeed herself as a member of the Tompkins
County Board of Health for a ..term of six years and Harvey
Stevenson as a member for one year.
Seconded by Mr. Carey.
There being no further nominations, the Chairman declared
nominations closed and called 'for a vote; the result being
unanimous, the Chairman declared Eugenia Van. Cleef as a
member of the Tompkins County Board of Health for six years
and Harvey Stevenson. for one year.
On motion adjourned to Friday, November 28th at 10:00
a.m. ,
November 28, 1947 205
Friday, November 28, 1947
Roll call. All .members present except Mr. Vail.
Bonded Indebtedness of the Town of Ulysses received and
A list of Grand Jurors for the Third Ward of the City of
Ithaca received and referred to Committee on Courts and
Resolution No. 185—Appropriation for Highway Mainten-
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated from the
County Road Fund for maintenance of highways in 1948 the
sum of $125,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary,
and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed
to pay the same upon order of the County Superintendent.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
On motion adjourned to 1 :30 p.m.
The balance of the forenoon was taken up with committee
Roll call. All members present.
Mr. Richard Putney, member of the Tompkins County Agri-
cultural and Horticultural Society appeared before the Board,
submitting a report of that organization for the year 1947 and
206 November" 28, 1947
requested the Board to consider a $2,000 appropriation to be
included in the county budget for. 1948.
Said matter referred to Finance Committee.
Resolution No. 186—Appropriation to Welfare Department
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated for the
poor fund for 1948 the following amounts as designated:
Hospitalization, Burials, etc. $10,000.00
Foster Homes (Including City) 77,000.00
Office Expenses 1,800.00
Travel Expenses and Miscellaneous 3,000.00
Commissioner's Revolving Fund 25.00
Home Relief (Towns only) 16,000.00
ADC (Includes City) 99,000.00
Aid to Blind (Includes .City) 8,500.00
City Revolving Fund -(ADC, Blind,
Child Wel.)
Relief Advance 5,500.00
Salaries 10,500.00
Burials 400.00 $231,725.00
And Be It Further Resolved, that the item of Home Relief
be assessed, levied upon and collected from. the nine towns.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun.
Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried.
Resolution No. 187—Appropriation for Old Age Assistance
Mr. Scofield offered the .following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
November 28, 1947 207
of $171,800 for oldage assistance for 1948 divided as follows :
Grants $157,000.00
Burials 5,000.00
Salaries 9,800.00
• $171,800.00
And Be It Further Resolved, thatthe same be assessed
against, levied upon and collected from the nine towns of
Tompkins County.
Seconded by Mr. Downey.
Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried.
Mr. Scofield, Chairman of the Public Welfare Committee,
presented the, estimated budget of the Welfare Department
relative to the County Home and Farm and recommended to
,the Finance Committee as follows :
Salary of Superintendent $ 1,600.00
Salary of Matron 1,200.00
'Other Salaries & Compensation 1,200.00
Other Administrative Expenses 500.00
Salary Fireman 300.00
New Furnishings, etc. 200.00
Fuel, Light and Power 3,600.00
Renewal of Equipment 500.00
Repairs, Alterations, etc. 800.00
Other Building Expenses' 500.00
Salary,. Physician and Attendants 3,600.00 '
Food, Clothing and Supplies 5,200.00
Miscellaneous Farm Labor Expense 400.00
Salaries Farm Employees 1,800.00
Live Stock 400.00
Feed, . Gasoline Fertilizer, etc. 2,500.00
Farm Equipment and Repairs 600.00
Repairs, etc. Farm Bldgs. 1,000.00
The Clerk announced the receipt of certified copies of the
resolutions adopted on November 25, 1947, in Special Session
by the_ Board of Public Works and the Common Council -of the
208 - November 28, 1947
City of Ithaca regarding the transfer of city -owned property
to the County of Tompkins in connection with the proposed
new County Public General Hospital.
Resolution No. 188—Final Approval of Agreement with
Tompkins County Memorial Hospital
and City of Ithaca
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 149 adopted on November 1.0,
1947, this Board approved, upon certain conditions, an agree-
ment with the Tompkins County Memorial Hospital and the
City of Ithaca for the operation of the hospital by the county;
AND WHEREAS, the said conditions have been met, and -the
said agreement as- drawn by the County Attorney and ap-
pended hereto, has' been duly approved by the membership of
the Tompkins County Memorial Hospital, by the Trustees of
said hospital .and by the Common Council of the City of
Ithaca ;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the said agreement'
be and the same hereby is in all respects approved by this
Board, and that the Chairman of this Board be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of
the County of Tompkins.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun.
Ayes—Messrs. Snow, Loomis, Downey, Stevenson, Carey,
S ofield, Payne, Stone, Rottmann, Shoemaker, Vail and Ozmun
oes—Messrs. Gordon and Baker -2.
November 28, 1947 209
Agreement -
Made as of the 10th day of November, 1947,.by and be-
a domestic membership corporation having its principal place
of business in the City of Ithaca, County of Tompkins and
State of New York, hereinafter referred tows the "corpora-
tion," party of the first part, the COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, a
municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State
of New York, hereinafter referred to as the "county," party
of the second part, andthe CITY OF ITHACA, a municipal
corporation of the State of New York, hereinafter referred
to as the `.`city," party of the third part.
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp-
kins has heretofore duly adopted a resolution , pursuant to
Section 126 of the General Municipal Law for the establish-
ment of a public general hospital for the care and treatment
of the sick, and has agreed to provide as soon as practicable a
new building or buildings to house the same, including ac-
commodations for chronic and convalescent care, quarters for.
the county laboratory and the county health department; and
WHEREAS, all parties hereto recognize that the construction
of the proposed new county hospital unit in the near future
is impracticable due to unusual economic conditions, the high'
prices of labor and materials, and the fact that federal aid
for such construction is not immediately available; and
WHEREAS, the party of the first part now owns and operates
a hospital on South Quarry Street in the City of Ithaca in said
county, and it is the desire and intent of the party of the first
part to turn over and transfer to the party of the second part
the administration and operation of the said hospital from and
after January 1, 1948 ; and whereas the Board of Supervisors.
of the party of the second part has agreed,' subject to the
approval of the State Department of Health, and upon certain
specified conditions, to take over the said hospital and admin-
ister and operate the same as a county public general hospi-
tal, without changing the name thereof, for a temporary period
until the proposed new hospital building is completed and
available for use; and
WHEREAS, the party of the third part holds the title to two
.210 November 28, 1947
certain portions of. the lands and buildings now used as. inte-
gral parts of the said hospital, to wit :
(1) A parcel of land conveyed to the City by deed of the
Ithaca City Hospital dated September 16, 1925, recorded in
the Tompkins County Clerk's office in Book 210 of Deeds at
page 287, upon which the said City has heretofore constructed
what is known as the Contagious Ward of said hospital, and
which wing is now being administered by the Tompkins
County Memorial Hospital under an agreement with the City
dated October 10, 1945; and (2) a parcel of land conveyed
to the City by deed of the Tompkins County Memorial Hospi-
tal dated July 15,.1938, and recorded in Book 248 of Deeds at
page 232, executed and delivered pursuant to an order of the
Supreme Court dated July 13, 1938 and filed in the Tompkins
• County Clerk's office on August 1, 1938, upon which parcel
there was constructed, under the sponsorship of the City of
Ithaca, what is known as the Maternity Wing of said hospi-
tal ; and whereas the party of the third part has or may have
title to certain fixtures, furniture and equipment, now being
used in connection with the operation of said hospital ; and ,
WHEREAS, one of the conditions to such an arrangement im-
posed by the Board of Supervisors of the party of the second
' part is the ultimate transfer from the parties of the first and
third part to the party of the second part of the buildings and
equipment now used and known as the Tompkins -County
Memorial Hospital, and the lands upon which said hospital
is situate, or the proceeds therefrom, the same to be used by
the County of Tompkins as an offset to the County's share of
the cost of the proposed new hospital ; and the parties have
agreed to do and perform all acts which may be reasonably
required to effectuate the intent of the parties and facilitate
the transition and the transfer of the administration of the
existing hospital from the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins
County. Memorial Hospital to a Board of Managers to be ap-
pointed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp-
kins, to the end that the needs of the community. for hospital
services shall continue to be served in the best possible man -
(1) That on January 1, 1948, or on such later date as
may be set by the State Department of Health if such depart-
November 28, 1947 ' 211
ment does not approve the transfer on saiddate, the posses-
sion, administration, control and operation of what now con-
stitutes the Tompkins County Memorial Hospital shall be
transferred from the Board of Trustees of the Tompkins
County Memorial Hospital to the Board of Managers of the
Tompkins. County Public General Hospital, and in connection
therewith there shall, be transferred and assigned by the par-
ties of the first and third part to the party of the second part
all inventories. of supplies and all machinery, 'equipment, fur-
niture, instruments, accessories and ambulances now owned
by the parties of the first and third part .andused or avail-
able for use in connection with the operation of said hospital,
and all other items of personal property so owned and used.
(2) That on or before January 1, 1948, the party of the
first part shall execute and acknowledge iri proper forms for
recording, a good and sufficient warranty deed running from
the Tompkins County Memorial Hospital to the County of
Tompkins of all those tracts or parcels of land, with the build-
ings and improvements thereon, situate in the City of Ithaca,
County of Tompkins, and State of New York, more particu-
larly bounded and described. as follows :
Parcel A :=Commencing at a point in the southerly line of
Ferris Place at the east line of the approach to the bridge over
Six Mile Creek, which is also the westerly corner of lands
conveyed to Ithaca City Hospital by Driscoll Land Co. by deed
dated August 30, 1911, and recorded in the Tompkins County
Clerk's Office on the same day in Liber 176 of Deeds at page
81, changed' or modified by an agreement between Robert H.
Treman and wife, Driscoll Land Co. and Ithaca City Hospital,
dated May 9, 1917, . and recorded June 8, 1917 in Liber 187
of Deeds at page 406; running thence northeasterly along the
southerly line of Ferris Place to its intersection with the
southerly line of property conveyed to the City of Ithaca by
Ithaca City Hospital by deed dated February 18, 1926, and
recorded March 16, 1926, in the Tompkins County Clerk's Of-
fice in Liber 193. of Deeds at page 458, and now used as a
street; running thence easterly along the curved southerly
line of the property so deeded to said City of Ithaca 267 feet,
more or less to the southeasterly corner thereof ; thence north-
westerly along said City parcel 82.1: feet to the westerly corner
of lands deeded to Ithaca City Hospital by, Sarah H: Edwards
by deed dated August 7, 1911 and recorded in the Tompkins
County Clerk's Office on September 1, 1911,.in Liber 177 of
Deeds at page 171 ; "thence northeasterly at right 'angles with
November 28, 1947
the southerly line of East State Street 115 feet to a pipe.
Thence southeasterly parallel to the southerly line of East
State Street 250 feet; thence southwesterly at right angles
to the southerly line of East State Street 50 feet; thence south-
easterly parallel to the southerly line of East State Street 155.
feet to a pipe at the corner of a wall ; thence southwesterly
along the northwesterly line of the "Valentine Tract" so called,
120 feet to the old corporation line of the Village of Ithaca,
which is also the east line of, great lot #94; thence south along
said line 94.5 feet to the southeasterly corner of lands con-
veyed to Ithaca City Hospital by Driscoll Land Company by
deed dated August 2, 1913 and recorded in the Tompkins
County Clerk's Office on August 4, 1913, in Liber 180 of Deeds
at page 533 ; thence in a southwesterly directionalong the
southerly line of the land so conveyed to the westerly boun-
dary thereof as fixed by the aforesaid agreement between
Robert H. Treman and wife, Driscoll. Land Co. and Ithaca
City Hospital; thence north 22° west along the said line 225
feet more or less to a pipe; thence north 44° west along the
said. line 300.3 feet to the place of beginning.
Excepting from the above described parcel of land, a small
irregular piece of land conveyed by Ithaca. City Hospital to
the City of Ithaca by deed dated September 16, 1925, and re-
corded in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office on February
18, 1926, in Liber 210 of Deeds at page 287, and known as the
"Contagious Ward" to which deed reference is hereby made
for a more particular description thereof. There isalso ex-
cepted the right of way conveyed to the City of Ithaca by the
said deed, from said Contagious Ward to South Quarry Street.
Also excepting from the above described parcel of land, a small
irregular piece of land conveyed by Tompkins County Memor-
ial Hospital to the City of Ithaca by deed dated July 15, 1938
and recorded in said Clerk's Office in Liber 248 of Deeds at
page 232,' and known as the "Maternity Wing" to which deed
reference is hereby made for a more particular description
Parcel B. Commencing at a pipe at the intersection of the
southeasterly line of Valentine Place and the northeasterly
line of the 4th parcel of land conveyed to Ithaca City Hospital
\ by Walter L. Williams and wife by deed dated July 1, 1922
and recorded on the same day in the Tompkins County Clerk's
Office in Liber 200 of Deeds at page 463 ; running thence south
44° 45' east 163 feet to a pin; thence north 45° 15' east 20
feet to a pipe at the corner of a wall; thence southeasterly
November 28, 1947 213
along the northeasterly line of the second parcel of .property
deeded by said Williams to said Hospital by the above-men-
tioned deed 120 feet to a pipe; thence south 45° 15' west along
the southeasterly boundary of said second parcel to the south-
westerly boundary thereof, ,said line passing _through a pipe
at 267 feet and extending approximately to the top of the cliff •
along the Six Mile Creek Gorge; thence in a westerly direc-
tion along the ,southerly boundary of the second and third
parcels described' in the aforementioned deed, which line runs
approximately along the top of the said cliff, and in the boun-
dary line, between Military Lots #94 and #95 ; thence north-
erly along said. boundary line 394 feet more or less to the
northerly line of. land deeded to Ithaca. Memorial Hospital by
John E. Teeple and wife by deed dated October 23, 1929, and,
recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office on December
27, 1929, 'in Liber 219 of Deeds at page 516. Thence north 45
degrees 15 minutes east about 330 feet to the southwesterly
line of Woodcock Street; thence southeasterly along the said
southwesterly line of said Woodcock Street 100 feet to a pipe;
thence south 45 degrees 15 minutes west 148.3 feet to a, pin ;
thence south 44 degrees 45 minutes east 111.2 feet to a pipe
in the northwesterly line of Valentine Place ; thence south 34
degrees 42 minutes west 81.4 feet along said Valentine Place ;
thence south 55 -degrees 18 minutes east 50 feet to the south-
easterly line of Valentine Place; thence north 34 degrees 42
minutes east along said .Valentine Place 185.1 feet to the
point or place of beginning, all of the foregoing being more
or less. Together with a right of way over the extension of
Valentine Place as more- particularly described in the afore-
mentioned deed from Williams to Ithaca City Hospital; re-
corded in Liber 200 of . Deeds at page 463. And also a right-
of way over the extension sof Valentine Place as more par-
ticularly described in a deed from Driscoll Bros. & Company.
to Ithaca Memorial Hospital, recorded in Liber 213 of Deeds
at page 346. Subject to a right of way from Valentine Place
easterly to and 'affording access to the rear of the premises
lying northeasterly on the above described parcel and adjoin-
ing the first course thereof, as more particularly described in
the said deed from Williams to Ithaca City Hospital; subject
also to the right to maintain a cesspool and connections thereto
as reserved in the said deed from Williams to Ithaca City
Hospital. -
Parcel A and Parcel B above described are more particu-
larly shown on a map of "Ithaca Memorial Hospital Land"
prepared by Carl Crandall, C.E., and dated October 20, 1931.
1 214
November 28, 1947
Parcel A above described is _also subject to whatever right
of way may exist in favor of John L. Driscoll, his 'heirs or
assigns, over, and through Woodcock'. Street to Quarry Street,
as mentioned in the deed from. Driscoll Land Co. to the Ithaca
City Hospital, recorded in Liber 176 of Deeds at page 81.
Parcel B above: described is subject to the rights,tolay water
mains across the said. premises as mentioned in two agree-
ments,_ one between W. L. Williams and Ithaca Water Works
Co., recorded in Liber 162 of Deeds at page, 140 ; and one be-
tween Driscoll Bros. & Co., and Ithaca Water Works Co., re-
corded in Liber 162 of . Deeds at, page 138. Also, all other
lands. belonging to the Tompkins County _Memorial Hospital,
if any, which are a part of' the present hospital site and which
may have been omitted from the foregoing descriptions by
There shall be included 'with the conveyance all fixtures,
apparatus, machinery, fittings, awnings, shades, screens and
other equipment contained in said premises belonging to the
.party of the first part and used in connection with the opera-
tion of said premises, insofar as the same have not been.
previously transferred.
(3) That the parties of the first and third part . hereby
agree to the'termination of the agreementsbetween the parties
of the' first and third part, dated Sepember 16, 1925, April 5,
• 1939, and October ,10, 1945, respecting ,the operation of the
Maternity Whig and Contagious Ward, such termination to
be effective January 1, 1948, or on such later date as the
transfer of the administration of- said hospital to the county
shall take place.
(4)' That, on or before January 1, 1948, the party of the
third part shall execute and acknowledge, in proper form for
recording, a good and sufficient Covenant Against Grantor
Deed, running from the City of Ithaca to the County of Tomp-
kins, conveying all the right, title and interest of the party of
the third part in and to all that tract or parcel of land, with
the buildings and' improvements thereon, situate in the City
of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, and State of- New York, more
particularly bounded and :described as .follows :
1Beginning at a point at the southerly -wall of the building
'known as _ the southeast pavilion of the Ithaca City Hospital
3 feet and 6 inches westerly from the southeasterly corner
November 28, 1947 215
thereof ; thence west along the present wall of said southeast
pavilion 33 feet; thence south at right angles to said wall 50
feet 4 inches; thence west at right angles 7 feet; thence south
at right angles 34 feet; thence east at right, angles 11 feet 2
inches; thence south at right angles 11 feet; thence east at
right angles 7 feet; thence south at right angles 23 feet 6
inches; thence east at right angles 61 feet 10 inches; thence
north at right angles 50 feet 1 inch ; thence east .at right
angles 7 feet; thence north at right angles 57 feet; thence
west at right angles 21 feet; thence south at right angles, 12
feet; thence west at right angles 26 feet; thence north at right
angles 23 feet 9 inches to the place of beginning. The above
described parcel of land is intended to include the site of the
proposed contagious wing to be constructed by the City, of
Ithaca at the Ithaca City Hospital and sufficient land to in-
clude a ten foot strip outside the wallsof said proposed build-
ing, being as shown in further detail on a map entitled "Plan
showing Contagious Hospital Site" dated September 1, 1925
and attached hereto. Together with a right of way 16 feet in
width extending from lands owned by City of . Ithaca lying
southerly from said proposed building and following along
the easterly side of said proposed building northerly to South
- Quarry Street, the exact route or location of said right of way
to be determined andfixed by the City Engineer of the City of
Ithaca, said right of way being for the purpose of vehicular
and. pedestrian access to and from the proposed building and
also for laying of water, gas, electric, telephone or steam con-
duits to serve said building. Excepting and reserving to first
parties the right to use the strip of landadjoining the con-
tagious hospital building for all reasonable hospital purposes
including walks and driveways and further excepting that:por-
tion of said strip of land now occupied by the Nurses' Home
as long . as said Nurses' Home remains. If the Ithaca City
Hospital 'should in the future desire to extend any part of
its buildings to cover the right of way aforesaid, it may do
so ; and a new location for said right of way shall be fixed by
agreement of the parties hereto. 1
And also in and to all that tract or parcel of land, with the
buildings and improvements thereon, situate in the City of
Ithaca, County of Tompkins, and State of New York, more
particularly bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the northeasterly line of the present
hospital building, said point being sixty-six and five tenths -;
(66.5) feet southeasterly from the northwesterly line of hos-
November 28, 1947
pital building as it now exists, running thence N 55 degrees
E. at right angles to existing building thirteen and sixty-
seven hundredths (13.67) feet to a point; thence N. 35 degrees
W. eleven and sixty-seven hundredths (11.67) feet to a point;
thence N. 55 degrees E. thirty-three and .thirty-three hun-
dredths (33.33) feet to a point; thence S. 35 degrees E. eleven
and sixty-seven hundredths (11.67) feet to a point; thence
N. 55 degrees E. twenty-four and sixty-seven hundredths
(24.67) feet to a point; thence S. 35 degrees E. parallel with
existing hospital building .seventy-two and eighty-three hun-
dredths (72.83) feet to a point; thence S. 55 degrees W. sev-
enty-one and sixty-seven hundredths (71.67) feet to a point,
which point is in the extension of the northeasterly line of
present hospital building; thence N. 35 degrees W. along the
line of the present hospital building seventy-two and eighty-
three hundredths (72.83) feet *to the place of beginning. Said
parcel being a portion of lands deeded to City Hospital by deed
dated August 30, 1911 and recorded in the Tompkins County
Clerk's Office in Liber, 176 at page 81.
- And also, in and to all those tracts or parcels of land situ-
ate in the City of Ithaca, County of Tompkins and State of
New York, lying between Parcels A and B of the hospital
property described in paragraph (2) above, which were con-
veyed to the City of Ithaca by deed of Driscoll Land Company.
dated September 10, 1921, and recorded in Book 201 of Deeds
at page 266, and by deed of Warren Russell Valentine et al,
dated August 10, 1922. and recorded in Book 203 of Deeds at
page 100.
And there shall be included with such conveyances all fix-
tures, apparatus, machinery, fittings; awnings, shades, screens,
1 and .other equipment contained in said premises belonging to
the party of the third part and used in connection with the
operation of said premises, insofar as the same have not been
previously transferred.
(5) That the said deeds mentioned in paragraphs (2) and
(4) above shall be deposited in escrow with Tompkins. County
Trust Company as escrow agent, and said Tompkins County
1 Trust Company is hereby constituted and" appointed by the
parties as escrow agent for the purposes of this agreement;
i and the parties hereto hereby authorize, empower and direct
the said escrow agent to deliver the said deeds to the party
of the second part upon the day and date when the proposed
;'new county hospital building is open to the public .for the re-
l- 1
November 28, 1947 • 1\7
ception of patients, and the party of the second part agrees
to give formal notice of the date of such opening to the parties
of the first and third part and to the said escrow agent at least
three days in advance. An abstract of title showing the said
premises described above in paragraphs (2) and (4) to be
free and clear of all encumbrances, except two mortgages held
by Ithaca Savings Bank which are now a lien on the parcel
described in paragraph (2), shall be submitted by the party
of the first part to the County Attorney on or before December
1, 1947.
In the event that the title shown by said abstract is : un-
marketable, the County Attorney shall give notice to the
party of the first part of the defects in such title on or before
December 15, 1947, and the party of the first part shall have
60 days in which to correct the defects and present a market-
able title. And .in such event, the party of the second part may,
at its option, postpone the date for taking over the possession,
administration, control and operation of the hospital from
January 1, 1948, as hereinabove provided, to March 1, 1948,
and if that is done, all the provisions of -this agreement relat-
ing to transfers to be made, or acts to be performed on or
before January 1, 1948, shall be deemed amended to read "on
or before March 1, 1948" ; and if, within the 60 days allowed,
the title isnot made good, this agreement and all obligations
thereunder shall automatically terminate and have no further
force, effect or validity. If the title is satisfactory, the abstract
shall be deposited with the deed, and shall be extended to the
date provided for the delivery of the deed at the expense. of
the party of the first part, and be delivered to the party of
the second part with the said deed.
In the event that the proposed new county hospital build-
ing is not completed and open for the reception of patients on
or before January 1, 1958, the parties hereto authorize and
empower the said escrow agent to return the said deeds to the
parties of the first and third part respectively, and, in the
absence of a new agreement, the premises shall be vacated by
the County, and the parties restored, as nearly as possible, to
the status quo at the time of the execution of this agreement.
(6) It is understood and agreed that the said conveyance
of the premises hereinabove described in paragraph (2) shall
be subject to two certain mortgages now a lien upon said
premises held by the Ithaca Savings Bank, one dated July
29, 1935, recorded in Liber 149 of Mortgages at page 482 and
'218 November 28, 1947
/ the other dated August 25, 1938, recorded in Liber 156 of
// Mortgages at page 58, upon which -two mortgages there is now
outstanding the principal sum of Seventy Seven Thousand
Dollars (y$77,009), payable January 1, 1955, with interest at
the rate of three per centum per annum payable semi-annually.
' (7) It is further agreed that the .party of the first part
1 shall continue its efforts to obtain contributions from the pub-
/ lic and from the Community Chest organizations in Tompkins
County for the benefit of the hospital, and will use such contri-
I butions, insofar as they are unrestricted, together with any
I unrestricted income on its endowment funds, first for the pay-
ment of outstanding obligations of the party of the first part
I incurred prior to December 31, 1947, secondly for payment
I of interest and reduction of principal on said mortgages, and
thirdly to help defray the county's share of the cost of the pro-
posed new hospital facilities or for the furtherance of a co-
ordinated Health and Hospital Center for Tompkins County.
It is further agreed that any restricted gifts, contributions,
or endowmentfunds, or the income therefrom, shall be used
in the manner intended by the donors thereof for the. fulfill-
ment of the specific conditions of such gifts or bequests, and
as authorized by law.
(8) That the aforesaid conveyances from the parties of the
first and third part to the party of the second part shall he
, without consideration except for the covenants of the party
of the second part contained in this agreement ; and it is under-
stood and agreed that the primary purpose of such convey-
ances is to enable the County, by the use of the said property
or its proceeds, to reduce the cost to the taxpayers of the new
hospital unit.
(9) That during the period of the operation of the existing
hospital by the County, pursuant to this agreement, the
County of Tompkins, with its assumption of full possession and
control, shall assume full responsibility for the operation of
said hospital and the maintenance of the buildings and of the
premises described in said deeds in all respects as though the
County were the, owner thereof, and will indemnify and save
harmless the parties of the first and third part against and
from any and all claims for injuries to persons or property
arising out of such operation and maintenance, unless such
injuries are caused by the negligence of the parties of the, first
and third part, its or their agents or servants.
November 28, 1947
(10) That as soon as practicable after the .effective date of
this agreement, and. prior ;tothe first day of January,. 1918,
the party of the first part will furnish to the partyof the
second_ part a, complete inventory of all 'supplies of every na-
ture,- and also a statement of all pending contracts, including
contracts for services, equipment, furnishing, supplies and
other materials, and a payroll showing the names, addresses,
terms of service, nature of duties, and compensation to each
(11) That all contracts executedby or to which the party
of the first part is a party which are pending on January 1,
1948„ and acceptable to the Board of Managers appointed or
to beappointed by the Board of Supervisors, shall be assumed
by the County of Tompkins as of January 1, 1948, and the
hospital shall be and remain liable for all bills, salaries and
wages incurred on or before December 31, 1947 ; and all bills
which are incurred prior to and payable after January 1, 1948,
for services, utilities, insurance, materials or repairs shall be
apportioned as of January 1, 1948 between the parties of the
first and second part by conference, between the Board of
Trustees of the Hospital and the Board of Managers of the
County ; all accounts receivable due the party of the first part
from patients, employees or, other persons for services ren-
dered or supplies furnished prior to midnight December 31;
1947 are to remain the property of the party of the first part,
and the same shall be available to the party of the first .part
for the liquidation and payment of outstanding obligations of
the party of the first part incurred prior to January 1, 1948
and for payment of interest and reduction of principal of
the real estate mortgage, or for other purposes ; it is under-
stood and" agreed that workmen's compensation shall be cov-
ered and included, after January 1, 1948, in the Tompkins
County. Mutual Self Insurance Plan; it is also agreed that
the Board of Managers of the county shall have the option
of. requiring any of, the forms, of insurance carried by the
Corporation to be cancelled as of December 31, 1947, and re-
placed by new insurance.
(12) It is further covenanted and agreed that the premises
to be conveyed by the party of the third part to the party
of the second part in accordance with Clause (4) hereof shall
not be sold or conveyed in whole or in part by the party of
the second part at anytime except fora full consideration in
money or money's worth, and that should the said premises
or any part thereof be conveyed orsold, the party of the sec -
220 November 28, 1947
and part hereby agrees that the entire proceeds of such sale
shall be applied to the cost of construction of a building or
buildings to be erected to house said public general hospital
for the care and treatment of the sick, as herein specified, or
for the proper equipment thereof.
(13) This agreement shall become effective upon 'its ap-
proval by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County and
upon the receipt by the Clerk of said Board of Supervisors of
a certificate showing that it has been approved by the mem-
1 bership of the party of the first part and by a vote of at least
two-thirds (2/3rds) of the Board of Trustees of the .party of
the first part, the Supreme Court of the State of New York,
the Common Council of the City of Ithaca, and the New York
1 State Department of Health.
November 28, 1947 221
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed
their respective names and affixed their respective seals hereto
as of the day and date' first above written.
Party of the first part
By (Signed). James E. Rice, Jr.
By (Signed) Frederick B. Bryant
Party of the second part
Attest :
(Signed) Gladys L. Buckingham
Clerk, Board of Supervisors
Attest :
By (Signed) LePine Stone
Chairman, Board of Supervisors
Party of the third part
(Signed) Floyd H. Springer '
City Clerk . 1
By (Signed) Arthur N. Gibb i
222 November 28, 1947
On_ this 1st day of December, 1947, before me personally
to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did
each for himself depose and say : that he, the said James E.
Rice, Jr., resides in the Town of Ulysses, ,Tompkins County,
New York, and is the President of the Tompkins County
Memorial Hospital ; that he, the said Frederick B. Bryant, re-
sides in the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, and
is the Secretary. of the Tompkins County Memorial Hospital ;
the corporation described in and which executed the above
instrument; that they each know the seal of said corporation;,
that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal ;
that it was so affixed by order of the Board. of Trustees of
said corporation, and that they signed their names thereto hy
like order; and the deponents do further state that they were
auhorized to sign the above instrument on behalf of the Tomp-
kins County Memorial Hospital by a majority vote of the
members of said corporation. -
(Signed) Beatrice V. Parlett
Notary Public
Beatrice V. Parlett
Notary Public in the: State. of New York
Tompkins County, No. 359
My Commission Expires March 30, 1948
November 28, 1947• 223
On this 28th day of November 1947; before me personally
came LEPINE STONE, to me personally known, who. being
by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in the
Village of Trumansburg, Tompkins County, New York ; that
he is the Chairman of the' Board of Supervisors of TOMP-
KINS COUNTY, the corporation described in and which,
executed the above instrument ; that he knows the seal of said
corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such
corporate seal ; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of
Supervisors of said corporation, and that he signed his name
thereto by like order.
(Signed) Charles H..Newman
Notary Public
Charles H. Newman
Notary Public, State of New York
Tompkins County, No. 178
My Commission Expires March 30, 1949
/ 224 November 28, 1947
On this 2nd day of December, 1947, before me personally
personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did each for
himself, depose and say : that he, the said Arthur N. Gibb, re-
sides in the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, and
is the Mayor of the City of Ithaca ; that he, the said Floyd H.
Springer, resides in the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New
York, and is the City Clerk of the City -of Ithaca; that the
CITY OF ITHACA is the corporation described in and which
executed the above instrument; that theyknow the seal'of said
corporation ; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such
corporate seal; that it -was so affixed by order of the Common
Council of the City of Ithaca, and that they signed their names
thereto by like order.
(Signed) Beatrice J. Batterson
Notary Public
Beatrice J. Batterson, Reg. No. 295
Notary Public, State of New York
Residing in Tompkins County.
My Commission Expires March 30, 1948
(Notary Public Seal)
November 28, 1947 225
Resolution No. 189—Appointment of Board of Managers for
'County Hospital.
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution 'and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore adopted a resolution
pursuant to §126 of the General Municipal Law for the estab-
lishment of a public general hospital for the care and treat-
ment of the sick ;
Resolved, that the following persons be and they hereby are
appointed to constitute the board of managers of the said hos-
pital, their terms of office to be as set forth respectively after
their names, to wit :
Frank Saturn for a term expiring December 31, 1948
Robert Causer fora term expiring December 31, 1948
Daniel J. Carey for a term expiring December 31, 1949
James Rice for a term 'expiring December 31, 1949
Charles Dykes for a term expiring December 31, 1950
John Shannon for a term expiring December 3L 1951.
Erl Bates for a term expiring December 31, 1952
Seconded by Mr. Downey.
Ayes—Messrs. Snow, Downey, Stevenson, Carey, Scofield,
Payne, Stone, Rottmann, Vail and Ozmun-10.
Noes—Messrs. Loomis, Gordon, Baker,, Shoemaker -4.
Resolution No. 190—Appropriation for Soldiers Burial.
Mr. Ozmun offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
of five hundred dollars for burials,
And Be It Further Resolved, that the amounts to be paid by
the County for the interment of the body of any honorably -
discharged soldier, sailor, marine, nurse or other members of
226 November 28, 1947
the armed forces of the United States, either male or female,
who has served in the military or naval service of the United
States, or any branch thereof, or the body of any minor child
or either parent, or of the wife or widow of any soldier, sailor
or marine who shall die such widow, if such person shall here-
after die in Tompkins County without leaving sufficient means
to defray his or her funeral expenses, shall be as follows,:
In cases where a federal grant is available; the sum of $75.00.
In all other cases, an amount not exceeding $200.00.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker.
Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried.
Resolution No. 191—Adoption of County Hospital Budget.
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the following budget for the operation of the
Tompkins County Memorial Hospital, which the county has
agreed to take over, operate and maintain as a. county public
general hospital from and after January 1, 1948, totaling.
$785,280, be and the same hereby is approved and adopted for
the year 1948.
County Hospital—
Professional care of Patients
General Service
Medical and Surgical Services
Salaries $ 5,200.00
New Equipment 19,200:00 $ 24,400.00
Nursing Service
Salaries' $242,000.00
Other Expense
11,000.00 $253,000.00
Salaries $ 3,000.00
Other Expenses ,35,000.00 $ 38,000.00
November 28, 1947 227
Central Supply Service
Salaries -$ 9,000.00.
Other Expenses 9,000.00 $ 18,000.00
Medical Records Department
Salaries $10,000.00
Other Expenses 2,500.00 $ 12,500.00
II. Special Services
Operating Room
Salaries $24,264.00
Other Expenses 7,000.00 $ 31,264.00
Delivery Room—Expenses •$ 4,500.00
X -Ray Department
Salaries $21,528.00
New Equipment 44,000.00
Other Expenses 5,500.00 $ 71,028.00
Salaries $ 600.00 •
Other Expenses • 1,200.00. $ 1,800.00
III. Department of Nutrition
Salaries $62,305.00
New Equipment 5,000.00
Other Expenses 77,805.00 $145,110.00
IV. Household and Property
Salaries $31,000.00
Other Expenses 12,100.00 $ 43,100.00
Salaries $12,622.00
New Equipment 12,000.00
Other Expenses 4,100.00 $ 28,722.00
Plant Operation
(Heat, Light, Gas, Power, Water)
Salaries $11,000.00
228 November 28, 1947
Other Expenses 20,692.00 $ 31,692.00
Nurses Home
Salaries $ 7,100.00
Repairs 2,000.00
Other Expenses 2,200.00 $ 11,300.00
Maintenance and Repairs
Salaries $11,400.00
Other Expenses 9,000.00 $ 20,400.00
V. Administrative and General
General Administration
Salaries $38,329.00
Fire Extinguishers 500.00
Other Expenses 11,635.00 $ 50,464.00
And Be It Further Resolved, that there be and hereby is
appropriated the sum of $785,280 for the operation and main-
tenance of the County Public General Hospital for the year
And Be It Further Resolved, pursuant to Article 2B of the
Public Health Law, that the foregoing budget to be forwarded
to the State Commissioner of Health; and .that this Board
hereby makes application to the State Commissioner for state
aid on account of the expenditures provided for in said budget
to the full extent provided by law;
And Be It Further Resolved, that a certified copy of this
resolution be sent by the Clerk to the State Commissioner of
Health and to the Director of the Budget at Albany, New York.
Seconded by Mr. Vail.
Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Vail that the board approve the increase of
valuation of county property as recommended by the ap-
praisers to the amount of $1,430,000.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
November 28, 1947 229
Resolution No. 192—Appropriation—Insurance Premiums
Mr. Vail offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
of Two Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($2300) to cover fire
insurance premiums for the year 1948.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun.
Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried.
Resolution No. 193 -County Treasurer To Pay Balances.
Mr. Loomis offered thefollowing resolutionand moved its
adoption : "
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be authorized to pay
to the several towns and the city any balances in his hands
standing to the credit of the respective towns and city.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
Resolution No. 194—Printing of Tax Rates.
Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :.
Resolved, that after the tax rates are ascertained for the
various towns and the City of Ithaca, the Clerk shall print such
rates in the Proceedings of the Board, following the budgets
of the several towns and city.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker. Carried.
Resolution No. 195—To Print Town Statements.
Mr. Carey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the Clerk be directed to print the audit state-
ments of the several towns of the county in the Proceedings
of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried.
230 November 28, 1947
Resolution No. 196—Printing Bonded and Temporary In-
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
WHEREAS, when filed with the Clerk of ,the Board a state-
ment of the Bonded and Temporary Indebtedness of the county,
city and the several towns and villages together with school
districts, it is ordered, that the same be printed in the proceed-
ings of the, Board.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 197—Correction of Errors.
Mr.; Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the Clerk of this Board be authorized to cor-
rect any manifest errors in the minutes or in the reports of any
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried. -
Mr. Carey placed in nomination the names of Frank Bliss
and Leon Olds as members of the Rural Traveling Library
Committee for a term of three years.
Seconded by Mr. Vail.
There being no further nominations, the Chairman declared
nominations closed and called for a vote; the result being
unanimous, the Chairman declared Messrs. Bliss and Olds as ,.
members of the Rural Traveling Library Committee for a term
of three years.
Resolution No. 198—Cost of Living Adjustment. •
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the County Superintendent, the County Treas-
urer and the Commissioner of Public Welfare be granted a
November 28, 1947 231'
cost of living adjustment during the year 1948 equivalent to
15% of the salaries of their respective offices in the year 1945,
And Be It Further Resolved, that there be and hereby is
appropriated the total sum of $1410 for the foregoing pur-
poses; and that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to pay the sum of $570 in monthly in-
stallments in 1948 to the County Superintendent, and the sum
of $420 in monthly installments in 1948 to the County Treas-
urer, and the sum of $420 in .monthly installments in 1948 to
the Commissioner of Public Welfare, all of such sums to be for
cost of living adjustments in addition to the basic salaries of
such officers.
Seconded by Mr. Carey.
Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried.
Mr. Zeissig appeared before the Board and explained in de-
tail the condition of rabies in animals, how it affected them
and how the infection was carried.
Resolution No. 199—Payment of Rabies Claim of Blanche'
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved' its
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to pay out of Dog Fund the claim of
Blanche Holub of the Town of Newfield for rabies damage to:
one heifer in the amount of $100.
Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried:
On motion adjourned to Monday, December 1, at 10:00 A.M..
232 December 1, 1947
Monday, December 1, 1947
Roll call. All members present.
• Minutes of November 28th meeting read and approved.
Resolution No. 200—Appropriation to Central Index.
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its
:adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated, to the
Central .Index the sum of One Hundred Dollars for the current
year and that the County Treasurer be authorized to pay the
said amount to Barbara Brock semi-annually.
Seconded by Mr. Baker.
Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Scofield that Resolution No. 146 "Appropria-
tion for Welfare Petty Cash" be rescinded.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 201—Appropriation for Welfare Petty Cash
Revolving Fund.
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
:adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
of .Twenty-five Dollars ($25) for a petty cash revolving fund
in the Welfare Department; to be paid out upon receipt of bills
showing expenditures from suchrevolving fund, the County
• December 1, 1947
Treasurer is directed to replenish, such fund -to an amount not
exceeding Twenty-five Dollars.
Seconded by Mr. Downey.
Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried.
Grand Jury lists from the Towns of Enfield, Groton and the
Fourth Ward of the City of Ithaca were received and referred
to Committee on Courts and Correction.
Bonded Indebtedness of town of Groton received and filed.
Mr. Stevenson, Chairman of ,the Finance Committee, pre-
sented the following report relative to the County Budget :
To the Board of Supervisors
Tompkins County, N. Y.
Gentlemen :
Your Committee on Finance wishes to report that in their
opinion the following appropriations will be necessary to meet
the expenditures of the county for the next ensuing fiscal year,
State Tax—Court & Stenographers $ 5,635.91
Tax Expenses, Etc.:
Tax Notices $ 125.00
Sales and Redemption Advertising 1,300.00
Tax Extensions -700.00
Tax Sale Foreclosure Expenses. 300.00
Taxes on County Property. 1,700.00 $ 4,125.00
234 December 1, 1947
Supervisors—Compensation $ 8,800.00
Expenses and Mileage 1,200.00
Board Expenses 600.00
Deputy Clerk—Salary 2,080.00
Clerk—Salary 2,600.00
Postage 75.00
Other Expenses 100.00 $15,455.00
Administrative 'Buildings :
Court House—Supt. Bldgs.—Salary $ 2,600.00
Fireman, Salary 2,100.00
Assistant Fireman—
Salary • 1,940.00
' Cleaners (2) @ $1900;
(1) @ $,1780 5,580.00
Telephone Operator 1,800.00 $14,020.00
Insurance Premiums $ 2,300.00
Old Court House—Repairs 200.00
Painting—County Buildings 600.00
Court House and Jail—Repairs . 1,000.00
Supplies and Miscellaneous Expenses
—Co. Bldgs. 1,200.00
Repairs on County Grounds 1,000.00
Extra help—County Bldgs. 200.00 $ 6,500.00
- County Judge—Salary $ 5,000.00
Special Co. Judge—
Salary. 600.00
Surrogate Court Clk2,600.00
Senior Stenographer2,020.00
Expenses 975.00 $11,195.00
Children's Court:
Judge—Salary $ 1,500.00
Clerk—Salary 1,300.00 .
Office and Other Expenses 400.00
Senior Stenographer 2,020.00 $ 5,220.00
December 1, 1947 235.
Supreme $ 6,000.00
County 2,500.00 $ 8,500.00
County Attorney:
Salary $ 4,000.00
Stenographer (part time) 1,000.00
Postage and Misc. Expenses 300.00
Traveling Expenses 300.00 $ 5,600.00
County Clerk:
Salary $ 3,600.00
Deputy Clerk 2,600.00
Senior Typist (Search Clerk) 2,200.00
Senior Typist (Search Clerk) 2,200.00
Senior Typist (Asst. Search Clerk) 2,200.00
, Senior Typist (Recording Clerk) 2,200.00
Senior Typist (Court Work—
Recording Clerk) , 2,200.00
Senior Typist (Photostat Operator) .. . 2;200.00
Senior Typist (Index and Records) 2,020.00
Senior Typist (Asst. Photostat and
Records) 1,9,00.00
Senior Typist (Asst. Motor Veh. Clk.) 2,080.00
Senior Typist 1,900.00
Typist (Alphabetical Index) 1,560.00.
Senior Account Clerk (Motor Veh.
County Cler—Postage, Bond pre-
miums and other expenses 5,500.00
Motor Bureau—Postage, Bond pre-
miums and miscellaneous 500.00 $37,200.00
Administrative Officers:
Commissioners of Election:
Salary—(2) @ $1300 2,600.00
Expenses 765.00
Election Expenses. 7,000.00 $10,365.00
236 December 1, 1947
County Treasurer :
Salary $ 3,000.00
Bookkeeper (Deputy) 2,600.00
Senior Account Clerk 2,400.00
Typist 1,800.00
Postage, Stationery, Books, Forms
etc. 650.00
Contingent Expenses 125.00 $10,575.00
Cornell Library Association $ 3,000.00
Regulative Officers:
Sealer of Weights and Measures :
Salary $ 1,800.00
Expenses 'and Bond Premium 700.00 $ 2,500.00
Corrective Officers:
District Attorney—Salary $ 2,600.00
Senior Stenog-
rapher 1,000.00
Traveling ex-
penses 150.00
Printing, sta-
tionery, sup-
plies and gen-
eral office ex-
penses 200.00 $ 3,950.00
Sheriff—Salary $ 4,500.00
Undersheriff Salary 2,900.00
Matron, Filing, Bookwork,
Supervise Kitchen and
Deputy Sheriff 2,000:00
Assistant Matron 700.00
Bond premium and expenses 500.00
Mileage and Car Expense1,000.00.
Miscellaneous expenses 200.00
Equipment • 200.00
Uniforms and repairs 500.00 12,500.00
Jail—Four Deputies @ $2500 each $ 10,000.00
Physician 200.00
December 1, 1947 237
Jail Inmates (Food) 2,500.00
,_Elevator Inspection Contract 330.00
Onondaga Co. Penitentiary 1,200.00
Jail Supplies and care of In-
mates 400.00
Emergency Deputy Sheriff 800.00
Night Turnkey _ 1,500.00
Extra help (cook) 300.00, $17,230.00
Probation Officer—Salary $ 1,760.00
Mileage and office
expense 200.00 $ 1,900.00
Coroner—Salary $ 900.00
Expenses 100.00 $ '1,000.00
Contract Supplies:
Light $ 2,500.00
Heat 4,000.00
Telephones 3,500.00
Water Rentals 300.00 $10;300.00
Reforestation: $ 500.00
Veterans' Bureau:
Service Officer—Salary $ 3,000.00
Deputy—Salary 2,200.00
Stenographer (Secretary -
Clerk) 1,800.00
Expenses 1,000.00 $ 8,000.00
County Director—Salary $ 3,400.00
Stenographer 1,620.00
Expenses 400.00 $ 5,420.00
Farm Bureau $ 5,000.00
Home Bureau 3,130.00
Four H Club 6,405.00
Educational Notices 30.00 $14,565.00
238 ` December 1, 1947
Rural Traveling Library:
Librarian—Salary $ 2,600.00
SecretarySenior Typist (Asst. Librarian)2,200.0050.00
Books,and repairs on
books 1'500.00
Truck maintenance 150.00
Postage 25.00 $ 6,625.00
Compensation Insurance:
Disbursements $ 6,000.00
Administrative Costs �500.00
Appropriation under Sec. 25-a 50.00 $ 6,550.00
Retirement System: $35,000.00
Debt Service:
Court House & Jail $16,000.00
Interest 16,700.00 $32,700.00
Library $ 200.00
Justices and Constable Fees 200'00
County Publications 900,00
County Officers Association 150.00
County Investigator 500'00
Libraries in towns of Dryden, Groton,
Newfield, and Ulysses $ 1,200.00
Ci�ilService expenses �100.00
County Historian expenses 250.00
Cost of Living Adjustment 1`410.00
Soil Conservation 300.00
Care of West Hill Property 2,200.00
Repair of Books(Co. Clerk $2000;
Co. Jd $I000) 3,000,00
Institutional Care (Criminal Proce-
December 1, 1947 239
Expenses of Forest Practice Board ,
Members 50.00
Radio Communication System Con-
tract 1,550.00
Indemnification for Damages Result-
ing from Rabies 1,000.00 $14,010.00.
Contingent • Fund • $50,000.00
Less General Fund Credits:
State of New York—
Reimbursement—Co. Director Vet-
erans' $ 2,700.00.
Levy on Towns and City for
State Tax 5,635.91
Election Expenses 3,835.80
Levy on Towns and Villages for
Compensation Insurance 489.09
Other Credits—
Fees of County Clerk $30,000.00
Fees of Surrogate's Clerk 500.00
Fees of County Treasurer and
Trust Fund 1,200.00
Surplus in General 65,000.00
Fees of Sheriff 1,000.00
Rent of County Clerk's Office 2,400.00
Refund of Radio Communication
Contract 1,150.00$113,910.80
Net Amount Required for General
Fund Appropriation $236,230.11
December 1, 1947
Public Health :
County Laboratory—
Director $ '8,000.00
Senior Technician 3,000.00.
2 Senior Technicians, $2700 ea. 5,400.00
Junior Technician 2,300.00
Junior Technician 2,060.00
Junior Technician 2,000.00
Senior Account Clerk 2,400.00
Laboratory Helper 1,760.00
Vacation and Miscellaneous 1,500.00
Night Technician (Students) 480.00 $28,900.00
Supplies and Miscellaneous Ex-
penses 8,57V0 $37,475.00
Blood Bank—
Senior Laboratory Technician p 2,580.00
Junior Laboratory Technician 2,000.00
New Equipment and Supplies 3,250.00 $ 7,830.00
County Health District—
County Health Commissioner $ 8;000.00
Director of Public Nursing 3,700.00
Staff Nurses •
4 @ $2700 10,800.00
1 @ $2580 2,580:00
3 @ $2400 7,200.00
Senior Public Health Engineer 4,800.00
Sanitary Inspector (1) 2,500.00
(2) _ .. 2,400.00
(3) 2,200.00
Sanitary Veterinarian 4;000.00
Dental Clinics -80 @ $20 1,600.00
Dental Hygienist 2,200.00
Office Manager 2,300.00
Senior Stenographer 2,100.00
Steno/Clk/Typist=4'@ $1800 7,200.00
Other Personnel
Child Health Clinicians—
100 clinics @ $30 each 3,000.00.
Part-time Health Officer 750.00
Private Practitioners—Venereal
Disease 1,000.00 $68,330.00
December 1, 19.47 241
Maintenance and Operation
Malaria Control 3,000.00
Traveling Expenses 10,000.00
Equipment 3,000.00
Other maintenance and operation 2,500.00
• Rental Office Space - 3,750.00
Contingent Fund 500.00 $22,750.00
Bovine Tuberculosis and Bangs Disease Committee:
Veterinarian—Salary $ . 2,400.00
Expenses .100.00
Control of Bangs
Disease 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00
Control $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00
County Patients in TB Hospitals $30,000.00
Mental Diseases:
Insane $ 100.00
Physically Handicapped:
Adults $ 1,000.00
Children 8,000.00 $ 9,000.00
County Hospital:
Professional care of Patients
I. General Service
Medical and Surgical Services
Salaries $ 5,200.00
New Equipment 19,200.00 $24,400.00
242 / December 1, 1947
Nursing Service
Salaries $242,000.00
Other Expense
11,000.00 $253,000.00
/ Pharmacy
Salaries $ 3,000.00 -
Other Expenses 35,000.00 $ 38,000.00,
Central Supply Service
Salaries $ 9,000.00
Other Expenses 9,000.00 $ 18,000.00
Medical Records Department
Salaries $ 10,000.00
Other Expenses 2,500.00 $ 12,500.00
II. Special Services
Operating Room
} • Salaries $ 24,264.00
Other Expenses 7,000.00. $ 31,264.00
Delivery Room—Expenses. $ 4,500.00
X -Ray Department
Salaries $ 21,528.00
New -Equipment 44,000.00
Other Expenses 5,500.00 $ 71,028.00
Salaries $ 600.00
Other Expenses 1',200.00 $ 1,800.00
i III. Department of Nutrition
} Dietary ; "
Salaries $ 62,305.00
New Equipment 5,000.00
Other Expenses • 77,805.00 $145,110.00
IV. Household and Property
Housekeeping, .
' Salaries $ .31,000.00
Other Expenses . 12,100.00 $ 43,100.00
Laundry .
Salaries ' $ 12,622.00
New Equipment 12,000.00
Other Expenses 4,100.00 $ 28,722.00
December 1, 1947 243
Plant Operation
(Heat -Light -Gas -Power -Water)
Other Expenses
Nurses Home
Other Expenses
$. 11,000.00
$ 7,100.00
Maintenance and Repairs
Salaries $ 11,400.00
Other Expenses
$ 31,692.00
$ 11,300.00
9,000.00 $ 20,400.00
V. Administrative and General
General Administration
Salaries $ 38,329.00
Fire Extinguishers 500.00
Other Expenses 11,635.00 $ 50,464.00
Less Health Fund Credits:
State of New York—
Reimbursements a/c Blood .Bank $ 3,915.00
Reimbursements a/c County Lab-
oratory 7,500.00
Reimbursements County Health
District 65,000.00
Reimbursements County Hospital 172,408.00
Reimbursements Rabies 1,000:00
Reimbursements a/c Physically
Handicapped Children 3,000.00
Estimated Revenues—County
Hospital 440,464.00
Estimated Revenues—County
Laboratory Fees 22,000.00 $715,287.00
Net Amount Required for Health
Fund Appropriation $252,478.00
244 December 1, 1947
Commissioner of Welfare—Salary $ 3,000.00
Fund 25.00
Hospitalization (Including Burials,
care in other counties, etc.) 10,000.00
Child Welfare Services
Foster Homes and Institutions Al-
lowances 77,000.00
Case Supervisor C.W. (B) $3100.00
Sr. Case Worker C.W 2500.00
Two Case Workers C.W4750.00
Stenographer C.W. 1740.00 12,090.00
Case Supervisor P/A (B) $3100.00
Stenographers (3)
Senior Typist 6960.00 10,060.00
Accounting Supervisor (B) 2,500.00
Office Expenses . 1,800.00
Travel expenses and miscellaneous 3,000.00
City of Ithaca—Revolving Fund
Advance for Relief 5,500.00
For Salaries 10,500.00 $135,475.00
Aid to Dependent Children:
Allowances (Inc. Hosp.-Med.-Clo.-
Taxes-Ins.) $99,000.00
Case Worker 2,360.00
Stenographer 1,740.00. $103,100.00.
County Home Administration:
Welfare Home Manager, $ 1,600.00
Salary of Matron 1,200.00
Other Salaries and Compensation 1,200.00
Other Administration Expenses 500.00 $ 4,500.00
December 1, 1947 245
County Home Building:
Salaries—Fireman $ 300.00
New Furniture, Furnishings, etc200.00
Fuel, Light and Power 3,600.00
Renewals of Equipment 500.00
Repairs, alterations, etc. 800.00
Other building expenses 500.00 $ 5,900.00
County Home Inmates:
Salaries and Wage of Physician,
Nurse and Attendants, etc. $ 3,600.00
Food, clothing and supplies 5,200.00 $ 8,800.00
County Home Farm:
Salaries of Farm employees $ 1,800.00
Miscellaneous farm labor and ex-
penses 400.00
Live Stock 400.00
Fertilizer, feed, seeds, gasoline, mis-
cellaneous 2,500.00
Farm equipment and repairs 600.00
Repairs and alterations—farm bldgs1,000.00 $ 6,700.00
Dependents of Soldiers and Sailors $ 500.00
Blind: Allowances (Includes hosp-med-
clo-taxes-ins-etc.) $ 8,500.00
Burials 400.00 $ 8,900.00
Central Index : $ 100.00
Less Welfare Credits:
From State—
On Aid to Dependent Children $70,000.00
246 December 1, 1947
on Welfare
Administration 20,000.00
Blind 8J000.00
Reimbursements from other counties
and -political subdivisions 15,000.00
Chillren's Court 1,500.00
Estimated Revenues—
C000ty Horne 4,000.00 $1I6,500.00
Net Amount Required
Welfare Appropriation $157`475J00
' December 1, 1947 247
Superintendent of Highways:
Salary $3,800.00
Traveling expenses 1,400.00
Other expenses 200.00 $ 5,400.00
County Systm Of Roads: ,
Construction under §111 $28,110
County aid, graveling town roads 27,000 $55,110.00
Net Amount Required for
Highway Fund Appropriation $60,510.00
248 • December 1, 1947
(To be assessed against, levied upon and collected from
the nine towns of Tompkins County)
Old Age Assistance:
Allowances Granted Applicants $157,000.00
Burials 5,000.00
' Case Workers -3 $5,900.00
Stenographer -2 2,600.00 8,500.00 $170,500.00
State Reimbursements $50,000.00
Federal Aid 80,000.00 $134,000.00
From Clients • 4,000.00 $134,000.00' $36,500.00
Home Relief :
Allowances $16,000.00
Share of Administrative
Expense 1,300.00 $ 17,300.00
Credits: $ 13,800.00 $ 3,500.00
Dated, December 1, 1947.
Resolution No. 202—Adoption of Budget.
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the report of the committee be accepted, that-
December 1, 1947 24.9
the several amounts therein specified be and hereby are ap-
propriated from the funds indicated, to and for the purposes
enumerated, and be it further '
Resolved, that all moneys received by the County Treasurer,
the disposition of which is not specifically provided for by law,
or act of this Board, be credited by him to the general, health,
welfare or highway fund, in accord with the nature of such
receipt, and be it further
Resolved, that there be assessed upon, levied against and
collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, liable
For State Tax $ 5,635.91.
For County General Tax 236,230.11
For County Health Tax 252,478.00
For Welfare Tax 157,475.00
For. County Highway Tax 60,510.00
Old Age Assistance and Home Relief ,
(Towns only)
$ 40,000.00
Seconded.by Mr. Ozmun.
Ayes—Messrs. Snow, Loomis, Downey, Stevenson, Carey,
Scofield, Payne, Stone, Rottmann, Baker, Shoemaker, Vail and
Noes—Mr. Gordon. -1.
' Carried.
On motion adjourned to 2 :30 P.M.
Roll call. All members present.
A Statement of Town Accounts with the County Treasurer
was received and filed.
Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Equalization Committee pre-
sented the following report of that committee, relative to the
apportionment of taxes for the year 1947, which was laid on
the table one day under the rule:
250 , December 1, 1947
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County,, N. Y.
Your Committee on Equalization, etc., whose duty it is to
apportion the various taxes among the several towns of the
county and the City of Ithaca, reports that the following
amounts shall be paid by the several towns and the City of
Ithaca, for the State Tax for .General Purposes, Armory Pur-
poses and Stenographers, etc., Purposes, County Tax for
General and Poor Purposes, and County Tax for Highway
Purposes as follows:
Total State
Ithaca, City
Ithaca, Town
$ 82.68
$ 9,479.55
Totals 1$ 66,933,059 $ 5,635.91 $ 646,183.11
December 1, 1947. 251
TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1947 (Continued).
Ithaca, City
Ithaca, Town
$ 887.69$, 9,562.23 $ 1,476.75
1,006.27 10,839.57 1,674.02
3,629.29 39,094.97 6,037.65
650.50 7,007.33 ,1,082.18
3,393.59 36,556.08 5,645.56
36,465.66 392.811.32
7,576.92 81,619.21 12,604.90
2,889.12 31,121.90 4,806.33
1,13 5.13 12,227.68 1,888.39
2,875.83 30,978.73 4,784.22
Totals $ 60,510.001$ 651,819.021$ 40,000.00
Dated, December 1, 1947.
Rate for State Tax $0.084202188 per $1000.
Rate for County, General and Poor Tax $9.65416969 per
Rate for County Highway Tax $0.90403756909 per $1000.
Rate for 9 towns, O.A.A. & Home Relief $1.5039510 per
.LAMONT C. SNOW, Chairman
252 .December,1, 1947
Moved by Mr. Scofield, that the report be taken from the
Seconded by Mr.Downey.
Unanimous consent being given said report was taken from
the table.
Resolution No. 203—Adoption of _Apportionment.
Mr: Snow offered the following resolution and moved the
Resolved, that the report of the Committee on Equalization
on the apportionment of taxes, be accepted and adopted, and
that the several amounts therein listed for state tax, county -
tax, county highway tax, and old age assistance and home re-
lief, for the year 1947, against the several towns of the county
and the . City of Ithaca, be assessed against, levied upon and
collected from the taxable property of the several towns and
city liable therefor.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis.
Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried.
Mr. Stevenson, Chairman of the Finance Committee re-
ported relative to budgets for the several towns and city of
the county : -
Your Committee on Finance reports that the following tabu-
lated statements show the appropriations that will be neces-
sary to meet the expenditure of the several towns in the county
and the City of Ithaca, for the ensuing fiscal year, as set forth
in, the following budgets :
December 1, 1947 253
To Be Paid the County Treasurer :
State Tax $ 82.68
County Tax 9,479.55
County Highway Tax 887.69
Compensation Insurance 17.21
Election Expenses 242.76
Old Age Security and Home Relief 1,476.75
To Be Paid the Supervisor :
Highway—Item I $3,000.00
Bridges—Item II 500.00
Machinery—Item III 764.95
Miscellaneous and Snow—Item IV 2,350.00 -
Certificates of Indebtedness (3) 2,148.00
Interest on same 287.05 $ 9,050.00
Total $21,236.64
Brooktondale Lighting $ 525.00
Slaterville Springs Lighting 553.75
Brooktondale Fire 1,000.00 $ 2,078.75•
TOTAL BUDGET $24,481.65
General .00960
Highway .01100
Total .02060
Brooktondale Lighting .00299
Slaterville Springs Lighting .001733
Brooktondale Fire .00374 -
254 December 1, 1947
To Be Paid the County Treasurer :
State Tax
County Tax
County Highway Tax
Compensation Insurance
Election Expenses
Old Age Security and Home Relief
To Be Paid the Supervisor :
General Fund
Highways—Item I
Bridges—Item II
Machinery—Item III
Miscellaneous and Snow—Item IV
Public Welfare
Town Health
$ 93.72
$ 849.00
304.00 $1'3,653.00
Total $27,354.32
Danby Fire District $ 3,532.00
TOTAL BUDGET $31,524.22
Total - - 02330
Danby Fire .00300
December 1, 1947 255
To Be Paid the County Treasurer :
State Tax $ 338.03
County Tax 38,756.94
County Highway Tax 3,629.29
Compensation Insurance 74.48
Election Expenses 485.52
Old Age Security and Home Relief 6,037.65
Amount in County Treasurer's Office
to Reduce taxes $ 2,034.60
Payment to County Treasurer to Re-
duce taxes 1,184.62 3,219.22
To be Paid the Supervisor :
General Fund 0.00
Highways—Item I 9,000.00
Bridges—Item II 500.00
Machinery—Item III 10,500.00
Miscellaneous and Snow—Item IV 11,750.00
Public Welfare 0.00
Registrar of Vital Statistics 60.00
Fire Protection 1,000:00
Total $78,912.69
Etna Lighting $ 497.14
McLean ,Lighting 44.40
Varna Lighting 307.04 $ 848.58
TOTAL BUDGET $81,291.18
256 December 1, 1947
General - .01000
Highway .00625
' Total .01625
General .01000
Highway .00625
Primary Highway
Registrar of Vital_
Statistics and
Fire Protection - .00320
Total .01945
Etna Lighting
McLean Lighting
Varna Lighting
December 1, 1947
To be Paid the County Treasurer :
State Tax $ 60.59
County. Tax $ 6,946.74
County Highway Tax 650.50
Compensation Insurance , 12.61
Election Expenses 161.93
Old Age Security and Home Relief 1,082.18
$' 8,914.55
To be Paid the Supervisor :
General 'Fund $ 1,060.00
Highways—Item I 1,800.00
Bridges—Item II 100.00
Machinery—Item III 4,300.00
Miscellaneous and Snow—Item IV 1,400.00
Public Welfare• 0.00
Town Health 40.00 $ 8,700.0,0
Totals $17,614.55
Fire Protection $ 753.52
TOTAL BUDGET $19,097.20
General .01240
Highway - .01100
Total .02340
Fire Protection
258 December 1, 1947
To Be Paid the County Treasurer :
State Tax $ 316.08 ,
County Tax 36,240.00
County Highway Tax 3,393.59
Compensation l Insurance .65.82
Election Expenses 323.68
'Old Age Security and Home Relief 5,645.56
To Be Paid the Supervisor :
Highways—Item I \ $ 9,600.00
Bridges—Item II 400.00
Machinery—Item III 4,500.00
Miscellaneous and Snow—Item IV 7,500.00
Town Health 520.00. $22,520.00
Total $68,504,73
McLean Lighting $ 754.44
Peruville Lighting 395.64
Outside Fire District 1,730.00 $ 2,880.08
TOTAL BUDGET $72,074.27
General .01070
Inside Highway .00400
Corporation 1
l Total .01470
General .01070
Outside Highway, 00990
Total .02060
McLean Lighting .00494
Peruville Lighting .00462
Outside Fire District .00100
December 1, 1947 259
To Be Paid the County Treasurer:
State Tax $705.72
County Tax 80,913.49
County Highway Tax 7,576.92
Compensation Insurance , 146.95
Election Expenses 323.68
Old Age Security and Home Relief 12,604.90
To Be Paid the Supervisor:
Highways—Item I $14,100.00
Bridges—Item II 0.00
Machinery—Item III 6,000.00
Miscellaneous and Snow—Item IV • 6,100.00
Fire Protection—Outside Village . 3,500.33
Town Health—Outside Village 300.00 $ 30,000.33
Total $132,271.99
Cayuga Heights Water District $ 309.34
Forest Home Water District 348.20
Forest Home Lighting District 408.41
Glenside Water District 0.00
Renwick Heights Water District 80.00
Renwick Heights Lighting Dist. . 288.16
Spencer Road Water District 177.50
Willow Point -Lake Road Water
District 120.00
Glenside Lighting District 150.23 $ 1,881.84
TOTAL BUDGET $135,161.95
December 1, 1947
General .01016
Highway .00220
Total .01280
General.. .01124
Outside Highway .00460
Total.. .01584
Cayuga Heights Water District .00020
Forest Home Water District .00100
Forest Home Lighting District .00120
Renwick Heights Water District .00040
Renwick Heights Lighting District.. .00112
Spencer' Road Water District :00070
Willow Point -Lake Road Water
District .00080
Glenside Lighting .00165
' December 1, 1947 261'
To be Paid the County Treasurer :
State Tax $ 269.09
County Tax 30,852.81
County Highway Tax 2,889.12
Compensation Insurance 56.03
Election Expenses 323.68
Old Age Security and Home Relief 4,806.33
Due County 39.64
To be Paid the Supervisor :
Highways—Item I $8,850.00
Bridges—Item II 0.00
Machinery—Item III 9,900.00
Miscellaneous and Snow—Item IV 6,250.00 $25,000.00
Total - $64,236.70
Ludlowville,Lighting $ 350.00
McKinney Water 140.00
-Fire District 1,679.49 $ 2,169.49
TOTAL BUDGET $67,533.18
General - .01086.
Highway .00834 -
Total .01920
Ludlowville Lighting .0039818
McKinney Water .0019074
Fire District .000500
262 December 1, 1947
To be Paid the County Treasurer :
State Tax $ 105.73
County Tax 12,121.95
County Highway Tax' 1,135.13
Compensation Insurance 22.02
Election Expenses 161.94
Old Age Security and Home Relief 1,888.39,
To be Paid the Supervisor :
General Fund $ 0.00
Highways—Item I 9,500.00
Bridges -Item II 300.00
Machinery—Item III 4,000.00
Miscellaneous and Snow -Item IV 3,200.00
Public Welfare 0.00
Town Health 55.00 $17,055.00
Total $32,490.16
Newfield Lighting $ 878.23
TOTAL BUDGET $33,847.38 -
General :01080
Highway .01370
Total .02450
Newfield Lighting .00321
December 1, 1947 263
To be Paid the County Treasurer :
State Tax $ 267.85
County Tax 30,710.88
County -Highway Tax 2,875.83
Compensation Insurance 55.78
Election Expenses 242.76
Old Age Security and Home Relief - 4,784.22
To be Paid the Supervisor; .
General Fund $2,000.00
Highways—Item I • 7,000.00
Bridges—Item II 500.00
Machinery—Item. III 6,000.00 -
Miscellaneous and Snow—Item IV 5,000.00
Town Health.. 330..00.:
Public Welfare' — 0.00
Fire Protection District 2,000.00 .$22,830.00
Total $61,767.32
TOTAL BUDGET $62,731.82
(General .01130
Inside I Highway .00430
Corporation j
Total .01560
General .01130
Highway • .00430
Outside Primary Highway
Corporation Health & Fire .00430
Total .01990
December 1,1947
To be Paid the County Treasurer:
State Tax $ 3,396.42
• County Tax 389,414.90
• County Highway Tax •36,465.66
Election Expenses 1,407.91
TOTAL BUDGET $430,684.89
(To be paid by the School District of the City of
Ithaca, and not a part of the ;City Budget, for
which this tax is levied.)
General and Highway .01112
All of which was respectfully submitted
Dated December 1, 1947.
December 1, 1947 265
Resolution No. 204—Town Budget's
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that in accordance with the resolution adopted
by the several town boards of the county of Tompkins now
on file with the Clerk of this board and the laws of the State
of New York, and in accordance with the foregoing report
and recommendation of the Committee on Finance, that there
be levied upon and, collected from the taxable property of the
several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the fore-
going sums for the purposes therein named.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun.
Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried.
On motion, adjourned to Wednesday, December 24, 1947
at 10 A.M.
266 December 8, 1947
Monday, December 8, 1947
Roll call. All members present.
Minutes ' of December 1st annual meeting read and ap-
Grand Jury lists from the Second and Fifth Wards of the
City of Ithaca received and referred to Committee on Courts
and Correction.
Monthly report of fees received by the Sheriff for the pre-
vious month was reported by the Clerk to be $115.79.
The Clerk reported one new case admitted in the tubercu-
losis hospital and three readmitted cases received.
A ten month's report of activities of the . County Service
Officer was received and filed.
A notice from' the Workmen's Compensation Board that
the total amount of administration expenses had been ascer-
tained for the fiscal year ending, March 31, 1947, and are
open to public inspection in the office of the Secretary in New
York City.
The Clerk announced receipt of acknowledgment from
Ithaca Journal of their official designation to publish concur-
rent resolutions for 1948.
A list of active volunteer Firemen of Dryden Neptune Hose
Company No. 1 was received and filed.
Mr. Scofield, Chairman .of the 'Public Welfare Committee
read two communications from Commissioner of Welfare
relative. to Home Relief and welfare relationship with Me-
morial Hospital.
The Clerk read a resolution from Delaware County favor-
ing adoption of additional gasoline tax for reconstruction of
December 8, 1947 267
highways. Said resolution referred to Legislative Committee
with no action taken.
Mr. Scofield, Chairman of the Committee on Courts and
Correction, submitted the following report relative to the list
of Grand Jurors for Tompkins County, for the year 1948, viz :
To the Board of Supervisors
Tompkins County, N. Y.
Your Committee on Courts and Correction to which" was
referred the list of names of persons selected by the represen-
tatives of the towns of the county and the wards of the city,
as qualified persons to serve as Grand Jurors for Tompkins
County for the year 1948,. believes such persons selected are
proper. and qualified persons to serve .as such .Grand Jurors,
and recommend that. such list of names as selected and filed
with the Clerk of this Board, with the occupation and post
office addresses of those therein named, be adopted as the
true Grand Jury Lists of Tompkins County for the year 1948.
Dated December 8, 1947.
Resolution No. 205—Grand Jury List
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the report of the committeebe accepted .and
that the lists of names filed, be adopted, as the true Grand Jury
List of Tompkins County for the`year 1948.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Resolution No. 206—Appropriation for . County Snow and
Ice Fund
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : .
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated the sum
268 December 8, 1947
of $10,000 from the County Road Fund for the removal of
Snow and Ice during the year 1948 ; and the County Superin-
tendent is hereby authorized to transfer the said sum of
$10,000 from the County Road Fund to the County Snow and
Ice Fund.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis. Carried.
Resolution No. 207—Reappropriation for County Snow and
• Ice Fund •
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the unexpended balance of $3054.03 in the
County Superintendent's County Snow and Ice Fund be and
the same hereby is'reappropriated for County Snow and Ice
removal for the year 1948.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
Resolution No. 208—Hospital Accounting System
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that this Board hereby invites the cooperation and.
assistance of the. State Department of Health in ssetting up
the books and establishing an accounting system for the op-
eration of the hospital.
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Resolution No. 209 -Appropriation for Dog Warden
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that -the salary of the Dog Warden for the year
1948 be fixed at the sum of $2340 : and the County Treasurer
is hereby authorized and directedto pay the same in monthly
installments out of the dog license fund.
Seconded by Mr. Shoemaker.
Ayes -14. Noes=O.' Carried.
December 8, 1947 269
esolution No. 210—County' Treasurer to Be Treasurer of,
Mr. Stevenson offered the following, resolution and moved
its adoption :
WHEREAS, the General Municipal Law provides that unless
a treasurer for the hospital is appointed by the Board of Man-
agers pursuant to authority from this Board, the treasurer
of the county shall be treasurer of the hospital.
Resolved, that it is the sense of this Board that the County
Treasurer should serve as the treasurer of the hospital, and the
County Treasurer' is hereby requested to act in that capacity
from and after January 1, 1948.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
lotion No. 211—Transfers from Contingent Fund .
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
,its adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund
the sum of $1730.80 to be apportioned to the following budget
items, the sums stated respectively after each of such items :
101-C Supervisor's Compensation $210.29
108-B Commissioners of ,Election—
Expenses 64.45
111-B Sealer of .Weights and Meas-
ures—Expenses, etc. 39.80
116-H Onondada County
Penitentiary 276.39 .
117 A Contract Supplies—Light 128.58
118-G Veterans' Bureau—Co. Direc-
tor—Senior Stenographer 84.00
127-L Care of West Hill Property 615.00
220-D Physically Handicapped
Children 300.00
300-C Supt. of Highways—Other
Expense 12.29 $1,730.80
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
270 December 8, 1947
Resolution No. 212—Transfer from Old Age Surplus to
Home Relief
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that there be and hereby is appropriated for Home
Relief for the balance of the year 1947 the additional sum of
$700 or so much thereof as may be necessary ; and that the
County Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized and directed
to transfer the sum of $700 from the Old Age Surplus to Ac-
count 401-A—Home Relief.,
Seconded by Mr. Ozmun. Carried.
Resolution No. 213—Audit of Bill of Arrnand Adams
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the bill of Armand L. Adams for Services as
Associate trial counsel for respondents in the Watchtower
Bible and Tract Society Tax Action in Supreme Court be and
the same hereby is approved and audited by this Board ; and
the County Treasurer is hereby authorized . and directed to
transfer the said sum of $500 from the contingent fund to the
County Attorney's Postage and Miscellaneous Expense and to,
pay the said bill therefrom.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 214—Cooperation of Department Heads
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Board in making appropriations for the year
1948 has given full consideration to the requests of . Depart-
ment Heads and allowed the full amounts which the Board has
felt to be justified and
WHEREAS, it has been necessary in order to provide the
money for these appropriations to raise the tax rate by a
substantial amount, now therefore be it,
December 8, 1,947- 271
Resolved, that this Board of 'Supervisors ask the coopera-
tion of all departments to keep as near as possible within the
appropriations as set up in their budgets for the year 1948.
And Be It Further Resolved,that a copy of this resolution.
be sent to all County Department heads.
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Resolution No. 215—Method of Charging for Extension of
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resloution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that each member of the Board of Supervisors
shall be paid one cent for each tax actually extended by him
on the original taxroll and if there be more than one item of
taxes on a line of the tax roll, one cent for computing and ex-
tending the total of such items also for making a certified
copy of the tax roll one half the compensation authorized for
making a copy of the tax roll.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 216—Supervisors' Salary
Mr. Shoemaker offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, pursuant to the authority given this Board by
Section 23-b of the County Law, that the salaries of the mem-
bers of his Board from and after January 1, 1948 shall be
nine hundred - dollars per year, with the additional sum of
three hundred dollars to the Chairman of the Board ; and that
mileage and other expenses shall continue as provided by law
and previous resolutions of this board.
Seconded by Mr. Baker.
Ayes—Messrs. Loomis, Carey, Payne, Baker, Shoemaker --
Noes—Messrs. Snow, Downey, Stevenson, Gordon, Scofield,
Stone, Rottman; Vail and Ozmun-9.
Resolution lost.
272 December 8, 1947
County Attorney Newman reported on the Supreme Court
Case : People- of the State of New York, ex rel Watchtower
Bible and Tract Society, Inc. Relator vs. Frank Mastin, et al.
Board of Assessors, Town of Lansing, Respondents, which
consumed his time from November 21. through December 6,
The Clerk read the following Workmen's Compensation In-
surance claims as they were audited.
. Dr. C. Paul Russo, care—Claude Wood $ 3.50
Conklin Sanitarium, care—Frank Stepan 78.00
_Lewis E. Jones—Millard Babcock 3.75
Lewis E. Jones—Alfred Bacon 2.10
The Clerk announced the audit of the following bills which
are chargeable to the Dog Fund under provisions of the Agri-
culture and Markets Law, §123.
F. R. Caswell—Assessor's Bill $ 3.00
F. R. Caswell—Assessor's Bill 3.60
Arthur E. Spearing—Assessor's' Bill 3.30
Smith T. Weatherby -Assessor's Bill 3.00
Wm. K. Ellison—Assessor's Bill 6.96
Frederick McGraw—Mileage & Expenses 67.12
The Clerk read the following claims, as reported and recom-
mended for audit by the several committees to which they
had been referred.
J-1256 Tompkins Co. Lab., Petty Cash—Co. Lab. $ 42.28
1257 Tompkins Co. Memo: Hosp., Rent, etc.—Co.
Lab. .... 260.01
1258 New York Telephone Co., Services—Co.
Lab. 9.04
1259 Arthur 'H. Thomas Co., Supplies—Co. Lab.14.22
1260 Kline's Pharmacy, Supplies—Co. Lab. 26.20
1261 Kline's Pharmacy, Supplies—Co. Lab. 9.08
1262 LaMotte Chemical Products .Co., Supplies -
—Co. Lab. 12.60
1263 Fisher Scientific Company, Supplies—
Co. Lab. 2.50
December 8, 1947 273
1264 Fisher Scientific Company, Supplies—
Co. Lab. 1.00
1265 Difco Laboratories Inc., Supplies—Co. LabL80
1366 Michigan Dept. of Health Lab., Supplies
–Co."Lab. 8.80
1267 S. C. Landauer, M.D. Sop I5.80'
1268 The Williams & Wilkins Co, Supplies—
Co. Lab. ` 6.00
1269 Liquid Carbonic Corp., Supplies—Co. Lab. 2.26
1870 Commercial Solvents Corp, Supplies—
Co. Lab. 9.65
1271 Will CSupplies—Co.Lub 5.18
1272 Will Coporutiou Supplies—Co. Lab. 27.12
1273 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. ,Lab. ' . 5.63
1274Will C82.I6
1275 Will Corporation, 9.11
1276 Will C .60
1277 Will Crotion/ 8 .3.68
I878 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 47.19
1279 Will Corporation, Supplies—Co. Lab. 9.05
1880 Will Corporation,Supplies—Co. Lab. 20.80
1281 Shuloun'aIno,Chest ofDruvvera—Oo.Lab50.00
1282 High Titre Serum Lab., Serum—Blood
Bank ` 82.50
1283 American Hosp. Supply Corp, Supplies—
Blood Bank 15.29
1284 American Hosp. Supply Corp., Supplies—
' ]Blond Bank 22.50
.1285 Ray Brook Tuberculosis Hosp., care—
Louise �37.50
1286 Mount Morris TB Hospital, care—Mary
Allen, Leo Rabidou—TB 155.00
1287 Dr. David Robb, care—Richard Cassin—
PHC 75.00
1288 Leon E. Sutton, M.D., care—Connie �[ur-
io--PIIO 255.00
1289 Reconstruction Home, Ind., care—Betty
QOlow--I`IlC 154.75
1290 Reconstruction Home, Inc., eure--Sbirley
Heath—PHC 137.75
1291 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Clyde
Burnett--PE[C 255.00
1292 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Kenneth
Lasher—PHC 155.00
1293 N.Y. State Elec. & Gas. Corp., Services—
274- December 8; 1947
1294 New York Telephone Co., Services -Co.
Bldg. 282.85
1295 City of Ithaca, Services -Co. Bldg. 56.06
1296 Free Press, Legal Notices -Tax Sale Fore. 27.40
1297 Journal & Courier, Legal Notices -Sale
and Redemp. 304.52
1298 The Ithaca Journal, Legal Notices -Sale
and Redemp. 378.04
1299 Cayuga Lumber Co., Lawn Mower -West
Hill 22.50
1300 H. L. VanOstrand, Expenses -West Hill3.50-
1301 N.Y. State Elec. & Gas Corp., Services-
Mt. Pleasant 3.55
1302 John M. Mulligan, Services -Radio 56.00
1303. John M. Mulligan, Services -Radio 24.00
1304 Cayuga Motors, Inc., Car -Welfare Dept, 1,219.11
1305 Albright Dairy, Milk -Jail 6.60
1306 Wool Scott Bakery, .Bread -Jail 18.45
1307 New Central Market, Meat -Jail 56.65
1308 Red & White Store, Groceries -Jail, 50.90
1309 Clifford C. Hall, Eggs -Jail 13.80
1310 The J. C. Stowell Co., Supplies -Jail 24.66
1311 The J. C. Stowell Co., Supplies -Jail 12.00
1312 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Supplies -Jail 26.86
1313 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage -Child Ct. 6.00
1314 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage -Child Ct. 6.00
1315 R. A. Hutchinson, Checkbook -Child Ct2.50
1316 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -
Child Ct. 2.35
1317 VanNatta Office ' Equip. Co.,Files-Child
Ct. 80.62
1318 Clifford C. Hall, Expenses -Sheriff 10.40
1319 Ithaca Journal, Legal Notice -Supreme Ct26.28
1320 Clifford C. Hall, Postage -Sheriff 6.00
1321 VanNatta Office Equip. Co., Supplies -
Sheriff . 18.10 •
1322 Clifford C. Hall, Gasoline -Sheriff 44.14
1323 Frederick B. Bryant, Traveling Exp. -D/A 3.26
1324 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies -
D/A 2.50
1325 H. M .Biggs Memo. Hosp., care -Co. Pa-
tients -TB
1326 Bert L Vann, Mileage -Supt. 71.36
1327 Bert I. Vann, Expenses -Supt. .13.22
1328 Charles G. Downey, Expenses -Soil Cons. ' 36:04
1329 Carl W. Vail, Expenses -Soil Cons. - - 6.16
Decem6ors 8, 1947
1330 M. J. 140.00
1331 Charles G. Downey, Mileage—Suprs. 1I4.84
1332 Charles G. Downey, Eoa--So 13.00
1333 Frederick M. Thompson, Tax Tables—
' . 7.00
1334 Burroughs Adding Machine .Co., Supplies
—Suprs. N.R.
1335 Mary 3.43
1336 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Co. Judge 3.85
1337 T. G. Miller's Soria Paper Co., Supplies—
Co. Judge .40
1338 Edward Thompson Co, McKinney's—Co.
Clk. 4.00�
1339 International Business Machine Corp., '
Ribbon—Co. Clk.1.00
1340 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Su0.plieo--
Co. Clk. ' 1.65`
1341 Photostat Corp., Supplies—Co.Clk. 100.99
1342 W. G. Norris, Postage—Co. Clk. 15.68
1343 VanNatta Office Equip. Co. Inc., Supplies '
—Co. Clk. 2.60
1344 Office Equipment Centre, Supplies—Co.
Clk. 3.00
1345 Alice H. Van Orman, Clerical Work--Elec.
Comm 25.35
1346. Irene H. Taggart, Cleriodl work—Elec.
1347 Daniel E.
C � I0.68
1348 Coop G.L.F. Holding Corp., Services--
Elec. Comm. ` 5.85
1349 Van
Burrough Elec. ' 4.00
1350 Ithaca Journal News, Elec. Notice—Elec.
Do. . 86.00
1351 Carl Roe, Mileage & Expenses—Co. Sealer 56.80
1352 Office Equipment Centre, Typewriter—
Vet. Ag. '152.75
1353 I. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co.' Supplies—
Ag. 3.95
1354 T.G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies—
Vet. Ag. � '.70
1355 Louis D. Neill, Mileage & In -
est. 69.80
1356 Paul E. Killion, Inc., Repair Books—Co.
Clk 840.00
376 December 8, 1947
1357 Leary. Coal Oo.,Coul--Co.]Bld � 612.50
1358 Better Paint ��WuUpaperService, Linoleum
--Co. Bldgs. 171.00
1359 Otis Elevator Company,,Repairs—Co.Bldgs. 13.40
1860 James E. Farrell, Repairs—Co. Bldgs. • 6.48
1361 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co, Supplies—
Co. Bldgs.� ` 198.25
1362 New Craft ShopSpli 4.50
1363 Clarence Fiero, Labor—Co. Bldgs. 3.75
1364 C. J. Rumsey Rums & Co., Supplies—Co. Bldgs. 193.96
1365 Norton Printing Go., Supplies—Co. Judge 50.00
1366 0ff5oeEgoiyzueotCootre,,7ypevvritor--Co.
Judge 157.75
1367 T. G. Miller's Sons' Paper Co., Supplies
Vet. Bn. ' 3.05
1368 VanNatta Office Equip. Co, Supplies—
Vet. 80. �16.32
1369 VanNatta Office Equip Co., Supplies—
Vet. Bu. 1.63
1370 56.76
1371 S6int Anne Institute, care—Frances Gu -
b oat. care 38.57
1872 James E. Farrell, Water cooler—Co. Bldgs115.00
1373 Onondaga Co. Penitentiary, Bd. of Prison-
ers—Penal Inst. 907.00
1374 Eleanor B. Dub
f{or.Iray.Lib` 37.50
1375 Jean & Karr Co 503.33
1376 R. Huntting Co, Books—Rur.
'Truv. Lib. 9.03
1377 The Syracuse News Co., Books—Rur.
Tray. Lib. 1.87
1378 Gaylord Bros. Inc., Books—Rur. Tray.
Lib. 43:30
1379 EleuuorB. Daharsh, Postage—Rur.]Cruv.
I,ib. �20.00
1380 ' 19.65
1381 167.82
1382 �44.30
1383 LePine 118.66
1384 Lamont C. Snow, Expenses--Suprs. 84.48
December 8, 1947 277
Resolution No. 217—On Audit
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the foregoing claims amounting to the sum
of $12,279.96 be audited by this Board at the amounts recom-
mended by the committees to which they were referred, and
the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out
of funds appropriated therefor; and that these claims be cer-
tified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for
and on behalf of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried.
On motion, meeting adjourned.
278 December 24, 1947
Ninth Day
Wednesday, December 24, 1947
Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Ozmun.
Minutes of monthly session of December 8th meeting read
and approved.
The Clerk read an offer of .the Norton Printing Company
to print the 1948 Proceedings at $3.00 per page for 10 point
type and $5.00 per page for- all 8 point and tabular composi-
Moved by Mr. Snow that the offer of the Norton Printing
Company for printing 1000 copies of the 1948 proceedings
at the price of 3.00 a page for 10. point type as now printed
and $5.00 per page for all 8 point and tabular composition be
Seconded by Mr. Payne. Carried.
An inspection of the County Home and Farm made on No-
vember 12,,1947, by the Department of Agriculture and Mar-
kets was read by the Clerk and referred to the Committee on
Public Welfare.
The Clerk read a Letter from the Municipal Service Division
of the Civil Service Department relative to classification of
Senior Case Worker (P.A.) in the Welfare Department. Said
communication .referred to the Civil Service Committee.
A communication from the New York State Electric & Gas
Corporation relative to five 1,000 Lumen :street lamps located
on the grounds of the Tompkins County Memorial Hospital
- was read by the clerk and referred to the Board of Managers
of the Hospital.
The 'Clerk read a letter from Dr. Ralph J. Low, Coroner, _
thanking ,the board for his salary increase for 1948.
December 24, 1947 • 279
The Clerk read a notice from the Public Service Commis-
sion Case No. 5356 relative to conveyance of a certain easement
right acquired for the elimination of the School House and
Burtts Grade Crossing of the Lehigh Valley Railroad in the
Town of Ithaca.
A memorandum from the County Clerk regarding short-
age in the Supreme Court funds was read. Said matter re-
ferred to Finance.. Committee.
R. C. VanMarter, Commissioner of Welfare, sent a mem-
orandum of numbers given the automobiles in the Welfare
Department by the insurance company.
John H. Post, City Director of Public Welfare and R.
VanMarter County Commissioner of Welfare appeared before
the Board relative, to charges for patients in Memorial Hospi-
The Clerk read a letter from John H. Post relative to.pay-
ment of charges for care of welfare clients under the -new
set-up with the Hospital.
Discussion followed and the matter referred to the Public
Welfare Committee.
Mr. Van Marter also discussed the spread in salary under
different classifications of Civil Service in his department. Said
matter referred to Civil Service Committee.
The Clerk announced receipt of the Agreement between
Tompkins County Memorial Hospital, County of Tompkins
and City of Ithaca for filing.
Dr. Wm. C. Spring, Jr. appeared before the board relative to
transfers of appropriations within the Health Budget. Said
matter referred to Finance Committee.
Mr. Shoemaker, Chairman of. the Committee on Erroneous
Assessments and Returned Taxes, submitted thefollowing
report relative to the Returned School Taxes of the several
school districts of the county :
280 ' December 24, 1947
To the. Board of Supervisors
Tompkins County, N.Y.
Gentlemen :
Your Committee on Erroneous Assessments and Returned
Taxes, finds by the certificates signed by the County Treasurer
and supported by affidavits of the proper officers of the school
districts of the several towns of the County and the City of
Ithaca. submitted to this Board by the County Treasurer. that
the following school taxes have not been paid after diligent
efforts have been made to enforce the collection thereof, and
your committee therefore recommends the following sums be
levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon
which the same were imposed with 7% in addition thereto :
Caroline ' $1,094.5.'
Danby 591.00
Dryden 1,429.70
Enfield 681.41
Groton 647.79
Ithaca 942.13
Lansing 1,114.30
Newfield - 437.63
Ulysses 901.37
City 1,249.92
Dated, December 24, 1947.
.Resolution No. 218—Returned School Taxes
Mr. Shoemaker offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the several supervisors of the various towns
of the county and the City of Ithaca be and they are hereby
authorized and directed to add to their respective 1947. tax
and assessment rolls the amount of the uncollected school
taxes returned by the collectors of the various districts to the
County Treasurer and remaining unpaid and that have not
December 24, 1947 281
been . heretofore re -levied on town tax rolls and that said
taxes be reassessed and re -levied upon the lots and parcels
so -returned with seven per cent in addition thereto ; and if
imposd upon the lands of any incorporated company ; then
upon such company ; and when collected the same shall be re-
turned to the County Treasurer to reimburse the amount so
advanced, with the expenses of collection.
Seconded by Mr. Scofield. Carried.
Resolution No. 219—Change of Classification of Case
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption : -
Resolved, that due to a recent survey of the duties of a Case
Worker in the Old Age and Home Relief Division in the Wel-
fare Department that said classification of Case Worker be
changed to Senior Case Worker (P.A.)
Seconded by Mr. Scofield; Carried.
• Resolution No. 220—Transfer of Unexpended Balance by
County Health District
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that from the unexpended balance of the amounts
appropriated in the budget of the County Health District for
1947, the County Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized and
directed to transfer from the item Dental Hygienist the sum
of $1000.00, from the item Fees of Physicians, the sum of
$1700.00, from the item of . Travel Expense, the sum of
$1600.00, a total of $4300.00 to the item "Additional Capital
Equipment," and to transfer the sum of $300.00 from the
Contingent Fund of the Health District to the item "Other
Maintenance, and Operation."'
Seconded by Mr. Vail. Carried.
282 December 24, .1947
Resolution No. 221—Transfer from Contingent Fund to Aid
to Dependent Children and Transfer
from Old Age Surplus to Home Relief
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer the sum of .$900 from
the Contingent Fund to Aid to Dependent Children—Allow-
ances for the balance of the year 1947,
And Be It Further Resolved, that there be and hereby is
appropriated for Home Relief for the balance of the year
1947 the additional sum of $200 or so much thereof as . may
be necessary and that the County -Treasurer be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to transfer the said sum of $200
from Old Age Surplus to Account No. 401-A Home Relief.
Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 222—Extension of Contract for Control of
Snow and Ice on State Highways
Mr. Downey offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the Agreement dated November '22, 1946,
between the PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK acting by
Chas. H. Sells as Superintendent of Public Works of the State
of New York and the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Tompkins, pursuant to subdivision 2 of section 12 of the High-
way Law as amended by Chapter 305 of the Laws of 1946,
relating to the .performance of the work of control of snow
and -ice on State Highways in towns and incorporated villages
in such county, be and the same is hereby extended for an
additional period of one year, on the same conditions.
Seconded by Mr. Snow. Carried.
The several supervisors of the towns of thecounty and of
the City of Ithaca, presented the Assessment Rolls of their
respective municipalities which were referred to the Com-
mittee on Equalization; to determine if the same were prop-
December 24, 1947
erly made out, the taxes properly extended and the warrants
of the collectors were correct.
Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization,
reported that the committee had examined the assessment rolls
of the several municipalities of the county and ascertained
the amount of tax to be levied in each, respectively, and com-
pared the same with the budgets of the several towns and city
and the warrants of the collectors attached thereto, and had
found each to be correct, and that each of the Collectors War-
rants were properly made out and were ready for the signa-
ture of the Chairman and Clerk of the Board.
Resolution No. 223—Signing of Tax Warrants
Mr. Snow offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
Resolved, that the report of .the Committee on Equalization,
be accepted, and that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board,
be directed to sign each of the Collectors Warrants, as at-
tached to the several tax rolls.
Seconded by Mr. Baker.
Ayes -13, Noes -0. Carried.
On motion adjourned to 2 :00 p.m.
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Ozmun.
The Clerk . announced receipt from Department of Health
of approval of the Supplemental Budget for State Aid in the
County Health District ; also, a letter from Herman E. Hille-
boe, M.D., Commissioner of Health, relative to granting of
State Aid for operation of the Tompkins County Memorial
Hospital. •
Resolution No. 224—Request to Board of Managers of Coun-
ty Hospital Relative to Certain Charges
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
284 December 24, 1947
Resolved, pursuant to §130 of the General Municipal Law
that this Board hereby requests the Board of Managers of the
County Hospital to discontinue charges to both the County and
City of Ithaca Welfare Departments for hospitalization of
residents of Tompkins County_ from and after January I.,
.Seconded by Mr. Carey. Carried.
Resolution No. 225—Suggested Amendment to Town Law
Mr. Scofield offered the following resolution and moved its ,
adoption :
Resolved, that it is the belief of this board that to facilitate
the settlement of town business that the Town Law should be
amended so that the date of settlement of the town board with
the supervisor may be fixed by the town board on or before
the 10th of January and so that the terms of the supervisor's
bonds could be extended to that date. The object of this change
is to allow all town bills to be paid on or before December
Be It Further Resolved, that copies of this resolution be
sent to. Assemblyman Stanley Shaw, Senator, Hammond, The
Association of Towns and Comptroller Frank Moore. .
Seconded by Mr. Gordon. Carried.
Resolution No. 226—Transfers from 'Contingent Fund
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to transfer from the Contingent Fund
the sum of $3,614.47 to be opportioned to the following budget
items, the sums stated respectively after each of such items :
111 B Sealer of Weights & Measures—Expenses $ 9.14
=106-C County Attorney—Expenses, postage, etc20.36
105 A Supreme Court 400.00
220 D Physically Handicapped Children 793.80
101 D Supervisor's Expenses and Mileage 47.16
December 24, 1,947 285
127 it Radio Communication System- 2,110.60
117 A_ Contract Supplies—Light - 233.41
Seconded by Mr. Downey. Carried.
Mr. Baker submitted an oral report of the Special Commit-
tee relative to the Youth Program to which other Supervisors
added what their towns had done_ along that line.
Mr. Rottmann made a few remarks as the only retiring
member of the Board.
Mr. Vail reported on the insurance as nowcarried by the
The Clerk read the following Workmen's Compensation In-
surance claims as' they were audited :
J. W. Hirshfeld, M.D., care—Clayton Wilson $19.00
Dr. R. M. Vose, care—Roy Linton 27.50
C. Paul Russo, care—Claude Wood 2.50
The Clerk announced the audit of the following bill which
is chargeable to the Dog Fund under provisions of the Agri-
culture and Markets Law, §123
Smith T. Weatherby, Assessor's Bill $3.19
The Clerk read the following claims, as reported and rec-
ommended for audit by the several committees to which they
had been referred :
J-1385 Tompkins Co. Memo. . Hosp., Rent, etc.
Co. Lab. $ 272.26
1386 Tompkins Co. Memo. Hosp., Supplies—
Blood Bank 8.00
1387 Shelton's Refrigeration Sales & Service, La-
bor & Supplies—Blood Bank 38.35
1388 Shelton's Refrigeration Sales & Service, Re-
pairs—Blood Bank 5.30
286 December 24, 1947
1389 Norton Printing Co., Supplies—Blood Bank 41.50
1390 Certified Blood Donor Service—Serum—
Blood Bank - 86.89
1391 Leon E. Sutton, M.D., care—Gary West°fall
—PHC - 50.00
1392 Strong Memorial Hospital, care—Olga Mag-
nus—PHC 128.00
1393 Forrest Young, M.D., care—Olga Magnus
—PHC 125.00
1394 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Clyde
Burnett—PHC 150.00
1395 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Nelson
Emery—PHC 52.75
1396 Reconstruction Home, Inc., care—Betty Gil-
low—PHC 150.00
1397 Children's Hospital, care—Russell Teaney
—PHC 142.50
1398 Robert J. Dierlam, care—John Gray—PHC 56.00
1399 Joseph Delmonico, M.D.,. care—Vivian Hol-
'comb—PHA 10.00
1400 Joseph Delmonico, M.D., care—Vivian Hol-
comb—PHC 10.00
1401 Frank S. Wetherell, M.D., care -Vivian
Holcomb—PHC 3.00.00
1402 Mount Morris TBHosp., care—Mary Allen,
' Leo Rabidou—TB 112.50
1403 H. M. Biggs, Memo. Hosp., care—Co. Pa-
tients—TB • 322.50
1404 Clifford C. Hall, Supplies—Jail 4.60
1405 The J. C. Stowell Company, Supplies—Jail 40.56
1406 Albright Dairy, Milk—Jail 3.96
1407 Wool Scott Bakery, Bread—Jail 10.35
1408 New Central Market, Meat—Jail 27.40
1409 Red & White Store, Groceries—Jail 53.76
1410 T. G. Miller's Sons Paper Co., Supplies
Jail - 5.10
1411 D. A. Stobbs, Envelopes—Co. Treas. 60.00
1412 D. A. Stobbs, Stamps. & Envelopes—Co.
Treas. 32.96
1413 Wayne D. Campbell, Chair—Co. Treas........ . 37.04
1414 Wayne D. Campbell, Chair—Co. Treas. 37.04
1415 VanNatta Office Equip. Co. Inc., Supplies— -
Co. Treas.' 53.04
1416 VanNatta Office Equip. Co. Inc., Supplies-
Child. Ct. ' 8.30
1417 R. A. Hutchinson, Postage—Child. Ct. 6.00
December 24, 1947 287
1418 T. B. Maxfield, Services -Kingdom Farms
--Co` 40.00
1419 Charles H. Newman, Services -Co. Atty. 66.78
1420 Ralph J. Low, M.D., Services -Coroner 107.89
1431 Frederick B. Bryant, Mileage & Expense
D ' 20.08
1422 Ciifford C. Hall, Gasoline -Sheriff 12.00
1423 Norton Electric Co., Flash lights -Sheriff 12.30
1424 Stul|ruun of Ithaca, Lanterns, etc. -Sheriff 54.38
1425 W. A. Harvey Sporting Goods Co. Inc. -
Rain Coats -Sheriff 74.60
1426 George G. McCauley, M.D., Services -Jail 3.00
1427 Russell R. Lane, Post Cards -Soil Conserv. 1.00
1428 Amos Strong, Mileage -Soil. Conserv. 24.64
1429 Russell R. Lane, Envelopes-Soi.l Conserv. ' 10.10
1430 Merrill F. Curry, Mileage -Soil C - 16.80
1431 Motorola Inc. Radio Eni .-Dxdio N.R.1432 John M. Mulligan, Install. Radio Equip. -
Radio 120.00
1433 John M 84.00
1434 John M. Mulligan, Contract Service -Radio 56.00
1435 New York State Elec. & Gas Corp,, Services
-Radio 10.65
1436 New York Telephone Co., Services -Radio N.R.
1437 A. C. Goff, Clinics -Rabies 40.00
1438 VanNatta Office Equip. Co, Supplies-Co� 11.60
1439 Dorothy Extra Help -Jail- 42.00
1440 The Syracuse News Co.' Books-Rur. Tray.
Libr. 48.68
1441 The H. R. Huntting Co., Books-Rur. Tray.
' Lib. 91.73
1442 Lamont C. 47`32
1443 Charles Q. Downey, Tax Extension-Suprs. 78.50
1444 Harvey Stevenson, Tax Extension-Suprs. 30.00
1445 Harry N. Gordon, Tax Extension-Suprs. 87.81
1446 C. H. Scofield, Tax Extension-Sura. 53.16
1447 Forrest J. Payne, Tax Extension-Suprs. 89.36
1448 LePine Stone, TuxEoteomion--Sopro. 56.43
1449 Harvey Stevenson, Milouge'Ezpeuaey--
Sopra, 102.64
1450 Harry N. Gordon, Mileage Expeoaea--
8onra. 3.25
1451 C. 11. Scofield, Mileage Expenses-Supr 119.60
1452 Forrest. J. Payne, Mileage Exponneo-
288 December 24, 1947
1453 Norman G. Stagg, Conf. Exp.—Co. Judge29.57
1454 W. G. Norris, Postage—Co. Clk. 15.00
1455 W. & L. E. Gurley, Seals—Sealer Wgts. &
Meas. 9.14
1456 Leon F. Holman, Expenses—Vet. Agency36.80.
1457 Wilcox Press, Inc., Publication—Co. Hist. 160.00
1458 R A. McKinney, Services—Veter. 212.50
1459 Art Craft of Ithaca, Inc., Payroll Forms
—Co. Treas. 24.15
1460 Daniel J. Carey, Tax Extension—Suprs." 77.57
1461 N. Y. State Elec. & Gas Corp., Services—
Co. Bldgs. 233.41
1462 Everett J. Loomis, Mileage & Expense—
Suprs. 31.69
1463 Everett J. "Loomis, Tax Extension—Suprs24.93
1464 Langford Baker, Tax Extension—Suprs 23.68
1465 Roy Shoemaker, Tax Extension—Suprs23.68
1466 Carl Vail, Tax Extension—Suprs. 23.68
1467 Fred Rottmann, Tax Extension—Suprs. 23.68
Resolution No. 227—On Audit
Mr. Stevenson offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption :
Resolved, that the foregoing claims amounting to the sum
of $4,987.27 be audited by this Board at the amounts recom-
mended by the committees to which they were referred, and
the County Treasurer_is hereby directed to pay the same out
of funds appropriated therefor; and that these claims be cer-
tified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for
and on behalf of the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Loomis.
Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried.
On motion adjourned.
Table showing the amount of compensation audited and allowed by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to the members
thereof, with the items and nature of such compensation and the am ount allowed for the distance traveled by members in attending the
meetings of the Board during the year, 1947, including salary.
Days Annual Session
Special Sessions
o .
Ithaca City
First Ward
Lamont C. Snow 9
Everett J. Loomis 9
Charles G. Downey__ 9
Harley Stevenson - 9
Daniel J. Carey 8
Harry N. Gordon 9
Charles H. Scofield . 9
Forrest J. Payne 1 9
LePine Stone 9
Anthony Macera
Fred Rottmann
Second Ward Langford F. Baker.
Third Ward Roy Shoemaker
Fourth Ward , Carl Vail
Fifth Ward 1 J. W. Ozmun
2- 0
0 1
2 1
3 1
2 1
3 0
$ 84.48
$47.3 3
600.00 •
.. Total
$1.013.49 I $613.49 $8,760.33
1 $ 731.81
1 $10,387.31
I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the number of days the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County was
in session the past year; the nature of its duties and the time necessarily employed and the amount allowed for the distance traveled by the
individual members in the discharge thereof, as auditedbysaid Board. I also certify that no accounts were audited by the said Board for
any member thereof, or for any person, without being verified according to la"w. -
Dated December 31, 1947 GLADYS L. BUCKINGHAM, Clerk.
290 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
To the Board of Supervisors
Tompkins County
The following report of cash receipts and disbursements
of funds which came into my hands as treasurer of Tompkins
County, from January 1st, 1947 to December: 31, 1947 is re-
spectfully submitted.
-D. A. STOBBS, .
County Treasure.r.
Cash on hand January 1, 1947 $ 697,434.59
Receipts—January 1, to December 31, 1947 1,257,303.87 $1,954,738.46
. Payments—January 1, to December 31, 1947 1,411,624.27
General Funds $288,113.64
County Roads Fund 179,04-7.13
Highway Machinery - 75,953.42 $ 543,114.19 $1,954,738.46
• Taxes received from Corporations $ 71,076.40
Taxes received from Towns and City _ 381,390.20
Taxes collected by County Treasurer before Tax Sale 36,383.10
Taxes collected by County Treasurer 307.69
Advances—Town 1,184.62
Reforestation Advance 2'.61
Tax. Sale 1,421.30
Tax Sale Certificates. 388.19
Tax Liens Pending Foreclosure 674.37
Tax Real Estate --New Account 23.99
Tax Real Estate -01d Account - 56.92
Profit & Loss on Real Estate 925.98
Returned • School Taxes collected by County Treasurer 9,646.63
Real Estate Foreclosure - 490.96
Highway Machinery 98,196.8'4
County Road Fund 243,767.38
State Snow & Ice ,Control 22,380.30
County Snow & Ice .Control • • 31,000.00
Temporary Home Relief - 2,414.60
Reforestation 500.00
Tompkins County, New York 291
County Clerk fees $32,499.24
Surrogates Fees & Pistol Permits 636.20
County Treasurer's fees 1,863.35
Sheriffs' fees 1,347.73
County Laboratory fees 21,513.00
Rent—County Clerk's building 2,200.00
State Reimbursements:
Blood Bank 2,982.57
Laboratory 5,628.91
Public Health 17,208.73
Rabies 945.81
Veterans 2,580.85
Villages—Compensation Insurance • 56.90 $ 89,463.29
Revenues—Poor -
State Reimbursements
T.B. Hospital 2,360.00
Crippled Children 3,609.61
Dependent Children 73,076.76
Salaries 16,063.60
Blind 5,878.73
Counties and Political Subdivisions 16,142.08
Children's Court 1,766.00
County Home 4,218.44
Home Relief 1,737.16
T.B. Hospital Patient , 55.00 $ 124,907.38
Revenues—Old Bge '
-State Reimbursements: 52,529.20
Federal Reimbursements 61,894.01
Clients Reimbursements 7,801.88
Salary Reimbursements 2,365.37
Home Relief Reimbursements 3,462.46 $ 128,052.92
Crippled Children—Children's Court -- 920.00
Biggs Individuals 1,465.00
Aid to Dependent Children 334.37
Telephone Refunds 181.42
Tax Interest and Advertising 2,175.62
Children's Court Fines 200.00
Blind Refunds .103.12
County Treasurer Searches 26.00
West Hill Infirmary • 2,822.23
' Transfer Tompkins County Tuberculosis
Hospital Trust 3,114.39
Electric Meter Refund 159.93
West Hill—Hay 75.00
Christmas Trees 60.60
State Insurance Fund 625.00
Transfer—Mortgage Tax Surplus 320.39
Miscellaneous Refunds 65.13 $ 12,648.20
Grand Total Cash Receipts $1,257,303.87
292 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
Insane Commitments $ 100.00
Dryden 1,896.05
Tax Refund 15.36
Returned School Taxes '15,373.32
Highway Machinery 66,717.57
County Road Fund 311,047.22
'County Road Fund Transfer 31,000.00
State and Snow Ice Control 20,981.80
County Snow and Ice Control 57,58.7.62
County Bridges"" 835.11
Current Appropriations—General and Poor 676,552.43
Current Appropriations—Highway 60,488.09
Current Appropriations—Old. Age 165,243.97
Temporary Home Relief 2,414.60
Reforestation ' 580.38
Health Center 100.00
Health—Dryden 690.75
Grand Total Cash Disbursements $1,411,624.27
Cash on hand January 1, 1947 $ 44,955.45
Receipts—January 1, to December 31, 1947 1,011,112.45 $1,056,067.90
Payments—January 1, to December 31, 1947 1,015,964.24
Special Trust Fund $ 9,369.98
Mortgage Tax 6,854.50
• Court and Trust 12,040.67
Bower Cemetery Trust .831.34
County Laboratory Trust 6,311.96
Recovery Trust 4,695.21
Total Cash (Agency and Trust) $, 40,103.66 $1,056,067.90'
Receipts • Payments
Estate Taxes $ 19,293.48 $ 19,293.48
Mortgage Taxes 31,174.96 29,444.39
Cash bail 2,650.00 3,100.00
State highway aid 40,644.58 40,644.58
Franchise taxes on business corporations 1,588.95 1,588.95
Public school money 798,559.37 - 798,559.37
-Academies and libraries. 9,208.53 9,208.53
Tax redemptions 664.02 - 664.02
Court and trust funds .1,436.52 1,231.11
Public administrator 8,414.13 10,573.78
Dog fees • 12,758.35 13,112.76
Cemetery trust funds 8.24 748:46
Shared Taxes 53,021.14- 53,021.14
Tuberculosis Hospital Trust Fund30.90 3,114.39
Withholding Taxes 31,659.28 31,659.28
Total - $1,011,112.45 . $1,015,964.24
Balances '46: 44,955.45 . '47 40,103166
Totals $1,056,067.90 $1,056,067.90
;Tompkins County, New York 293
State of New York
County of Tompkins
Donald A. Stobbs, being duly sworn, says that he is the
Treasurer of Tompkins County, and that the foregoing re-
port is a true and correct statement of financial transactions
of said county for the period January -1, 1947 to December
31, 1947.
County Treasurer.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 27th day of February, 1948.
Notary Public.
294. Proceedings of The Board of. Supervisors
To the Board of Supervisors
Tompkins County
The,following is a detailed analysis of the budget showing
appropriations, expenditures and balances; also statement of
estimated revenues for the.fiscal,year 1947.
County Treasurer.
and Credits, Expended
State Tax -Court and Stenographers $ 4,435.74. $ 4,435.74
Tax Expenses,Etc.:
Tax Notices 107:50 107.50
Sales and Redemption Advertising 1,300.00 793.20 506.80
Tax Extensions 700.00 589.81 110.19
Tax Sale Foreclosure Expenses 300.00 209.43 90.57
Taxes on County Property 1,550.00 1,537.41 12.59
Compensation 8,760.29 8,760.29
Expenses- and Mileage 1,047.16 1,047.09 .07
Board Expenses 400.00 204.92 195.08
Deputy Clerk Salary 1,890.00 1,890.00
Clerk -Salary 2,415.00 2,415.00
Postage '. 60.00 60.00
Other Expenses 100.00 65.49 - 34.51
Administrative Buildings:
Court House
Superintendent Buildings -Salary 2,415.00 2,415.00
Fireman -Salary 1,920.00 1,920.00
Assistant Fireman -Salary .• 1,776.00 1,776.00
Cleaners 5,112.00 5,112.00
Telephone Operator . 1,608.00 1,608.00
Insurance Premiums 1,400.00 1,278.29 121.71
Old Court House Repairs 200.00. 199.99 .01
Painting County Buildings 2,707.93 2,707.93
Court House and Jail Repairs 1,600.00 1,596.72 3.28
Supplies and Miscellaneous Expense 1,200.00 1,188.28 11.72
County Judge -Salary 5,000.00 4,999.92 .08
' Special County Judge -Salary 600.00 600.00
Surrogate's' Court Clerk -Salary 2,300.00 2,299.92 .08
Senior Stenographer 1,872.00 1,872.00
Expenses 975.00 932.20 42.80 '
Tompkins County, New York ' 295
and Credits Expended Balances
Children's Court:
Judge -Salary 1,500.00 1,500.00
Clerk -Salary 1,200.00', , 1,200.00
Senior.. Stenographer 1,872.00 1,872.00
Office and Other Expense 400.00 343.86 56.14
Probation Officer -Salary 1,560.00 1,560.00
Expense 250.00 117.11 132.89
Supreme 6,400.00 6,388.00 12.00
County 2.000.00 1,641.14 358.86
County Attorney:
Salary , 3,500.00 3,499.92
Postage 820.36 820.36
Stenographer 792.00 792.00
Traveling, etc. 300.00. 141.62 158.38
County Clerk:
Salary 3,600.00 3,600.00
Deputy Clerk -Salary 2,415.00 2,415.00
Senior Typist Salaries 16,464.00 15,807.01 656.99
Postage and Other Expenses 4,200.00 4,175.82 24.18
Motor Vehicle Senior Account Clerk 2,016.00 2,016.00
Motor Vehicle Senior Typist 1,800.00 1,800.00
'Motor Vehicle Extra Typist360.00 338.05 21.95
Postage 500.00 415.88 84.12
Administrative Officers: _
Commissioners of Election:
Salaries 2,600.00 2,599.92
Expenses • . 464.45 464.45
Election Expenses 5,750.00 5,710.72 39.28
County Treasurer:
Salary '3,000.00 5,000.00
Deputy Salary 2,415.00 2,415.00
Senior Account Clerk Salary 2,160.00 2.160.00
Typist Salary 1,680.00 1,680.00
Postage 200.00 200.00
Stationery etc. 450.00 444.91
Contingent Fund 125.00 64.49 60.51.
Cornell Library 3,000.00 ,3,000.00
Farm Bureau 3,000.00 3,000.00
Home Bureau 2,800.00 2,800.00
Four-H Club 5,400.00 5,400.00
Educational Notices 30.00 26.22 3.78
Tompkins County Fair 2,000.00 2,000.00
Regulative Officers:
Sealer of Weights and Measures
• Salary - , 1,728.00 1,728.00
Expenses 648.94 648.94
Salary 800.00 799.92 .08
Expenses 125.00 107.89 17.11
296 - Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
- and Credits Expended Balances
Corrective Officers:
District .Attorney -Salary 2,400.00 `2,400.00
Stenographer • 936.00 936.00
Travel Expense 150.00 135.62 14.38
Printing etc. 200.00 133.22 - 66.78
Sheriff -Salary 4,000.00 3,999.96 .04
Undersheriff-Salary 2,703.75 2.703.72 .03
Matron -Salary 1,800.00 1.800.00
Bond Premium 500.00 401.79 98.21
Mileage 2,000.00 1,189.05 810.95
Miscellaneous Expense 250.00 123.03 126.97
Equipment '200.00 192.03 7.97
Uniforms and Repairs 600.00 446.10 153.90
Deputies -Salaries 6,900.00 6,899.76 .24
Physician 200.00 122.50 77.50
Emergency Deputy Sheriff 720.00 720.00
Night Turnkey 1,440.00 1,376.00 64.00 -
Extra Help -Cook 200.00 120.00 80.00
Jail Inmates2,200.00 2,185.21_ 14.79
Elevator Inspection 330.00 330.00
Onondaga County Penitentiary 1,776.39 1,776.39
• Jail Supplies 300.00 290.28 9.72
Extra Matron 300.00 300.00
Contract Supplies:
Light 2,861.99 2,861.99
Heat 4,000.00 2,973.05 1,026.95
Telephones . • 3,500.00 3,446.55 53.45
Water 300.00 234.96 65.04
Veterans Service Officer:
Service Officer -Salary 2,940.00 2,940.00
Deputy Officer -Salary 2,160.00 2,160.00
Senior Stenographer 1,512.00 1,512.00,
- Extra 'Typist 200.00 200.00
Expenses 1,000.00 677.91 322.09
Veterans Service Agency:
County Director 3,360.00 3,360.00
Senior Stenographer 1,524.00 1,524.00
Expenses 600.00 418.43 ,181.57
County Laboratory:
Director - 7,500.00 7,500.00
Senior Technician 2,865.20 2,538.62 326.58
• Senior Technician (2) 5,101.20 5,100.00 1.20
Junior Technician 2,189.90 2,189:76 L .14
Junior Technician 1,800.00 1,664.20 135.80
'Senior Clerk 2,390.00 2.389.92 .08
Vacation and Miscellaneous 3,480.00 2,870.49 609.51
Supplies and Miscellaneous 9,002.16. ' 8,826.41 175.75
Public Health:
Nurses 9,820.00 9,819.84 .16
Typist 1,440.00 1,147.71 292.29
Syphillis Clinic 375.00 105.75 269.25
Tompkins County, New York 297
and Credits Expended Balances
Transportation 3,872.00 2,039.76 1,332.24
Office Expenses 75.00 62.44- 12.56
Medical Expenses 250.00 169.37 80.63
Contingent Fund 1.50.00 • 150.00
Postage 40.00 7.00 33.00
Pediatrician 720.00 180.00 540.00
Dental Hygienist 432.00 432.00
Dentist 600.00. 600.00
Interim -County Health District- 200.00 173.64 26.36
Bovine Tuberculosis:
• Salary 2,400.00 2,400.00
Expenses 100.00
Bangs Control 2000.00 1,574.70
Rabies Control 2,000.00 1,931:08
Blood Bank:
Technician -Salary 2,500.00 2,492.89
Ass't Technician -Salary 1,800.00 560.20
New Equipment 140.00 - 7.50
Supplies 3,056.00 2,183.27
Rural Traveling Library:
Librarian Salary 2,640.00 1,030.50 1,609.50
Senior Typist ' 1,944.00 1,944.00
Secretary 50.00 50.00
Books, etc. 1,500.00 1,385.34 114.66
Truck Maintenance 165.00. 165.00
Supplies 100.00 49.90 50.10
Postage 25.00 20.00 5.00
Compensation Insurance
Disbursements 6,000.00 1,559.09 4,440.91
Administration Costs 400.00 267.06 132.94
Appropriation under Sec. 25-A 50.00 10.00 40.00
Employee's Retirement System 19,534.93 19,534.93
Court Library 200.00 187.50
Justices and Constable 200.00 167.00
County Publications 900.00 841.12
County Officer's Association 150.00 150.00
County Investigator 500.00 402:41
Libraries 1,200.00 1,200.00
Civil Service 100.00
County Historian 250.00 248.08
Soil Erosion Conservation , 250.00 238.17
Care of West Hill Property 2,735.00 2,704.97
Repair of 'Books 3,200.00 3,178.90
Co. Infirmary Planning 4,871.66 4,871.66
Rabies Indemnification 1,000.00 680.00
Radio 13,659.36 10,966.90
County Institutional Care 500.00 443.97
County Cars 5,250.00 5,173.87
Debt Service:
Court House Sr Jail Bonds -Principal 16,000.00 16,000.00
Interest 17,500.00 17,500.00
298 Proceedings of The .Board of Supervisors
Public' Health Service: a and Credits Expended Balances
Commissioner -Salary 3,750.00 3,750.00
Supervising Nurse 1,680.00 704.52
Staff Nurses 9,460.00 4,045.76
• Sanitary Engineer 2,310.00 1,540.00
Sanitary Inspector 2,400.00 1,466.22
Milk and Meat Inspector 1,850.00 ` 1,849.98
Milk Bacteriologist 500.00 499.98
Fees Physician 920.00 880.00
Janitor 200.00 • 156.25
Traveling Expense 3,297.10 3,296.79
Rent 1,331.25 1,081.25
Equipment 1,250.00 1.249.94
Additional Capital Equipment 10,300.00 10,288.40
Other Maintenance and Operation 1,537.50 1,526.68
Contingent Fund 500.00 132.50
Stenographers 5,536.00 3,790.45
Remodeling 2,500.00 2,000.80
Contingent Fund: 95,000.00
War Emergency: 17,000.00
• 15,768.75
Total General 'Current Appropriations expended $379,005.35
. Transferred from Contingent Fund to Various Accounts 83,697.30
Transferred from War Emergency Fund to Various Salary Accounts 15,768.75
General Fund Credits Estimated Received Balances
County Clerk ' $30,000.00 $32,499.24 $2,499.24'
Surrogates Clerk `400.00 636.20 236.20
County Treasurer 1,000.00 1,863.35 863.35
Sheriff 1,000.00 1,347.73 347.73
County Laboratory 17,828.00 21,513.00 3,685.00
Rent -County Buildings 2,400.00 2,200.00 " 200.00*
State of New York,Reimbursements
Blood Bank 3,748.00 2,982.57 765.43* .
Laboratory 7,500.00 5,628.91 1,871.09*
Public Health 8,887.00 ' 17,208.73 8,321.73
Veterans 2,500.00 2,580.85 80.85
Rabies Control 945.81 945.81
Levy on Towns and City ,
State Tax 4,435.74 4,435.74
Election Expenses 3,119.30 • 3,119.30
Levy on Town of 'Dryden
Health District 690.75 690.75
1. Levy on Towns and Villages -
Compensation Insurance 1,514.89 ' 1,514.89
Surplus 65,000.00 65,000.00 `
$150,023:68 $164,167.07 $14,143.39
Balance of Estimated Revenues $14,143.39
Balance of Appropriation Account 48,165.36
Transferred to Surplus Account $62,308.75
* Over-estimated.
Tompkins County, .New York . 299
and Credits Expended Balances
Commissioner of Welfare -Salary $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00
Case Supervisor 2,730.00 2,730.00
'Case Supervisor 2,730.00 2,730.00
Case Worker 2,403.00 2,322.96 80.04
Case Workers 4,850.00 3,826.96 1,023.04
Account Clerk 2,300.00 2,299:92 .08
Stenographers (3) 5,100.00 4,952.25 147.75
Stenographers (2) 3,600.00 3,600.00
Central Index 100.00 75.00 25.00,
County Home Administration:
Welfare Home Manager 1,600.00 1,500.00 100.00
Matron 1;200.00 1,080.00 120.00
Other Salaries 1,200.00 1,059.95 140.05
Other Administration 500.00 411.16 88.34
County Home Buildings:
Fireman .300.00 300.00
New Furniture 100.00 100.00
Fuel and Light 3,600.00 3,352.12 247.88
Renewals of Equipment 500.00 - 331.98 168.02
Repairs 500.00 222.24 277.76
Other Buildings 500.00, , 209.38 290.62
County Home Inmates:
Salaries 3,600.00 ,3,276.96 323:04
Food 5,200.00 4,727.31 472.69
County Home Farm:
Farm Employees 1,800.00 1,200.00 600.00
Miscellaneous Farm Labor 400.00 356:15 43.85
Feed, Fertilizer 2,300.00 2,177.92 122.08
New Equipment 800.00 739.91 60.09'
Repairs` 500.00 172.49 327.51
Live Stock 400.00 - 229.50 170.50
General Welfare:
Hospital Home Relief 18,000.00 17,520.59 479.41
Child Welfare 62,500.00 61,587.17 . 912.83
Office Expenses 1,700.00 1,613.06 86.94
Traveling ... 3,500.00 3,426.41 73.59
Transient Care 100.00 100.00
State Charges ' 4,500:00 1,240.00 3,260.00
Aid to Dependent Children 93,900.60 93,770.90 129.10
Allowances 7,200.00 , 6,450.72 749.28'
Burials 400.00 400.00
Revolving Fund: ,
Advance 8,000.00 7,362.00 638.00
Salaries 7,100.00 7,068.11 31.89
Patients at Biggs 28,000.00 27,965.20 34.80,
Insane Committment 100.00 73.00 27.00
Dependents of Soldiers and Sailors 500.00 145.00 355.00.
300 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
and' Credits Expended Balances
Physically Handicapped
Children 10,118.80 10.118.80
Adults 1,000.00 509.00 491.00
Petty Cash 25.00 25.00
Home Relief 11,900.00 11,712.96 187.04
$310,356.80 $297,547.08 $12,809.72
Estimated Receipts Balances
Welfare Credits:
Home Relief $ $ 1,737.16 $ 1,737.16
Crippled Children 2,500.00 3,609.61 1,109.61
Tuberculosis Hospital 4,500.00 2,360.00 2,140.00*
Tuberculosis Hospital Individual 55.00 55.00
Aid to Dependent Children 60,000.00 73,076.76 13,076.76
Administration 20,000.00 16,063.60 3,936.40*
Blind 4,000.00 5,878.73 1,878.73
Other Counties and
Political Subdivisions 5,000.00 16,142.08 11,142.08
Childrens Court 2,000.00 1,766.00 234.00*
County Home 3,000.00 4,218.44 1,218.44-
Support of _Poor 7;641.85 7,641.85
Hospitalization 20,182.14 20,182.18 .04
$128,823.99 $152,731.41 $23,907.42
Balance of -Estimated Revenues $23,907.42
Balance of Welfare Appropriations 12,809.72
Transferred to Surplus Account $34,792.94
Transferred to Old Age Reserve 1,924.20
Superintendent of Highways:
Salary ' $ 4,200.00 $ 4,199.92 $ .08
Traveling expenses 1,400.00 965.88 434.12
Other expenses 212.29 212.29
County System of Roads:
Construction under Sec. 111 28,110.00 28,110.00
County Aid graveling town roads 27,000.00 27,000.00
$ 60,922.29 $ 60,488.09 $ 434.20
Transferred to Surplus $434.20
Tompkins County, New York 301
and Credits Expended Balances
Allowances $154,000.00 $153,911.47 $ 88.53
Burials 5,000.00,. 3,417.00 1,583.00
Case Workers 7,250.00 6,259.50 990.50
Stenographer 1,716.00 1,656.00 60.00
Totals $167,966.00 $165,243.97 $ 2,722.03
Estimated Received Balances
Old Age and Home Relief Credits
State $ 38,000.00 $ 52,529.20 $ 14,529.20
Federal Aid 62,000.00 61,894.01 105.99*
Clients 4,000.00 7,801.88 3,801.88
Salaries 2,365.37 2,365.37
Home Relief 3,462.46 3,462.46
$104,000.00 $128,052.92 $ 24,052.92
Balance of Estimated Revenues • $24,052.92
Balance of Old Age Appropriation 2,722.03
Transferred to Old Age Surplus $26,774.95
* Over-estimated.
302 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
February 27, 1948
Tompkins County Road Fund
D. A. Stobbs, Treas.
Ithaca, N. Y.
Dear Sir:
This will certify that there was on deposit in this bank to
the credit of the Tompkins County Road Fund $40,000.00 at
the close of business December 31, 1947.
Very truly yours,
Groton, N. Y.
Mar. 2, 1948
Treasurer of Tompkins County,
Ithaca, N. Y.
Dear Sir:
We hereby certify that at the close of business December
31, 1947 there was on deposit in this bank to the credit of
the Treasurer of Tompkins County the following amount in the
account as indicated :
Depositor - Amount
Treasurer of Tompkins County, $50,000.
Ithaca, N. Y.
General Fund.
Very truly yours,
Ass't. Cashier
Tompkins County, New York 303
March 2, 1948
Tompkins County Treasurer
Ithaca, N. Y.
We wish to certify that there was on dpn,,cit.as of December
31, 1947 the following balances :
Tompkins County
General Fund $ 46,598.79
County Road 161,196.34
Highway Machinery 76,567.32
Special Trust 66,407.93
Withholding Tax 5,876.02
Recovery Trust 4,695.21
County Laboratory Trust Fund 6,311.96
Bower Cemetery (Including in-
terest to 1/1/48 831.34
Court & Trust (Including
Interest to 1/1/48' 12,040.67
Yours very truly,
Paul Bradford, Treasurer
February 27, 1948
Mr. D. A. Stobbs, Treas.
Tompkins County Court House
Ithaca, New York
Dear Mr. Stobbs :
This is to certify that the balances listed below were on
deposit to the credit of their respective funds as of December
31, 1947 :
'General Fund $217,493.29
Special Trust 9,187.01
Mortgage Tax 6,854.50
Tax Refund 34.37
Yours very truly,
Vice -President
304 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
Balance December 31, 1946 $2,364.71
Excess on 1946 Tax Roll 253.30
Collected Back Taxes
Davis 2.60
Chilson 20.93 23.53
Reduce 1946 State & Co. tax budget 1,000.00
Due Caroline $1,641.54
Balance December 31, 1946 ' 285.00
Excess on 1946 Tax Roll 30.36
Collected Back Taxes
Billings 16.02
Billings & Brown 73.20
A. Oltz 6.32
Drown & Perrault 158.95$ 254.49.
Due Danby $ 569.85
Balance December 31, 1946 1,896.05
Excess on 1946 Tax Roll 2,071.15
Collected Back Taxes
Lee 4.57 4.57
Insane Commitments 10.00
Erroneous' Taxes 31.12
Reduced 1946 St. & Co. Tax Budget 1,896.05
Due Dryden 2,034.60
Paid in 1946 Budget .51
Excess on 1946 Tax Roll 101.57
Balance due December 31, 1946 .51
Insane Commitments 30.00 30.51
$ 102.08
Due Enfield 71.57
0 OP
Tompkin's County; New York 305
Balance December 31, 1946 2,779.86
Paid in 1946 Budget 220.14
Excess on 1946 Tax Roll 618.00
Collected Back Taxes
Wallace & Ruth Arnold 21.58
Fred Morton 4.01 25.59
Shortage 408.18
Paid in to Reduce 1946 Budget 3,000.00 3,408.18
Due Groton 235.41 .
Balance December 31, 1946 565.41
Excess on 1946 Tax Roll 223.90
Collected Back Taxes
Gust Freeman 4.81
Government Taxes 63.70
Insane Commitments 40.00
Erroneous Tax Abalon Corp. 21.91
Due Ithaca 795.91
Balance December 31, 1946 4,058.59
Excess on Roll 67.24
Paid in 1946 Budget 41.41
Collected Back Taxes
McManus 6.44
Cooper 2.95
Government Taxes 78.63
Erroneous Taxes 194.90
Paid in to reduce 1946 Budget 4,100.00
Due County
Balance December 31, 1946 456.62
Excess on 1946 St. & Co. Tax Roll 54.39
Due Newfield 511.01
306 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
Balance December 31, 1946 1,281.82
Excess on Roll 3.55
Government Taxes 142.41
Shortage. on Tax Roll 103.65
Erroneous Tax 8.88
Insane Commitment 10.00.
Kraft Refund 15.36 137.89
Due Ulysses \ 1,289.89
Balance December 31, 1946 548.94
Excess on 1946 Tax Roll 245.59
Collected Back Taxes
James Jennings 22.52
Insane Commitments 10.00
Erroneous Taxes
15.09 25.09
Due City of Ithaca 791.96
Tompkins County, New York 307
(Section 126, Highway Law)
County of Tompkins for year ending December 31, 1947
Balance from previous year $ 44,474.15
Appropriated for the purchase and
repair of equipment, Section 126
Appropriated for purchase of land or
buildings, Section 126
Appropriated for construction or re-
pair of buildings, Section 126
Rentals from County road fund 80,608.15. •
Rentals from County .
Snow Fund '15,439.20
Rentals from other sources
Miscellaneous receipts 2,149.49
. Total receipts, including balance
from previous year $142,670.99'
For purchase of highway equipment $ 29,534.75
For purchase of small tools and im-
plements 536.48
Gasoline, motor oil and grease 7;109.67
Labor, materials and supplies used in
repair of tools and equipment 24,233.64
Machine operators on equipment
rented to County Road Fund
For purchase of lands or buildings
for highway purposes
Material and labor for construction
or repair of highway buildings 297.49
For heat, light, water and outside
storage 686.00
Miscellaneous expenditures 4,319.54
Total expenditures $ 66,717.57
Balance as of December 31, 1947 75,953.42
308 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
Name or
Kind of Equipment
Purchase Discount or
Price Allo'iaance Net Price
Frink Blade $ 1,800.00 $ 150.00 $" 1,650.00
FWD Truck 6,300.00 6,300.00
Snow Plow 2,545.00 2,545.00
Cinder Spreader 695.00 695.00
Snow Plow 2,382.00 2,382.00
Dump Body 510.00 ' 510.00
Brockway Truck 1,301.65 1,301.65
Power Mower - 227.00 227.00
Brockway Truck 6,500.00 250.00 -6,250.00
Roller with Lights 7,478.00 1,200.00 6,278.00
Plymouth Car 1,396.10 1,396.10
County Treasurer.
Tompkins County, New York 309
(Section 125, Highway Law)
County of Tompkins for year ending December 31, 1947
Balance from previous year unap-
propriated $273,913.44
Contributed by towns—Section 111
Appropriated by county—Section 111 28,110.00
Appropriated by State—Section 112 27,975.60
Motor vehicle fees 74,917.92
Motor fuel tax ,99,517.54
Refunded from completed projects 36,218.48
Received from other sources
Received from State Aid to towns,
Sec. 282, Par. 3 13,246.32
Total credits, includingbalance
from previous year $553,899.30
Total appropriated by Board of Supervisors:
To Project Accounts, except snow
removal $348,110.00
For the removal of snow 31,000.00
For highway bonds and interest
Total Appropriated $379,110.00
Balance unappropriated December 31, 1947 $174,789.30
310 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
Project No. Maintenance
Balance from previous year $ 3,413.53
Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 155,000.00
Refunds to project
Total available $158,413.53
Disbursed on order of the County
Superintendent of Highways
Refunded to county road fund-
Completed project
Total disbursements $154,155.70
Balance December 31, 1947 $ 4,257.83
Project No. 1
Balance from previous year $
Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 20,000.00
Refunds to project
Total available $ 20,000.00
Disbursed on order of County
Superintendent of Highways $ 19,996.34
Refunded to county road fund—
Completed project 3.66
Total disbursements $ 20,000.00,
Balance December 31, 1947
Project No. 2
Balance from previous year $
Appropriation by Board of Supervisors , 23,000.00
Total available 23,000.00
Disbursed on order of the County
Superintendent of Highways $ 22,986.46
Refunded to county road fund—
Completed project 13.54
Total. disbursements $ 23,000.00
Balance December 31, 1947
Tompkins County, New York 311.
Project No. 3
Balance from previous year
Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 24,000.00
Refunds to project
Total available $ 24,000.00
Disbursed on: order of -the County
Superintendent of Highways.` $ 23,799.59
Refunded to county road fund—
Completed project 200.41
Total disbursements $ 24,000.00
Balance December 31, 1947 $
Project No. 4
Balance from previous year • ' $
Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 22,000.00
Refunds to project
Total available $ 22,000.00
Disbursed on order of the County
Superintendent of Highways $ 21,984.77
Refunded tocounty road fund—
Completed project 15.23
Total disbursements $ 22,000.00
Balance December 31, 1947
Project No. 5
Balance from previous year
Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 12,800.00
Refunds to project
Total available $ 12,800.00
Disbursed on order of the County
Superintendent of Highways $ 12,795.45
Refunded to county road fund—
Completed project 4.55
Total disbursements $ 12,800.00
Balance December 31, 1947
312 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
Project No. 6
'Balance from previous year
Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 28,395.00
Refunds to project
Total available $ 28,395.00
Disbursed on order of the County
Superintendent of Highways $ 28,146.91
Refunded to county road fund—
Completed project 248.09
Total disbursements ... $ -28,395.00
Balance December 31, 1947
Project No. 7
Balance from previous year
Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 9;000.00
Refunds to project
Total available - $ 9,000.00
Diobursed on order of the County
Superintendent of Highways $ 8,885.00
Refunded to county road fund
Completed project 115.00
Total disbursements .:.. 9,000.00
Balance December 31, 1947
• Project No. 8—Bank Street Bridge, Groton
Balance from previous year
Appropriation by Board of Supervisors - 24,968.00.
Refunds to project
Total available $ 24,968.00
Disbursed on order of the County
Superintendent of Highways
Refunded to county road fund—
Completed project $ 24,968.00
Total disbursements $ 24,968.00
Balance December 31, 1947
Tompkins County, New York 313
Project No. 9—Groton City Bridge
Balance from previous year
Appropriation. by Board of Supervisors 10,650.00.
Refunds to project
Total available $ 10,650.00
Disbursed on order of the County
Superintendent of Highways $
Refunded to county road fund—
Completed project 10,650.00
Total disbursements $ 10,650.00
Balance December 31, 1947
Project No. 10—Ludlo.wville Bridge
Balance from previous year
Appropriation by Board of Supervisors 18,297.00
Refunds to project
Total available $ 18,297.00
Disbursed on order of the County
Superintendent of Highways $ 18,297.00.
Refunded to county road fund—
Completed project
Total disbursements $ 18,297.00
Balance December 31, 1947
314 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
Balance from previous year $ 3,413.53
Appropriated by board 'of supervisors 348,110.00
Total available $351,523.53
Disbursed on order of County
Superintendent $311,047.22
Refunded to county road fund—
Completed projects 36,218.48
Total Disbursed $347,265.70
Balance December 31, 1947 $ 4,257.83
Balance unappropriated
December 31, 1947 $174,789.30'
Balance project accounts
December 31, 1947 4,257.83
Outstanding checks to be paid 35,395.53
Total $214,442.66
Bank Balance December 31, 1947
Groton National Bank $ 40,000.00
Tompkins Co. Trust Co. 174,442.66
State of New York
County of Tompkins
D. A. Stobbs being duly sworn, says that he is the. treasurer
of the county of Tompkins and that the foregoing report is a
true and correct statement of the transactions of the County
Road Fund of said county for .the year ending December 31, ,
1947 as shown by the official records of said county.
County Treasurer.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 26th day of. January, 1948.
Notary Public.
Tompkins County; New York 31.5
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors:
I hereby submit a report of all monies (net receipts only)
received by W. Glenn Norris, Clerk of Tompkins County,
from January 1, 1947. to December 31, 1947, or by his assis-
tants for fees or services .rendered by him or his assistants
in their official capacity during the aforesaid period, all of
which has been, according to law paid to the Treasurer of
Tompkins County.
Net receipts Jan. 1 -Oct. 31, 1947. $27,457.99
Net receipts Nov. 1 -Dec. 31, 1947. 5,387.99
Total net receipts $32,845.98
State of New York
County, of Tompkins
W. Glenn Norris, being duly sworn says that he is the
Clerk of Tompkins County, that the foregoing is in all . re-
spects a full -and true statement of monies received and paid
to the County of Tompkins.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 5th day of November, 1947.
Notary Public.
316 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors:
During the year 1947 the County -Historian has been active
in a variety of ways in carrying out the duties of his office.
On April 26th I attended a meeting in Albany of the New
York State Council of Historical Societies. I was elected chair-
man of this group, which was organized primarily to assist
and advance the work of historical societies throughout New
York State.,
On May" 16th I attended a one day session of the Regional
Institute of Local Historians, held in the Cortland County
Court House.
I also attended the annual meeting of the New York State
Historical Association, held in Cooperstown. At this confer-
ence I read a paper on the activities of historical societies in
New York State and presided at a group meeting.
'As County Historian I spoke at the annual meeting of the
Cortland County Historical Society on the subject of "Early,
White Visitors to this Region." I also gave a talk on the early
history of Tompkins County at the Freeville Central School.
Two books were purchased by me during the year,'. on sub- _
jects pertaining 'to the history of our County. These will be
added to a special collection of historical books that I have
been gathering, all of which contain material related to the
history of our county.
During the year several objects and papers of local his-
value were brought to my office and entrusted to my
care. These were deposited with the Historical Society in the
Old Court House for preservation and display.
Also during the year work was. continued on the origin and
meaning of Tompkins County place names. This project has
been under way for three years and I hope to complete it
I have given assistance to Mr. Hardy Lee who has written
an admirable manuscript on the early railroad history of
Tompkins County, New York 317
Tompkins County. With the aid of funds appropriated to my
office by the Board of Supervisors and in conjunction with
funds provided by the DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins
County this excellent work is now being published, and when
ready will add measureably to the documented history of our
During this year information has been supplied to many
students and others seeking facts on the history of Tompkins
County. My correspondence on such matters is growing.
The official event of most historic significance to be re-
ported for 1947 was the adoption of a resolution by. the
Tompkins County ,Board of Supervisors,' to take over the
operation and maintenance of the Tompkins County Memorial
Attending to the manifold duties imposed by the office has
been at times an arduous but pleasant task. I convey my
thanks to the Board of Supervisors for their generous sup-
port and continued interest.
Respectfully submitted,
W. Glenn Norris,
Tompkins County Historian.
318 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
1947 '
To the Board of Supervisors. of Tompkins County:
The following is a statement of, the money appropriated,
and the expenditures made,. in .the County Road Fund, .Ma-
chinery, Bridge and Snow Removal accounts in Tompkins
County for the year 1947.
Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1947 $ 3,413.53
Appropriated from County Road Fund 125,000.00
Appropriated from County Road Fund 30,000.00
Expenditures -
Labor $66,222.35
Materials 50,525.75
Rentals 36,794.35 153,542.45'
Balance $4,871.08
Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1947 $ 44,474.15
Receipts for, rentals 96,047.35
Miscellaneous receipts 2,149.49
Tompkins County, New York 319
Purchase of new equipment $29,534.75
Purchase of small tools 536.48
Gasoline, oils & greases 7,109.67
Labor, materials & supplies used
in repair of equipment 24,233.64
Repairs on building 297.49
Heat, light & water 686;00
Janitor, insurance, office help and
shop office supplies 4,319.54 66;717.57
Balance $75,953.42
New equipment purchased :'
Frink Blade Plow $ 1,650.00
F.W.D. Truck 6,300.00
Frink Snow Plow 2,545.00
Cinder Spreader 695.00
Frink Snow Plow 2,382.00
Dump Body 510.00
Plymouth Car 1,301.65
Power Mower 227.00
2—Brockway Trucks 6,250.00
Austin Western Roller 6,278.00
Plymouth Car 1,396.10
Appropriation $ 20,000.00
Expenditures 0
Labor $ - 9,444.65
Materials 1,934.89
Rentals 8,616.80 19,996.34
Balance $ 3.66
320 Proceedings of The Board of.Supervisors
Appropriation $ 23,000.00
•Labor $13,920.30
Materials 711.41
Rentals 8,354.75 22,986.46
Balance $ 13.54
Appropriation $ 24,000.00
Labor $12,207.80
Materials 650.44
Rentals 10,941.35 23,799.59
Balance $ 200.41
Appropriation $ 22,000.00
Labor $11,136.05
Materials 609.12
Rentals 0 10,239.60 21,984.77
Balance $ 15.23
Appropriation $ 12,800.00
Labor 0 $ 2,678.10
Materials 8,505.37
Rentals 1,611.98
Balance 4.55
Appropriation $ 28,395.00
Labor $ 5,444.60
Materials 19,647.04
Rentals 3,055.27 28,146.91
Balance $ 248.09
Tompkins County, New York 321
Appropriation from County Road Fund --$ 30,000.00
Expended for Snow Removal and Cindering 19,326.27
Received from State 22,380.30
The difference between what we spent and what we got
from the State was for cinders and salt we had on hand and
paid for from another 'fund. This made our balance in the
State Highways ice and snow control $33,054.03. $3,05103 of
this was transferred to the County Roads snow and ice con-
trol leaving the original $30,000.00 which was reappropriated
• for the Snow & Ice Control of State Highways for the years
Balance on hand Jan.. 1, 1947 $ 26;651.39
Appropriated from County Road Fund April 14/47 31,000.00
$ 57,651.39
Snow Removal $25,996.27
Cindering . 26,050.61
Erecting and removing, snow fence.... _ 3,890.85
Miscellaneous 1,191.1.5 57,128.88
Balance $ 522.51.
322 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
DEC. 1, 1946 TO JAN. 1, 1948
Number of Cost per
Cost Meals Served Meal
January 1947 $ 135.08 1032 .13
February 1947 175.97 807 :218
March , 1947 173.05 852 .203
April 1947 197.44 792 .204
May 1947 149.12 732 .203
June 1947 204.34 876. , .233
July 1947 •168.04 786 21
August 1947 140.92 669 .21
September . 1947 130.96 753 .1703
October 1947 181.36 1032 .1705
November 1947 171.06 843 .202
December 1947 140.63 389 .36
Total $2,185.21 10754Av.cost.203
Tompkins County, New York 323
JAN. 1, 1947 TO, JAN. 1, 1948
Number of. Persons Persons
Township ' Accidents . Injured Killed
Caroline - 5 7 0
Danby 9 ' 9 0
Dryden 8 14 0
Enfield 6 9 0
Groton 4 4. 1
Ithaca 40 57 2
Lansing 26 .39 0
Newfield 10 17 0
Ulysses 18 22 1
126 178 4
Total accidents investigated by the 'Sheriff's Office 94
Caroline 6
Danby 16.
Dryden 19
Enfield 7
Groton 2
Ithaca 67
Lansing 26
Newfield 12
Ulysses 23
324 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
Jan. 1, 1947 to Jan. 1, 1948
April ,
22, 1947
21, 1947
28, 1947
6, 1947
August 9, 1947
September 1947
October 1947
November 3, 1947
November 17, 1947
November 26; 1947
December 13; 1947
December 23, 1947
City Court
City Court
Town of Ithaca
Town of Ulysses
City Court
Town of Lansing
City Court
City Court
Town of Ulysses
City Court
$ 00.00
Fees to Tompkins• County collected by Sheriff ....._.....$1,573.66
Jan. 1, 1947 to Dec. 31; 1947
By sentence to this institution
Male Female
Convicted of felony 0 _ 0
Convicted of misdemeanor 55 3
By sentence to some other institution 20 . 0,
By transfer from other departmental Inst0 0
Held for Gr. Jury examination, trial, etc106 17
Held for other causes 0 0
Totals 181 20
Tompkins County, New York 325 •
Number of discharges during year
By expiration of sentence . 48 3
By death 0 \ _ 1
By transfer to State hospital 3 0
By transfer to State penal institution 5 0
By transfer to County penitentiaries 12 ' 0
By payment of fine • 11 0
By court order 109 16
Totals 188 20
Total number in custody on Dec. 31, 1947
Convicted of crime 1 0
Totals 1 0
Daily population
Highest number of inmates during the period• 13 2
Lowest -number of inmates during the period 0 0
Totals • 13
Daily Average for the Year 6'/
326 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
Number Number
Admitted Convicted
M ,F M F
Accessory 0 1 0 0
Assault 0 1 0 0
Assault 2nd 1 0 0 0
Assault 3rd 7 0. • 0 0
A.W.O.L • 2 0 0 0
Burglary 3rd 8 0 0 0 -
Contempt of Court 16 0 6 0
Carnal abuse of a child • 1 0 0 0
Disorderly conduct 30 4 9 1
Disorderly person 6 1 3 0
Disposing of Mortgaged .Property 1 0 0 , 0
Drunk and disorderly 14 5 7 1
Deserter U. S. Army (Fed) 1 0 . 0 0
Driving while intoxicated 4 0 1 0
Driving while. license susp. 1 0 1 • 0
Defacing Identification on M/V 1 0 . 0 0
Filiation Proceedings 2 0 _ 0 0
Forgery 2 0 a 0 0
Forgery 2nd 4 0 0 0
Grand Larceny 2 . 0. 0 0
Grand Larceny lst 1 0 0 0
Grand Larceny 2nd - 6 1 0 0
Leaving the scene of accident _ 1 0 1 0
Leaving Restaurant W/O Paying 1 0 0 0
Malicious Mischief 2 0 1 0
Murder 1 0 '0 0
Operating M.V. W/O License 3 0. 2 0
Operating M.V. with switched Pl. .1 0 0 0
Operating M.V. W/O proper brakes 1 0 1 0
Petit Larceny • 6 1 3 1 %
Possession of Dangerous Weapon 1 0 0 0 ' ?
Possession of Concealed, Weapon 1 0 • 0 0
Public - Intoxication 30 4 16 0
Rape 2nd 1 0 0 0 •
Sexual Relations with Minor 1 •0 1 0
Tramp 1 0 1 0
Transport Stolen M.V. 1 0 0 0
Trespassing 1 0 0 0
Vagrant 3 0 2 0
Violation of Parole 15 1 1 0
Wayward Minor 0 1 0 0
Totals .. 181 - 20 55 3
Tompkins County, New York 327
Period or Detention of Sentence Male Female
• 1-2 Days 60 13
3-5 Days (1 -Federal Included) '22 3
6-10 Days 9 0
11-15 Days 2 0
16-20 Days 2 0
' 21-30 Days 6 0'
31-40 Days 2 1
61-100,Days 3 :0
Totals 106 17
Social Relations
Married ' 90 6
Single 73 6
Widowed 4 0
Divorced or Separated 14 8
J —
Totals 181 . 20
White 173 16
Negro 8 4
Totals 181 • , 20
Religious Instruction
Roman Catholic 50 ' 4.
Protestants 126 16
Pagans 5 0
Totals 181 20
United States 172 20 '
Foreign Born 9 0
Totals 181 20
Manufacturing & Mechanical Industries6 0
Building Trades 13 0
Mercantile 4 0
Government Employees 3 0
Professional Occupations 2 0
Domestic and Personal Service 2 19
Communication 1 0
Office Employees 2 1
Students '3 0,
Laborers 145 • 0
Totals 181 20
328 Proceedings of -The Board of Supervisors
Age Male Female Age Male Female Age Male Female
16 2 0 33 4 0 50' 2 0
17 7 2 34 3 0 51 3 0
18 2 1 35 4 0 52 1 0
19 12 1 36 3 2 53 1 0
20 5 1 37 3. 0 54 1, 0
21 5 1 38 3 2 56 1 0
22 6 0 39 3 1 57 4 0
23 6 -1 40- 7 0 58 5 0
24 5. 0 41 3 0 59 3 0
25 4 3 42 2 0 62 6 0
26 6, 0 43 4 0 63 2 0
27 2 - 0 44 9 0. 64 4 0
28 3 0 ' 45 3 0 66 1 _0
29 4 0 46 2 0- 67 1 0
30 5 . 0 47 2 0• 68 1 0
31 2 1 48 6 1 69 1' 0
32 5 0 49 ' 1 2, 72 1 0
81 11 62 8 38 0
17 2 1 34 2 0 50 1 - 0
19 1 0 35 1 . 0 51 1 0
20 2 0 36 1 0 • 57 '3 0
21 1 0 37 1 0 58 2 0
23 1 0 38 1 0 '59 2 0
25 1 1 40 3• 0 62 5 0
26 2 0 42 2 0 64 .4 0,
28 1 0 44 , 4 0 66 1 0
29 1 0 . 46 1 0 67 1 , 0
32 1 0 48 2 0 68- 1 0
33 1 0 49 1 1 72 1 0
14 2, . 19 ' 1 . 22 0
- Boardof Supervisors I
Tompkins County
Ithaca, N. Y. .
Gentlemen : - '.
In the foregoing pages I have compiled a true and accurate
report which I respectfully submit herewith for your inspec-
tion and approval.
February 1, 1948.
Sheriff of Tompkins County.,
Tompkins County, New York 329 •
Annual Report
Commissioner of Public Welfare
To. The Honorable Board of Supervisors
Court House
Ithaca, New York:
Gentlemen :
In submitting the annual report of receipts and disburse-
ments of the Department for, the ,year 1947, the following
comments are made for the record :
There have been so many changes in administration poli-
cies that it was necessary to rewrite our plan of procedures
as of March 15, 1947, to bring it into line with State require-
ments. Frequent changes require constant revisions to keep
the plan as a working guide.
On March 1, 1947 the Home Relief cases formerly handled
in the towns were transferred to the. County Office. The office
of Town Welfare Officer was abolished and seven of the nine
towns appointed Town Service Officers. In the Town of Ithaca
and the Town of Dryden, the Supervisor acted as Town Ser-
vice Officer.
The City was unable to take over the administration of
Child Welfare cases residing in the City until July 1, 1947,
when 25children were transferred in accordance with the
provisions of the County and City contract.
The report shows that on December 31, 1947, there were
1028 individuals receiving assistance from Cbunty.funds as
compared with 825 at the same time last year. The increase
by categories were: Old Age Assistance, 7; Aid to Dependent
Children, 95,; Child Welfare, 28; and Home Relief, 63. Of the
latter, 40 individuals were transferred from the towns. As a
result of seasonable lay-offs, case loads began to increase in
November and December. Many of these cases were of a tem-
porary nature. This is the first unemployment situation we
have had in several years.
_The cost of living continued to increase throughout the year,
especialbr food prices. A report released in December, 1947,
by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics shows "the
330 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
overall index of 164.9 (base 1935-1939) -rising 0.7% during
the month, was 8.3% higher than a year ago and 23.7% above
the index of June, 1946. The price of food rose 39.2% during
the latter interval."
The increased rate from $5.00 to $7.50 per day, plus extras,
made the average rate approximately $11.50 per day paid to
Memorial Hospital. Hospitalization was a heavy burden dur-
ing the year; one patient receiving continuous care from June
9th to December 31st.
In the month of November, 25 Welfare clients received
hospital care and in December there were'28. Since the County -
took over the Memorial, Hospital on January 1, 1948, expenses
for welfare clients will no longer be paid from welfare funds.
Hospital rates in other cities used by the Department have
been raised to meet increased costs. Nursing home rates have-
avealso been raised and we are now paying from $60.00 to $100.00
per - month depending upon 'the amount of care required.
Special arrangements are made for each patient.
The agreement between the State Department of Social
Welfare and the State Medical Society=late in 1946—pro-
vided substantial increases in medical and surgical fees. These
increases are sharply reflected in 1947 costs.
In November the County purchased two new Ford auto-
mobiles for the use of the Department which will be of great
convenience; also help to reduce our transportation expenses.
The shortage of foster homes, .continues to be -a difficult
problem in spite of special efforts made by Workers, committee
members, and others to find homes. Board rates will be in-
creased in 1948 which, we hope, will induce more people to
• take children into their homes. The serious housing shortage
has caused many families to double up in order to find shelter.
This is one of the causes of so many separations and divorces.
The situation is a growing problem for workers with no solu-
tion in sight.
The staff is grateful to all those who have given freely of
their time and counsel in helping to solve the many problems
confronting us throughout the year.
Respectfully submitted,
Tompkins County, New York
The Honorable Board of Supervisors
Ithaca, N. Y.
Gentlemen :
Following is a Report of Receipts and disbursements of the
Department of Welfare for the year 1947:
For Appropriation Expended Unexpended
County Home and Farm $25,000.00 $21,447.07 $3,552.93
Home Relief 11,900.00 11,712.96 187.04
Hospitalizations, Etc. 18,000.00 17,520.59 4-79.41
Child Welfare 62,500.00 61,587.17 912.83
Office .-Expense 1,700.00 1,613.06 86.94
Travel Expense 3,500.00 3;426.41 73.59
Transient Care 100.00 100.00
T. B. Hospitalization 4,500.00 1,240.00 3,260.00
Totals $127,200.00 $118,547.26- $8,652.74
Salary Superintendent $ 1,500.00
Salary matron 1,080.00
Other Salaries and Compensation 1,059.95
Other Administration Expense 411.16
, Buildings
Salary Fireman 300.00
New Furniture and Furnishings 100.00
Fuel, Light and Power 3,352.12
Renewals of Equipment 331.98
Repairs and Alterations 222.24
Other Building Expense 209.38
Salaries, Physician and Attendants
Food, Clothing and Supplies
Salaries, Farm Employees 1,200.00
Miscellaneous, Farm Wages and Expense • 356.15
Live Stock 229.50
Feed, Gasoline, Seed Etc. 2,177.92
New Equipment and Repairs 739.91
Building Repairs and Alterations 172.49
Total $21,447.07
332 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
Administrative "Salaries and Expenses $ 3,780.00
Transportation (75% chargeable to Horne) 308.37
Physician, Fireman and Attendants 3,580.96
Fuel, Light and Power '(85 jo chargeable to Home) 2,849.31
Provisions, Clothing and Supplies 4,727.31
Total $15,245.95
Residents as of December 31, 1947. 40 men; 8 women.
Total days of residence, 15,826.
Average cost per day, $.9634-.
Eggs $1,201.04
Butterfat $1,614-.31
Butter purchased 679.84 934.47
Milk & Cream 238.93
Poultry 28.84
Clover 158.52
Straw 340.67
Calves 64.00
Wheat 50.25
Hay 241.05
Pigs 210.00
Lard 6.00
Junk 3.50
$3,447.27 $3,4-47.27
Use of machinery ' 8.00
Use of telephone 5.26
Board of horse 40.00
Rebates on purchases 25.57
Board of, Inmates 662.34 741.17
Total Receipts $4,218.44
Appropriations Expended Unexpended
Allowances $ 7,200.00 $ 6,450.72 $ 749.28
Burials 400.00 400.00
Total $ 7,600.00 ' $ 6,450.72 $ 1,149.28
Tompkins County, New York 333
Appropriations Expended' Unexpended
Allowances '$154,000.00 $153,911.4-7 $ 88.53
Burials 5,000.00 3,417.00 1,583.00
Total $159,000.00 $157,328.47 $ 1,671.53
Appropriations Expended Unexpended
$ 93,900.00 $ 93,770.90 . $ 129.10
Category Expended Reimbursement Net Cost
Aid to the Blind $ 6,450.72 $ 5,938.85 $ 511.87
Old Age Assistance 157,328.47 117,206.24 40,122.23
Aid to Dependent Children .93,770.90 73,483.13 ' 20,287.77
Home Relief Etc. 11,712.96 7,777.58. 3,935.38
18,760.59 6,887.20 11,873.39
61,587.17 8,036.32 - 53,550.85
36,177.60 18,428.97 17,748.63
21,447.07 4,218.44 17,228.63
5,039.47 561.63 4,477.84
Hospitalization, T. B. Etc.
Child Welfare Services
Administrative Salaries
County Home and Farm
Office & Travel Expense
• Totals - $412,274.95 $242,538.36 $169,736.59
Received from Recovery Trust Fund 4,991.33
Total Net Cost $164,745.26
Category From State
Aid to the Blind $ 5,878.73
Old Age Assistance 114,423.21
Home Relief & State Charges 7,720.66
Hospital, Other Districts Etc.
Child Welfare
Aid to Dependent Children
Administrative Sala ries
.Administrative Expense
County Home & Farm
T.B. Hospitalization 2,360.00
Recovery Trust Fund
Totals $222,449.96
Misc. Receipts Total
$ 60.12 $ 5,938.85
2,783.03 117,206.24 -.
56.92 7,777.58
4,452.20 4,452.20
8,036.32 ' 8,036.32
406.37 ' 73,483.13
4,218.44 4,218.44--
75.00 2,435.00
4,991.33 4,991.33•
$ 25,079.73 $247.529.69
- Jan. 1 Balance $ 6,854.86
Dec. 31 Receipts 8,827.13
Paid to County $ 4,991.33
Paid to State 5,435.45
• Deposit Returned 147.00
To Balance 5,108.21
Totals $15,681.99 1 $15,681.99
Jan. 1 Balance $ 5,108.21
334 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
States of New York
County of Tompkins
R. C. Van Marter, being duly sworn, says that he is the
Commissioner 'of Welfare of Tompkins County; that to the
best of his knowledge and belief the foregoing is a true and full -
account of receipts and disbursements of the Department for
the year ended December 31, 1947.
Subscribed and sworn
Notary Public.
to before me this 6th day of March,
Tompkins County, New York 335
Men Women Total
In Home January 1, 1947 39 9 48
Inmates, First Admission. 6 1 7
Inmates, Readmitted 21 0 21
Total cared for 66 10 76
Inmates'deceased during year 4 0 4 '
Inmates discharged. 22 2 24
Remaining, December 31; 1947 40 8 48
80 Bu. Apples @ $ 2.50 $ 200.00
15 Bu. Peas @ 3.00 45.00
100 Bun. Rhubarb @ .75 75.00
15 Bu. Sweet Corn cu '1.00 15.00.
65 Bu. Tomatoes @ 1.50 97.50
20 Bu. Cucumbers nl 2.50 50.00
22 Bu. Snap Beans @ 2.00 44.00
4 Bu. Bartlett Pears @ 3.00 12.00
4. "Bu, Seckel Pears @ 1.00 4.00.
4 Bu. Plums a 4.00 16.00
1 Lug Dill @ 1.00 1.00
4 ' Crates Lettuce @ 1.00" 4.00
10 Bu. Parsnips @ 3.00 30.00
13 Bu - Dry Beans . , . @ 7.20 93.60
13 Bu . Beets @ 1.00 13.00
1' Ton Cabbage @ 30.00 15.00
12 Bu. Carrots @ 2.00 24.00
25 Bu. Onions @ 2.50 - 62.50
200 Bun. Radishes @ .05 10.00
4 Bu. Squash @ 1.50 60,60
10 Bu. Turnips . @ .50 5.00
50 Bun. Asparagus @ .16 8.00
10 Bu. Pumpkins @. 1.50 15.00
35 Ton Hay @ 20.00 700.00
100 Ton Grass Ensilage @ 15.00 1500.00
310. Bu. Wheat @ 3.00 930.00
270 Bu. Oats ' @ 1.40 378.00
583 Bu. Mixed Grain @ 1.80 1049.40
125 Bu. Shelled Corn @ 2.50 312.50
477 Bu. _ Potatoes @ 1.75 834.75
20 Tons Wheat Straw @ 18.00 360.00 `
20 Tons • Oat Straw @ 15.00 300.00
3 Bu. Timothy Seed @ 6.00 18.00
3,097 Lbs. . Beef- @ .35 1083.95
2,718 Lbs. Pork' @ .35 951.30
640 Lbs. Poultry ,@ .50 320.00
51,953 Qts. Milk @ .12 6234.36
3,500 Doz. Eggs @ .60 2100.00
336 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
728 Doz. Eggs _ @ .60 $'436.80
12,570 . Qts. Milk @ .12 1,508.40
582 Lbs. Poultry u) .50 290.00
3,097 Lbs. Beef @ ' .35 1,083.95
2,118 Lbs. Pork @ .35 741.30
900 'Lbs. , Butter @ .75j� 679.84
325 Qts. Tomatoes @ .30. 97.50
176 Qts. String Beans @ .25 - 44.00
87 Qts. Shell Beans .. @ .55 47.85
92 Qts. Corn • @ .25 23.00
40 Qts. Tomato Juice @ .25 10.00
23 Qts. Peas @ .35 8.05
142 Qts. Pickles @ .35 51.80
29 Qts. Grape Juice @ .25 7.25
64 Qts. Squash @ ' .25 16.00
18 Qts. Elder Berries @ .25 4.50
84- Qts. Berries @ .55 46.20
48 Qts. Rhubarb ' @ .20 9.60
151 Qts. Peaches cu .45 67.95
154 Qts. Cherries - @ .55 84.70
105 Qts. Plums @ .35 36.75
7 Qts. Mincemeat @ .35 2.45
12 Qts. Jam @ .55 6.60
160 Qts. Pears . @ .35 - 35.00
TOTAL $5,339.49
Tompkins County, New York 337
' *Aid to Dependent Children
Mothers 89
Children 234
Incapacitated Fathers 25
*Child Welfare
Children in Boarding Homes 91
Children in Institutions 56
Children (others) Under Supervision 97
Old Age Assistance
Men 141 .
• Women 157
*Aid to the Blind
Men 5
Women 5
Home Relief
In Family 73
Non :Family 7
(27 Cases in Town taken over by County Mar. 1, 1947)
County Home
Men 40
Women 8
*Includes those administered by City Department and paid for by County.
338 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors
To the Board of Supervisors :
The statistics furnished at this time again reflect the con-
tinued growth of thecounty probation system and the Child-
ren's Court, a tendency which has been a strong one for the
last several years..
The collection of support funds for broken homes and needy
children took another big jump in 1947, the probation office
receiving from delinquent parentsthe total sum of $44,818.88
during the year and disbursing the same among 169 different
families throughout the County. This is an increase over the
1946 figure of $40,575.83 of 'over ten percent. The probation
department during the year advised each supervisor by month-
ly reports of the amount of support collected for families in
each town of the County; and also•the Welfare Commissioner
'of the collections of welfare reimbursement •funds which
amounted to $2,710.00 as against $2,659.25 last year. In the
period from: 1942 to this year, the amount of support collec-
tions -has more than doubled, as in 1942 this office collected
'$20,453.21 as against 1947's high total.
Formal matters handled by the Children's Court dropped
back during 1947 to a more normal level following aftermath
of the World War conditions in 'this community. The Court
disposed of 288 cases concerning delinquent, neglected, -crip-
cpled and other types of children brought before the Court. In
1946 a total of 324 petitions were thus filed and in 1945 there
were 280 similar matters. There were only 33 delinquency
cases as against 68 the previous year and 51 in 1945.. Of the
total number of children brought before Judge Stagg in 1947,-
50 were placed in suitable homes and institutions because of
improper conditions in their own homes. Eleven of these were
committed to various institutions throughout the State, the
same number as in 1946, but seven less than in 1945.
Physically handicapped children's matters involved orders
for expenditure of $21,073.75, by far the largest amount ever
handled in the care of crippled children in County history. Last
year orders totalled only $7,141.00 while in 1945 the total was
Tompkins County, New York 339
$6,313.25. The increase in amount -of these orders is undoubt-
edly due to a more extensive health organization and program
throughout the County. There were 34 different children in-
volved in these orders as against 17 in 1946 and 18 in 1945.
Probation matters in the Supreme, County and, Justices of
the Peace Courts of the County involved 18 new probationers
during the year which was an increase of ten over 1946 and
left the probation department supervising 32 probationers in
these courts at the end of the year. In the Children's Court the
department has 118 on probation, 98 adults and 20 juveniles,
which is about the normal load carried for several years.
Expenses of the Children's Court and the Probation De-
partment for 1947 amounted to $460.97 well within the ap-
propriations made by the Board of a total of $650.00 so that
a surplus of $189.03, exists in this budget at the end of the year.
The complete statistics for the Court and the Department
follows : ,
Statistics for the Children's Court for the year January 1 -
December 31, 1947, are as follows :
Delinquent Neglected Crippled Adults Support
Month Total Boys Girls Boys Giris Boys Girls Men Women Collected
Jan. 21 5 0 0 0 0 1 15 ' 0 $3460.67
.Feb. 20 4- 0, 0 0 2 1 13 0 3484:59
Mar. *22 0 1 0 2 1 2 16 0 3704.49
Apr. 23 1 0 0 2 4 2 13 1 3866.67
May 24 4 1 2 2 1 3 10 1 3938.17
June 30 1 2 3 1 5 7 11 0 3886.17
, July 29 2 0 4 3 2 2 16 0, 3675.67
Aug. 21 0 1 2 6 3 1 R 0 3822.67
Sept. 18 0 0 1 - 1 5 1 10 0 3382.47
Oct. 27 5 2 0 0 2 2 16 0 3804.97
Nov. 19 1 0 0 0 1 0 17 0 3750.67
Dec. 34 1 2 2 1 3 • 3 22 0 4041.67
TOTAL 288 24 9 14 18 29 25 167 2 $44,818.88
- 340 Proceedings of The Board of Supervisors.
Disposition of the above cases was made by the Court in the
following manner, except in the matters of the physically
handicapped children.
Placed in
Homes Committed
z a
To support
Jan. 1 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 2 0
Feb. 0 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 0 0
Mar. 0 3 0. 0 0 0 3 . 0 2 0
Apr. 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0
May 1 1 1- 0 0 0 2 0 0 . 1
June 3 3 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0
July 4. 3 2 . 0 0 0 3 0. 2 0
Aug. 2 7 0 0 0 0 3 . 0 if 2 0
Sept. 1 1 0 0 0 0 , 2 0 1 0
Oct. 3 2 0 0 2 0 4 0 1 0
Nov. 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 5 0
Dec. 1 1 2 2 0 0 8 0 0 0
Total 16 23 9 2 8, 0 44 0 16 1
Tompkins County, New York 341
Pro. Rec'd. Discharged Committed Restitution
Fines Conferences
U 0 ▪ U o • U . • o ▪ U 0 . 0
U•U U U U U. cj U U U
a v
❑ ▪ . ' .. 6. 7-'.; • • o. . d
S V V ti ' VJ - (/) U7
Jan. - 1 0 0 0 0 0 $ .00 $.00 $.00 $.00 36 .11
Feb. 0 1 0 0 0 0 35.00 .00 " .00 .00 21 15
Mar. 0 2 4 8 1 - 0 .00 .00 .00 .00 24 14
Apr. 0 0 5 ' 3 0 .0 .00 .00 .00 .00 24 10
May 0 0 3 4" 0 0 17.50 .00 .00 .00 26 7
June 7 • 0 6 2 2 0 .00 .00 .00 .00 45 12
July 1 0 5 6 0 0 10.00 .00 .00 .00 26 7
Aug. 1 1 78 5 1 0 10.20 .00 .00 .00 24 9
Sept. 0 0 0 0. 0 0 21.00 .00 .00 .00 23 8
Oct. 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 .00 .00 .00 27 12
Nov. 4. 0 1 5 0' 0 315.42 .00 .00 .00 18 11
Dec. 0 0 1 0 0 0 .00 .00 .00 .00 23 2
Total 14 4 103 ' 33 4' 0 $409.12 $.00 $.00 $.00 317 118
Respectfully submitted,
Probation Officer; and Clerk
of Children's Court.
342 Proceedings of.the Board of Supervisors
Total Receipts $ 7,449.41
Total Payments 3,380.18
Balance $ 4,069.23
Total Receipts $ 1,478.21
Total Payments 589.00.
Balance $ 889.21
Total Receipts $ 323.56
Total Payments 303.26
Balance $ 20.30
, Total Receipts $ 1,128.75
_ Total Payments 1,061.76
Balance $ 66.99
Total General Fund Balance $ 5,045.73
Total Receipts $28,486.55
Total Payments 22,468.72
Balance $ 6,017.83
Dec. 31, 1947—Total balance of all funds $11,063:56
Tompkins County, New York 343
Total Receipts $ 8,904.12
Total Disbursements 5,244.15
Balance $ 3,659.97
Total Receipts - $38,811.85
Total Disbursements 24,291.07
Balance $14,520.78
Total Receipts
$ 478A6
Total Disbursements 245.80
Balance $ 232.66
Total Receipts $ 1,131.03
'Total Disbursements 603.00 ,
Balance $ 528.03
• Balance, Dec. 31, 1947—General, Highway, Health
and Welfare • $18,941.44
344 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
Total Receipts $24,682.27
Total Disbursements 16,734.42 ,
Balance $ 7,947.85
Total Receipts $56,351.83
Total Disbursements 54,861.23
Balance $ 1,490.60
Total Receipts $ 2,402.84
Total Disbursements 1,004.55
Balance.. $ 1,398.29
Balance, Dec. 31, 1947—General, Highway and
Welfare $10,836.74
Tompkins County, New York 345
Total Receipts $ 6,531.23
Total Disbursements 5,203.76
Balance $ 1,327.47
Total Receipts $18,362.80
Total Disbursements 17,236.62
Balance $ 1,126.18
Total Receipts $ 939.25
Total Disbursements 434.00
• Balance $ 505.25
Total Receipts $ 220.00
Total Disbursements 180.30
Balance $ 39.70
• Balance Dec. 31, 1947—General, Highway, Welfare
and Health Funds • $ 2,998.60
346 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
Receipts $30,893.82
Total Disbursements 18,019.46
Balance $12,874.36
Total Receipts $74,209.09
Total Disbursements 60,581.36
• Balance $13,627.73
Balance, December 31, 1947—General, Highway
and Welfare $.26,602.09
Tompkins County, New York 347
Total Receipts $42,306.81
Total Disbursements 22,176.14
Balance $20,130.67
Total Receipts $42,423.70
Total Disbursements 36,292.87
Balance $ 6,130.83
Balance, Dec. 31, 1947—General, Highway
and Welfare $26,261.50
348 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
Total Receipts $25,658.51
Total Disbursements 17,241.01
Balance $ 8,417.50
Total Receipts . $58,345.17
Total Disbursements 56,519.94
Balance. $ 1,825.23
Total Receipts $ 1,843.57
Total Disbursements 1,535.77
Balance $ 307.80
Balance, Dec. 31, 1947—General, Highway and
Welfare $10,550.53
Tompkins County, New York 349
Total Receipts $11,576.97
Total Disbursements 7,115.70
Balance $ 4,461.27
Total Receipts $32,898.95
Total Disbursements 24,906.27
Balance $ 7,992.68
Total Receipts $ 1,976.73 •
Total Disbursements 947.51 •
Balance $ 1,02922
Balance, Dec. 31, 1947—General, Highway and
Welfare $13,483.17
350 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
Total Receipts $22,391.89
Total Disbursements 14,044.33
Balance $ 8,347.56
Total Receipts $15,701.82
Total Disbursements 13,481.22
Balance $ 2,220.60
Total Receipts $ 3,846.13
Total Disbursements 1,292.76
Balance $ 2,553.37
Total Receipts $31,609.01
Total Disbursements 20,443.50
Balance $11,165.51
Total Receipts $16,725.19
Total Disbursements 11,266.57
Balance $ 5,458.62
_ Balance, Dec. 31, 1947—General, Highway, Bridge,
Machinery, Snow and Welfare $29,745.86
I hereby certifiy that the following is a true statement of all the indebtedness of the County of Tompkins, and ofeach sub -division thereof, and of
the facts relating thereto as reported to me pursuant to the General Municipal Law; Highway Law and Section 29, subd. 5, of the Town Law, for the
year .1947.
Dated, December. 31, 1947. ,
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors,
Ithaca, New York.
Political Division
for which created I For what Purpose Created 1
Under what Law
Int.Bonded Net Total
1Rate I Debt. I Debt. I Debt.
County of Tompkins
City of Ithaca •
City of Ithaca
City of Ithaca
City of Ithaca
City of Ithaca
City of Ithaca
City of Ithaca
City of Ithaca
Town of Caroline
Town- of Caroline
Cen School Dist 1 Dryden
Cen School Dist 1 Dryden
Cen School Dist 1 Dryden
Cen. School Dist.1 Dryden
Cen School Dist 1 Dryden
Town of Enfield,.
Town of Groton
Town of Groton
Villageof Groton
Village of Groton
School Dist. 8 Groton
County Buildings
Improvement Series "H"
Street Improvement
Emergency Relief
Improvement, Refunding
Brockway Truck •
Allis Chalmers Power Grader;
New Building
New Building
New Building
School Bus
School Bus
Water Extension
Electric Extension
New Building
General Municipal Law
Education Law
Chap. 782, Laws 1933
Chap. 247, Laws 1913
Chap. 598, Laws 1929
C ap. 598, Laws 1929
Chap. 798, Laws 1931'
Chap. 782, Law's 1933
Sec. 8, Gen. Municipal
Highway Law
Iighway Law
Education Law
Education Law
cation Law
Education Law
Education Law
i-Iighway Law
Highway Law
Highway Law
',Tillage Law
Village Law
3ducation Law
5% $550,000.00 $342,000.00 $342,000.00
4.5 310,000.00 105,000.00
2/ 112,000.00 48,000.00
434 275,000.00 135,000.00
1 155,000.00 64,000.00
1 84,000.00 60,000.00
14- 86,000.00 27,000.00
1.6 68,000.00 28,000.00
1.2 62,000.00 32,000.00 499,000.00
3 5,175.00 2,575.00
2/ 8,392.00 8,392.00 10,967.00
2.8 168,000.00 114,000.00
23A 20,000.00 11,000.00
2.7 15,000.00 6,000.00
1.5 4,400.00 4,400.00
2 5,200.00 5,200.00
3 8,300.00 5,500.00
2 9,000.00 9,000.00
2.5 10,000.00 10,000.00
6 90,000.00 9,000.00
5/ 38,000.00 10,000.00
5 142,500.00 19,000.00
When Payable
Serial Annually
$1300 Ann.
$2098 Year.
Serial Ann.
$1,000 Ann.
$1,000 Ann.
_$1100 Ann.
$1300 Ann.
$2,100 Ann.
$3300 Ann.
$3,000 Ann.
$2,000 Ann.
$9000 Ann.
Political Division
for which created 1 'For what Purpose Created
School Dist. 8 Groton
Groton Cent. School 1
Groton Cent. School 1
McLean Central School:
.'orest Home Water Dist
Union Free School Dist. 6
Union Free School Dist. 6
Union Free School Dist. 6
School Dist. 9 Lansing
School Dist. 13 Lansing
Town of Newfield
Town of Newfield
Town of Newfield
Newfield Cent. School
Village of Trumansburg-
Village of Trumansburg
Village of Trumansburg
Village of Trumansburg
School Dist 1 Ulysses —
Village of Dryden
New Building
Water System
New Schoolhouse
Reconstructing School Building
Reconstructing School Building
New Building
New Building
Power Grader
F.W.D. Truck
F.W.D. Truck
New Building
Water System
Water System
Water System
Water System
New Building
New Village Hall
1 Int.
Under what Law - 1 Rate
Education Law
Education Law
Education Law
Education Law
Chap. 782, Laws- 1933
Education Law -
Education & Local Finance
Resolution, Education Board
Education Law
Education Law
Highway Law
Highway Law
Highway Law
Education Law
Village Law
Village Law
Village Law
Village Law
Education Law
Village Law
' Debt.
Total 1
Debt. 1
When Payable
$1,000 Ann.
$780 Ann. -
$1600 Ann.
$3000 Ann.
$1,000 Ann.
$1,250 Ann.
$6,000 Ann.
Nov., 1947
$6,250 Ann.
$500 Ann.
$1800 Ann.
$2,000 Ann.
$3500 Ann.
1972 -
`$2000 Ann.
$5,000 Ann.
$2000 Ann.
Tompkins County, New York 353
The following statement shows the assessed valuation of
each town with an incorporated village or city, therein, the
amount of mortgage tax to_be distributed to the towns, villages
and city and paid thereto for the year ending September 30,
Villages and
Assessed Value
Dryden Village
F'reeville Village
Groton Village
Ithaca City
Ithaca Town
Cayuga Heights
$ 706.68
$ 706.681$
. 783.63
1,382.25 1,382.25
727.84 727.84
3,365,579 2,184.22 1,791.25
1,211,021 392.97
$ 706.68
Totals 28,120,290 $29,112.50 $ 9,334.67 $19,777.83 $29,112.50
Dated November 10, 1947.
Clerk, Board of Supervisors
354 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
Report showing aggregate valuations of real property in the cities and
towns of the county and the rate of assessment used in the preparation of the
county equalization table which was based on the assessment rolls made in 1947.
Cities and To
Ithaca City
Ithaca Town
Acres of Land
$ 259,291
Total assessed valuation*.
$ 1,028,254
Rate of assessment (%)
Equalized valuation*.
$ 981,912
4,014, 529
Totals 293,088 $66,933.059 $66,933;059
Average rate of assessment .926283031 per cent.
I, Gladys L Buckingham, Clerk of the Board. of Supervisors of the County
of Tompkins do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the
aggregate valuations of the taxable real property, the rates of equalization
and the equalized valuations in the several cities and towns in said County, as.
determined by said Board of Supervisors, at their annual meeting in the year
_ Clerk, Board of Supervisors.
*Include Special Franchises and exclude pension exemption 'and state-
owned reforestation property not taxable for county purposes.
c:zr� ��dd�
w 7 n p' W U
N• a 10
w 0+w0000w ?.+
• w .D V 'D.,4 N - _O
01 N} 0 to V 00 V N
v.. 00 0, 0' — w V v, 00
In 4= CN V 4= to to U. O\ N �+
VD 4. O O Doi b00 o b
wr.+w00 ow -F. r+
r+ N ,-` w w V V O i-+ .D
00 v.'0 00ww -00
▪ v, vn o so � w
..' C' 00 u 00 V.. O `D N
O 0 .D - r. v. N V i-•
O 00 1-+ O1 00 00 00 VD .D N
N N V w w
0\ 0 O\ O b F-. a w .D L7 w
V In VD V. D\ 00 O 00 w N
00 V O V- O In O V
In w .O N N CO .D w N 00
• w 00 N W
w w w 00 In .D V .D i-+ O
w r- w 'P
00 In 00 .D 00 w .D D, 1.n o.
cN V 9+ O O w V V N V
V 0 00 - tntnN O F+N
1-+ 00 V r-. C` b 4= P- • N f.
to Nv.w., ON
O 0 ON
00 V 00 V O W u. VD In w
N N O+ In V to D\ V cn T
O\ :n 4 wr D\ N v. W N ,
Assessed valuation of
taxable real property
including special
1 \1
Equalized, valuation of
taxable real property
incliiding special
Court and
stenographers tax
Net county general
(Budget less
anticipated revenues)
Comp. Ins., Elec. Exp.,
Old Age Assistance
and Home Relief
31.10A M9N 'Atli nosui duaol
Payable To County Treasurer
Towns - Cities
Surplus or deficit
$ 36.79 $
$ 1,053.671$
8 9 13
12,140.75 $ 1,166.26 $ 13,307.01
13,688.19 637.90 14,326.09
46,068.42 1,529.91 47,598.33
8,871.75 729.13 9,600.88
45,812.95 689.46 46,502.41
427,288.91 1,337.44 428,626.35
101,918.92 1,008.12 102,927.04
38,986.16 1,126.99 40,113.15
15,419.47 478.99 15,898.46
38,677.90 964.50 39;642.40
748,873.421$ 9,668.701$ 758,542.12
Payable To Supervisor
Town budget' including
highway items 2-3-4
Town highway item 1
and other. taxes levied
outside, Inc. villages
Town special districts
Total to supervisor
(add cols. 14-15-16)
Total Warrants
(add cols. 3, 13 and 17)
Enfield• •
$ 6,050.00
16 _
$ 2,078.75
Ithaca ' 12,100.00 17,900.33
Lansing 16,150.00 8,850.00
Newfield 7,500.00 9,555.00
Ulysses 11,500.00 11,330.00
Total $ 103,150.001$ 78,468.33$
11,128.75 $
24, 518.44
I, Gladys L. Buckingham, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
of the County of Tompkins do hereby certify that this is a
true statement of the assessed and equalized valuations, and
the taxes levied against the taxable property of the several tax
districts, by the Board of Supervisors, at their annual meeting
in the year 1947, and of other financial matters within the
political subdivisions of the County.
P.O. Address : Court House, Ithaca, N. Y. Clerk.
��o,� nnaN 'Xlunop supidwol
358 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
To the Comptroller of the State of New York and the Super-
intendent of Public Works :
The following is a Statement, Pursuant to Section 278 of the
Highway Law, of the several towns in the County of Tompkins,
and assessed valuations, rate and amount of tax levied therein,
for the repair of highways, by the Board of. Supervisors of said
County at their annual session in the month of December,
1947, viz.:
Name of Town
Item No. 1
' 2,154,558
$ 3,000
$ 3,000 $ 1,028,254
3,000 1,177,629
9,000 , 4,247,340
1;800 753,518.
• 9,600 3,971,509
14,100 8,957,720
8,850 3,346,630
9,500 1,328,434
7,000 3,365,579
Total $ • 20,598,471 $ 65,850 $ '65,8501$ 28,176,613
I Certify that - the preceding statement is correct.
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors,
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.
• Tompkins County, New York 359
Total Receipts
Caroline $ 3,005.90 $ 3,000.00
Danby 8,854.21 3,000.00
Dryden I - 108.90 9,000.00
Enfield '1,494.37 ,2,000.00
Groton 2,869.25 13,500.00
Ithaca 1,146.81 12,100.00
Lansing - 4,935.82 , 8,000.00
Newfield 3,694.81 4,000.00
Ulysses .6,261.44 5,000.00
$ 4,252.48
$ 3,036.00 $13,294.38
3,028.04 18,224.95
3,000.00 16,119.15
$ 2,720.61
$ 9,880.02
$ 3,414.36
35.816, 645.22
360 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
Tax from collector
Total receipts
$ 749.02j$ 500.00 $ 7.00 $ 1,256.02
3,432.09 1,000.00 4,432.09
1,346.02 500.00 500.00 2,346.02
57.14 100.00 157.14
448.64 1,200.00 1,648.64
652.64 652.64
355.10 355.10
550.14 350.00 900.14
3,846.13 3,846.13
Fowns ,
$ 265.20 $ 946.44
154.00 1,652.53
$ 1,211.64 $ 44.38
1,888.22 2,543.87
• 1,245.10
Tompkins County, New York 361
Total receipts
$ 1,663.21
' 683.27
$ 2,129.25
$ 4,561.151$ 8,353.61
Total expenditures
Ca roline
$ 1,775.74
$ 4,724.25 $
$ 6,853.58
$ 1,500.03
362 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
E-' •
$ 1,132.69
$ 3,350.00
$ 1,099.85
$ 5,582.54-
Other Expenses
$ 2,240.59 $ 2,027.60
1,558.17 2,519.42
10,014.64 2,808.00
5,930.03 46.73
3,759.10 2,975.00
1,629.80 2,830.00
$ 255.29
$ 4,523.48
$ 1,059.06
Tompkins County, New York 363,
and General War
Void Ballot Ballot Total
Frederick B. Bryant, Rep.
Enos A. Pyle, Dem.
Clifford C. Hall, Rep.
Lee Smith, Dem:
4 9,715 .
1 3,294
1 833
Regular Ballot _ War Ballot
Amendment in relation to payment of Veterans' Bonus
3,972 For 6
4,624 Against 0
5,240 Blank 0
Amendment in relation to absentee voting
For 6' For
Against 0 Against
Blank 0 Blank
Amendment in relation to Compensation of members of the Legislature
3,04-7 1 For
3,745 Against
7,044 Blank
3 For
2 Against
1 Blank
Amendment in relation to the removal or retirement of Judges and Justices
4,315 For
7,149 I Blank
3 For
1 Against
2 Blank
364 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
Amendment in relation to the erection of another Judicial District out of the
Second Judicial District as now constituted.
Amendment in relation to ski trails on forest preserve lands.
Blank .
Proposition: An act to create an additional state debt for low rent housing
For ' 3 I For
Against 1 Against
Blank 2 Blank
Proposition: An act to amend the Public Housing Law in relation to State
subsidies (13 Million Dollars)
2,726 For 5 For
2,826 Against 0 Against
8,284 Blank 1 Blank
Proposition: An act to amend the Public Housing Law in relation to State
Subsidies (1% 'Million Dollars)
2,687 For 4 I For
2,866 Against 0 I Against
8,283 Blank 2 Blank
Tompkins County, New York 365
Roster, 1948
W. Sterling Cole (39th District) Bath, N. Y.
Chauncey B. Hammond (46th District) Elmira, N. Y.
Stanley C. Shaw Ithaca. N. Y.
County Judge and Surrogate.. Norman G. Stagg Ithaca, N.Y.
Special County Judge . Louis K. Thaler Ithaca, N. Y.
Judge of Children's Court ...Norman G. Stagg •Ithaca, N. Y.
County Clerk W. Glenn Norris Ithaca, N. Y.
County Treasurer D. A. Stobbs, Ithaca, N. Y.
District Attorney Frederick Bryant Ithaca, N. Y.
Sheriff Clifford Hall Ithaca, N. Y.
Under Sheriff Howard A. Harvey Ithaca, N. Y.
CountyAttorney C. H. Newman Ithaca, N. Y.
Commissioner of Welfare R. C. VanMarter Ithaca, N. Y.
Coroner Dr. Ralph J. Low T'burg, N. Y.
Sealer of Wts. & Measures .... Carl Roe Ithaca, N. Y.
Superintendent of Highways .Bert I. Vann Ithaca, N. Y.
Clerk, Board of Supervisors Gladys L. Buckingham ..Ithaca, N. Y.
Commissioner of Election Ray Van Orman Ithaca, R.D.
Commissioner of Election Daniel Patterson Newfield, N. Y.
Probation Officer R. A. Hutchinson Ithaca, N. Y.
Clerk of Surrogate's Court.. Mary Mineah Ithaca, N. Y.
Clerk of Children's Court R. A. Hutchinson Ithaca, N. Y.
Deputy County Clerk B. F. Tobey Ithaca,' N. Y.
Motor Vehicle. Clerk Leona Humphrey Ithaca, N. Y.
Deputy County Treasurer ... Zdenka K. Stepan ....Newfield, N. Y.
County Service Officer ..... Walter L. Knettles ....Groton, N. Y.
Dog Warden Frederick McGraw Br'kt'ndale,_N. Y.
Dist. Supt. of Schools E. Craig Donnan Newfield, N. Y.
Dist. Supt. of Schools L. O. Olds Ithaca, N. Y.
Dist. Supt. of Schools .....:.... J. Paul Munson Groton, R.D.
Supt., County Home Herman Exton ....Jacksonville, N. Y.
Assistant Librarian Eleanor Daharsh Ithaca, R.D.
Veterinarian Dr. R. A. McKinney ....Dryden, N. Y.
County Historian W. Glenn Norris Ithaca, N. Y.
County Laboratory, Director Dr. Henry Ferris Ithaca, N. Y.
County Dir., -Vet. Agency ... Leon F. Holman Ithaca, N. Y.
366 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
Supervisor Lamont C. Snow....Br'kt'dale, R.D. 1
Justice of the Peace Chas. Thomas Ithaca, R. D. 2
Justice of the Peace Clinton W. Mulks ..Br'kt'ndale, N. Y.
Justice of the Peace Bertram Crispell ..Slaterville Springs
Justice of the Peace Percy Yaple . .Brooktondale, R. D..1
Town Clerk Mrs. Evelyn B. Brock Br'kt'dale
Assessor D. B. Bull, Chm. - Ithaca, R.D. 2
Assessor Herbert R. Schutt ....Slaterville, N.Y.
Assessor Gilbert C. Eastman . Br'kt'dale, N. Y.
Collector Wilson B. Osmun ....Slaterville Spgs.
Supt. of Highways James Beebe Berkshire, R.D. 4
Service Officer Charles M. Jones .. Berkshire, R. D. 1.
School Director Mildred Crispell . Slaterville Springs
School Director Prue Ridgway Br'k'dale, N. Y.
Justice of the Peace
Justice of the Peace
Town Clerk
Supt. of Highways
Service Officer
School Director
School Director
Everett J. Loomis Spencer, N. Y.
Henry Westervelt Ithaca, R.D. 4
Harold Cortright Spencer, R.D. 1
Ernest Sincebaugh Ithaca, R.D. 4
Fred Thayer, - Ithaca R.D. 4
Edward Judson Ithaca, R.D. 4
F. R. Caswell, Chm. Ithaca, R.D. 4
L. E. Cummings Willseyville, R. D. 1
Arthur VandeBogart Willseyville
Edward E. Slights Ithaca, R. D. 4
John Hoover Ithaca, R.D. 4
David A. Moore ....Willseyville, N. Y.
Emma McLaughlin 'Ithaca, R.D. 4
Dorothy Nelson Ithaca, R. D. 4
Supervisor Charles G. Downey ....Dryden, N. Y.
Justice of the Peace Harry Spaulding Etna, N. Y.
Justice of the Peace Dewey Whitford " ' Dryden, N.Y.
Justice of the Peace Ara W. Johnson Freeville, N. Y.
Justice of the Peace Orrie Cornelius Ithaca, R. D. 2
Justice of the Peace Alvord A. Baker Freeville, N. Y.
Town Clerk Lois Beck Freeville, N. Y.
Assessor William Strong, Chm. Freeville
Assessor . Harold Clough Ithaca, R.D. 2
Assessor Ralph Dellows Dryden, N. Y.
Collector Lois Beck Dryden, N.Y.
Stacey Beach Dryden, N. Y.
Charles G. Downey Dryden, N. Y.
Harriet Whitman Etna, N.Y.
Lewis Gridley Dryden, N. Y.
Supt. of Highways
Service Officer
School Director
School Director
Tompkins County, New York 367
Supervisor S. Harvey Stevenson .... Ithaca, R. D. 3
Justice of the Peace Harold Laue Ithaca, R.D. 3
Justice of the Peace Abram G. Updike T'burg, R. D.
Justice of the Peace Fred Bock Newfield, R.D. 2
Justice of the Peace Hulse Smith Newfield, R.D. '2
Town Clerk Margaret . Laughlin ....Ithaca, R.D. 5
Assessor Roy Linton Ithaca, R.D. 5
Assessor Austin Legge Ithaca, R.D. 5
Assessor Harry Warren, Chm.....T'burg, R.D.
Collector Lester Johnson Ithaca, R.D. 5
Supt. of Highways Sherman Grover Newfield, R.D. 2
Service" Officer Herbert Curry. ....Ithaca, R.D. 3
School Director Mrs. Robert Hubbel ....Ithaca, R.D. 5
School Director Christine Crissey Ithaca, R. D. 3
Supervisor Daniel J. Carey . Groton, N. Y.
Chas. Van Benschoten Groton, N. Y.
Harry Tallmadge Groton, R.D. 1
Ralph Reakes McLean, N. Y.
Otto Sebranek Groton, N. Y.
Dorothy Morgan Groton, N. Y.
Assessor Leslie Cummings Groton, N. Y.
Assessor Grant Halsey Groton, R.D. 1
Assessor Arthur E. Spearing, Chm. Groton NY
Collector Dorothy MorganGroton, N. Y.
Supt. of Highways Ed. Walpole Groton, N. Y.
Service Officer Ray McElheny Groton, N. .Y.
School Director Samuel Drake Groton, N. Y.
School Director Francis E. Ryan McLean, N. Y.
Justice of the Peace
Justice of the Peace
Justice of the Peace
Justice of the Peace
Town Clerk
Supervisor, lst Ward
Supervisor, 2nd Ward
Supervisor, 3rd Ward
Supervisor, 4th Ward
Supervisor, 5th Ward
City Judge
Acting City Judge
Floyd Springer
City Chamberlain
City Attorney
City Assessor
Director of Welfare John H. Post Library Building
Sealer of Wts. & Measures .... E. Paul Nedrow :318 Columbia St.
Chief Police Wm. Marshall .. Police Headquarters
Fire Chief Ray Travis Fire Headquarters
Bert T. Baker City Hall
John E. Parker 301 Hook Pl.
-Langford F. Baker ..320 S. Geneva St.
Roy Shoemaker , 104 Utica St.
Carl Vail 207 Ithaca Rd.
J. W. Ozmun 309.E. Tompkins St.
Robert S. Grant City Hall
John Arthur Noble City Hall
City Hall
Clarence A. Snyder Library Bldg.
1 Ernest Dahmen Say. Bank Bldg.
Henry C. Thorne City Hall
City Clerk
368 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
Justice of the Peace
Justice of the Peace
Town Clerk
Assessor Fred C. Marshall,
Assessor Ralph Mandeville
Collector Albert Force
Harry N. Gordon Ithaca, R.D.
LaGrand E. Chase . Ithaca, R.D.
Wm. A. Munsey, Ithaca, R.D. 2
T. B. Maxfield 105 Oak Hill
Fred Hartsock Ithaca, R. D.
Rachel Hanshaw Ithaca, R.D.
Frank Howe Renwick Height
Chm. Ithaca, R.D.
Ithaca, R.D. 4
Forest HomP
Ithaca, R.D.
Ithaca, R.D. 3
Ithaca, R.D. 5
Hanshaw Rd.
Supt. of Highways Harry Baker
Service Officer Harry N. Gordon
School Director Ruth McMillen
School Director Irene Fogg
Supervisor Charles H. Scofield Groton, R.D.
Justice of the Peace Robert Bower Myers, N. Y,
Justice of the Peace J. A. Smith Ludlowville, R.D.
Justice of the Peace Edward Ozmun ....So. Lansing, N. 1
Justice of the Peace Clay Tarbell Groton, N. Y.
Town Clerk Joseph McGill Ludlowville, N. Y
Assessor Franklin Starner, Chm. Groton R.D. 1
Assessor Omar Holden - Ludlowville, N.Y.
Assessor Percy Haring S. Lansing, N.Y.
Collector Kirby Sharpsteen Groton, R.D. 1
Supt. of Highways - John Howland So. Lansing, N. Y.
Service Officer Charles H. Scofield Groton, R.D.
School Director Janet Bradley Ludlowville, N.Y.
School Director Ray Luce- Groton, N. Y.
Justice of the Peace
Justice of the Peace
Justice of the Peace
Justice of the Peace
Town Clerk
Supt. of Highways
Service Officer
School Director
School Director Ruth Anderson
Forest -J. Payne Newfield; R.D. 4
Arthur Decker Newfield, N. Y.
Eno Lane Newfield, R.D.
Henry Heslop Newfield, N.Y.
Andrew Betzer Newfield, N. Y.
Walter Messenger Newfield, N. Y.
Wm. K. Ellison Newfield, N. Y.
Laura Smith Newfield, N. Y.
Lenford Seeley Newfield, N. Y.
C. Lee Brainard Newfield, N. Y.
Ed Van Kirk Newfield, N.Y.
Newfield, N. Y.
Tompkins County, New York 369
Supervisor LePine Stone ...Trumansburg, N. Y.
Justice of the Peace Clifford Bowers Trumansburg; N. Y.
Justice of the Peace C. Wes Thomas . Trumansburg, N. Y.
Justice of the Peace E. Delos Crumb Jacksonville, N. Y.
Justice of the Peace Charles A. Lueder Jacksonville, N. Y.
Town Clerk E. Katherine Dimick, Tr'nburg, N.Y.
Assessor Marvin Page Ithaca, R.D. 3
Assessor Smith Weatherby Trum'sburg, N. Y.
Assessor Edwin Gould .... Trumansburg, N. Y.
Collector Mrs. E. Bower Trumansburg, R.D. 1
Supt. of Highways J. Warren Chase Trum'sburg, R.D. 3
Service Officer Irwin S. Potter Trumansburg, N. Y.
School" Director ..:. Charlotte Strong, Trumansburg, N.Y.
School Director D. Buchman Trumansburg, N. Y.
Cayuga Heights Charles J. Kenerson
Dryden Morrell Redmore
Freeville Donald Melberg
Groton Geo-ge S. Brooks ........
Trumansburg V. L. Timerson
Iroquois Rd.
Dryden, N. Y.
. Groton
Cayuga Heights •Tang, B. Trousdale . Northway Rd.
Dryden I,ewis Gridley Dryden
Freeville E. L. Stanton
Groton E. H. Curtice
Trumansburg Dennis Messier _.... Trumansburg
370 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
1. Fall Primary—Seventh Tuesday before General Election,
each year. (Election Law, §191.)
2. Presidential Primary—First Tuesday in April in Presi-
dential year. (Election Law §191.)
3. General Election—First Tuesday after first Monday in
November, each year. (Election Law, §191.)
4. Biennial Town Elections—On same date as General Elec-
tion in odd numbered years. (Town Law, Sec. 80)
5. Designation of Polling Places—By the Town Boards and
Common Council of City, on Third Tuesday in August,
each year or within 30 days prior thereto. (Election Law,
Sec. 66)
6. Annual Session of Board of Supervisors Commences—
Second Thursday after General Election each year. (Rule
7. Monthly Meetings, Board of Supervisors—Second Mon-
day of each month. (Rule I.)
8. Election of Chairman of Board—At a meeting held in
January, for that year. (County Law, §10.)
9. Town Boards—Annual Meeting—On or after December
28th but not later than December 31st each year (Town
Law; Sec. 62.)
10. Grand Jurors—Selected by the Board of Supervisors at
the annual meeting each year. Code Criminal Procedure,
Sec. 229-a.)
11. Trial Jurors—The Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors
of each town, must meet on the First Monday in July, in
each year, at a place within the town appointed by the
Tompkins County, New York 371
Supervisor, or, in case of his absence, or a vacancy in his
office, by the Town Clerk, for the purpose of making a list
of persons, to serve as trial jurors, for the then ensuing
year. If they fail to meet on the day specified in this section,
they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable. (Judi-
ciary Law, §500).
At the meeting specified in the last section, the officers
present must select from the last assessment -roll of the
town, and make a list of all persons whom they believe to
be qualified to serve as trial jurors, as prescribed in this
article. (Judiciary Law. §501.)
12. County Claims—(a) All bills and claims against the
county must be presented to the Clerk of the Board of
Supervisors at least three days before the meeting at
which they are to be audited.
(b) All bills or claims presented to the Board of Super-
visors must be itemized and verified by the oath of
claimant. (County Law, §24).
(c) No bills shall be audited by the Board unless the •
same shall first have been passed upon by the pro-
per committee. (Rule VIII) .
13. Reports—(a) All county officers receiving, or authorized
to receive moneys in which the county , or any sub -divi-
sion thereof, shall have an interest, shall annually, on
November 1st, of each year, make a written verified report
of all moneys received, from whom, on what account and
the disposition made thereof, and file the same with the
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November
5th. (County Law, §243.)
(b) The Supervisor of every town in the county shall
report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on
or before November 15th of each year, all indebted-
ness of such town and of any special district therein,
specifying for what purpose created, under what
law, rate of interest, the amount unpaid at the date
of the report and amount to become due during next
fiscal year. (Town Law, Sec. 29, Subd. 5).
(c) The Trustees, or the person or persons having
372 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
charge of the issue of bonds or payments of same,
of any school district, shall transmit a statement
thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on
or before the 15th day of November.
(d) The fiscal officer of the City of Ithaca and each
village in the county shall report to the Clerk of
the Board of Supervisors on or before November
15th of each year all indebtedness of such city or
village specifying for what purpose created, under
what law, rate of interest, amount unpaid at the
date of such report and the amount to become due
during the next fiscal year.
14. Assessments—(a) All real property shall be assessed in
the tax district in which situated. Property divided by a
town line shall be assessed in both towns. (Town Law
(b) The assessors shall complete the assessment -roll
on or before the Twenty-fourth day of July and
make out a copy thereof, to be left with one of their
number, and forthwith cause a notice to be conspicu-
ously posted in three or more public places in the
tax district, stating that they have completed the
assessment -roll, and that a copy thereof hasbeen
left with one of their number, at a specified place,
where it may be examined until the, Second Tues-
day in August. (Tax Law, §25).
(c) The assessors shall meet on the Second Tuesday in
August and not later than August 31, to review
their assessment and hear and determine all com-
plaints brought before them in relation to such
assessments. (Tax Law, §25).
(d) The assesors in towns shall between the 24th and
29th of July mail a notice to each person or corpora-
tion owning real property of any increase in the
assessment specifying the previous valuation and
the amount of the increase. (Tax Law, Sec. 26-a) .
(e) When the assessors, or a majority of them, shall
have completed their roll, after hearing and deter-
mining all complaints, they shall severally appear
Tompkins County, New York 373
before any officer of the county authorized. by law
to administer oaths, and shall severally make and
subscribe before such officers, an oath in the form
prescribed by Sec. 28 of the Tax Law, which oath
shall be written or printed on said roll, signed by
the assessors and certified by the officer. (Tax Law,
Sec. 28) .
(f) The assessors must file a certified copy of the com-
pleted assessment -roll with the Town Clerk, on or
before the Fifteenth day of September, and it shall
there remain for public inspection until delivered by
the Town Clerk to the Supervisor. The Assessors
shall forthwith give public notice by posting the
same in at least three public places in the tax dis-
trict and to be published in one or more newspapers,
if any, published in the town, that such assessment -
roll has been finally completed, and stating that such
certified copy has been so filed. The original assess-
ment -roll shall on or before the First day of October
be delivered by the Assessors to the Supervisor.
(Tax Law, Sec. 29).
The Board of Assessors of the several towns, and
the Assessors of the City of Ithaca, shall furnish
the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, on or before
the First day of September, a complete list of all
property within their tax districts that is exempt or
partially exempt from taxation. (Tax Law, Sec. 12).
15. Oaths—All Town Officers—Before he enters on the duties
of the office and within fifteen days after commencement
of the term of office for which he is chosen every town
officer shall take and subscribe before an officer author-
ized by law to administer oaths in his county, the con-
stitutional oath of office and such other oath as may be
required by law, which shall be administered and certi-
fied by the officer taking the same without compensation
and within eight days be filed in the office of the county
clerk. (Town Law, Sec. 25).
16. Undertaking—All Town Officers—Each supervisor, town
clerk, collector, receiver of taxes and assessments, jus-
tices of the peace, constable, town superintendent of high-
374 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
ways, and such other officers and employees as the town
board may require, before entering upon the duties of his
office, shall execute and file in the office of the clerk of the
county in which the town is located, an, official undertak-
ing, conditioned for the faithful performance of his
duties, in such form, in such sum and with such sureties
as the town board shall direct and approve and such ap-
proval shall be indicated upon such undertaking. (Town
Law §25.) .
Accounts of Supervisors 289
Agreement—Relative to Tompkins County Memorial Hospital 209, 224
Appointment of—County Board of Health 52, 204
County Investigator 175
Jail Physician 4
Board of Managers—County Laboratory 196
Member on A.B.C. Board 62
Bovine Tuberculosis and Bangs Disease Committee 192
Member on District Forest Practice Board 192
Member on Farm and Home Bureau and 4-H Club
Association 193
Member of Soil Conservation District 193, 204
Apportionment of—Dog Monies 20
Election Expenses 186
Mortgage Tax Monies 153
Old Age Assistance 251
Taxes 250
Workmen's Compensation Insurance 185
Appropriation to—General Fund 239, 249
Health Fund 243, 249
Highway Fund 247, 249
Welfare Fund 246, 249
From—County Road Fund 23, 47, 104, 116, 131, 205, 268
Rcappropriation 11
Assessment Rates—As Fixed by Board of Supervisors 155
Assessment Rolls --Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign 283
Report of Committee on—Footing 140, 143
Supplemental 142, 143
Assessors—Names and !Vddresses of 366-369
Audit Statements—of Towns 342 -350 -
To Be Printed in Proceedings 229 ,
Audits—Annual Session 285
Monthly Session 13, 27, 42, 53, 72, 83, 98, 108, 122, 146, 162, 272
Automobiles, County—Relative to 71, 79, 106, 120
Balances—County Treasurer Directed to Pay to Towns and City 229
Bids—For, County Automobiles 71, 79
Printed Proceedings 278
Blood Bank—Appropriation for 195,240
Relative to State Aid 78
Board of Health (See County I-Iealth District)
Board of Supervisors—Accounts of 289
Chairman of (See Chairman of Board)
Clerk of (See Clerk of Board)
Committees of (See Committees of Board)
Deputy Clerk of 4
Expenses of 234
Meetings of—Change in Day 5, 12.
Members of—Appointment of 88, 103
Resignation of 88
Names and Addresses of 366-369
Printed Proceedings of 278
Audit Statements to be Printed in' 229
Tax Rates to be Printed in 229
On--County Board of Health 52
District Forest Practice Board 192
Farm, Horne and 4-H Club 193
Soil Conservation District 193
Salaries of 234, 271
Sessions of—Annual 166
Adjourned Monthly 32
Monthly 7, 17, 37, 46, 61, 78, 88, 103,
114, 130, 152, 266
Organization 3
Special 35, 60, 128
Bonded Indebtedness—Of County and Towns 351
To Be Printed in Proceedings 230'
Bond Premiums—Legislation Relative to 17, 107
Bourke, Dr. John J.—Report of 129
Bovine Tuberculosis—Appropriation for
Eradication of 193, 241
Committee on 192
Report of 168
Bridge Fund=For Towns 360
Budget—County 233
County 1-Iealth District 33, 67, 93, 94, 103, 196, 240
County Hospital 226, 241
Towns 953-265
Call for Special Session 35, 59, 121
Caroline—Amount Charged for -Election Expenses 186
Workmen's Compensation Insurance 185
Amount Due from—Dog Monies 20
Mortgage Tax 153
Audit Statement of 342
Budget of 253
Names -and Addresses of Town Officers 366
Relative to—County Property 138
Returned School Taxes 253, 280
Tax Rates of Special Districts 253
Tax Rates of 253
Town Account of 304
Cayuga Heights --Apportionment of Mortgage Tax .154
Central Index—Appropriation to 232, 245
Manner of Payment of 38'
Chairman of Board—
Authorized to—Contract with, Onondaga _County 179
New York Telephone Co. 90
Execute Agreement with, Lehigh Valley R.R. 153
Robinson Airlines 104
Tompkins Co. Memorial
Hospital 161, 208
Execute Lease, Of Masonic Temple 133
With Veterans Administration 134
Execute Purchase Order to Motorola Company 159, 183
Execute Quit Claim Deeds 95, 138, 173
Certificate of 2
Directed to Sign Collector's Warrants 283
Election of—Permanent 3
Temporary 3
Children's Court --Report of 10, 338
Salaries of employees of 231-
34Civil Service—A poropriations to 188, 238
- Clerk of Committee 10
New Positoins 64, 69
Proposed Salary Range 180
Relative to 6, 10, 61, 88, 89, 114, 116, 278, 279
Clerk of Board—
Authorized to—Correct Manifest Errors in Minutes 230
Issue County Orders 5
Print—Audit Statements 229
Tax Rates 229
Purchase Necessary Supplies 4
Sign Collectors Warrants 283
Certificate of
Deputy 4, 234
Election of 4
Report of, to Comptroller 358
Salary of 734
Collectors of Towns—Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign Warrants of 283
Names and Addresses of • 366-369
Relative to Annexation of Warrants of 203
Committees of Board—
Appointment of 7
Blood Bank 7
Bovine Tuberculosis and Bangs Disease 7
Appropriation to 193, 241
Election of Representatives on 192
Report of 168
Civil Service 7
Relative to 6, 61, 64, 69, 88, 114, 116, 188, 275, 279
Clerk of 10
County Buildings, Grounds and Employees 7
Relative to' 62, 103
Gasoline for cars 108
Marble Work 115
Parking facilities 97
County Infirmary 7
County Laboratory 7
Appropriations to 130, 139
Report of—Election of Officers 59
County Officers Accounts 7
County Treasurer's Accounts 7
Relative to—Dog Monies �0
Mortgage Tax 153
Courts and Correction 7
Relative to Jail Matron 70
Report of Grand Jurors 267
Dog Quarantine Enforcement 7
Relative to Rabies 70, 198
Education 7
Equalization 8
Relative to 121
Report of—For, General and Highway
Tax Levies 154
Report on—Apportionment of Taxes 250, 251
Assessment Rolls 2S3
Footing Assessment Rolls 140, 143
Supplemental 142, 143
Ratios and Percentages 155
Erroneous Assessments and Returned Taxes 8
Relative to—Returned School Taxes I 280
Finance 8, 12
Relative to—Bids for County Cars 71, 79
Civil Service Expenses 188
Court Funds 279
Health Budget 279
Report of Joint Survey and
Planning Commission _..129
State Taxes 167, 233
Welfare Budget ?07
Report of—County Budget 233
Town Budgets 252-265
Health Coordination 3
Relative to 52, 122
Report of Joint Hospital Survey
and Planning Commission 129
Highway 8
Relative to—Gaydosh Property 32, 37
Morgan Property 46
Road Inspection Dates 120,
South Street and Cemetery
Roads—Trumansburg 103
Highway and Bridge Advisory 8
Insurance and County Officers Bonds 8
Relative to 228
Jail Supplies 8
Legislative 8
Relative to—Bond Prernium Costs 17, 107
Request for Enabling Act 89, 97
Special Taxes 62
State Organizations ' 114
Public Health 8
Relative to Reimbursement 38
Report of 176
Public Welfare 8
Relative to 38, 278, 279
Purchasing 8
Report of 170
Reforestation 8
Appropriation for 118
Relative to 130
Salaries and Wages 8
Relative to 22, 117, 200
Soldiers Relief 9
Special—Action Committee 9
Fish and Game Club 62, 82, 89, 97
Radio Committee 36, 179
Youth Committee 32
Tax Sale Committee 9
Relative to—Adjustment of Taxes 46
Sale of Lands 61, 63, 73, 81
To Audit Accounts of Tuberculosis Hospital 9
Town Officers Accounts 9
Relative to—Commissioners of Election 185
Special Franchises 191
Workmen's Compensation Insurance 9, 130
Report of 183
Compensation Insurance (See Workmen's Compensation Insurance)
Contract—For, Board of Prisoners 179
Elevator Service 190
With, New York Telephone Co. 90, 91
Cornell Library Association—Appropriation to 188, 236
Cornell University—Relative to 62
Coroner—Relative to 937
Courts -Bonded Indebtedness of 351
Budget 233
Buildings -Light, Heat and Telephones 171, 237
Painting 94, 104, 119, 172
Repair of 134, 234-
34Cars 71, 79, 106, 120
Court House -Appropriation to Old 234
Cleaning Marble 114
Parking Around 96, 158
Clerk's Building -Taxes on old 82
Employee's -Association 18, 22
Relative to 39
War Emergency Compensation 107, 116, 117
Salaries of 234
Health District -
Appointment -Of Board 52, 204
Of Commissioner 88
Appropriation for 72, 134, 139, 240
Budget 67, 88, 93, 103, 196,'281
Lease of Rooms 133
New Positions . 69
Relative to 5, 33, 38, 46, 61
Home -Relative to 120 244
Infirmary -Relative to 10, 51, 62, 114, 135, 136
Jail -Elevator at 237
Inspection of 62
Matron at 236
Assistant 70, 71, 236
Physician at 4, 236
Supplies .at 119, 237
Laboratory -Appropriation to 130, 139, 195, 240
Election to Board of Managers 196
Inventory of 17
Relative to 61, 89
Report of 174
Lands --Relative to 32, 62, 81
Offices -Relative to Hours of 79
Road Fund -Relative to 11, 23
Soil Conservation District 64, 238
West Hill Property 238
Workmen's Compensation Insurance 183
County Officers -Association, Relative to 18, 32, 238
Bonds of 17, 107
Names and Addresses of 365
Salaries of 200
County. Attorney -
Authorized to -Employ Assistant Counsel 179
Publish Notices 119
County Clerk -
Relative to 50, 82, 89, 114, 270, 272
Reports of - 178
Salary and Expenses of 235
Report of 315
Salary and Expenses of 105, 235
County Commissioners of Election -
Report of 177, 185
Salary and Expenses of 935
• County Commissioner of Health -
Appointment of SS
Relative to 89•
Report of 178
County Commissioner of Welfare -
Relative to 37, 49, 50, 53
Cost of Living Adjustment 230
Report of 329
Salary of 244
County Coroner (See Coroner)
County Director of Veterans' Service Agency -
Relative to 17, 237
County District Attorney (See District Attorney)
County Historian -
Appropriation for expenses of 192, 23S
Report of 10, 316
County Investigator -Appointment of 175
Appropriation for 175, 23S
County judge and Surrogate -
Report of 9, 10
Salary and Expenses of Office of 234
County Probation Officer (See Probation Officer)
County Road Fund -Relative to 17, 4-7, 307, 104, 116, 131, 268
County Sealer of Weights and Measures -
Report of 10
Salary and Expenses of 936
County Service Officer -
Appropriation for 737
Authorized to Attend Conventions 36, 121
Relative to -Soldiers Burials 47, 64
Report of 25
County Superintendent of Highways -
Authorized to Purchase -Snow Plows 116
Machinery 131, 155, 194
Relative to 131, 194, 205, 268
Cost of Living Adjustment 930
Report of 318
• Salary and Expenses of 34, 33, 40, 48, 172, 247
County Treasurer—
Appointed—Treasurer of Hospital 269
Directed to Pay—Annual Session Audits 788
Balances in Dog Fund to Towns and City 20
Balances to Towns and City 229
Bill for Institutional Care 92
Blood Bank Expenses 195
Central Index 38
Claims of Bovine Tuberculosis Committee 193
Cornell Library Association 188
Cost of Living Adjustment 231
County—Bridge Fund Claims 11, 23
Claims 5
Health District Expenses 197
Laboratory Expenses 195
Dog Warden' 268
Elevator Contract Monthly 190
Froin County Road Fund 11, 23, 47, 104, 116
Monthly Session Audits 16, 31, 45, 58, 77, 87, 102,
112, 126, 151, 165, 277
Mortgage Tax Monies 154
Refund to Percy D. Kraft 115
Salaries Monthly 5, 48
Soil Conservation District Claims 203
Town Libraries 188
Directed to Transfer from—Old Age Surplus 106, 137, 270
Surplus Fund 68, 94, 133
Deputy County Treasurer • 236
Manner of Payment. for—Farm, Home and 4-1-1 Club 187
Relative to 38, 63
Report of 25, 290
County Road Machinery Fund 17, 307
Dog Fund 9
Salary and Expenses of office of 236
County Tax—For, General, Health and Welfare Purposes 239, 243, 246,
248, 250, 251
highway Purposes 74-7-251
State Purposes 233, 250
County'Tax Rates 251
Court Library 238
Court and Stenographer Expenses 233
Danby --Amount Charged for, Election Expenses 186
Workmen's Compensation Insurance 185
Amount Due from, Dog Monies 20
Mortgage Tax 153
Audit Statement of 343
Budget of 954
Fire District 114, 254
Names and Addresses of Officers of 366
Relative to—County Property 71, 138
Returned School Taxes of 254, 280
Tax Rates of 254
Tax Rates for Special District 254
Deputy County Treasurer 236
Designation of—Newspapers—Relative to Official Notices 196
Dirt Road Improvement --Relative to 173, 24-7
District Attorney— '
Report of 176, 178
Salary and Expenses of 236
Dog Fund—Claims Payable from 13, 27, 41, 53, 72, 83, 97, 108, 122, 146,
161, 272, 285
Monies Apportioned to Towns and City 90
Report of County Treasurer on 9
Dog Warden—Appropriation for 169, 268
Report of 5
Dryden—.Amount Charged for, Election Expenses 186
Workmen's Compensation Insurance 185
Amount Due from, Dog Monies 20
Mortgage Tax 153
Audit Statement of 34-1
Budget of 255
Names and Addresses of Town Officers - 366
Relative to—Library 188, 238
Returned School Taxes 255, 280
Tax Rates for Special Districts 256
Tax Rates of 256
Dryden Village—Apportionment of—Compensatoin Insurance 185
Mortgage Tax 153
E -
Electicn Expenses --Amount Charged Towns and City for 186
Appropriation for 152
Elections—Official Canvass of 363
Elevator—Relative to Maintenance of 190, 237
Emp',ovees Association 18, 22
Retirement System—Appropriation to 38, 238
Enfie'..'—Amount Charged for, Election ' Expenses 186
Workmen's Compensation Insurance 185
Amount Due from, Dog Monies 20
Mortgage Tax 153
Audit Statement of 345
Budget of 257
Names and Addresses of Town Officers 367
Returned School Taxes 257, 280
Tax Rates of 257
Tax Rate for Special District 257
Equalized Value of County, By, Board of Supervisors 156
State 167
Equalization—Regula r Report of Committee on Footing
Assessment Rolls 140, 143
Report of Committee on—Apportionment of Taxes 157, 250
General and Highway Tax Levies....155
Relative to—Assessment Rolls 139
Supplemental Report of Committee on Footing
Assessment Rolls 142, 143
Farm Bureau—Appropriation to 187, 237
Election of Representative to 193
Relative. to 64-
4Report of 9
Fear, Raymond D., Dr.—Relative to 96
Finance—Appropriation, General Fund 239
Health Fund 243
Highway Fund 247
Welfare Fund 24-6
Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns 351
Report of Committee on, County Budget 233
Fish and Game Club—Relative to 62, 70, 82, 59, 97
Forest Practice Board—Relative to. 61, ,130, 132
Member of 192
Four-H Club—Appropriation to 187, 237
Report of 9
Freeville Village—Relative to, Compensation Insurance 185
Mortgage Tax 154
Gasoline—Relative to Storage Tank for 108
Gaydosh Property—Relative to 32, 37, 46
General Fund—Appropriation for 239
General Tax—Apportionment• of 250
General Tax Levy—Report of Equalization Committee on 155
Goodyear Memorial Library—Relative to 188
Grand Jurors—Relative to 267
Groton—Amount Charged for—Election Expenses 186
Workmen's Compensation Insurance 185
Amount Due from --Dog Monies 20
Mortgage Tax 153
Audit Statement of 346
Budget of 258
Names and Addresses of Town Officers 367
Relative_ to—County Property 95, 138
Library 188, 238
Volunteer Firemen 130, 131
Returned School Taxes 258, 280
Tax for Special Districts 258
Tax Rates of 258
Groton Village ---Apportionment of Mortgage Tax 153
Guide to Town Officers 370
Health Center—Relative to - 38
Health. Services—Report Relative to 129
Health, Public (See Public Health)
Heat—Appropriation for 171, 237
Highway Fund for County—Appropriation for 247, 249
Highway Fund for Towns 359
Highway Machinery Account—Relative to 116, 131
Highway Tax—Apportionment of 251
Rate 251
Highway Tax Levy—Report of Equalization' Committee on 155
Highways—Appropriation for; Improvement of Dirt Roads 173, 247
Under Sec. 111, Highway Law 167, 247
Relative to—Purchase of:Machinery 131, 158, 194
Radio Communication System 48, 49, 159
Town 26
Road .Inspection 120
Snow Removal on—Appropriation for 47, 194, 267, 268
Relative to 17, 130, 282, 321
State—Relative to. ,: 24
Superintendent of -(See County Superintendent of Highways)
Town •Superintendents—Names.. and Addresses of 366-369
' Highways Under County System
Appropriations for Maintenance 205
County Road Fund—Appropriations from, 11, 23, 47, 104, 116,
131, 268
Reconstruction Program 40
Topping .Program 40
Highway Money.. System--Repprt to Comptroller on . 358
Historian, County—Relative to 192, 238
Home Bureau—Appropriation to 187, 237
Election of Representative to 193
Horse :Racing—Rel-ative to, 17
Hospital, County.— . ..
Accounting System of 268
Appropriation for 226, 241
Treasurer of 269
Welfare Cases at 283
Public General 39, 61, 143, 208
Tompkins County Memorial 121, 135, 159, 189, 278
Indebtedness -Bonded of County and Towns 351
Infirmary -County -Appropriations for Plans of, r 51
Insurance -Relative to 81, 95, 120, 158, 228, 229
Investigator, County -Relative to 175, 238
Ithaca City -Amount Charged for --Election Expenses 186
Amount Due from -Dog Monies 20
Mortgage Tax 153
Budget of 264
Names and Addresses of Officers of 367
Relative to -Welfare 21, 38, 49, 62, 63,. 78
Local Health District 88
Tompkins Co. Memorial Hospital 159, 207, 208
Returned School Taxes 264, 280,
Sale of Lands 62, 81, 173
Tax Rate 264
Ithaca Town -Amount Charged for -Election Expenses 186
Workmen's Compensation Insurance 185
Amount Due from, Dog Monies 20
Mortgage Tax 153.
Audit Statement of 347
Budget of 259
Names and Addresses of Officers 368
Relative to-Gaydosh Property 32, 37, 46
General Crushed Stone Co. 32, 36, 37, 50
Morgan Property 46
Returned School Taxes 259, 280
Tax Rates of Special Districts 260
Tax Rates of .- 260
Jail (See County Jail)
Jail Matron -Relative to 70, 71, 236
Jail Physician -Relative to 4, 236
Jail Supplies -Relative to 119, 237
Judge, County (See County Judge)
Judge of Children's Court (See Children's Court)
Justices of Peace -Names and Addresses of 366-369
Relative to 17, 25, 37
Laboratory (See County Laboratory)
Lansing—Amount Charged for—Election Expenses 186
Workmen's '•Compensation Insurance 185
Amount Due from—Dog Monies 20
Mortgage Tax 153
Audit Statement of 348
Budget of 261
Names and Addresses of Officers 368
Returned School Taxes 261, 280
Tax Rates of 261
Tax Rates of Special Districts 261
Law Library, Relative to 178
Lehigh Valley Railroad Co.—Ratification of Agreement with 153
Libraries Town—Relative to 188, 238
Light—Appropriation for 171, 237
Macera, Anthony G.—Resignation of 88
Machinery Fund for Towns 361
Masonic Temple—Lease of Rooms of 133
Meters—Change of electric 48
Minutes of Board—Clerk Authorized to Correct Manifest Errors in 230
Miscellaneous Fund for Towns 362
Morgan Property—Relative to 46
Mortgage Tax—Amount Due Towns, City and Villages from 153
Report of 153
Statement of 353
Motor Vehicle Clerk—Salary and Expenses of 235
Newfield—Amount Charged for—Election Expenses . 136
Workmen's Compensation Insurance 185
Amount Due from—Dog Monies 20
Mortgage Tax 153
Audit Statement of 349
Budget of 262
Names and Addresses of Officers 368
Relative to—Rabies Claim 231
Railroad Station Hearing 114
Returned School Taxes 262, 280
Tax Rates for Special Districts 262
Tax Rates of 262
Newspaper—Designation of—To Publish Official Notices 196
Newfield Library Association—Relative to - 188, 238
Officers—County and Town 365-369
Office Hours—Relative to Change of 79
Old Age Assistance—Apportionment of 251
Appropriation to 206, 248
Budget of 248
Relative to 270
Onondaga County Penitentiary—Relative to 179, 237
Parking Area—Resurfacing of 103
Physically Handicapped—Adults, Appropriation for 169, 241
Children, 'Appropriation for 119, 152, 169, 241
Refund on 136
Political Directory 370
Post War Public Works Planning Commission—Relative to 39
Prisoners, Board of—At Onondaga County Penitentiary 179, 237
Probation Officer—Report of 10, 338
Salary and Expenses of 237
Property—Statement of Valuation of 354
Valuation, By Assessors 140, 143
Quit -Claim Deeds to—Purchasers of Tax Sale Properties 138
Teeter, Merrill F. 173
Whitmore, Robert R. 96
Rabies—Appropriation for, Eradication of 941
Indemnification of 66, 239
Relative to 10, 18, 70, 81, 198, 231
Radio Communication System—
Appropriation for 49, 120, 239
Construction of Transmitter Station. for 49, 61, 71
Estimates for - 12, 32, 39
Maintenance of 51, 80
Purchase of 48, 159, 183
Relative to 36, 41, 90
Temporary Use of Station 103
Rate --For, County Tax—General Highway and Welfare 251
State Tax 951
Towns and City (See Under Various 'Towns and City)
Rates of Assessments in Towns—As' Fixed by Board of Supervisors 155
Real Estate Taxes—Statement of 355
Reconstruction Program—Appropriation for 40
Reforestation—Appropriation for 118, 239
Relative to Crawford 19
Refund of Taxes—Relative to 115
Reports of—Bonded Indebtedness 351
Clerk of Board to Comptroller 358
Committees (See Under Several Committees)
County Officers (See Under Various County Officers)
Highway, Bridge, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds
for Towns 359-362
Special Franchises 191
Taxes Levied 355
Valuations of Property 354
Resolutions Concurrent—Publication of 196
A ppointments—
No. 50—County Board of Health 52
No. 162—County Investigator 175
No. 167—Compensation Insurance Chargebacks 184
No. 14—Dog Monies 20
No. 16°—Election Expenses 187
No. 143—Mortgage Tax 154
No. 203—Taxes 252
No. 156—Administrative Buildings 172
No. 179 --Blood Bank Expenses 195
No. 175—Committee on Bovine Tuberculosis 193
No. 172—Cornell Library Association 188
No. 107—County Attorney's ,Expenses 117
No. 161—County Investigator 175
Nos. 134, 178—County Laboratory 139, 195
Nos. 152, 209—Dog Warden 169, 268
No. 174—Elevator Service 190
No. 169—Farm, Hone and 4-H Club 187
No. 155—Heat, Light and Telephones 171
No. 80—Institutional Care 92
No. 151—Lowman Money 167
No. 61—Pheasants 70
No. 153—Physically Handicapped 169
No. 108—Reforestation 118
No. 127—Repairing and Cleaning Marble Work 134
No. 173—Rural Traveling Library 189
No. 184—Soil Conservation 203
No. 95—Tompkins Co. Agricultural and Horticultural Society 106
No. 171—Town Libraries 188
No. 154—Tuberculosis Patients 170
No. 9—Attendance of Meeting by Directors of Soil Conservation
District 12
Nos. 32, 116—Service Officer to Attend Convention 36, 121
No. 122—Meetings of Forest Practice Board 132
Civil Service—
No. 55—Amending Civil Service Rules 64
No. 103—Approval of Specifications for Painters 116
No. 60—Creation of New Positions Under Civil Service Rules 69
No. 165—Proposed Salary Range 180
No. 5—Approval of 9
Compensation Insurance—
No. 121 --Acceptance of Groton Volunteer Firemen 131
No. 167—Compensation Insurance Chargebacks 184
County Health District—
Nos. 59, 180—Adoption of Budget 67, 196
No. 82 -Adoption of Revised Budget 93
No. 135 --Additional Appropriation 139
No. 128—Appropriation for Incidental Expenses 134
No. 65—Interim Appropriation 72
No. 125—Lease of Rooms in Masonic Temple 133
No. 29 --Tentative Approval of Budget 33
No. 220—Transfer of Unexpended Balance 981
County Infirmary—
Nos. 48, 129—Appropriation for Plans 51, 135
County Property—
No. 158—Conveyance of Tax Sale Property in City 173
No. 1'3—Easement for Electric Light Line Facilities over
Crawford Reforestation Lands in Newfield 19
No. 133—Ratifying Sale of County Properties 137
No. 40—Re-Inlet Valley Lands 46
No. 27—Sale of County Owned Land 32
No. 53 --Sale of—in City to Cornell University 62
No. 72—Sale of—in City of Ithaca 81
No. 86—Sale of—in Town of Groton 95
No. 109—Sale of Tax Foreclosure Properties 118
No. 123—Transfer from Contingent Fund for Taxes 132
Nos. 98, 106—Abolishing of War Emergency Compensation 107, 117
No. 181—Additional Proposed Salary Range 199
No. 182—Adoption of Salary Report 200
No. 202—Adoption of Budget 248
No. 136—Adoption of Regular and Supplemental Reports on
Footing Assessment Rolls 143
No. 160—Appeal for Friendship Train Campaign 174
No. 87—Appreciation of Dr. Raymond D. Fear 96
No. 163—Assistant Counsel for County Attorney 198
No. 62—Assistant Jail Matron 71
No. 213—Audit Bill of Armand Adams 270
No. 81—Audit of Bill of St. Ann's School 92
No. 63—Bids for County Cars 71
Nos. 4, 10—Change in Day of Regular Sessions 5, 412
No. 69—Charge to Towns and City for State Tax 80
No. 67—Closing Hours for County Offices 79
No. 164—Contract for Board of Prisoners 179
No. 101—Contract for Repairing and Cleaning Marble Work 114
No. 214—Cooperation of Department Heads 270
No. 197—Correction of Errors 230
No. 198—Cost of Living Adjustment 230
No. 193—County Treasurer to Pay Balances 229
No. 2— County Treasurer to Pay Salaries 5
No. 183 --Date for Signing Tax Warrants 202
No. 76—Endorsement of Robinson Air Lines Application for
Certificate of Pubiic Convenience and Necessity 89
No. 205—Grand Jury List 267
No. 170—Manner of Payment to Farm and Home Bureaus and
4-H Club Association 187
No. 215—Method of Charging for Extension of Taxes a71
No. 78—Oath of Office of Town Election Officers 91
No. 88 --Parking Requirements Around Court House 96
No. 3—Payment of Audits 5
No. 196—Printing Banded a -d Temporary Indebtedness ._- ._...-.230
No. 194—Printing of Tax Rates 229
Nos. 68, 97—Purchase of Automobiles 79, 106
No: 17—Referring request of Employees Association to
Salaries Committee 22
No. 130—Refund to Mrs. Ruth E. Davis 136
No. 57—Rejecting County Taxes for Education and Requesting
State to Provide Therefor 65
No. 12—Re-survey of Susquehanna River•Watershed 13
No. 218—Returned School Taxes 280
No. 223—Signing of Tax Warrants 283
No. 216—Supervisors' Salary 271
No. 195—To Print Town Statements 229
No. 204—Town Budgets 265
No. 43 ---Additional Compensation for Co. Supt. 43
Nos. 92, 104, 120—Appropriations from Co. Road Fund....104, 116, 131
Appropriations for—
No. 1S—Bank Street Bridge in Groton 23
No. 206—County Snow and Ice Fund 267.
No. 20—Groton City Bridge ?;
No. 135—Highway Maintenance 205
No. 157—Highway Superintendent 172
No. 7—Iron Stake Bridge 11
No. 6—Ludlowville Bridge 11
No. 36—Reconstruction' And Topping 40
No. 41—Snow Removal 47
No. 105—Authorizing Purchase of Snow Plows 116
No. 159—County Highway Aid to Towns 173
No. 222—Extension of Contract for Control of Snow and Ice
on State Highways 282
No. 31—Increase in Salary of County Superintendent 35
No. 25—Increase of State Aid for Repairs and Maintenance
of Town Roads 26
Nos. 119, 147, 177—Purchase, of Highway Machinery 131, 158. 194
No. 142—Ratification of Agreement with L.V.R.R. Co. 153
-No. 176—Reappropriation to Srow Removal Account 194
No. 207—Reappropriation for County Snow and Ice Fund 268 '
No. 118—Renewal of Contract with State Highway Department
for Snow Removal and Cindering 130
No. 19—Repair of Railing- Pt Glenwood Overlook
No. 30—Request for Salary Increase 3:1
Hospital— '
No. 208—Accounting System 265
No. 191—Adoption of County Hospital Budget 226
No. 149—Authorizing Execution of Agreement with the Tompkins
County Memorial Hospital and the City of Ithaca 159
No. 137—Authorization for County Public General Hospital and
Temporary Operation of Tompkins County Memorial Hospital 143
No. 210—County Treasurer to be Treasurer of Hospital 269
No. 35 --Establishment of Public General Hosnital 39
No. 188—Final,Approval of Agreement. with Tompkins County
Memorial Hospital and City of Ithaca 203
No. 224—Request to Board of Managers of County Hospital
Relative to Certain Charges 943
Nos. 73, 85, 114, 192 -Appropriation for Premiums 81, 95, 120, 229
No. 145—Transfer from Contingent Fund to 158
No. 22 --Approving Proposed Legislation for Restrictions
Along State Highways 24'
No. 99—Bond Premium Costs 107
No. 23—Disapproving an Act in Senate Int. No. 148—
Amending Town Law and justice Court Act 25
No. 38—Opposing—Re Local Taxes for Education 41
No. 21—Request .for Control of Foxes 23
No. 89—Request to Legislature for Enabling Act 97
Nos. 31, 37—Requesting Enacting of Legislation Authorizing
Increase in Salary of County Superintendent 35, 40
No. 225—Suggested Amendment to Town Law 284
No. 58 --Appropriation for Indemnification of 66
No. 199—Payment of Rabies Claim of Blanche Holub 231
No. 64 --Acceptance of Permit for Lands for Frequency
Modulation Radio Tower 71
No. 70—Agreement for Maintenance' of 80
No. 115—Appropriation—Communication System 120
No. 49—Authorization of John M. Mulligan 51
No. 45—Construction of Transmitter Station for 49
No. 77—Contract with New York Telephone Company 90
No. 148, -166—Purchase of Additional Units 159, 183
No. 44—Purchase of Motorola Communication System 48
No. 91—Temporary Use of Station by Robinson Airlines, Inc. 103
Refund of Taxes to— -
No. 102—Correction of Erroneous Assessment with Town of
Ulysses—Percy D. Kraft 115
Transfer from Contingent- Fund to—
No. 74—County Court Expenses 82
No. 139—Election Expenses 152
No. 33—Employees Retirement Fund 38
No. 94—Expenses--County Clerk 105
No. 111—Jail Supplies and Care of Inmates 119
Nos. 83, 93, 110—Painting—County Buildings 94, 104, 119
No: 141—Patients at Biggs Memorial Hospital 152
Nos. 112, 140—Physically Handicapped Children 119, 152
No. 8—Tax Notices -100A 11
Nos. 211, 226 --Various Items 269, 284
Transfer from Surplus to
• No. 124—Contingent Fund 133
Nos. 42, 56—Burial of Soldiers, Sailors, Etc. 47, 64
No. 126 --Office Space for U. S. Veteran's Administration 133
No. 131—Additional Appropriation for 136
No. S4 --Additional Appropriation for A.D.C., Blind and Child
Welfare Revolving Fund 95
No. 96—Additional Appropriation for I-Ieme Relief 106
No. 200—Appropriation for Central Index • 232
No. 113—Appropriation for County Horne Inmates 120
Nos. 132, 187—Appropriation for Old Age Assistance 137, 206
Nos. 146, 201—Appropriation for Petty Cash Revolving Fund 158, 232
No: 186—Appropriation to 206
No. 24—Assumption of Responsibility for Public Assistance
Pursuant to Sec. 72 of the Social Welfare Law 26
No. 79—Audit of Unverified Accounts by Commissioner of
Public Welfare 91
No. 219—Change of Classification of Case Worker 281
No. 15—Employee to Attend Meeting 21
No. 51—Employment of Children's Worker 53
No: 34—Manner of Payment of Central Index 38
No. 47 -Payment of Hospital Bills 50
No. 46 -Rejection of Proposal for Continuance of Child
Welfare Administration in City of Ithaca 49
Nos. 16, 54 -Requesting City of Ithaca to Assume Responsibility
for Care of Children 21, 63
No. 221 -Transfer from Contingent Fund .to Aid to Dependent
Children and Transfer from Old Age Surplus to Home Relief 212
No. 212 -Transfer from Old Age Surplus. to Home Relief 270
No. 71 -Welfare Accountants Convention; 80
Returned School Taxes -Relative to X80
Rights of Way (See Highways)
Road Inspection -Relative to 120
Roadside Zoning -Relative. to 24.37
Robinson Airlines -Relative to 89, 103
Roster 365
Rural Traveling Library -Appropriation to 189, 23S
Election of Representatives on 230
Report of 17
Salaries -Of County Officials 34, 35, 40, 48, 200
Salary Range of County Employees 180, 199
School Districts, Bonded Indebtedness of 351
Taxes, Returned 280
Sealer of Weights and Measures (See County Sealer of Weights and Measures)
Sheriff -Relative to -Bids for cars 71
Deputies 202, 236
Fees of 10, 17, 37, 46, 62, 78, 89, 103, 114, 130, 266
Radio Communication System 48, 49, 183
Report of 17, 322
Salary and Expenses of 200, 236
Shurter Property -Relative to 41, 78
Snow Removal -Appropriations for 47, 194, 267, 268
Relative to 17, 130, 282, 321
Soil Conservation District
Appropriations for 203, 238
Directors of 193, 204
Authorization to Attend Meeting 12
Inspection Tour 135
Report of 18, 64, 179
Soldiers Burial -Appropriation $ for 225
Increase for 47
Southworth Library -Relative to 188, 238
Special County judge and Surrogate -Relative to 200, 234
Special Franchises 191
State Tax -Rate for 251
Relative to 80, 233
State Tuberculosis Hospital (See Tuberculosis Hospital)
Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors)
Surrogate (See County Judge)
Tax Collectors—Names and Addresses of 366-369
Tax Foreclosure Properties—Relative to 118, 137
Levy—General and Highway 155
Local—for Education 41, 62, 65, 79
Tax Rates—for, County Purposes 251
Lighting Districts (See Town Budgets)
Towns (See Town Budgets)
To Be Published in Printed Proceedings 229
Sale Property—Relative to 32, 46, 62, 81, 95, 132, 173
State—Stenographer, Etc. 80, 233
Tax Warrants—Relative to Date of Annexation of 902
Signing of 283
Taxes—Apportionment of. 250
Assessment of 140
Returned School Tax 280
Statement of Those Levied 355
Statement of Mortgage 353
Telephone Operator—Salary of 234
Telephones—Appropriations for 171, 237
Tompkins County—Agricultural and Horticultural Society 105, 106, 205
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board 62
Fish and Game Club 62, 70
Memorial Hospital 60, 121, 135, 143, 159, 159, 20S,
226, 268, 283
Topping Program—Appropriation to 40
Town Libraries—Relative to 185, 238
Towns—Amount Charged to, for—Election Expenses 186
Workmen's Compensation Insurance _1S5
Amount Due from—Dog Monies 20
Mortgage Tax Monies 153
Apportionment of Taxes to • 950
Audit Statement of 342-350
Clerk of Board Directed to Publish in Proceedings 229
Bonded Indebtedness 351
Budgets of 253-265
Highway, Bridges, Machinery and Miscellaneous Funds 359-362
Libraries 188, 238
Payment of Balances to, by County Treasurer 229
Purchase of Radio Equipment 159
Rates of Assessments (See Assessments)
Returned School Taxes of 280
Roads 26
Special Franchises 191
Tax for'Old Age Assistance 251
Tax Rates of (See Under Various Towns)
To Be Published in Proceedings 229
Town and County Officers—Names and Addresses of 365-369
Town Collectors—Names and Addresses of 366-369
Town Law—Amendment to 284
Town Officers—Guide to 370
Town Election Officers—Oath of 91
Superintendents of Highways—Names and Addresses of 366-369
Treasurer_ (See County Treasurer)
Trumansburg Village—Apportionment of Mortgage Tax 154
Tuberculosis Bovine (See Bovine Tuberculosis)
Tuberculosis Hospital—
Appropriation for Care of Patients in State 152, 170, 241
Appropriation for State Cases 244
Relative to—Reimbursement 89
Ulysses—Amount Charged for, Election Expenses 186
Workmen's Compensation Insurance 185
Amount Due from, Dog Monies 20
Mortgage Tax 153
Audit Statement of 350
Budget of 963
Names and Addresses of Town Officers 369
Relative to—Peatown Road Crossing 153
Refund of Taxes 115
Returned School Taxes 263, 280
Tax Rates of 263
Ulysses Philomathic Library—Relative to 188, 238
Veterans Administration—Relative to 103, 133
Veterans Service Agency --Relative to 237
Report of 17
Veterans Service Bureau—Appropriation for 237
Relative to 36
Report of 25
Veterinarian—Relative to 241
Villages—Amount Charged for—Workmen's Compensation Insurances 185
Due from Mortgage Tax 154
Officers 369
Votes—Official Canvass of 363
War Emergency. Compensation—Relative to 107, 116, 117
Warrants—Collectors, Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign • 283
Tax, Relative to Date of Annexation of 202
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Tax Action 270, 272
Welfare Department -
Appropriation for 246, 249
Aid to Dependent Children 244, 282
Blind Relief 245
County Home and Farm 120, 244
Home Relief 33, 106, 248, 270, 282
Hospitalization, Etc. 120, 244
Old Age Assistance 137, 206, 248
Appropriation to 137, 206, 245
Children's Worker -Employment of 53, 78
Relative to 21, 26, 36, 49, 80, 91, 270
Bids for cars 71
Case Workers 281
Central Index 38
Child Welfare 21, 38, 49, 62, 63, 78
Civil Service 64, 275-279
County Horne Inspection 120
Hospital Bills 50
Petty Cash Fund 158, 232
Revolving Fund 95, 105
Report of 329
West Hill Property -Relative to 62, 103, 233
Workmen's Compensation Insurance -
Apportionment of, Among Several
Towns and Villages 184
Appropriation for 238
Audit Claims of 27, 41, 53, 72, 82, 97,
108, 122, 146, 161, 272, 285
Committee on 9
Relative to -Groton Volunteer
Firemen 130, 131
Report of • 183
Youth Commission -Relative to 32, 36, 39, 50, 2S5