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Supervisors ---genual Session.
The Board of Supervisors of the
County of Tompkins, met in annual
session at their room in the Court House,
in the village of Ithaca, on the 9th day
of November, 1869, and was called to
order by the nomination of Henry B.
Chase, of Ulysses, as tem.porary.Chair-
The roll of Supervisors was then
called by the clerk and the following
members were found present :
Dryden—JoinsT M. SMITE.
Enfield—S .miEL V. GRAHAM.
Caroline---SnAnuARD SLATER.
Newfield—CHRISTOPHER C. Com.
The motion was then made, that the
Board proceed to ballot for permanent
Chairman, when John M. Smith, Esq.,
of Dryden, was unanimously chosen
permanent Chairman.
The Board then proceeded to the
election of Clerk, when S. H. Wilcox,
of Ithaca, was chosen by acclamation.
On motion of Mr. Graham,
Resolved, That all resolutions of the Board
be presented in writing.
On motion of Mr. Slater,
Resolved, That all County orders issued by
this Board be countersigned by the Chairman ;
and all Town orders by the Supervisors of the
respective towns.
On motion of Dr. Cook,
Resolved, That a committee of three be ap-
pointed by the Chairman to attend to the in-
surance of the County buildings.
On motion of Mr. Mount, the daily
hours of meeting were fixed as follows :
Morning, 9 olock ; afternoon, 2 o'clock ;
evening, 7 o'clock.
On motion of Dr. Chase, the Board
adjourned . »^til Wednesday morning
at 9 o'clock.
Wednesday, Nov. 12, '69.
• Board met pursuant to adjournment,
and was called to order by the Chair-
man. All the members present except
Dr. Chase, of Ulysses. Minutes of the
previous day read and approved.
The Chairman then announced the
following standing committees :
On Sher i f''s, Clerk's, Constables' and Justices'
Accounts.—Graham, Chase and Williams.
On Treasurer's Accounts.—Slater, Hawes and
On Equalization. --Williams, Graham, Chase,
Woodbury and Mount.
On Poor House and Superintendent's Report.
—Hawes, Mount, Slater, Cook and Woodbury.
On • County Claims and Judge's Accounts.—
Mount, Cook and Chase.
On County Indebtedness.—Woodbury, Gra-
ham and Slater.
U. S. Deposit Fund.—Cook, Williams and
On Insurance.—Chase, Williams and Mount.
The Clerk then presented the follow-
ing communication from the Comptrol-
ler, and the same was received and or-
dered published with the minutes. :
Albany, Oct. 6th, '69.
SIRS : The Board of Equalization of Taxes,
in pursuance of Chapter 312, of the Laws of
1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of
property in your County,. at the sum of $7,-
7;665,975, upon which amount a State Tax .of
$43,121 11 must be levied for the current fis-
cal year, (commencing October 1st, 1860, being
5% mills on the dollar,) for the following pur-
poses, viz :
For Schools, 14 mills, per Chapter 697,
Laws of 1869.
For General Purposes, 14 mills, per Chap-
ter 697, Laws of 1869.
For Bounty Debt, 24 mills, per Chapter
647, Laws of 1869.
For Canals, % Mills, per Chapter 877.Laws
of 1869.
•: For Canal Floating Debt, % mills, per
Chapter 697, Laws of 1869.
Total • 5% mills.
Your obedient servant •
On motion of Mr. Graham,
Resolted, That all bills and demands present-
ed to. this Board be referred to the proper
committee by the Chairman without further
action by this Board.
On motion of Mr. Woodbury,
Resolved, That the Grand Jury list be appor-
tioned aniong the several towns as follows :
Caroline: .25 . Enfield..18 Lansing..32.
• Danby:.. 24 Groton..34 Newfield 27
Dryden... 50 Ithaca. '..61 Ulysses • . 29
.Total 300
Resolved, That the Clerk of the Board
directed to draw upon the State Treasurer f
the sum of $365 51, being the amount d
Tompkins .Co. under Chapter 817, Laws
1868, appropriating money to orphan Asylu
On motion of Mr. Woodbury,
Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a co
mittee of three to examine and pass upon th
accounts of the several Boards of Town A
ditors of the County.
The Superintendents of the Poor i
the County then presented their repo
and the same was referred to the Co
mittee on Poor House and. Superinten
east's report.
Adjourned to afternoon.
The , Commissioners of Excise then
presented their Report, which was ac-
cepted and ordered filed.
On motion of Mr. Williams, .
Resolved, That in pursuance , of § 9, .Chap.
585, of the Laws of 1865, a committee of three
be appointed by the Chairman of this Board
to act in connection with the School Commis-
sioners of this County, in the examination of
those candidates who shall present themselves
for" admission into the Cornell University, in
accordance with the provisions of said law of
1865 ; and that the said • committee meet with
the said School Commissioners, at the reading
room of the Cornell Library, in the village of
Ithaca, on the 22d ay of June, 1870, at ten
o'clock A. M., for, the purpose of making the
On motion of Mr. Hawes,
Afternoon Session.
On motion of Mr. Mount,
Resolved, That in pursuance of the provi
ions of Chapter 483 of the Laws of 1866, ent
tied an act to facilitate the.construction of tll
Southern Central Rail Road,: and to authori2
towns to subscribe to the capital stock thereo
and of a notice served on: this Board by th
Rail Road Commissioners of the town of Grp
ton, there be levied and assessed upon the tit:
able property of said town the sum of thirt:
five hundred (3500) dollars,.for the purpose c
paying the interest upon the Rail Road bon
issued by said town, and that the sum whe
collected be paid' to the Supervisor of sai
town to be expended for that, purpose.. -
On motion,of Mr. Williams,
Resolved, That a committee of three be al
pointed by the Chairman, who are hereby at
thorized to make such arrangement in regar
to public printing as • they may deem best fc
the interest of ,the county, and that such con
mittee report to this Board for final action.
The Chairman then appointed Messr
Williams, Mount and; Hawes such con
Evening Session.
The board was engaged in.the exar
ination of bills during this evenin
session. Adjourned until to-morro
Thursday, Nov. 11th, 1869..
Board met pursuant to adjournmen
All the members present. On motic
of Mr. Hawes the Board proceeded 1
the. County Poor House.
Evening Session.
The •bostrd Svcs engaged in the exara-
atioii of. bills' during:the evening.
Mr. Williams -presented the 'report of
e Ithaca cL Towanda RR. Co., which
s received. by the Board.
Bills from I to. 3 l; inclusive were an-
ted and allowed by the Board. Board
journecl until morning.
Friday' morning, Nov. 12th, 1869.
Board. Islet pursuant to adjournment.
1 .members present except Mr. Will -
ms. Minutes oE' previous- day read
d approved. .
'On motion of Mr. Williams,
1, 1870 6,300 00--13,090 00
Less by interest received on hoods
sold :from .March•1, 1S69 to tiene
of sale 3,401 38
Less by interest to time of estirna- .
ted eater to meet instalments
due before March[, 18705,250 00— 8,651 38 .
Interest to come due March 1, 1870 •$4,438 6.2
We therefore respectfully -report that -there
.will be • required for the cooling year • to pay
interest on said bonds and by virtue of.said
'act, the sural of four thousand tour,hundred and ,•
thirty-eight and' 62-100 dollars ($4,438-62); and ..
ask that the same be assessed 'and levied upon
the town of Ithaca.' '
-J. F. EIrxox,
LEONAtw T]1Eai LN, Commissioners.
'The Board was engaged, during the
day and evening in the exairiinatiOn Of
bills, and in the evening, session bills
from 72 to 83 inclusive were passed.
Resolved, That in pursuance of the provis'
ns of Chap. 645 of the Laws of 1866, entitled
An Act to facilitate the construction of the
Ita.e2L & Towanda Bail. Road, and to autlLor-
e towns to subscribe to the capital stock
iereot'" and of . a notice served upon this
oard by the Commissioners of the town of
haca, tlicre be levied and assessed upon the
_table property ot the said town of Ithaca
ie sural of four thousand Thur hundred and
Arty -eight and 62-100 dollars ($4,438 62) for
e purpose of paying interest. upon the Rail
oad bonds of said town, and..that'tlie said
un when collected be paid to the Commission-
rs of said town to be expended for that pur-
ose. •
The following - is -the report of •the
olnlnissioners as presented to and re-
eived by the Board ot Supervisors :
'Saturday morning, Nov. 13;1869.
Board met pnrsu;tnt to adjournment.
A11 members present except Mr. Will-
iams and 1:r. Chase. The 'minutes of
previous day read and approved. The
Board was engaged duriugr, the morn-
ing in the examination 'of bills, and
bills. from 84 to 88 inclusive were
Board adjourned till afternoon..
Afternoon Session.
Board met pnrsuant to ad jonrinnent.
All the members present. The, Board
engaged in miscellaneous business, and
adjourned until Monday morning. at .
eleven o'clock.
Monday, Nov. 15th, 1809.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present, Messrs. Woodbury, Hawes,
Graham, Chase, and Cools: Absent,
the Chairman, and •-Messrs. Wiiliatns,
Slater and Mount. Board . adjourned
until afternoon.
Monday Afternoon. .
Board met pursuant to adjournment
and was called to order by the Chair-
man. All members present. Minutes
of previous day read. and approved.
On'inotion of 1)r: Chase,
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board b�
instructed not to deliver any of the..town or
'o. the Board of Supervisors of the, Co+ands of
Report of the Commissioners of the Town
nf.Ithaca appointed in pursuance of -an Act
of the Legislature, passed Apri1.17, 1860.
The undersigned Commissioners appointed
under said act, issued bonds bearing:interest at
Seven per cent. per annum, dated Marcli 1,1360;
redeemable at the pleasure of the Town of
Ithaca after March 1, 1874, and payable March
1,1899, as follows :
Amount authorized tore issued $.300.000 00
do sold to date 07,00U 00
Paid Ithaea 4.t Towanda R. R. Co.
on Stock $90,000 00
Cash on hand • 7,000 00--97,000 00
Receipts of Treasurer of Ithaca
Towanda H. R. Co. for payments 90,000 00
Cash on hand'• 7,000 00- 07.000 00
'Amonnt of interest to come.dne
March 1, 1570. on bonds sold6.790 00
Amount' of interest to come due
March 1, 1870 on bonds required
to meet payments before March
county orders to those to whom they are .pay=
able, until after the adjournment of this Board.
Adjourned until evening.
Evening Session.
On motion of Mr. Slater,.
Resolved. That the Clerk of this Board be
authorized and directed to draw an order
on the County- Treasurer for .twenty-sev-
en dollars for nine copies of Thompson's Su-
pervisor's Manual for the purpose of supplying
each town in the county with a cOpy of the
same for the use of the Supervisors of each
• The Board was then engaged -in the
discussion of the bill presented by the
Cornell Library Association for the
rent of the drill room and armory.. Mr.
Williams moved the bill be audited
and paid at the amount claimed, viz :
$300. Mr. Slater moved an amendment
to the resolution,.viz That the bill be
audited at the sum of $100. Mr. Hawes
offered the following resolution as an
amendment to ..the resolution of Mr.
Slater, viz : That the bill be audited at
$150 instead of $100. Mr. Slater ac-
cepted the amendment and called for
the ayes and .noes on the resolution; ,as
offered by Mr. Hawes, and the same
was carried 'as. follows :
AvEs.—Cook, Hawes, Slater, Graham, Maunt,
NOES.—Smith, Williams, Woodbury.
The question was then taken on the
original resolution as. amended by Mr.
Hawes, and was carried as follows :
AYES.—Cook, Hawes, Slater, Graham, Mount,
NOES.—Smith, Williams, Woodbury.
• The bill was audited at $150.
The . Board continued-- auditing, bills,
when those numbered from 90 to 97 in-
clusive were passed. -
On motion, adjourned until to -morrow
Tuesday morning, Nov. 16th.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All the members present. Minutes of
the previous day read and approved.
The committee on printing submitted
the following report :
Your connnittce on printing would respect-
fully report, That they have received the fol-
lowing proposition from the Ithaca. Journal,
viz : Printing the proceedings of .the Board
Will be done at the rate of 50 cents a folio -for
all work ; - and: printing pamphlet copies of
proceedings at actual,cost of labor and mate=
rial. Your committee would recommend the
adoption of the terms- named in the above
I .
WIZLIAl1s, )
HAWES,. ,i Committee:
The report was received. Mr. Will-
iams offered - the following resolution
which was adopted :
Resolved, That the printing of the proceed-
ings of this Board be given -to the Ithaca Jour-
nal at the- rate of 50 cents perfolio for all
work ; and Printing 1500 pamphlet proceed-
ings at actual cost of labor and material.
The committee on Insurance made
the following.report, which 'was received
and. adopted : .
Your committee would respectfully report
that they have caused the policies of Insurance
to be renewed on the Court House and Jail,
and also on the Clerk's Office. They , have
also added $1,000. of Insurance on the C]erk'-C
Office. The amount of premiunis to be paid
is $73' 50 and; is apportioned as follows:
Ins. Prem.
Merchants of Hartford—McChain, Agt...$2500 $1S 75
Home, of New York—Schuyler, Agt 2500 1S 75
Springfield of Maes.—Whiton, Agt 3000 30 00
Springfield of Maes., Whiton, Agt 1000
Putnam of Hartford, Burritt, Agt 1000
Wim.r.AMe, Committee.
Board adjourned until afternoon.
3 00
3 00
$73 50
Tuesday Afternoon.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present. The Board audit-
bills No. 98 and 99. •
The Commitee on U. S. Deposit Fund s
snbmitted the following report, which
was received and adopted :
The Committee to whom was referred the
books of the Loan Commissioners for the
county of Tompkins, submit the following re-
port: That the books of mortgages to secure
the payment of moneys loaned from their
office held by said Commissioners have been
submitted to .them for inspection by the Com-
missioners, and this committee have also re-
ceived from them a report of their transac-
Lions as Commissioners, from which it appears
there was on hand subject to loan on Novem-
ber 16th, 1869, as follows :
In hands of Commissioners $ 733 80
Remaining in State Treasury
Total.... .. . 733 80
Amount received on Mortgagee5,178 00-$5,911 30
Amount loaned... 6.475 00
Principal on band Nov, 16, 1869.... 733 30
Amount outstanding on bond and
mortgage 67,505 00
Interest received during the year4,591 27
Returned to Comptroller 4,217 72
Commis'r's fees and disbursments 841 00
The Committee report themselves satisfied
with the securities taken.
Respectfully submitted.
A. C. WILLIAMS, Committee. •
The Committee on Treasurer's Ac-
counts made the following report, which
was duly received and adopted by the
Board :
Returned taxes collected by Treasurer
11 52
2 19
4 21- 19 59
Amount of moneys received by Treasurer $139,962 00
Statement of disbursements by the County Treasurer
since November 17th, 1868:
Paid Insurance on County Buildings
" Fuel and gas for Court Haase and Jail
" Supervisors' Janitor
•. Clerk
" Repairs of Court House and Clerk's
Offi" District Attorney's salary
•` Appropriation to L. V. B. Maurice
ii " H. C. Smith
" County Judge
Expenses of Treasurer's office, (stamps, &c)
County Judge's salary
" Treasurer's salary
Paid State Tax
School tax 10,114 12
"• Poor House Committees notes $4,772 71
" Interest on above notes 165 70-4,938 41
Fines refunded to Groton 60 00
44 " .' Ithaca 55 00
44 " " Danby 3 00- 108 00
State Lunatic Asylum 2,482 01
" " Idiot LI 30 00
!` " Inebriate " 172 50
" Monroe County Penitentiary 135 78
" Returned taxes to Caroline.... 3 97
" " 4' Dryden 22 09
" 44 " Enfield 15 34
'4 " i4 Groton 29 83
" " • •' Ithaca 89 08
4' " 44 Lansing 2610
44 44 " Newfield 64 20
" " " Ulysses 6 04- 256 15
" School moneys to Caroline1,848 41
4' " " Danby 1,773 03
" " " Dryden 8,210 35
" ". " Enfield 1,369 39
" " f4 Groton 2,468 57
" " " Ithaca 4,146 40
" 46 " Lansing 2,168 41
a 46" Newfield2,307 55
" " Ulysses 2,155 68-21447 79
Commissioners of Highways in Dryden
and Supt of Poor 8,861 45
44 " " Groton 1,150 56
" Caroline 1,502 90
Danby 1,030 67
Enfield 353 97
The undersigned, Committee on Treasurer's
account, respectfully report that they have ex-
amined the books and vouchers of the County
Treasurer and find his accounts as rendered in
the following statement of receipts and dis-
bursements to be correct, and that the balance
in his hands on the 13th day of November,
1869, was four thousand four hundred thirty-
nine 72-100 dollars, ($4,439 72).
Statement of moneys on hand and the mon-
eys received since the 17th day of November,
1868 :
Balance in bands of Treasurer as per settle-
ment. $ 8,787 73
School moneys from the State 21,856 64
School money in hands of Supervisor of
Caroline 8 631
66`` 11 Ithaca 523
71 60
607 61
16 00
100 00
20 00
25 00
3 00
40 00
6 00
1,200 00
36,815 41
44 44 44 Lansin 82 32 91 18
Fines of J. H. Fitch of Lansing g 10 00
" D. Hall 6
4 2500
" E. Scoville, of Ulysses 15 00
" J. R. Emery " 165 25
" B. Starr, Newfield 6 00- 221 25
Non -Resident Taxes sent to Albany7 33
Less Rejected and Returned 4 21- 8 12
Comptroller's appropriation to Orphan
Asylum. 1,488 82
Commissioners of Excise for Licenses 2,125 00
Taxes -Caroline 6,155 24
Danby 5 046 80
Dryden 13,746 91
Enfield 4,183 43
Groton 10,465 46
Ithaca 84,800 19
Lansing 10,063 81
Newfield 12,970 64
Ulysses 9,372 14
nes collected by Sheriff 614 05
. 4
44 44
14 44
Groton R. R. Bond Interest 8,600 00
• Ithaca expenses of Highways and Poor 14,647 02
Ulysses 66 2,035 07
" Lansing " " " 1,249 76
" 1,921 78
Newfield " 66
" First issue County Bonds....$1,900 00
Interest on the same 70 00
" Fourth issue County Bonds6,145 00
Interest on the same... 437 15- 7,652 15
Court orders 8,941 13
County do 8,756 41
Poor Honee in -door orders... 2,468 88
out -door " .... 1,202 10
" °' Transportation 160 20- 8,831 18
Balance in Treasurer's hands and charged
in new account 4,489 72
$189,962 00
JOSIAH HAWES, Committee.
Statement of Infant Heir Funds' of the County of
Tompkins in the hands of County Treasurer on the
1st day of July, 1869:
Total amount of funds on hand • $61,514 37
Invested in mortgages ... $48,428 48
United States Bonds.. 12,6.50 00 •
Principal not invested 435 89
$61,514 37
Amount paid to Guardian and
Heirs dnring the year 3,592 58
Fees cha gee by Treasurer 36 40
Interest on hand 956 77
interest due bnt unpaid 245 48
Amount of principal paid during
the year 12,732 34
All the principal nninvested was in sums too small
to purchase a $50 United States Bond, and the invest-
ments are believed to be safe.
JOSIAH HAWES, .Committee.
The .Committee on County Indebted-
ness made the following report which
was received and adopted :
We, the undersigned, Committee on County
indebtedness, report, that at the time of the
settlement with the Treasurer, Nov. 17 th,18G8,
the following claims were outstanding against
the county :
County Bonds, first issue $!,000 00
Interest on the same 70 00-$1,070 00
County Bonds, fourth issue 6,145 00
Interest on the same 437 00- 6,582 15
Amount of County indebtedness $7,652 15
The books of account in the hands of the
County Treasurer show that the above men-
tioned Bonds and interest have been paid.
The Committee on Poor House and
Superintendent's Report, submitted the
following report, which was received
and adopted by the Board
Your Committee to whom was referred the
report of the Superintendents of the Poor of
the county, would respectfully report that the
whole number of paupers assisted during the
year was 127
County Paupers 71
From the town of Caroline 2
li 11
Danby 9
Dryden 13
Enfield 00
Groton 3
Ithaca 11
Lansing 4
Newfield 6
Ulysses 8
The number of days said paupers have been
supported in said Poor House is....17,358
The amount of drafts drawn on the County
Treasurer for bills audited by the Superin-
tendents for the support of the institution
during the year over and above the pro-
ceeds of the farm, is
Which sum was expended as follows :
For oat -door relief $1,191 85
" In -door expenses 2,132 34
" Services of Overseers... . 114 50
" Transportation of paupers 49 33
" Chaplain 50 00
" Insurance 54 00
$3,532 02
The number of paupers in the Poor House
Nov. 15th, 1868, was 42
The number received during the year was 119
Number discharged 105
" Absconded 2
`` Deaths "ta4
-- 111
Paupers in the Poor House at this
date 50
The average number in the Poor I3ouse du-
ring the year was .......... .. .. ... 47 5-9
The average expenses for each 'pauper's
support tor the current year above the pro-
ceeds of the farm, was $ 44 89
The average expenses for each pauper per
week was - 0 8611
4,941 days' board of Co. paupers cost $482 75
238 02— 720 77
464 days' hoard for town of Caroline 43 75
Clothir g " 4 88— 48 63 .
1,478 days board " Danby 139 41
Clothing •• " 34 89—' 174 30
3,291 days board Dryden 312 50
Clothing ft 74 80— 387 30 •
881 days board Groton 83 .66
CIothing " 18 68— 101 74
2,509 days board L1Ithaca 236 69
• Clothing 32 85— 269 54
Enfield 00 00-- 00 110
899 days board Lansing 84 75
Clothing " 19 49-
1,482 days hoard Newfield 140 00
Clothing 1716— 157 16
1,410 days board Ulysses 133 20 •
Clothing " 35 46— 168 66
Total amount $2,132 34
17,358 total number of days,
The following statement shows the amount
of produce sold from the fitrm for the year
ending the 15th day of Nov. 1869, was :
151 bushels of Oats at 70 cts $105 70
25 Pigs amounting to 85 00
Poultry, amounting to 1S 09
Egr/s 11 " . 43 90—$252 69
Which amount has been expended as fol-
lows, via:
Paid Gauntlett & Brooke, drugs $24 09
" W. W. Ep.sty, salt 12 75
" Newell & Riddle. grinding 25 88
" Treman, King c& Co., hardware50 00
" M. T. Denman. Sheep...... 50 00
" C. M. Bowers, supplies for house 89 97— $252 69
t our committee further report the amount
of produce raised and now on hand on the
farm as follows :
395 bushels of Wheat grown --On hand 405 bushels
682 •` Oats 41 at 635 "
1200 " Ears Corn " " 1700 "
500 PotatoesCI 400 "
10 " Peas " "
15 " Onions "
10 Beans ` 6
5 Beets 4 "
r75 " Apples 11 4425 .'
30 " Turnips " 25 "
800 heads of Cabbage
15 tons of Hay
8 11
8 11
" 700
800 pounds Butter made " 241)
$3,592 02 Corn stalks from 14 acres of corn, all on hand.
The following stock belongs to the farm and is now
on hand:
1 yoke of Oxen; .6•Milch Cows; 1 Yearling;. 2
Spring Calves 10 Eiogs fattening ; 10 Shoats winter-
ing; 150 Common Fowls ; 87 Turkeys. -
.In conformity to the 30th Section, Title 1st, Chapter
20th of the Revised Statutes, the Superintendents es-
timate the expenses for County and Town paupers in
the County House the ensuing year 42,800 00
For temporary relief for County
paupers not in the Poor House 1,200 00
For the expenses • of Overseers of
the Poor and other officers not
iu the Poor ]louse 140 00
For expenses for the transportation
of paupers to the Poor House40 00
For Keeper's Salary 500 0044,680 00
To meet this. sum 'of $4,6$0 00 your
committee ask leave to introduce the
following 'resolutions, (after crediting
amount left on hand from last year's ap-
propriation of $1,097 88.)
Resolved, That the sum of $2,170 45 be lev-
ied and. collected upon the County, for..County
poor expenses for tite ensuing year. Also
Resolved, That the sums reported by the Su-
perintendents of the Poor to be due from the
several towns respectively, for the support of
the poor of such towns in the County House
the past year, be levied and collected in said
towns respectively as follows :
On the Town of Caroline 4 48 63
Danhy 174 30
Dryden 387 30
Groton 101 74
Ithaca 269 54
Enfield 000 00
Lansing 104 24
Newfield 15716
Ulysses . 168 66-1;411 57
Making $4,680 00
The whole amount asked for by your Committee for
defraying. the` expenses of the Poor for the ensuing
CHRIS*PHER C. 0008 '
Evening Session.
All the members were -present.. Mr.
Williams presented the following Pre-
amble and Resolution, which resolution,
on the motion of Mr. Mount, was laid
on the table :
Whereas, The commissioners of Excise have
made report to this Board, showing that they
have paid over to. the County Treasurer • the
sum of $2,125, being the amount received by
them in, the `granting of licenses for the past
Whereas, The use and sale of spirituous
liquors is acknowledged by all to be the great
source and, cause of pauperism and crime in
the land, and therefore all moneys received
for the granting of licenses for the sale of such
spirittiotis liquors is justly appropriated to the
support.. of. the 'poor as a compensation in
Some measure .for the evil tlius.createcl-
-Whereas, It is express]y provided in Title 1,
Sec. 22, Chap. 20 of'- the 'Revised Statutes -that. -
" In those counties in which the distinction be-
tween county and town poor prevails, the ex=
cise Money collected .in any town and all pen:
allies given by law to the overseers of the- poor;
When received, shall be' applied to .the use of
the poor of the town in which such money
and penalties shall be collected." , Therefore,
Resolved, That as an act of .justice to 'the•
several towns, the County Treasurer is hereby
authorized and directed to pay- to the overseer
or overseers of the poor of each town tor.the
support of the poor in such town, such sum,
as shown by the " Book of:Records, has, been
paid to the Excise Commissioners; from each,
town, from the granting of licenses in such
towns for the present year, viz : Caroline $80.;
Dryden, $210 ; -Enfield $30 ; Groton, $175 ;
Ithaca, $108i ; Lansing, $175 ; Newfield, $120 ;
Ulysses, $2a0—less the ten per cent provided
by law to be paid to the Inebriate Asylum.
Mr. Williams then offered-the.fgllow-
ing - resolution, which was lost :
Resolved, That hereafter the distinction be-
tween County pear and Town -poor in Tomp-
kins County, is hereby abolished.
On motion adjourned until to -morrow morn-
Wednesday morning, Nov. 17th.
Board met ,pursuant to. adjournment.
All the members present. 'On Motion
of Dr. Chase,
Resolved, That . the Board proceed to an in-
formal ballot for papers to publish the session..
Laws during the ensuing year.
The Board then proceeded to ballot
with the following result : -
Ithaca Journal .2 ,
Groton Journal 3
Dryden News .2
Tompkins County Democrat......1
On motion of Dr. Cook,
Resolved; That this Board' fix the sum of
$100 as the amount to be paid to each of the
papers designated to publish the Session
The Board then proceeded on nio=
tion of Dr. Chase, to a formal ballot for
two papers in which to publish the
Session Laws, . With the following re-
sult : -
Ithaca Journal 3
Dryden News 3
Groton Journal 3
Dr. Chase being in the chair, Mr.
Smith of Dryden, moved that a com-
mittee of one or three be appointed to
investigate the question as to the rela-
tive amount of circulation of each news-
paper in the County, and report to this
The resolution was carried.
Thursday Morning, Nov. 18th.
Board met pursuant to adjournment ;
all members present.
On motion of Mr. Woodbury,
Resolved ; That the fines of the several towns
that have been paid to the County Treasurer,
be refunded to the Supervisors of the several
The Board at eleven o'clock, ad-
journed until afternoon and then pro-
ceeded in a body to the Presbyterian
Thursday Afternoon.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present.
Dr. Chase made a motion to re -con-
sider the action of the Board in reference
to the claim of D. Dumont, for rent of
Armory, which was carried. Dr. Chase
then moved that the bill pass at the
amount originally claimed, viz : $100—
which was lost.
On motion of Mr. Graham,
On motion of Dr. Cook, the vote was
re -considered, and lost.
On motion of Mr. Slater, the Board
again proceeded to another ballot for
two papers in which to print the Session
Laws, with the following result :
Ithaca Journal 4
Groton Journal 3
Dryden News ' ,2
On motion of Dr. Chase,
Resolved, That the Session Laws be also
published in the Ithaca Democrat and Dryden
News, and that each be allowed the sum of
$50 for publishing the same—which resolution
was carried.
On motion adjourned until afternoon.
Wednesday Afternoon.
The Board engaged in the auditing
of bills, and bills numbering from 103
to 118 inclusive were passed by the
Board. The various committees then
engaged in the examination of bills
committed to them.
Wednesday Evening.
The Board continued the examination
of bills, and those numbering from 119
to 124 inclusive were audited.
Dr. Cook of Newfield, offered the fol-
lowing resolution, which was carried :
Resolved, That in pursuance of chap. 254,
Laws of 1859, the sum of $25 be fixed as the
sum to be allowed to the officer or officers con-
veying delinquents to the House of Refuge or
Penitentiary and Lunatics to the Asylum at
Utica. And in those cases where there are
more delinquents or lunatics than one, there
shall be allowed to the officer or officers con-
veying such additional delinquents or lunatics
to the House of Refuge, Penitentiary or Luna-
tic Asylum, only the actual expense necessari-
ly incurred in the case of such additional de-
hnquents or lunatics so convey ed to the places
hereinbefore mentioned. And in those cases
where the officer or officers are compelled to
go by any other route than the direct and usu-
al route, to the places hereinbefore mentioned,
they. shall be allowed the additional expenses
actually incurred.
On motion of Dr. Cook,
Resolved, That the Supervisors of the towns
Resolved, That the Supervisor of the town in which the Assessors have not exempted
of Newfield, (in accordance with the provis-
ions of chapter 451, sec. 4, Laws of 1865, as
amended by Laws of 1865, chapter 575) be
authorized to levy a tax on the assessment of
William Kellogg, at $1800 at three per cent.
that being the amount left off by mistake in
transcribing or copying the assessment roll of
On motion adjourned until to -mor-
row morning.
members of the National Guard be, and are
hereby authorized to make such exemptions in
making out the tax roll for said towns, and
that the towns not so exempted, be permitted,
to deduct the amount of such exemption from
their rolls in reporting to this Board the aggre-
gate amount of said towns.
Ori motion of Mr. Woodbury,
Resolved, That the rejected taxes as returned
to the several members of this Board by the
County Treasurer, be levied and assessed upon
the several towns respectively, as follows :
Caroline 23 20
Groton . 20 14
Newfield 6 00
Lansing 14 58
Enfield.... 10 23
Ithaca.... 84 84
Ulysses 3 85
Total $164,93
On motion of Mr. Graham,
Resolved, That pursuant to the provisions of
chap. 522, of the Laws of 1865, the sums set
down in the following schedule, be levied and
assessed upon the taxable property of the per-
sons whose names are included in the several
lists and in the sums respectively named in
said lists, submitted to the Board and furnished
to the Supervisors of the several towns named
in said schedule, by the Overseers of the High-
ways respectively of the road districts included
Ulysses—Dist. No. 30 .1 day .1 00
.112 days.. ..2 25
Dryden—Dist. No. 1112....10 days.. .$15 00
" 82.....4% " . 6 75
"115 ....22 " 375
"118.....2 " 300
" "143.....3 " 450
" " " 59
Danby—Dist. No. 83
Lansing—Dist. No. 22
Newfield—Dist. No. 6
[{ « « 32
" " 96
44 " u
$33 00
.4 days.... $6 00
4 days.. ..$6 00
6 days.... $9 00
.432 days ... .6 75
.4 "\ ...6 00
5 " ....7 50
$29 25
Groton—Dist. No. 8. 3 days .$4 50
614" 938
On motion of Mr. Cook,
Resolved, That at the request of the Super-
visors of the several towns of this County, the
sums set forth in the following schedule, be
levied and assessed upon the taxable property
of the several towns named, for the purposes
therein mentioned :
Town Audits. Highways. Poor.
Dryden....... .. . $ 621 39 $ 2100 00 $ 500 00
Newfield 1124 96 1000 00
Groton 616 05 825 00 200 00
$13 88
Lansing 537 82 250 00
Danby 408 87 500 00
Ithaca 14889 61 1000 00
Caroline 338 58• 1431 11 160 00
Enfield 871 82 `.50 00
Ulysses 819 41 1000 00
Total.... $20248 51 $7356 11 $1850 00
On motion of Mr. Graham,
Resolved, That at the request of the several
Supervisors of the respective towns named in
the following schedule, the claims set forth
therein be added to the audits of said towns,
and levied and assessed upon said towns re-
Almon M. Tarbell, Constable
William W. Snyder, J. P
Geo. H. Houtz, Town Clerk...
John M. Smith, Supervisor... ...
Hiram Bouton, Justice Peace
John H. George, " "
Isaac Briggs, M. D
Albert J. Card
Hananiah Wilcox. Justice Peace
William Coryell, M. D
E. 8. Pratt. Assessor
Wm. Farrington, Ref. Tax
Benjamin Lanning`
E. Lovell, J. P
James R. Emery, 1 P
Jacob Carman, J. P
R. C. Taylor.
EL B. Chase, Supervisor
Samuel Burlew, J. P
David Cole, ex. tax..
Mary B. Cole, "
$6 80
$13 55
19 72
65 38
16 40
10 00
2 67
6 75
11 00
$152 72
13 58
24 80
67 45
55 75
85 21
6 46
26 (i0
88 52
$364 76
Lemuel Jennings, J. P $4 60
Wm. Fogarty, Refunded Tax 1 02
John Mitchell, Referee 4 00
Pierson Ogden, " 4 00
L. Millspaugh, Overseer of Poor 6 75
J. Hawes. Supervisor 23 48
A. W. Knapp,. Town Clerk 43 45
J. VanDeBogart, J. P 4 50
A. Wadham, " 1 50
J. A. Thatcher, " 4 50
$97 70
David L. Baker, Constable
Mal T. Havens
H. C. Marsh, Town Clerk
11. C. Marsh, printing
W. D. Mount, Supervisor
Sidney Hopkins, J. P .. , .
Nelson Hallady, J. P
Albert Wilcox, J. P
Artcmus Backus, R. R. Com
John A, Close
Scevy S. Garfield, J. P
E. C. Thorn, "
$7 62
9 30
$16 92
$41 00
.12 60
15 50
13 50
13 50
. 13 00
17 50
50 00
$176 50
$42 41
2 75
C. C. Cc 0'. Supervisor
Luther S. Ilam, J. P
Benjamin Starr, "
C. E. Sebring, Town Cl_rk
Rockwell & Puff
J. B. June, Insp. Elections
Uriah L. Robbins
Henry S. Krum, Clerk Election
D. C. Krum, Insp. Election
Sharrard Slater, Supervisor
Dan. R. Gilbert, J. P
Charles J. Rounseville, J. P
Benj. Losey, J. P
Arnold James, J. P
Richard Louneberry, Town Clerk
S. W. Smith, J. P
0. B. Curran, excess of tax
Arch Preston, Constable
K. S. VanVoorhis, ex. tax
R. J. Renwick, award
Asa M. Lucas, J. P
Moses Crowell. "
Ezra Weaver,• "
E. D Norton, Town Clerk
H. C. Williams, Supervisor
25 33 Towne, Acres. Real, Feral Total V. pr. A.
10 50 Caroline30,450 317,445 1.4,920 332.365 10 43
14 45 Danby 33.043 330,320 17,608 317.928 10 00
35 25 Dryden62,160 1;017,124 87,280 1,104,101 16. 36
214 00 Enfield 22,162 282.205 14.625 296.830 12 70
-- Groton 31,000 572,756 96,813 669,569 18 47
$344 69 Ithaca 19,223 1,450,430 641,525 2,100,955 75 92
Lansing37,833 917,148 143,938 1,061.086 24 25
$7 35 Newfield 36,444 405.325 21.410 426,735 11 12
1 50 Ulysses 19,777 633,345 187,085 820,430 31 70
3 00
750 5,948,968 1,231.735 7,180,703
18 98
9 05
10 60
• 13 000
84 75
$109 03
$8 00
11 38
24 40
9 52
300 00
213 40
206 18
133 98
$1,007 36
At one o'clock the Board adjourned,
on invitation previously extended, to
the house of our worthy Sheriff, E.
C. VanKirk, where they found a very
sumptuous dinner awaiting them. It
is needless to say that ample justice
was done by each member to all the
good things that were set before him.
At two o'clock allretired from the table
with their abdominal and thoracic cavi-
ties filled to repletion. Long live the
Sheriff and his accomplished wife.
The Committee on Equalization sub-
mitted the following report, which was
received and adopted by the Board, Mr.
Woodbury, of Lansing, dissenting :
The Committee on Equalizal ton unanimous-
ly report the following resolution :
Resolved, That in making the equalization
on total amount of Real Estate as returned by
the Assessors for the present year, we adopt
as a basis such per cent. for each town as is ob-
tained from the average per cent. of sucli towns
as equalized for the past live years, this year
as returned by Assessors inclusive, as follows
Caroline 059
Danby .063
Dryden .167
Enfield ........055
Evening Session.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All the members present.. The Board
was engaged in the matter of Bills,.pre-
paratory to making up the equalization
On motion adjourned until morning.
Friday morning, Nov. 19th, 1869.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All the members present. Minutes of
previous day read and approved.
Mr. Alf illiams then moved that the
preamble and resolutions • offered by
him in reference to Excise monies and
laid on the table, be taken from the ta-
ble, w'iich was carried.'
Mr. Williams then moved the passage
of such preamble and resolutions. 'l'he Groton
Caroline ,,5
ayes and noes being called for on the Gana n'3
same .by Mr. Williams, it was lost, by Ne fieldUsses 36.444
the following Vote:
Av-r.,s—Mr. Williams, Dr. Chase.
NoEs--Chairman, Cook, Hawes, Graham,
Slater, Mount, Woodbury.
The following is the assessed valua-
tion of the real estate and personal prop-
erty of the county of Tompkins as ap-
pears by the Polls returned by the As-
sessors of the several towns :
Groton 094
Ithaca. 233
Lansing 152
Newfield 073
Real. Personsl. Total.
350,9S9 14,920 365,1109
374,71=5 17.603 392.393
993.478 87.280 1.080.758
313.556 14 625 328.181
559.203 96.813 656.01
1.386.109 611.525 2.027.634
904.243 1.48.938 1.048.181
434.275 21.410 455,685
618.693 187.085 805.778
$5.948.968 $1.231.735 $7.150.703
(Signed) WILLIAMS. 1
GRAHAM, }Committee
Board adjourned until evening.
Evening Session ---Full Board.
On Motion of Drs. Chase and Cook,
Resolved, That we tender our hearty thanks
to Eron C. VanKirk, Sheriff of this county,
and to his accomplished lady, for the sumptu-
ous dinner given by thein to this Board—and
we consider that this compliment paid to the
people of this county, through their represen-
tatives, adds one more obligation they owe to
Sheriff VanKirk, who has served the county
so well during the past three years.
On motion of Mr. Graham,
Resolved, That the resolution passed by the
Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, at
their annual session in 1868, authorizing the
County Judge to employ a stenographer to at-
tend the trial terms of the County Court and
Court of Sessions be and the same Ls hereby
In accordance with the resolution
previously adopted by this Board, the
• Chairman oppointed the following gen-
tlemen a committee to examine the can-
didates who may apply for admission
to Cornell University, in connection
with the School Commissioners of the
Bev. Thos. C. Strong, D. D.—Ithaca.
Alviras Snyder—Dryden.
Henry A. Graham—Enfield.
The Chairman appointed Messrs. Sla-
ter, Hawes, and Cook a committee on
debentures. The committee reported
bills numbering from 133 to 141, and
the same were passed at the amount
On motion of Mr. Williams,
Resolved, That the following suins be levied
and assessed upon the taxable property of this
county for the purposes designated :
For Schools $ 9.582 47
General purposes 9.582 47
Bounty debt 17.248 44
Canals • 5.749 48
Canal floating debt 958 25
Court expenses
Friel and gas for Court House
State Lunatic Asylum
State Inebriate do
State Idiot do
$43.121 11
2.000 00
24000 00 adjourned to the 8th day of December
230 0000 next.
Salary Comity Judge 1.200 04
Special Co. do 50 00
District Att'y 500 00
Supervisors' Clerk 100 00
do Janitor 15 00
County Treasurer 500 00
Chaplain County House 50 00
Superintendents of the Poor...... 1.170 45
Insurance on County Buildings 73 50
Livery to County House 8 00
County Audits... 11.514 94
Incidentals School Commissioner..... 400 00
do County Judge 50 00
State $43.121 11
County 20.274 39
$20.274 39
Total State and County $03.395 50
On motion, adjourned 'until to -mor-
row morning.
Saturday morning, Nov. 20th, 1869.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All the members present.
On motion of Dr. Chase,
Resolved, That when this Board adjourn, it
be to meet on the 8th day of December, 1869,
at ten o'clock A. M.
On motion of Mr. Slater,
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be
authorized and is hereby directed to draw on
the Comptroller for the amount apportioned
to this county from the Asylum fund, when
said apportionment is made, and to pay the
same to the County Treasurer, to be placed to
the credit of the General fund of said county.
The Board was engaged during the
morning in preparing abstracts of town
indebtedness and in obtaining the rate
per cent. of the several towns.
Board adjourned until afternoon.
Saturday afternoon.
Board met purivant to adjournment.
On motion of Mr. Graham.
Resolved, That the Collectors of the several
towns of this county be requested to settle
with the County Treasurer on or before the
30th day of January, 1870.
• On motion of 'Mr. Graham this Board
The following is an ,abstract of the
names of all persons who presented bills
to be audited by the Board of Supervi-
sors of Tompkins County, at their an-
nual session at Ithaca, in November,
1869, with the amounts claimed and the
amounts finally allowed :
No. Claim'd Allow'd
1 Wilson & Mackey, glazing, &c$ 9 25 $ 9 25
2 J. W. Dwight, rent of armory40 00 40 00
3 John Ramsey, supplies 32 73 32 73
4 Clinton Bowker 50 65 50 65
5 Taylor & Finch 16 68 16 68
6 A. Patterson, M. D 200 200
7 Alviras Snyder 3 96 3 96
8 Titus & Bostwick 264 26 264 26
9 S. H. Peck, M. D 5 00 5 00
10 H. Lanning M. D 11 31 824
11 E. C. Moe, M. D 10 00 8 56
12 John Goodyear 20 00 17 12
13 Walter C. Curran, com. of excise 30 00 30 00
14 Wilgus Bros., supplies...... 96 88 96 88
15 C. S. Minter, armorer 50 00 20 00
16 Samuel Love, comm'r of excise30 00 30 00
17 Peter Apgar, " " 30 00 30 00
18 Enos Bnckbee, cl'k of com. of ex 31 25 31 25
19 W. D. Ellis, rent of armory 17 50 17 50
20 J. A. Burr, " " 75 00 75 00
21 Merritt gin 9 20 9 20
22 Gauntlett &Brooks, supplies9 53 9 53
23 S. B. Ldndon, Const 3 30 3 30
24 Moses T. Denman, Supt of Poor 66 00 66 00
25 W. W. Snyder, 57 77 57 77
26 Brown & Rost, supply to Jury9 75 6 50
27 Peter H. Farrington. Snp't Poor 126 50 126 50
28 W. B. Gay, Janitor of Jail 126 25 126 25
29 John Murray 26 55 26 55
30 Danby Town Hall, rent of armory 50 00 50 00
31 G. C. Bierce, armorer 8 15 8 15
82 J.W. Lovell , 36 00 18 00
83 D. Dumont, rent armory 100 00 40 00
34 Wm. Coryell. M. D46 25 41 25
85 John Theall, armorer F12 25 12 25
86 M. A. Burdick. armorer 26 25 10 00
87 D. L. Burtt, ex -Supervisor 3 18 8 18
88 Almon Boys, labor 31 59 81 59
39 J. D. Lewis, Coroner 10 00 10 00
40 Albany Eve. Journal, printing5 00 5 00
41 M. M. Brown, Coroner 61 16 13 50
42 Town Hall Ithaca 18 00 18 00
43 Bostwick & Wilmot 15 00 15 00
44 S. P. Sackett, M. D 9 00 _ 9 00
45 Andras, McChain & Co 191 83 191 83
46 Trenian, King & Co. supplies83 26 83 26
47 J. D. Carpenter, suppplies28 90 28 90
48 Barritt, Brooks & Co.. real 5 65 5 00
49 Albany Eve. Journal, printing2 68 2 68
50 Truman Spaulding 23 60 23 60
51 Eugene Hollister 18 00 18 80
52 Seymour & Johnson, supplies'79 70 79 70
53 Philip Case, supplies 19 68 19 68
54 Merritt Hing, stationery, etc83 55 83 55
55 J. G. Wortman, armory rent75 00 25 00
56 Anson Wait. Constable • 15 65 15 65
57 Seymour & Glenny, supplies84 25 84 25
58 E. L. B. Curtis, (examiner) 4 20 4 20
59 John Goodyear, rent armory 75 00 25 00
60 J. N. Shangle, glazing 3 50 3 50
61 E. S. Ford, Justice Peace 4 80 3 44
62 Reuben Fish Constable....'. 89 05 87 80
63 S. B. Beers, Deputy '72 80 72 80
64 O. W. Purdy, Deputy Sheriff.... 8 85 8 85
65 H. T. Havens, Constable........ 30 80 21 50
66 W. C. Wilson, " 6 50 6 50
67 R. R. Howell, Deputy Sheriff.... 25 00 25 00
68 R. R. Howell, , " .... 21 78 21 78
69 R. R. Howell, " .... 12 20 12 20
70 H. L. Root. " " .... 299 72 . 299172
'71 E. Lovell. Justice Peace 23 75 23 75
72 John Peters, Constable 8 25 8 25
73 S. W. Smith, J. P 44 15 48 95
74 Lewis Primrose 12 51 12 41
75 Arch Preston, Constable 75 '75
76 Ezra Weaver, J. P 16 20 16 20
77 Andrew Smith 15 65 15 65
78 A. K. Dean 990 990
79 Sidney Hopkins, J. P.. &c 8 13 8 13
80 Perry Cooper. Constable 101 45 101 45
81 E. C. VanKirk, Sheriff 667 31 667 31
82 E. C. VanKirk, " 2,689 00 2.689 00
83 Seth Warner, Constable 21 95 21 95
84 J. Ostrander, " 2 25
85 C. C. Cook, M. D 15 20 15 20
86 M. F. Deyo, Armorer 300 3 00
87 W. W. Snyder, Sap't Poor 69 59 69 50
88 8. 8. Garfield, rent armory 40 00 20 00
89 Dr. A. J. White 7 28 7 28
90 Cornell Library Association 300 00 150 00
91 Joseph Esty, Jr., Armorer 50 00 50 00
92 George Muir, Constable 5 70 5 70
93 S. W. Smith, Justice Peace61 43 61 43
94 A. M. Lucas. " " 60 49 60 49
95 H. Wilcox, Constable 5 85 5 85
96 Wm. S. Berrey, " 71 76 67 '76
91 Wm. S. Berrey, 26 65 26 65
98 Samuel Bnslew, jr 5 20 5 20
99 C. P. Farlin, Coroner 10 00 10 00
100 " " " 34 00 84 00
101 Niedick & Seaman., Constables141 15 141 15
102 L. D. Hamilton. 44 43 75 38 00
103 Orrin Tucker, 3 50 3 50
104 Rev. T. C. Strong 5 00 5 00
105 Spencer & Williams, printing842 93 84.2 98
106 Ithaca Journal, 66 878 20 853 50
107 Ithacan, 91 18 91 18
108 Spence Spencer 6 50 6 50
109 H. C. Marsh, printing 87 93 87 93
110 W. H. Summers 118 30 118 30
111 Tomp. Co. Sentinel, printing83 68 83 68
112 A. Clapp' 83 75 . 83 75
113 Wilson 'Wright 51 23 51 28
114 T. J. McElheny, Co. Clerk 259 11 259 11
115 Moses Crowell, J. P 44 15 44 15
116 Geo. Curtis, refunded tax 5 00 5 00
117 John Murray, " " 5 00 5 00
118 T. J. McEiheny, Co. Clerk 979 09 972 09
119 T. J. McElheny, 80 70 58 95
120 Nottingham Mott, Constable32 30 32 30
121 Geo. Wait, Constable 83 55 33 55
122 Peter Sausman, " 78 00 62 00
123 Reuben H. Pleb, .'
124 R. R. Howell, Deputy Sheriff.. .
125 R. R. Howell, '
126 R. R. Howell, "
127 R. R. Howell,
128 R. R. Howell,
129 R. R. Howell,
180 R. R. Howell,
181 C. H. Howe, Armorer
132 Banks Bro., stationery
188 Supervisors' Manuals
35 40
52 75
88 20
27 25
77 77
19 00
6 00
6 50
27 50
58 96
24 05
85 40
52 75
27 25
77 77
19 00
6 50
27 50
184 H. C. Williams, Supervisor
135 Sharrard Slater, "
136 J. M. Smith
187 J. M. Woodbury,
138 Josiah Hawes,
189 Henry B. Chase,
140 Samuel V. Graham,
141 W. D. Mount,
142 C. C. Cook,
106 27 106 27
104 49 104 49
125 94 125 94
113 20 113 20
100 61 100 61
114 10 114 10
103 78 103 78
112 28 112 26
110 56 110 56
12,168 96111,514 94
Abstract of the names of all persons
who presented accounts to be audited
to the Board of Town Auditors of the
Town of Caroline on the fourth day of
Nov., 1869, with the amounts claimed
by each and the amounts finally audited.
Claim'd Allow'd
$I425 $1425
15 00 15 00
17 50 17 50
11 50 11 50
13 83 13 8:
700 700
600 600
6 75 6 75
3 75 3 75
18 21 18 21
10 50 10 50
11 25 11 25
7 50 7 50
3 00 3 00
15 00 15 00
6 00 6 00
36 76 36 Iii
24 00 24 00
29 62 29 62
50 78 50 78
3588 3538
15 00 15 00
1 Simon V. Snow, Assessor
a Smith D. Stevens "
3 B. E. Green "
4 J. P. Merrill, Inspector of election.
5 Francis A. Bates, excess of tax 1867
6 James H. Snow, Insp. of election
7 Simon Andrews
8 Lumen B. Phillips " "
9 Mathew Bull, Clerk of election
10 Lyman Kingman, Supervisor
11 Truman Spauldlno, Overseer Poor
12 George J. Nelson
13 Jacob Slater, Inspector of election
14 N. M. Toby, Clerk of election
15 F. H. Lake, use of house for election
12 J.D. Schooiimaker, Com. Highways
17 Lathrop Wattles "
18 John P. Allen
19 Michael C. Krum "
20 J. L. Mandeville, excess tax '65 '60
21 John P. Peters, constable
22 C. J. Rounsville, use of house
1869, with the amount claimed by each
person and the amount allowed.
$358 58 $338 58
Town of Caroline, Pa
We do certify that the foregoing abstract is correct.
Dated this 4th day of November, 1869.
SnARRARD SLATER, Supervisor,
BENJAMIN LOBBY, Justices of Peace.
(Added by Supervisor.).
J. B. June, Inspector of Election
Uriah L. Robbins
Henry 8. Krum, Clerk of election
D. C. Krum
Sharrard Slater, Supervisor
Dan. R. Gilbert, Justice Peace
Chas. J. Rounseyille "
Benj, Losey • "
Arnold James
Richard Lonnseberry, Town Clerk
Claim'd Allow'd
1 Doc't Eli Beers, for Town Poor$30 00 $30 00
2 Doc't E. P. Luce " 50 50 45 00
3 Christopher Slocum, Assessor 14 25 14 25
15 00
11 25
'7 '75
7 75
7 75
6 25
7 17
47 45
33 00
9 '71
10 50
17 50
25 00
10 00
22 00
15 00
4 00
7 00
4 D. A. Everest 15 00
5 Alfred Vose" 11 25
6 Geo. F. Beardsley, Inep. of election 8 50
7 Gershon McArthur 64
" 8 50
8 Geo. F. Nourse, Clerk tt 4 00
9 Robt. A. Grant, Inspector " 8 50
10 A. W. Knapp, Clerk of Registry &e. 6 25
11 Charles Ostrander, refunded tax7 17
12 H. Jennings, Hi'way Coin. & Jan'r 47 45
13 E. L. B. Curtis, Overseer of Poor33 00
14 Ansel II. Dutton, for Town Poor• 9 71
15 T. H. Howell 10 50
16 T. H. Howell & Bro. " " 42 54
17 J. I3awes & Son" CC7 25
18 Doc't Eli Beers44
CC1 50
19 S. Stoddard, Overseer Poor, Ithaca 17 50
20 11. C. Weed, refunded tax 1 00
21 Doc't C. C. Cook, for Town Poor48 00
22 Wells Beardsley " " 10 00
13 Isaac Frazier, Highway Commia'er 22 00
24 1Iorace Elyea, Town Poor 15 00
25 Samuel Love, referee 6 00
26 E. L. B. Curtis, Ex -Supervisor 7 00
$7 35
1 50
3 50
7 50
18 98
9 05
10 60
3 00
13 30
34 75
$109 03
Abstract of the names of all persons
who presented accounts to be audited
to the Board of Town Auditors of the
Town of Danby, on the 4th day of Nov.,
$442 37 $408 87
RResolted, That the Board of Town Auditors
of the Town of Danby recommend that the
sum of five hundred dollars be raised for High-
way Commissioners.
Town of Danby, ss
We, the undersigned, do hereby certify the
foregoing abstract to be correct.
JOSIAH HA7`'ES, Supervisor
A. M. KNAPP, Town Clerk. '
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true
copy of of the original now in my office.
A. W. KNAPP, Town Clerk.
(,Added by Supervisor.)
Lemuel Jennings, Justice Peace, $4 50
William Fogarty, refunded tax 1 02
John Mitchell, Referee 4 00
Pierson Ogden " 4 00
L. Millspaugh, Overseer Poor 6 75
J. Hawes, Supervisor 23 48
A. W. Knapp, Town Clerk 43 45
J. Van De Bogart, Justice Peace 4 50
A. W. Wadhams " 1 50
J. Thatcher " " 4 50
$97 70
Abstract of the names of all r rsen
who presented ascounts to the Board
Town Auditors of the Town of Dry de
on the 4th day of November, 16
with the amounts claimed and the am't
finally allowed.
1 Solomon L. Howe,Insp.Cl0'- `' Allow
2 Joseph V. Rose .. of election t6 00 $6
8 John C. Johnson " " 7 25 7
4 Ai VanHorn " It 3 00 3
6 John H. Kennedy " 11 09 11
6 Ira C. Shaver
7 M. W. Rhodes 16
8 Jesse Bartholomew "
9 John Snyder '*
10 Lemi Grover
11 Almond Gray
12 Geo L. Truesdell
13 Horace P. Banfleld, Clerk
14 Alviras Snyder 66
15 Henry Laning " " 3 io 3
16 8. S. Montgomery " " & Reg 7 00 7 00
17 A. L. Tyler " " 4 50 4 50
18 Willard Shaver •' 6 00 6
19 George E. Monroe " " 6 00 6
20 Henry H. Houpt " " 450 4 50
21 Warren D. Ellis, use of house 10 00 10 00
22 Jerome Hefron l` 10 00 10 00
23 John 8. Barber 10 00 10 00
24 Mineah & Benton. " 10 00 10 00
25 Gamaliel Sperry, Overseer of Poor 12 00 12 00
26 D. A. Chatfield, Assessor 24 00 24 00
27 J. J. Ellie 25 00 25 00
28 H. L. Root, Constable 15 20 15 20
29 Asahel Clapp, Printing 5 50 5 50
80 H. F. Pierce, nndertaker 12 00 12 00
81 C•rrin Tucker, Constable 4 85 4 85
82 Groove Moore, nse of house 25 00 25 00
83 Wm. Fitch, Physician 12 00 6 00
84 Wm. Fiteh 14 75 10 75
85 J. J. Montgomery Physician 39 00 39 00
86 A. Ewers, Overseer Poor, 26 50 26 50
87 Levels Primrose, Constable 15 75 15 75
88 S. Stoddard Overseer Poor, Ithaca10 00 10 00
89 M. M. Brown, Physician 89 00 00 00
40 R. M. Smiley, Com. Highways 185 00 185 00
41 L. Millspaugh, 0vere'r Poor Ithaca 5 00 3 75
42 A. Burlingame, Assessor 31 50 31 50
43 Alvin Cole, Overseer Poor 4 50 4 50
$671 64 $621 39
We, the undersigned, hereby certify that the
foregoing abstract is correct.
JAMES 11. eKORon,
wM. w. SNYDER,
H. BotrroN, Justices.
Joust M. SrtiTer, Su ervisor.
The following resolutions were passed at the
annual Town Meeting of the Town of Dry
den on Tuesday, April 6th, 1869.
Resolved, That the suis of five hundred dol
lars ($. 00 00) be raised in said town for tht
support of the Poor for the ensuing year.
Resoived, That the sum of twelve hundrei
dollar, ($1200 00) (in addition to the sum o
two hundred and fifty dollars (250 00)a
allowed by the stautes) be raised in said tw,
for the support of Roads and Bridges for th
ensuing year. G. H. HOUTz, Town Clerk.
" 700 7
" 600 6 0
6 0 6 0
11 936 936
6 00 6 00
" 11 �3y8 1L1 /3�8
" 6 0 6 00
8 75 8 75
" 3 13 3 13
" 8 13 3 13
The following resolution was passed by the
Board of Town Auditors of the town of Dry-
den, in conformity with the provisions of
Section 1st, Chapter 103, Laws of 1858.
Resolved, That the sum of six hundred and
fifty dollars ($650) be levied and collected in
said town for the purpose of repairing the
Highway, near the village of Etna.
G. H. HOUTZ, Towia Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
William W. Snyder, J. P
Geo. H. Houtz, Town Qlerk
Jno. M. Smith, Supervisor
Hiram Bouton, Justice Peace
Jno. H. George
Isaac Briggs, 1 . D
Albert J. Carr
Hannaniah Wilcox, J. P.
Coryell, M. D
00 We, the undersigned, composing the
00 Board of Town Auditors, for the Town
of Enfield, having met at the house of
E. Van Marter, in Enfield, 'Nov. 4th,
1869, do hereby certify that the follow-
ing is a correct statement of the names
of all persons who presented claims be-
fore the Board of Town Auditors, the
amount claimed and the amount finally
$18 51/1
19 79
16 40
, 1000
`26 75
$152 72
1 John T. Bross, Ex -Town Clerk
2 George S. Fowler, Com. Highways.
3 Joel N. Whitney, Overseer Poor,
4 John 11. Smith Assessor
5 John H. Theall,
6 G. S. Fowler, Com. Highways,die'ts
7 Wm. Ammack, Assessor
8 Wm. D. Bagley, Inspector Election
9 Joel N. Whitney, Overse Poor
10 Wm. D. Baggley, consul Ov. Poor
11 D. L. Baker, Constable
12 Joel N. Whitney, Overs'r Poor *err
13 Chas. M. Smith, clerk of election..
14 Samuel Rolfe,
Claim'd Allow'd
$868 $863
56 0 56 0
230 2300
22 50 22 50
22 50 22 00
468 91 468 91
20 50 20 50
9 0 900
42 91 42 91
1000 1000
1 25 126
1725 1725
4 50 460
450 450
11 89 11 89
900 900
30 80
826 825
25 0 25 00
13 75 18 75
12 00 12 00
35 71 35 71
15 0 15 00
26 77 26 77
871 til $871 82
SeMUSt, V. GnAners, Sul,ervl,sor.
.EDWIN S. Fonnn,
OKIN DaARBoliv, Justices Of Peace.
W. H. JONES, Town Clerk.
Resolved, That we instruct, our Supervisor to
44 41 54
15 E. Weatherby, Inspector of Election
16 J. M. Baker, 46 " «
17 J. M. Hovey, Physician
18 E. S. Ford, Justice
19 E. VanMarter House Town Purpose
20 Wm. Marshall, Justice of Peace
21 Orren Dearborn, " " , , .1,
22 S. V. Graham, Supervisor's Bill
23 J. M. Baker, Justice of the Peace
24 W. H. Jones, Town Clerk
raise the sum of $250, for repairs of Highways
and Bridges in said town.
ORIN DEARBORN, Justices Peace.
(Added by Supervisor.)
David L. Baker
Bial T. Hayens
$7 62
9 30
$16 92
Abstract of the names of all persons
who presented'accounts to be audited
by the Board of Town Auditors of the
Town of Groton, on the 4th day of No-
vember, 1869, with the amount claimed
Ely each, and the amount finally audi-
No. Claim'd Allow'd
1 Myron Halladay, Inspector Elec'n
8 A. 13. Rogers. c,•
Geo. L. Perkins, " "
4 Nel on Stevens, Clerk of Election
5 Samuel Howeer, House Election.
6 K. B. Carpenter, supplies to poor
7 William Williams, inspec'r elec'n
8 S. C. Reyn._ ids, in'r elec'n, books
9 M. D. Goodyear, clerk of election
10 John Goodyear, hall for election
11 Warren M. Little, inspec'relect'n
i`d H. C. Howland, inspector election
13 C. P. Hart, 2d, clerk of election
14 R. Lanning, " "
15 Major Ford, overseer of the poor
16 Dr. E. C. Moe, physician to poor.
17 Dr. A. Robinson, "
I8 H. M. Riggs, Com'r Highways
i9 D. R. Marsh, supplies to poor _
20 D. 13. Marsh, use hall for election
11 Gilbert Francis, assessor
c2 John McKellar,
,3 Clinton Bowker, ex -overseer poor
34 Dr. J. Goodyear, physician poor.
15 Otis W. Pierce, assessor
t8 Walter W. White, ex -Supervisor
27 Wm. W. Hare, att'y highw'y suit
28 D. B. Marsh, repair bridge, 1864.
9 E. M. Howe, damages sheep ki11'd
30 Jerome Hathaway, R. R. Com'r
31 Wm. K. Burnham, " •
3$ Geo. D. Wait, Constable
$600 $600
10 00 10 00
6 00 600
3 00 300
10 00 10 00
7 50 7 50
9 75 9 75
12 40 12 40
3 15 3 15
25 00 25 09
750 750
600 600
3 b0 300
3 00 300
14 50 14 50
39 00 89 00
25 00 25 00
181 50 181 50
42 27 42 27
10 00 10 00
18 00 18 00
25 00 25 00
18 75 18 75
13 00 13 00
16 50 16 50
22 00 22 00
3 00 300
30 00 30 00
5 00 500
17 50 17 50
17 50 17 50
5 23 5 23
$616 05 $616 05
We, the undersigned, the Board of Town
Auditors for the Town of Groton, do certify
that the within named bills were audited by
W. D. Mount, Supervisor
Sidney Hopkins, J. P
Nelson Halladay, "
Albert Wilcox, "
Artemis Backus, R. R. Com
John A. Close
15 50
13 00
17 50
50 00
$176 50
At the Annual Town Meeting for the Town
of Groton, held on the 6th day of April, 1869,
the following resolutions were passed:
Resolved, That the sum of ($200) two hun-
dred dollars,,be levied upon the Town for the
support of the poor.
Resolved, That the sum of ($50) Fifty Dollars
be raised by tax upon the Town, and paid to
John A. Close for the support of Isaac Foote,
for the year previous to the one in which he
received help from the Town for his support.
I hereby certify the above to be correct
copies. H. C. MARSH, Town Clerk.
At a meeting of the Town Board, of the
Town of Groton, field on the 28th day of Au-
gust, 1869, present, W. D. Mount, Supervisor,
Sidney Hopkins, Nelson Halladay, Albert
Wilcox, Justices of the Peace, and H. C.
Marsh, Town Clerk, upon the application of
Elarrison M. Riggs, Commissioner of High-
ways of said Town, the following resolution
was passed by a full vote of the board.
Resolved, That H. M. Riggs, Commissioner
of Highways, be authorized to borrow the sum
of ($575) Five Hundred and Seventy -Five Doli
lars, to be used in the construction and repair
of roads and bridges in said Town, and to pre-
sent a statement of such funds expended to be
audited by the Board.
I hereby certify the above to be a correct
copy. H. C. MARsu, Town Clerk.
The following is an abstract of the
names of all persons who presented ac-
counts to be audited, with the amount
claimed by each and the amount finally
SIDNEY HOPKINS, Justice Peace.
H. C. Menet, Town Clerk.
I do hereby certify the above to be a true
ropy of the abstract of Town Accounts audi-
ted for the year 1869.
H. C. MARSH, Town Clerk.
(Added by Supervisor.)
H. C. Marsh, Town Clerk $41 00
EL C. Marsh, printing 12 50
No. Claim'd Allow'd
1 Samuel Stoddard, Ov'r Poor$1,746 95 $1,746 95
2 J. H. Selkreg, printing 15 25 15 25
3 S. W. Smith, Justice Peace52 05 52 05
4 ti it .. 22 25 22 25
" 21 75 21 75
6 B. L. B. Curtis, O. P., Danby18 70 18 70
7 O. H. Gregory, InspectorElec'n 6 00 6 00
8 P. F. Sisson, 7 50 7 50
9 Fitch R. Curran, clerk election. 3 00 3 00
10 H. W. Ensign, Inspec'r Elec'n 6 00 6 00
11 0. B. Curran, inspec'relec'n,&c 12 25 12 25
12 Peter Kline, Assessor 69 00 69 00
13 L. F. Colegrove, Assessor 54 00 51 00
14 J. E. VanNatta, lnsp.Elec'n,'G4 450 4 50 1
15 Spence Spencer, Insp. E., Sta'ry 11 00 11 00
16 Chas. S. Wixom. Clerk Elec'n. 3 00 8 00
17 D. L. Burtt, ex -Supervisor 25 52 25 52
18 Andrus, McChaln l Co., books 81 15 81 16
19 Hallam Hill, Clerk Election8 00 8 00
20 O. H. Hall, " 800 800
21 B. Gould, Inspector Election
22 A. N. Hungerford, Insp. 11
23 Chas. G. Day, Clerk Election
24 T. Spaulding, O. Poor, Caroline
25 G. A. Tappenden, rent T. C. of.
26 W. H. Welch & Son, house elec'n
27 Anson P. Head, 11 11
28 John Northrup, Assessor
29 J. Goodyear, M. D., Groton, ser
30 Major Ford, O. Poor, Groton
31 Alex. Smith, livery
82 A. M. Credit, rep. ballot boxes
33 G. C. McClune, Com'r Highw'y
34 Niedeck & Seaman, police const
35 A. Burritt, rent Town Cl'k's of.
86 L. Millspaugh, ex-Overs'r Poor
37 L. H. Culver, Insp. Election..:.
38 Ferris & Dowe, attorney fees
39 Nottingham Mott, Constable
40 S. B. Beers, Clerk of Election
41 A. Preston, constable
4244 4. 1,
43 R. R. Howell, Constable
44 A. Preston, Constable
45 14 11 .1
46 J. C. Heath. ex -Town Clerk
47 Village of Ithaca, rent of Hall
48 Perry Cooper, Constable
49 Holmes & Sta np, house elec'n
50 Enos Buckbee, Com'r Excise
51 Morgan & Bishop, serv's poor
52 M. M. Brown,
53 Wm. S. Crittenden, tax refnn'd
54 I. & T. R. R. Com'rs, disburse't
65 J. C. Ganntlett, military tax ref
56 S. P. Sackett, IIT. D., Boa'd H'lth
57 G. C. McCiune,certiti'te indebt's
.58 41 44 41 11
59 N 11 11 61
60 " 11 11 11
61y .• .. 1. 11
62 11 11 11 41
63 11 11 11 "
41 /1 11 11
41 11 11 14
44 64 14 .1
11 11 11 14
11 14 1. 11
11 4 41 11
14 • 44
11 11 44
h 11 11
" I. 1. 1.
74 11 11 14 11
75 14 61 " 41
76 11 11 11 11
77 11 11 11 .1
78 L M. & F. Beers, plank
72 L.
7 50
7 50
4 50
14 00
90 00
35 00
135 00
25 00
47 33
16 00
16 75
122 00
10 00
184 75
3 00
66 68
29 05
6 00
42 05
15 30
83 25
5 35
30 70
30 30
10 00
129 55
85 00
5 00
180 00
20 00
835 73 835 73
. 780 780
3 00 3 00
1.070 00 1,070 00
1,106 36 1,16 36
529 16 529 16
476 25 476 25
127 00 127 00
7 50 E. It Norton, Town Clerk 81 0(1
9 00 H . C. Williams, Supervisor 19 50
7 50 ---
4 50 $1007 Wit;
35 r 1 Abstract of the names of all persona
' 4z 4 who presented accounts to be audited
16 na11�y the Board of Town Auditors, of the
122 25 'lien of Lansing, on the 4th day o.'
143 as November, 1869, with the amounts
185 75 claimed by each, and the amount final -
611 s ly audited.
29 05 No.
6 00 1 George W. Miller, Assessor....
42 05 2 C. G. Benjamin, ex. Town C1'k
15 30 3 Chas. G. 1lagin, Assessor
33 25 4 A. B. Sn: ith, supplies for poor
5 35 5 Harriet Butler, boarding paup
30 70 6 Wm. N. Buck, Overseer of Poor
30 30 7 L. A. Farling, cl'k reg'r & elec
10 00 8 J. W. Pratt, inspector of elec'n
129 55 9 Wm. W. Clark, inspec'r of elec
85 00 10 Geo. 31. Rodgers, constable
5 00 11 A. H. Clark. assessor
180 00 12 Harriet Butler, support pang rs
20 00 13 J. A. Bnrr, supplies & use Hall
7 88 14 R. Miller, inspector of election
15 B. Bowers, "
16 Moses Munson, " "
17 R. Beardsly, supplies.........
18 J. S. Linderman, clerk election
19 H. D. Niles. constab'e
20 James Bowker, inspector elect'n.
21 Wm. T. Cox, medical services
22 B. M. Hagin, commissioner
23 Henry Miller, use of house
24 J. B. Bogardus, ex. Supervisor
25 James K. Egbert, cl'k election
26 Peter Fields, inspector of elc'n
27 Wm. H. Drake, cl'k of election
38 Louis A. Dennis, ins. of elec'n
29 Joshua Brown, Justice Peace
30 James M. Woodbury, J. P
r18 31 11 1. 11 Sup
90 32 Lorenzo Myers, Town Clerk
25 33 Wm. H. Fitch, J. P
25 34 Darius Hall, J. P
35 John T. Knettles, ins. of elec'n
817 06
363 78 •
620 19
422 15
305 37
191 11
114 26
•430 38
505 08
161 90
626 25
526 25
526 2.5
526 25
526 25
545 97
3 25
$14899 61 $14889 61
1H. C. WI:mamas, Supervisor.
A. M. Laces, Justice Peace.
E. WEAVER, 11 1.
E. D. NORTON, Town Clerk.
At the Annual Town Meeting, held April
th, 1869, it was voted to raise One Thousand
rf ollars for the support of the poor.
(Added by Supervisor.)
. W. Smith, J. P
. B. Curran, excess tax...
rch Preston, Constable
S. VanVoorhis, excess tax
. J. Renwick, award
. M. Lucas, J. P
olls Crowell. J. P
Ai Weaver, J. P
$8 00
11 38
24 40
9 52
800 00
213 40
206 18
133 98
7 95
38 50
14 56
49 50
22 12
4 50
6 20
3 00
5 95
43 00
10 00
86 13
7 00
7 00
8 81
8 00
3 10
4 50
7 50
41 38
15 00
28 99
6 00
10 50
30 33
17 95
20 40
13 35
39 0'. •
7 W.
88 r) '
14 5'
49 5+'
22 1:'
4 5"
6 2:i
3 0'
6 9:.
43 0
10 ('
36 1 •
7 0.1
7 Er.'
�7 0
8 81
3 I
3 ,n
7 5',
41 3•
16 01
3 1'
3 1.
6 0 •
9 5•
10 t' -
80 8:'
17 1:
20 4!.
7 0:
$687 r
J. M. Woonzun'r, Supervisor.
LORENZO MYEss, Town Clerk.
Beams HALLL,
Wm. H. FETCH, . Justices of the Peace.
(Added. by Supervisor.)
Almon M. Tarbell, Constable
$6 8n
Abstract of the names of all person •
who presented accounts to be audited
by the Board df Town Auditors, of th:'
Town of Newfield, on the 4th and 6th
days of November, 1869.
No. elated Allow'
1 A. J. white, Supervisor $12 25 $12 12
2 J. W. Dean, inspect'r of elec'n.. ' 10 00 10 0'
3 H. H. Adams, use of house 900 9 i"
4 C. R. Congdon, Assessor 22 85 22 $ r.
5 Merritt King, Attorney 13 00 18 1.i.t.
6 J. Stamp, house for election
7 Benj. Starr, Clerk
8 A. Smith, Constable.......
9 R. Alexander, cl'k of election
.10 P. C, Rockwell, " " "
11 James Stamp, Insp " "
12 Chao. Simpson, " " "
18 H. S. Rockwell, cl'k of election.
14 John Seabring, Surveyor
15 Beni. Starr. inspector of elect'n.
16 Commissioner's of Highways....
17 John Crowell, clerk or election..
18 Wm. C. Douglass, corn. highw'y.
19 R. C. Estabrook, excess of tax.
20 P. A. Blakeslee, cam. of high'y.
21 L. S. Ham, clerk of election
22 O. C. Puff, ex -Com. of Higways
23 Wm. R. Smith, overseer of poor
24 H. S. Rockwell, com. of high'ys
25 S. S. Garfield, use of room
26 J. L. Colegrove, insp'r of elect'n
27 Alvah Brown, house for elect'n.
28 L. D. Hamilton, constable
29 Geo. D. Goldsmith, "
30 Moses McCorn, Assessor....
31 John Beardslee, "
Era Philip Kresga, Constable
1200 1200
6 00 6 00
229 • 229
3.00 300
300 300
600 600
662 662
3 00 300
11 00 11 00
13 87 13 87
767 50 767 50
3 00 300
25 75 25 75
20 63 20 63
34 50 34 50
3 00 ' 300
6 00 600
750 750
25 50 25 50
15 00 15 00
9 50 9 50
10 00 8 00
1315 1811
145 14'
25 40 25 4(
2355 235:
165 165
$1124 9f
I do hereby certify that the above is a correct copy
from the records of this office.
C. E. SEBniNG, Town Clerk.
Dated Newfield, Nov, 8th, '69.
(Added by Supervisor.)
8. 13. Garfield, J. P
E. C. Thorn, J. P
C." C. Cook
Luther S. Ham
Benjamin Starr
C. E. Sebring
Rockwell & Puff
$42 41
2 75
25 33
14 46
214 00
$344 69
I certify that at the Annual Town Meeting.
held on the 6th day of April, 1869, at the
house of Royal Rosebrook, in and for the
Town of Newfield, by request of the High-
way Commissioner, it was resolved, and voted
by a majority of the voters,
That, the Town raise the sum of Eight Hun-
dred and Fifty Dollars, .($850,00), in addition
to the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
($250,00), allowed by law, making in all the
sum of Eleven Hundred Dollars, ($1100,00), to
be raised next fall by t Y on said Town, for the
purpose of repairing 1 Os and bridges in said
Town the ensuing yea} Ind also to pay up past
(Witness), C. E. SE.A.1114G, Town Clerk.
Dated April 6th, '69.
I hereby certify that the above is a correct
transcript from the records of this office.
C. E. SEBRING, Town Clerk.
At a meeting of Board of Town Auditors,
for the Town of Newfield, held on the 7th day
of November, 1868, it was
Resolved, That the Commissioners of High-
ways of said Town of Newfield, be hereby
authorized to raise the sum of Two Hundred
Dollars, ($200,00), and the interest of the same,
and appropriate the same to build a bridge
across the Creek near John B. Kelsey's, in the
village of Newfield, the same to be paid Jan.
15th, 1870.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor-
rect copy from the records of this office.
C. E. SEBRING, Town Clerk.
The Town Board of the Town of
Ulysses met in accordance with the re-
quirements of law, for the purpose of
auditing accounts against the 'Town, on
Thursday, Nov. 4th, 1869, at the house
of Isaac Bullard. Present, Henry B.
Chase, Supervisor ; R. C. Taylor, Town
Clerk ; J. Carman, S. Burlew, J. R.
Emery, E. Lovell, Justices Peace. The
Following is a list of bills audited by
said Board :
1 Truman Boardman, insp. elec'n.
2 J. L. Stone,
3 J. H. Biggs. Clerk of Election
4 R. C. Tompkins, " •'
5 J. D. Smith, Inspector Election.
6 H. Van Order, boxes
7 B. Donning, M. D
8 J. D. Lewis, M. D
9 W. A. Fuller, ex. Overseer Poor
10 W. A. Fuller. Constable
11 David Hale, Overseer Poor
12 A. V. van Leiw, Com. Highway
13 L. D. Krum. Assessor..
14 G. H. Stewart, boxes
15 Wm. Austin
16 J. M. Farrington, M. D...
17 J. M. Stout, Clerk Election
18 H. B. Chase, M. D
19 Elias Smith, Overseer Poor
20 H. G. Cooper, Inspector Elec'n
21 Thomas Van, Com. Highway
22 R. C. Taylor, Clerk of Election
23 R. H. Fish, Constable
24 Sears & Trembly, use of house
2.5 Isaac Bullard, " "
26 R. L. Smith, Inspector Election.
27 E. Wilcox, ex Com. Highway
28 L. B. Curry, Assessor.._.. ...
I certify that the
bills audited by the
of UIysses.
Dated Nov. 4th,
lnaim'd Aiiow'4
i4 5500 $95500
8 00 8 00
800 800
12 50 12 50
4 18 4 18
61 00 61 00
101 25 101 26
11 50 11 50
I6 81 16 81
9 00 900
80 00 80 00
82 68 82 63
600 600
800 300
8719 87 19
300 800
7650 7650
5 00 500
11 00 11 00
14 25 14 25
300 800,
25 00 17 95225 00�
77 00 77 00
600 600
10 50 10 50
26 00 26 00
$830 76 $819 41
above is a true copy of the
Town Board of the Town
C. TAYLOR, Town Cl'k.
At the Annual Town Meeting, the follow
ing sum was voted to be raised for the use o:
roads and bridges, $750,00, in addition t<
$250,00 allowed by law.
R C. TAYLOR, Town Cl'k.
(Added by Supervisors.)
E. S. Pratt, Assessor
Wm. Farrington, Ref. Tax $31 00j
Benjamin Lanning, 13 51
E. Lovell J. P 24
21 •
James R. Emery J. P. 67 45
Jacob Carman, J. P 6 00
E C. Taylor5
55 7
H. B. Chase, Supervisor 85 725
' Samuel Barlew, J. P 6 45
David Cole, ex: tax • - - 28 00
Nary B. Cole,, ex. tax 88 57
$364 76
December 8th, 1869.
,Board met pursuant to adjournment.
On Motion of Mr. Mount,
Whereas; By clerical error, the bills of Eben-
ezer Havens and Francis H. Lake, amounting
to forty-four and 4-100ths dollars as follows
Ebenezer Havens $ 4-04
Francis H. Lake. 40 00
were omitted from the list of County audits,
Resolved That the Co. Treasurer be and
is hereby directed to pay the said
Ebenezer: Havens $ 4 04
Francis H. Lake
40 00
out of any moneys in his hands not cher-
wise appropriated, said payment to be in full
of said bills.
On motion of, Mr. Graham,
Resolved, That the thanks of this Board be
ered to Mr. S. 11. Wilcox for the correct
rindgentlemanly manner .in which he has
discharged the duties imposed upon him as
Clerk of this Board.
On .motion of Mr. Hawes.
• Resolved,- That the thanks of this Board is
hereby tendered to the Chairman, John M.
Smith,•Esq., for the able and impartial manner
in which he has discharged the duties of his
The ' Board was occupied during the
morning in signing the warrants of
At 2 30 p. m. the Board adjourned
to the house of I3. C. Williams, Esq.,
where a. sumptuous feast of fat things
was spread out before them. Ample
justice was,done to all the good. things,
and the Board left the table at four
o'clock with hearty good wis.ies for the
health and prosperity of their generous
On motion of Mr. Hawes,
Re8olved, That the amount of the County
Treasurer's Bond be changed from $80,000,
and be fixed at the sum of $100,000, and that
the sureties.. -presented by the Treasurer elect
be such ascan justify with real estate security. ,
Om .motion of Dr. Cook,
Resolved, That the thanks of this Board be
tendered to H. C. Williams, Esq., Supervisor
of the town of Ithaca for the sumptuous din-
ner given the members of'this Board,and that
we consider it intended asa mark .of respect
from the town of Ithaca to her' sister towns
through their able and courteous representa-
On motion of Dr. Chase,
Resolved, That the Board adjourn until Mon-
day, December 18th, 1869, at eleven o'clock a.m.
Monday, Dec. 13,` 1869. . .
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All the members. present. Mr. Bristol,
Co. Treasurer elect, presented his bond.
On motion of Mr. Mount, - .
Resolved, That the bond presented by Mr.
B. of be accepted.
On motion of Mr. Mount, the Board -
adjourned sine die:
ABSTRACT of charges against the
several towns :
State Tax.
"..$1709 09
488 29
Town Audits
County Expenses
Superintendents of Poor
Returned Tax
Support of Poor
State Tax
Town Audits
County Expenses
Superintendents of Poor
State Tax......
Town Audits..
Highwa s
County Expenses
467 61
1431 11
1033 13
48 63
- 3-20
$1832 78
523 63
500 00
1107 90
174 30
$4,645 18
1442 23
774 11
2100 00
3051 48
Support of Poor. 500 00
Superintendents of Poor 387 30
Returned Taxes.. 22 09
Total $13,325 17
State Tax $1531 69
Schools .... 437 63
County Expenses 925 98
riighway s 250 00
Town Audits 888 74
Returned Tax 13 15
Total $4047 19
State Tax $3064 06
Schools 875 43
County Expenses 1852 24
Support of Poor 200 00
Superintendens of Poor . 101 74
Highways 825 00
Town Audits 792 55
Returned Tax 20 14
Southern Central R. R. Bond interest 3500 00
County Expenses. 2959
Superintendents of Poor 104 2
Highways • 250 0
Town Audits 644
Returned Tax 14 5
Total ....................... $10,167
State Tax.. ....$2128
Schools 608 09
County Expenses 1286 6
Superintendents pf the Poor 157 16
Highways. 1000 00
Town Audits 1469 65
Returned Tax 6 00
Total $11,231-16
State Tax . $9470 18
Schools .... .... 2705 81
County Expenses, .... .. .. .... 5724 93
Ithaca & Towanda Rail Road bonds 4438 62
Superintendents of the Poor.. .... 269 54
Support of Poor 1000 00
Town Audits 15896 97
Returned Tax 8484
Total $39,590 89
State Tax .. $4895 75
Schools 1398 76
State Tax
County Expenses
Superintendents of Poor
Town Audits
Returned Tax
$6,655 87
$3763 89
1075 38
• 2275 07
168 66
1000 00
1184 17
3 85
Total .... $9,470 52
Caroline $5321 06
Danby . 4645 18
Dryden 13325 17
Enfield 4047 19
Groton 11231 16
Ithaca . 89590 89
Lansing 10167 44
Newfield .... 6655 87
Ulysses . 9470 52
Total $104,464 48
rLTZMERT showing the amount of compensation an-
'dited by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Coun-
ty, to the members thereof, within the past year, the
items and nature of snch compensation, the number
'of days the Board has been in session, and the number
of miles travelled by the members respectively, in at -
#Benda g' County Canvass and the meetings of the
Lan sin
XX X,Days
with Co. Can'rs.
-la' z: U.-4-Ia=-4
Days with Board.
'''A, -co-' '-` '..
Per diem allowance.
c qN?A
Miles es traveled.
F.., I.-• F -.K I...
0 = 1-• w OD -7 e.
VAS 806
N. r01
ns:::] ter-
Copying roll.
g R 8 cD 2 8
i-,1..1 F.1 I. I.+3.•.N,-.t
ACco co to:i 7.::::
8S,888.11.P t+c'AD
SUPERVISORS' Room, Dec. 8th, 1869.
hereby certify, that the Board of Supervisors of
mpkins County, were in session one day in June
i seventeen days in November, 1869, and one day
1 a half, in making County Canvass, and' that the
tuber of miles necessarily travelled by the members
the Board in perfomance of their duties, is as above
ted, and I further certify, that no accounts were
ii.ted by said Board, without being properly verified
:ording to law. -
Clerk of Board of Supervisors, Tompkins Co.
8 •--,:a ca Nos lO c:O:o
s -a9.1rE28
+2 ist.Zncoo..0
iG-7�w��ti C:u]�
"Acres of land.
� o c c C o''
.i+ co t-. 1 -.l H W
OD .rVICOCAP 0000 o
Assessed value of real
$ 14920 '$.365909
17608' 392303
87280 1080758
21156 348349
96813 656016
641525 2027634
143938 1018181
21410 455685
187085 805778
1231735 17180703
Assessed value of per-
sonal estate.
Corrected aggregate -
. uo 8 a W a,
FA 5C1 ':'.7607 a 0 C.0 00
Amount of town taxes.
1M- to N..:o or . , Sou.+
a,� C'.0�"r' -1Amountofcountytaxes
: . T0:n v_w i
51 ..:*.au7.+-xwxto..•
:c -..1...1....1.o...::.,:..-, - '--
ja wce:oaacra01c:
$ 488 291$ 1709.09'
- 523 63 1831 78
1442 23 50.17 96
' • 464 85 11127 011•
875.43 3064 00
.2705 81 9470.18
• 1394 76 . 4895 75
608 09 2128 37
1075 381 3763 39
ilg5S2 Afi 9t'RR7.11R RAI
Amount o State tax for
Amount of state taxes,
exclus school tax.
,7 NDN I-
CD0.`Oe. w...P6'�A or
`'DAs 8 n i; m w Cr:
ocn-4c bis-•.
a 011:04..0O3 -...A.1 -......C=.
J 14 ..4 1a "•O : O: -4 CC r..
Aggregate taxation.
b :J1C�'r y7u--o7
Rate of tax au SI vain-
I, S. II. Wilcox, Clerk of the Board of Su-
pervisors of, the County of Tompkins, do here-
by certify that the preceding is a true state-
ment of the Aggregate Valuation of the Real;
and Personal Estates in the several Towns and
Wards in said County, as 'corrected by said
Board of Supervisors, at their Annual Meeting
in the month of November, 1869.
S. if WILCOX, Clerk.
For For • For , For For For J dge of the Judge Court 1 • For Justice Su. I For ofI For l For I Far For School For Collett- Constitution
Secretary of For Attorne Gen -I State IEngtneer and Canal Com. I Inspector of I Court of Ap- of Appeal,— IIJuelice of So- preme Court For Member County For Supertatea- Joetiee of For Commieelon'rI Fortntion-Judici- Aeeeeement Property,
State. Comptroller. era). Treasurer. Surveyor. mteeloner. State Prisaoe. peals. - All vacancy. preme Court. to fill vacancy) Senatot. Assembly. Treaenrer. Sheriff. [dent of Foor.I Seesiooe. 1 Cdroner. —1st Inst. Conatitution. I iary. land Taxation. Qualification.
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