HomeMy WebLinkAbout1865 Proceedingst ._i‘i 11 ,1$ ID i �� rA,„ iy a $ , VCr _ }--fir 144,�-� %J4,,_„ L ' 1- 7�•�; _e:140 7)3t ,„_,,,,,,iy . i 't qi Ili . b -; E �t �I I ;ti . PROCEEDINGS, . BOARD OF ... € 4to) FOR 18G5.. d OF THE SUPERVSORS OF THE To'.iid,a$ THE YEAR I H. B. LORD, Chairman. J. H. EMERY, Clerk. w ••••,.., ,,,•-• 4M•1111.- -0--.... -. ITHACA, N. Y. PRINTED ON THE ITHACA JOURNAL POWER PRESS. 1865. -Th" ,.( ?---`i.C e'lL\r = r_ (__ ra..r` P OCE E DO NCS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE di Gt1flt7 mf 'gym FOR THE YEAR pkins, H. B. LORD, Chairman. J. H. EMERY, Clerk. ITHACA, N. Y. FEINTED ON THE ITHACA JOURNAL POWER PRESS. 1865. Supervisors-- Tho Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, stet in Annual Session at their room in the Court House, in the village of Ithaca, on Tuesday, November 14, 1865. The Board was called to order by the Clerk of the last Board, and on calling the roll, the fol- lowing members answered to their natnes: Caroline—SAmunr. E. GREEN. I)anby—LEVI CURTIS. Dryden—LuTIInn 0 it.r3WOLD. Enfield—I). W. BATLEY. Groton—,'�1' , 1). ii'/TOII. Ithaca—A. B. CORNELL. Lansing—HENRY B. Loan. Newfield—IRA C. ROCKWELL. Ulysses—LYMAN CoNOnoti. On motion of Mr. Cornell, Luther Griswold, of Dryden, was elected temporary Chairman. On motion of Mr. Curtis, the Board then pro- ceeded to the election of a permanent Chairman, with the following result: For Henry B. Lord 8 For Lyman Congdon 1 The Chairman declared HENRY B. LORD duly elected Chairman of the Board. J. II. Eurnr was re-elected Clerk of the Board by a unanimous vote. On motion of Mr. Cornell, ' Resolver, That the Chairman be requested to appoint, in addition to the committees usually appointed, a committee, to consist of three mem- hers, to examine and, report in regard to the in- debtedness of the County. On motion of Mr. Curtis, Resolved That the Chairman appoint a com- mittee of three, whose duty it shall be to secure an insurance on the County buildings. Messrs. Curtis, Green and Rockwell were ap- pointed such committee. On motion of Mr. Griswold, Resolved, That all County orders issued by this Board he countersigned ,hy the Chairman • and all Town orders by the Supervisors of the re- spective towns. On motion of Mr. Cornell, the daily hours of meeting were fixed as follows: Morning, 9 o'- clock ; afternoon, 2 o'clock; evening, 7 o'clock' On motion, adjourned to to -morrow morning, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1865. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chairman. nnual session. Present, all the members. The minutes of the last meeting were read, and approved. The Chairman then announced the following standing Committees : On S'heriff's, Clerk's, Constables and J.rstice's Ac• cou.rets.—Messrs. Curtis, Leitch and Bailey-. On Treasurer's Accounts.—Messrs. Cornell, Bai- ley and Fitch. On lecturalizalion..—Messrs. Congdon, Cornell, Fitch, Griswold and Curtis. On Poor House cad Nnperintcndent's Report. -- Messrs. Green, Griswold, Fitch, Bailey end Rock- well. Ora Ciuuty Gittins.—Messrs. Griswold, Congdon and Green. . On tJ. 8. Deposit fund.—Alessrs. Fitch, Green and Rockwell. On County Indebtedness.—Messrs. Cornell, Cong- don. and Curtis. A. largo number of bills were received, and re- ferred to the appropriate Committees. On motion of Mr. Cornell, Resolved, That the Committee on County Claims he instructed to make such arrangements in regard to the public printing, as may in their judgment best subserve the Interest of the Coun- ty, and report their proceedings to this Board. The Board were engaged during the session in the examination and footing of assessment rolls, and in the examination of bills. On motion, adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called'to order by the Chairman. Present all the members. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.' . The Board were engaged during the aession in the examination of. bills. On motion, adjourned. Evening Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and wau called to order by the Chairman. Present, all the members. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Board were engaged during the session is the examination of bills. On motion, adjourned. Thursday, Nov. 10, 1863. Icalled Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chairman. Present, all the members. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Board were engaged during the session in the examination of bills, and of the County Tree. surer's accounts. On motion, adjourned. Afternoon Seasion. Board met pursuant to adjournment, called to order by the Chairman. Present, all the members. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. . Mr. W. W. Snyder, Superintendent of the Poor, elect, appeared before the Board and presented his official bond in the penal sum of $2,000, which, on motion, was declared approved and or- dered deposited in the office of the County Clerk. The Superintendents of the Poor presented their annual report, which, on motion, was re- ferred to the Committee on Poor House and Su- perintendent's report. The Board were engaged during the session in the examination of bills. On motion, adjourned. and was Evening Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chairman. Present, all the members. The minutes of the Last meeting were road and approved. Bills, numbering from one to ten inclusive, were passed at this session. On motion, adjourned. to order by the Chairman. Present, all the members. The minutes of th6 last meeting were read and approved. The Board were engaged during the session in the examination of bills; and bills numbering From 11 to 41 inclusive, were passed. On motion, adjourned. Saturday, Nov. IS, I0G3. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chairman, Present, all the members. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Rockwell, Remlzred, That the bills for supplies for jail be taken from the Committee on County Claims, and referred to the Committee on Sheriff's and Constables' Accounts. The Board were engaged in the examination of bills, and of the County Treasurer's accounts, during the session. On motion, adjourned. Friday, Nov. 17, iSszi. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chairman. Present, all the members. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chairman. Present, all the members. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Board were engaged during the session in the examination of bills, and bills numbered 49 and 43 were passed. On motion, adjourned to -2 o'clock -P. Mn on Monday. "' • Monday, Nov. 20, 1863. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chairman. Present, all the members, The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Bailey, Resolved, That at the request of the Sheriff, The minutes of the last meeting were read and Mmetsseres.toG wreaeirt uanpodnGrMrwFl3dubnegappointed a ucsoeienr- apprDved.• IItain the requisite amount of blankets and bed- Idizag necessary for the comfort of the inmates The Board then resolved itself inion commit- tee of the whole to visit the County House. On their return at 5 P. llf., the Board, on mo- tion, adjourned. Evening Session. Board met pursuant to adIournment, and was of‘the jail. On motion of Mr. Cornell, Mr.'Bailey was ad- ded to the above committee. Mr. Cornell, from the committee on Treasurer's accounts,'presented the following report,• which, on motion, was adopted, and ordered entered on the minutes, and the committee discharged. The undersigned, your Committee on Treasu- rer's accounts, respectfully report, that after a thorough examination of his Books and Vouch- ers, they find the Treasurer's account, as render- ed, correct, 'From this it appears that the amount received by the County Treasurer dur- ing the current year, was— out, $741,58 00 The amount paid716,758 78 I3alanen. $224,609 22 State Bonhds on hand $220,000 00 Cash on hand, 4,600 22 $221,000 22 Notwithstanding the above balance in the Treasury, there is, (owing principally to the great increase of- the amount of money required by the Superintendents of the Poor during the past year, and the large amount of returned taxes,) a real deficiency, as will appear from the•follow- ing statement. The Board at its last session provided means to pay the interest on the first issue of County Bonds, and the principal and interest of -the sec- ond issue.. But three Bonds of the first issue have not been presented by their holders, and the interest on them, ($4.5 00,) is yet unpaid.— Also six Bonds of the second issue, amounting; principal and interest, to $2,090 C9, have not been presented for redemption. In settling with the State authorities, the Treasurer received $31,300 cash. The balance net expended for the redemption of County Bonds is $2,508 16. Ho has also received from the State about $3,000 for interest on State Bonds, $65 02 of which has not been expended in pay- ing interest on County Bonds redeemed. A more full statement of these transactions may be found in the report of the committee on County Indebt- edness. The sum of the above stated items is $4, 708,- 03, which is in excess of the balance in the Trea- sury $99 71, as will appear by the follov 1iig statement : Tnterest unpaid on three County Bonds, drat issue, •$45 06 Principal .incl interest unpaid on'six County Bonds, second issue, .... 2,000 09 Balance of cash rev'd from State, over • County Ponds redeemed, . 2,508 10 Balance of interest reed on State Bonds over interostpaldon County Bonds u 5, redeemed, 65 02 ' $•1,708 93 Balance still in the Treasury as above 4,609 22 Deficiency, $011 11 Four committee are of opinion that the Boun- ty Fund should be kopt separate and distinct from monies raised for the ordinary expenses of the County. if this is not done, complications would be likely to arise, which might become dif- ficult to explain or arrange. They would there- fore recommend for adoption the following reso- lution: Jtesotccd, That from the balance in the Treasu- ry, there be re -appropriated the sum of $•15 011 to pay interest on three County Bonds of first is- sue; the further sum of $2,090 60 to pay principal anal nterent on six County Bonds of the second issue ; and that there be levied and assessed up- on the taxable property of the County, tie sum of 899 71 to make good the bounty fund,fhrsnon- es drawn therefrom for ordinary purposes, Respectfully submitted, A. 1]. CORNELL, D. W. BAILEY, M. D. FITCh7, Corn. The following is the Treasurer's report: Tompkins County in c'ccnunt with LDwARD C. Sxr- l101J1t, I Fcasurer. 15G4—Nov. 17. Cr. By balance on ]land last settlement $2,270 77 Bounty Fund 8'J0 11 '' part, Dist. Atty's salary 1861not used 15 00 " i+'ues of A. M. Lucas, 1864 Ill 55 " " " S. W. Smith, 1601 bit 00 " " M. Van Val ken burgh 30 00 " " E. Lovell . 15 00 " " Chas. Severn 300'00 " " S. W. Smith, 1805 28 06 " " A. Id. Lucas, 1805 2;3 00 tt` Fees, County Judge11 66 701 03 Tax Collector, Slau,en, Dryden40 G(] W. Mott, 2a, Dryden 16 21 " W. B. Gay, old iron li 05 " School monies returned bySupervi- sors—Caroline 2 9'T Groton.......... 1 4 Lansing 5 25 Newfield I 0' 04 Ithaca 27 20- returned Taxes collected, Caroline Dryden 103 5.'3 Enfield 23 00 01) Groton 14(3 Ali Ithaca 0 00 13y Taxes Caroline IS,41cJ58 0.3: Danby 11 11) Dryden 14,46,452! 21 Enfield13,601 83 Citoxon `i1,616 95Ithaca 68,588 95- Lansing '82,705 47 Newfield . ,. 21,580 75 Ulysses 11,086 la Byy School Moneys of State . 12.451 5 County Bonds, renewal issue10:3 714 00 fourth issue • 205,495'0x3 " State of New York Reimbursement Cash -• -' • $;31,3110 State Bonds ....270,000 301,300 00- 41 411 Yf 'I Sy 6 Interest on State Bonds to Oct. 1st .. 3,6D1 29 " County Bonds of Uly sses...$16,30{) 00 Interest on. bane ........1,1113 19 3 — 17,1r0: 19 County Bonds of Panhy $5,150 00 interest on same 344"9 5 r� 5,4E0 55 County Bonds of L'ilfield $' ,C00 Interest on i3atne 313 14 -- 5,313 11 Excise Conine Licenses 1.^,05_....... 1,2:,0 Pines. 23 1,255 00 1l Total .. ... 1.111,3'38 0:) Tompkins County in account with EDWARD C. 3zY- atouit, Treasurer. !!r• To Court Expenses, Jury Orders. .. County orders Poor E xpentes—til Door Out Door ,1 4. .1 44 " Transportation 11 11 11 Service.. • Fuel and Lights Public Buildings " Repairs same I mir:lace s:tnle Edmonds Statutes itt Large `Penta to County 114.tuse Expenses County Judge's Office. Salary Connty J nage District Attorney •` Treasurer " Spey ial County Jo ge " Supervisors' Clerk .. " Jt nitnr `• Lunat.ic Asylum De:if and Dumb Asylum • idiot Asylum " Inebriate -Asylum Ciel k's Office Notes. D. Boardman .................1,500 00 One Year Interest 105 00 r. (xnuntlett 5190 00 Two Years lntcrest.... 70 00, 2,175 By ▪ State Tax 411,134 School Tax 6,43:9 ', Returned Taxes. Caroline.............:....., ... 122 97 ]-)ryden.... ..194 113 Enfield 26 02 Croton 187 73 Ithaca ...3.,I 15 Lansing2.31 00 Newfield 71 10 To Caroline Town Expenses. 312 12 Poor Expenses 250 00 Highways . 250 00 To Danhy Town Expenses 44G 10 Highway-. 50 0(1 To Dryden Town Expenses. 1.23- 1 37 Town bounty... ...... 22,100 00 Poor Expenses. . 100 01 llighways . 1.225 00 To En11.1d Town Expense= 957 70 Town B.2uuty. 2,200 O!1 IIighways 209 00 To Groton Town Expenses. .. 1•3'5 17 Town i:.,unty 13.0.35 00 Pour Expense_ 2.32 00 High trays.... 60) 00 To Ii;k'1ca Town Expo-lses ..12,01- 1 87 Poor t+.'xpenses 500 09 111ghways. ... 250 00 11 • 1i ,1 11 LL 1, •:tl.470 5S 5,•'111 55 3,9:11 61 i,331 54 21 15 1" 0 ;50 4283 00 79 2? 31 i 41) 01.1 ],000 00 450 00 5115(10 0) Oil 125 0)1 15 0.1 2,307 78 3') 00 03 1142)50 00 06 0 -1,191 09 642 12 496 IO 24,06G 87 3,367 70 20,347 17 — 12,701 87 To Newfield Town Expenses. 543 13 !'nor Expeuscs 80 0'•1 Highways 2;51) aJ0 87318 To Lansing Town Expe__Mes 2.1,111 31 Town Bounty 12,075_86 11 ighways 2500 15,017 19 To Ulysses Town Ext enses...-. 74)9 54 Town Bounty _ 5,0)11) 0[] Poor Expenses 75 OO 11i"hways .... I,00)) 09 ]i,:ard of Relief 40) 00 To School Moneys—Caroline 1,[149 :31 Dryden1,937 21 7'784 34 3)attby 1(74 35 Enfield 822113•t Groton 1,:33:7 ss Lansing ),:328 111 Ne�+'lleld....... l,:i`i 4 63 Ithaca.' 2,8;0 30 Ulysses.. 1,275 41 12,528 49 To E. C. Seymour, Volunteer Expenses 1E64 (43-3 93 i" J. 1I. l.mery, :` 1' 1' 46 38 ' Interest on First Issue Ponds, to Febru- ary 1. 1805 12,836 46 " Interest on 5ccolld Issue Bonds, to .Mai -eh 1, 185:3 0,517(1 511 " Conttty ]fonds Second Issue, paid ....215,060 00 11 Bounties and Expenses paid, Ca11 Decem- ber try, 186.4. Supervisors' Resolut ions,. -De- cetnber 23, 13431. and January 9, 1865—Caroline ...16,258 20 Danby 123,t3Rrt 1;0 Dryden ;1),2(10 42 Enfield... 9,742 53 Groton 2".9S.. 72 Ithaca ..311,1;7 53 Lansing 13,158 33 Newfield 27,:(13 87 Ulysses •`20,53100 195,016 65 To 111izrellanenne Expensee,Vol nntvers. 1805 225 115 59 Bonds First Issue redecm'd for Ulysses 16,300 CO " 4 •• " " " Danby 5,150 00 4. 1 c. "- 11' " Enfield. 5,1)00 00 1,29 ..Li 11 ...... �9' 300 00 " 1 Bond. Renewal Issue, redeemed .. 700 00 " 5'.1 Bonds, fourth li?sue, redeemed80;100 00 " Interest ata same 3,504 231 State Bonds un hand 2.2(1,000 00 1865—Nov. 16. Balance Lash on band 4,609 22 Total ...941,308 00 The following communications from the First National i3ankof Ithaca, and the Merchant's and Fartner's Bank of Ithaca, respectively, were re- ceived, and on motion ordered entered in full up- on the minutes ; and referred, that of the First National Bank to the Committee on Equalization, and that of the Merchant's andFarmer's Bank to the Committee on County Claims. [n thy) matter of the assessment of the Stoek- holders of the First National Bank of Itltaea by the Assessors of the Town of Ithaca. Toul'IINS GOGN'ry, 1311. Alonzo B. Cornell, of Ithaca, In said Comi- ty, being duly sworn says, that the First, Nation - Bank. of Ithaca is an association organized under and by virtue of tete Laws of the United F, States, located and doing business at Ithaca, in the County of Tompkins and State of New York; that deponent is the Cashierof said Bank- ing association and has charge of its books pa- pers and securities; that the Capital Stook of said association is Two Hundred Thousand Dol- lars, which amount is wholly invested In the Stocks or Bonds of the United States,—common- ly known as the Long Bonds of 18.81 and the 5-20 six per cent. Bonds; that deponent is intormed, and believes, that the persons hereinafter named have been placed upon the assessment roll of the Town of Ithaca, for the amount of Stock held by them, respectively, in said Banking Associa- tion as and for an assessment of the personal property of such persons ; that such persons own the Stock of said Bank, in the sums set opposite their respective names, as follows, to wit; John McGraw $ 40,000 Jane P. McGraw. '4,000 John Southworth 10,000 Ezra Cornell 2S,010 Edward S. Esty l0,000 Ebenezer 'I'. Turner 10,000 Joseph Esty , 111,000 John C. Stowell . 10,000 Douglass Boardman .......• I0,000 Truman Boardman ... 3,1100 Matilda S. Schuyler 2,090 Cynthia M. Whiton 1,000 Kate L. Witii:on 1,000 John 0 auntlett 2,000 A. Mel)ou gall. 2,000 Charlotte I.. Burr 1,000 Alonzo B. Cornell, (this deponent)5,000 $200,000 And deponent further says, that said Bank is the owner and possessor of thirty four thousand dollars of other Stocks] or Bonds of the United States besides the Two H.uudreel Thousand Dol- lars of Stocks and Bonds, in which the Capital of said Bank is invested and of the same kinds and description; that besides the bonds and stocks aforesiad, said Bank has no property, real or personal, I fable to taxation either against said Bank or its Stock -holders, nor has such Bank any other property whatsoever, beyond Its lia- bilities; and deponent further says, that the Stockholders of said Bank, have no assets in said Bank hut those represented by said Unit- ed States Stocks, and that this deponent Is ad- vised, and believes, that said Bank and the Stock holders of said Bank are equally and wholly ex- etnptfronl taxation under the Laws of the State of New York, for the reason that the property of said Bank and the property of said Stockholders in said Bank is invested wholly in United States Bonds and Sticks exempt from State or local taxation, and 'consists wholly of such Stocks or Bonds. And deponent further says, that he snakes this affidavit in behalf of the Stockholders above named, that they may severally be ex- empt from taxation or assessment for State or local purposes under the Laws of the State of New York, so far forth as their property consists of the Stork of said Bank held and owned by them respectively. A. B. CORNELL, Subscribed and sworn before me this I4th day of August, 1865. F. M. FtNeli, [5 cent stamp cancelled.] Notary Public. Tobit'ICFNs COMITY, ss. Douglass Boardman, of said County, being duly sworn says, that an affidavit, of which the foregoing:is a copy, was served on the assessors of the town of Ithaca on the day when said as- sessors met to hear applications for the correc- tion of the assessment roll of said town of Ithaa- ea, and said assessors were requested to -strike out the assessments in said affidavit referred to that said Assessors neglected and. refused to strike out such assessment; that this deponent is VIce-President of said 1st National Bank of Ithaca and knows the condition thereof, and that the facts stated and set forth in the forego- ing copy, affidavit of A, B. Cornell, are true to the best of deponents knowledge ' and belief at the date thereof; and deponent claims, that by reason of said facts, the Stockholders of the Isl. National Bank of Ithaca are not subject to as- sessment as in said assessment roll set forth for their said Stock, and that the Board of Supervi- sors should correct shell assessment roll, by striking out the assessments from !said roll against the persons named in said copy affidavit, for such Bank Stock. D BOARTDMAN. Sworn to before me, this 17th day of Nov. 1865. F. M. FINCH, Notary Public. [5 cent stamp cancelled.] To The Honorable, The President and Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, G.t sviai : Permit me in behalf of the lata Merchants' & Farmers' Bank, respectfully, to call your at- tention to the proper adjustment of the claim of said lank, for amount of Taxes over charged and over paid in the year's 1863 and 1864—as will more fully appear by the papers hereto attached. By;amisciinceptioii of the law or the construction thereof, it will be observed that the amount of tax erroneously levied and collected of said Bank. in the year 1503 upon United States Secu- rities which were not legally taxable, amounted to the sum of 3731 39, and the sum in like man- ner unlawfully levied and collected in the year is64,:aniounted to $2311 80, which sums with the interest thereon as per statement hereto attach- ed, is claimed as legally and justly due and should he refunded to said Bank; as.I am advis- ed has already been done to Banks in the cities of New York, Albany and other localities where similar errors were committed. Your early attention to the subject is respect- fully solict.ed. I have the honor to be, very Respectfully, your obedient Servant, J. B. WILLlX71135, Pres't STATI: OF Nldw YORK;:, County of Tompkins, es. Josiah B. Williams being duly sworn, de- poses and says, that he resides in the Village of Ithaca; that for more than tee years last past, he officiated as President of the Merchants &Far- mers' Bank of Ithaca; that prior to the passage of chapter 210 of the laws of New York of 1863, o wit; Prior to the 29th day of April, 1863 the utire amount of the Capital Stock of said Bank except so much thereof as was invested in Real !:state,) was invested in Securities of the Unit - d Staates,.of the kinds declared in the Act of G'ongress, approved Feb. 25th, 1862, whether held by individuals, corporations or a ssocia- ttonss, within the United States, should be ex- mpt front taxation by or under State authori- ty;" that the said Capital of said Bank was con- inually so invested trona said 29th day of April, 863 to the month of January, 1865. Deponent further says, thatat the usual time Ii the summer of tha year of 1863, when called ipon by the Assessors, he, deponent furnished laetii the usual statement, of the property of aid Batik, and at the samet.inie gave notice, hat the whole amount of the Capital of said same, except so much thereof as was Invested n Real Estate, vias Invested in United Staten ecurit•ies, 'which, by the laws of the United tales were exempt from taxation by or under tate authority. Deponent further saith, that t e { e e t 1 I t S 13 S S S at the usual time in the summer of the year 1931, he, in like manner, rendered the usual account for that year to the 'Assessors when called for, of the property of said Bank, and at the same time gave notice that the whole amount of the Capi- tal of said Bank, except so much thereof as was invested In Real Estate, was invested in Securi- ties of the United States, which by virtue of the laws of the United States were exempt from taxation by or under State authority ; and depon- ent further salth, not. J. B. WILLIAMS. Subscribed and sworn before me this 20th day of November, 1865. CHAS. E. HARDY, [5 cent stamp cancelled.] Notary Public. PROTEST—COPY. 8. Merchants' & rarmers' Bank—Twenty- five hundred twenty-nine and E9 -10O dollars .. i?2529 BJ E. -I. Book, Collector. The County of Tompkins in account with the Merchants' a Farmers' Bank. December 31st, 1663. This sum paid 1]. Mooney, Collector for the Tow' ► of Ithaca, for Taxes levied against, said Bank for the year 1863.._. 819 26 From which deduct the amount of Real Estate tux .. 87 S7 MfattC1LANT's & FARMER'S BANK, 1'rr tACA Dec. 31, 1863. To the Ilonnrable the President and Boar of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins:— Please take notice: that the undersigned hav- ing been called upon by the Collector of Taxes for the Town of Ithaca, pursuant to a warrant by you to him directed, to pay the surra of eight hundred and nineteen dollars and twenty six rents, as a tax levied by your Board against the Merchant's & Farmer's Bank of Ithaca. for the year 1863; and, whereas, pursuant to said war- rant and demand, I am this clay required to pay the said sum of eight hundred and nineteen dol- lars and twenty-six cents as aforesaid. Ido here- by give notice to you and your successors in • office, and to all persons interested, that the said tax is paid under protest, as having been levied contrary to the provisions of the constitution and laws of the United States, which expressly declares that all Bonds or other securities of the United States shall be exempt from taxation by or under State or municipal authority. You will also please take notice, that at the proper time the Assessors of said Town of Ithaca were duly informed that an amount equal to the whole amount of the capital of said Bank, except such portion as was invested in real estate, was then and still is invested in securities of tile United States as aforesaid. You wilt therefore please accept this notice as the protest of said Bank against all proceedings in the levying a ndcnilee. Lion of said tax, (except so much as is levied up- on real estate.) and that said Bank looks to you and your successors in office to refund the sum • so—as aforesaid—improperly levied and collect- ed, together with all proper costs, damages and interest .1 have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, [Signed] T. B. WILLIAMS. Pres't, • [Attest.] C.E. HARDY, Notary Public. 9519 ,a6.—Received, Ithaca, December 31, 1863, of .1. B. Williams, President of the Merchant's & Farmer's Bank of Ithaca, eight hundred and nineteen dollars and twenty-six cents for State, County and Town taxes, for the year 1563, against the Merchant's & Farmer's Bank. I further cer- tify that said tax is paid by said Bank under - protest. - [signed] D. MOONEY. Served copy of the annexed protest on D. Mooney, Collector of Taxes for this State, Coun- ty and Town; and J. H. Emery, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and H. 13, Lord, President• of the Board of Supervisors, on this 31st day of December, 1863. [Signed] C. E. IIAItDY, Notary Public. ITHACA, Dec. 20, 1864. Received of J. B. Williams, the following stuns for State, County and Town taxes, for the .year's 1683-4, to -wit : Which leaves amount levied and collect- ed upon Capital, which was invested in United States Securities, and not le- gally taxable, the sum of To which interest should be added from the 'list of Dec., 1863, to day of pay- ment, say Dee. 1st 1865 731 39 98 13 Amount due for 1863 S 629 52 Also this sum paid E; II. Buck, Collector for the town of 1 thaca, for the year 1864 5.2.629 69 From which deduct the amount of Real Estate tax 189 83 Leaving amount charged on In - vestnsen tin U. S. Securities as above, not taxable . $2349 86 To which interest should he added from 20th Dec. 186-1, to day of payment, say Dee. 1st, 186 ...: 254 ill Amn�unt due for 1861 2.199 83 Gross sum to be refunded is .. $329 35 Bills numbering from 44 to 47, inclusive, were passed at this session. On motion, adjourned. Evening Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chairman. Present, all the members. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Board then listened to a statement and ar- gument from H. A. Dowe, I,sq., in reference to the claim of C. S. Georgia for reimbursement, For expenses incurred by him in the apprehen- sion and conviction of horse thieves; and after consultation and discussion, on motion of sir. Curtis the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars be levied and assessed upon this county, which amount shall be paid to Cyrenns S. Georgia, toreimburse him 1n part for expen. ses in the case of the People agt. Levi and Hiram Rhoades for Grand Larceny. Bill number 43 was passed at this session. On motion, adjourned. Tuesday, Nov. 21, iSi1. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chairman. Present, all the members. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Hon. J. B. Williams, President of' the Mer- chant's and Farmer's Bank, appeared before the Board and made a lengthy and elaborate argu- ment, relative to an alleged erroneous assess; ments upon said Bank during the years 1863 and 1864. The Board were engaged during the balance of the session in the examination of bills. On motion, adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chairman. Present, all the members. The minutes of the last meeting; were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Fitch, seconded by Mr. Green, _Resolved, That pursuant to the provisions of subdivision 9, sec. 4, chap. 191 of the laws of 1819 anti in accordance with resolulions adopted at the last annual town meetings of the towns of Groton and Caroline respectively,'1.he sum of two thousand dot lam -s be levied arid assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Groton for building awl repairing roads amid bridges in said town, and that the sum of twelve hundred and fifty dollars be levied and assessed in like man- ner, upon the town of Caroline and for a like purpose. On motion of Mr. Bailey, 'calved, That at the request of the Supervis- ors of the respective towns of this county, the Hunts set forth in the following schedule be lev- ied and assessed upon said towns, for the pur- poses therein mentiond. Town Support Audits. Highways. of Poor. Caroline $_.u5 91 $ 250 $400 Dan by .. 010 28 710 Dryden 1011 22 250 200 Enfield '708 23 911 20 Groton 2785 9.3 750 200 Ithaca 17691 51 250 Lansing; . 34118 02 250 INlewheld.............. 474 09 7.10 Ulysses 729 24 1150 Bills numbering from 4.4 to 11 inclusive, were passed at this session. On motion, adjourned. Evening Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chairman. Present all the members. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Brig. -Gen. 171. A. Lowe, Col. U. D. Barto and F. M. Finch, Esq., appeared before the Board and presented their views in reference to the in- terests and wants of the 50th Regiment, Nation- al Guard, S. N. Y. After which, the Board on motion adjourned to partake of the hospitalities of the Supervisor of Ithaca. Wednesday. Nov. 22, 1865. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and wag called to order by the Chairman. Present all the members. The minutes of the last meeting wore rear_ and approved. The Board were employed during this session in the examination of military claims, and of the accounts of the Commissioners of the -United • States Deposit Fund. - - On motion, adjourned. Afternoon Session, Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chairman. Present All the members. The minutes of the last •Meeting were read and approved. Kr. Griswold from the Committe on County Claims to whom was referred the petition of Rev. Sylvester Minter to have certain taxes claimed to have been erroneously assessed upon him, for the year 1864, refunded, presented the follow ing report and the -same was adopted. Your Coram ittee to whom was referred. the ap- plication for relief of the Rev. Sylvester i1inier from on alleged erroneous assessment on the part of the Assessors of the Town of Lansing sing in the year 1863, would respectfully report as fol- lows: The applicant for relief is a Methodist. itiner- ant minister who for the last two years has been a resident of Cayuga County, but who, owns a farm in Lansing iar this county. The amount of the tax paid by the applicant on account of. this alleged error is $45. This he asks the Board to refund. . • • The whole question at issue in this case is the proper construction of the Statute relative to ex- emptions, the language of which is as follows: "flue following property shall be exempt from taxation * * The real estate of every minis- ter of the gospel, when occupied i`w him, to the amount of fifteen hundred dollars." It is clear that lrr order to • be entitled to the benefit conferred by the Statute, the claimant must occupy the real- estate on which the ex- emption from taxation is asked. In the case be- fore us the point to be decided is this: "Is the Rev. Mr. Minicr an rcc'uI)ant of his farm in Lan- sing, Tompkins County, while his residence is in Cayuga County ?" After a careful examination of authorities, and consultation with able lawyers, your Committee have conic to the conclusion that the applica- tion should be denied. In the opinion at your Committee the words of the Statute " when occupied 8y him," are without meaning, unless the legislature intended by there to restrict the•henefits of the exemption to cases of actual residence upon the premises by A the person who claims these benefits. Neither on nersl i i p nor enjoyment of the avails of a farm can of tiacmelyes constitute .an islets victual at» occupant. of such fariii, either in the legal or ordi- nary sense. But actual residence upon a farm, constitutes an individual an occupant thereof, though, rr.R ira this case, such farm may lie owned rind its fruits enjoyed by a person residing else- where. All which is respectfully submitted. LUrIIEn GRISWOLD, LY3t,tN CO\GDONT, S. E. G i - Committee. ex u. r, Mr. Fitch from the Committee on United States Deposit Fund submitted the following report which on motion was received and adopted and the Committee discharged. The Committee to whom were referred the books of the Loan Commissioners for the County of Tompkins, beg leave to submit the following report: That the book of Mortgages to secure the pay - ments of monies loaned from their otilca held by said Commissioners. has been submitted to their inspection by James W. Stansbury, Esq., one of the eonrnrissinners, and the committee have also received from him a report of his doings as com- missioner from which it appears that the whole am't subject to loan Oct. 1st, 1861, was 368,240,39 Amount received on loans and from for- mer commissioner $12,231.00 In the State Treasury subject to draft10,000 U2,231,00 Amount. reloaned 18,72.1,00 Remaining in State Treasury 2,007,09 Principal on hand 1;.x01,9] $22,231,00 Amount outstanding on bond &e. $16,006,39 Whole amount of interest paid during the year is 4,018,86 The amount of commissioner's fees and disbursements is 311,53 Showing balance to be applied to the sup- port of schools 3,007,33 The unpaid interest is that due on mortgages, No. 430, 617 mid 623, taken for 880, 600 and 1000, re- spectively, on which foreclosure is in progress according to the provisions of the statute. The committee would report themselves satis- fed with the securities talten. All of which is re- .spectfully submitted. M. I). FrTCrr, S. E. GREEN, -Committee. I. C, ltocr wEr-L, Bills numbering from 72 to Si inclusive were passed at this session. On motion, adjourned. - . Evening Session. • Board met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the Chairman. Present all the members. The minutes of the last meeting •teere read and approved. On motion of Mr. Griswold, Resolved, That the following sums be levied and assessed anon the taxable property of this comity to pay rent of armories and drill rooms, for the several militia companies named therein, to Nov. 1st, 186 5. The amount so collected to be paid to the Supervisors of the several towns and by them expended for the purposes herein men- tioned, viz: Caroline, Co.G $10,00 Danby, " 1' 15,00 Dryden, " 1I S20 " I 17,50 37,50 Enfield, " Imo.... _ 38,33 Groton, " K.... ... _._ 23,00. New field, " C 33,28 Ulysses, •• B 16,80 $175,77 Mr. Griswold also offered the following resolu- tion : Resolved, That the Supervisors of the several towns of the county acting in consultation with the commandants of the militia companies in the several towns respectively, be arid they are hereby authorized to rent suitable armories and drill rooms for the said militia companies. Mr. Cornell moved to amend the foregoing res- olution by inserting therein, after the word "coun- ty" the words "except Ithaca," and adding there- to the following resolution : Resolved, That the Supervisor of Ithaca be au- thorized to contract for the use of d rill room and armory, for the militia companies located in said town of Ithaca, and for Regimental Head- quarters, at an expense of not exceedi.ng'Threo Hundred 1]oliart annually. Mr. Fitch moved to amend the resolution of Mr. Cornell, by striking out the words "three hundred" and inserting "two hundred." • The question being first taken on the amend- ment of Mr. Pitch it was lost by ayes and nous as follows: AYES. Mr. Fitch, I3arile_;r. " Rockwell, -3 Noes. Mr. Congdon, " Corbell; " Curtis, " Griswold, " Green, " Lord, -0 The amendment of _Mr. Cornell was then lost by ayes and noes as follows: AYES. Mr. Cornell, " Griswold, " Lord, -3 The original NOES. Mr. Bailey, Congdon, " Curl is, " l itch, " (been, Rockwell. --ti resolution w as then adopted by ayes and noes as follows : AY Es. Mr. Bailey, •• Congdon, " Curtis, " Green, " Griswold, " Lord, " Rockwell, NOES. Mr. Cornell, " Filch, Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution which was lost. 11. Resolved, That hereafter no bills for water, coal or gas for the County Clerk's 0111ce, or the occu- pant thereof be paid by the county. On motion of Mr. Green, Resolved, That on and after the first day of Jan - nary next, the compensation of grand aetttl petit ,jurors of this county for attending the courts of record hcid therein be fixed at one dollar and fifty cents per day, and that they be allowed the Sum of live cents per mile for mileage. On motion of Mr. Bailey, Resolved, That inasmuch as this Board have audited the claims of the Ihea.rd of Health of the village of .Ithaca, to the extent allowed by law, the balance of said claims be returned to the par- ties presenting the same. Bills numbering frotn8l to 64 inclusive were passed at this session. On motion, adjourned. Thursday, Nov. 23, 1865. Board met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the Chairman. Present, all t.te members. The minutes of the last meeting were react and approved, Mr. Congdon from the Committee onCounty Claims, to whom was referred the claim of the Merchants' k, Farmers' Bank to have certain mon= eys heretofore paid for taxes refunded, offered the following preamble and resolutions which were on motion adopted and the committee dis- charged from the consideration of the subject. Whereas, The Merchants' & Farmers' Bank of Ithaca was assessed in the year IS63, upon $02020 and in the year '01, upon 577,385,50, Bank Stock and whereas in consequence of such assessment the said Ban It was compelled to and did pay taxes amounting in 1803 to $731,39 and in 1801 to 82,314,86 atal whereas said bank capital was invested in United Stales stock, and whereas by a reef nt de- cision of the Supreme Court of the United States, all Bank Capital so invested is declared to be ex- empt from taxation, therefore Resolved, That the assessment above referred to has been found to have been illegal. Resolved. That the sum of w ,,076,25 taxes and 6.253,10 interest, on the same, amounting in all to 63,:129,85 be refunded to said bank.' Resolved, That of the said sum of 813,3,`_9,35 so refunded, the sum of .2,113,14 he levied upon the town of Ithaca, and the balance thereof being $1,181,21, be levied upon the county. Mr. Cornell offered the following preamble and resolution : Whereas, In the opinion of this Board the sale ry of the School Commissioner now paid by tin State is inadequate to the proper compensation of the services rendered, therefore, Resolved, 1'h at as provided in section 8, title 2. chap. 555, of the Jaws of 1881, the sum of tbre:e hundred dollars shall be levied and :cssessed up- on the taxable property of the county whici amount, shall le pai.ci to the School Com au Ass lone] for the ensariin, year in addition to the sa]nm paid him by the state Treasurer, said ii mount tr be paid quarterly on the first days of February, May, August, and November next. After discussion, on motion of Mr. Congdon the resolution was amended by striking out the words "three hundred" and inserting "one hun- dred and fifty," and the resolution as amended was then passed by ayes and noes as follows: AYES. Idr•, Congdon, " Curtis, " Green, " Griswold, " Lord, -5 Mr. Fitch moved to reconsider bill No.99 here- tofore passed being tho bill of George McChain for services and disbursements as a member of the Board -of Health of the village of Ithaca. Car tied by' ayes.and noes as follows: AYrs. NoEs. Mi'. Bailey, Mr. Cornell, -1 • " Congdon, " Curtis, " Fitch, " Green, " Griswold, " Lord, " Rockwell, -8 On motion of Mr. Congdon the bill was then passed at $78 60 by ayes and noes as follows : iti ors. Dir. Bailey, " Cornell, " Fitch, AYES. NOES. Mr. Bailey, Mr. Cornell, -1 Congdon, " Curtis, Fitch, " _Green, Griswold, " Lord, " ]Ltockwell,-S The claim of the village of Ithaca for services of the Board of Health of said village during the year 1864, was then on motion rejected. On motion of Mr. Griswold, Resolved, That pursuant to the provisions. of chap. 453 Laws of 1865, the Clerk of this .hoard in- sert in'the assessment roll oi'the town of Dryden an item of $'800 personal property of Rhoda C. Schutt omitted from the assessment roll of said town in 186.1. On motion of Mr. Rockwell, 3 T?esorrec?, That rmrsnnnt to the provisions o chap. 453, laws of 1865, the Cleric of „this Board be instructed to insert tat the assessment, roll of the present year the following items omitted from tile roll of 1S61, NA141ES. ACRES. VA7.lILr. E. E. Brown, 4 $200. William Crxnce, - 44 132. John W. Dean, 5 125. On motion of Mr. Cornell, J1c xolsed, That at the request of the Supervisors ,f the towns named in the following schedule ,he claims set down therein the added to the au- nts of and levied and assessed upon the said. owns respectively. CABOLIN E. Litman B. Phillips, Assessor ... $44,76 Joseph C. Yates. Corn. of 1I.1gbway-s6,75 3. E. Green, Supervisor revising old and making new military enrollment 27,50 I)RYDEN. Egos Slay(ler, Constable Moses Tyler, Bill for relief Asahel CLipp, Printing T. H. Se ll, reg, Printing 1=1. II. t'ri rurose, Clerk of election J. M. Smith, Coin. of Highways pursuant to chapter 442, laws of 1865 2305,00 ENFIELD. Joseph Rolfe, Ins. of Election 1,50 S. 1). Purdy, Town Clerk 0. W. Bailey, Supervisor J. P. Broas, Justice William arshall, Justice H. H. Smith, Com. of Highways (By order of Town Board) 8,7I 3,00 11,00 5,00 3,20 William Marshall, Justice Samuel Rolfe, John P. Broas, f4 J. G. Wortrran, Town Clerk....... • D. W. Bailey, Supervisor David Colegrove; .Ex -Supervisor GROTON. M. D. Fitch, Supervisor J. H. Sclkreg, Printing Ia. S. Williams, Supplies for Poor S. Hopkins` Expenses recruiting a C. Reynolds, " al M. D. Fitch, Bounty paid C. A, Couly M. D. Fitch, expended in procuring credit from State M. D. Fitch, Assessment Roll LANSING. 3,50 1,50 1,50 225 '1.56 25 2,25 2,25 4,75 QMi 27,60 1,50 1,50 7,34 7,10 4,00 60,50 6,00 1,00 J. H. Selltreg, Printing 3,90 Philemon L. Smith, Constable 6,81 C. P. F'u.z lila, Physician for Poor 54, 75 Abram Tarbeli, Constable 2,96 Lord cis Burr, Supplies for Poor.... 10,14 N E WPIELD. I. C. Rockwell, Assessment Roll 1,00 ULYSSES. J. D. Sinih, (W. H Teed, assigned) Ins. of Election 3,00 J. D. Smith, (W. F. Smith, assigned) ins, of Election 3,00 J. D. Smith, (S. Clough, assigned) Ins, of Election 3,00 J. DeMott Smith, Ins. of Election. _ _....... S. R. Wickes, Ins. of Election Thomas Bowers, Justice H. It. Howell, Constable , L. Congdon, Supervisor, correcting _Milita- ry enrollment and returning same per- sonally to Owego... 35.00 L. Congdon, Assessment roll 1,00 Bills numbering from 91 to 116 inclusive were passed at this session.., On Motion, adjourned. 9,00 4,50 3,00 1 97 • Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the Chairman. Present all the members. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Bailey, Resolved 'That the Superintendents of Poor be instructed to include in their subsequent annual reports a statement of the disposition made of alt surplus }products of the County Farm, and•to ac- count for all monies received therefor. • On motion of Mr. Griswold, .Resolved, That the Sheriff of this county be, and he is hereby authorized to expend a sum not exceeding ~100 for lnattrasses and bedding for the jail. And the County 'Treasurer is au- thorized to pay for the same, upon presentation of satisfactory vouchers out of any monies re- maining; in his hands not otherwise appropria- ted. Mr. Green from the Committee on Poor House and Superintendent's Reports presented the fol- lowing report which on motion was adapted and the Committee discharged. Your Committee to whom was referred the re- port of the Superintendents' of the Poor House account, would respectfully report that they have examined the same together with the vouchers, and find the whole number of paupers assisted during the year ending November 15th, 1565, was 145 Of which amount County paupers was 138 Town paupers, town of Caroline 1 u .. al Danby.....2 " Dryden 10 Enfield, . .. .. 2 Groton ... `J . " '` Ithaca ..21 " `` `I Lansing Newfield. 9 " " 'a Ulysses 18 145 The number received into the house during the year was 19 The number in the house at this time........ 48 The average number during the year ...52 2�0 865 Absconded . 1 Bound out none Out on trial none Number discharged 91i Deaths during the year ti Births 2 The whole number of days paupers have been assisted during the year 19,202 Number of days county paupers was...4511 " town of Caroline 90 Dan729 Drydbyetc .45a; Enfield...... 41 Groton.. __ 405 Ithac 2061 Lansi€tng.........`. Newfield., ... _2239 Ulysses ?574 11 U 1. 61 li 11 .1 11 11 SS it .1 R 41 11 6.6 51 11 Si 1S 19202 The whole amount of expenses incurred for which drafts were drawn on County Treasurer over and above the proceeds of the farm for the year was 55,463,06 Amount of expenses incured for in -•loot• ex- penses during the year, for which drafts were drawn over and above the proceeds of the farm was 53286,04 Amount of expenses for out -door relief... 1.404,00 For services of Overseers' of Poor 136.50 For transportation 33,87 Stores for Poor House 12 i,75 Stone wail on farm . .. 50,00 Insurance on Poor House buildings 30,00 $5063,06 The Superiutents report that ther is due the County from J. M. Mattison $10,28 Average expenses for each pauper's sup- port for the year, over and above the 13, proceeds of the farm 3s 02,331/ Average per week for each pauper 1,14 The amount chargable to the County for board and medical attendance on pau- pers in County House County paupers was 619,12 • Clothing 261,69 Town of Caroline... $12,20 Clothing 1,80 98,76 32,14 Town of Danby Clothing Town of Dryden Clothing Town of Groton Clothing Town of Ithaca. Clothing Town of Enfield Clothing., Town of Newfield Town Clothing of Uy l sses , .. . Clothing. Town of Lansing. Clothing" 619,40 87,93 54,91 14,45 361,12 04,69 5,96 30 4,29 69,95 362,72 73,68 ....174,10 41,65 3286,!!1 877,11 14,00 130,00 707,38 69,39 45.5,81 5,90 874,2.1 436,40 215,75 Amount of bills audited by the superin-83256'91 tendents and drafts drawn on County Treasurer for temporary relief of conn-• ty and town paupers .$1401,00 Of which amount was expended for the town of Caroline Town of Enfield " " I]ryden " " Groton " " Ithaca " ' Newfield " d Ulysses $26,00 13,00 33,02 10,00 1226,12 10,00 45,86 Who]e amount of out and in -door ex $1401,00 • penses during the year was $5063 Out -door' relief w '06 • In -door expenses........ X1408,09 9 Overseers' services and insurance. 3166,50 Balance in hands of Superintendents at$5063,06 this date as per report.... 811103 Your committee have examined the buildings connected with the County House and farm and tad them well cared for. The apartments of the house are clean and wholesome, and the corn - fort of the inmates well looked after. The farm is fir fine condition and every thing connected Mattison, makes the sum of 811.20,00 as asked with the establishment has the appearance of for by the superintendents. proper care. The Superintendents report produce farm. as follows: Bushels of Wheat " " Oats Rutter 700itss s' 360 Corn stalks.frorn 12 acres al ]. on hand. Stock on farm: -One span of horses belonging to keeper; one yoke of oxen belonging to coun- ty; six mulch cows; two yearling heifers; one beef fatting; nine hogs fatting; five hogs for wintering; twenty-seven young pigs; 100 fowls; 10 turkeys; 23 mens shirts; 4boys shirts; limens over shirts; one pair over hauls; 4 pair mous pantaloons; 8 pair of boys pants ; 3 boys coats; 2 mens coats; 2 denim ladles dresses; 3 cotton ladies under -clothes; 5 pair cotton stockings; 3 pair boys stockings; 10 yds. denim; 68 yds..eal ieo ; 2 yds. gingham . 1 yd. of cloth ; 8.5 lbs of smoking tobacco; 40 1'hs ping tobacco; .1/2 barrel `2 molasses; 18s coffee; 00lt�,g tallow; barrel vinegar; nibs sugar; 1 lb all spice; 5.1,4abs tea; f ]h pepper; 2 barrels beef; 2000 Ds coal; wood paid for sufficient for the winter. Your committee report they have examined the calculations, footings, &c., of the superinten- dents reports and find them correct. The estimates of the superintendents for the coming year are as follows: For in -door relief $2800,00 Temporary relief 1900,00 Overseers of poor and physicians out -door relief 140,00 For transportation of paupers Keeper's salary.......... 40,00 450,00 11680,00 Your committee recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the sums reported by the su- perintendents of the poor to be due from the several towns for the support of such town poor in county house the past year be levied, assessed and collected in the respective towns as follows: Town of Caroline $ 14,00 • 130,00 707,38 69,3!! 455,81 5,00 . 2l5,5 874,24 430,40 $2409,83 Resolved, That -the sum of four thousand four hundred and ninety eight dollars and seventy- nine cents (84498,79) be levied and collected in the county for poor expenses, which, together with one hundred and eleven dollars and ninty- three cents, ($111,93) in the hands of the superin- tendets, and nineteen dollars and twenty-eight cents (81928) due the superintendents from J. M " " Danby " Dryden f' " Groton " - " Ithaca " " Enfield " " Lansing - " " Newfield " " Ulysses " Buck Wheat " Ears Corn " Potatoes " Beans " Onions "• Beets " Apples " Turnips Head Cabbage Tons of flay raised on Your committee would recommend the super- intendents to expend a sum not exceeding twen- ty-five dollars for religious instruction for the poor of the county house. Your committee offer the,followingresolution Resolved, That the further sum of one hundred " 17 dollars be levied and assessed upon the county for the use of the superintendents to be expended' "none in quarrying and drawing'stone and putting the 41 9 same into wall:' •• " 10 1 Your committee would further recommend that 275 on hand 200 850 " • " 825 20 •' " 20 1200 "• " 1000 400 •' " 300 12 -" 20 ." 8 none" 10 " 350 -' 12 -" if 6 " 800 14, the superintendents be authorized to procure all stoves necessary for the use of the county pau- pers, and that the same be paid for out of any monies not otherwise appropi iated. Resolved, That the report of the superinten- dents of Lhe poor be accepted and placed on file. SAMUEL N. GREEN, Lt3TILEIt GIirsWOLD, D. W. BA I iatY, Committee, I. C. ROCKWELL, M. D. terra'', On motion of Mr. Griswold, Resolved, That the proposition of John II. Set• kreg to publish the proceedings of this Board in the 'I'rn.tpa,JOUnNAL" at the rate established by- law, 0'5 cents per lolio)for tables and figure work, and• 50 cents per folio for plain work, and to print1500 copies of the same in pamphlet form at cost of paper, press work, binding, Eke., be accepted. • On motion of Mr. Bailey, Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be au- thorized to receive the pamphlet copies of the proceedings when published, and that he dis- tribute them to the supervisors of the several towns in proportion to the grand jury list. On motion, adjourned. j Evening Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the Chairman. Present all the members. The minutes of the last meeting Were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Bailey, Resolved, That. the Grand Jury list be appor- tioned among the several towns as follows, viz.: Caroline.... 25 Enfield ....18 Lansing.... 32 Danby 'a-1 Groton 31 Newfield...27 Dryden 50 Ithaca 61 - Ulysses ....20 On motion of Mr. Griswold, Resolved, That the sum of $250 be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Dryden; for the purpose of paying the liqui- dated damages due from said town, to Mary B. Dempsey, widow of John Dempsey, said Demp- sey having lost his life while crossing a bridge in said town. Onmotion, adjourned. Friday, Nov. 21. Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the Chairman. Present all the members. The minutes of the last meeting read and approved. On motion of Mr. Griswold, Resolved. That the sum of $350 be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Dryden, for the purpose of paying interest up- on monies borrowed of John MCGraw, and for unpaid expenses for recruiting during the months of August and September 1861. Said dis- bursements and expenses having been exam- ined by the war committee of said town and rec- ommended for payment by them. On motion, Messrs Fitch, Curtis and Bailey, were appointed a Committee on debentures. On motion, adjourned. Afternoon Session. . Board met pursuant .to adjournment and was called to order by the Chairman. Present all the members. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Green, Resolved, That pursuant to the provisions of Chap. 522, of the Session Laws of 1865, the sums set down in the following schedule, be levied and assessed upon time taxable property of the Persons whose names are; included in the sever- al Iists land in the sums respectively named in said lists) submitted to this Board mid I urnisheil: to the supervisors of the several towns named in said schedule, by the •overseers of the highways respectively of the road districts included there- in. I7 UA CA. Road district No. 37 $11,00 2,511 3,60 -$25,008,x 11 38 al 1. 45 1 11 47 LANSING. Road district No. 31 $21,00 ULYSSES. Road -district No. 2 512,50 18,00 -----$30,50 The following is the assessed valuation of the real and personal property of the county as ap- pears by the roils returned by the Assessors of the several towns: Acres. Real. Personal. Total. Per Ac. 64 Caroline, Danby, Dryden, Enfield, [Groton, Ithaca, Lansing Newfield, Ulysses, 30,756 .5123,500 $27,745 w3.11,3-3.7 33,125 330,910 17,330 3.17,' Ill 01,200 1,013,850 110,550 1,135,530 23,007 308,455 15,700 324,155 30,853 535,194 84,257 619,451 10,223 1,532,840 , 459,552 1,992,392 87,35'2 917,780 151,42'91,069,219 36334 # 442,287 38,175 487,462 19,971 604,734 173,150 837,884 291,837 $6,083,0201,088,918 7,167,583 Mr. Congdon from the committee on equaliza- tion, presented a schedule of equalization of the asessment rolls of the several towns, and moved the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the scale of equalization set forth in the schedule herewith submitted, be adopted as a basis for the assessment of taxes upon the respective towns: Equalization Value Acr's Valuation Personal Total per ac. Caroline, 30,750 $308,290 $27,745 $420,035 $12,95 Danby, 33,125 428,969 17,330 4•16,2'99 12,95 Dryden, 61,206 1,027,036 116,5801,1-13,610 16,78 Enfield, 23,007 375,1.14. .15,700 399,944 16,31 Groton, 30,8853 375,308 .84,257 659,665 18,65 Ithaca, I9,223 X,394,072 459,652 1,803,624 09,02 Lansing 37,35'.2 870,071 151,42'9 1,022,103 23,31 Newfield, 36,344 470,655 ' 38,175 608,830 12,95 Ulysses, 19,971 , 599,729 _ 173,150 1,772,879 30,03 291,837 6.090,077 1,083,918 7,178,095 $10,52 10,26 10,63 13,41 17,3.5 79,71 21,57 22,17 33,29 15, Mr. Fitch from the committee on debentures, reported bills numbering from one hundred and eighteen to one hundred and twenty•six• inclu- sive, which on motion were passed at the amounts claimed. On motion, adjourned. Evening Session. ,.Board met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the Chairman. Present all the members. Tho minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. Congdon offered the following resolution, which was rejected by a unanimous vote. Mr. Congdon not voting. Resolved, That the .sum of $400 be levied and assessed upon the town of Ulysses for the pur- pose of paying to Francis Creque and Alonzo Richards, a bounty of $200 each to which they claim they are entitled from said tutu -said Cre[Iue and Richards having enlisted sometime during the Summer or autumn of 1863. • On motion of Mr. Congdon. Resolved, That the following sums be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the county for the purposes designated : For Shite Tax • School purposes mills $ 6,008,92 General purposes 2f mills 20,029,73 Canals 1% mills .. .4 013,18. Clienango Canal 3-10 mills 1,502,23 Champlain canal 1-10 mills801,19 For Court expenses $37,200,45 " Fuel and gas for C. House and Jail2450,00 "+ Insurannce on public buildings 43 130 2,500, 20,0000 125,80 n y 8,00 151,30 • 15,00 12,00', State Lunatic Asylum " " Idiot " " Inebriate " " Livery to County House Fines to bo refunded to Ithaca Ulysses 14 " Incidental expenses Judge's onice.. • 40,00 County Judge's salary 1,000,00.,- 500,00 500,00 • 59,00 450,00 500,00 100,0015 County ,00 8,610,50 $53,178,05 The County Judge appeared before the Board and presented his report of persons declared in- digent lunatics during the past year which on motion was received and ordered filed. On motion of Mr. Green, •Resolved That the sums hereinafter mentioned being the amount of poor and rejected taxes re- turned from the towns named 111 the following schedule be levied and assessed upon said towns respectively: Caroline $ 19,44 Less ltmount assessed on same land 9,00 10,44 I, Newfield 46Enfield 2,00 .4 61 Less estimated receipts Special Judge's salary District Attorney's salary, County Treasurer's " Supervisors' Clerk's " 6 Janrtor's salary Audits Dryden 165,111 Less ain't paid Treas. and assessed131,56 Enfield 30,60 18,92 Less amount assessed 2,80 - 16,13 Groton 4137 Less amount assessed 21,01 20,36 Ithaca 315,15 Less ain't paid Treas. since report4,50 310,65 Lansing 231,00 Less amount assessed Newfield Less amount assessed 15,611 -- 58,56 The Commissioners of Excise presented their annual report which on motion was received and ordered filed. On motion, adjourned. . Saturday Nov, 25. Board mot pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the Chairman. Present all the members. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. Cornell from the committee on County In- debtedness, presented the following report which on motion was adopted and the committee dis- charged. Your committee on County Indebtedness re- spectfully report; The gigantic efforts which have been put forth by our Government, during the past four years In suppressing the great rebellion, having been brought to a glorious and successful close, since the last annual meeting of this Board, your committee have thought proper in the first place, to make a recapitulation of the entire payments made by the County for bounty purposes. These payments have been made to till quotas assigned to the county under three several calls of the President of the United States, by authority of the resolutions of the Board of Supervisors, a follows: First. Dee. 2d'and 21st, 1863 and Feb. 4th, 1864, Second. July 30th, August 3d and 27th, 185-1. Third, Dec!. 28th, 1854 and Jan. 9th, 186. By the terms of the above resolutions, boun- ties have been paid on account of the several towns, as follows: 3,00 -228,00 74,10 First. Caroline, $13,500 Danby, 11,200 Dryden, 19,980 Enfield, 11,760 Groton, 14,700 Ithaca, 53,925 Lansing 18,180 Newfield, 16,600 Ulysses, 17,760 Total $177,605 The following s men to whom bo each town under Second. $23,526,25 18,077,60 45 225,13 '%065,00 38,535,00 9,782,62 21,763,93 83,4'99,98 18,108,08 • Third. Total. •$16,258,20 •$53,281,45 15,3:16,60 45,214,20 30,250,42 95,465,8.5 9,7-12,53 28,567,53 22.988,72 76,23,72 39, 077, 53 102,785,15 13,158,38 53,122,31 27,313,57 77,413,55 20,881,00 56,749,08 $216,264,89 $195,016,95 $588,876,84 tatement shows the number of unties were paid on account of the respective calls: First. Second, Caroline, 45 38 Manby, ' 38 • • 30 • Dryden, 71 73 Enfield, 42' • '' 12 Groton • 49 • ' 6'2• Ithaca,' 391 21 Lansing, 61••. . :36 Newfield, 60 • ''' 54 Ulysses, 63 29 Total, 622 3 1G. Third. Total. Of this amount, the Treasurer has ,used for. the 25 108 redemption of County Bonds $28,701,014, cash and. 2i 02 $60,000 of State Bonds, leaving in his hands: 47101 Cash 2,508J6 14' OS State Bonds 220 000,00 '36 146 55 267 Total 222,508,16 21' 121 The following statement shows the. effect of 32 123 -5 1,272 The following .statement shows the entire amount of County Bonds issued by the Treasurer, the amount redeemed by the Treasurer, and the amount now outstanding. Total issue of County J3onds: First• Issue, resolutions Dec. eel and 21st, 1863, February 4th, 1864, due on or before Feb. 1st, 1864 $177,305 Second issue, resolutions July 30th. Aug. 3d and 27th, 1864, due March 1st., 1865 217,085 Third Issue, or Iietnewal Bonds, resolution Nov. 25th, 1851, due on or before Feb. 1st, 1869, issued iu place of so much of second issue. 103,71-1 Fourth Issue, resolutions Dec. 21, 1864 .fan 9th, 1865, due an or before Feb. 1st, 1869205,495 Total Bonds Issued $703,899 Bonds redeemed and destroyed. First issue 9.1 Bonds $ 35,750 Second " 428 " 215,00 Third " 1 700 Fourth " 56 If 80,100 --331,610 Balance bonds outstanding 372,289 'Recapitulation of bonds outstandinz First issue 141,85 i Second Issue,, 2,025 Third 103,014 Fourth " .. 125,395 372,289 Less amount in Treasurer's hands to pay second issue bonds due -March lst, 1805... 2,025 Balance of funded debt due on or before 'Feb. 1st, 1869.. 370,264 The liability of the several towns on account of county bonds now outstanding, is as follows: Caroline, Danby,. Dryden, Enfield, Groton, Ithaca Lansing, Newfield, Ulysses, :Total $:38,253,28 25,989,;8 76,070,19 • 12,306.91 69,218.(4 45,820,25 10,438,26 55,50-1,85 1.4,502,13 $370,264,00 ' The Legislature having at its last session pro- vided for the reimbursement of the towns and counties for bounties paid on account of the call of the President of the United States of Decem- ber 19th, 1864, the Treasurer has received from the• State of New.,York,, as follows : Cash $,+31,80Q,00 State Bonds 270,000,00 • Total • 301,300,00 the State reimbursement upon each of the sever- al towns. First, the amount which each town received from the State. Second, the amount which the towns will have to repay to the State in taxes, and Third, the not gain to each town. i Fec'd from LiablIit•y Net Gain. State. to State. Caroline, • $19,400 $ 8,514,92 ;10,885.03 Oaniry, 19,000 8,710,65 10,250,35 Dryden, 39,600 22,310,56 17,280,44 Enfield, 19.000 7,6.30.25 11,309, 75 Groton, 29,000 12,875;03 16,124,97 Ithaca, 90,200 35,202,15 64.997,85 Lansing, 24,600 1'3 948.87 4,651,13 Newfield, . 30,000 9,0.31.08 20,068,92 Ulysses, 30,500 . 15,034,60 15,415,40 $161,091,89 L $1301,300 $140,208,11 The following statement shows the proportion of each of tho towns, of' the $301,300 received from the State, of the $78,791,64 paid for the. redemption of County Bonds, and $222,548,16 of tho State funds now remaining in .the hands of the Treasurer. - - • Reo'd of State. Caroline, ; $19,400 Dalby, 19,000 Dryden, ; .. .30,604 Enfield, 110,000.' Groton, 29,000 . Ithaca, 90,204 Lansing, Newfield, 30,000 Ulysses, Co. Bonds On hand. Redeemc&1. $ 5,073,17 4,968,62 10 35,06 4,968,62 7,583,68 23,587,89 6,433,05 7,845,20 7,975,95 $14,326,83 14,031,36 29,214,:24' 14,031,38 21,416,82 66,612,11 18,166,95 22,154,80' 22,524,05' 1 $201,300 $78,791,84 $222,505,16' The following statement shows ,the liability of each town, for County Bonds outstanding, tha proportion of State.funds on hand belonging to each town, and • the amount required from each town to pay itg proportion. of. County Bonds, also' the surplus belonging to each town after paying its. proportionof County J3onds. , , . - ' Proportion Co. Bonds now out- standing. Caroline, $38,363,28 Danby, 2:),939,58 Drvden, 76,070,19 Enfield. 12,366,91 Groton, :52,2.50,0-4 Ithaca, • 45,820,26 Lansing, 39,438,26 Newfleld, 55,504,35 Ulysses; . 14,502,13... . Proportion Dell- Sur - State Fund,ciency. plus. I1 ow• OLA band, $14,326,83 $24,036,45 11,031,38. - 11;908,20 29,244,34 46,8225,85 14,031,38 .1,664,47 , 21,416,32 40,842,72 t ' . 66,612,11 20,791,35' 18,166,95 21,271,81' . 02,154,80 33,349,€5 • 4 22,524,05.. , - • • • • 8,021,9y3' $370,254,00 2222,508,16 378,234,08 30,478,84 t 17. The amount of interest to accrue on the out- standing bonds of the county to February 1st, next, is as follows: Interest to February 1st, 186G. Bends, first issue " third `° " fourth " $9 929,85 7,210,94 8,618,30 Thereisnow on hand applicable $25,759;13 to the payment of interest. $ 65,02 There will accrue as Interest on State Bonds applicable to the redemp- tion of county bonds on 1st Jan. next _ •3,300,00 Balance to be raised by tax for the • 3,425,02 icent of interest p`a. y 22,3:34,11 The following statement shows the amount of interest on county bonus for which each town is liable, the amount to which each is. entitled for interest on state bonds and the balance of inter- est to be collected from each town by.tax. - • Interest on Co. Bonds. Caroline, $2,1552,27 Danby, I,'128,49 Dryden,- . 5;126.89 Enfield, 842,83 Groton, 4,177,26 Ithaca, 3,773,77 Lansing; 2,788 70 Newfield, 3,638,43 Ulysses, 1,030,49 Interest on State Bonds. $252,09 216.88 • 514,57 246,88 376,82 822,03 319,04 889,82 216,22 $25,750,13 3,425,02 Balance. 2,200,18 1,481,61 4,612,32 695,05 3,800,44 2,951,74 2,469,06 3,248,61 774,20 22,334,11 Your.committeo would respectfully report for the consideration of the Board, the following resolutions and recommend that they be adopted i. Reso1ced, That the Treasurer be and he Is hereby Instructed to credit each town on ac- count of Its county bond account the sums men- tioned in the following schedule and charge the same to . each town on account' of its state bond account Caroline, Danby, Dryden, Enfield, Groton, Ithaca, Lansing, Newfield wysses, Total 122,029,02 2. Resolved That the sums mentioned in the following schedule, be and are hereby appropri- ated to the use of the several- towns mentioned therein, being the surplus belonging to each, re- ceived from the State over the amount due from each on account of county bond::, and that the several sums be credited to the respective towns on account of the taxes to be levied and assessed against each for the present year, $ 1,064,47 Ithaca - 20,791,85 Ulysses • - 8,021,92 Total 580,478,24 Resolved,3. author- itzedand required torpay the lame t provided $14,326,83 14,031,38 2,244,34 12,306.91 21,416,32 45,820,26 18.166,15 22,154,80 14,502,13 iii the preceding resolution; and lie is hereby authorized to sell State Bonds at not less than par. for this purpose; .and lie is hereby further authorized to exchange the balance of State Bonds remaining in his hands for the Bonds of the County, or use the proceeds of the State Bonds for the redemption of County Bonds, in such manner as shall best subserve the interest of the County, and at a rate not less than par., marls ing the County Boncls so received as "can- celled," and present the • same to the Board of Supervisors at its next annual meeting for set- tlement. 4..R.erolved That the sums mentioned in the following schedule. be levied. and assessed upon the several towns mentioned therein, for the purpose of paying interest on County Bonds to accrue Feb. 1st, next : fi ' Carolina' $2,300 18 l)arili3. 1,481 61 Dryden Enfield 4,695612 932:a Groton 3,400 4•f Ithaca 2,051 74 Lansing 2,468 0G• Newfield 3,218 61 Ulysses 774 20 Total •....$22,334 11 5. Resolved, That the sums mentioned in the following schedule, be levied and assessed upon the .several towns mentioned therein, for the purpose of paying a portion of county bonds. Caroline $ 92rx 62' Danrby n . 11,908,20 Groton 2.162,08 I5,773,116 Lansini _2.1,271,31 Newfield 10,082,03 Total .. 94,452,80 , 6. Resolved, That the Treasurer is hereby au- thorized and required to designate according to his best, discretion, Bonds of the County, which lie will pay and redeem on the first dayof Feb- ruary next, to the amount of $94,452 80, as pro- vided in the preceding resolution, and he shall give notice by advertisement in the three news- papers published in this county for at least four weeks prior to the first day of February of such designation ; and also that the interest upon the Bonds so designated shall cease on the said first . day of February. Your Committee find that upon crediting the various towns their proportion of the $192,029- 02, as provided in the first resolution above, and - of the $94,452 80,.taxes provided to be raised by the fifth resolution above, the amount of County Indebtedness due from tho several towns. to be as follows: Caroline Dryden Groton Newfield $14,781 83 20,663 17 25,003 78 23,267 52 Total $83,781 23 Your Committee therefore report for tho`con- ' sideration of the Board he following additional resolution, and recommend its passage: Resolved, That this Board of Su ervisors hav- ing settled and apportioned the funded indebt- edness of the county, among the several towns 18. as provided by law, do hereby declare that the[ following is a- true statement of •the balance of said indebtedness due from• the several towns. County:lBonds now, out.'........ $372,289 Less ain't in Treasurer's hands to pay 2d ,- ' Issue bonds.. • . . 2.025 •Ba lanee' From,which.deduct;:• ' • . . t ,,. I -, State -Bond Fund . • $192,029,92 . ) Taxes•to be, collected to ,pay,,, - - ;,,county bonds • 1,.94,452,80 • 1 *c.! c.' i... r, !1"e. -• ,::. ,. 2,58,482, 2 Balance Which is due from the several -, r. ; 1 towns as stated in the following . sched- ule.'' ' ''''' .'' " ' $x' 781' Caroline:.:.: _ :.'-. . ';14,781,S3• Dryden.".. -`...i2:: ; ,f :1•::'.2O'63,17 z: , Grctori J':'•: -''''�"':.er06.3 'G' r Newfield. ... Total!.. •.. .Sff l i '7 L 3781,28 t.YourOommitteo further. report, that they have personally. examined'and- destroyed by fire .the Couiltp-13onds which- have been• redeemed Iand paid off by.the Treasurer, as stated in the Tree: surer's account, _ as, settled by. this Board, j and accordinr.to 'the: account of :County' -Bonds re- deemed,,asr shown by,thts, report, as follows: , First Issue. rs..,.: :. ,..95 Bonds • t"' $ 35,750 Second Issue.-.'.:.. =....428 • • " . • . • "- •' '215,060 ThircVIssue- • 1---" 760 Fourth Issue • - - • 50 • "" • ...... ' 80,100 4i........ Afternoon Session. • Board met pursuan to'ctdjournrnent, scud•vs'as • called to order by the Chairrnan: b Present,' all° the members. The minutes of the 'last meeting'} were read and approvedr '1'1:- • • .F • On motion of 'Mr. •Bailey, the Board then proT1 ceeded-to the selection,of tsvo papers :by ballot to_pirblish the session laws for the ensuing -year, with the following•result : t " ' ' ' t Ithaca Journal.,.:.. . .. ...... - • -4 , DrydenNews...........:........:.:.......:.:.........:.....• .3 i Citizen & Democrat...:. ....21 and the dthaca Journal • and -the -Iiryden News we're•declared duly. selected. • Isl'.7t� ' On"motion of Mr. Curtis,•,"1 r Resolvec2, That when this Board adjourns, itbe to meet on Monday the fourth day.;of December.= next at 1 o'clock, P. M. ''On 'notion of Mr' Cornell the following proem - 1 , • . .y !: IS r 1,,3 .. $les and resoliitions were adopted: ,. whereas, By the resolutions, of this, Board al- ready adopted, the 'sum. of'Twenty=three thou- sand seven hundred .and ninety-one 85-100. del- , lars, ($23,791 85,) has been appropriated' to.,thel Town,of Ithaca; to apply upon the ltaxescharged l against said town ; therefore 'Resolued, That tit e.T reasurer is hereby instruct:- �, ed.to'credit said town the following sums ior,the' a ' p ilk IYTptal.... .... -.. $331,610 ,i, [State-TaY.........,: ... $7,88 ......5�OI3onds.::.:-.-. ::.::•..:. Your _Co iimittee liave'certifiecl'upon the Books School Tag.......' .': 611) 72 County Tax --:a, `; • 1, Returned Taxes:'.:~ -- purposes name i,,,;;;; , r.r.'• n� • of the Treasurer, and described; herein, ;as to the -U. It'.'1'f `7'f. 11 I" "f? ,: ,- r •i number and• amount;Of each •Bond• destroyed.- • '1 ` . . •i A1of; whichisrespectfullysubmitted::i Committee." ; •err t., ..M tr., I •c +r'rt .. [ , s - i , . . ;j• e)On-motion,oflMMr.•Cornell ,the.following pream- •ble and`iesolution was adapted : .1 . -Whereas,- Since the settlement, of the Treasu- ' rer's account by this Board ' the Treasurer has received from the State of. iew,York three thou- sand dollars, as a. reimbursement for Ave men creditedito the Town of Ithaca; which were not included in the former settlement with theSta.te; on account of an imperfection then 'existing in regard'.to.the-proper credit ,of,sa,id+five men: # *; Resolved„That the said sum.of three thousand dollars be • and' i s hereby ' appropriated' to. the Town of Ithaca, to be credited upon the tax to be levied ■nd assessed against. said town the present year..... .. . _ .. ... sr114.,-1 -Resolved :That the Treasurer.be and he is here- by:'autliorlied aud, required to .apply .the'said sum of t1iree thousand dollars upon the amount of.texes•to be levied and assessed against said Lilo • -The•board,wereiengaged.dirring.the session'in finishing .up the .business' prepaf tory'to .-copying the rolls and extending the.tax:'•=1 ['.i ,rt;,itq :: Qnfmotivn tfit :i: .fl % e -a COflN'E1,14“” •.r 11:1if-A '1'i , ,PFI Gnarls, `• .,:ii,) 3 7 rjj, • ;._ FPI ,'LYMAN CONGDoN,:t[f' i- : !.:._ 341 6.5 Superintendent's Poor. .. .455 81 13ounty. ....'.':....••.....'..':' .. - "':..: ' 2;951 74 • g ti 't i•' .a, '11r,'t ,r`' ft I:. . ,.1• . : ,. $18,748,0:4 Total • Resolved,- Thal the Treasurer is hereby instruct='• alto pay {,hc following amounts for the benefit__ of,said''own, ' s i i-.:^ - • ,r -, C Commissioner of Highways::...'.: ...`� ' $ 250:011' Merchants'-& Farmers':I3ank'::::.':.'...:'.: 2,143 1411 Supervisor on account of Town -Audits. .; 2,655168:= .nj .3 . - l . ° _Total...... .$5,048.82') ,Whereas, -By the - resolution of ' this -Board�>:11- f ready:adopted the sum of •eight• thousand -,and,,; twenty: ane 92 -100 -dollars ($8.021;92) has' been ap--? propriated : to the town of Ulysses, to apply upi1, on.the taxes charged against said town: • . Resolved;•That the Tresurer is -hereby instruct- ; ed to credit said -town the following sums for thel Spurposes named. '' tate -tax School- tax County tax:'::'..' ' - Sup'ts poor . ' ' ........ $3,377,06 r • 1..�#' • .• 617,38 ti` 240088. 'r 1 Bounty tax: •'„ .'1744,20 r ,) if .... ,i.=,t.; �,:. •,..; , 7,636,615 .rrrv.Zi r .t ..., , '; 1 .t. r/. •S. • •; Resolved, That the Treasurer be and he is here- by;instructed to pay on accountefthe,saiditown .• the following sums for the purposes named. Overseers of the poor - '' . .76,00 • r i -t:: s r n Supervisors on_account of 'town 1,i :11:•1 audits: 311,27 1.1. -rt ti iC esoived,• That' the County' Treasurer be in- strueted;to credit the town'of Enfield on account of-state-taa leviedinpon said, town tb.e .8uru of -:[1onrt' 1si Cll}i '1113 s 9:-.1 )1110(1 1^ iia •t a7lo•.r' M•fr:°� (-i eidl.:_+�ass3:. • 3it:13� al' . 4 -Ls. ,,17'lil. 'C .r4 liYSs()MI o,it .tw'I 'Bl ".,•A!up t os:rt fztU? C•: 19:`: $1,664,41 appropriated tn•said town •by a'former poses.! This is now;. acknowledged andractedron- as the law.of the land:i The late decision•of: the, Court of. Appeals of Allis State recognizes this ass_ law, ..To getto its. conclusion it Is, compelled saY that a, stockholder of abank maybe assessed(;i a n dl taxetl•: for his !proportionate; interest ,while_y j the,bank itself would be legally. arid' wholly,.ex,1 erupt from taxation:upon the aggregate fntereat:c of all its stockholders. An illustration,ofl.thel,a injustice -and : inequality of such a rule, is,fur47 niched by our present assessment roll. rr, ., rr,,.I:,,,, The Tompkins County Bank with a capital ofci $250,000 0.1s: assessed, for only;$10t,000; While Ahem First,Nationai• Bank with a capital of4200,000 Isil, assessed throughits istockholders for the€wholo�.l amount. , Such- is,,the; inevitable result of the ` rule established by the. Court of &Appeals within r;ix months past.; We do, not believe the stock of a banking corporation' istaxable in the handis of -a stockholderotherwise,than the bank itself wnuld;be taxable upon; its, aggregate feapital,if rl assessable arnd'taxable.,,i. td, 1•l ;•, t,t bo 4.; .r;:,rotf rDated Des: 4 •11165: i ' * , � 1''i •, T In v,,nli',rll. Sr i:,.,•il .., iI.JJ.l.`�i�T{t'�sr, ., �i a, A. I3.Conzranz,sAL3 1 4 I,avi Cuii is:�slani result' tion of, tisis.board.. .-I..,' „ r. pn.;m0tionr,adjournod..y 't i u tY.L' -Monday; Dec. 4;•1865. _Board snot;'pursuant t❑ adjournment; and twos ealled=to order by the -'Chairman: 1Preserit, 'all thelmembers'except.A'fr..Congdon.. The minutes s'irI� II'...,'r ••.I • •� of tha_last rsieeting.were read and approved.; • ; 'Oti'motion of Mr. Curtis,,''"' • ' `1 r t -„ i n. i. -t1 ,I l f Retotveif,•; That .the .Collectors .of ,the several towns of this County•be required„ to•settle with the County Treasurer on or. before the -first day. of:Februa•ry/next. �. irr,!rI I Mr. Fitch, fro!nithe roajoritytof the •Cornrriittee 1 • ui . ... oni'Equalization,.to.. ,whom .was;!referred 7' the ap- plication of the 'First National Bank of.,Ithaca, for, a,.correction' of -"the i assessniebt'' against the URI ...Al :1!1 of... I - r•,.. stockholders of ;said+Bank,zpresented: the follow !1r ;re tug report,;and moved'itsladoptionl t :: r,l.,.1-i Xit the mutter of. the assessnictit+of the'•Stock= holders'of the First National Bank of Ithaca. Ilia undersigned,'a majority of the Committee ,appointed' by ti.te.Board ofESupervisors;of Tomp- k ns Couiity.to consider .thus matter,: upon the affidavits'of;A. B.:Cornell and'I]: Boardman; and to'niake report of their conclusion; thereon„do respectfll]iyireport that they have read said atfi- davits•ancl examined the law relating '.tothe'sub- ject of state and local•taxatlons .of bank. stocks; incases where the capital of said Iiankrr.is,in- vested in United States Stocks, whicii;,i,Vould:be exempt [rein' such taxation lit•the'•hands'of.iti= dividuals,.and have corns' til tlio coteliision'thdt the application in this 'case' to'strike'•nut' from the assessrnent`ro]l oi'thv toivii of Ithac€i all a.- sessinents: [igainst..the stockholders of the .1st Naitiounl Bank 6I' Ithaca', should be denied:' This conclusion is founded' upon the late decision' of the.Court of'Appeals;`as stated in' the opinion of Judge Deniii; which is;.lf correct;,conclusive,up on this point.,'•• „tt _ .. • v` Dated Dao: 1805.T�' 1r , IL: y CoNuno :... :. i.�, s :v FITCH, r 1; L GRIswoLD .• -1,I C`Nfrr Cornell- from.: the minority:la the -,same committee, presented ,the ; folloixnu_g. , report,• and moved its' adoption as a-eubstitit,to fortho.report of the majority.:1ti .1. '<,, zJ. r . , ., . . ,f 1 ,1 In the matter of the,asses sment: of the .Stock - °holders of the First.N.ttioti i.i Bank:of,Ithaca. r.. •” The questionbeing. 1rst•,taken ori the motion to adopt -the minority -report, the .same,was loot and [the •report:of,.tlro inajority, wast 7, r rw Dig motion of--Mrl'CTreen•tlieIfollowing,preane-'it r ,iio!,.r...q ,irilu blo and resolution• ,iwas adopted If •, 1:0:313J1 ,r;,t3J ,n W3eereccs,..The eighth section of the net of the Legislature of this State,'entitled ;`Ari act in re- lation to the'Bureau'of Military Statistics, passed"; Mmiytlltti;,18i5; inakes•it the ,duty.'of=the'• Boards'? of 'Supervisors to examinea.nd•if' correct'to,for=!C mally approve the statements' rnade'thexeunto•- by County Tress u rens i anti ' i fr incorrect,'to; cause the same to be corrected_and placed in the Bu- reau of Military, Record ;"sand whereas Edward C. Seymour, County Treasurer; lion submitted to this Board a statement•,andiiexhibit, inj confor- mity with the•said law, now therefore be it Pesofved,'That the said' statement and'exlifbitn by,,the saidi Cottnty1Treasurer .made, -and which . bear his cert.i,neate, arecoi sect; and- are' hereby approved in eouformity,with the eighth section'4 of:the said act.. ; ! , 1 .n .r ,., . ri ' Note -The substance of said statement appear s'' in report of the committee on eountyiindebtrr eduess- tIY� J Mr. Cornell, : from' then Committee' `on'.Cvuntjr ••Indebtedness, presented the:following report,rel- tivo to the claim of J. A. Hathaway' which' on motion wastireceived and adopted.r'L.•' h ft Your committee, to whom was referred: the. pa- pers presented to this Board' by" Messrs. Board- man & Finch, in. the ease of the,;clainis--of .7, A. Ilathaway,tof Oswego, as the assigneeiof;Fran- cis Creque,:.1r.,: Daniel;D:'R'orden,;;William'H. Hopkitis;i Francis W;. Averyzand.William-H. Price, for -bounties, respectfully,.report, that•they have made a thorough investigation of the sev- oral claims, and they are entire' y.!satlsiled that none of the parties are, entitled to unynbounty or pay from•this County or.anyof tlioTowris; for the. reason •that they -had :a1l;enlisted•in" the>ar- my:several';weeks previous to anyiactiori{of ;ths ` Board of,Supervisors-In regard,toipaying•,boun- ties I'rom,the certificate of,the:Adj utant, 4eia= oral it appears that the; ,erson!w, iBnlistedy"aa Efe - lows : r:0 08 " Ay) VI l.,4 I.; Francis Creque, Jr,,1?1z,ti u:A.ngust lj .883. F,: Daniei'D::Worden,l•i.l �rr, .ifAugi�st of .1883.' lt, Francitt W. Avery;a.,t it. e, r1i.BORtoher, 1;, 18e4,t• k } illiairl H. Priao...... October Ii, VW • The undersigned; a minority of.tile Committee appointed by the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County to,consider , this;matter,':.upon -the affidavits of:A..B. Cornell and D. Boardman, and to make report • of- their i conclusion :thereon; do respectfnlly.report that they.have examined the question submitted' for their- cor€sideration,and da recommend -,that the'•assessment'against the etockholdersrof.the First-National,Bank'.of Itha- -cn,,be stricken from the assessment roll';of;the town of Ithaca: fl : i i. ; .. i- I t • r la f ,.: ::• isi'fhe undersigned. beg .leave,tolrefer,to,the case of the People ex rel; Tank of Commonwealtli'agt Tbe'Cotmnissionere of "faxes of. New York, (led- - dediin the iSupreme Court'of the AUnited'States 'in 'December 1864, 1er:the principles of law, appli- cable to this case.l:It is there held -that the capi- tal:of a bank invested in United States'stocks is not'. liable to be:assessed or'taxed'foro local pur- 20. William It. Hopkins, November 9, 1803. The earliest action taken by the Board of Su- pervisors in regard to the payment of Bounties. was on the 2nd day of December, 1863, which was for "each volunteer who may hereafter enlist." From this it appears that these parties were not induced to enlist by any promise or inducement of bounty offered by the Board of Supervisors or any of the Towns. Your committee have given th ie matter a most careful consideration, havtuq great sympathy for the soldiers, to whom we should be glad to nee the bounties paid, and regret.ing that we are obliged to consider and decide the case on its le- gal merits. Respectfully submitted. A. B. CORNELI,, Committee. LEVI Corms. On motion of Mr, Curtis, Resolved, That the County Clerk be, and lie is hereby authorized to procure the necessary books, and to copy and compare the General Indices of Deeds and -Mortgages in his office at the rate of fifty cents per hundred names, figures included. On motion of Mr. Cornell, unanimously • Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are hereby tendered to the Chairman, the lion. Iien- ry B. Lord, for the dignified. able and impartial manner in which he has discharged the duties of his position. On motion of Mr. Bailey. unanimously Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due and are hereby tendered to J. H. Emery. for the correct and gentlemanly manner in which he has discharged the duties imposed upon him as Clerk of this Board. On motion, adjourned sine die. COUNTY AUDITS. The following is an abstract of the names of all persons who presented bills to be audited by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, at their annual session at Ithaca, in November 1865, with the amounts claimed and the amounts fi- tiaily allowed : . Noe Claim'cl •i Homer Jennings, Under Sher- iff 5 29 94 ;2 Abram Tarbell, Constable 27 79 ,3 R. H. Fish, ,. 0 32 -4 P. M. Blodgett, 20 87 5 Elias Osborn, 5 93 6 Egbert Newberry, 4 33 *7 Philemon Smith, " 6 48 -8 S. B. Collins, .. 7 09 - 9 H. T. Havens, 3 79 10 B. Williams, " 17 22 11 M. S. DeLauo, Ex -Co. Clerk158 20 12 Alviras Snyder, School Corn200 00 13 Levi Curtis, Supervisor 9 30 14 P. H. Farrington, Supt. of Poor 88 28 15 Lydia Smith, Expenses in Lu- nacy 15 00 16 W. W. Snyder, Supt. of Poor85 50 17 S. B. Field, Assessor, Lansing2 911 -18 Geo. W. Miller, " " 3 92 19 13. Colegrove, Ex -Supervisor8 40 20 Peter Apgar, Excise Com30 00 21 Frederick Deming,ExciseCom. 8O 00 22 E. K. Apgar, Clerk " " 30 00 23 J. L. Puff, Ex -Supervisor 9 61 tiI�Spencer & Williams Printing113 25 25 Andrus,'McChain & Co. Station- • ery for Courts. • -81 60 Awed 20 Greenly, Burritt & Co., Sup- plies for jail 27 56 27 56 27 G. W. Apgar & Co., Stationery for Supervisors 4 15 4 15 28 George Whiton, Assignee of L. Harty, constable 107 45 107 45 29 S. E. Green, Supervisor 9 81 9 81 39 R. R. Howell, Constable.... . 22 13 22 13 81 C. P. Karlin, Physician in lu- nacy 10 00 8 00 32 E. U. Moe, Physician in lunacy 21 50 15 59 33 S. H. Wilcox, Attorney 20 00 15 00 84 S. P. Sackett, Coroner 93 00 93 00 85 A. Patterson, Physician 17 25 17 25 36 Lyman Congdon, Supervisor0 84 9 84 37 Luther Griswold, ' R8 H. S. Walbridge, Co. Judge.".. 12 5e 90!' 152 9721) 39 A. Clapp, Printing 180 55 180 55 40 H. S. -Brewer, Will Books for Surrogate.... 10 00 10 011 41 J. IL Emery, Super. CV k disbts' 1 75 1 75 42 C. & W. Coryell, Physician in Lunacy 6 00 6 00 43 C. M. Starr, Census enumerator Newfield 168 00 168 00 44 W. Austin, Services in Updike case 012 9 12 45 Sumner Rhoades, Physician134 00 133 00 46 Morgan && Bishop, " 26 00 23 00 47 S. H. Peck, 17 00 17 00 48 .B H. Selkreg, Printing 1;20 78 9110 73 49 David Nichols,Justice of Peace 5 05 5 05 50 W. H. Spaulding, " " " 4 65 4 65 51- Eghert Williams, " `' 3 25 3 52 A. M. Lucas, " " " 46 25 40 25 53 S. `T Smith. " " 17 70 17 10 54 Jacob Carman, •` II "` 7 85 785 55 W. H. Spaulding, " " " 2 50 2 50 50 Moses Crowell, `° " 16 70 10 10 57 H. Wilcox, 3 00 3 64) 58 J. W. Stansbury, s " " " 29 55 29 55 59 Barnard & McWhorter, sup- plies for jail 67 65 '31 4.0 GO Wilgus Brothers, supplies for jail. 5 110 5 00 61 John Kendall, supplies for jail 15 37 15 37 02 P .B. Fox, constable 3 05 3 CG 63 Peter Vanfurkirk, constable11 03 11 06 64 Henry H. Robinson, constable 26 70 26 70 66 E. Lovell, Justice of Peace 05 W. W. Brainard, constable 58 65 51 fits 00 6 CO 92 37 42 89 9G 98 07 923 07 49 186 49 84 P16 84 00 3000 50 450 25 1626 S 20 94 27 79 9 32 17 87 5 98 4 38 6 48 7 69 3 79 17 22 113 20 200 00 9 38 88 28 1500 85 60 2 96 3 92 8 40 80 00 SO 00 '3000 9 81 113 25 61.69 67 Chas. W. Hzusner, constableCO 63 Harty & Wortman, " 102 69 Fdwerel Hungerford, sheriff'923 70 Wilson & Hausner, constable136 71 Wilson & Burling, " 120 72 N. Goodrich, ass't dist. att'y80 73 John Goodyear, Physician • 4 74 M. M. Brown, 10 75 T. Desch rler, amorer Co. A, 80th Rent. 1865 33 00 33 00 76 T, Deschner, cleaning cannon, 50th Regiment .......... 6 00 6 00 77 M. A. Burdick, armorer compa- ny I3.1865 1500 1500 78 W. J. Morton, armorer compa- nyK., 18865 1800 1800 79 W.H.IIa m rrs cud, arra roes corn- nv A, 1863-4 .. _.. 75 00 00 00 SO T. J. MeElheny, county clerk533 78 633 78 81 T. J. McElheny, co. cl'k dish'ts 138 05 133 8 82 W. B. Gay, care of court house 122 22 122 92 53 11. A. IJowe, ex-dis't attorney35 95 35 95 84 N, M. Tobey, notifying drafted men N. G., Caroline - ' '8 00 8 00 85 G. W. Bierce, " • Danby. 12 00 le 00 SO Marenus Ellis, " W Dryden 25 00 12 l0 87 H. H. Houpt, " E " 25'00 12 tO 88 Phineas Burieve, " Enfield 25 110 12 to -89 S. C. Reynolds, " Groton 22 25 11 15 90 J. S. Green, " Lansing 25 00 12 5Q' 91 Oliver Crawford " Newfield 20 50 - 10 25 21. $g M II. Lovell, " Ulysses 35 00 ...N 50 9:1 I. S. Green, military services4 00 0 60 24 M. S. Delano, ex -co. clerk niil, services 53 50 79 90 95 N. A. Rogers, supplies 13'd of health Ithaca .. 8 25 8 25 00 T. W. Seeley & Co. ' " " 73 25 78 26 97 Geo. McChain; supplies X e 95 19 78 00 98 Village of Ithaca, services I3'd of ifealth Ithaca 1844 112 50 000 00 09 (I, & W. Coryell, phy's B'd li'15k 109 50 82 05 100 S. 1'. Sackett., do do 49 25 49 25 101 13. G. Slater, census enumerator Caroline 175 50 I75 50 102 ZV_ Iiollister, do do Uanby 120 00 120 00 103 J. S. Briggs, do do Dryden 285 00 2:70 00 104 J. H. Conistoci: do do • 193 15 150 00 105 Munn 'ones, do do Enfield 156 00 150 010 100 S. G. Conger, do do Groton 59 00 59 00 107 9'. Willoughby, do do 150 00 1:10 00 103 N, 14ungerford, cio Ithaca, 114 110 114 00 109 H. H. Moore, do do do 114 00 11.1 00 110 5. J. Parker, do do do 128 01) 128 up 111 1:.. J. Drake do do Lansing 110 00 :r000 112 G. W. Miller, do do do 117 UU 117 (0 113 J. NIclfa1ion, do do Ulysses 1911 50 195 50 114 5, 11. Wilcox. dis't attorney 75 25 40 75 115 Samuel Love, attorney 20 00 12 00 116 B. C. Trowell, services in pro- curing volunteers 17-1 20 174 20 117 L. Congdon, do do 80 01) 80 CO 118 S. E. Gro' -n, supervisor 05 30 08 39 119 Levi Curtis, do 58 69 63 09 120 L. Griswold, r do #2 16 82 Iii 121 1). W. Bailey, do 67 40 07 40 122 M. D. Fitch, do 94 57 . 94 57 123 A. 13. Cornell, do t,5 24t3; 24 121 H. 1;. Lord. do 71 80 71 80 125 Ira C. Itoekwell, do 68 05 08 55 126 L. Congdon, do .. 70 25 . 70 25 $0259 '11 $$640 "u0 TOWN •AUDITS, • CAROLINE. Abstract of the names all persons who present - ea accounts to be audited to•t11e Board of Town Auditors of the town of Caroline, on the, 9th clay of Noven bey, 1865, with the amounts claimed by each, and the amounts finally audited: No. Olairn'd I A. R. Nelson, i nsp'tor of elec'ri $ 2 2.5 2 Mathew Bull " 2 lir & mess'r ;; (Jr) " & disbur's 8 50 " of elec'n.. 25 " • 900 3 U. L. Robbins, 4 J. II. Snow, 5 Geo. 3. Nelson, fi C. L. Wattles, 7 Ili F. Lake, clerk of election.. 8 John 3. Paw's, 9 .I: T. Slater, " • 10 M. Milks, inspector of elec'n... 11 13.. Luunslerry, cl'Ic Si. paper - 12 Wm. Cooper, assessor 13 J. Wolcott, ex -town clerk & in- spcctor of election 14 Chas, L.•1)avis. town clerk.... - 15 .15 S. V. Snow, inspet. & disbur's lti P. Lou mis berry, lust ice o 1'peace 17 Samuel E. Green; supervisor 18 S. E. Green, use of house for • election 10 S. Robinson, justice peace 20 Henry H. Robinson, constable 21 T. Span lrling, overseer of poor. 2'2 Henry Quick, assessor 23 II i rrcrrr,t: ooper, ' 300 3 00 8 00 fi 00 3 10 1 50 25 85 29 48 7 83 G 75 00 01 5 04 850 2 25 25 50 15 [10 19 00 21 Gilbert Smith. corn, lrichwnys 24 it; Li J. Slater, iris, of elec'n &dish., 0 87 26 J. Quick, coin. of highways.... 121 75 All'e9 2 25 2 25 3 00 '8 511 2 25 9 00 3 0(1 3 00 3 00 Ii 00 3 ri) 1. Si) 25 85 211 4 7 55 ti 75 CO 01 5 00 8 50 2 2i 25 50 lei 00 19 001 24 1 [i II N7 121 75 27 L. Wattles, " • " 29 50 29'50 23 P. L. Taft, excess of tax of 1F6114 11 14 11 29 C. J. Ronnseville, justice peace cl'k of registry & time of hall 17 45 17 45 $405 91 $465 91 To urn of Caroline, s.i: We do certify that the foregoing abstract correct, Dated Caroline, Nov. 9, 1895. SAMUEL E. GREEN, SuperviseT CIIAItI,F,s L. DAvIS, Town Clerk, SoLottorc It013IresoN, I'ETElt Lovtisnsluay, CHARLES J. Ho NSEVIL LI:, Jug ices. (Added by Board of Supervisors.) Leman B. Phillips, Assessor . $44,76 Joseph C. Yates. Com. of highways.. • 6,75 S. E. Green, Supervisor revising old • a,id ranking new military enrollment 27,50 A.t the Inst annual town meeting held in the 'town of Caroline, County of Tompkins, on the 1.1..b day of April, 1805, the follow lug amount of money was voted to be raised : For the roads and bridges.. 51,750 00 For the support of the town poor 400 00 $2,1511 (0 CHARLES L. DAVIS, Town Clerk. DANBY. Abstract of the names of all persons who pre-. rented accounts to be audited by the Board of 'i'o :,•n Auditors of the town of Danby, on thei 9th day of November, 1805, with the amounte claimed by each, and the amounts filially allowed. No. Claim'd Atl'ed 1 M.'1'. Denman, assessor ....$17 15 17 16• 2,Iohn Gillett, 1i 25 11 2S' 3 Edwin Siiiiley, 11 G 4 Geo. Giant, cl'k of elee'n & b'd 1'e';tst.ry G 25 5 M. A. Beer;;, clerk of elections5 00 o T. H. Howell, rn'disc for poor19 00 7 T. H. Howell c&. Bro., ni'dise for - poor • 40 411 S .1. Rowe, ex-ov'r of poor -Ithaca 11 pi) 9 Eli Beers, sued. attendance poor 9 50 10 E. P. Luce,' " Gi" 01 CO 11 Thomas Brock, overseer of poor I6 25 I' I. D. Wright, rlo do 11 91 13 .I, llanford, ins'r of elec'n & reg. 11) 87 11 (1. McArthur, do do 410 11 50 15 Cornelius Cronin, excess of tax 25 13 16 S. 13. 1<irig, board of Lown poor. 39 00 17 .I. iiawes, m'riise for poor . 90 50 18 3 51. Gray, use of ]I;LII 2H tl{1 111 Levi f.urt,i , supervisor L', 70 20 A. W. Knapp, ins'r spec. elec'ri 2 00 21 Wm slough, do do 2 01) 22 G. P. Nour'se, coral. of highways 51 SU 23 S. I3iei'ce, coni'g Tee. of soldiers 88 75 24 S. 11EEric:e, clerk special election 2 00 25 S. EI cure, town cleric 26 (10 211 Irl. 13. C rant; justice of peace(1 50 7 L ;Jennings, do do 7 21 28 .1. Van 1)e: Bogart., do .. . Ei 00 2:1 .1.Thal cher, do do 5 25 39 C. 13. Reeler, ins'r of elec'n & reg 6 75 14 ill . G�5 • 425 19 0U 40 44 11 1)0 4) 50 39 50 16 1115 11 94 10 12 8 75 25 la 25 4{I 90 511 28 00 •C5 70 2 00 2 08 51 80 83 75 2 00 26 00 6 So 7 25 6 00 525 1175 $042 03 f610 28 We the undersigned composing the Board of Town Auditors, for the town of Danby, do here- by certify that. the foregoing is a correct abstract of alt the accounts presented to said board, with 45 D. II. Marsh, rel'f of indigent "'farnl]y of a Soldier 46'J_ Goodyear, rned'I serv's for • 'G. Austin prord'rover'r poor 47 E. N. I Iowe, assessor 48 J. Goodyear, med'l serv's for indig't f'anc'y ord'r nver'r fi'r 49 W. W. LPitite, coto' rhrghways 50 D. A. Morton, town clerk 51 M.15. Fitch, supervisor 52 D. A. Morton, serv's in prepar- ing miry rec'ril town Groton 24. 2 34 2 3-4 2'i00 27 OD 6 00 0 00 24 00 21 00 27 21 ••'i 21 39 83 89 .18 2$ 50 25 50 $2,785 95 We the undersigned, the board of Auditors of the town of Groton, do certify that the foregoing bills were audited by us. - • M. 1). FITCH, Supervisor, • W. D. linusT, W. H. S}'AtJLrrt:rG, STCVENS, «VILLOUGlinv, Justices Peace, D. A. MoitroN, Town Clerk. I hereby certify that the foregoin=g is a true copy of the original 1[l)stract of town bills of,thc town of Groton. D. A. MORTON, Town Clerk. (Added by Supervisors.)• M. D. Filch, Supervisor 1,50 J. H. Selkreg, Printing 1.50 ' L. S. Williams, 2'ltpplies for Poor 7,34 S. Hopkins T slx�nxes recruiting 7,30 S. C. Reynolds. " 4 U'1 !t1'. 1). Pitch, Bounty paid C. A, CoolyG'1,sO M. D. Fitch, expended in procuring credit from State 600 M. D. Fitch, Assesstuent Roil 1,00 I certify that the following resolutions were passed at the annual town meeting of the town of Groton, held at: Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1865.• I Revolved, That the sum of live hundred dol- lars (i 500) be raised in said town, in addition to two hundred and fifty dollars (:52,i(1) for which provision is made by statute, for building and repairing bridges Lu] reprtiririg roads. 2 Resolved, _To reeliicittthe Board of So pery isors of Tont pki us Cohn ty to authorize saki town to raise by town tax, a sum not to exceed four thou- sand dollars ($100O1 toe purposes specified in the preceeding resolution. 3 Resolved, That the sum of two hundred dol- lars (&-200) be raised in said- town for the support of the poor the ensuing year. 3l. A. poo'l's~, Town Clerk. I'1' I IAC.. • Ab3tract4iif the names of all persons who pre. (tented accounts to be audited by the lloard of Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, oti the 9th day of November, 1805, with the amounts claimed by each.' and the amounts it31:a11r allowed: No. A Ctoi ru'd I Seymour cC; Johnson, bill r•e1'f$ 22- 50 2 Samford Brothers, do do 31 50 3 J. 13. Taylor & Co., do do 77 00 4 H. N. Tillotson, cl'k eiec'n and • register 13 75 5 L. Ma.nr•ice, irtsp'i &cl'l: elec'n Si €f) (I•Corno'u of Ithaca, village hall 11) 00 1 C. Christiance & Son, bill rel'f 3. 50 8 I. M. Beers, insp'r of election 1 5'1 O A. W. Gregory, ell< of elect ion i 00 10 J. L. Wlliton. bill fur relief... 193 00 11 Barnard cL:.3I \V hurter, relief 9 50 12 George Covert, bill of relief.... 400 00 13 Ithaca Journal, printing 7 50 14 J. Landon, insp'r of electiou14 00 Al red 2214 5?l :31 50 7700 18 75 c+ 00 10 00 3250 1 50 :300 193 00 86 l 50 411 00 i Sf1 14 00. 15 .T. W. &L• .1. Quigg, bill for rel'f 1.18 50 Ir, 1,. H. Culver, do do 18.3 00 17 flat .0 Soli, [lo do 110 00 Ia Spence Spencer, insp'r eiee'n. 9 00 19 Morgan & Bishop, nred'I set -Ws `_'0J. arta, bill for relief Or town 1101 21 Ii66200 21 Royal Tompson, assessor 42 00 22 J. E. Toilfrc, bill for relief 38 00 23 L. H. Culver, insp'r ofelection i; 00 24 W. K. Stansbury, cl'lr election 3 00 25 L. F. Colegrove, assessor.... . :j.1 5O `,13 I . Nort h n p, assessor ll7 :,0 27 A. T. Fisher, er, i nsp'r election... 10 30 28 A. S. Seiler, moll serv's town 4 00 29 Andrus, McChaiu & Co., sta'ry 188 55 30 S. B. Skinner, town clerk, as- signed to John Hawkins,... 34 50. 31 IIolures & Stamp, use of house elee'n nail board nris's 00 00 CO 00 32 L. 1'. Kennedy, bill for relief356 50 3511 50 33 J. Van paler, constable 41 36 41 36 31 l I. T. Jones, insp'r oi' election 12 CO 12 00 35 S. P. Wisner, ria do9 00 9 [111 30 0. 13.''tur€tn, do do 11 50 11 110 37 .1. F. I-Iawkiits, el'k of election 3 0.0 3 00 38 G. 11. McClure, cout'r hiult've disbur's Plea Hollow bridges 1751 14 1754 14 80 G. O. ,licClutle, high'y serve100 211 1(.0 26 41) 'Titus & Bostwick. iron work 07 43 07 4.3 41 Ioltu lions, labor on highway 09 60 93) 611 42 1, M. & F. Beers, hill lumber 49 80 49 89 43 13. Millspreugh, bili for relief82 25 82 25 4.1 I. Ita.ndolplt, over'r boor [list's surf service i I37 21 187 21 45 D. L. Burtt, labor on higlr'y12 03 1. 63 40 M. Buret, do do 35 75 35 75 17 I. Iiandolplt, bill for relief82 30 32 30 48 1,. 11hrt;y &J. It. Wortrtiau, po- lice services 15 71 13 71 41) L. llilispaugh, over'r poor for dishurs's mid services1998 46 1998 46 0 L. llillspniigh, elk of election 3 00 3 00 51 .L. if illsuaugh, over'r poOr for dist:rtrsefnettts. 4 50 4 50 5. 5. Eo 1c :s, clerk of election ... 3 00 3 OCT 53 C. Seboonritaker, higlt'y labor 51 67 fit 67 51 R. It.•Howell, constable.. 6 4-1 ii 44 55 S. W. Smith, ,justice peace,I59 70 159 70 56 S. P. /Sackett, med'l serv's reI'f 69 00 33 27 57 C. & W. Cnr•veil, rued'l serv's for relief . 156 25 79 46 58 E. Sydney, trill for relief 7 00 7 00 59 H. Hill, clerk of election3 00 :3 00 60 .Phillips & Severns, for livery. 7 09 7 00 01 5. E. Van A tfa, inslx'c'r elec'n :t 00 3 00 62 W. It. Welch, use house elec'u 35 CO 35 00 63 A. King & Sons, fur lumber__ 42 60 42 09 01 .I S. Mitchell, hill for relief'314 25 31.1 25 65 Cl. (3. McClutte, com'r high'ys material for routs & bridges 200 ;rf 200 54 00 P. 11. Blodgett, constable 3 77 3 i7 (17 Wilson & Ilftusner, coast. poi. 78 90 78 90 03 Wilson & Burling, do do 37 00 37 00 119 .1. 5. Crnriei•; bill for relief...... 280 00 286 CO 7(1 5. Itlusles, med'l serv's for rel'( 13.3 00 C7 C9 71 A. S. Sellc1:, do do 151 50 78 37 72 S. P. Sarkeif, d+) no 22 (11 IT ihi 73 M. 1I. Brown, do• do 51 51 `?7 06 71'I'. K. Norton, town clerk ........ 85 45 85 45 75 A. B. Cornell. supervisor 87 :37 87 37 71i t ra Gardner, , b'r•cl Plea Hollow 16 80 16 80 77 M. Crowell, jus:ice of peace1511 50 156 110 78 A. M. Lucas, do dr, 10! 05 191 05 79 C. K. Norton, tak'; mil'y roe. 75 00 75 00 80 13. C. Howell, serv's & exp's for mill :try purposes .. ... 128 70 128 70 81 J. W. Statuslairy, justice peace 275 50 275 50 82 .Gen. McChain, insp'r election 8 00 3 00 83 A.S. Se]Ien, tiled'l serv's as- signed to E. C. Seymour 41 66 41 fib 84 '1'i etirtut, Clary- d Co., bill in 132.13 122 13 . 148 50.. 1E5 00 120 01) • 0 00 1.15 62 21 60 . 42 00 18 00 {i 09/ .3 00 31 513 97 50 30 50 3 00 18 55 134 50 R., W. L. King, bill for relief 18 00 36 Wi igus Bros., bill for relief30 45 67 J. N. Ives, inspec'r of election 15 00 i',8 N. Shade, bill b'rding soldier. 7 30 89 Sanford Bros., certif'e ind'bt's 28 42 90 Barnard & McWhorter, do 07 30 91 L. P. kennedey, do do 33 fib 93 J. B. Taylor. * do do 251 02 93 J. W. & J. Quigg, do do 82 55 94 Platts & Squires, do do 197 13 415 George Covert, do do 227 34 90 Seymour & .Johnson, do 86 30 ¶11 L. H. Culver, do do 686 23 998 J. L. Whiten, do • do 142 09 99 E. Sydney, do do 85 00 100 J. L. Mitchell, bill for relief313 338 101 J. S. Crozier, do do359 90 102 1. Randolph, bill for wood178 42 103I, Randolph, over'r poor for disburse's and services ...... 2476 01 10-1 G. C. McOlune, certif a ind'bt's 1501 99 1115 James Barnes, do do 89 29 108 A. Van OM -Mil, do do 51 31 107 O. C. McCluuo, do do 339 30 108 G. C. 1.1-eCluno, do do 105 81 109 G. C. McCliwe, do do 80 35 110 G. C. McCiune, do do 42 45 111 G. 0. ill cOlune, high', labor1110 03 172 J. Van Order, constable .. 353 10 113 J. C. Cook, mater'l for bridges 00 114 A. Grover,. do & Libor.., . 475 00 115 Holmes & Stamp, livery ...... 4 00 110 A. B. Cornell, supervisor ad- vanced to relief fund 286 (16 25. • 18 00 15 Wrta II Fitch, clerk of election G 00 6 00 20 45 16 Benoni Brown, insp'r do..... 7 00 .7 00 - 15 00 17 1 14I rl:arhell, do do... 7 00 7 00 7 30 18 W A lfedden, insp'r cl'k do... 7 50 . 7 50 28 42 ID C M Tichenor, insp'r of elec'n 97 30 ct supplies to poor.... 5 59 5 50 33 08 20 [i N Mitchell,'. 0. milt'y roll 12 00 12 00 261 02 'tel 0 W Wiant, supplies for poor 23 53 23 53 82 55 22 Henry Miller, use house elec'n 15 00 15 00 N7 13 23 Wesley DeCanip, do do.. 0 00 600 227 31 24 Thomas Ross, do do.. 5 00 5 00 85 30 25 John Conklin, clerk of elec'n.. 3 00 3 00 686 23 26 .0 A Baskin, do do0 00 600 142 09 27 D Hall, J.•P.• revising enroll't. 6 39 6 30 35 00 28 G W Miller, assessor and revis- 3318 38 ing enrollment 46 50 48 50 ,359 98 29 E A Lester, do •& do do 95 0D 4.5 00 178 42 30 SB Field, do & - do do 37 00 87 110 31 J ft Mitchell, ex -town clerk... 18 00 IS 00 2476 6l 32 J It Mitchel ll & co., suppl's poor 41 07 41 07 1501 29 33 Joshua Brown -justice ofpeace 13 63 13 63 09 29 34 J M Woodbury, do do.. 7 50 7 50 51 31 35 I6gbert Williams do do.. 12 00 12 00 39 80 36 E T Brown,- do do.. 6 00 6 00 ;os si 37 II B Lord, Supervisor 20 13 .26 13 80 35 38 W A J Ozmun, work on bridge 12 45 & l nspec'r of election10 13 10 13 160 03 39 Lord (Sr. Burr, suppl's for poor216 39 216 39 3 16 40 do & do Assignees of 35 40 Abram Robinson do03 71 83 71 475 co 41 J It, Mitchell, Commissioner85 00 85.00 4 on 42 5 Benjamin, drawing contract 5 00 5 00 43 H B Lord, disb't for enlist't- 37 40 37 40 286 06 618277 42 817078 07 Mum of .T(1! aca, sm . We do hereby certify that the foregoing Rh- i+tract is correct. Dated Ithaca, Nov. 18, 1065. A. It. CORNIaLL, Supervisor, S. W. Sm s'rl t, Moss i]itoW Lx,, J. W. STA NSnuav, A. M. LUCAS, Justices of the Peace. C. K. NoRTorr, Town Clerk. LANSING. Wo, the Board of Town Auditor for the town of Lansing, having meet at the house of War- ren freely in said town, (whore the last Town Meeting was held,) on 'Thursday the 9th day of November, 1865, .do certify,that the persons whose names are hereinafter mentioned, appear- ed before us and exhibited their accounts against said town, and that we did audit and allow the same for the services rendered by them at,the sums sot opposite their respective 'names, under ]he word "allowed." No. Claim'd. 1 B. S. Smith, ex-com'r hlgh'3 s $ 24 00 .1 0' Kuetr.les, Insp'r of election 9 00 f w Pratt, do do.... 12 57 N T. Allen, do do.:.. 6 00 I7a,vicl'Meeormick, over'r poor 31 38 C II Ncirth, Itisp'r of election, 3 50 7 5 T Tackerberry, e1erR do.... 3 00 as John Ludlow, do do:... 3 00 9 A W Knetties, do do.... 4 50 10 A. C Hedclen, do do.... 3 00 11 F F, Brows;■Inspc'r of do.... 4 50 12 H N Buck, do do.... 3'00 13 J S Linderman, insp'r & clerk 6 00 14 D Rhodes, . do do... 7 00 $ 930 74 030 74 44 E S Smith, ex-com'r repar'g bridges pursuant to chap. 442, laws 1865 170 78 170 78 45 J It Mitchell, do do do2147 25 21.17 25 4(1 Warren Seely, do do do78 08 78 08 47 I-1 I3 Lord, bal. on- substitute141 77 141 77 $3463 62 88168 02 [Added by Supervisors.] ' T. H. Selkreg, Printing 3,90 Philemon L. Smith, Constable ... 6,81 ' C. P. Farlin, Physician for Poor..... ... 5 `4,75 Abram Tarbell,.Constable 2,96 Lord & Burr, Supplies for Poor 10,14 NEWFIEL D. Abstract of the names of all persons who pre- sented accounts, to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Newfield, on the 9th day of November, 1805, with the amounts claimed and the amounts finally allowed. - No. Service. Clalin'cl. lflil'rl 1 Oliver -Crawford, insp'r of elect. $10 00 .10 00 2 Byron Congdon, clerk of do. 1 50. 1 50 3 L` Knickerbocker, Assessor......... 22 50 22 50 4 C It Congdon, Inspector 0 88 0 88 5 N Henry, Clerk of election 1 50 I. 60 1i Lyman 1"reese, insp'r do f 00 6 00 All'd. 7 IAB Collins, constable .... ` . 1 30 ..1 30 24 1)11 8 L S Hinn,.elerk of do..... . 1 50 i 50 9 CO li Jacob Puff, coin. of highway. 1.7 25. -175 12 57 10 Benjamin Starr, insp'rof elect... 11 50 11 50 6 00 11 Thomas Davenport, • do.... 9 00 9 00 31 88 12 Charles Starr, do do.... 9 00 9 00 3 50 13 A L Smith, do do.... 8 00 . 3 00 3 00 14 BB Stewart, do & cl'k do.... 4 50 4 50 00 15 Wan Filmier, ex -town clerk. 5 00 . 5 00 4 50 10 Win Sfni 1 h, Poor master . . . <3 75 3 75 3 00 17 Richard 5eabring, Assessor 16 75 16 75 4 50 18 0 I) Seahring, clerk of election6 00 (1 00 3 00 19 John 1, Puff, ex -Supervisor ...... '48 15 48 15 • 6 00 20 M A. Truble, Excess of tax.9 45 f] 45 7 00 21 Puffs: Dean, relief grant'[, &c1 25 1 a5 1 26. -.•1•s', , a i.i ':i r, ; ±272.J.W Starr, Constable - - . 2.82 • 12.83 32;Lyman Congdon,scrv's physician 14 00' 7' 14 00 11.3'L S Ham, adminis'r use, of house, 700 •,,7,00 3.3•Lyman Congdon, supervisor 39 55' 39 55 2.4 B Dunning. woad corn.. of high'ys , 4 00 4:[10 31:J. S. Hixon, making rec. of vol35 72,,35 72 cf15. J Stamp, room for election . 1 •15 50 ' 15'50 35.B. F.;Plunning, irieci'l services._ 3 5'00 -• 5.00 ;x&: E C Thorn, J. P ,4 50' • 4,50 36:John Earl, j ustacu of the peace.... 900 `' 9 Oa. 127 Jerry Alexander' Assessor 17 `_'5'' 17 2i' ' T. { 315 Davenport 'corn. of highway _ . , 15.65 •15.65 , " ; ; 1 29: Joseph Kellogg, insp'r of elect... i 3 00, ,-, 3.011 ",- " ll; Chartes Gillet, for house &regis'r, 8 00 . -8.00 ',. The following resolution was passed : Ii . , y , '0.1rAlvah Brown, ex -poor • master ... , .6 75 •,,36 75 Rcsd erg,' That the above bills'Rtriouutzn to 1•. ;,klvala drown, Inspector " •• 3 00. 3011 33;_ " Rockwell do. - •3.00', ; 3.00 the sum' of^seven hundred twenty=nineidol ars i. ,.; , c •1• ' twenty=four cents; be levied and assessed on the • 34 A : Usbor i . , constable • ,S7,f -1 :SI town ofkUlysses� at the annual meeting of the (35:Ana. •v,Slnith, constable.' • ,.17.311 17 SI :36:5 5 Gay . ld, Justice- 12 33. 12•'36 board of supervisors for the year one thousand t3'7,D Nieho. ,,i da• (38'40111.1 Jo11u Culver, Town Clerk.....:..., •63 50 1 151 JOHN S. Hixon Town Clerk : ' -391E Estabrook, Justice ' - - ` 8'25., 18.251 , :� I, i.L, ' �'! 140; 1 C Rockwell, Supervisor:.- 19 50' 1950 „ �''E' ov 41 P S Dudley, for relief - - ' 8 74 8.74 - ' • - ' Jo1rN EARL, ' •+ 1 21 lit '. 21.•62 eight hundred atul sixtyy-five. • t ' } ". �t �: iLYIiAN CUtiTGDCN; Supervisor,:.'• (42.•John W' Gott, cont. of. highway'-•. 30 20, 80 20 ••! - • t ;; J. CARMAN, Justices of the Peace: + t i i t e r : • " (Added by Supervisors.) 1 r 3 ' ,? 3, •..,_.-, 5474 04 $474;04 J. D Swill' [W. I[ 'feed,, assigned} Ins. • of i - ! Voted by town to rale© fiveliun- ,' ; •• ,•Election • ' -- 3;08 ;;, 0; dred doll.'for Toads. &.bridges . " . r '- J • D, Smith, W. F. Smith, assigned) Ins: of., - s • (4: ,j1. itt:addittou to $250 all'd by law 750 00,, 750. 00 Election - ' .' .-' •'r 3,00 Town of Newfield, ss :1 We do hereby certify J. D. Smith, (S. Clough, assigned) • Ins: o1'1 <' t ,that the foregoing abstract is correct.. ' . ! Election ,-•' 1 3,60 I." i e ' 11t.. J '•1tOUKWELL, Supervisor.' ;, ,T: DeMott'Srnith, Ins: of Election_ 0,00 01 ,l • • JOHN CULvErt,'Town Clerk. . 3 - .. S `R. Wickes, Ins. of Election '! .4,50 0: 72, •I DAvrn NIGHoi..s; it" 1 '. 1'. .t Thomtiss Bowers, Justice •• p 3,00 R. C: FSTABROOK, R. R. Howell, Constable - - 1,91 3 i Cl.f•2 1 ; fs E C. TIURN, L. Congdon, Supervisor, correcting Milita- S. S.•GARFIELD,#Justices of 'Peace., :, ry enrollment and returning same per- NaWiield Nov. 13 '1865. f'• ' '"r . -' 1 ' sonally to Owego - n_ tri !'' -, - [Add d by Su ervisOrs:� Congdon,•Assessment roll ,' .1,00 I3ockiveli,'Assessment Ro11 . 'sr 1,00 ' { 1 I '•UL7�SSES. r.' l f;.e.r ,! i :-IVQ• t, lie,undersigned comprising the Board of Town Auditors of . the 'town.o£,•tysses, met in fiiceordance with- the •requireinent's of`tlse lam* for the purpose of auditing sccountsi against fire town, P. -Nov. -9th; 1861 the amounts''clainied• by each • At the annual town meeting' held'at' I: ard's, April 4th, 1865, it was' moved and -carried hat the town :raise •seventy-iiv e dollars for the; poor of said town. .r JoIIN•S:•HrxoN, Town Clerk. ABSTRACT'of'eharges''sigainat the several towns: .1 and the amounts allowed.f.cA.noLI •T r. •', 18 as follows ..; - , No. i . C1aim'd Allied Stale fax ... $L.bl .si County expeii's$ 1323 31 "aPJ:'R:'Emery, serv's poor master:':$ 9'00" $ 9 00 2 R• .[.,Tompkins, cl'k of ,election.. _ 300, , 3 00 '3 W:11. Teed,' insp'r of election 180.4` 9 00' 3':9 00 3E4 J. Giles; use•hou a for, election.:.:15 00.;;•15'00 5 S. Young, inspector,of election... 9 00 , 9 00 6' 'J J. lJ. L ewis, medical- services GP 00 • ' G1:00 7 J. 1}. Lewis,..- ; - .i do ,., ,do L15 00,..15 00 8 J. Ali: Farrington, do do 46' 25 46-25 119 J, Van'Bnskirk; insp'r sp'I clean 3 00 .3'00 r1011t.Ii. Fisil,)cousta,'es=do , do•T +';61.02 'cJ910`2 011' H. G. Cooper, insp'r of election.:.: 39:00 10:00 012"john C: Mattison,- dot. do t:.: 6 001 :,G 00 11311t. C. Taylor, clerk of r .••do. e:.:' 000. ;'6 00 {`14',Elias Smith, inspec'r • do......l2 27! -12!27 015iBlias Smith,. ... do, poor master. 8.00• x...136)0 {116 J. Colegrove, coni'r.ofhighways...118.00-1.18'00 017• W.'Plough, ex-com'r � dos••• ... 13'h0- .13'50 ,.18'Wy•-Plough, elerk.of election ' ' , 3 CO '1..3!00 r19 Joshua Barnum, insp'r r dog 1854:::3 00- .r ,Boil ti201E1isha Wilcox, com'r of highways 57-75,'r57r 75 02111. S.'Pratt, ass'r do , • do ',-41.00 .•4100 11229L. Lewis, ,do do:, do di 17.501 )17:50 5234. A. Letts, 'do : • do., do- -. 25 00.' `2:5.00 0214".A. AI. Sherwood, ' do - • • do Al• 00.71)1'' 60 Bullard, use house town purp's.4t1 00,7.36.00 t..26i1. Bullard, services as constable.: ' 6.72..,1 6'7`2 027. liber Lovel; justice of the peace.. '30 551 3055 628' Jacob Carman, , do r do : ! 9 00 ,11.9.00 a20' 'John S. Ilixon,.town clerk ' 'o32.25 1132'23 30 John Raymond; eI'k elee'n •186.1..•.,3 00 ''1.3'07 31 L. Mosher, excess of taxes 1864....'24 00 24 00 t 6 r Town audits' .5-441,92- Highways 5441,92highways 1500 00 Support of poor`400 00 Returned taxes.. 10 44 ' Total ' Supt's of poor.: ;.x•'14 00 School purpos's 356 51 Bounty 'lax: .;:1l3&1'SO ..:? , $17565'65 .r ! 4 1D�7.NBY. - '.t . State Tax $1950 08 Supt's of poor::$1 130'90 Town audits_610 28 School purpos's,-,1373 82 Highways 710 00 Bounty Tax.... 13389 Si Co. expenses: '11336 25 c.' •to - - Total $18551 14 DRYDEN, ,tfir State T ax $3.997 00 Co. expenses...$ 3552,19 Town audits ' 3347 13 Supt's of poor.. , 707'38 Highways ' ' ' 2.50 00 School`purpos'a ' 9571.90 Support of. poor.' 200 00 Bounty 'Tax .:..'°3077500 Returned,taxes.. ' 30 GO War,'com " ' 4', 350 CO Mrs Dempsey-- • 250 00 :,; • Total ' 7$45417 20 ENFIELD., ,, , f State Ta c $1708 21 Co. expenses I. $1214'•31 sown audits '761 33 School purpos's.'" 327u45 Highways ..... , 1911 20 Supt's of poor.: ' ] 1.5:96 Returned -taxes. • 16 92 Bounty Tax.: `::'1 695.95 • Total '• $54x11'. 33 s' '. Less'amouut appropriated.. 166444751 ti •t $3976 86 aiI }7 :cll.•1 ' a State ! • . . I .5`r.8S2 39 Co. ezpensenses....$12O2�48 99 Town audits:.'....: 2874'49 School pur.g}uses,, r 552 53 'Highways ' . 2750.00 Supt's of poor.. .. .69 39 "Returned taxes. ' ..20 36 I3ounty„ Tax :: 19574 40 'Support 1 poor? t 206 00 . ,s, + •' 1. + 2 55 ITHACA. State '1'ax........ $ 7830 88 Co.,expenses..:.$5602 23 Town audits.... 17978 17 School purposes. '1510 72 :Highways .ra 9..59 00 Bounty Tax' 2951 74 Returned taxes1 331 65 Mer.'&•Far. bank 2143 1.4 1upt'n of poor...,] 455 81 - ; Total . +39114 34 •, ^• '1! Less less amount approprlated.23<91 851. .- i' _ f - , ' ` ►-$15322 49 LANSIAiO. •�'' �. I' .tate Tax , x$4.466 08 Town audits 3547 18 Highways 250 00 Returned •taxes228 00 Total NEWFIELID•. Rtate Taxx$222.3 31 Co. "expenses '..$ 1580 95 Town audits `. 475 09 Supt's of -poor;. • :374 24 Highways 759 00 Sebool pnrpos's '928 19 Returned taxes. 58 56 Bounty Tax.. 13330 04 Ca: expenses...:$!3171 72 School purposes 4.8e.0 11 Supt'sof poor... 215 75 130unty .Tax . 23740 37 -r-1�r .01•• .-..1136178 19 ,•I; Total ' •,' •' '• :• 'T•I $19218 48 I . . ii ,17i ULYSSES: L,:.;... :.-,• : i 1 I State Tax $33377,06 Co.'..expenses. �.$24fl0 63 Town' audits' '792'71 Supt's' of poor ..:'s436 40 Flighways 11-19.00 Schoolpurposes:,r, 647 36 iiupport of poor" 75 00 Bounty.Tax - . 774 20 c : I- I.,,,,,',.! Total ' -' r" 39692, 36 ,- ii [[ Less amount appropriated::' 8021=92 -I: 1 ' I --I _ w 1$167O 44 I �r •nr4CAPrruLATION. c,, 1, Abstract of payments to be made by-tha Coun- ty Trcastirer : s, • I , • ' ' -' . , ,. • r., " GENERAL FUND::' " _ -: . I- F oFStat.e•TI}.x ! 631+.346,57. Schools. • . _. I r:6005,92 ": Superintendents of poor „$4830,00', " Less amount on -hand..: 131`21 ; ;.il +. ,.,s4oa �n —C"•.:' -i: —%ter r . te ` .2 . • f ' Caroline ......... .517.505 85 Danby : •18,5.51 14 - Dryden 45,417 20 Enfield 5,5[41. X3+3 Groton 30,972 55 Ithaca' .1*.•$4361,114 34 • Lansin }36,478 19 Newfield -• - -.. 19,218 98 Ulysses ".' :.: ' 9,692 30 Total ..$222,641.' 45-'-' II 1 Less amount. appro'd...,, 33,478 24 I I •. y .t • r yt,81•'�,163 21 1.......:.1. . , , . ..31 ' ' •' 1. .'' rr1' .r, :-,,t,la it E` -, ,..; , -• ,•' .• 4 • - 'tiv.,- in ,.r . : 7•, i '1. er 7(,. rt11 ••7n'"; HI srk•rl I'.. •Ii1',r•.P .-1; '7r[rrT177li11 ,n.., '1• - rr+i 7,/.. !', t't. ) • ••- ' , r • .. 1 h••... -^iiia::: .r••..,. I. •0 t Ril,• f., r I, .-0: r).. 71 • 0'1 i. '',Vi'1, '1r.r3",ypI. 1 . r . - - i i rV 7 i _rrO *11 WI r t!'; :•l 1 ; I. ' Pg../.tPr :i•t;.,,51 s.:11. 4-,,. "State Lunatic Asylum 2500,00 " - do• 'Idiot do ' 00 "do Inebriate do '+125,50 ',Co' urt -Expenses - -" .. '• 2200, "'Filet &c for Jail auii•Cnurt'Iiouse' 1 . 450, ":Insurance on Public Buildings - • '.. 43' "`!L: Srmith, Livery ' •. a, ";Fines to he refunded to Ithaca - • 151,80 ' "" 'do•- do : ';.rUlysses • __ • `, 15,00 "— -'do. do , 'tk7nileld:'.'.'. .4 2,0(1 "r" 'do• 1 •"r-: "do . Newfield. ' • 12, ".Tax refunded M. d: F. Bank '.:• 1186,21 "rC.'S..Georgia, per resolution......... 1 ,. 150, "[Armory Rent r r' r'do , • 175,77 "_Mattresses for4Tail ••' - do • • ' ' •-' 100, "•Deticiency in last years appropriation 99,71 "'County Judge's office expenses '440, `I u '-do.. .,.._do .. salary....... •••'f3. ..51000,00 ' ;., "• Less estimated receipts • - • `3..500,00. . ., ",Special Judge's salary r ''t.' '1 I �, 150. "...Dist: Attorney's do :1 450 "__county Treas's'ido . • ., 500, "- School .Com'r's q do •.' _- - ; ,y 150, "'Super'rs' Clerk's do - — -' ' - sly• "‘' do; janitor do "County Audits• '.:" 8640,50 r .:i, j .- n.: t l r .1, `"- : c: .- . _. I $59638,53 To' p1-- D• ! ay, Ithaca 1 `' • - - • 4-'' 55048,82' �; do -4 do .Ulysses - ,386,27= 1. VOLU TEER FUND.:. W ; t Interest on County Bonds "' r.. $22•`334,11° . Principal • do 'do 91452,80 - I e. • r••* •. j.0 ..'"'.1. 1,_,`. , s`, {$116786,91 :; f, • n _ *i- Gj I.. .'] _ ,4 : -, eWI.':..4:I• _ .••L:•_, •. • :» ti ' 4 1 Ci 17'- s+ 1 ` a M _ F: ,:L C ,, a n ..t, a;i— t-: , er I- •' •••71- ,. • • P •sasuad -r3 um0J •o) `s,'adna jo pauoa 11.100 `AULIra .1.1 'r •mur o1 &ulpla:3:)r3 padllan Spudoad Zul -eq 1natrl{m `{3auoa plus .Sc{ pal!png aaane slum:* Uii ZTLFZ Amina aair'j1nl r putt'pal11•Is OMNI] uia sI `0al101) alagl In aauvur.rojsad u{ pauo 1 at{} Io ruagtuaui arr; ori I)ap_vuJT Srlacbseaau s;artiu Io aaq -muu c+i{Z ler;; puu 1ssueiru3 /C;ilUOD .iul:II:uz uI sSi:p om1 pa5u8ua aaO 1 puu 'ri3gr 'aarluiangg uI 112:up uanafa uotss;)q uI aa3ni d•luno3 suprdtuo,.Iu raoslnaadug jo pleolf ai l Zri{; SIIliaa £g4.1011 I S`SklT'04 •aHJ `r 0o fl s,uosrntmana .111}0.1 •suoauul{aasliQ •110.1 dal&doo son CO01 cc .C-. a M +T-+ a a -rmo+t-cooC7m �a�+awwr-i co co ryV.-I V- tir--V4 GI CO TI TI t1 -c oxLaa)c M v -i,- a W ,•a r. w .a palaeua; sijlIC •0311213.5.10rr11 utalp and *pa11oi1 gip& s SuG . i uuD '03 MTI ssza D Ei a:�rtwa a GOMMM 7 CC"'".. &) ,.t Mc���a cC$CC0 ., .... 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