HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-12 A Newsletter for
CO II Ivry Tompkins County
Employees and Retirees
December 2007
IIIIII F 1 1 ors Volume 19, Number 4
http://www.tompkins-co.org/countycorrid ors
Reduce Waste with Those Groat
Holiday Gifts:
Brought to you from the Solid Waste Management Division
• You can also decorate with edible treats (popcorn, cranberries,
lei Buy second -hand goods. etc.).
• Look in the classifieds for second hand bikes, computers, and similar • Buy cards and other stationery
products. made from recycled paper.
•' Look for products or items that are refillable or do not take batteries. a Make your own envelopes 1111
• Clothes - check whether the cotton was bleached or grown by using old magazines or
organically. You can also look for clothes made of hemp, which requires calendar pages.
no pesticides, herbicides and little fertilizer or even made from a recycled ' Make your own
material (ex. Fleece made from recycled plastic bottles).. wrapping paper.. Save
Also look for fair trade items. old maps, magazines, or calendars, brown paper bags, the comic
strips, puzzle, or game section from the newspaper and use it for
• Give the gift of light by giving an energy saving light bulb (CFL or wrapping paper..
LED) and or string of lights as a gift. This will also save the recipient
money on their energy bills! a Use a piece of cloth for wrapping paper, it can used again in the
Q. Buy EnergyStar appliances, TVs, Dishwashers, Washers, Dryers, Food.
Give amassage —with organic oils.. • When buying food, think organic, seasonal and local.
e Also consider fair trade items and look out for the Fairtrade
e Give a weekend retreat: Kayaking, Hiking, Etc. Mark.
e Wood toys are more durable and are often safer than plastic ones. Recycle everything you can!
' Don't forget to check out www.fincierlakesbuvcireen.orci for ideas and
local places you can find these products. Remember that even if something cannot be recycled, it can be
reused or disposed of in an environmentally safe way. So make sure
• Think less materialistically.. Buy a gift in someone's name but for to contact TCSWMD www.recycletomi kins.orci. Looking for local
someone else, a community, or an organization's cause. places to take items to be reused? Visit our office and pick up the
• Give a gift to the SPCA to feed and shelter animals. 2007 ReDirectory.
• Donate clothes and other items to those in need through local
charities. Resource:
e Purchase a membership for someone to an environmental (land,
httD :llwwwareenauide.co.uklfiles/ Green %20Guide %20for %20Christmas 0.Ddf
endangered species, wildlife, etc.) or other organizational group doing
good for someone else in your community, country, or overseas (ex. Ithaca
Breast Cancer Alliance (IBCA), etc.)
• Purchase an environmental magazine subscription.
• Plant a tree.
• Check out Environmental Working Group's cosmetic and body care INSIDE THIS ISSUE
product safety database by visiting www.cosmeticsdatabase.com. Sustainability Spotlight 2
e Try making your own decorations from paper, Origami. Note From the County Administrator 2
Avoid non recycled items. Youth Services 30 Anniversary 3
Wellness News 4
Helping Smokers Quit 5
Bus Pass Program Renewed 5
Halloween! 6
Employee Spotlights 8
*, i,� Highway Highlights 9
"!` Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Program 9
VAt Department News 10
Classified d Ads 12
Sustainability Spotlight:
In Business With ReBusiness: recyclable materials (paper and containers) the RSWC also
Leo Riley accepts textiles, sneakers, yard waste, scrap metal, electronics,
batteries and fluorescent bulbs. Additional programs offered by
By Linnett Short TCSWMD include curbside recycling collection and recycling
Leo Riley became the Recycling Specialist at the Tompkins education for residents, businesses, industry, and schools. For
County Solid Waste Management Division (TCSWMD) in April of example, waste assessments are offered to businesses to aid
2007. He currently lives in Homer, NY with his wife Denise of 23 them in the 4 R's: reduce, reuse, recycle and rebuy.
years and his four children. His oldest daughter, Shanise, will
graduate this spring from SUNY Cortland. Halee, 17, McKenna, Looking into 2008 Leo, will focus on completing county waste
16, and little Leo, 13, keep him very busy in his free time with assessments within the first quarter, continuing business and
attending their sporting events. school waste assessments, increasing composting efforts in the
county through the expansion of existing programs, and
Having been with the County for almost eight months, Leo developing an event recycling program to assist organizers in
considers himself to be fairly acclimated, but recognizes he still increasing recycling rates.
has a lot to learn. "I was a collection, transportation, recycling
and disposal guy for over 25 years in the waste industry private
sector. The thing I liked best was working with my customers -
creating solutions to their problems and making an unsatisfied A Note From the County Administrator
person into a satisfied one. I believe there are two groups of
customers: external and internal. External customers are the Brrrrrr! I just got back from Arizona; the difference in temperature cuts
people in the community we service and internal are vendors, to the bone, but I think the beauty of the nature and people make up for
contractors and our co- workers. I now receive just as much it. My Arizona trips to visit my daughter always seem to have
satisfaction from solving a problem for a co- worker as I did unexpected adventures, this trip was no different. The first adventure
working with my largest external customer. Both subsets of was an outing on my daughter's newly acquired boat. The boat is really
customers present their own challenges and require the same more of a two story platform mounted on pontoons, just the thing for a
amount of attention. The waste assessments we currently nice sized party. Quite appropriate for a single thirty-two year old.
conduct in all the County Departments provide a good example What struck me as most odd was boating in the middle of the desert. A
surprising statistic is that Arizona has the highest number of boats per
for this. As we make recommendations in the way to handle a capita of any state. Once out on the water one can easily understand
department's waste stream, we also have to be careful not to why. The lake is one of the primary reservoirs for Phoenix and is
create additional problems for the cleaners handling that waste." surrounded on one end by the starkly naked mountain range which is
Through open communication with all parties involved, Leo has more a pile of rocks and sand while the other end opens to the desert.
found fitting solutions to these types of problems. The net effect is the feeling you are boating on the moon; very strange
Riley has also been amazed at the services that TCSWMD has
to offer County residents and businesses. According to Leo, The next adventure was a large rain storm, again something I had not
"The Recycling and Solid Waste Center (RSWC) is great. It's so experienced before. Unlike when I am on the East coast where I find
convenient. And when it comes to recycling, it's convenience myself looking at the gray skies and rain with distain, rain in the desert is
greeted with a sense of relief as it simultaneously provides a break from
that makes programs successful." In addition to traditional the incessant sun and makes avaliant attempt to contrd the ever
present sand and dust. Later I watched as the storm migrated across
,-..I.• the country and became this year's first snow storm for the northeast,
, courtesy of this year's large El Nino. As the storm approached
❑ Tompkins County my vacation was interrupted with a brief review of the
• County closing policy and procedures; A gentle reminder of work in
midst of my bucolic visit to the land of sun and fun.
Don't misinterpret, it really is nice to be back, even if it is cold. I wish
N ` � \ you all the best of holidays and may your next year be even better than
the last.
- Steve Whicher
Youth Services Department An important goal of the department is to provide opportunities that
Celebrates Three Decades! focus on healthy youth development and prevention for all county
youth. Children learn to cope with the world in many different ways
By Karen Coleman and from many different people with home and school providing the
largest portion of that learning. But children also benefit from their
The Tompkins County Youth Services Department (TGYS) is affiliations in the community and it is important for the community to
celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. We are proud of 30 years of provide these
Creating Opportunities for Youth. opportunities.
To accomplish
A celebratory reception was held on November 1= at the Hilton Garden this, we work
Inn. Guests enjoyed music provided by talented youth from Newfield's y with a gencies,
Brass Quintet, Dryden's Beyondmeasure a cappella group and Ithaca �1: coun
High violinist Nicole Bayer. A large display filled with documents, departrnents,
memories and photos highlighted the work of the department over the schools and
years. There was also a continuous photo slide show with picture of municipalities to
youth participants over the years in many programs supported by assess youth
County Youth Services' funding. needs and
assure that
• 1 111 De artment staff programs and
p Nathan Shinagawa, ta, Nancy Zahler, Schlather, services are •
were surprised Assembly Women Barbara Lifton
available. Our
with a singing Youth Services Board volunteers review and recommend funding to the
telegram by Jan
h + y Nigro. County County Legislature to meet these needs. Thanks to the efforts of
volunteers, agencies, municipal planning groups, local and county
Nathan officials, the number of youth reached has increased dramatically.
[ Shinagawa read The Tompkins County Youth Services Department is proud to support:
• . the proclamation
adopted by the • Advocacy Centerr, Youth Sexual Abuse Services, providing
Legislature, services to child victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence
recognizing the • American Red Cross Youth Case Management Program for
Nancy Zahler and Jan Nigro Department for
its homeless teens who stay in the emergency shelter
accomplishments. Board chair Kathy Schlather thanked the staff, • Bridges for Youth and Families, runaway prevention services and
Youth Board and municipal volunteers, and agency staff for all they do anger management training
to provide opportunities and support the needs of Tompkins County • Day Care Council's Teen Pregnancy and Parenting Program for
young people. The Youth Services Board also seized this opportunity services to pregnant and parenting teens
to recognize the dedicated leadership of Nancy Zahler who has served • The Learning Web, mentoring and apprenticeships as well as
as the department director for 27 years. supports to older, independent youth
• Cornell Cooperative Extension's Urban 4 -H, providing after school
Just what does TOYS do? We often describe our work as behind -the- activities to youth living at Parkside Gardens and West Village
scenes support to those who make a direct difference in the lives of Apartments
youth. If you've ever used a youth needs assessment, demographic or • Ithaca Youth Bureau's One to One Big Brother /Big Sister
drug survey data or grant notices to help with your planning or grant- Program, matching caring adult mentors with youth
writing , attended a training session or coordination meeting or used • Ithaca Youth Bureau's Youth Employment Services, assisting
the Summer Camp Guide, School Listing and the OJ Guide to Teen teens from across the county find and succeed in jobs
Services, you have some idea of the breadth of work accomplished by • Itihaca Youth Bureau's Recreation Mainstreaming Service, helping
the department staff: Theresa Albert, Kris Bennett, Karen Coleman, children and teens with disabilities gain physical and social skills
Sara Hess, Janice Johnson, Nancy Zook and Nancy Zahler. • Tompkins Community Action's Primary School Family Support
Program, supporting children in Dryden and Groton make a
successful transition into elementary school
• 34 youth deveopment programs sponsored by 9 Rural Youth
Commissions to respond to locally identified youth needs.
We are proud to report that in 2006 over 8,200 youth participated in a
3 VINl�P.f� program or service funded by Tompkins County Youth Services
appl • Department. We invite you to visit our website www.tompkins-
Tompkins County Youth Services Deportment co.orq/youth to learn more about our work and how you can make a
30 Year xof Creattn -Opport u*UZte& Frn- Youth difference in the life and success of youth in your community. Together
we can make a difference!
Holiday Stress and the Holiday Blues News from the Tompkins County Employee
Wellness Committee
The holiday season is often the highest stress period of the year. Holiday By Theresa Lyczko
stress may include scrambling to finish our annual "end of the year' work
tasks and dealing with the myriad of holiday details: gift shopping, baking, The Tompkins County Wellness Committee, a group of employees from
parties, decorating, and often times the financial impact this all has. For various County departments focuses its efforts on encouraging co- workers
others, the holidays can bring on the holiday blues or holiday to be physically active and to eat a healthy diet. Health experts agree that
depression because it can be a sad, disappointing and/or lonely time as a those are two of the best ways to take care of ourselves.
reminder of loved ones we've lost, or being far away from family members.
And sometimes our actual holidays simply do not match up with our The Wellness Committee also provides reimbursement for activities that
idealized images of what they should be. help employees lead healthy lives and help prevent chronic diseases such
as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. These reimbursements
Coping with the Holiday Blues include memberships to health clubs and participation in aerobic fitness
classes and Weight Watchers — activities not covered by health insurance
• Contact your EAP! Our professional counselors can really help. (or through other County benefits) that have the potential for long term
• Be around others. Go out and attend activities that are free if health maintenance.
you do not have friends or family members around.
• Get involved in volunteering to help others in need. Reimbursement is an incentive intended to defray the cost of membership;
• Spend time with supportive friends and relatives. employees are reimbursed for a portion of the cost. The membership must
• Try something new and celebrate the hdidays in a new way. be pre -paid and continuous for six months or for twelve months to qualify
• Acknowledge and express sad feelings you may have in healthy for reimbursement. For more information and a reimbursement form go to
ways. the employee intranet on the Tompkins County website: www.tompkins-
• Avoid excessive drinking which will only increase feelings of co.oro /emplovee only/ and find the link in the "FORMS" section.
To submit a request for reimbursement:
Some people experience a type of "winter depression" know as Seasonal Fill out the reimbursement request form (see above).
Affective Disorder which can affect mood, energy level, stress tolerance, • Attach proof of payment – a receipt or statement from the facility
sleep, weight, behavior and functioning. The disorder is associated with stating that you have paid in full for a six -month or a twelve -
seasonal variations of light and should be diagnosed by a trained month membership.
professional. Call your EAP! • Requests are honored up to 90 days after completion of a six -
month or a twelve -month membership.
Coping with Holiday Stress • Route through interoffice mail to Theresa Lyczko at the Health
• The best prevention is thinking ahead, knowing that this is a • The IRS considers reimbursements taxable income. Therefore,
busy, stressful time of year, and develop a plan. reimbursements will be included in your payroll check and taxed
• Have realistic expectations and give up being superhuman. accordingly. Separate checks MI not be issued. The only
Don't judge yourself for not reaching an unattainable ideal at the exception is if a weight loss program or fitness club membership
hdidays. is medically prescribed for a particular medical condition.
• Set a realistic budget. As of January 1, 2008, reimbursements for a six -month
• • Reassess and focus on the top three things that are truly membership will be $100 and $200 for a twelve month
important and that you enjoy during the hdidays. membership.
• Make a list of the things you can do without, and do without
them. Wellness Committee Employee members include Jim Strehle, Airport;
• Be realistic about relatives. You cannot sdve dd family conflicts Barb Davieds, Mental Health; Brooke Kominos, Personnel; Linnett Short,
over the holidays. Solid Waste; Theresa Lyczko, Health Department. The committee
• Set boundaries with family members and relatives. Sometimes welcomes new members and encourages your participation.
we have to say no.
• Do not rely on drinking as a way to relax and relieve hoiday Interested in joining? Call Theresa Lyczko at 274 -6714 or email:
stress. Instead, take care of your body in a good way: get rest, tivczko a(�.tompkins- co.orq. or any member of the committee. The
exercise and eat holiday goodies in moderation. committee meets three to four times a year
• Enjoy the holiday journey, and not just the destination!
Provided by your Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Contact EAP at 273 -7494 or 1 -800- 834 -1239
- 5 -
Giving n edge to smokers who want to quit
g 9 q
By Ted Schiele
Grocery stores invented the No Candy" aisle — checkout lanes without candy
displays — to give parents the edge over children who tend to grab for any candy
within their reach. "Smoke free" areas — both indoors and outdoors — give an
Bus Pass Program Renewed!
edge to smokers who are trying to quit. Both examples rely in part on the "out of
sight, out of mind" concept of triggering behaviors, and both rely on community Our TCAT bus pass program has been renewed for January
actions that help individuals take the small steps necessary to achieve small, or
big successes. through June 2008. All County employees are eligible to receive a
bus pass, at no charge, for TCAT bus service. Although use of the
In a majority of cases, smokers who are trying to quit are looking for every edge pass is free to you, the county pays for each ride. For that reason, a
available to help them succeed. The New Year provides an edge in the tradition bus pass may be used only by the employee to whom it is issued,
of resolutions for a fresh start. With so many focused on making personal and only for commuti ng to and from work or for work related travel
changes, January is a perfect time to set a quit date, the first big step in quitting during your regular work hours.
If you are able to ride the bus on some occasions, please feel free
Another edge for smokers who want to quit is to get help from a trained to apply for the pass. It doesn't have to be used every day. The
counselor, and for those in our area a good place to start is the telephone. Call county is charged only for actual trips. If you do ride the bus and
the NYS Smokers' Quitline for great advice and yet another edge: a free starter have an emergency during the workday requiring you to obtain
kit of nicotine replacement therapy (patches.) The Quitline number and two emergency transportation, you may call the Personnel Department
others are at the end of this article. and we will try to arrange transportation to your vehicle or home.
In the end however, it may be that the community is the most powerful edge for a We monitor usage of the passes, including the days and hours that
smoker who wants to quit! For example, the county's voluntary T -Free Zone each pass is used. We will notify you of any questionable use of
program for smoke free areas at building entryways may help avoid urges your pass. Your cooperation in making the program successful and
triggered around groups of smokers, break a habit of lighting up on the way out free of misuse is appreciated.
the door, and reinforce a new self image as a "non- smoker."
If you currently have a pass, it expires at the end of this year. New
Smoking is a powerful addiction that takes planning and practice to break. applications must be submitted to the Personnel Department to get
The New Year is an ideal time both for personal change and for community a pass for 2008. The current application is available at the
actions that support an individual's goal for a healthier, more satisfying life. Personnel Department and from the employee Intranet: Go to the
"Forms" section, then look under the Personnel Dept. Complete the
Resources: application and send it to me.
NYS Smokers' Quitline. 1- 866 -NY -QUITS (toll free 1- 866 -697- 8487). Free starter kit for If you have questions, call the Personnel Department: 274 - 5526.
eligible smokers who are ready to quit. Free telephone counseling service 9am -9pm
weekdays, 9am -1pm weekends. Motivationattips available 24/7. Also online, - Anna Smith, Personnel
Nurse Direct cessation counseling. 1- 800 -295 -8088. Free telephone counseling service
provided by UHS Healthy Living Center, Johnson City.
Mothers and Babies PerinatalNeiwork. 1 -800 -231 -0744. Free cessation program for
pregnant and parenting women and those caring for young children.
Foster Care /Adoption Information Meetings
Submitted by Ellie Arnold
To anyone who may be considering becoming a foster parent or adoptive parent and wants more information, Tompkins County Department of
Social Services will hdd informational meetings at the Human Services Building, Room 142, 320 W. State St., Ithaca, NY on the second Thursday
of each month.
The next meeting will be held January 10, 2008 beginning at noon.
Tompkins County has a special need for foster families in the Ithaca City School District and for families who will foster teenagers.
Please call 274 -5266 for more information.
Thank you.
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Department of Social Services
Congratulations to the winners of this year's
Halloween Contest Competition!
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What a wonderful collection of entries for
this year's competition!
CIWIr Thanks to everyone for their originality,
f creativity and good humor.
Thanks, also, to everyone who voted
Ill We look forward to another great
competition next year.
Employee Spotlights
Irene Kehoe split fee with the owner of the company they work for.) Valeria and
several other Assessment Department employees had been after
I moved from Brooklyn to Trumansburg in 1972 at the age of 13, me fora couple of years to take the test, so that when something
and other than leaving to go away to school, I never really left. came up, I would be on the list. I thought very highly of the
employees of this department and I had already worked with a few
I became a Real Estate of them in the private sector. So I took the test, and here I am.
Appraiser in 1987 and :..r,
currently hold and - -._ - : I was originally hired as a Real Property Appraiser; a few years
maintain m license as a , later when Valeria became Director she reorganized the
y y } department and created two new positions (Residential and
Residential Certified p p
Appraiser in New York ; Commercial Valuation Specialist.) I was then promoted to the
State (also belong to the Residential Valuation Specialist; a few years later I was promoted
New York State Society of = °' to my current position of Senior Valuation Specialist.
Real Estate Appraisers
and the New York State Assessors Association.) I am required to do My main duties are to organize and supervise the valuation
28 hours of continuing education every two years for my license assignments, in conjunction with Valeria and Jay, forthe appraisers
renewal and take an Ethics course once within that two year cycle. for that year - also to do any valuation or appraisal training that may
need to be done with new hires, holding meetings with the
Originally hired by the County (Steve Whicher was our director at appraisers to discuss projects and other pertinent information. I am
the time and hired me) in July 1999 just prior to the 2000 responsible forthe valuation of a particular town in the county
Revaluation. I had my first taste of informal hearings that January (Lansing), as well as also being aware of what is happening in all of
through March working six days a week listening to people complain the towns, helping the appraisers with difficult properties. I work
about assessments and taxes. During the 12 years prior to working with Jay to establish databases, reports that are required by the
forthe County, I had been in a good portion of the homes in State or maybe needed for our projects. I help out wherever it is I
Tompkins County doing appraisals for sales, refinances, etc., so I might be needed.
sometimes knew more about the property than the Assessment
Department did. I enjoy educating people regarding the job of the Assessment
Department - what we are responsible for and what we can change.
I left the private sector and went into civil service because I was
turning 40, needing to work for another 20+ years; needed to have
better (or more stable) benefits; was tired of working 60 -70+ hour
work weeks and many nights and weekends. (Most appraisers in
the private sector are paid based on a commission or
Matt Whittemore for scheduling, responds to calls from the public, as well as
handling other related miscellaneous duties involved in his role at
the Highway Division.
Matt Whittemore is Senior Highway Crew Supervisor in the Highway
Division. Asked what he most likes about his
job, Matt responds, "Being��
During his more than 25 years with Tompkins County, Matt has held outdoors."
the positions of Seasonal Laborer, Laborer, Motor Equipment
Operator, Heavy Equipment Operator, Bridge Mechanic and What he least likes about his job
Highway Crew Supervisor, before advancing to his current position. is "snow and ice."
Among his responsibilities, Matt schedules work and crew Reflecting on his service with Tompkins County, Matt remarks, "I
assignments to Highway Crew Supervisors, investigates situations was lucky to have a great supervisor in Marty Adams when I came
here as a seasonal laborer. He asked me where I would be in 30
years, and I have stayed ever since."
County Folks "Give Back " ... Farewell to County Legislator Dick Booth
74 tC -wry -- _/t') H / / .. F ._
/ }� Legislator Dick Booth resigned
submitted by Geri Lockwood L from the Legislature in
r ��
November, after nearly six
Highway Volunteers years of legislative service.
` Mr. Booth was appointed by
For the second year, the "Girls" from the Tompkins County Town and Governor Spitzer, and
County Highway Departments rang the bells for the Salvation Army, on confirmed by the New York
Saturday, December 8th. State the New Senate , as State a member of
"Business" was very good, and donors enjoyed the candy canes that were Adirondack Park Agency.
handed out
Dick represented District 3
Although not everyone was available to ring, thank you to those who (City of Ithaca) on the Legislature since January 1, 2002, and most
attended. (Left to right - Laura Shawley, Town of Danby Highway; Geri recently served as Vice Chair of the Legislature's Budget and Capital and
Lockwood and Kathy Cornell, Tompkins County Highway; and Gail Kroll, Public Safety Committees.
Town of Ithaca Public Works.)
- — • A resolution of appreciation, adopted by the Legislature at its December
Thank you to all
tor �- 1 8 r meeting, noted, "Dick is well known for infusing his own personal
who donated! it �°'°'�■ s honesty and integrity in every vote he took, and we know these
characteristics will benefit all the citizens of the immediate Adirondack
Park area, as well as statewide, as Dick applies his knowledge and
`-s u i !
expertise on all issues affecting the future of the Park."
Congratulations, Dick! We miss you and wish you well.
Workforce Diversity and Inclusion A Great Ideal!!
The Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Committee (WDIC) continues to i` , t When you are malting out your
develop strategies to communicate the importance of diversity and /k Christmas card list this year,
inclusion, both within and outside county government. " 1 please include the following:
The Committee has recommended that the tagline Inclusion Through
Diversity be carried on all County communications (letterhead, etc.),
placing the County's commitment to diversity and inclusion at the forefront
whenever it communicates with the public.
Planning has also begun toward a Workforce Diversity and Inclusion video, A Recovering American Soldier
to be produced in the spring of 2008, as part of the County's public c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
information video project in collaboration with the communications program 6900 Georgia Avenue, NW
at Tompkins Cortland Community College. The video will communicate Washington, D.C. 20307 - 5001
the principles and meaning of the County's Diversity Statement pby making
it "come alive" through the words of many people, both within county
government and in the greater Tompkins County
community. More information on this as the
project moves forward. ; , If you approve of the idea, please pass it on.
For more information about the Workforce - .1
Diversity and Inclusion program, contact WDIC
Chair Leslyn McBean- Clairbome or any WDIC
- 10 -
Department News
Solid Waste Division Facilities Division
Welcome to Bob Dyson (HVAC TECH) and Gail Stamp (Cleaner) to
Goodbye to a good friend and a long time County Employee! our staff.
Ken Thompson was with the County for about 17 years as the Assistant Farewell and best wishes to cleaners Freddie Thompson and
Solid Waste Manager. His job duties included engineering applications,
environmental services and supervision. Aparicio Oliver.
The thing he liked best about - Highway Division
his job were all the people he
had a chance to work with. i 16
When asked what the least • '. Congratulations to Chad Kelly (Motor Equipment Operator) and his
thing he liked about his job, wife, on the birth of their son, Cameron James, on September 7th.
he said, the mundane duties
that go with any position.
He likes to work outside, R ' `'_ Welcome to Pat O'Neill, Motor Equipment Operator.
gardening on his 17 acre
homestead in Groton and \',�'. f - :
hunting. When asked if he Health Department
ran the world what would be the first thing he would do, he responded that
he would outlaw pop -ups on the Internet. _
Ken has taken a new position with the Village of Groton. He will be missed Pik% ; : ' o
by his fellow co-workers and friends, he had a great sense of humor and t ,'1
. o .
always found the good in everything and everyone. - •
Thank you, Ken, for being with the Solid Waste Division and for all you did - ,
to keep us going. .
The WIC program would like to welcome Nadiya Savannah
- ''�7.7 .. Rahaman. Nadiya is the daughter of Director Amy Frith, bom
,....4 V , September 8th. She weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19 -1/2
c frig �'!'�Q inches long.
Mommy, Daddy and older brother Alex are all doing great.
rtiZ Welcome to our Worid, Diyah!
1 L - -7- 1 ►J
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- 1 1 -
1 teeot q p
Effective immediately, the following economizing measures are
being implemented in the "Twelve Days of Christmas" subsidiary:
1. The partridge will be retained, but the pear tree, which never 8. As you know, the eight maids -a- milking concept has been
produced the cash crop forecasted, will be replaced by a plastic under heavy scrutiny by the EEOC. A male /female balance in
hanging plant, providing considerable savings in maintenance; the workforce is being sought. The more militant maids
consider this a dead -end job with no upward mobility.
2. Two turtle doves represent a redundancy that is simply not cost Automation of the process may permit the maids to try a-
effective. In addition, their romance during working hours mending, a- mentoring or a- mulching;
could not be condoned. The positions are, therefore,
eliminated; 9. Nine ladies dancing has always been an odd number. This
function will be phased out as these individuals grow older and
3. The three French hens will remain intact. After all, everyone can no longer do the steps;
loves the French;
10. Ten Lords -a- leaping is overkill. The high cost of Lords, plus
4. The four calling birds will be replaced by an automated voice the expense of international air travel, prompted the
mail system, with a call waiting option. An analysis is Compensation Committee to suggest replacing this group with
underway to determine who the birds have been calling, how ten out -of -work congressmen. While leaping ability may be
often and how long they talked; somewhat sacrificed, the savings are significant as we expect
an oversupply of unemployed congressmen this year;
5. The five golden rings have been put on hold by the Board of
Directors. Maintaining a portfolio based on one commodity 11. Eleven pipers piping and twelve drummers drumming is a
could have negative implications for institutional investors. simple case of the band getting too big. A substitution with a
Diversification into other precious metals, as well as a mix of string quartet, a cutback on new music, and no uniforms, will
T- Bills and high technology stocks, appear to be in order; produce savings which will drop right to the bottom line;
6. The six geese -a- laying constitutes a luxury which can no Overall we can expect a substantial reduction in assorted people,
longer be afforded. It has long been felt that the production rate fowl, animals and related expenses. Though incomplete, studies
of one egg per goose per day was an example of the general indicate that stretching deliveries over twelve days is inefficient. If
decline in productivity. Three geese will be let go, and an we can drop ship in one day, service levels will be improved.
upgrading in the selection procedure by personnel will assure
management that, from now on, every goose it gets will be a Regarding the lawsuit filed by the attorney's association seeking
good one; expansion to include the legal profession ( "thirteen lawyers -a-
suing"), a decision is pending.
7. The seven swans -a- swimming is obviously a number chosen in
better times. The function is primarily decorative. Mechanical Deeper cuts may be necessary in the future to remain competitive.
swans are on order. The current swans will be retrained to learn Should that happen, the Board will request management to
some new strokes, thereby enhancing their outplacement; scrutinize the Snow White Division to see if seven dwarfs is the
right number.
- 12 -
Classified Ads
Doi Dan Inn - - FOR SALE – J Crew black down jacket, size M, $30.00.
_.. 1940's solid oak men's high -boy dresser, woman's 4-
A place whereyour dog feels ,, G l! drawer, $400.00 /set. Two LL Bean sleeping bags, above
"at home ". z - 30°, $10.00 each. 6' solid wood (11/2" thick) dining room
table, $75.00. 1940's Pepsi small bottle carry -all, $40.00.
Located in North Lansing
— 1 - 1960's "Liberty Blue" and white dinnerware, service for
Sandy Strehle, 497 -3467 eight, $100.00. Virgin Mobile cell phone, excellent
dogdayzinnayahoo.com condition, 1 year old, $20.00. Please call (607) 533 -9133,
http: / /www.dogdayzinn.com evenings.
FOR SALE – Ball Python, 3 years old, 2' /z feet. Comes MULTI - ADVENTURE TRIP FOR WOMEN – Explore
with 50 gallon tank, under tank heater, metal mesh top with the Caribbean and Pacific Coasts of Costa Rica, March 1-
heat light fixture, water dish, and two hideaways. $100.00 11, 2008. $1,900.00 includes all lodging, meals, activities,
or best offer –you pick up. Please call Paul, at (607) 564- in- country transportation. Please call Sandra Pollack, at
1088. (607) 277 -1416, or see www.joumeyweavers.com.
FOR SALE – Dining Room/Kitchen table with leaf, four FOR SALE: Staples 15 -sheet Cross Cut Shredder (Item
chairs, matching hutch, and dry sink. Excellent condition, 615699, Model SPL- 1506X), brand new, never -been -used (still
dark solid wood. $500.00 for all, or will consider selling in the box). $100.00. Please call Jeanne Leccese, at (607) 229 -
separately. Please call (607) 257 -5483, evenings. 6953, or e-mail servingace(dvahoo.com.
FOR SALE – Natural sapphire and diamond accent yellow FOR SALE – Conn Upright Oak Piano w/bench.
gold ring, natural emerald and diamond etemity band yellow $1,299.00. Please call Melanie, at (607) 838 -3439.
gold, diamond tennis bracelet - $75.00 each. Approximately
1/3 carat solitaire yellow gold wedding set, wedding band FOR SALE – Studded snow tires on rims, 175 70R13.
has diamond accents, $100.00 for set All rings are size 6 or $50.00. Please call (607) 532 -4092.
7. Please call Erin, at (607) 2294398.
FOR SALE – 2000 Volvo GLT SE, fully loaded, sun roof, WANTED – Used backhoe in working condition, OR 3-
leather, new tires, 115,000 miles. Great condition. Asking point hitch backhoe attachment. Please call (607) 532-
$6,800.00. Please call Fred, at (607) 351 -0535. 4092.
FOR SALE – Vintage G &E electric refrigerator with
compressor on top. Comes with original ad. Works fine, Forrwadciassrfiedad to Geri Lcekxoodat the Hig tmryDivision
$100.00 or best offer. Please call (607) 5324092. giockwood tto»an ru- co.org
Corridors is printed on 30% recycled paper,
Vending Committee "Vends" THE CORRIDORS TEAM
9 Managing Editor
Maureen Reynolds, County Clerk's Office
Website: Editorial Staff
Our new website is available on the employee Intranet (click on Geri LockwoodHighway
the link under "Events/News"), or ww Sara aW Management Division
Sara a S Starrkk, , S S DSS
co.orglemployee onlyNendingCommitteeNews.pdf. Please be Edie Spaulding, DSS
sure to visit regularly for updated information on all trips, news, Katrina Schickel, COFA
etc. Classifieds Editor - Geri Lockwood
Multicultural Editor – CU RRENTLY VACANT
2008 Trips: Advising Editor, Page Layout
Marcia Lynch, Public Information
The team will be meeting in January to begin discussing trips for Contributors
next year. If you have any ideas, please see your Department All County Employees and Retires
Representative. Interested in joining the Corridors team?
P Contact Maureen at
2745431 or mreynolds @tompkins- co.org