HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-06 A Newsletter for
CctIntv Tompkins County
Employees and Retirees
June 2006
11' C FS Volume 18, Number 2
County Responds to Employee Concerns Airport Celebrates 50 Years of County
Pilot Project - FREE Bus Passes For ALL County Employees By Robert Nicholas, Airport Manager
By Anita Fitzpatrick, Personnel Commissioner On July 1, 1956, Cornell University conveyed 23
in partnership with TCAT, individuals from the Legislature, separate parcels to Tompkins County, which collectively made
Personnel, Administration, Finance, and Planning departments have up the East Hill Airport. The airport then became the Tompkins
worked to establish a pilot project to determine the feasibility of County Airport, now known as the Ithaca Tompkins Regional
providing free TCAT bus passes to all County employees. On July 1, 2006, we mark the 50th anniversary of that
On June 1, 2006, Tompkins County implemented a four -month purchase. Charles H. Newman, the County Attorney at the
pilot project to provide free bus passes to ALL County employees. The time, reviewed the title certification. The sale was subject to
p p j p p tY the land being used as a public airport only, with all existing
pilot project has a maximum window from June 1, 2006 to September leases, rights of way, utility easements and building ownership
30, 2006. Employees can request a bus pass anytime during the pilot continuing.
project and use it until September 30, 2006. The pilot project will be Mohawk Airlines held most of the leases and owned most
evaluated in September to determine if the pilot will be extended of the buildings. A farmer by the name of Robert Criss was
allowed to farm 70 acres of land northeast of the runway. This
beyond September 30th. lessee agreed "not to plant or cultivate any of the lands closer
Any interested employee may obtain a bus pass application from than 150 feet from the center line of the hard surface portion of
the runway...," and further agreed "not to plant any crops on
the Personnel Department's website, http:llwww.tompkins- any of the leased property which will exceed 5 feet in height."
co.orgipersonnell. Completed applications can be sent to us via inter-
office mail or fax to 274 -5401. Bus passes can be picked up from the
Personnel office located on the 1St Floor of the Old Jail, 125 East Court i
Street in the City of Ithaca. ' •
m .
(continued on page 3)
61 L-_l ® ®i`EJ ■®®1C® 1
Changes @ the _ 0Q �
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Department of Social Services . I Ii -1 41 6
By Edie Spaulding, DSS i ' , _ -s-
M any employees at the Department of Social Services are on the move and -�f ...1. .614
some are coming back from retirement. The Department of Social Services would like 4 aai.i., ,r'�
to welcome back Nancy Krebs and Randy Good who have come back to fill in for staff (continued on page 4)
that are out on medical leave. Additionally DSS has experienced so much growth that
Division Coordinator positions have been created throughout the department. Rebecca
Bush will be pleased since this has been her aspiration for sometime.
The Division Coordinators are: A Note from the County Administrator Pg. 1
• Jean Brockway in Medicaid Blood Drive Information Pg.2
• David Chase in Employment A Message from the Retired King Houston .Pg. 2
• Tricia Eth promoted to Temporary Assistance 2006 Event Schedule .Pg. 3
(Tricia retiring September 2006) Korner Pg. 3
ii • Cindy Cummings in Special Services ''• 25 -Year Club Members Pg. 4
• Lee Carter moved to Supervisor Employment CSEA Picnic Reminder .Pg. 4
Hearings 'k !' Baby Announcements Pg. 4
• Jacalyn Lent promoted to Div. Coordinator Trainee for Employee Spotlight Pg. 5
Temporary Assistance Department News Pg. 7
• Linda Eva going to Supervisor in Temporary Assistance . Retirement Farewells Pg.9
• Dawn Arthur going to HEAP Supervisor position `' ; Classified Ads .Pg. 11
• Karen Keefer going to Employment PadriciaCany; DSS Commissioner Funny Bones Pg. 12
(continued on page 4)
Annual Employee Flood Drive -
A Note from the County Administrator Mark Your Calendar...
Comings and goings in Administration By Cheryl Nelson and Jackie Kippola, Co - Sponsors
F ollowing an exhaustive (and often exhausting) search, I am excited
to announce the appointment of kvo Deputy County Administrators. +,
Paula E. F. Younger will lead the county's organizational development
efforts and Shawn Martel -Moore will add emergency preparedness, er dm"
management cabinets, and data sharing to her current duties. I
believe that with the skills and talents of these two dynamic people,
we will effectively and powerfully face the challenges and benefit from The annual employee blood drive will be held on Thursday,
the opportunities that lie ahead. August 10 from 9 AM — 3 PM in the Library's Borg Warner
Paula has more than 17 years of experience working with federal, Room. Watch for more information on signing up to donate from
state, and local governments, as well as community -based your building representative.
organizations in developing strategies for enhancing service delivery Remember, up to three individuals can benefit from one unit of
and overall program effectiveness. As Deputy County Administrator, donated blood. Each unit donated is vitally important, especially
Ms. Younger will be charged with a broad range of organizational during the summer months when the need is high. If you are able,
development and management responsibilities, to include strategic please plan to sign up as a donor. If you are unable to donate, there
planning and implementation, establishing performance measures are other volunteer positions available throughout the day for
and processes for monitoring outcomes, overseeing Public registration and canteen workers.
Safety /Alternatives -to- Incarceration initiatives, and fostering a
progressive, forward - thinking organizational "climate." Donating takes about one hour. Please remember to check with
Shawn, in her 6 years as Director of Human Rights, has built a your supervisor to get approval for your time. A reminder, if you
program that works closely with other departments and the broader are donating, please be sure to drink lots of fluids, eat breakfast, and
community to assure that timely and meticulous services are available bring proof of identification.
to all. In addition, she has proven her leadership through her fine
work with the County's Diversity initiatives. She will allocate 60% of A Message from the Retired King Houston
her time to continuing her leadership with the Human Rights program Greetings from Arizona,
and focus her remaining time on building the County's Diversity
initiatives, overseeing contracts compliance, developing plans for As I was sitting on my porch this morning enjoying my coffee,
emergencies and establishing management cabinets and data I realized that my life hasn't changed all that much since I left the
sharing protocols. county.
Thank you Tim Joseph, Schelley Michell -Nunn (City of Ithaca), Travis In ITS, we always had several projects going simultaneously.
Brooks (GIAC), David Squires, Anita Fitzpatrick, Patricia Carey and There were frequent critical decisions to be made and occasional
Norma Jayne for your diligent and insightful work on the search team. crises to be dealt with. I still have to contend with the same things.
Your care, wisdom and thoughtfulness with this difficult process is Take today, for example. I had to choose which shorts and T-
deeply appreciated. shirt to wear. This may sound simple, but there are many factors to
I also have the pleasure of announcing the appointment of Marcia E. consider. Today is supposed to be around 100 degrees so comfort is
Lynch as Public Information Cfficer. Marcia has worked in media paramount. I also had to evaluate our schedule for the day and
relations and broadcasting for over 25 years. For those of you who contemplate whether we would be inside or out for the majority of
are long -time county residents, you may remember Marcia from her the day. This was before I could even get dressed.
radio days at WVBR and WTKO as well as from her work with the City We narrowly averted a crisis the other day. We almost ran out
of Ithaca Fire Department. of cat food. The plan we made to resolve the affair was a little
Thank you to the PIO search team, Martha Robertson, Simeon Moss complicated. We decided to make a day of it. We drove over the
(Cornell), Larry Roberts (FLIC), Nancy Zahler, Alice Cole, Jackie mountains to Prescott, shopped and did a few errands, ate dinner,
Kippola, and Jovan Grogan, for your thorough and painstaking work. and decided to stay and gamble at the casino for a while. It got a
Your conscientious attention to a careful process vies enormously little late, so we decided to stay the night and wander back the next
important. day. The cats got their food, so it worked well.
Finally, I would like to recognize the efforts of our Cornell interns, Seriously, there has been enough work here to keep us busy
Jovan Grogan, Kimberly Cutright and Anastasiya Sidorova, who have since we arrived. We had to get unpacked and organized, buy new
contributed greatly to Administration's support efforts. Although they furniture, get a lot of little stuff fixed on the house and get the back
are all extraordinary, I want to give special recognize to Mr. Grogan, yard landscaping done. There was also a lot of administrative stuff
the organizer and leader of the intern team, for his exceptional work to do. Address changes, utilities, driver's license and registrations.
and delightful character. Having now completed his Masters at We do miss our family, our friends, and our co- workers in
Cornell, Jovan will be returning to California in July. Jovan, your work Ithaca, but we are making friends and getting involved in the
was exceptional and your spirit delightful--we will miss you greatly and community out here. But in the evening, while I sit outside and
wish you the very best. Please keep in touch. watch the moon and more stars than I knew existed; I don't miss the
-Steve Whicher
(Sponsored by the Vending Committee) KUDOS Korner
Niagara Falls, Canada, & Marineland Kudos to all County employees from Weights and
When: Saturday, July29th Measures, Highway, Facilities, and Solid Waste who
Cost: Marineland - $30.00/pp ($15.00 - ages 4 and under) were involved (behind the scenes and participants) in
Cost: Niagara Falls - $15.00/pp - Bus only for those wishing to go to the the 2nd Annual Careers in Construction Day, held on
falls or casino for the day. May 2nd at The Field in Lansing.
Minimum of 40 people needed to make this trip possible.
Reservations: Accepted through July 14th. The event was attended by close to 680 students and
chaperones from the following: Built on Pride, Candor
Hangar Theatre's "Hello Dolly" - a delightful musical comedy - good High School, Cortland High School, Cortland Youth
for the whole family! Bureau, Dryden High School, George Junior Republic,
When: Sunday, August 20th Groton High School, Homer High School, Ithaca City
Time: 2:00 p.m., matinee performance High School, Lansing High School, Newfield High
Cost: $10.00/pp School, OCM BOCES, 1S -T BOCES (including the
Reservations: Accepted through August 4 Smith Building), T -S -T Community School, and
Onlv 40 tickets available, and no plans to order extra tickets. Don't wait Trumansburg High School. The event was well -
until the last minute to reserve your seats! received by all who attended.
New York City Winter Day Trip
When: Saturday, December 9th
Cost: $30.00/pp TONY RUDY, A.A.E.
Leave: 7:00 a.m. SHARP! (from the Tompkins County Highway
Department Facility on Bostwick Road)
Arrive: Around noon, at Radio City Music Hall (501h St. and Ave. of the
Americas) or Macy's (34th St. and 7th Ave.). You're on your own to
explore the vast and exciting city.
Departure: From Radio City Music Hall at 8:00 p.m.
Arrive: Back in Ithaca around midnight.
Minimum of 40 people needed to make this trip possible. Call now for
reservations or for additional information. •
Reservations: Accepted through November 2+d.
Considering Buffalo Bills Game...
Interested in attending a Buffalo Bills football game this fall. A minimum On Sunday April 23, 2006, Tony Rudy, Assistant Airport
of 40 people would be needed to make This trip possible, with a deposit Manager at the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport passed the
required at sign -up. Contact Patty Stamm, 274 -6674. third and final phase of the rigorous Association of American
Airport Executives (AAAE) exam to become an Accredited
Something to think about... Airport Executive. To become accredited candidates must:
The commissions from vending machines help 10 subsidize our trips and • Pass a 180- question written exam;
activities. In addition, the Vending Committee helps to fund memorials Write management research paper of 30 -50 pages for
and appl iance purchases, as well as providing $5.00 per employee per e a mana g p p er p g
year to be used for parties, picnics, etc. Commissions are needed. the AAAE Library that provides guidance in dealing with
Meetings are held once every two or three months, for about an hour. a unique aspect of airport management or operations;
For more information or to suggest a commissioner, please contact: and
Patty Stamm at the Health Department, 274 - 6674. • Undergo a 2 -hour oral examination by a panel of airport
executives dealing with all aspects of airport
Pilot Bus Pass Project management and operations. This panel covers Planning
(continued from page 1) & Engineering, Operations & Maintenance,
Pilot Project Details:
• Only Tompkins County employees are eligible. Communications & Marketing, and Finance &
• Bus passes apply only to TCAT buses and are to be used for commuting to Administration.
and from work. Typically, the accreditation process takes between three and
• If you currently have a bus pass or coupons issued by the Budget and five years. This is a highly regarded achievement within the
Finance Office, please return them to Personnel when requesting the new national airport community. Currently there are approximately
pass. 350 accredited airport executives in the country including just
• CSEA employees who work in downtown complexes and currently receive
reimbursement fora bus pass from an alternate bus service provider will 3 (now 4) in New York State.
continue to be reimbursed at the current TCAT monthly rate.
• For information on bus routes, schedules, and locations of Park & Rides Submit kudos articles to Geri Lockwood at
locations, go to wwwtcatbus.com or call (607) 277 -RIDE. giockwooda@tompkins co.org.
Questions? Please contact Personnel at 274 -5526.
25 -Fear Club Members
DSS Personnel Changes Martin L. Adams* Anthony B. DeLuca* Margaret Kopsa* Linda Pealo
(continued from page 1) Vicky L. Ahola Mark R. Dresser Nancy Jo Krebs* Manuel Posso*
John M. Andersson Brian Earle Lori W. LaFave Debra A. Reid
The Front Desk Reception duties were reorganized to Annette S. Andrews* Patricia S. Eth Lawrence LaPlant* Ann S. Rider*
better meet the need of our clients. The goal is to have Margaret M. Arcangeli Hazel Eva* John R. Lampman Michael F. Rogers
expedited services and streamlined processes. Denise Audrey J. Balander Donna D. Evershed* Donald G. Lawson* Terry A. Royce
Sanders and Suzanne Hillman are moving to the Front Maryanne M. Banks Richard J. Ewald Elizabeth E. Loiselle* Mark Scorelle
End Unit at the Front Desk as Examiners on May 1s. John P. Beach* Julia E. Ferris Joseph B. Longo* Joan P. Sheffield*
Other folks in the Agency that are making a difference in Steven H. Bider* Anita M. Fitzpatrick Zoltan Lovey * Gary F. Shippos*
the Department of Social Service and the public are: Karen Bishop Carol A. Franco Robert Mabee * Elicia J. Spencer
Marjorie Boykin * Patricia Galbraith John A. MacLean * Patricia A. Stamm
Mary Rounds coordinated DSS workers for a walk at Elizabeth R. Bosman Clara Goodman* Scott C. McCown Raymond J. Stark*
Stewart Park for the Arthritis Foundation on Saturday, Joan E. Brock* Denise Green Louise McEwen* Cynthia L. Stillwell
May 6h. Twenty -one folks signed up for the walk Jean Brockway Stuart A. Grinnell Yvonne M. McGinnis Richard A. Stoughton*
because of Marys encouragement. The group's Carl D. Burgess* Emery B. Guest* Penny F. McGuire James W. Strehle
name was The Angels" The weather was not very Shirley Burun* Duane Van Hartman* Dwight E. Mengel Deborah Kay Strite
pleasant with the cold, rain, and wind, but it didn't Rebecca Bush* Harold J. Herman* Ted Merritt* Christine Strizack
stop them. Sharon Campbell* Paula J. Herman Edward Mikula* David Tanner*
Michael E. Carlisle* James Hill* John Miller* Gary M. Teeter*
Betty Streeter has coordinated a salad luncheon once Sherry L. Carmon Robert J. Hillick* Judith R. Miller* Carleton Thar a week. Anyone in the Department of Social Philip Chaffee Bridie Hockenberry* Harry Missirian* Linda Thayer*
Services can contribute a salad item and join the David A. Chase Deborah Lee Horton William J. Mobbs* Michael P..Totman
luncheon. One week was themed Toss Salad, James N. Clasby* Robert L. Howard* Anna Moses* Carla A. Trenchard
followed by Taco Salad, and Fruit Salad. Jean Clemons* Phyllis B. Howell* John E. Navarro Judy L. Tynyk*
Edie Spaulding enjoys gardening in her spare time Peter Coats Lois I. Hulbert Cheryl Ann Nelson Roger E. Vargo*
and grows a large plot of Daffodils, Roses, Lilacs, Cheryl Conover* Ward Hungerford* Faith Newkirk- Harris Lawrence Ward*
and Day Lilies of assorted colors, which she brings in Donald J. Culligan* Hugh G. Hurlbut* James R. Niemi Thomas A. Weber Jr.
for the DSS clients and co- workers to enjoy. She Harris B. Dates* Richard R. Jackson Calvin Nobles, Jr . * Ernestine Wright
frequently makes beautifully decorated cakes and Barbara Davieds Beth Jenkins* Jeffrey E. Norman* Bernice A. Yarosh
other sweets to share. John Davis* Susan D. Jones Ronald E. Ostrander Jean Yaw*
Every year Tricia Eth and Sherry Carmon do a DSS Arthur D. Dawson* Rebecca J. Kafka Leroy Parks* Jacqueline K. Yoder*
Michael Day* Shirley M. Kane John E. Payne* Nancy B. Zahler
second floor eligibility luncheon or breakfast with a Sharon L. Dean Edward A. Kellogg Thomas G. Payne* *Retired
new annual theme.
Airport's Anniversary
cisal (continued from page 1)
There was even a verbal lease for a dwelling house
Local 1000AF9CME,AfI -CIO at No. 38 Sapsucker Woods Road. A certain Major W.
Coburn was told he could occupy the premises until
MARK YOUR CALENDARS ! ! ! June 1957."
Amazingly, the Mohawk administration building and
CSEA Local 855 2006 Employee Recognition Picnic some of the old hangars still stand, awaiting a wrecking
Date: Saturday, August 19th ball as soon as Phase III of Taughannock Aviation's
Time: 12:00 p.m. redevelopment program is complete. As you might
expect, in the 50 years of County ownership the airport
Location: Stewart Park has seen several major development projects. These
include a runway extension in 1993, the creation of the
(Registration folnzs to be mailed at cr later date) new terminal complex in 1994, and the undertaking of tvuc
of the three phases for a new general aviation facility. All
Baby Announcements told over $25 million (mostly ederal funds) has been
spent on these improvements. It is also noteworthy that
Parents:: Leslyn McBean- Clairborne & J.R. Clairborne during the five-decade period there have only been three
Baby: Indira Martine Clairborne, March 10,2006 airport managers.
Finally, you may be interested to know that fifty
Grandparents: lretta & Don Ellis years ago when the County was buying the airport for
Baby: CJ, April 30, 2006 $324,500, the average income was $4,454, a Ford car
could be purchased for $1,748, the average house cost
Grandparents: Geri &Albert Lockwood $22,000, a postage stamp was $0.03, a 6 -pack 01
Baby: Sharla Elizabelle Lockwood, May 25, 2006 Rheingold Beer (12 oz. size) was $1.20, and most
depressing of all, gas was $0.23 a gallon.
Employee Spotlight
Marc Catone is a receptionist for the Solid Waste
Management Division and has worked there for 6
years. His duties are to answer questions that relate
to recycling and garbage, and sell solid waste
permits and disposal coupons. Marc's favorite part
of the job is knowing that the Solid Waste Division
makes a difference in protecting the environment
in Tompkins County. His least-liked part of the job
are grumpy customers.
His outside interests are reading, writing and
listening to music. If he ran the world, the first
thing he would do is `issue a decree to make the
combination of ketchup on a hot dog against the
Meet Ida "P -Nut" Besemer who has worked for
Facilities since December 2005, as a Temporary Marc has written two very popular books. He is
Cleaner at Solid Waste and the Public Works the author of "As I Write this Letter." It is a story
Facility. She has worked for the County off and on of an American Generation remembering The
for three years, with two years as a Seasonal Worker Beatles. He has just published his second book,
for the Highway Division. "The Giant's Chair," a fictional book based
heavily on Marc's life. It takes place during the
She likes the pay and enjoys the people, but prefers 1960's. His latest book can be found on
being outside in the summer. Outside work interests Amazon.com. I am sure Marc is not finishing
are her 54 animals. She has two dogs, Sadie and writing and we will see another book from him in
Sissy (Sissy recently added a large addition to the the future.
"family" with her 10 new "rotty" puppies). She's
had one African Grey Parrot, Cosmo, for 10 years.
Cosmo says, "Good morning, Mama," to her in the
morning before she leaves for work. She also has
three roosters and 38 baby chickens, all of which
wear `very colorful ankle bracelets." She says, "I
treat my chickens just like my dogs, they are all my
pets. I wouldn't get rid of, or eat, any of them. I
love them all."
The first thing she would do if she ran the world 4
would be `fire the person that hired me, not a good
move" (she has quite a sense of humor, and keeps 't`
everyone on their toes). She would actually take a
week off and not have it deducted from her
paycheck. Then, she would head for Las Vegas. w
She would also `put the world on hold." Grants
xiar j �►
Employee Spotlight, continued...
x Ron Schoneman, TC Mental Health Forensic Unit
Employee Fitness Spotlight Interview
1. When did you start your fitness program and
I started exercising in 1982. I have always played
4, softball and baseball. During the summer of 82, I
e2.71.. s°"- played softball four nights a week. I was also smoking 1
1/2 packs of cigarettes per day.
I wanted to quit. With the help of friends, I did. I also
knew that once ball season was over, smoking could
it. 4 become an issue. I then took up running. Running kept
the weight off. Later I joined a fitness club at Clinton
r »'...
g Plaza. This went out of business and I joined another
for a while. Now, I continue to work out and run at least
..1...- . : :1 :: : ? :::. _; I III
4 times a week. It helps relieve stress, keeps the
weight off and has helped with strength, especially as I
2. What is your favorite form of exercise and why?
Fran Armstrong is the payroll coordinator for the My two favorite forms of exercise are running and
Comptroller's office and has worked there for 22 playing softball during the summer. I run year round.
However, my knee is starting to rebel. Now I'm looking
years this month. During her 22 years, she has held for alternatives to running that do not stress the knees
various positions — typist, account clerk, payroll clerk as much. I continue to exercise for the same reasons I
started to exercise 24 years ago.
and now payroll coordinator. Her current duties are
3. Have you noticed any benefit from your activity
entering in time cards, printing checks, producing and what are they?
government reports, maintaining and balance The benefits are many. They include maintaining a low
heart rate, usually between 48 and 54 heartbeats per
payroll records, as well as performing research for minute. My blood pressure is normal, my body weight is
stabile (except for the winter weight), my health is good
the retirement system. Her favorite parts of the job (I have a family history of diabetes, cancer and heart
with figures, making things balance out disease), my strength has improved and I have an
are working g g g overall feeling of being well.
and helping employees with their questions. She
4. What inspires you to continue your fitness
also likes it when a difficult project comes together. program?
The least -liked part of her job is the politics. Her Inspiration is seeing the benefit — physical and
emotional -- of a fitness program.
outside interests are golf, crocheting, knitting,
5. If you were asked for a statement about health
traveling, and spending time with her husband, kids, what would it be?
grandkids and family. If she ran the world, the first To quote an old saying, "If I knew that I was going to
live this long, I would have taken better care of myself."
thing she would do is "make healthcare available to This seems to apply to most of us. I never realized the
importance of eating properly, exercising, and getting
everyone and try to make life easier for the elderly enough rest until my early 30's. Then, I made many that I have
so they wouldn't lose everything if they became ill benefited from those changes. If I had e continued to
and couldn't take care of themselves." smoke as much as I did 24 years ago, I'm sure I would
be dealing with a multitude of medical complications.
Now, health and fitness are important to me.
Department News
Department of Emergency Response
The following is an excerpt from an article published
in the Ithaca Journal , April 14, 2006, submitted by Lin Hurd AINIMPOIROINAMOIN
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week was April 9 — 15, 2006. "la=
The Tompkins County 911 Center, located in the new Department of
Emergency Response facility adjacent to the airport on Brown Road, employs
20 full -time Emergency Services Dispatchers. They provide dispatch
services for eight police agencies, 18 fire and rescue agencies, and five - . . _
ambulance services. They answer approximately 14,000 calls per month,
including 911, wireless, non - emergency, and administrative lines, and they *M
dispatch emergency responders to approximately 4000 calls per month.
Dispatchers connect with the anxious conversations of terrified victims, angry
informants, suicidal citizens, and apprehensive responders. They are the
influence for all of them- the quiet, competent voices in the night that '_
provide the pillars for the bridges of sanity and safety. They must gather ` 9
information from highly agitated people who can remember where they live, • k
what their name is, where they are, or what they just saw. And then, they are
to calmly provide all that information to the officers, firefighters, or
paramedics without error the first time and every time.
Dispatchers are expected to be able to do five things at once -and do them Department of Social Services
well. While questioning a frantic caller, they must type the information into a
computer, tip off another dispatcher, put another caller on hold, and run a Foster Care /Adoption Informational
license plate for an officer. To miss the plate number may raise the officer's
ire; to miss the caller's information may endangerthe same officer's life. Meetings
Submitted by Ellie Arnold
Dispatchers have two constant companions, other dispatchers and stress.
They depend on one, and try to ignore the other. They are chastened by To anyone who may be considering
upset callers, taken for granted by the public, and questioned by the field becoming a foster parent or adoptive parent
units. The rewards they get are inexpensive and infrequent, except for the
satisfaction they feel at the end of a shift, having done what they were and wants more information, Tompkins
expected to do. They are people who were selected in a difficult hiring
process to do a nearly impossible job. They are as different and unique as County Department of Social Services will
fingerprints, but they have one thing in common: they care about people, and hold informational meetings at the Human
they enjoy being the lifeline of society -that steady voice in a storm -the one
who knows how to handle every emergency, and do it with style and grace, Services Building, Room 142, 320 W.
integrity and competence.
State St., Ithaca, NY on July 13 and August
Dispatchers play many roles: therapist, doctor, lawyer, teacher, weatherman, 10, 2006. (These informational meetings
guidance counselor, psychologist, priest, secretary, supervisor, politician, and
reporter. And few people must jump through the emotional hoops on the trip are held every 2nd Thursday ofthe month.)
through the joy of one caller's new baby, the terror of a house fire, the fear of Tompkins County especially needs homes
another caller's burglary in progress, the anger of a neighbor blocked in their
driveway, and back to the new baby caller, all in a two - minute time frame. in the Ithaca City School District and for
The emotional rollercoaster rolls to a stop after an eight-hour shift, and they
are expected to walk out to their cars with steady feet and no queasiness in teenagers.
their stomach-because they are dispatchers. If they hold it in, they are too
closed. If they talk about it, they are labeled a whiner. If it bothers them, it
adds more stress. If it doesn't, they question themselves, wandering why. Please call 274 -5266 for more information.
Department News, continued...
Department of Personnel Appointments
Diversity & Inclusion
By Heather Stewart
You may have heard that DIVERSITY and INCLUSION have become priorities for Tompkins Administration welcomes
County. So what does that really mean? It means that the County has renewed its commitment to Doreen Lauper back to
recognizing, respecting, learning about and learning from the differences and similarities each
individual brings to the work of Tompkins County government. It also means taking appropriate County Government. In
measures to recruit, hire and retain employees who add to the diversity of the organization. April, Doreen accepted a
Secretary position in
We all contribute to diversity because each of us is unique — but an organization comprised of all Administration. Prior to this
one race or gender is not as diverse as one that includes both men and women with varying racial position, Doreen worked in
and ethnic backgrounds. Race, nationality, gender, age, perceived or real sexual identity or
preference, ability /disability, veteran status, educational background and socio- economic status are Assigned Counsel for 13
among many factors that contribute to diversity. Other characteristics such as being extremely years before her departure in
organized or having a wonderful sense of humor also contribute to diversity— but to a lesser degree. 2003.
A workforce is made stronger by including different types of people who bring with them different Assessment
perspectives, ideas, and knowledge to meet a common goal. We should applaud the initial steps
the County has taken to meet its mission in having the composition of its employees reflect the The Department of
communities it serves. Those initial steps include: Assessment is pleased to
announce the permanent
• The establishment of the Workforce Diversity & Inclusion Committee (WDIC) (chaired by addition of Jaycee Smith to its
Legislator Leslyn McBean - Clairborne) — a committee of employees, community members, staff. Jaycee will serve as a
legislators, diversity professionals and other interested parties.
• Charging the WDIC to develop a draft diversity and inclusion plan for the County. Receptionist for this
• Charging The Management Team, County Administrator, and the Commissioner of department.
Personnel to work together to create a Workforce Diversity Plan that will eventually work
in conjunction with the Diversity and Inclusion Plan, but is utilized for new hires, lateral DMV
moves and promotions. Roxanne Iacovelli has been
• Maintaining active membership in the Diversity Consortium of Tompkins County — an appointed to Motor Vehicle
organization whose mission is to be a catalyst to enhance awareness, networking, support
and best practices of diversity and its benefits as an essential part of organizational Bureau Supervisor, replacing
success. Its primary objectives are to cultivate a continuous learning environment, Penny McGuire, who retired
promote a positive community image, and to serve as a liaison for diversity resources. after 22 years in the position.
• The approval of a County Diversity Statement Roxanne has 11+ years of
Tompkins County Diversity Statement* DMV experience. More
Tompkins County government is committed to creating a diverse and fully inclusive workplace that recentl for the past 6 1/2
strengthens our organization and enhances our ability to adapt to change by developing and years, she was a Personnel
maintaining: an organization -wide understanding and acceptance of the purpose and reasons for Assistant in the Personnel
diversity; recruitment and retention policies that assure a diverse workforce; a workplace Department.
environment that is welcoming and supportive of all; awareness, understanding, and education
regarding diversity issues; zero tolerance for expressions of discrimination, bias, harassment, or
negative stereotyping toward any person or group; and a workforce ethic that embraces diversity HiUhwav
and makes it the norm for all interactions, including delivery of services to the public. Tompkins County Highway
welcomes Kurt Kvasny, Civil
*Unanimously adopted by the Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Committee Engineer, who joined our
June 22, 2005. Unanimously approved by the Tompkins County Legislature, July 5, 2005. division on May 1st.
We are very excited about this process and need the input and cooperation of everyone. If you are
interested or have any ideas to share please do not hesitate to contact Heather Stewart, Tompkins Facilities
County Personnel at 274 -5526. Facilities welcomes Mike
Merchant, HVAC, who joined
our division on May lst.
Department News, continued...
Highway Highlights... Don't stand in line at the
By Geri Lockwood DMV!
Summer Road Projects: County Employees, V
The summer road repair /reconstruction schedule is tentatively complete. The County Clerk will accept renewal
However, oil prices will affect the completion of the entire schedule. The roads
planned for major repair /reconstruction are listed on the website, applications, etc., via inter - office mail and
htto: / /www.tompkins- co.org /highwav /, which is updated on a monthly basis. return the completed product in the same
The tentative summer projects schedule for Tompkins County Highway includes manner. The County Clerk needs your
Black Oak Road, Iradell Road, Sheldon Road, etc. Fora complete listing of business, as we do not obtain any
road and /or bridge projects and closings, as well as scheduled public meetings
regarding major projects, please visit our website. remuneration from NYS unless the work is
One of our crews has completed replacing road crossing culvert pipes and all processed through the local office. Our office
related drainage on Lansingville Road. The road resurfacing will be scheduled supports itself by retaining 12.7% of all gross
fora later date.
funds received, however, transactions mailed
McLean- Cortland Road reconstruction, from Gulf Hill Road to the section that to Albany or completed on - line provide no
was reconstructed in 2003 (approximately 1 /2 mile from the Cortland County
line), is underway. Suit -Kote Corporation is the contractor for this project. local support. Please support your local DMV
and help keep our tax dollars here, not in
Please use extreme caution when traveling through work zones, and
adhere to work zone speed limits. Thank you for helping to keep our Albany.
workers safe! Contact: avalenti@tompkins
Is It Paint, or...ls It Not? -
The "painted" stop bars, arrows, etc., on County roads are sometimes a ��
thermoplastic material, impregnated with glass beads throughout for retro
reflectivity. The material is 90 -120 mils thick; depending on what product is - F�
used. This material is normally applied with a torch, which bonds it to the
asphalt surface. — — _
DMV & County Clerk. I3iq Farewell �
penny McGuire, Sandy Lacko & Jo Ann Qay , ,'
Penny McGuire, the Motor Vehicle Bureau Supervisor retired May 19 from the Motor • - 10101' f
Vehicles Department. Penny worked at DMV for 28 years. During 22 of those years,
Penny served as the supervisor. Sandy Lacko on retired April 28th after 20 years as a —
Motor Vehicle Examiner with the DMV. They both intend to spend more time with their
families, especially their grandchildren.
At the County Clerk's Office, Jo Ann Ray retired on May 12 after 16 years as a Senior Environmental Health Department
Recording Clerk. She and her husband are relocating to Kentucky to enjoy a fairer
climate. Good luck and best wishes to them! Rabies — What you should know...
c For information regarding rabies, and for
the rabies clinic schedule, please go to
y www.tompkins- co.org/health /eh /index.htm kabies
f f'
Contact: Frank Chase, Public Sanitarian
• . , i 274 -6688. 1
M i. : . , . , . t1 1 r I w
Department News, continued...
• Look for the official seal on weighing and measuring devices. It indicates that the device has been tested
and approved by your local Director of Weights and Measures.
• Make sure the scale reads zero before the commodity is placed on the scale and watch the indicator when
the weight is being determined.
• Make use of the customer scale; it is there for your convenience. Compare the labeled weight and value
with the scale indicator.
• Comrroclities sold by weight must be sold by net weight. Net weight is the actual weight of the commodity,
exclusive of the weight of the wrapper or container.
• If you have reastr to believe you did not get correct weight or measure, contact your Iocal Director of
Weights and Measures immediately. He/She will be more than pleased to assist you
• All weighing and measuring devices (gas pumps, scales, fuel oil meters. measuring containers, etc.) must
be examined fa type approval before they can be sold or used in New York State.
• All weighing and measuring devices used commercially in New York State must be tested at least once
annually by your local Director of Weights and Measures.
• All weighing and measuring devices that fail to conform with official standards shall be condemned.
• All commodities must be sold by net weight, standard measure or numerical count
• All commodity containers must bear a plain and conspicuous statement of the net quantity of the consents.
• Scales used in over -the- counter purchases must be in plain view of the custcmer.
• All food or food products which are packaged or wrapped by the retailer in advance of being exposed or
offered for sale by the retaier shall be accurately marked with (a) the net weight. standard measure or
numerical count; (b) the seling price per pound or unit of standard measure and (c) the total selling price.
• Whenever food or food products are packaged or wrapped by the retailer fn advance of being exposed or
offered for sale, an accurate computing scale must be easily accessible to customers. A prominent and
conspicuous sign reading 'for customer use shall be displayed on or near such scale.
The above sections of the Law are for yow- protection. You cart help make them more effective by reporting any violations
to your local Director of Woiahto and Measures.
Classified Ads
Free - Domestic geese, white and grey /white. All ages. We have Aluminum Rims (4) Ex. Cond., will fit Honda
way too many! Please call 564 -7517 - evenings. Accord DX, and Honda Civic Hatchback. Size 5
- - -- — - - - - -- - - --
1/2" by 14" from 1989 Acura Legend, safety lock on
Free - 2 sets of used un insulated primed steel overhead garage center cap for security. Great for winter snows.
doors - have windows and raised paneled styling - no dents, no rust, Asking $200.00 for all 4, digital photos available, call
very good to excellent condition when they were taken down - 607 - 836 -6136 evenings, or Email: rpb2 @cornell.edu.
comes with rails and hanging hardware - all in excellent condition -
stored meticulously - wrapped up tightly, so you'll have to take Antique Sofa — Madison Empire, 7' long, standard
them "as is "- all wrapped up. Contact Mary Harper: height, rose carvings, horsehair stuffing and springs,
messages: 607- 351 -3900 or Email: mhlee[awcny.rr.com. wood is in gorgeous condition, constructed of
rosewood and walnut, new fabric in the 1950's -
Free! - Vinyl siding. Light blue. We have removed the vinyl siding mouse damage to fabric on seat, digital photos
from our large house and would rather give it away than throw it available. Asking $800, call 607 - 836 -6136 evenings,
away. Actual quantity is hard to estimate, but probably at least or Email: rpb2 @cornell.edu.
1,500 feet. Would be ideal to use for a shed or other out building.
Email: tedschiele@yahoo.com. Antique Victorian Bedroom Suite — Exc. Cond. -
- ---- --- --- -- -- Orate overlays on all pieces, Headboard, footboard,
NIC'S KIDS FUNCARE - Licensed Home Daycare. Trained First sideboards, Ladies dresser w/ mirror, and Chest of
Aid / CPR / MAT (medicine administering). Groton schools. Call drawers and Nightstand. Nearly new mattress set
Nicole at (607) 898 -5976. also available. Digital photos available , Asking $700
for all, call 607 - 836 -6136 evenings, or Email
Reasonable Rates - for brush hogging, backhoe work, field rpb2 @cornell.edu.
mowing, stonewalls, patios & sidewalks, deliver gravel & dirt, and ---
other odds & ends. Call Bill 659 - 3320. Home Interiors and Gifts, and Better Homes and
Gardens line of interior decorating products for sale.
To view the complete line visit
_ �- Dog Dayz Inn www.homeinteriors.com
A place where your No shipping and handling, free delivery, order direct,
dog feels a t home" or hold a party and earn free products. Bridal
registries available. For more information, call or
Located in North Lansing Email Rayne Butler at 607 - 836 -6136 or
Sandy Strehle rpb2 @cornell.edu.
315 -497 -3467 For Sale: 23 ft. Nomad pull camper, excellent
condition, shower, bath, refrigerator, oven, air
dogdayzinn@vahoo.com com conditioning, heater, good tires, plus many extras.
\111/4. , -r $5,000 firm. eas8 @cornell.edu or 607 279 -7718.
Www. dogdayzinn. com
For Sale : Rotweiller Puppies: Six males, four
For Sale: 1988 Class C Jayco Motor home. Excellent shape. Runs females, born 4/19/06, will be ready 6/14/06. $250
great. Call 838 -3021 after 5 pm. each, $50 deposit will hold puppy. Contact Peanut at
279 -3806 or 279 - 0615.
Dyer Construction - The Decking Specialist Horse Training Aids - Leather draw reins with brass
*Decks *Roofing *Sheds Siding *Porches *Pole hams pulleys, Ex. used once, new $44.95, asking $35.00.
*Kitchens/baths *Replacement Windows General carpentry Call: Nylon lunging attachment, clips on each side of bit or
(607) 589 -6156 or (607) 279 -7971 halter w/ large center ring to attach lunge line new,
Wanted: Used trumpet for a beginner. Please contact Sara @ never used- asking $5.00. Call 607- 836 -6136
(315) 252 -7928. evening, or Email rpb2 @cornell.edu.
For Sale: Large stainless steal rabbit or animal cage with For Sale: Sega Genesis game system, 2 hand
feeder and water receptacles. $45.00 firm. Call (607) 257- controllers, 1 joystick controller, 10 games. $40. Call
1643 after 5pm asking for Edie. Theresa @ 277 -6326.
Classified Ads, continued...
Starcraft Supersport Boat 1977 — 18', well maintained, For Sale: Petra Lingerie overstock. Sizes ranging from
120hp OMC I/O, only 690 hrs., open bow w/ walk through small to x.Large. Too many to list all. Great discount
windshield, needs new canvas. Includes heavy duty, E.Z prices. Call (607) 257 -1643 after 5pm askfor Edie.
Load trailer. Interphase fish finder & 2 Canon down-riggers ---
also available, $2500 takes it all. Digital photos available, call For Sale: Petra Fashion lingerie at discounted prices of
607 - 836 -6136 evenings, or Email rpb2@acornell.edu. overstock. Too many items to list and sizes ranging from
small to 1X. Petra sold out to Pure Romance, so call now
(607) 257 -1643 after 5PM. Also, professional show
rabbit cage for sale. $25 firm.
1/ .4 a _Ac.. l
Free!: A loving dog needs a loving home. Nala, 10yrs,
- - 431bs, yellow lab mix. Home - trained, has all shots, and
medical history available. Loves to play, give and
needed attention. Call (917) 204 -4871 or email
0 04 IUQb idg32@cornell.edu for more info.
Shared Living Quarters : 6- person coop close to Cornell & Nei
Commons, furnished, shared meals, laundry, on bus route. ;: -1
$370 inc. heat. Aug 1 256 -7206.
Arbonne International - A true health and wellness -
company specializing in 100% pure, safe and beneficial Forward cl ssffied ads to Maureen Reynolds at the Office of
products. Try it before you buy it ... nutrition, skin care, , the County Clerk, snrevnoldst ompJdns -co. o g
aromatherapy, weight loss, cosmetics. Please call Karen
Cornell at 607 - 347 -6567 or Email kdavis100@atwcny.rr.com. Corridors is printed on 30% recycled paper.
For Sale: One "Temperpedic" mattress top, queen size. You Managing ort
Linnett Shport, ,
SW Mgmt Division
pick-up. Willing to include queen mattress and box springs Editorial Staff
too. All for the low price of $100.00 (OBO). (Original price Geri Lockwood, Highway
of top was $800.00, used one year. Call 607 -351 -0221. Sara Stark, DSS
Maureen Reynolds, Clerk
For Sale: Harmon Magnafire Series Coal Stove. Door glass Debra Patterson, DSS
and brass trim kit. Able to generate up to 80,000 BTUs and Edie Spaulding, DSS
burn for over 24 hours. Up to 2,000 sq ft heating capacity. Multiculturr ltu Et - - Open
Over $1,500 new - asking $500. Call Jim after 4:00 PM Advising Editor, Page Layout
weekdays or weekends @ 387 -9394. Jovan Grogan, Public Information
For Sale: 2003 Honda XR100R Off -Road Motorcycle. Like All County Employees and Retirees
new - well cared for. New around $1,600 - asking $1,200.
Jim after 4:00 PM weekdays or weekends @ 387 -9394.
For Sale: 1987 19' Prowler Lynx Pull Behind Camper -
$3200. Awning - new tires - refrigerator /freezer - stove/oven FUNNY ONE_S
— sink bunk/storage table/bed - couch/bed - tub /shower, sink, My kindergarten-aged daughter suddenly announced just
toilet. Call 387 -6862. before school that she needed to take a clean tee shirt to
For Sale: Solid Oak Curio Cabinet - 25 "w x 14 "d x 76 "h - class. She told us the teacher was going to iron an anti drug Recessed dome light - side door - 8 adjustable shelves - Plate message on it. My wife frantically swept through
my daughter's room, finding nothing usable but one tee
glass. mirror back -Price is $ 400.00. If interested call 607-
g lass 1. shirt that already had something printed on one side. She
sent it off to school with my daughter.
For Sale: Lane recliner - forest green, 2 years old. Rarely That afternoon, my daughter returned and happily
used and in excellent condition. $200.00 Call (607) 342 -5652. showed off her shirt. On one side it said, "Families are
Forever." And on the other, "Be Smart, Don't Start."