HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04 CCU %TY A i e..** slett* r fcr
Lrili k 'ees and 1. etlrees c f
Tcrirrnkiris Cturrts
CCU 1 ID 4D IQ S Volume 16
Number 4
Highway Highlights...
by Joe Stacy
Ever try a group hug? Some members of Group hugs consist of two or more people
the County Highway Department have huddling around the individual involved
discovered a way to promote unity, and giving them a rowdy hug. When the
relieve frustrations, and have a little fun. hug is completed, the stress and tension
has been relieved, and the problem can
Working as a team can often lead to be addressed with a fresh perspective.
disagreements and frustration among
team members. When this occurs at the This technique has been so effective
Highway Department, the familiar call of that is was listed as a 2002 Highway
"Time for a Group Hug ", followed by Department accomplishment!
sounds of laughter, can be heard echoing
throughout the building.
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Left to right — Mike Rogers, Joe Stacy, Matt Whittemore (the unsuspecting "hugee "), Steve
Mente, and Dave O'Brien.
Congressman Hinchey to cover the cost of much of the
REPORT equipment. If all goes well, there is a possibility that the
entire project will be completed at a minimum cost to
FROM r� y7� Tompkins County taxpayers.
THE COUNTY Many thanks to Lee Shurtleff, Mikel Shakarjian, Jonathan
Wood, David Squires, and Arel LeMaro for getting us this
ADMINISTRATOR far. And for her undying drive and inspiration a special
�,. thanks to Barbara Blanchard who reminds us constantly
that We will get this project done".
By Stephen Whicher
If you drive up Brown Road, past the airport entrance and
just past the Crash/Fire /Rescue building you will see the
beginnings of a new County building. To be known as the 1`
Emergency Response Center (ERC), this facility will GO
house the countywide consolidated dispatch operations,
the Department of Emergency Response and the *i n S
Emergency Operations Center. They will be the lynch -pin
of the proposed emergency communications system. Household
As the ERC is being constructed, it will be integrated into Waste
the existing communication system. Once the center is up
and running we will begin the process of rebuilding the CA
', Management
communication system itself. The goal of both projects is ! Program
to improve communication interoperability among mutual
aid response agencies in Tompkins County. The projects
will protect the health and welfare of first responders and The 2003 Household Hazardous Waste
the public by improving the efficiency and effectiveness
of response and recovery efforts, currently threatened by Collection Dates
unreliable communications between and among the
responders. The proposed projects are part of an
integrated, multifaceted program to address our critical To bring your household hazardous waste to the
public safety communication problems, (see website: b.E.P.O.T. you must call 273 -4496 to sign -up. The
http:// www .tompkins- co.ora /pubinfo /pscs) and are a 2003 collection events will take place on:
prerequisite for successful implementation of the
Tompkins County Emergency Management Plan.
April 19
Many people have asked how Tompkins County can June 21
possibly afford to build a new building and August 16
communications system at a cost of nearly $20,000,000 September 20
while facing the known budget challenges. The answer is November 15
that, given the condition of the existing facilities, the
Legislature has little choice. These events operate from 8am -2pm and fall on the
We would be hard pressed to fund the project if monies third Saturday of the month.
from the tobacco settlement were not available. In
addition, the County has initiated a partnership with a To participate you must call 273 -4496 to use the
New York State effort called the "Statewide Wireless D.E.P.O.T.
Network" (SWN). It is hoped that this partnership will
result in SWN carrying the lion's share of the The Tompkins County Household Hazardous Waste
communication system portion of the overall project. The
County is also in the process of applying for member item Collection Program is partially funded by the NYS
money from our Senators Schumer and Clinton as well as Department of Environmental Conservation.
vo ure
The Tompkins County Legislature cordially= invites you to join them in
honoring this year's inductees into the Tompkins County 25 -Year Club at a dinner
to be held at the Clarion University Hotel, 1 Sheraton Drive, Ithaca, New York on
May 15, 2003. There will be a social hour from 5:30 until 6:30 and a banquet
dinner at 6:30 p.m. Reservations, including payment of $15.00 per person, must be
received by May 1, 2003. There is no charge to 25 -Year Club members and their
This year's new inductees
David A. Chase --- Dept. of Social Services
Denise Green --- Dept. of Social Services
Penny P. McGuire --- Dept. of Motor Vehicles
I will attend the 25 -Year Club Dinner on Thursday, May 15, 2003
Number Attending: Amount Enclosed:
Contact Number:
Name of Guest:
Please make checks payable to TOMPKINS COUNTY and send to Tompkins County Personnel Department,
125 East Court Street Ithaca, New York 14850.
4r, A 1 Submitted by Terrie Upcoming Vending Committee
Crane, ACS trips:
RELAY Volunteer New York City Spring Trip
FOR LIFE When: Saturday, May 3rd
Irg Cost: $25.00/pp
The response to this spring trip has been so good in the past
that we decided to sponsor our own bus this time. We will
leave from the Tompkins County Highway Department
Facility on Bostwick Road at 7:00 A.M. sharp, with expected
arrival in New York City around noon. You will be let off at
I am a volunteer for the American Cancer Society Radio City Music Hall (50th St. and Ave. of the Americas) or
Relay for Life here in Ithaca. Relay for Life is a Macy's (34th St. and 7th Ave.). You're on your own to
celebration of survivorship and community and a explore the vast and exciting city, and enjoy your own
interests. Departure will be from Radio City Music Hall at
event which I think many County employees members 8:00 P.M., arriving back in Ithaca around midnight.
may be interested in. Minimum of 40 people needed to make this trip possible.
Reservations must be received by April 4th. Call for
Relay for Life is the #1 non- profit fund- raising additional information.
activity in the world! It is a unique overnight activity
that brings our community together to participate in Turning Stone Casino /Bingo
When: Saturday, June 7th
the fight against cancer. In 2002, Relay events Cost: $10. /pp
raised over $243,000,000 in the US alone. This This includes bus transportation and either a Casino or Bingo
event was held in over 3800 communities across the Bonus Coupon Package valued at approximately $30.00 /pp.
USA. More than 450,000 cancer survivors were The bus will leave Ithaca at 8:30 A.M. and expected arrival
honored during these events. On July 11 and 12 the back to Ithaca will be 7:00 P.M. Reservations must be
received by May 9th.
Tompkins County community will be holding our very
own Relay for Life event at the Ithaca High School Upcoming trips...more information to follow!
Track. Sterling Renaissance Festival
When: Saturday, July 12 Cost: $20.00 /pp (minimum of 30
For five years, Tompkins County has hosted a Relay people)
for Life. Last year, there were more than 80 Relay
Hangar Theatre presents "My Fair Lady"
teams, with 1400 participants who raised an When: Sunday, July 20th, 3:00 P.M. Matinee; Cost: $7.50 /pp
impressive $171,000. We want 2003 to be the Only 40 tickets available!
largest event to date, and we need your help to
achieve that. Darien Lake
When: Saturday, August 16 Cost: $20.00/pp; We will only
be taking one bus this year, however we were able to reserve
The American Cancer Society is offering County the "BIG" bus for this event...limit of 57 passengers.
employees the opportunity to put a team together to
represent your family, organization or neighborhood, New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox
and join the rest of our community in raising funds to When: Saturday, September 6 Cost: $70.00 /pp; This is a
Swarthout trip. We have reserved 15 seats on this trip.
fight cancer. This is a fun, team building experience
to share with your family, friends or co- workers and Franklin Mills Fall Shopping Trip
an incredible event that you won't want to miss. When: Saturday, November 1s Cost: $40.00 /pp; This is a
Swarthout trip. We have reserved 10 seats on this trip.
If you are interested in participating or would like New York City Day Trip
additional information call June Losurdo at 227 - 2276. When Saturday, December 6 Cost: $25.00/pp; Seats will go
fast. Call early to make reservations for this trip.
Come and see what the American Cancer Society and
your community are doing to make a difference in the For more information call or e
fight against cancer. Pete Coats - 274 -6688 (pcoats@tompkins- co.org)
Patty Stamm - 274 -6674 (pstamm@tompkins- co.org)
CLASSIFIEDS • To Jennifer (Health Dept.) and Derek Grier, on
the birth of their second baby boy on April 6. His
I name is Dominick Joseph.
For Sale: I • To Bernie Seneca) (Highway), who quietly retired
on March 28 after more than 21 years with the
For sale: Electric and manual wheelchairs, and other Highway Department.
various handicap /disability equipment. For more
information call 607 -659 -4180.
1 Welcome:
For sale: 2001 KX125 dirt bike with complete riding To: Jeff Schenck, who joined the Highway
gear. Ridden only one summer. $3,000 OBO. Call 607- Department on February 18 as a Civil Engineer.
898 -5295.
For sale: ATV - 1999 Yamaha Big Bear. Looks and Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County
runs like new, must see, 80 hrs. Cover, snowplow, employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may
chains, yard cart and garden cultivators all included. be for any purpose, however personal ads will not be
$3,000. All records and manuals also included. Contact accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may
Steven Mente - 607- 898 -3460. be listed in your ad, however, we do need your full name
and County telephone number submitted with the ad in
I Services: I case there are questions. Submit your ad to County
Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Tompkins County
Legislature, Courthouse, Ithaca, NY 14850 via US or
Tioga Technical - Don't kill your computer! Let me help interdepartmental mail or e-mail to: mpottorff @tompkins-
with troubleshooting, training, upgrades - whatever it co. org
takes to get you and your computer working together
again. Call James Keegan at 273 -7957 evenings or NOTE:
weekends. If you would like to modify your classified or want to
run it again, you must re- submit it!
Tense? Stressed? Achy? Therapeutic Massage can put sr
relaxation and comfort back into your life. For an 29 Articles to be considered for the May 29 issue, must be ,
appointment or information call Richard Reed at 753- received by noon on Tuesday, May 6 Submit articles via
e-mail as an attachment or on disk in any file format that is
readable by Word for Windows 95. Send disk and hard copy
Kinetic Performance — Custom racing carburetors parts, to County Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Tompkins
and racing fabrication. Call Dayton or Margo Umholtz at County Legislature, Courthouse, Ithaca, NY 14850. Please
277 -6462 evenings /weekends or email include a contact number in case questions arise.
KineticPerformance (a,thedirtforum.com. Visit our
website at www.KineticPeiformance.net COUNTY CORRIDORS
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are
French Tutor — Call Sarah at 257 -3047. Please leave a selected by the Editorial Board based on their interest to
message. Tompkins County employees and retirees. They do not
necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board.
Goosa Arts - See our beautiful and affordable traditional Material is solicited from current employees, retirees and
Russian arts: nesting dolls, eggs, jewelry boxes, amber, others. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit
etc. Alisa Mengel, 277 -2917, hours by appointment, 120 submissions, except in the instance of copyright materials.
Linn St.
Congratulations. I Michelle Pottorff (Editor) Tompkins County Legislature
Iretta Ellis (Chair) Information Technology Services
Liz Croop Department of Mental Health
• To Frank Croteau, Health Department, on Katy Prince Health Department
becoming a grandpa on April ls His daughter, Geri Lockwood Highway
Michelle, gave birth to a baby boy, Nolan Patrick. Linnett Warner Solid Waste Division