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Information Services 10
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November 2001
Volume 14 Number 11
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This year's Halloween costume winners were the folks from the Information
Technology Services Department. Pictured below are (front) Greg Potter and
Svetla Borovska; (back) Steve Horn, Iretta Ellis, Angie White, Kim Moore, and
King Houston.
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Health Promotion Program -
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REPORT � Health Department
Submitted by Katie Prince, Health Dept.
FROM Health Department employees: Terri Aroca, Dianna
THE COUNTY Bennett, Peter Burgevin, Theresa Lyczko and John
Andersson (representing the Cayuga Trails Club)
ADMINISTRATOR joined other community volunteers in cleaning up
the Black Diamond Trail. (The trail, an old railroad
°w ' bed, extends behind the Health Department
By Stephen whicher d building.)
The 2002 budget process has been Administration's On Saturday, October 27th, the group braved rain,
primary focus for some months now and while it sleet, and wind for two hours and trimmed
should be complete at this point, more difficulties branches and cleared the path of brush and
loom as the State attempts to resolve a budget invasive plants.
shortfall for 2001 in excess of one billion dollars.
Departments are just beginning to receive notice of The Black Diamond Trail is a planned
unexpected and/or additional cuts in state aid. Of bicycle /pedestrian path that, when completed, will
immediate note is the loss of a large portion of the extend from Robert H. Treman park south of
Consolidated Highway Improvement (CHIPS) Ithaca, to Taughannnock Falls State Park in
funds and a substantial reduction in aid for the Trumansburg. It will also connect to Buttermilk
Youth Bureau. Falls State Park and Cass Park.
Unfortunately, things get a bit gloomier as we look When completed, the 12 -mile recreational trail will
ahead. The State has projected a shortfall in their provide opportunities for jogging, walking,
2002 budget of up to six billion dollars and has bicycling, and cross - country skiing through scenic
woods, meadows and wetlands. The New York
realized a very substantial loss in retirement State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic
investments. If the State's projections prove correct Preservation, Finger Lakes Region is constructing
and the stock market does not return the losses the Black Diamond Trail.
suffered in the retirement investments, our 2002
budget will be severely challenged and the 2003 The Health Promotion Program at the Health
budget will be very difficult. Department was pleased to help promote the trail
clean -up. Physical activity is one of the best ways
To meet the challenges presented by this high level to help prevent chronic disease, maintain a healthy
of uncertainty, the Board unanimously forged a weight, relieve stress, and enjoy the company of
further reduction of 2002 budget expenditures as your friends. Cleaning or walking the trail are
well as an increase in the county's reserve fund. wonderful opportunities to do just that!
The budget reduction required some cuts in
programs and strengthened the soft hiring freeze to
include committee approval of all new hires but did WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY!
not abandon support for the Community Justice
Center, the 911 Center or the Communications My face in the mirror isn't wrinkled or drawn.
Capital Project. My house isn't dirty.
The cobwebs are gone.
As we move forward, we will monitor Albany's My garden looks lovely. 1
actions closely and more adjustments should be And so does my lawn.
expected. Each step taken will be measured and I think I might never
will focus on preserving jobs and programs. Put my glasses back on.
Annie N. Mouse
Halloween Costume entries
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How well did you do guessing who these County employees were? Turn the
page to find out who they all are!
2002 Health Insurance Rates Who are those County
Submitted by Jackie Yoder, Benefits Manager employees ? ??
The 2002 health insurance rates are summarized
below. These rates will be reflected in premium 1. Peggy Kopsa, Katy Pealo, Patty Stamm,
deductions made during December 2001 for and Karen Johnson, Health Department
January. EMPLOYEE SHARE ONLY 2. Mary Ridley, Fire and Disaster
3. Dianna Schooley, COFA
BCBS(medical) & Eckerd Health 4. Bud Shattuck, Workforce Development;
Services (prescriptions) - 9.6% Increase Mike Hughes, John Rossi (State
Department of Labor)
Elected Officials - Individual 70.90 /mth 5. Asher Hockett, Mental Health
f Family 155.58 /mth 6. Alice Cole, Health Department
7. Bob Deluca, Amy Miller, Becky Kafka,
BlueCollar, - Individual 70.90 /mth Anne Drake, Asher Hockett, Liz Croop,
White Collar, Family 155.58 /mth Mental Health
Conf /Mgmt 8. Lee Shurtleff and Mary Ridley, Fire and
Sheriff's Unit - Individual 53.18 /mth 9. Carol Mohler, Health Department
15% based on Family 116.68 /mth 10. Kate Hackett, Planning Department
expired contracts
11. Kelly Nickerson, Health Department
- Individual 57.32 /mth 12. Lorraine Cloude, COFA
Corrections Family 126.88 /mth 13. Gary Bortz, Assessment
14. Greg Potter, ITS, and Suzi Cook, County
Attorney's Office
Univera Healthcare of CNY - 12.5% 15. Steve Fraser and Rose Taube, Mental
Increase Health
16. Greg "the Hand" Potter, ITS and Pat
Elected Officials - Individual 54.10 /mth Nowakowski, Finance
Family 143.66 /mth 17. Vicki Wagner, Assessment
18. Kimberly Spencer, Shari Zifchock, Kristie
Blue Collar, - Individual 54.10 /mth Sopp, Carol Boles, Elizabeth Cree, Tai
White Collar, Family 143.66 /mth Youngs, Board of Elections
Conf /Mgmt 19. Al Fiorille, Assessment and Greg Potter,
Sheriff & Individual 40.58 /mth
Correct. Family 107.74 imth
15% based Quotes from Quotes....
on expired
Ability is what you're capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Just a reminder that all employees must sign up for Attitude Determines how well you do it.
. Medicare as soon as they are eligible (usually age - Alexander Lockhart
65). Verification of Medicare A & B eligibility
will result in a downward adjustment of your
health insurance premium to offset the cost of To avoid criticism...Do nothing...Say
Medicare Part B which is $54 /month beginning nothing...Be nothing
p January 2002. - Elbert Hubbard
CLASSIFIEDS ( Announcements:
Congratulations to Grandma Judy Miller at
For Sale: I the Tompkins County Sheriff's Department
For sale: Roland EM 10 Keyboard with stand. One year and Aunt Amy Miller of Tompkins County
old, comes with manual. Asking $300. Call Nancy at Mental Health on the birth of Christian
898 -3930 (days) or Jeff at 533 -8762 (evenings).
Daniel Miller, born September 11, 2001.
FREE Kittens: Born September 22, litter trained. 4
tigers (3 colors) and 1 black and grayish/tiger. Very
loveable. Call Angie at (315) 497 -1363 after 6 p.m. CLASSIFIEDS
Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County
For sale: Snow Blower; Troy Built; 8 Hp; 4 years old; employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may
like new; $1,000. Moved to Illinois. Call Steve at 756- be for any purpose, however personal ads will not be
7995 to see it. accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers
may be listed in your ad, however, we do need your full
For sale: Four Volvo Nokia studded snow tires on rims. name and County telephone number submitted with the
Size 185 SR14. Two tires like new. $120 o.b.o. Call ad in case there are questions. Submit your ad to County
532 -9224 evenings. Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Board of Representatives,
For sale: 55- gallon Fish Tank with all supplies. FISH Courthouse, Ithaca, NY 14850 via US or interdepartmental
INCLUDED! Mostly adult cichlids and a pair of algae mail or e-mail to: mpottorffetompkins- co.org
eaters. $150 o.b.o. Needs a good home. Call 256 -9590. NOTE:
For sale: Bulldog automatic car starter /trunk If you would like to modify your classified or want to
open /locking system. Opened but never installed. run it again, you must re- submit it!
Comes with remote key ring and installation video. $35. DEADLINE: 1 TUESDAY OF THE MONTH
Call Jackie at 5 p.m. at 564 -9346. Articles to be considered for the becember27th
issue, must be received by noon on Tuesday,
December 4th. Submit articles via e-mail as an
Services: attachment or on disk in any file format that is
readable by Word for Windows '95. Send disk and
Tioga Technical - Don't kill your computer! Let me hard copy to County Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff,
help with troubleshooting, training, upgrades - whatever Board of Representatives, Courthouse, Ithaca, NY
it takes to get you and your computer working together 14850. Please include a contact number in case
again. Call James Keegan at 273 -7957 evenings or
weekends. questions arise.
Tynyk Originals is proud to announce that selected
items are now available at Contented Country Gifts
located at 297 Jersey Hill Road, Danby; one of the most COUNTY CORRIDORS
unique shops in the area! Custom gifts and home decor Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors ore selected by
items are still available by calling 564 -9244 evenings or the Editorial Board based on their interest to Tompkins County
employees and retirees. They do not necessarily express the
weekends. If I can't make it, you don't need it!! opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is solicited from current
Tense? Stressed? Achy? Therapeutic Massage can put employees, retirees and others. The Editorial Board reserves the
relaxation and comfort back into your life. For an right to edit submissions, except in the instance of copyright
appointment or information call Richard Reed at 753- materials.
Michelle Pottorff (Editor) Board of Representatives
Kinetic Performance — specializing in Motorsports Iretta Ellis (Chair) information Technology Services
engines, carburetion and general racing fabrication. Call Bill Chopp Department of Social Services
Sharon Cooper Sheriff's Office
Dayton Umholtz at 277 -6462 evenings or weekends. Liz Croop Department of Mental Health
Katy Prince Health Department
French Tutor — Call Sarah at 257 -3047. Please leave a Vickie Wagner (Artist) Department of Assessment
message. Donna Deputron (Distribution Coordinator) Bldgs. & Grnds