HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-02 ` `T A Newsletter for
.. /' Employees and Retirees
�_ , .! of Tompkins County
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� � February 2001
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LNi' _ � :. � ,� { Volumum
INTRODUCING OUR My first employment with the county began in the
early 1970's as a real property appraiser for the
NEWCOUNTY Division of Assessment. I then joined the private
sector and after several years of working as a project
ADMINISTRATOR 9 manager for various contractors in the property
revaluation field, I joined New York State's office of
STEPHEN WHICH E R real property services (ORPS) where I held several
management positions. Although my career took me
around New England and the state, I always thought
of Ithaca as my hometown and kept a home in the
Ithaca area. So when the opportunity for the Director
!_ of Assessment came along, I could not resist.
During my tenure at ORPS, I received extensive
1------ management training as part of the state's total quality
management (TQM) initiative. The principles learned
- ' ;- from my TQM training have proven their worth
"� `", - throughout my management career both at ORPS and
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r r * here in Tompkins County. It will come as no surprise
�/r15° z �f „ to anyone who has worked with me that I would like
us to refocus on some of the main principles of the
4 `, , county's initiative. In short, I would like us to
continue to become a dynamic organization that is
_ j.. .43 adept at dealing with a constant state of change,where
-- '' `-' :. challenges are viewed as opportunities and our focus
-: ,off,
is constantly on our customers' needs.
I would first like to thank the Board of The constant state of change should be driven by our
Representatives for selecting me as County willingness to challenge existing procedures,
Administrator. In addition, I would like to thank the recognizing that the longer we do something the same
Division of Assessment for their outstanding efforts way the greater that the likelihood that the process is
during our restructure and revaluation. inefficient and unproductive. When we are faced with
limited resources and challenging times, we must be
While many of you know me from my former position capable of recognizing the potential for opportunities
as Director of the Division of Assessment or from my to improve our work processes. Most importantly,our
days in the Division of Assessment in the 1970's or systems must focus on our customers' needs, and the
possibly from our school days, allow me to provide recognition that the best decisions usually come from
the person closest to the customer.
you with a brief synopsis of my career.
A big thank you to all Employees of Annex C
county employees convey appreciation to
David Jayne, Arel Lemaro,
Dear Fellow County Employees: and Chris Parker
By Valeria Coggin,Assessment
On January, 9, 2001 I had surgery. Unfortunately as a
somewhat newer employee (1 & 1/2 years) and having In the line of our work as County employees, we
other health problems, I didn't have sick or vacation time often go over and above the call of duty.
accumulated and I will be out of work on disability for 2-3 Sometimes we do this at a personal sacrifice, out of
months. dedication or simply as a humanitarian gesture. We
don't fret over it if our actions go unrecognized or
I would like to publicly thank the anonymous employees are taken for granted by the recipients of our
who donated time to the emergency pool, as I was a services. At times when we do get a word of
beneficiary of some of the time donated to the extent I appreciation it further reinforces our belief that
was able to receive full paycheck for the first pay period kindness and care for one another goes a long way.
that I was on disability. It provides us incentive that could never be
expressed in monetary terms. Let this be an
Those who donated time helped me to be able to occasion when we employees of Annex C publicly
concentrate on healing instead of fretting about paying my convey our appreciation to our co-workers, David
bills. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity. Jayne, Arel Lamaro, and Chris Parker.
I would also like to thank those who have sent me cards During a recent gas leak crisis in our building,these
and get well wishes. You've brightened my days of three gentlemen demonstrated the qualities of
recovery. model county employees. With genuine concern
for our health, they averted a potentially dangerous
I hope that at some point in the future, I will have the situation where our safety would have been
opportunity to return the generosity and thoughtfulness compromised. Regardless of time they stayed
that has come my way. around into late hours to assist NYSEG in
correcting the problems. The following day they
Sincerely, provided heaters for those of us who had to work
Joan Griffiths through the repair period. They made sure that the
DSS — Child Support Unit building was safe for occupancy before the
employees resumed work. Due to their
lit 114 4 * *T4 4.°T4 .114 biP ST. conscientious action the building was shut down for
only one day, and we were able to deliver services
with minimum interruption. Thank you again for a
Dear County Corridors Staff: job well done.
When I was interviewed for my job, I was asked what I The employees of Annex C
would do if I had put a lot of time and energy into a
project and just didn't seem to be making any headway. I
didn't know what to say, because I've always found that if Happy
I take a "time out" it helps, and that just didn't seem like a
good answer to give a prospective employer. I'm in the Ckg$
habit of taking a walk, or even putting it off till tomorrow —
"ttri 14110
I think they call it sleeping on it. And it works!
So, that's what I told my interviewers and I was hired. I
still have to remind myself not to waste my time going
round and round with the same problem and making no
headway. After all, when I'm driving my car I don't go
driving into brick walls, I find a way around them!
Annie N. Mouse
A Sadie (Hawkins?) Story from Kim Tompkins County Solid Waste
Carter, Mental Health: Report
Submitted by the Solid Waste Division
Besides being a Forensic Counselor, I also have
a Class A, CDL license to drive tractor trailer. We have made a great deal of progress in the
Solid Waste management area this year. Our
One night there was a group of us truck drivers work has included opening a household
running together coming out of Warren PA hazardous waste facility, completion of plans for
loaded with oil. It was about 3 am and when a storage building for the reuse program,
we crossed back into NY one of the drivers examining approaches for improving the Caswell
started to holler on the CB radio for Sadie. I leachate problem, seeking proposals for
wondered what he was up to because I had operating the Recycling and Solid Waste Center
heard rumors about "Flashin' Sadie!" Sadie for another contract term and enhancing our
finally replied and the driver, deciding to play a recycling and solid waste education effort.
trick on his father, told her he was in a green
truck running up ahead of our group. Well, Areas focussed on were:
Sadie came up along side of the green truck,
turned on her dome light, and flashed the • Household Hazardous Waste Management
driver of the truck "her stuff. The father then Facility
replied that those were real nice and he • Building Reuse Program
thought the guys behind him would be really • Recycling and Disposal
interested in seeing them too! At hearing this • Old Landfills
I very quickly grabbed the CB radio and • Public Information and Education
informed Sadie to please not stop at the truck
in the middle, as I have my own "stuff." Summary of Plans for 2001
Laughingly, Sadie replied she would not do
that to me and continued on to the truck 1. Implementation of new RSWC contract;
behind me! 2. Implementation of new reuse program
3. Construction of improvements to leachate collection
system and cap at Caswell landfill;
DOps1./ 4. Addition of small-quantity generators to the HHW
5. Introduction of paint drop and swap program at the
In the winter of 68-69 (or thereabouts), North HHW facility; and
Hanshaw Road at the intersection of the West 6. Interactive exhibit at the expanded Science Center
Dryden Road got completely snowed in for four about reuse
For more information, contact the Solid Waste Division at
Finally the Town of Dryden sent up bucket 273-6632.
loaders, trucks, and plows to dig us out.
Trouble arose when the January thaw started,
with the enormously high snow banks My first job was working in an orange juice factory, but I
preventing any drainage. The road filled with got canned and couldn't concentrate.
about 2 feet of water. A woman who stalled
her car in front of our house came in to call a Then I worked in the woods as a lumberjack, but I just
tow truck, bewailing the fact that her husband
had warned her not to come this way to work. couldn't hack it, so they game me the axe.
While we waited, the temperature dropped,
and ice formed on the water. The tow truck After that I tried to be a trailor, but I just wasn't suited
arrived, hooked on, gave a tug, and her motor for it mainly because it was a so-so job.
fell out! I'm glad I didn't have to explain that
one to MY husband! Next I tried working in a muffler factory but that was
Liz Croop - Mental Health
The St. Patrick's Day
For Sale: custom came to America in
1737. That was the first
year St. Patrick's Day was
For sale: Waterbed - Queen, board, shelves, rail publicly celebrated in this
cushion, waveless and sheets, $100. (607) 589-4966, country, in Boston.
1999 black Hohner Acoustic Guitar - great guitar
for a beginner. Only played max of 6 hours. CLASSIFIEDS
Asking$180. Please call 277-7029. Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County
employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may
be for any purpose, however personal ads will not be
Services: accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers
may be listed in your ad, however we do need your full
Tioga Technical - Don't kill your computer! Let me name and County telephone number submitted with the
help with troubleshooting, training, upgrades - whatever ad in case there are questions. Submit your ad to County
it takes to get you and your computer working together Corridors do Michelle Pottorff, Board of Representatives,
again. Call James Keegan at 273-7957 evenings or Court House, Ithaca, NY 14850 via US or
weekends. interdepartmental mail or e-mail to: mpottorff@tompkins-
It's never to early to start thinking about Easter or any co.org
holiday! Call Tynyk Originals at 564-9244 evenings or NOTE:
weekends for a unique gift or home decor item. If you would like to modify your classified or want to
Expecting a new arrival? Ask about the Fleece Cuddle run it again, you must re-submit it!
Wrap for babies. —.___ --
Tense? Stressed? Achy? Therapeutic Massage can DEADLINE: 1sT TUESDAY OF THE MONTH
put relaxation and comfort back into your life. For an
appointment or information call Richard Reed at 753- Articles to be considered for the March 22nd issue
6383. must be received by noon on Tuesday, March 6th.
Submit articles via e-mail as an attachment or on disk
Kinetic Performance - specializing in Motorsports in any file format that is readable by Word for
engines, carburetion and general racing fabrication. Call Windows '95. Send disk and hard copy to County
Dayton Umholtz at 277-6442 evenings or weekends. Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Board of
Representatives, Court House, Ithaca, NY 14850.
Please include a contact number in case questions
Congratulations: arise. - -
To the Health Department! It is official. Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by
Frank Croteau has announced that the Health the Editorial Board based on their interest to Tompkins County
employees and retirees. They do not necessarily express the
Department staff achieved 100% for Right to opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is solicited from current
Know Training in 2000. Good job folks! employees, retirees and others. The Editorial Board reserves the
right to edit submissions, except in the instance of copyright
- Sigrid Kerr, Health Dept. EDITORIAL BOARD
Michelle Pottorff(Editor) Board of Representatives
To Jennifer Luu on her new position in Iretta Ellis(Chair) Information Technology Services
Workforce Development. Jennifer has worked
Bill Chopp Cooper Department of Social Services
p Sharon Cooper Sheriff's Office
in the Board Office for eight years and has Liz Croop Department of Mental Health
become a valued co-worker and friend. The Katy Prince Health Department
Vickie Wagner(Artist) Department of Assessment
Board and staff will greatly miss her but wish Donna Deputron(Distribution Coordinator) Bldgs.&Grnds
her the best in her new endeavor!