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Newsletter fo r
E and m to aas Retirees
of Tompkins County
h - 1 ?�,
\ i j .\, .. �/ . January 2001
rrrrrI� Volume 14 Number 1 iri
Contract Passes by a 173 to 142 Vote or
55 % to 45
Submitted by Iretta Ellis
This year's contract for the White Collar Tompkins Another major issue was the change in the insurance
County Employees has three major changes as well as premium payment. Previously, county employees
many minor ones. The turn out for voting this year paid 15% of the premium cost while the county
indicates that many employees were very interested picked up 85 %. Now white collar employees will be
in these changes. paying 20% of the premium. That premium increase
though will be off -set by a new program known as
I think the one change that drew the most VEBA or Voluntary Employee Benefit Association. In
attention was the switch over to the Alternative this program, the County deposits the same amount
Disability Plan. This plan replaces the disability as the premium increases into the employee's VEBA
payment of $170.00 per week to full pay while on account. This account can be used to pay uncovered
disability up to a predetermined limit, based on medical expenses. In addition it can be used to pay
years of service with the county. While this is a for eye glasses, contacts, dental needs and premiums
major increase in coverage for employees who paid. For example, if you were to make copies of
become disabled, the plan does not allow for the your pay stubs showing what you have paid in
accumulation of "sick days ". As we can tell by the insurance premiums, you can submit them for
vote that many people were split on this issue. reimbursement. By doing that you can get your VEBA
The pros and cons could be discussed on this issue money back tax free without having to submit a
until the cows come home! Many of you may not medical /dental bill. Also keep in mind that unlike a
SIEBA account, this money can roll over from year to
know that the negotiation team did try to make the year. If there is money left in the account when you
joining up of this plan optional, but the county retire then you can also use these funds to pay for
would not agree to that in conjunction with the your insurance premiums after you retire.
raise that we received. All of the changes /issues
agreed to in this contract were part of a "package The third and final issue is of course the percentage
deal ". That means that each component of the raise increase that the employees are receiving.
contract had some affect on other parts of the White Collar employees will be receiving 4.25% wage
contract i.e. wage increases go up or down increase for the next four years. That is a total of
depending on the value of the rest of the 17% over the life of the contract. Considering that
"package ". Keep in mind that due to the necessary we have only been averaging approximately 3% per
program changes, the disability change will not year in our last couple of contracts, I believe this to
take affect until March 1, 2001 which means that be a substantial gain.
you will still earn a sick day for January and February.
If you would like further clarification on the new contract then please submit your questions in
writing to our White Collar Union President, David Chase.
ADMINISTRATOR'S Submitted by the CSCN Holiday Program Committee
The Tompkins County Health Department Collected
toys for the Cops, Kids, and Toys Campaign and the
(No report on who will Immaculate Conceptions' Community Food Pantry.
take this seat as of this
date!) We set a goal of 200 items (food or toys), and set
up a Holiday Giving Tree. For every five items
collected, one ornament was added to the tree. It
was a huge success! Tompkins County Health
How to make a lasting commitment.... Department employees donated 80 toys and 122
Submitted by Theresa Lyzcko, Health Dept .
food items. We were able to decorate our tree
The new year and new year's resolutions (or thoughts of complete with a star on the top! Thanks to all
them, anyway) go hand in hand. If you've made a those who contributed and made the holidays a
resolution to lose weight, get more exercise, quit little brighter for those in need during the holiday
smoking or any other lifestyle change, here are some
suggestions to keep in mind: sensors.
Whatever your goal, commitment is the key to success.
Take the following steps to enhance your commitment to
the change you've decided to make in 2001:
1. Do it for yourself, not others - You must be
motivated to .lose weight, for example, because its "°"""
what you want to do.
2. Draw support from others - Let friends and family
• ti
members know your goals and talk with them when ' •� pie F
you're having trouble reaching those goals. _
3. Get your priorities straight - Don't set yourself up ,,
for failure by trying to improve your lifestyle when 11111r fi. i _-
you're distracted by other major problems. It takes ' } ti
a lot of mental and physical energy to change
4. Set realistic goals - Slow and steady wins the race. -
Keep this in mind when setting goals and make
them both for the short term and the long term.
5. Choose a start date - Let nothing postpone that Budget and Finance Office also
start date.
6. Plan ahead for circumstances - Think of effective collects for the Cops, Kids, and
strategies for keeping your commitment while at Toys Program
work, on vacation, and during holidays.
Adapted from the Mayo Clinic Health Letter, January By Michelle Pottorff, Corridors Board
2001. The Budget and Finance Office also collected a huge
amount of toys to benefit the Cops, Kids, and Toys
If you woke up breathing, congratulations!!!
Program. Unfortunately, the batteries died in the
camera and the toys were picked up while I was in the
You have another chance!! process of getting new ones! I can vouch for the
* * * * * * * great job they did collecting gifts that were
Don't forget Valentine's Day - displayed on their counter!
c7 February 14th!!!
TAKE PART IN THE witnessed; you may want to register a compliment
COMMUNITY DIARY or a complaint. You might write about a committee
meeting, an article in the local papers, a personal
By Carol Kammen, TC Historian triumph, an idea you had or heard, the sighting of
blue herons at a local pond, the emergence of the
Most of us haven't the determination to continue a first spring flower.
diary for an entire year but in good faith many of us
begin them on January first. All entries will be put on a computer disc and they
will become the property of the office of the
What if, instead of individual accounts, we compile a Tompkins County Historian. What we will have is a
Community Diary. Together we will document this unique community diary kept by many people, from
new millennium in Tompkins County. different viewpoints, written in a variety of styles
This will be a diary or journal of accumulation: that that will reflect the diverse people who live in
is, any one can submit an entry, or any number of Tompkins County. Young and old can join in, and
entries, at any time throughout the year, and about certainly all those in the middle.
any subject (with a couple of reservations that I You may submit an entry by mail to County
will spell out below). Historian, 125 East Court Street, Ithaca, N.Y.
14850. These will be scanned onto the disc. Or
you can submit an entry on e-mail to
\P'44P7 X 14 historian(wtompkins co.org.
I hope that the Chairman of the Board of
Representatives will write, and that she will urge
Ar -" members of the Board of Reps to join in; perhaps
the Mayor of Ithaca will do the same and
This open diary project will allow people with a yen encourage Common Council members to
to record a particular day to do so knowing full well contribute. I hope that the pastors of the churches
that someone else might submit an entry for the in the county will urge their parishioners to send in
next day. Or an individual might send in three or comments, and that the members of the many
four entries in a row and then take a bit of a rest. various clubs and committees in the county will
Some people will write frequently, others once or write about what they do. Teachers should
twice. encourage students to write. Union members and
those who belong to committees or clubs might
This is as close to a no- pressure diary that there consider writing. I hope to hear from individuals
can be. You may write when you feel like it and who work nights, fight fires, keep the peace, work
refrain from writing when that mood hits you. at hospitals, and physicians. I hope that
homemakers will spend a couple of minutes writing
You can address any subject you like, although the for the Community Diary Project and that the
County Historian will not enter any submission that members of the Writers Association will contribute.
contains offensive language (and the County Poets too, should consider sending in their verse.
Historian will be the judge of that) or that attacks
another individual or group. Pictures could be added: they should be identified
as to subject, place and date. They will become
You may submit poems or prose. the property of the Tompkins County Historian.
You may write as often as you want and if more If you live in Tompkins County, or if you once lived
than one person submits an entry for one day, both here, if you are a student or a visitor — long term or
or even many can be entered. There might be short, consider contributing to the Community
days when no one submits an entry. We can live Diary.
with that.
Begin now.
You may want to write about the events of your
day; you may want to record something you
CLASSIFIEDS take work home, and you know? I never have.
Well, once - but it was going to be a Tong, holiday
weekend, and just that once I thought it would
For Sale: be cool to curl up fora couple of hours with a
good task rather than the latest novel.
For sale: Reese hitch that came off a '94 GMC On to the next couple thousand years!
Safari. Used only two months. $75.00. Also, black Hooray for Tompkins County.
metal cargo carrier that slides into open hitch. Sincerely,
Used only once - $75.00. Call Iretta at 844 -3420. Annie N. Mouse
For sale: Echo chain saw, model CS60S, in very CLASSIFIEDS
good condition, $135.00 Call 898 - 9992 after 5 p.m. Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County
employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may
For sale: Weslo Easy Stride exercise machine, be for any purpose, however personal ads will not be
$60.00; Bollinger Trim Rider exercise machine, accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers
$60.00. Call Iretta at 844 - 3420. may be listed in your ad, however we do need your full
name and County telephone number submitted with the
For sale: Four wheeler — 250 cc Kawasaki; 2 - wheel ad in case there are questions. Submit your ad to County
drive. Asking $1,500. Call after 5 p.m. 607 -589- Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Board of Representatives,
4715. Court House, Ithaca, NY 14850 via U5 or
interdepartmental mail or e-mail to: mpottorff@tompkins-
Services: NOTE:
If you would like to modify your classified or want to
Tioga Technical - Don't kill your computer! Let me run it again, you must re submit it!
help with troubleshooting, training, upgrades - — --- - -
whatever it takes to get you and your computer DEADLINE: 1 TUESDAY OF THE MONTH
working together again. Call James Keegan at 273 Articles to be considered for the February 22nd
7957 evenings or weekends. issue, must be received by noon on Tuesday,
It's never to early to start thinking about Easter. February 6th. Submit articles via e-mail as an
Call Tynyk Originals at 564 -9244 evenings or attachment or on disk in any file format that is
weekends for a unique gift or home decor item. readable by Word for Windows '95. Send disk and
Expecting a new arrival? Ask about the Fleece hard copy to County Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff,
Cuddle Wrap for babies. Board of Representatives, Court House, Ithaca, NY
Tense? Stressed? Achy? Therapeutic Massage can 14850. Please include a contact number in case
put relaxation and comfort back into your life. For L questions arise.
an appointment or information call Richard Reed
at 753 -6383.
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by
Kinetic Performace - specializing in Motorsports the Editorial Board based on their interest to Tompkins County
engines, carboration and general racing fabrication. employees and retirees. They do not necessarily express the
Call Dayton Umholtz at 277 -6442 evenings or opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is solicited from current
weekends. employees, retirees and others. The Editorial Board reserves the
right to edit submissions, except in the instance of copyright
Dear County Corridors Staff: EDITORIAL BOARD
Michelle Pottorff (Editor) Board of Representatives
I LIKE working for Tompkins County! Iretta Ellis (Chair) Information Technology Services
This is absolutely the best job I have ever had. Bill Chopp Department of Social Services
Sharon Cooper Sheriffs Office
I am ,Just exactly busy enough not to be Liz Croop Department of Mental Health
overpowered by work or boredom. I wondered Katy Prince Health Deportment
when I came here to work if I would have to Vickie Wagner (Artist) Department of Assessment
Donna Deputron (Distribution Coordinator) Bldgs. & Grnds