HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-10 Information Services 10
, A Newsletter for
‘;.:.::,..: .i,..!: .i:.:.:: Employees and Retirees
of Tompkins County
� 1 r
October 2000
/ Volume 13 Number 10
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Unacceptable materials include:
ammunition /explosives, asbestos,
infectious medical wastes, gas cylinders,
T == smoke detectors, and radioactive waste.
- ;4 .. t , 1f , ., This is a partial listing; contact the Solid
"1„.. _r ; � i 1 Waste Management Division at 273 -
r it 1 C �i; V. x }Y f r '''• , ,' i HH (4496) for additional information.
_... Acceptable wastes will be managed
based upon the EPA' Solid Waste
Management Hierarchy: Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle, Incinerate and Landfill. We are
Hey, not sure what to do with your old paint, gasoline, pesticides, excited about the start up of this new
degreasers or cleaning agents? Well you're in luck, now there is a program in Tompkins County and hope
place to dispose of such items properly. The Tompkins County you will make an appointment to properly
Household Hazardous Waste Management Facility or simply the dispose of household hazardous waste.
D.E.P.O.T. (Don't Empty Pollutants in Our Trash) will begin The proper and careful management of
operation October 20th and 21st. Future operating dates for the this toxic component of the waste stream
DEPOT will be the third Friday and Saturday of each month, more will protect both public and
often if demand dictates. There is a $5.00 user fee for each time environmental health reducing the risk of
you deliver material to the facility. Once operational, the facility will air, soil, and water pollution; and the risk
accept, initially by appointment, hazardous waste from county to workers in the waste management and
households and qualified small businesses. Usable products will be waste water treatment industry.
set aside for a product exchange, where residents may browse
products and take them for their own use.
14Gyve/ a/ Safe •` 1
Materials that are acceptable at the facility include: `=
automotive car products, paints and stains, hobby wastes, personal Er TLapy ~"`
care products, home maintenance products, lawn and garden f a llowe ,l
efforts and once again they will give the proposals full
You may recall hearing that the amount of the tobacco
payments is tied to cigarette consumption in the U.S.
ADMINISTRATOR'S r For the second year in a row, smoking has declined at a
REPORT S faster rate than predicted. I was interested to read
that my home state of Maine saw a 28% decrease in
By Rick Erb youth smoking last year. Maine has had an unenviable
record of very high teen smoking for years. What
caused the downturn? They believe it was the
combined effect of increased cigarette taxes and the
Throughout the country, state governments have been first impact of the state's new anti- smoking campaign.
wrestling with what to do with the unexpected arrival Two years does not make a trend, but it is enough to
of billions of dollars in tobacco settlement funds. The make you wonder about the accuracy of the long term
only states where counties are included are New York forecasts of tobacco settlement revenues. If it means
and California - that's because we contribute to the that our community's health is improving and the next
cost of the Medicaid program. You probably know by generation will not be so burdened with the cost of
now that the Board of Representatives has voted to smoking, I don't think most will mind the decrease in
securitize (sell rights to) 50% of future proceeds. revenues.
This will allow us to receive a lump sum of money to be
for capital projects and still retain an annual October is Domestic Violence
revenue stream for ongoing expenses. This was a very
close vote, with some Board members prepared to Awareness Month
securitize the entire amount and others opposed to any By Sue Robinson, Admin,
sale of county rights.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and the
Because the terms of the settlement contained Tompkins County Coalition Against Domestic Violence has
some upcoming special events and projects planned for
virtually no limitations on what funds can be used for it
the community. These events are all aimed at raising our
is interesting to observe how some states have chosen community's awareness about domestic violence and
to spend the windfall. Some states, such as Indiana, ultimately taking one step closer to the eradication of
have chosen to spend all of their initial funds on health violence from the lives of women and youth in our
programs. Indiana has the luxury of possessing one of community. This year the Tompkins County Coalition
the nation's largest surpluses per capita and this may Against Domestic Violence has decided that Domestic
have made that decision easier. In other states, non- Violence Awareness Month will focus on the impact of
domestic violence on children and teens and teen dating
health related spending has received support, such as in violence. Call Sue Robinson at 274 -5455 with questions
Illinois where most funds were used for property tax about any of the events.
relief or Michigan, where 75% was used for
scholarships. These are popular programs that Entire Month:
managed to muster support within state legislatures. Wear a purple ribbon to commemorate victims and
survivors of domestic violence. Find free ribbons
Less popular proposals that didn't survive included and information throughout the community during
Washington D.C.'s effort to use funds for employee October.
bonuses and Los Angeles' proposal to pay for damages • Look for new posters in TCAT buses alerting teens
in a police corruption scandal. of the dangers of unhealthy dating relationships,
• Keep your eyes peeled for Public Service
In Tompkins County, the majority of Board members Announcements in local newspapers advertising
felt that health proposals should be considered in their details of these events: the Purple Ribbon Project,
own right, without being specifically tied to tobacco the Cornell Chimes Project, the Student Art Show.
October 4:
money. As a result there are several initiatives before The Cornell University Chimes will ring every 15
the Board now, competing with all other interests. The seconds to commemorate the fact that a woman is
County has a good record of supporting these kinds of physically abused every 15 seconds.
October 21: After trudging through all the old information, I
Violence: Peer Education Through Art at the , believe I can safely list the original committee. It
Pyramid Mall from 9 -4 p.m. All art displayed will have consisted of Becky Bush, Jim Myers, Sue Mills, Gerry
been created by young people and will feature
themes of love, violence, intimacy, abuse, and Kilpatrick, Mary Wimsatt, and Lauri Macri. All but
family /personal relationships aimed at educating three of those people are still here! Amazing, isn't it?
other youth about these issues. There seems to be a gap, consistent with our move to
October 28: the new building. During 1998, a new group formed.
Fundraiser for the SAV -A -PET Project at Presto They tracked down the suggestion boxes and began to
Piaster Crafts in the Triphammer Mall. A part of all collect suggestions again. That group consisted of
profits that day will go the Project Maryanne Banks, Rita Leubner, Sylvia Slaight, and Jean
Brockway. Currently Maryanne, Rita, and Jean are
The DSS Suggestion Committee: joined by Dave Benson, Debbie Ossit, and Bernice
Now and Then i
fi r, Lisseck. They meet every two weeks (on payday, who
Submitted by Sheila J.Chaee, DSS `." could forget a meeting like that ?) to read through the
suggestions, decide who is the best person to respond
to each one, then discuss any outstanding responses. I
People have been heard to mutter, What in the world was invited to sit in on a meeting. They have a lot of
has PfQ done for me ?" There are some things that we fun! This may well be the most positive job anyone in
did together as one -time tasks that we have since the agency has. They do keep track of responses and
forgotten, but which have changed the way we work. send gentle reminders when someone has not answered.
One group that was intended to be a continuing group On the day that I was there, a suggestion came in for
was the Suggestion Committee. It is still going! my unit! Trust me on this, they don't let you slide if
The Who Done It Committee, once called the you are supposed to respond. Once a month, after they
Recognition Committee, thought we should recognize have discussed the status of any unresolved
the work and commitment of this group. suggestions. They draw a name from that month's
group of people. That person is awarded a prize and a
The earliest communique I found was an agenda from thank -you note.
the PfQ Coordinating Committee, dated July 31, 1995.
In that, it was noted that people didn't think The Committee asked me to let you know that there is 1
suggestions put into the suggestion boxes were taken a suggestion box on the first floor for ideas from the
seriously. There appeared to be no clear, consistent public. One recent change was the addition of
way to find an answer, then let the person know. There clipboards, so that people could work on applications
was also no recognition of those folks who have comfortably. In the employee lounge you can find a
suggestions about our work place. Soon after that, the suggestion box and a list of all the suggestions and how
Coordinating Committee asked the Commissioner's they were handled. I was given a lovely brochure which
Staff (September 7, 1995) to ask their individual units listed the following accomplishments: 72 suggestions
if their findings and suggestions made sense to folks. from staff, 15 from the public (including 2
By that time they were proposing tracking the compliments), 75 responses since the beginning. The
questions, suggestions, and answers. The Suggestion Who Done It Committee extends thanks to all who have
Committee came to life in 1996, with the charge of participated on the Committee and to all those folks
handling suggestions in a consistent way, encouraging who share their ideas. Keep them coming!
suggestions, tracking the suggestions and responses,
and publicly recognizing those folks who make
suggestions. This was to be a cross - functional team l "Go hang a salami; I'm a lasagna hog."
(remember that phrase ?), with equal numbers of labor
and management. The committee would meet regularly, Did you know...
read the suggestions, decide who would be the best To prevent eggshells from cracking, add a pinch of salt to the
person to respond- whether to units, supervisors, to the water before hard - boiling?
Commissioner, or to another department, then would
make certain that a timeline was followed. Spray Tupperware with nonstick cooking spray before pouring
in tomato -based sauces and there won't he any stains?
Dear into a dialog. They really hate being ignored. It won't be
long before they're searching you out to see what's up.
Then CALMLY start up a dialog using "I" statements
f f e only.) - Danielle
Dear Danielle,
D 311 I come from a family that is absolutely
"immaculate ". I would love for my house to be spotless
Dear Danielle, all of time but by the end of the week I am exhausted
I am so envious of parents whose children love to from work and running kids here and there and so forth.
read. My children avoid reading at almost all costs. I I am really embarrassed when I have company and there
have just started to give them a monetary incentive of are still dishes in the sink, etc. My husband doesn't care
twenty -five cents a day for at least fifteen minutes of if the house is clean or messy, as long as the remote is
reading. This will be paid when report cards come where it should be. At what age do you think kids should
home at the end of every ten weeks of school. We are be doing dishes, mowing lawn, washing clothes, etc. and
keeping a reading journal. My oldest, however, at am I wrong for not wanting to do it all myself?
fourteen feels that this is a waste of time and will not
do it. What can I possibly do or say to my fourteen - Tired Mom
year old to make him /her want to read and read well? Dear Tired,
Children are trainable around the age of 3. While
-Me too young to do dishes, they are not to young to put their
towel in the hamper, or put toys in a basket, or learn to
Dear Me, fold washcloths.
I am at a Toss for words of wisdom on this one. If you can afford it, buy a dishwasher. This will be
By the age of 14 (or was it 7 ?) my own son had a will of a great timesaver. As soon as your kids can reach the
his own that superseded any incentive I could think of. sink drain, they can wash dishes. As soon as they can
Rather than bang my head against a wall I convinced reach the cupboard, they can put away the groceries or
myself that the most important thing was that he knew learn to cook meals. As soon as they can reach the table,
how to read and would read when he felt like it or when they can set the table and /or help to clear it after the
he decided he had to. He was not illiterate, and when I meal.
visualized him at age 20, or 30, knew for certain that he I suggest you give your children a choice when it
would be just fine. He could read, think, judge, comes to chores. They will like it much better than being
procrastinate, and mess up just like a regular adult. He told what to do. Ask, "Do you want to dust, or vacuum ?"
was normal. Whew! They will be more preoccupied with the choice than the
Mothers lose their power rather quickly during chore.
adolescence. I avoided power struggles at all costs as A supervised youngster can mow the lawn as early
they did more damage than good. At some point, he as 9 or 10. They need to be strong enough to pull the
demonstrated that he had heard words that I had mower out of deep grass and make turns. Your husband
previously uttered. What a revelation. Once I realized should be with your son /daughter every step of the way
that he heard me but chose to ignore me, I relaxed and until you are certain that all safety precautions are being
realized that this was my son's individuality coming out. followed.
A fourteen- year -old boy who obeys his parents By the age of 15 you should shut every kid's door
and does what they ask should be watched closely. and stay out. They do their own laundry. It's their job.
Something's not right. Rebellion must occur as a Not yours. You get to retire from kid's laundry at that
natural process. Better now than when he has a set of age. Do not look at the squalor in their rooms. It will
keys in his hands. And you DON'T want the extreme, make you go insane. Warn them about rats and then let
either. Imagine a 25 year -old still hanging out at home them take it from there.
listening to his parents. Better that they rebel at 14 You are absolutely correct and within your
when you can watch them do it than at 18 when they're boundary to ask for help with daily chores. It's healthy
at college and you haven't a clue what's happening until for your children to learn how to take care of things, and
they show up with green hair and pierced body parts. healthy for you to know the burden is not all on your
Relax. You have no control. Get to his level shoulders. - Danielle
and appreciate him as a young man who is developing
normally. He has a LOT on his mind, you know.
Friends, girls, clothes, his future, sports, money, body , ban wasn't available this month,
hair, etc. -No doubt he worries constantly, and no doubt `i but keep writing, he promises to
he's heard you. It's time for you to listen to him. t write next month!
(Parental Warfare Tip: FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY.
Teenagers absolutely HATE the cold shoulder. Use this
sparingly. It is a powerful tool to get your adolescent
Flu and Pneumonia Shot Update- HIV, long tern steroid use). A second dose of vaccine is also
recommended for certain groups. The pneumonia vaccine will
O ctober 2000' only be available by contacting Employee Health in advance.
By Jared Jones, Employee Health Please contact Employee Health if you are at high -risk for the
flu or pneumonia or if you have any questions or concerns:
Flu and pneumonia season is coming around again. What hasn't 274 -6681 or jjones @tompkins- co.org.
changed: a flu or pneumonia shot is still the best way to prevent
yourself from getting either one of these diseases. And you still 'X) - J ' ' 'Scl ,k) `4} ) ) '4) . .;.0a , ,
can't get the flu from a flu shot. What has changed for this year: FROM THE ARCHIVES...
the vaccine manufacturers have had production problems with
the flu (not the pneumonia) vaccine. There MAY BE delays in By Carol Kan,n,e n, TC Historian
getting the flu vaccine and there MAY BE_a shortage of the flu
Due to the potential delays and shortage of flu vaccine,
Employee Health will vaccinate HIGH -RISK county employees `
initially. Healthy employees may be immunized later if there is y
ample flu vaccine supply after Employee Health completes i1
vaccination of high -risk employees. . ��
--3 = R,M. Ci.UPIE� �
To get a flu shot, high -risk county employees should contact ; -
Health directly, using the phone number /email"
address below. High -risk employees include: 7 4 , - `W-- ""
• Anyone 65 years or older. i - " •
• Adults who have chronic heart or lung problems, such as
asthma, heart failure and high blood pressure.
• Adults who are regularly treated for any chronic diseases,
including diabetes, kidney problems, and blood disorders In 1899 there were at least seven livery stables in Ithaca,
(anemia). renting out horses and carriages for Ithacans who did not
• Adults who have compromised immune systems (e.g. cancer have their own. Horses were boarded too, so that busy
treatment, HIV, long term steroid use). people did not have to worry about the daily care of an
• Women who will be in their second or third trimester of animal.
pregnancy during the flu season.
• Health care workers. George Barber had a livery on East Green Street, Charles
Ingersoll kept two, one on South Tioga and the other on
This is the TENTATIVE SCHEDULE of flu shot clinics for South Aurora Streets; Charles E. Seaman had one at 201
county employees who are not at high risk, depending on the South Cayuga Street and Charles S. Seaman had two, one
availability of flu vaccine: on South Tioga Street, the other on West State. Myron
Weed kept a large establishment on East Green Street,
Site Date Time Room where horses were boarded by day or week and gentle
HSB 11/27/2000 11:30 - 1:30 Rm 328 horses were kept for "Ladies' Driving.'
Mental Health 11/28/2000 11:30 - 1:30 Board Rm
Highway Dept. 11/28/2000 2:30 - 4:00 Break Rm But the times were changing. Horses had competition.
Old Jail 11/29/2000 11:30 - 1:30 Conf. Rm
Health 11/29/2000 11:30 - 1:30 Rice Rm That year Fred McClune, who kept the Pioneer Cycle
HSB 12/7/2000 11:30 - 1:30 Rm 328 House on South Cayuga Street, had, in addition to bicycles
which were rented by the hour, day, week or month, a
As in previous years, the Wellness Committee will generously novelty to show local folks. That was a horseless carriage.
contribute half of the cost of both flu and pneumonia shots.
Cost to employees will be $5 for flu shots and $8 for This picture, from the Tompkins County Historians' files,
pneumonia shots. Any county employee can attend any of the shows Fred and an assistant riding on what is reportedly
above clinics. the first automobile to be seen in Tompkins County.
In contrast to the flu vaccine, pneumonia vaccine will not be McClune broadened his inventory even more, for the sign
affected by the potential shortage or delays. The pneumonia on the side of the auto announces that he sells bicycles,
vaccine is available to any employee at high -risk: anyone 65 automobiles, phonographs and gas engines. The picture is
years or older; anyone who has chronic heart or lung problems, dated 1899 and was taken by M.O. Lane.
such as asthma and high blood pressure; anyone who is
regularly treated for any chronic diseases, including diabetes, If any picture announces the change of the times - of the
kidney problems and blood disorders (anemia); anyone who possibilities of rapid transportation and of the century this
has a compromised immune system (e.g. cancer treatment, is surely one that speaks volumes.
By Jackie Kippola, Adm.
Good fun was had by all 41;1111.` I
Once again, our County Employee Golf Tournament provided a fun opportunity to meet colleagues from many
departments. Listed below (not in winning order) are the people who toughed it out playing golf on a warm day Friday,
September 8, 2000.
Congratulations to Denny Fairchild, David Chase, Frank Justice, and Mark Fairchild for winning the tournament. Perhaps
next year well have to ban Denny's brother from playing.... it's highly suspect that this is the third time this team has won
the tourney. Just kidding Denny, we all know who the ringer is on your team!
Denny, David, Frank, and Mark earned their names on the roving Plaque, which lists each year's winners and is held by
the winners for one year. JJ, Debbie, Skip, and Don plan to stay in the hunt again next year to add their names to it, so
polish it carefully.
A special thanks goes to the Vending Committee, which financed the lovely door prizes that each golfer took home. Also,
thanks to the area businesses that donated prizes for longest drives and closest to the pin shots. And special appreciation
goes to that team who entertained us with the potato shooter.
1 Craig Hopkins (ENG) Jackie Kippola (ADM) Jeanne Boodley (ENG) Jim Kazda (ENG)
2 Ward Hungerford (HWY) Marty Adams (RET) Mark Edsall Joe Eggleston
3 JJ Franklin (ASST) Skip Hewitt (ASST) Don Franklin (RET) Deb Giordano (ADM -WD)
4 Bob Nicholas (AIR) Bill Mobbs (RET) Bruce Clark Ralph Napolitno
5 Jim Hall (SHER) Sue Spencer (SHER) Debbie Niemi (SHER) Dennis Ward (SHER)
6 Tom Richardson (SWAS) Lynn Leopold (SWAS) John Gale Mike Holmes
7 Bill Shaff (SHER) Ron Rice (SHER) Ray Bunce (SHER) Jamie Rattray
8 Alan Scheer (DSS) Doug Perine (DSS) BJ Robison Bill Powell (DSS)
9 Amy Miller (MHLTH) Anne Drake (MHLTH) Tammy Drake Judy Drake
10 Missy Lynch (MHLTH) John Cooper (B &G) Debbie Preston Bill Holtzkamp
11 Tony Denmark (B &G) Tom Cannon (B &G) Vickie Farrel (DSS) Jack Switzer
12 Deb Reniff (DMV) Greg Vestal (SHER) Michael Hughes Mark Smarr
13 Cindy Cummings /Laurenson (DSS) Ted Merritt (RET) Rudy Laurenson Connie Merritt
14 Shirley Kane (DSS) Parrott (DSS) Joan Griffiths Sharon Horn
15 Denny Fairchild (DSS) David Chase (DSS) Frank Justice (PROS) Mark Fairchild
16 Autumn Bieberich (FIN) Mike Conklin (B &G) Neil Bieberich Bob Pietila
17 Jackie Yoder (PERS) Bob Slocum (COFA) Joan Curtis King Stevens
18 Frank Croteau ( PHLTH) Karen Bishop (PHLTH) Joe Crosby John Anderson (PHLTH)
19 Lois Barden (FIRE) Jack Crance (FIRE) Greg Stevenson (FIRE) Bob Barden
20 Tim Kessler (ADM -CJ) Jeff Potter (SHER) Tom Walpole (SHER) Daryl Avery (RET)
r s
Halloween Costume Contest
�. 3 1�
4t Ilif
-1 Submit a photo of you in your
$ funniest or scariest costume.
The best one wins a surprise!!
(And their picture in the next
__ _ issue!)
November 9, 2000
9:30 am to 3:30 pm
Human Services Building
320 West State Street
Beverly Livesay Conference Room
First Floor
SIEBA Employee Wellness I3CBS 4 Univera
Your flexible spending account Program really pays
(for unreimbursed medical and off $$$. Check out Univera H BCBS
child care expenses) must be re- the reimbursements
newed for the 2001 calendar & get your blood Which will it be?
year. Donna Lynn, from pressure checked Remember, health plan
SIEBA, will be available to help too!!! changes must be made
with renewals or to assist new in November for a
enrollees. Renewal deadline is 1/1/2001 effective date
November 22, 2000.
What's all the talk about the new
Univera Health Plan for Year 2001?
Did you know the j - f•` Talk directly with our representative
County pays for l and get the real scoop.
professional counseling?
Come visit the folks O
from our Employee What's new with
Assistance Program to BCBS and EHS (Rx)? 0
learn more. Here's your chance visit the
o to find out. tlnlvera
O table and
got your
body. fat
Who needs Long Term measured'
Care Insurance? Maybe Do you have trouble
you do. See Suzanne
Aigen from MELTCA saving money. Maybe
for information. you should join the Credit
CLASSIFIEDS GOODBYE to Cecilia Vargas who bacame the new
Family Drug Treatment Court Coordinator on 9/25.
For Sale: HELLO AGAIN to Joseph Smith, Caseworker. who
was previously an intern. - DSS
Playstation with 3 code books, 1 memory card, 2 games, HELLO to Scott Roberts, Suzanne Brown, and Janna
1 controller, all hook -ups - $80; also version 3.2 game Friedman, new interns in the CPS Unit. — DSS
shark with 2 game shark code books - $25; also driver
game with strategy guide & code book - $25. Call Cindy
- 347 -6405; 5 -9 p.m.
1999 Kawasaki KX 60 - $1,900 obo. Excellent Condition, Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County
many extras. Call Jennifer - 659 evenings. employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may
Two all- season radial tires 195 75 R14, white walls; $50 be for any purpose, however personal ads will not be
for the set, only used two moths. Also, two extension accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers
mirrors (used on a Chevy Blazer 95 -97), paid $54 but will may be listed in your ad, however we do need your full
take $40 for the set. Call Bob at 539 -7215. name and County telephone number submitted with the
ad in case there are questions. Submit your ad to County
Wood -fired boiler, includes copper piping, circulation Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Board of Representatives,
pump and controls; also has heat exchanger for hot Court House, Ithaca, NY 14850 via U5 or
water heater. Can be used in addition to oil fired boiler interdepartmental mail or e-mail to: mpottorffetompkins-
or as a wood stove - $675. Also, GE dishwasher for sale; co.org
10 years old, works well - $38. Call 898 -9992 after 5 p.m. NOTE:
If you would like to modify your classified or want to
1992 Subaru Legacy AWD, 140,000 mi., runs great - run it again, you must re- submit it!
$2,999. Call 589 -6041 after 6 p.m.
Articles to be considered for the November 16th
Tioga Technical - Don't kill your computer! Let me help issue, must be received by noon on Tuesday,
with troubleshooting, training, upgrades - whatever it November 6th. Submit articles via e-mail as an
takes to get you and your computer working together attachment or on disk in any file format that is
again. Call James Keegan at 273 -7957 evenings or readable by Word for Windows '95. Send disk and
weekends. hard copy to County Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff,
Zart Computer Services for all of your computer Board of Representatives, Court House, Ithaca, NY
needs: consulting, computers and accessories. 266 -7492.
14850. Please include a contact number in case
It's never to early to start thinking about Christmas. Call
Tynyk Originals at 564 -9244 evenings or weekends for a questions arise,
unique gift or home decor item. Expecting a new arrival?
Ask about the Fleece Cuddle Wrap for babies. COUNTY CORRIDORS
Massage for relaxation or as a therapeutic response to a Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by
chronic problem. Can be flexible benefits reimbursable. the Editorial Board bused on their interest to Tompkins County
Call Richard Reed at 844 -9327. employees and retirees. They do not necessarily express the
opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is solicited from current
employees, retirees and others. The Editorial Board reserves the
right to edit submissions, except in the instance of copyright
Message Board... materials.
Michelle Pottorff (Editor) Board of Representatives
THANK YOU to Ed, Edwin, and Laurie from Buildings Iretta Ellis (Chair) Information Technology Services
& Grounds for all their hard work in helping Children Bill Chopp Department of social Services
Sharon Cooper Sheriff's Office
with Special Care Needs re- arrange the office space
Li Croup Department of Mental Health
within the division. The THANK YOU is extended to Katy Prince Health Department
Katy and Iretta for helping with the wiring, etc. From Vickie Wagner (Artist) Department of Assessment
Ellen Brazauskas, Supervisor, CHN, Health Dept. Donna Deputron (Distribution Coordinator) Bldgs. 4 Grnds.