HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-09 eill m El s etirees
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• of Tompkins County
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... ......... ......... . ........ September 2000
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C •::::::;::::::::.::::::::::::,::::::' ;! Volume 13 Number 9
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Asher Hockett from Mental Health *14
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spen summer vacation ..."Enjoying
the view from the front deck of our
e`• ''''' :,,,,,, IK
new house,"
(See additional summer vacation pictures
inside this issue.)
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What Did You Do On .. ??,;-'...-• ,,,' ''-- ' + . '
Your Summer Vacation?
Submit one good picture with a pill,r747"-Th
short caption telling what you did on
07 ,',..`'...--: ., ' e '''''''''' '''''''''''• - ' -
your summer vacation, and we will ) , .„,.,.....,..... ,. ,„,..,
publish it in County Corridors.
,... • .„.
,,,,,... .......-- "
Please include your name,
department, work and home
telephone numbers. Please note
A7Alt.,..;:; „Ativ ' , . -. ..,:oiwoll'. -,...•
,. Aq.- „...s.,.•
that picture may have to be cut, so
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send one that we don't have to
County OFF
By Barbara Blanchard
Administrator's ,,
4r' - Unlbed Way
Report '°
I t __. p,. By the time you read this newsletter, the 2000
By Rick Erb United Way Campaign will have begun. Tompkins
' °. County employees have traditionally responded
favorably and we have an opportunity this year to
really make ourselves proud of increasing our
Ever since my six - year -old son began seeing the First, we are encouraging those employees who
ads on television for Six Flags Amusement Park at haven't contributed in the past to do so this year. If
Darien Lake, I knew my destiny was pretty much we could increase our contributions by just 5
sealed. The question was no longer whether we percent, it would be an excellent effort. Translated
would go, but when? That answer became clear into real people, this means 50 more individuals
when I saw the notice from the Employee need to participate in this year's campaign.
Vending Committee announcing that there were
still seats available on their upcoming bus trip to Second, if you are a regular giver please think
the park. Wow, for $15.00 each we could have seriously about increasing your contribution by
transportation and admission tickets? A deal too $5.00. That's right...just by $5.00 for the whole
good to pass up - at least that's what I told year!! If everyone who already contributes did this,
Shannon. She and I hadn't been to a real we would increase the County's contribution
amusement park since the late 1980's and the significantly and become a real leader in
idea did bring up a few bad memories of too government sector giving — a major
much fried dough and too many rides. Why is it accomplishment.
that your tolerance for such things has to be in
inverse relation to your age? Oh well, Watch for your United Way materials to be
parenthood is no place for the faint of heart, and distributed soon, and thanks in advance for the
besides, Garrett is still a little under the minimum terrific job you do in this important campaign.
height for the most intimidating rides. Better
take him now, I thought.
Well, even though the temperature hovered in = BENEFITS DAY &
the low sixty- degree range while we were on the ( % OPEN
water slides (at least it kept the lines down), we
had a great time. Thank you Vending ENROLLMENT
Committee, for sponsoring such entertaining
trips. Maybe next time we'll try something more Mark your calendar for Thursday, November 9, 2000.
sedate, tike a nice theater trip? The annual Employee Benefits Day and Open
Enrollment will take place in the Beverly Livesay
Conference Room on the first floor of the Human
Before I wrap up for this month, I would like to Services Building. This is your opportunity to speak
thank Judy Tynyk for her service as editor of this directly with representatives from BCBS, EHS,
publication during the past year and wish Michelle Univera Healthcare, SIEBA, and others. This is the
Pottorff the best of luck as she assumes these one -time each year you can freely switch from one
duties. health insurance program to another. Flexible 1
spending accounts can be renewed for Year 2001.
More details coming. Save the date!!!
11'0111 the ki, f ore
By Carol Kammen, newly appointed Co. Historian /� °
le are
Tompkins County has had seven officially appointed g v
County Historians. This is an oddly understood position 1 17°11 since no one knows exactly what a county historian
does. There is legislation explaining what is expected
but in reality, a county historian where ever located, has
done whatever he or she wished -or even nothing at all.
Both activity and lack of activity seem to have been fine its time to get readtt.. .
with those holding the position. `il C ll��� + ITHACA BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE
In fact, many county historians have been appointed \` 1►rAL THON
because of something they were already doing. In the ff
case of Tompkins County, Glenn Norris, the first county ���� L\\ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2000
historian on record (1943 -1969) was already County
Clerk. He painted historical scenes and collected place Join us in the fight against breast cancer!
name information resulting in a valuable book Our annual walkathon fundraiser supports education programs
appreciated by historians and residents alike. and advocacy for people affected by breast cancer in Tompkins
County and the surrounding area.
Lois O'Connor had written travel articles and folk lore for Registration begins at 12:00 NOON at the Center Ithaca
over three decades. She held the office from 1969 until Pavilion on the Commons. The two -mile walk starts at
1971 and continued writing and promoting the Finger I :00 PM from the same location.
Lakes region. Bill Heidt was a printer by trade. He
created the DeWitt Historical Society's pamphlet Bring your friends, family, co - workers, and children!
publication program working on an old press in the Show that breast cancer is touching all our lives.
upper reaches of the Old Court House when the Rcrn and pledge forms are available alter Labor Dab at the Women's
museum was housed there. He was county historian in Community Building, Gannett Health Center, Oasis Natural Grocery. Borealis
1971 and 1972. Books Greenstar Cooperative Market. Courtside Racquet and Fitness Club. the
YMCA. Quitters Conner and many other businesses around town
Some recent County Historians have been appointed ITHACA BREAST CANCER ALLIANCE
because they had been hired to be the director of the 100 W. SENECA STREET o
Historical Society: Patrick Foltz served from 1974 until ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850
1978; Craig Williams from 1978 until 1983; and (607) 277 -0960
Margaret Hobbie from 1983 until 1994, og to „ ,,$) co . •, ��)11 a(� .
•)))))) acs JJ)J1 t((• AJ1J1 uc� JJ) acs
There was also an acting County Historian. That was
Armand Adams, a lawyer, son of a former District Submitted by Theresa Lyzcko, Health Dept.
Attorney for the county, and a man very interested in
early settlement, land distribution, and government. '-
Adams served from May until November of 1978.
When Gretchen Sachse was appointed County Historian Thank You
the position was separated from the historical society.
Gretchen's great interest had been the teaching of local
history in the schools. She created the program that is
used at the Eight Square School House and she edited To the 105 County employees who
materials appropriate for fourth graders. She was also donated blood at the recent blood drive
involved with the inception of the Hangar Theater's and to Buildings and Grounds staff for
Empire State Partnership in which the arts and the local
history curriculum have been effectively linked. She their help in setting up and tearing down
served from 1995 until 1999, when she died. the rooms for the drives!
This information comes from the County records with
thanks to Jennifer Luu for straightening out the dates!
County -wide Summer There are a couple of these around town but we could start
our own."
Basketball League Anyone interested in a Fall or Winter or just lunch -time
By Joseph Smith, Admin. club /league, please contact Joseph Smith in Administration
Recently, I assembled a basketball team that at 274-5551.
features County employees and community
members to include: former school Board
Member and current Tompkins County Deputy More on the cost of Gasoline...
Sheriff, Tim Little; City of Ithaca Police By David Chase, DSS
Officer, Brad Nelson; Tompkins Cortland
Community College Board Member, Nicholas V. Last month's "gasoline" article by Judy Tynyk left me feeling like
Wharton; and Deputy County Attorney, there was another side to this story.
Jonathan Wood. The team is being sponsored True, many items we purchase in liquid form cost more per
by Tompkins County Sheriff, Peter Meskill, gallon than does gasoline. True, we could all reduce our
and they bear blue and white jerseys that consumption of gasoline and save money. I am, however, not
show the "SHERIFF'S OFFICE ", in bold white yet convinced that the law of supply and demand is applicable to
letters. The team competes twice weekly in the petroleum industry.
the Greater Ithaca Activities Center (GIAC)
18 annual summer basketball league. If, however, we step back a little and think about why gasoline
prices are singled out more often, it becomes pretty obvious.
The summer league is a County wide and local Just compare usage of the products in question instead of the
cost of the quantity.
event that is praised for its positive influence
on the inner -City of Ithaca community. Since For example, using one of Judy Tynyk's representative products:
1982, GIAC's summer league has promoted
unity and pride in the city. It has also Pepto- Bismol is consumed (usually) very infrequently by an
brought people from different cultural, individual and at a rate of only 1 or 2 teaspoons at a time. Thus,
economic and social backgrounds together. this bottle purchased for $58.52/gal. may last for 2,3,or (yuk!) 4
Community agencies and local businesses are
more than happy to sponsor ten teams, which Gasoline, on the other hand, is consumed in terms of miles
comprise the league. In June an invitation driven. Many if not most people must travel 10, 15, 20 or more
was extended to county employees, family, miles one way to their place of employment each day. They may
and friends to participate on a county- have little opportunity to conserve due to scheduling difficulties
sponsored team. and commitments. So the usage of the gasoline product
becomes much more visible and has a larger, less controllable
Sheriff Peter Meskill volunteered to pick up impact on the consumer than Pepto - Bismol, Parfum, Syrup, etc.
These higher prices ($.25 /gal. more than at this time last year
the $300 registration tab that includes and a full $.50 /gal. more than the year before) are a direct hit
jerseys that carry the team name and /or on the employees of this county and must be factored in when
sponsor. The Sheriff insisted that the one considers what it costs to be employed here.
"Sheriff's Office" be placed on the jerseys to
reflect law enforcement's willingness to Yes, gasoline is still one of the cheaper liquid products we can
engage in the community in other ways. The buy, but it is also one of the things we are forced to use (in
teams consist of a ten all -male roster.
quantity) the most.
However, there was an overwhelming response Incidentally, have any of you noticed that when the media
from women who wanted to participate. reports that gas prices will be going up due to some
Unfortunately, the league is designed for men uncontrollable happenstance in the industry, the price at the
age 18 or older. Says Joseph, "with the pump jumps almost immediately? This happens even if the gas
several responses that I have received from station's tanks were just filled the day before. One would think
women who want to play, I am looking into we as consumers could get gas for a while at the old price until
the new higher priced shipment is delivered. Supply and
starting an integrated lunchtime or after demand? I don' think so!
work league with Tompkins County employees.
a nd ve ge(46/
What did these
employees do on their
• summer vacation ??
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Submitted by Theresa Lyzcko, Health. Dept. ' 1 : 1 f' / f ;, . .i A 1
Easy Ideas for Every Day - A,'' ,
• Have 100% juice every morning. I • Add raisins, berries, or sliced fruit to your cereal, 1 1 i pancakes, or waffles. , . -
• Make a fruit sandwich with a bagel, a thin spread of ,w
cream cheese, and some sliced berries or bananas. ,
i .1 . • .
• Have some vegetable soup or salad with your meal.
• Pile lots of vegetables on your sandwich. �'' }
• Add a piece of fruit or a can of cut -up fruit to your lunch. • `' , -' ±'" c� _.' "
• Replace potato chips or fre n ch fries up veggies. fri with cut u ve ies. .
• Use vegetables as the main course; try stir-frys and " �'" ..— _
vegetable stews. 1•••�tt l ►a `� _IP- _ __ . -
• Microwave vegetables and sprinkle them with a little bit -
of Parmesan cheese. ' . • ' ... � -
, '' -: - - r c�,
• Make sure your plate has lots of vegetables that are - •,-
green, orange (such as carrots or squash), and red Torn Fox, Program Coordinator for Community Support
(such as tomatoes or bell peppers). Services, spent time painting church steps in preparation for
FOR SNACKS his daughter's wedding.
• Try different kinds of dried fruit - 1 /4 cup is a whole (Photo courtesy of Cortland Standard)
serving. A
• Drink 100 % juice instead of soda. ; �
• Purchase "grab and eat" fruits and vegetables like 1
apples, plums, pears, and carrots. • rjf
• Pile your plate with healthy vegetables at the salad bar, _ 4 _
and use low -fat or non -fat dressing. , 1 , o ,; x. .�1
• Opt for vegetable soup or a salad instead of fries. ', ,. . jr i
. WHEN ON THE GO '�" ' f -: --
• Keep some dried fruit in your briefcase or car. •
• Take a piece of fruit, a bunch of broccoli florets, or baby - �' - -.' ,
carrots with you when you leave. ► �' �
WHEN GROCERY SHOPPING e, , , ..`! �� ` •
• Look for canned, frozen, and dried fruits and vegetables = ir ° '" ' : €
on sale, and stock up.
• Try a new fruit or vegetable every week from the } r
produce section. , , ' - - 'a''
For more info., go to www,5aday.gov
...while Nancy Demjanec, Psychiatric Social Worker for
Mental Health, was shearing sheep.
CLASSIFIEDS Byron E. VanZile, retired Sergeant
driv m from the Sheriff's Department, is
now living in Mathews, Virginia and
would love to hear from his friends
For Sale: 4 and former co- workers! He can be
e reached at VanZile @crossLink.net
PSE compound bow, includes everything, arrows,
quiver, shooting, pins, peep sight, used very little -
$125, Whirlpool heavy duty washer - almost new great CLASSIFIEDS
condition - $115.00, GE dishwasher - $25 - call 898 -9992
Samoyed - AKC Registered, 6 months old male, all Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County
shots, house/crate trained, excellent with children and employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may
adults. $400 (includes new crate), needs space to run. be for any purpose, however personal ads will not be
Call Alison at 255 -8487. accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers
1992 4 -door Chevy Lumina. Runs great! Great may be listed in your ad, however we do need your full
Condition. Asking $3,000. Call 838 -3748. name and County telephone number submitted with the
Fender soft travel case for acoustical guitar (classical ad in case there are questions. Submit your ad to County
size). Used once, in mint condition. $20 or best offer. Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Board of Representatives,
Call 273-3457 evenings. Court House, Ithaca, NY 14850 via US or
1996 Pontiac Grand Am SE, Green, 52,000 miles, interdepartmental mail or e-mail to: mpottorff@tompkins -
loaded, new brakes and alignment. $9,500. Contact co.org
Regina at 272 -8243. Leave message. Call 273 -3457 NOTE:
evenings. If you would like to modify your classified or want to
1991 Chevy Conversion Van.- Fantastic condition, run it again, you must re- submit it!
summer vacation miles only. Loaded - TV, VCR, _
microwave, gas stove, sink, refrigerator, fold out bed,
cb radio, captains chairs, and much more. Luxurious DEADLINE: 1 TUESDAY OF THE MONTH
with solid oak trim and plush carpeting. Asking Articles to be considered for the October 19th issue,
$10,900. Call Steve at 387 -5437, email -
fallsrus@juno.com.. must be received by noon on Tuesday, October 3rd. -
Fiberglass cap for small pick -up. Came off extended- Submit articles via e as an attachment or on disk
cab Ford Ranger pickup with 6' box. White. $125. 257- in any file format that is readable by Word for
7332 (If not home, leave message.) Windows '95. Send disk and hard copy to County
Wanted: Looking to buy a DSS Satellite System. Call Corridors c/o Michelle Pottorff, Board of
Joe at 539 -3041. Leave message. Representatives, Court House, Ithaca, NY 14850.
Please include a contact number in case questions
Services: arise.
Tioga Technical - Don't kill your computer! Let me help Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by
with troubleshooting , training, upgrades - whatever it the Editorial Board based on their interest to Tompkins County
takes to get you and your computer working together employees and retirees. They do not necessarily express the
again. Call James Keegan at 273 - 7957 evenings or opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is solicited from current
weekends. employees, retirees and others. The Editorial Board reserves the
Zart Computer Services - for all of your computer right to edit submissions, except in the instance of copyright
needs: consulting, computers and accessories. 266 - 7492. materials.
Tynyk Originals will be an exhibitor at the craft fair at Bill Chopp Department of Social Services
the Newfield Methodist Church on Saturday, October Sharon Cooper Sheriff's Department
21, 2000 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Liz Croop Department of Mental Health
Massage for relaxation or as a therapeutic response to a Iretta Ellis Information Technology Services
chronic problem. Can be flexible benefits reimbursable. Michelle Pottorff (Editor) Board of Representatives
Call Richard Reed at 844 - 9327. Katy Prince Health Department
Vickie Wagner (Artist) Department of Assessment
Donna Deputron (Distribution Coordinator) Bldgs. & Grnds. 1