HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-04 :. ' a s,,, . s « • N ewsletter for ar wo.... I/ is,. il Employees and Retirees Tompkins Coun .................. 96.....:..„..:...,..„.:..:. ic7 ....................... :.::.:::::.:. :::.::.:: 0 ........ ........ ............... .............. .::,::::::::::::: :,:..:::::*::.: ty Tom s o t y P April 2000 Volume 13 Number 4 SIGN__ ,,, '_._, ,„.,,,, _ NG ,,,,,,.,,,,, ,._,‘„:,. ,,„ ..,.....,„... Q...,,,, fr • a ' 1sj/ \ � BLOOD v ■ v � `. rr Agh' , s ifC � , i DRIVE � _ r ' ,p , 11100 c --- ,i. ■ air tfJj ii1-1;i*Ill ',, ,,.; .. „. <pi I .,,,,,,,..40.,,,,,,,,,,,, -4. . ' 1: <1.?:.. W ill) 25 -YEAR CLUB DINNER 64 -, r : . __....' ) � 4 10004 111 (c r 1 i t t i t s 1 t 4 r, , 4 , LE COFA ANNUAL �� �� LUNCHEON < f , ii ‘htkittVel,kil COUNTY KUDOS TO ADMINISTRATOR'S - , BlueCross BlueShield REPORT y r Of Central NY " -., ..1 By Louise McEwen, Retiree (Personnel) by Rick Erb It was a real pleasure to see the article in the March 21, 2000 Syracuse Post Standard, concerning the recent "high In this month's Corridors you will see the first announcement of praise" earned by one of our health a County sponsored blood drive. I'm especially excited to see us insurance carriers. I had the pleasure of take this on because I was involved in organizing drives during working with the folks at BCBS of Central my college days. It may come as no surprise that I put in a lot NY to put their program in place for the of hours at the refreshment table back then. Yes, free cookies County as of , and continued to worrk k with ith them u un ntil my are part of the donor benefit package. There are a few retirement. Therefore, I felt particularly restrictions on who can give blood, and these are outlined pleased about their recent recognition. elsewhere in this issue. Since most of us do qualify, please consider giving an hour of your time and a pint of your blood. For those of you who may not have seen The need for blood supplies is greatest in the summer, making the article, just a few excerpts. . .The the timing of our drive even more important. Empire State Advantage Program (ESA) is an Albany - based not - for - profit group Congratulations to the Assessment Department as they head supported by the State, corporations, and other organizations around the state. down the home stretch on the County revaluation project. The Their award process is non - competitive project began over three years ago and they recently finished and applicants compete only against the sending the last notifications to property owners. Altogether, ESA standards of evaluation. BCBS approximately 33,000 parcels have been reviewed. This is an decided to enter the program so it could enormous undertaking and the staff should be proud of how get some feedback on its efforts over the successfully the project has been handled. past two years to "reinvent" itself and the way it does business. Did you ever wish you knew how to safely dispose of cleaning ESA sent a team of consultants from fluids, old paints, and other chemicals that have accumulated at industry and academia who spent four your house? The Division of Solid Waste will soon have an days quizzing top management, button - answer for you. A facility to deal with these kinds of materials is holing employees in hallways and ex- now under construction and will be operational by fall. We know amining almost every aspect of BCBS. that many people have been waiting for an environmentally safe ESA then assessed BCBS on leadership, way to dispose of household hazardous materials, so customer focus, human resource appointments will be necessary when service begins. For more development and management, strategic information call 273 - 6632. planning, information and analysis, and process management. ESA indicated Remember, there is hope for all of us. Check these quotes from "that have a strategic p o f system o our reviewers said is one a of the best Vince Lombardi's first coaching appraisal: "Possesses minimal they've seen." football knowledge. Lacks motivation." BCBS of Central NY is the third company in ESA's nine -year history to receive a gold award, the highest recognition, 4..iiiii I D Jy during its first year in the program. It's also the first company ever to be singled out for strategic planning. The insurer 9 r -, has about 700,000 members and ( We' approximately 960 employees. BCBS says the award "recognized strides employees have made to turn the company around over the past two years." This sounds like a fine example of true total quality management to me. I S 1Jiir y �Y l � thought I should share with you. J 4 Dear Dan & Danielle, Last year we forgot someone's birthday, and she let us know about it — a day late. Well, I'm a radical! Never Dan thought I'd make it. 1 had a blindingly new idea, implemented it, and no one understands it. I bring my own birthday cake (donuts) to the office, sing "Happy Birthday to Me ", and everybody digs in. It's so Dear Dan & Danielle, uncomplicated; 1 wish everybody would do the same. What I am so sick of my sisters telling me that I am a do you think of the idea? spoiled rotten little brat!!! What can I do? 1 am the youngest of 4 girls and my 3 sisters all think that 1 got and still get —' The Lady in the Balcony everything I want. If you ask them, I never had to work for anything, including my parents' attention... Dear Lady, And now that I am older they are still trying to run For some, I think it would be a grand plan. For the my life and give me crap. It is starting to affect my super majority, however, 1 think there would be many fewer relationship with my parents. They drag our parents in the birthday celebrations. middle of things and it forces my parents to take sides so they Many do not like the attention. Many do not like take the side of the oldest without reason. How can I get them birthdays to begin with. Many do not want to eat sweets off my back and make my parents realize that their oldest Many do not want to interrupt their day with a party (sad, but daughter(s) aren't always right ?? true). The subject of birthday celebrations is a good one, "The baby of the family" though. I would be very interested in how other offices handle them. Perhaps Corridors will consider doing an article Dear Baby, on the subject in a future issue. You will always be the youngest. Your sisters have an image of you, just as you have of them. To our families, — Danielle we will always be that person we were while growing up. This does not mean that we can't be mature about it. Name - calling is nonsense. You will be treated as Dear Lady, maturely as you act. As long as you continue to assume the In today's fast -paced society, it is very easy to role as the "baby ", you will be treated that way. overlook a birthday or other important occasions. Don't stoop to the level they are challenging you to. I do like your radical idea, however, many people are You aren't a little kid any more, so don't act like it. too shy to take this approach. In conflict, it is always best to walk away before Instead, have an individual in your office document things get heated. Who is right and who is wrong does not everyone's birthday and write them on a calendar. (NOTE: A matter. For the most part, we're all a little bit right, and a little person does not have to reveal their birthday to anyone. bit wrong. Sensitive subject to some). That way you can be reminded If your family is too tense to be around, stay away. ahead of time as to when to celebrate or at least wish a happy After all, you're not dependent on them any more. They don't birthday. have influence over your identity. Only you do. Good luck and stay radical (it keeps people on their toes). Danielle — Dan ******************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Dear Baby, 44 1J©'2"A3B1...30 LTC) 91 S It sounds as if your sister(s) need to mature a bit. Being the youngest certainly isn't your fault, nor is the manner .To g et something done a committee should consist of in which your parents treat you. no rnore than three people, two of whom are absent. " Don't get frustrated about this situation. Instead act ROBERT COPELAND like the oldest and be more mature than the rest. If you are as frustrated as you sound, make an Know ] a d gained learning b attempt to alleviate the situation. Discuss the problems with ge is gaine b y earning ; trust b doubt skill b y your sisters and try to decipher if they are actually upset or practice and love b love. just joking with you. — THOMAS SZASZ Family is forever. Problems with family should be addressed and resolved so that they don't leave long lasting `I knew I was an unwanted bab when I saw m bath to effects. Good Luck. were a toaster and a radio." JOAN RIVERS — Dan CV/ re 7nrited TENTH ANNUAL TOMPKINS COUNTY 25 -YEAR CLUB DINNER The Tompkins County Board of Representatives cordially invites you to join them in honoring this year's inductees into the Tompkins County 25 -Year Club at a dinner to be held at the Ramada Inn, 2310 North Triphammer Road, Ithaca, New York on May 18, 2000. There will be a social hour from 5:30 until 6:30 and a buffet dinner at 6:30 p.m. Reservations, including payment of $15.00 per person, must be received by May 5, 2000. There is no charge to 25 -Year Club members and their guest. This year's new inductees are: Sherry L. Carmon- Social Services Cheryl Ann Nelson - Public Works Peter Coats-. Health Dept. Jeffrey E. Norman - Sheriff's Dept. Patricia S. Eth- Social Services Ann S. Rider - Social Services Donna D. Evershed- Health Dept. Gary F. Shippos -.Sheriff's Dept. Harold J. Herman' Probation Dept. Gary M. Teeter - Sheriff's Dept. Robert J.Hillick --Adminstration Michael P. Totman -Fire & Disaster I will attend the 25 -Year Club Dinner on Thursday, May 18 , 2000 Number Attending: Amount Enclosed: Name: Contact Number: Department: Name of Guest: Please make checks payable to TOMPKINS COUNTY and send to Tompkins County Personnel Department, 125 East Court Street Ithaca, New York 14850. 1 Iii Y Maple Syrup Time " a�# . r: x. . ,. . , .... ... .. te a . S k degrees F. during the day (best conditions). Every day, the � r sap is collected by pouring each bucket of sap into a bigger • p 11,E r bucket, pouring that bucket into a temporary holding tank on '',,,,,I , t ,;`' V I VY "'§ the back of a pickup truck, and transporting the days gathered ' .; = � It� sap to the holding tank at the Sugar House. The sap is then tyi �:' pumped into a wood fired stainless steel evaporator where the 11 1 ~° -.i c t'` - $ ,',0 E sap, which starts out at 2% sugar from the tree, is boiled I Jpf g almost to a temperature of 219 degrees F (7 degrees higher than the boiling point of water). Then, bucket by bucket ,.. transferred to a "finishing" pan, through a filter, where the final product, which is 66% sugar, is made by boiling the sap to a final temperature of 219 degrees F. The syrup is poured Tapped tree in Slaterville, NY through a filter one last time before being placed in containers Spring has sprung for consumption and sale. It takes approximately 45 gallons Trees have been tapped of sap to make one gallon of syrup. Syrup has been made , r i And jugs have been capped. �' r.,, Maple sugaring is finished g And buckets have been taken away From trees that are budding i To make shade for a summer day. $ � From President's Day (February 21, 2000) until about March 24, 2000, the local people who provide us with our pure maple syrup were very busy. In that time, I had the privilege of following two of them around to see exactly how sap from a maple tree becomes maple syrup. What a wonderful experience. The Sugar House, Yaple Rd Town of Caroline Frank Yaple and Lenny Pogorzala run Maple Yaple in the Town of Caroline and they tap approximately 200 trees in a Some more interesting facts about maple syrup and sugaring five mile radius from their Sugar House on Yaple Road. They (partially obtained from www.mi- maplesyrup.com): begin tapping trees on President's Day every year and are • New York State is #2 in maple syrup production. Vermont is #1. usually done making syrup by April Fool's Day. This year • Maple syrup production is the oldest agricultural was no exception. enterprise in the United States. In a nutshell, making maple syrup sounds so easy... • The origins of maple syrup are really not known. Maple Step 1: Tap the trees syrup was being produced from maple trees before Step 2: Gather the sap recorded history. There are a couple Indian legends about Step 3: Boil the sap until it is syrup it on the above named web site. Check them out, they are Step 4: Pour the syrup in a container for storage. really good. • Maple trees from 10 inches to 1 foot in diameter are When, in actuality, it isn't an easy task.... appropriate for tapping (Frank taps trees from 1' to 4' in diameter). There are two common types of maple trees that are tapped for • Each tap will provide enough sap to produce approxi- their sap. The sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and the black mately 1/2 to 3/4 gallon of syrup per year. maple (Acer nigrum) are the "best" trees for maple syrup. • Other products that are made from maple sap include: Frank and Lenny tap sugar maple trees in Tompkins County. D Maple sugar To tap the trees, Frank uses a special drill called a tapping drill > Maple sugar candy with a 1/2" to 9/16" drill bit and drills a hole in the tree at least ➢ Maple cream three feet from the ground and not within 6" above or below ➢ Maple butter last year's tap hole. He then inserts the tap and hangs a bucket on the tap to collect the sap. For the sap to run, the Pictures taken by Liz Croop, Mental Health. Article Written temperature outside must freeze at night and rise above 40 by: Katy Prince, Public Health Department. Has anyone in your family ever been ..: ,, ' 4 injured or had surgery and needed blood? The blood that they were given came from donors. The American Red Cross needs your donation of blood too. Here's your chance to give back to your family, friends, and neighbors. _ —mil TOMPKINS COUNTY EMPLOYEE SPONSORED Biggs A, July 31s 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. and hilli , Human Services Building, August l0 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. You can help by participating in 1 or more of the following activities: Join the Recruitment Team At least 1 person from each County Office Building will lead the campaign and promote participation. This person (or people) will sign donors up and remind donors the day before their appointment. The most common reason people report for not donating blood is that nobody asked them! Work for an Hour at the Blood Drive We'll need volunteers to work in 1 hour shifts to either help register donors or be the '` "Canteen" person - that's the person who hands out cookies and juice to those who have just 0 donated blood. Donate Your Blood �` ' ")' Take an hour off from work to help your community. A donation of one unit of blood equals a little less than a pint. The body replaces the fluid donated within 24 hours. Red cells are replaced in about six weeks. An individual may donate a unit of whole blood _ ' every 56 days (eight weeks). If we all pull together and give a little, we can make this a huge success. If you are interested in helping out, please call Jackie Kippola at 274 -5548 or e-mail me at jkippola (a,einstein.tompkins- co.org. Stay tuned for more information in future Corridors issues. • American Red Cross Heart Related Refer to Collection Manager /designee Blood Services Chest Pain New York - Penn Region Hepatitis Refer to Collection Manager /designee Hives Accept - unless hives are in antecubital area RECRUITMENT GUIDELINES (both arms) or if hives are severe GENERAL INFORMATION Human Bite Accept - if 12 months from date of occurrence Hyperthyroidism Accept - unless currently being treated with The following guidelines will be used by Donor Services Collection radioisotopes recruitment, telerecruitment and Apheresis recruitment /scheduling Kidney Dialysis Not acceptable staff. Additionally, this guideline may be provided to Chapter Lyme Disease Chronic - indefinite deferral - refer donor to representatives. your Supervisor NOTE: Refer all information or information not included on this list to a Acute - Accept if symptom free and no Collections Program Manager /designee or Apheresis Team medication has been taken for the condition in Supervisor /designee. last year Age Must be at least 17 years of age. If donor is 76 Menstruation Accept years old or older, the donor must meet all donor Mononucleosis Refer donor to your supervisor acceptability criteria to be eligible to donate (Mono) AIDS Can NOT donate if donor has any of the Multiple Sclerosis Indefinite Deferral - refer donor to your following: 1- positive test for HIV; 2- participation Supervisor in high risk sexual behavior; 3 -IV drug abuse; 4- Needlestick Accept - if 12 months from date of occurrence received money or drugs for sex; 5 -born in or Parkinson's Disease Accept - if donor can control movements lived in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Poison Ivy Accept - if antecubital area is clear Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Niger or Nigeria Pregnancy Accept - if 6 weeks after full term delivery. No since 1977; had sex with anyone in these areas; or restriction after miscarriage or abortion in first received a blood transfusion in any of these areas or second trimester. Allergies Accept - if under control Defer - if suspected or known pregnancy Blood Transfusions Accept - if 12 months after receiving blood /blood Prostatitis Accept - when recovered (non- cancerous) products unless autogeneic (self- donated) blood (inflammation of product the Prostate) Body Piercing Accept - if sterile procedure used Rheumatic Fever Accept - if symptom free and meets criteria for Defer - 12 months from date of piercing if non- valvular heart disease. Question donor if he /she sterile procedure used has valvular heart disease - if "no ", donor is Bone Fractures Accept - if the antecubital area is accessible acceptable; if "yes" - refer to Collection Cancer Accept - Basal and Squamous cell (skin) CA, when Manager /designee excised and healed Sexually Accept - if 12 months after last dosage of Most other cancers not requiring chemotherapy Transmitted medication for syphilis or gonorrhea are acceptable after a minimum of 5 years have Diseases elapsed (and no recurrence) Shingles Accept Chronic Fatigue Accept - if illness is inactive Sore Throat, Temporary deferral - acceptable when symptom - Syndrome Fever free. Refer to Medication job aid if on antibiotics Colds Accept - if free of acute symptoms (fever, sore Surgery Accept if: 1- Sutures are dissolved or removed; 2- throat, productive cough) and not on prescription Wound is healed; 3 -donor has resumed normal medication for infection activity and feels well; 4 -no blood transfusion; 5- Cold Sores Accept underlying illness does not disqualify donor; 6- Convulsions Accept - if seizure free for 3 months procedure was not a bone marrow transplant Creutzfeldt -Jakob Indefinite deferral - refer donor to your Sutures Accept - minor sutured lacerations after 2 days Disease (CM) Supervisor with no signs or symptoms of infection New Variant Indefinite deferral - refer donor to the Tattoo Accept - if 12 months from date of tattoo Creutzfeldt -Jacob supervisor if visited or lived in the United Transfusion Accept - if 12 months from date of (Homologous) Disease (nvCJD) Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland transfusion Wales, Isle of Man, or the Channel Islands) for 6 Accept - if autogeneic (self donated) transfusion months or more during 1980 -1996 Travel in past 12 Accept - Western Europe, Caribbean (except Accept - if lived or visited for less than 6 months months Haiti) - Refer all other travel to Collection Crohn's Disease Accept - if afebrile (no fever), symptom free on Manager /designee day of donation AND not on steroids 12 month deferral for travel (such as a Dental Work Accept - if 3 days after oral surgery, all other connecting flight or cruise ship port visit) to dental work is acceptable malarial areas during daylight and nighttime hours Diabetes Accept - if controlled by oral medication, diet, or - Refer to Collections Manager /designee on same dosage of insulin for 2 weeks Tuberculosis Temporary deferral until fully recovered from Grave's Disease Accept acute disease and course of therapy has been Gout Accept completed Heart Attack or Accept after 6 months if: 1 -No restrictions on Ulcers Accept - if symptom free Myocardial physical activities; 2- Symptom free; 3 -No Weight 110 lbs. or more (Note: Upper weight limits are Infarction (MI) medications for heart disease determined by the weight limit of the bed) Well, you know, we're saddled with this nutball who's a Wggg1� lI��JJ ,' ( U SINGING �,.tpW q? wannabe editor, and we try to keep him down in the basement 1I�ti''YY d �JV� v 1 chained to the furnace, but every so often he gets loose and � ,��'- : runs amok and wreaks havoc and unless lightning strikes him ,., ` . ,r there really isn't anything we can do about it so here you are: , :' ,I.;,". In the Good Col' Days Adapted by Bill Chapp il 1 COMPUTERs were something you saw on Tv - '14 ri Or in sci -fi movies of note And WINDOWs were something you needed to clean y � And RAMS were the cousins of "goats" ? 1 , - • • Then MEG was the name of a girlfriend of mine ;' :A And a JIG was a tune 6/8 timed t And so that you'll know and can make it a go ` I've written these verses all rhymed v 1 . 0 ., 1 ■ APPLICATIONS were mostly how folks got their jobs k ' And a PROGRAM was broadcast, you know A CURSOR was not a respectable man �� -; 1 ` . * I n ,\` 1 I And a KEYBOARD meant the piano Dr. Annett Brink receives a singing telegram at her A COMPRESS was something you put on a wound March 31 going away party. The folks at Mental Health Not something you did to a FILE wish her well on her new venture. And if you UNZIPPED anything publicly You'd wind up in jail for a while A LOGON meant adding more wood to the fire 1 HARD DRIVES meant long trips on bad roads Snack Attack A MOUSE PAD was where all the hippie mice lived And BACKUPs would flush the commodes �� Put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on a waffle and cover with maple syrup. YUM. 1 ,T ➢ Do you have a favorite snack? ➢ Do you have to send snacks to school with your children for their snack day to share with the class? A CUT's what you made with a sharp pocket knife ➢ Do you ever get cravings for something special? And PASTE'S what you did with some glue Well, now is your chance to share your ideas. Please send A wEB's what a spider would weave for its home your favorite snack ideas interdepartmental mail to Judy And a VIRUS, well...that meant the flu Tynyk or (gitchygumma @juno.com). I guess I'll just stick to my paper and pen P.S. Samples ALWAYS appreciated. Please send enough for And the memories all in my head 10 people to Iretta Ellis, ITS by the second Tuesday of the Though no one's been killed in a computer crash month. Let that worry be 13111 Gates' dread i Roses are red, Violets are purple, w 11 7 Sugar is sweet {1/4C `- And so is Maple Syrplel * GIGA- is pronounced "jig'uh." Look it up. VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT excess of $1.5 million to various non - profit NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT organizations. In the Ithaca area, the Foundation by Sue Robinson, Domestic Violence Prevention Coordinator has supported the Tompkins Cortland Community College Nursing Program, the Rachael Thaler I was in Washington, DC recently to meet with our Concert Series at Ithaca College, and initial support senators and congressman to advocate for the of the Special Children's Center. The Tompkins reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act County Public Library has been an area of special (VAWA) which is due to expire on October 1, 2000. interest to the Thaler /Howell Foundation. VAWA '94 has created programs that have impacted Programs such as Books -on -Tape, Large Print the lives of millions of women. collection and children's books have received funding in the past. Manley H. Thaler has been the These programs have bolstered the prosecution of Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer child abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence since the Foundation's inception. cases; increased services for victims by funding shelters and sexual assault crisis centers; increased The grant boosts the Library's fundraising resources for law enforcement and prosecutors and campaign total raised to date to $750,000. Borg created a national Domestic Violence Hotline. Warner Corporation also gave a $200,000 corp- Tompkins County has benefited greatly from grants orate gift in February. The Library's fundraising received as a result of this legislation, as have many goal is $1 million. towns and counties throughout the country. Monies raised in the campaign will provide Although all three of the Ithaca congressmen are co- increased programming for children and seniors, sponsors of the legislation and very supportive, improved technology and an increase in the they need to hear from us about how important we Library's collection including books, tapes, books think the VAWA is. If you would be willing to write on tape, and instructional and recreational videos. to Senator Moynihan, Senator Schumer, and /or The slogan of the campaign is "wisdom is your local congressman (for many of us that is priceless, but access is not." Representative Hinchey), I have a sample letter and a couple of pages of key talking points and Individuals wishing to make a donation should reauthorization needs to assist you. contact Elayne Nicholas at 272 -4557. Naming opportunities are still available. Please contact me in whatever way is easiest for you - e -mail, interoffice mail, or telephone - and I will send you all the information you need to write Proverbs for a New Millenium your own letter. If I can answer any questions for you, please call me at 274 - 5455. Y Home is where you hang your ®. The e -mail of the species is more deadly than the mail. Y A journey of a thousand sites begins with a single click. Library Receives You can't teach a new mouse old clicks. $200,000 Grant % Great groups from little icons grow. • Speak softly and carry a cellular phone. The Tompkins County Public Library has received Y In some places, C:\ is the root of all directories. a $200,000 grant from the Thaler /Howell Foundation - Oh, what a tangled website we weave when first we for the acquisition of children's books and practice. children's media. The grant will also provide y Pentium wise, pen and paper foolish. support for visits from children's authors. y The modem is the message. Library Director Janet Steiner said that the grant is Too many clicks spoil the browse. a perfect match between the library's priorities and • The geek shall inherit the earth. the Thaler /Howell Foundation's goals. Our new y There's no place like http: / /www.home.com Y Don't byte off more than you can view. library is designed to greatly increase our capacity • Fax is stranger than fiction. to serve children. This gift will ensure that the children of our community will have many What boots up must come down. beautiful books to read and treasure." Windows will never cease. • Virtual reality is its own reward. The Thaler /Howell Foundation was founded in y Modulation in all things. Ithaca in 1978 by an initial gift from Eric and Jesse : - Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him Howell, long time residents of Ithaca. To date the to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks. Thaler /Howell Foundation has made grants in Upcoming trips and events sponsored by the ';,;; Vending Committee Recreation Subcommittee: x�.FE Niagara Falls, Canada & Marineland When: Saturday, July 8th Cost: $10 /pp bus transportation to Niagara Falls specifically for sightseeing /Casino Niagara S20 /pp bus transportation to Niagara Falls and admission to Marineland (For anyone going to Marineland, there will be time later in the day for sightseeing /Casino Niagara in Niagara Falls) "Dames at Sea" at the Hangar Theatre When: Friday, July 14 8:00 P.M. Cost: $15 /pp center seating Limited number of seats so make your reservations ASAP! New York Mets Baseball Vs. St. Louis Cardinals with Mark McGuire When: Saturday, July 29th Cost: $60 /pp Includes bus transportation and ticket to ball game Limited number of seats available so call to reserve your seat! Six Flags Darian Lake When: Saturday, August 19th Cost: $15 /pp Includes bus transportation and admission to park Fall Shopping Excursion Location to be determined When: Saturday, November 4th Cost: To be determined by destination Call or e-mail us if you have any ideas or preferences For more information call or e-mail: Pete Coats — 274 -6688 (pcoats @ tompkins- co.org) or Patty Stamm — 274 -6674 (pstamm @tompkins - co.org) Zl ire Vga ted to " 'ttead ry .. The Tompkins County Office for the Aging's Annual Luncheon Celebrating our 25 anniversary Honoring 25 Outstanding Senior Citizen Volunteers Music & Entertainment Provided Monday, May 22., 2000 1200 pm Ramada Inn Contact Lisa Holmes to purchase tickets 274 -5400 by Friday, May 12 4 41 2, Wi *• am` W•4 A doptA Wonderful Friend March, 27, 2000 Vio My Dear Little Pedro, _ } FREE KITTENS I was- so- sorry to hear (*your vnari,t l wogs: I r ' X d believe/that a vna,vv should not be left alone I cum, X Ready to go week of therefore'ta.ki,ruw opportunity to- introduce' May lS, 2000 myself to-yow, ju$tovv the/ chance, that yaw need, a/ 2 gray tigers l; the diversio -w fro-m. your recent rtuw o f 1'a.d. k Eck and X As - am, nzi I a a iUatur t�� e. long-le I do- 2 light gray w /black not have, but I do- ha ve- qu.itee voe c red. hcar and. X are, always- a loving- na tore- My pee o ple. please ca!! br a very gg tub that I a wi p olit fiA ,vt3 y a nd loya L I x Ji!lean Apgar m, to- party a.vu:+vi,a.L, but evyoy a. good ti,vnewith, 539 -7737 c that special someone Oh,, and, I adore Mexico vv Food'? If you, would. Lace, to 0-et a.cyua i n.ted, plea be X e-rn a pne, 2121 a tlus4u.ctmt. I hope to- hear frovwyow p rf J 34fl vl t t .� ,a yI1 CLASSIFIEDS 1789 The Cayuga Indians surrendered to the state. 1790's First grain mill is built on Cascadilla Creek by Jacob Yaple, one of ( For Sale: ( the first settlers. 5 acres located in Lapeer (near Marathon) - cleared, beautiful view, perfect for building, mobile home zoned. Asking $12,000 -Call 607- 756 -6875, leave message. Black Matte bunk bed w /single mattress on top, Futon ` giriwr r7[o1v 3FUE"1•I3FtM3: on bottom - $150 - call Iretta at 844 -3420 nights or If you no longer wisb to receive Corridors, please notify weekends. Y 9 P y as at the address listed on tills page. 1978 Rally 20 ft. boat - I /O, open bow with 305 Chevy eng. - $3,800- call Iretta at 844 -3420 nights or weekends. DEADLINE: 1st TUESDAY OF THE MONTH Brand new /never been opened: Titanic on DVD - $10; Articles to be considered for the June 1st issue, must Cannon BJC -1000 color printer w /cable - featuring be received by noon on Tuesday, May 2" Submit American Greetings CreataCard SE and IBM Crayola articles via e-mail as an attachment or on disk in any Print Factory software - $30 - call Judy at 564 -9244 file format that is readable by Word for Windows '95. nights or weekends. Send disk and hard copy to County Corridors c/o Judy Tynyk, Weights & Measures, 125 East Court Street, EIectric cart for elderly or handicapped. Ithaca, NY 14850. Please include a contact number in Indoor /outdoor, 25 -mile range, built -in battery charger, case questions arise. deluxe, great features, excellent condition - $950 - call CLASSIFIEDS 564 -3430. Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County 1991 Subaru Wagon (white). Automatic, All -wheel employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may drive, good condition - $1,995 negotiable. /For more be for any purpose, however personal ads will not be information call Rich at 277-8158. accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in your ad, however we do need your full Services: name and County telephone number submitted with the ad in case there are questions. Submit your ad to County Tioga Technical - Don't kill your computer! Let me help Corridors c/o Judy Tynyk, Weights Measures, 125 East with troubleshooting, training, upgrades - whatever it Court Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 via US or takes to get you and your computer working together interdepartmental mail or e-mail to: gitchygumma@ juno.com again. Call James Keegan at 273 -7957 evenings or NOTE: weekends. If you would like to modify your classified or want to run it again, you must re- submit it! Zart Computer Services - for all of your computer needs: consulting, computers and accessories. 266 -7492. COUNTY CORRIDORS Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by Wedding Photography Dunn Rite. High quality matte the Editorial Board based on their interest to Tompkins County albums. Videography. Affordably priced. Call 594 - 3387 employees and retirees. They do not necessarily express the until 8:00 p.m. opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is solicited from current employees, retirees and others. The Editorial Board reserves the It's time to start thinking about Mother's Day. Call right to edit submissions, except in the instance of copyright Tynyk Originals at 564-9244 evenings or weekends for a materials. unique gift or home decor item. Expecting a new arrival? EDITORIAL BOARD: Ask about the Fleece Cuddle Wrap for babies. Now Bill Chopp Department of social Services Sharon Cooper Sheriff's Department accepting MasterCard and Visa. Liz Croop Department of Mental Health Iretta Ellis Information Technology Services Massage for relaxation or as a therapeutic response to a Michelle Pottorff Board of Representatives chronic problem. Can be flexible benefits reimbursable. Katy Prince Health Department Call Richard Reed at 844 Vickie Wagner (Artist) Department of Assessment Judy Tynyk (Chair /Editor) Dept. of Weights & Measures Donna Deputron (Distribution Coordinator) Bldgs. 6 Grnds.