HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-02 :4tiitY: �� s _ E and Retirees QQ d t } Employees s n R ii 4• •Y P Y f ins County o Tom k Co t P Y is ?.! +�YV is e qp �l Iodine ae •i:t }tif 4 +:Ci.. w 1 ::::::; >i';r:> >;:�' FEBRUARY A RY 9999 Volume 12 Number 2 Tompkins County Celebrates the International Year of Older Persons 1999 The United Nations has proclaimed 1999 as the International Year of Older Persons. Throughout the year, special events will be held by senior organizations, local offices for the aging, and advocacy groups in celebration of the occasion. In Tompkins County, the Office for the Aging, the Senior Citizen's Council and the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute are working together on events to commemorate the International Year of Older Persons. Calendar of Events February • Proclamation of International Year of the Older Person by the City of Ithaca and Tompkins County • Intergenerational Program -- Valentine's Day Exchange Between South Hill School and Reconstruction Home • Older Worker's Month March • Ithaca College Gerontology Institute's Distinguished Speaker Series - -- Neal Cutler "Sex After 60: Results of a National Survey" March 15, 7:30pm Emerson Suites, Phillips Hall • International Year of Older Persons Featured Speaker -- Rose Dobrof "Growing Older in Upstate New York: Future Issues and Challenges" March 17, 3 -5pm, Kendal Auditorium • Focus on Leisure and Educational Opportunities Available at the Senior Citizen's Center April • Retired Senior Volunteer Project Recognition Event to commemorate National Volunteer Week • Focus on Senior Services Available at the Office for the Aging May . r ' • Older American's Month 6 !' • National Nursing Home Week -- • Office for the Aging Annual Luncheon May 9 -15 and • Senior Citizen's Center's Annual Meeting -- May Senior 20 Recognition \� Al • Senior Diary Radio Presentations ��rN`- • Senior Walk for Fitness -- May 27th z.,, ,,, 1 , t • Ithaca College Gerontology Institute's Senior Housing Conference "The Places We Call Home" June • Ithaca Festival Activities -- Parade Walk - -June 4 "Aging is Everyone's Future" " w-- July • Senior Diary Radio Presentations (� August • Senior Diary Radio Presentations Vilt . September • Ithaca College / Senior Collaboration: Oral History Dramatic Performance • Intergenerational Program -- Poster Contest with Reconstruction Home and Ithaca Schools October • Harvest Moon Dance at Ithaca College November • Alzheimer's Awareness Month • National Family Caregivers Week: November 21 -27 December • Holiday Celebration at Senior Citizen's Center with featured speaker John Krout, Director, Ithaca College Gerontology Institute For further information on any of these events, please contact the Tompkins County Office for the Aging: 274 - 5482 County Administrator's Report Tales from the Bush by Rick Erb by Dave Bush, Sheriff's I know that everyone Hello all! is aware of the lawsuit Glad to be here another filed by the attorney month, I thought that I was a general from each after last month's article. state against the .++I��> /�,I� / tobacco industry to r �4J N Col. Cooper was quite upset with ,.. +. ,� ,: I . : me after I spilled the beans on ( recover costs incurred VIP- L r O her. She even had the nerve to from treating smoking �: ;� - ., yell at me! related illness. Most I have been getting many N q of you also know that requests from fellow employees ,, the $206 billion about weather forecasts as they 1 ` negotiated settlement — ' `r are traveling to different parts of ,,• will affect us here in the country. Rest assured that I Tompkins County. don't mind at all - just e-mail the Although there are request. (Give me a couple of days to respond). several key details Now that the winter weather is upon us, things on remaining to be resolved on this matter, I would like to the hill are getting very busy with accidents and traffic update you on the status of the litigation. enforcement. Remember to be very careful when traveling As part of the overall settlement, $24 billion will be in school zones and be extra careful about leaving yourself room to stop for school buses. A little note that distributed to state and local government to reimburse people seem confused about is passing a stopped school them for smoking related health care costs. According to bus while it is loading or discharging students in school the plan proposed by former Attorney General Dennis Whenever and wherever a school bus is Vacco (and now supported by his successor, Elliot Spitzer), driveways. this would mean payment of $42.5 million to Tompkins stopped and has its flashing red lights activated, it is illegal to pass it. County in equal installments over the next twenty -five In ending this month's article, I would like to share years. There are two surprising aspects to this plan. One with all a notice that was received from ENCON, the notice is that payments from the tobacco companies would be applies more to the North regions but I thought it was made directly to the counties, without having to pass interesting: through state government. Equally noteworthy is the "In light of the rising frequency of human - grizzly understanding that there are no strings attached dictating bear conflicts we are advising hikers, hunters and how funds are to be utilized by the counties fishermen to take extra precautions and keep alert of bears On December 23, 1998 the Hon. Stephen G. Crane, in the field. Justice of the Supreme Court, New York County approved the terms of the plan, clearing the way for payments to begin as early as the year 2000. Soon after, the City of 11111111 I New York filed an appeal claiming the formula being used does not reflect their true level of expenditures on smoking related illness. Erie and Westchester Counties also appealed the decision. They did not disagree with the formula, but are seeking reimbursement for litigation costs from a special fund. The effect of these appeals on the disbursement schedule is unknown at this time. Adding to this uncertainty is President Clinton's intention to We advise that outdoorsmen wear noisy little bells recoup approximately $5 billion per year from the tobacco on their clothing so as to not startle bears that are not proceeds, based on the federal share of Medicaid costs. expecting them. Also, it is advised that you carry pepper This plan has caused many state and local officials to spray with you in the case of an encounter with a bear. It question where the federal government had been when the is also a good idea to be aware of recent signs of bear litigation was filed and the settlement negotiated. activity. The first time I spoke to the New York State Association of Outdoorsmen should recognize the difference Counties, they were optimistic about the terms of the between black bear and grizzly bear excrement: black bear excrement is much smaller and contains lots of berries and settlement, but advised us to "not spend it yet ". Three squirrel fur. months later that is still good advice. When we do get the pepper." bear excrement has little bells in it and smells like peppe definitive word on a settlement, there will be plenty of time Had you going there for awhile HUH? there discuss how we should utilize the funds. I have heard proposals floated already and this will surely provide for I'll be back next month Dave lively debate. Stay tuned as the twists and turns continue. tr °'' Dear READERS, I have received several praises for writing this _ r� X column. I want to thank everyone for your kind words and r '° i ti! great letters. I am certainly no expert, but I have been (Aeyr —nd de ax c�ci/xa around the block, and do a fair amount of reading on life - _ issues. I am constantly learning new things. ' 4r '. So, thanks for writing, and keep 1 �ce � � g � those letters coming. O mwx (Teel ,m, Danielle *********************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** \ Send questions to Danielle c/o Ruth Pond, Finance You're Invited Dear Danielle, elli• I was given a gift certificate for Christmas for a full body massage. I am not a small person by a long shot and - �' I am embarrassed to go for it. The friend who gave it to me '"' r keeps asking if I have been yet and I tell her I haven't and she looks so disappointed. l don't know what to do. This is a very dear friend, but What should I do? — Victorian style lady Dear Victorian, Since she is such a dear friend, I suggest you tell e Some of you may know me from Purchasing her that you are self- conscience about having a massage and that you would prefer to use the certificate for some and heard me talk about my farm. As the growing season body products. Most massage parlors sell lotions, pillows, approaches, 1 want to extend an Open Invitation to visit us. aromatherapy items, and do- it- yourself massage gadgets The name of our farm is Siren Farms. No, we don't harvest that are wonderful to have for pampering yourself. You can in the nude! We are "heeding the call to a better way." talk to her before or after you use the certificate, but I am We are family owned and operated and in our third year of certain that her intent was for you to indulge yourself in a Organic Certification through the Northeast Organic manner that makes you feel good, rather than Farmers Association, otherwise known as NOFA -NY. uncomfortable. Siren Farms believes there IS a place for family farms and there IS a way to grow fresh, beautiful and healthy produce *********************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** without the use of pesticides and harmful chemicals. We Dear Danielle, hope to start what is known as Community Supported Years ago, apparently, my siblings and I told our Agriculture or CSA. This is a relationship between small mother that we liked being able to confide in her, but didn't farmers and their consumers. It is an opportunity for really want her to "tell us what to do" with our lives. consumers to get closer to the source of their food and Truthfully, I don't remember telling her this, but I may have. have a better appreciation of it. I As an organic farm, we try to create an ecosystem that is i My dilemma now, is that when I want advice from as diverse and self- sustaining as natures' own. We use my mom, she is not always willing to give it. I find myself cover crops, crop rotation and composts to encourage a second - guessing myself and asking myself, "What would "healthy living soil." It is our belief that the soil is a living Mom do in this situation ?" What I really want is for my entity that requires as much, if not more, care and attention mom to TELL me what she would do in the same type of as the seeds and plants we place in it. In doing this, we situation. How do I tell my mom that I like knowing what hope to provide our plants with a strong base that will help she would do in my shoes? She is much wiser than I am. them "fend for themselves." I It is amazing the things she has learned over the last 30 We grow a wide variety of vegetables from Artichokes to years. Zucchini, using some of the newest and oldest techniques — WWMD? of sustainable agricultural practices. We are located on Dear WWMD, Route 96 in the town of Spencer. Just head out on Route I strongly suggest you tell your mom how you feel. 34/96 and turn left at the light, we are one mile down on the She will be honored. It sounds like she has a great deal of left. Or, you can reach us at 589 -4799 or e-mail us at respect for your independence. It also sounds like a safe sirenfarms @clarityconnect .com for directions or more bet that if you preface your conversation with "Mom, I need information about our farm. Our produce is available at the your advice ", she'll be there for you. If she resists giving Ithaca Farmers' Market every weekend, Ithaca Wegman's you advice, it might be because she trusts your judgment Organic Section and our road side stand, of course! above her own.... And that's not bad. You have the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them and know We look forward to seeing you. ray that your mom will be supportive no matter what path you L , �a�e, cA v�2 s' (3an c.:/Ye� choose to take. *********************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 1 Unclassifieds The Personal Touch For Sale: Congratulations to: Sheila Ferrari, former Director of Purchasing, on the birth of her Franklin Woodstove - excellent condition. $100 grandson, Addison Daniel Ferrari, December 30, 1998. Sheila has or best offer. 387 -9320. started a new career in sports tourism. She is working for the Adirondack Sports Commission, an organization promoting the Boots - Ladies Harley Davidson side zip, front Adirondack region as a world -class sports venue. One of its lace. Size 7. Never worn. ($160 new) 659 -5188. successes is the Ironman Triathlon, to be held August 15, 1999 in Lake Placid. Want a unique Easter Basket? Then you need the Wonder Basket (folds flat for storage) from Welcome to: Tynyk Originals. Various sizes and fabrics to Peter Meskill, Sheriff and Randy Haus, Undersheriff, from choose from. 564 -9244. the employees of the Tompkins County Sheriff's Department. Lost: �� ,�� Woman's Marcasite Ring - Antique, silver. Lost �. _`� at DSS Christmas Party 12/16/98. Sentimental �1 = %� �::T )' _ 1 � 1 � ) ; value. Reward. Call Jan in Elmira 733 -2109. — ®� - � TRIP: TRIP! TRIP. dr Worth Repeating �- T. Philadelphia Flower Show f. . ■, -- Sat March 13 Charlie Boswell has been a hero to many 550 per person and has inspired thousands to rise above circumstances and five true passions. _ i Includes round trip bus and admission to the flower show. e )�_ Charlie was blinded during World War II For more call: Pete Coats - 274 -6688, while rescuing his friend from a tank that was Patty Stamm - 274 -6674 or , \ under fire. He was a great athlete before his -J \ r, _ Lynda Rose - 274 -5553 f" accident and in a testimony to his talent and - determination he decided to try a brand new sport, GO f ` IN I P) a sport he never imagined playing, even with his _ � 1 9 P eyesight GOLF! ., /l' Through determination and a deep love for the Articles to be considered for the March 25 issue must be received game he became the National Blind Golf by noon, Monday, March 8. Lengthy articles should be on disk. Champion! He won that honor 13 times. One of Send by interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, Finance, or 125 East his heroes was the great golfer Ben Hogan, so it Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Fax: 274 -5505. truly was an honor for Charlie to win the Ben UNCLASSIFIEDS Hogan Award in 1958. Upon meeting Ben Hogan, Charlie was Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads awestruck and stated that he had one wish and it will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in was to have one round of golf with the great Ben these ads, however we do need the full name of the person submitting the ad. Use Hogan. Mr Hogan agreed that playing a round this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, County together would be an honor for him as well, as he Corridors c/o Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. had heard about all of Charlie's accomplishments Please type or print legibly! Thanksf and truly admired his skills. "Would you like to play for money, Mr. Hogan ?" blurted out Charlie. "1 can't play you for money, it wouldn't be fair" said Mr Hogan. "Aw, come on Mr. Hogan... $1, 000 per hole!" "I can't, what would people think of me taking advantage of COUNTY CORRIDORS you and your circumstance," replied the sighted Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer golfer. "Chicken, Mr Hogan ?" "Okay" blurted a editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees. frustrated Hogan, "but I'm going to play my best!" They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is "I wouldn't expect anything else," said the solicited from current employees, retirees and others, confident Boswell. "You're on Mr Boswell, you Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial name the time and place!" A very self - assured Board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Sheriffs; Liz Boswell responded "10 o'clock... tonight!" Croop, Mental Health; Lisa Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance- Purchasing; lretta Ellis, Information Services; Ruth Pond, (Editor), Finance; Michelle Pottorff, Bd. Of Taken from Chicken Soup for the Soul. Representatives; Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures; and Vickie Wagner, (Artist), Drafting Technician. Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County Corridors, c/o Finance - Purchasing, 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.