HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-01 c,...c...,::)/( i i \ �L A Newsletter for
Employ T ees and Retirees
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E of om kins County
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Sheriff's Department Retirees - Recognizing 81 years of combined service.
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Emery B. Guest Daryl E. Avery Duane Van Hartman
Emery served in the U.S. Navy 26 years in Law Enforcement Van to all that know him.
from 1962 - 1966. 6 years with Tompkins County 25 years of service.
Emery was hired by Sheriff Robert Served in the U.S. Army 1967 -1970 Van was hired by Sheriff Robert
Howard in 1968 as a deputy sheriff. with tours of duty in the Republic of Howard on 9/3/73 at the rank of
One of Emery's first assignments Viet Nam. Deputy Sheriff and was initially
was navigation patrol of Cayuga Was hired in 1973 as a assigned to the security detail at the
Lake. Emery was promoted to the deputy sheriff for Schuyler County. Tompkins County Airport. On July
rank of Criminal Investigator on Attended Northwest Traffic Science 9, 1985 Van was promoted to the
August 26, 1973. During this period program at SUNY Albany. position of Juvenile Investigator. In
Emery attended many schools on Promoted to the rank of sergeant in 1995 Van was assigned to the
police and investigative techniques, 1978. Attended Elmira College and Criminal Investigations Division to
he also attended Criminal Justice Corning Community College handle both adult and juvenile
courses at TC -3. Emery also studying Criminal Justice. Received investigations.
received his Police Instructor Police Instructor certificate and Van has attended numerous
certificate and taught many classes taught Firearms and other classes at Law Enforcement schools and
in the Basic Police School and also Southern Tier Law Enforcement received many letters of thanks from
area highschools. On September Academy. When Watkins Glen residents throughout the county for
17, 1985, Emery was promoted to International reopened, Daryl was his professionalism and dedication
the position of Senior Investigator. put in charge of Law Enforcement to duty.
During his tenure as the Senior at the race track scheduling and Van will retire to his wood
Investigator several major crimes coordinating officers from all over shop, where he is known to build
occurred. The first being the Eliza the State. beautiful cabinets and furniture.
Bush murder investigation, then In 1993 Emery Guest
Ernest Vann committed a murder appointed Daryl as his Undersheriff.
and dumped the body in a rural area
(, Q� f�ta ,� .
in the Town of Danby, then Deborah `7
Knappen was charged in the Tales from the Bush A New President
shooting death of her husband. Benefit Basics Santa's Helpers
The citizens of Tompkins Toddler Storytime Unclassifieds
County elected Emery as their Dear Danielle Personal Touch
Sheriff in 1990. He was reelected to Conflict of Interest
the position again in 1994. A new Reindeer? DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE:
County Administrator's Report Tales from the Bush
by Rick Erb by Dave Bush, Sheriff's
dMilliik is always a
p leasure to Hello from up here on the hill!
pleasure Well to start off with there's a
present positive ,011 1 / /)1i new Sheriff in town and a new fi
news to County �J ` Under Sheriff. Things are
employees and I 4 . r . )'j moving along very smoothly
will take the here at TCSD.
opportunity this I know that you all are
- excited that winter has finally
month to tell you arrived here in Ithaca. I could
about our Self- tell that the fall was too long
Insurance as it was bumper cars during
Reserve Fund. the first snowfall! One must
>, .. As some of you remember that one's care does not stop the same on snow
/ may know, and ice as it does on dry pavement. I must apologize to all
several years ago my faithful weather followers and my reports have been
Tompkins County sporadic but things around the office have been keeping us
made the decision all very busy. I did try to get out as many as I could for the
to self - insure for last storm and NO the Sheriff did not close the roads.
much of the risk involved with the normal operation of Just to let you all know Sharon Cooper who is on
county government. Payments are made for the committee for this paper hounds me something awful
negligent or erroneous acts involving items such as about getting my article done, we here at TCSD refer to her
as Colonel Cooper! There I am sorry Sharon but I had to
motor vehicle accidents, lawsuit settlements, second spill the beans.
party property damage, and a variety of other issues, A few points to ponder until the next issue
A reserve fund was established to pay for these - If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill
items, saving us the cost of insurance premiums. himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
Because of the potential for major claims against the - If rabbit's feet are so lucky, then what happened to the
County, a separate excess insurance policy is still rabbit?
purchased to protect us from potentially larger - Why is it that to stop Windows 95, you have to click on
losses. "Start?"
- Why is your index finger the same size as your nostrils?
The result is that we have achieved substantial Unt we meet again Dave
savings every year since this decision was made. It
clearly was and continues to be a wise course for the
County. Having said that, 1998 will stand out as a OFFICIAL AURORA - GRAM
banner year for risk management in Tompkins
County. With the final figures in, our pay -out from by Aurora Valenti, County Clerk
the Self- Insurance Reserve stood at less than half •� `"
the average annual cost of the previous five years. -
This cost containment is directly related to the efforts I '-
of employees who make the effort to report and take 61 iwa `' -
care of unsafe conditions that exist on County -
property and in the delivery of services. Employees �. - r_
contribute to our collective victory by exercising t -
prudent judgment while safely performing their jobs
and respectfully protecting the taxpayers' assets. A
special thank you is extended to Jackie Kippola for The members of the New York State Association of County
her efforts in risk management for the County. Clerks have elected the Tompkins County Clerk, Aurora
Rubens Valenti, President of that Association for the year
Decreasing these expenditures by 50% while 1999. Aurora will be sworn at a dinner to be held at the
Albany Quality Inn Hotel on February 8, 1999
providing a safer environment for our customers and The New York State Association of County Clerks
ourselves is a great achievement. Thank you to is comprised of the 62 County Clerks and New York City
everyone who contributed to our success in 1998. Register. Aurora has previously held the office of
Let's dedicate ourselves to continuing the trend in Recording Secretary and was Chair of the By -Laws
1999. Committee. She has been Tompkins County Clerk since
k. '
.- ; i O� o , de '� (4 SCHEDULE 1999 1
heo d
„` JANUARY Monday, January 11 January 28
FEBRUARY Monday, February 8 February 25
Dear Danielle,
My daughter's father lives in a different state and MARCH Monday, March 8 March 25
has very little contact with my daughter. Recently, I found
out that he is (or was) in the hospital in the state he lives in
with a fractured skull and a broken arm received by getting APRIL Monday, April 5 April 22
beat up with a baseball bat. My daughter is 12, and I am
wondering what, if anything, I should tell her. She asks
about him every couple of weeks. MAY Monday, May 3 May 20
Tongue Tied Mom
JUNE Monday, May 31 June 17
Dear Tongue Tied,
I suggest that you try to reach him directly. If he JULY Monday, June 28 July 15
has recovered, and is in no imminent danger, you can tell
him that your daughter has been asking about him and
wants to hear from him. If he's unable to communicate due AUGUST Monday, August 9 August 26
to this incident, you should tell your daughter that he's had
an accident and hasn't been able to call, but will as soon as
he's able. If you're unable to find anything out, you should SEPTEMBER Monday, September 6 September 23
plead ignorance since whatever information you have is
second -hand and would lead to too many worries for your
daughter. Pre -teens and teens worry about EVERYTHING OCTOBER Monday, October 4 October 21
excessively. Constant reassurance is needed. Short of
first -hand knowledge, you should be honest and tell her
you haven't heard from him either. NOVEMBER Monday, November 1 November 18
*********************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
Send questions to Danielle c/o Ruth Pond, Finance DECEMBER Monday, November 29 December 16
The County Corridors Board welcomes
anyone who would like to attend a Board meeting.
We meet the week after the copy due date on
fegla diP
TODDLER STORYTIME Tuesday in the Data Processing Conference
from Janet Steiner, Library Director Room from 9:30 - 11 a.m.
Toddler Storytime at Tompkins County Public Library, for
toddlers ages 19 months to 3 years, began on January 19
and ends on April 7. Children must be accompanied by a Any copy received after the deadline, will
parent or caregiver. Storytime will be held on Tuesdays
and Wednesdays, 10:30 to 11 a.m. No preregistration is be held for the next issue. Many thanks for your
necessary. Meet at the Youth Services Reference Desk.
For more information, please call Eileen Willauer, 272- cooperation.
4557, ext. 211.
BENEFIT BASICS A Cooperative Effort
Jackie Yoder, Benefits Manager Collecting Toys for Kids
How Your Disability Benefits Work by Molly Light, CSCN Case Manager
County employees in every bargaining unit have disability
benefits available if an off - the -job injury or illness prevents
you from working. You'll want to check out your own
bargaining agreement carefully to be sure you understand
your disability benefits. One thing however is the same •
for everyone.
A claim form covering the absence must be .v
completed by the employee and the physician and f
submitted to Personnel no later than Monday following '',) II I R
the end of the pay period in which disability is i, { Jot i
requested. � , , , �� ^ i
• A claim form must be submitted for every pay + '1, r 11 4 1
period disability is claimed_
t l
Disability will not be granted for periods prior to a t . A►•
doctor's visit. ' _--
• Lack of information and /or untimely filing of the left to right Molly Light, Health Dept; Maryellen Leonard; Lisa
claim form will result in denial of disability benefits. Kinellis; Sue Bowman, Health Dept; Barb Wright, Health Dept;
and Sabir Omar, Health Dept.
► A doctor's release to return to work is required
following a period of disability. Maryellen Leonard and Tina Kinellis, pictured above, are
members of the Tompkins County Professional Womens
EHS Pharmacy Benefits Insurance Group and helped considerably with the drive
Eckerd Health Services has been administering pharmacy this year which benefitted Cops, Kids and Toys. Special
sincere thanks
benefits for BlueCross BlueShield subscribers since July and Th annks ks are go out them.
extended also extended to the whole Health
1998. You may be interested to know your EHS Benefit Department for their part in this successful holiday
Card can be used at all local pharmacies including: enterprise.
Wegman's, K -Mart, CVS, Rite Aide, Eckerd's, and Hill's
Drug Stores.
11 Terrific Tips
From Family & Children's Services of Ithaca (it provides ; ; � 3
EAP services to County employees) come the following
tips for getting organized in the new year. r v6 , ♦
Set priorities. Some things need doing better than ; A, ,-,
they've ever been done before. Some things just need Y'i , „ 1 l
doing. O things don't need doing at all. Know which is ° ' ''
which. .
. I t . r r ,
Plan and plot all personal /family activities on a home �,. ? , l
calendar. _ ' _ '
Allow yourself extra time to get places. " .
Use sticky notes and lists; it's stressful trying to I '.
remember everything.
Look for new ways to simplify your life. . .
Limit TV to a maximum of 30 minutes per day. q :: i ' `� f•
Simplify your eating and cooking habits.'� 2,-•,, �
Delegate work to responsible others.
Balance the "space" in your life, i.e., time alone, time with Finance Department was also a collection spot for toys.
family, time with friends.
Learn to say "no" to extra tasks that leave you no Thanks to all Tompkins County employees for their
personal time individual and group efforts to make the holiday
Unclutter. season brighter for others.
Happy New Year!
• •
# #
` Date: January 19, 1999 $
To: All Tompkins County Employees and Officers
From: Catherine Covert, Clerk, Board of Representatives
Richard A. Erb, County Administrator
Subject: Conflict of Interest
The General Municipal
Law of New York State and Tompkins Count
P County Local Law No. 4 of 1992
require any County officer or employee who has, will have, or later acquires an "interest" in any
actual or proposed contract with the County to disclose the nature and extent of such interest
in writing to the Clerk of the Board of Representatives. The laws define "interest" as follows:
f "'Interest' means a direct or indirect pecuniary or material benefit accruing to a
municipal officer or employee as the result of a contract with the municipality which
4 such officer or employee serves. A municipal officer or employee shall be deemed to
have an interest in the contract of (a) his or her spouse or domestic partner, minor
children or dependents, except a contract of employment with the municipality wh' h
4 P P is
such officer or employee services; (b) a firm, partnership or association of which such
officer or employee is a member or employee; (c) a corporation of which such officer or
employee is an officer, director or employee; and (d) a corporation any stock of which is
4 owned or controlled directly or indirectly by such officer or employee."
If you as an individual, member of any partnership, or stockholder or trustee in any corporation,
` have an interest in any actual or proposed contract with the County, or anticipate acquiring
such an interest, you must disclose the nature and extent of this interest in writing to the Clerk
of the Board of Representatives.
Your disclosure of an interest in a contract with the County does not necessarily mean that this
interest must be ended. All disclosures will be carefully reviewed by the County Attorney, and
4 if necessary, by the Board of Ethics and/or the appropriate committee of the Board of
Representatives. The issue that will be examined in every instance is whether your contract
creates a conflict with your responsibilities as a County employee and, if so, how this should be
4 eliminated. 4
4 If the position you hold is designated as a "key employee ", you must also file an Annual
Disclosure Statement with the Clerk of the Board no later than May 15, 1999. The form for this
filing was sent under separate cover. If you believe you should file this form and have not
4 received one, please contact the Board office at 274 -5434.
A memorandum similar to this one is sent to all employees every year as a reminder of this
4 obligation. If at any time during the course of any year an interest such as described above
should arise, you must notify the Clerk of the Board in writing at that time.
Unclassifieds The Personal Touch
For Sale: Congratulations:
Color Console TV. $25. Call after 5 p.m.
273 -7480. Chris Strizak, Fire & Disaster, on the birth of her
granddaughter Samantha O'Connor, December 10,
Shenandoah Woodstove (great •
condition) $125. Saunder's Entertainment
Center (fits 27" TV) two doors, stereo & VCR
shelves ($99 new) $25. Call Tom @ 387 -6964. Jo Heliseva, DSS, and her husband Paul on the
birth of their twin sons, Jonathon and Jacob, January 9,
The ideal length of a vacation is just long enough
to be missed but not long enough for them to
discover how well they can get along without you. •
On Dasher! ... ( ;�
On Prancer! ...
On David?
' ` „ ,, ” . Articles to be considered for the February 25 issue must
be received by noon, Monday, February 8. Lengthy
. � articles should be on disk. Send by interdepartmental
`' mail to Ruth Pond, Finance, or 125 East Court St.,
Ithaca, NY 14850. Fax: 274 -5505. • *�' , (1.:--
1 1 Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees •
and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
ti i T g' will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
these ads, however we do need the full name of the person submitting the ad. Use
this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, County
Corridors c/o Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
[ .r.
_ Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is
solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
; „At, , to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial
”— ' Board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Sheriffs; Liz
' Croop, Mental Health; Lisa Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance- Purchasing; lretta Ellis,
- Information Services; Ruth Pond, (Editor), Finance; Michelle Pottorff, Bd. Of
_ Representatives; Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures; and Vickie Wagner,
(Artist), Drafting Technician.
Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
David Squires, Finance Corridors, c/o Finance- Purchasing, 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850