HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-12 i ,
.....: - i A Newsletter for
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. Employees and Retirees
of Tompkins County „pc
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Volume 11 Number 12
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County Administrator's Report Tales From the Bush
by Rick Erb by Dave Bush, Sheriff's
Happy Holidays to all the 44444 g p count em to es and their Well thin s u here on the hill
families. As I write this the have been very busy of late.
outside temperature is 66 Our Cops, Kids & Toys
degrees in the shade. 1 . * .•;,, � '' � / �� /� program is off to a great start.
Since I have to assume ° ` We still have some raffle tickets •
that this is typical early ' „ .. rflik S ' (:)1 left (contact Sharon Cooper at
December weather here, it TCSD). It looks like we will be
makes me wonder why you assisting over 1,000
keep the real Ithaca climate . ••••••• • ' w Tompkins County Kids
such a secret. — again. The delivery date is set :;',..- 4
,4;:, December 22nd. We have
More than a few years ago, every police agency in
I came across a list of i Tompkins County involved in
characteristics common to the program. The raffle consists of of the main prize a 27"
high achieving public i 4044044 stereo color TV which was donated by Sears of Ithaca.
organizations. It was Also, we have acquired over 40 other prizes such as
produced through a dinners for two, oil changes, gift certificates at our local
Rutgers University study of suburban New Jersey P &C, and a really nice mountain bike also from the P &C.
municipalities. The results, although not earth shaking, are
worth sharing. They include: My weather reports have been cut short of late as it is still
in the 50's and sunny. I did place a call to Mom Nature and
A clear sense of mission: a vision requested the weather to remain this way. She told me it's
not nice to fool with her.
Clearly stated expectations of performance and a sense of
individual accountability and responsibility Sorry my article is so short this time around but I must
make my list and check it twice, so when you see us all out
Positive regard for people on the 22nd you'll all know what we are doing, you are
bound to see us as we start at 7:00 a.m. and usually don't
Performance based reward systems finish until well into the night. It's a long day but the smiles
make it all worthwhile!
Fairness and honesty in dealing with internal and external
clients (including employees) I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas I'll see you
next year Dave
Clear communications – internal and external
High levels of performance - measurable results A Little More Elegant
by Juanita Quaile, Mental Health Clinic
"Can do " attitude – energy in the system (lack of entropy) I ; '
Environment that encourages creativity and rewards risk
Responsive to community needs � , -.. : 1 <
How many of the above attributes can you identify within . -
your own work organization? Even after a short time, I can ' ' !;' • .` `' • `,•;..
recognize several of these characteristics in Tompkins ' , 4 y
County government. Perhaps even more important, there "
are many opportunities for employees to participate in •' `
building an organization that values these qualities. I hope Look closely and you'll see Juanita is modeling one.
that 1999 will be a year where employees will build on their
traditionally strong commitment to customer service and Hi everyone. Since I have recently become a grandma
freely contribute suggestions to improve our performance. again, I thought a nice holiday project would be to make
I can tell you that my first two months here have been both newborn hats for the nursery in Cortland Memorial
challenging and gratifying. Thank you for all your Hospital. My grandson had a hat with a rubberband on it,
assistance and support. and I wanted to do something a little more elegant or
cute for the precious little munchkins. Happy holidays to
` -�"� • Wine... from a local winery
�` ,` A wicker basket filled with goodies
01 Y Photo frames... nice ones
` � . :^ `. Homemade cookies in a nice tin or basket
aey Kf'� _ J o , Good luck. Just remember why you are giving a gift in the first
j } l F� g place. It's not the season to impress others.
Dear Danielle,
—\\.,, :,-, ' �ait� I come from a large family and for the first time we drew
4l.E .fJ.
names and jobs for Christmas. I w as not able to be there for the
.:. drawin so a n ame was drawn for me and also a job. I got th
='t name of a teen-ager I do not know very well and the job of playin
Santa for the smaller ones. I am single, 6/1 ", and thin. Should I
Dear Danielle, ask the family for an other name an d job or would I offend them if
I got my paycheck today, but the stub didn't look right. I did.
I don't understand how my c and fringes are recorded. Next year I'll be sure to be there when the drawings take
Can I call the County payroll without telling my place Thanks. — Andrew
supervisor? — An Employee
Dear Andrew,
Dear Employee, I think you lucked out. Th w be a snap and save you
Absolutely. You can call the payroll LOTS of aggravation. At Record Town at the Pyr Mall you
department, extension 5541 to speak w ith Fran Armstrong. J so can buy music coins. They come in various denominations and are
that Fran isn't overwhelmed with calls, you mi ght check IN your presented nicely. Teenagers love them. Buy her a coin. You're
supervisor first and perhaps your supervisor could get the done
answer(s) and report them back to all emplo i you area at You mentioned that you were thin, but did not men
some regular staff meeting. having to wear a Sa nta Suit. Everyone knows Santa doesn't show
up on Christmas day.... Only the night before. And the kids will
******************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** KNOW you're not him because there's only one Santa and you're
Dear Danielle, just pretend. So be yourself, give each kid their pile of presents
We had the oddest thing happen this morning on the and then stand back and watch the destruction!
elevator here at Mental Health. There were two of us on our way
up to the sixth floor when a small green leaf fell fr om the ceiling ******************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
and drifted to the floor between us. I laughted and sai "Well, it's Dear Danielk,
fall." But I wonder where that leaf REALLY came from. What do Ihuing the holiday, my work unit exchanges gifts among
you think? one another. There is an employee who has only be en with us for
— Sometimes We Wonder a little over a year. Last year she participated in our festivities;
Dear Sometimes, however, she left some of us with the impression she did not want
Well, I can think of only three logical explanations. to continue our customary gift exchange. We don't want her to feel
1. It could be that a leaf from a large tree which may have been like she has to exchange gifts or contribute to the "munchies" that
delivered to an upper floor in the building got stuck up there during are shared that day, but we don't want to do away with our holiday
the transport process. It dried out and fell. fun. This is one of the few days a year when we can enjoy the
slower pace that happens during the holiday. How should we
2. Maybe when the elevator got vacuumed, the forced air from the handle this without offending anyone?
vacuum exhaust blew a leaf up there. — Unsigned
Dear Whoever,
3. Maybe someone put it up there deliberately. When employ cane and go, it's a good idea to open up
the Christmas discussions to get a vote on the way
******************* * ** * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** to proceed. The gift exchange can be simplified by doing a grab -
Dear Danielle, bag thing and whoever doesn't contribute a gift to the bag doesn't
For years I have put a lot of thought into getting a holiday get a gift from the bag. The same thing would be true for
gilt for my sister. I'm about ready to give up and give her a check exchanging names.
or a handshake or something because it doesn't seem to matter Keep in mind that people have varying religious cultures
what I give her — she kind of tosses it to one side and never and they may not be comfortable professing their religious beliefs
mentions it again. Any suggestions? to the office staff over the "Christmas" issue.
— Out of Ideas The best thing to do, no matter what, is not make a big
Dear Out`of Ideas, deal out of any of it. Enjoy your fun without putting pressure on
It's the thought that counts. Here are some foolproof gifts: others to share the same spirit. The holidays generate different
Gift Certificates Lottery tickets types of stress and pleasure in different people. Respect those
Cheese Candles differences.
Scented liquid soap Car wash certificates Send questions to Danielle clo Ruth Pond, Finance
What's Up With Social Security? Bill Mobbs Retires
submitted by Irene Stein, Office for the Aging by Wendy Skinner, Public Information Coordinator
IS THERE A CRISIS? Not at the present time. However, it is
projected that under the current system there will be a shortfall around
HOW SEVERE IS THIS CRISIS? If there are no changes, the
funds available will be able to pay 75% of beneficiaries. However, with 1
adjustments, that situation can be averted. This would not be the first //'
time that there have been adjustments, and it will not be the last.
Changing conditions always require changing responses. Various 4, `
proposals have been floated to meet the shortfall. Therefore, there are >�•
solutions, and the use of the word "crisis" to describe the need for t'w;
changes in the system seems unnecessarily alarmist.
Longtime County Public Works Commissioner
1. Increasing the current tax for both employers and workers by William Mobbs will be retiring at the end of this
1.1%. This total increase of 2.2% will restore balance to the system for year. Bill Mobbs came to the Public Works
75 years. Of course, it is possible to increase the current tax by a Department in 1970 as a Senior Civil Engineer.
smaller amount with a reduced balance projection. He was appointed as Commissioner in 1978.
2. Increasing the retirement age gradually to 70. Currently full benefits "When I started, Public Works was
come into play at 65 with plans to gradually increase the retirement age basically just a highway department," says
to 67 by year 2027. This approach, of course, is in effect a benefit cut Mobbs. During Mobbs' tenure, "the
because it reduces the number of years the average person collects department grew from its infancy to a
benefits. full - fledged Public Works Department with
3. Investing in the stock market. Various proposals for investing a five Divisions," he recalls.
certain percentage of payroll taxes in the stock market have been Mobbs was instrumental in
offered. It is clear that this would be very effective in producing profits coordinating Public Works efforts among the
for beneficiaries when the stock market is profitable. However, there various municipalities in the County long before
would always be the risk of a stock market downturn or crash. "intermunicipal cooperation" became a
Because so many beneficiaries are heavily dependent on every penny buzzword.
of their current benefits, this would be a risky approach. The system Mobbs averted a major disaster in the
was always intended to be an insurance system not an investment early 1990s when a County bridge crew
program; this approach, therefore, would radically alter the nature of accidentally disturbed an underground artesian
Social Security as we know it. water source in Slaterville Springs. Through
4. Reducing the cost -of- living increase. Currently beneficiaries get Mobbs' calm and responsible handling of the
an annual cost -of- living increase based on the Consumer Price Index. problem, potable water was quickly made
Many believe that the Index overstates inflation. The proposal is to available to residents, good communication
hold the increases to 1.1% less than the change in the Consumer Price was kept up with everyone affected, and
Index. This proposal means full solvency of the system until 2052. It repairs were completed rapidly.
would also mean a 10% cut in the value of benefits to current retirees. "For two decades Bill Mobbs has
5. Using future federal budget surpluses. Action will still be needed had a positive influence on Public Works
to solve the long range financing problem to meet social security issues that are generally unseen by the
benefits. This approach, of course, reduces the amount of the surplus public," says Daniel Winch of the Board of
available for other programs. Representatives. "He has empowered staff to
6. Changing the base on which benefits are calculated from 35 to 38 improve their work relationships and
years. This approach would be a minor reduction in benefits for efficiency.
individuals but a major amount of money for the system. This would Mobbs recalls his work with the County
have a particularly negative impact on women's benefits because so during its solid waste crisis as being particularly
many enter and leave the work system to care for children and others. challenging. "We went from deciding where
7. Increasing the taxable salary base. Currently, the first $68,400 of to site a landfill to going in a completely
income is subject to FICA withholding. Any wages above this amount different direction, with an emphasis on
are "FICA- free." If this cap were lifted, the projected funding gap could recycling and out -of- county waste
be filled by two- thirds. This option would reduce disposable income disposal."
for some wage earners. An Ithaca native, Mobbs went to Ithaca
WHAT YOU CAN DO ?: You can relay your concerns and High School, and earned a B.A. and M.A. in
preferences to your Federal elected officials: Senator Daniel Patrick Civil Engineering at Cornell University. He
Moynihan, Russell Senate Office Building, Room 464, Washington, worked for two years in Liberia helping to build
D.C. 20510, (202) 224 -4451; Senator Alfonse D'Amato, Hart Senate that country's first hydro - electric power dam,
Office Building, Room 520, Washington, D.C. 20510 (202) 224 -6547; then returned to Ithaca.
Congressman Maurice Hinchey, (26th District), 1524 Longworth House "Tompkins County Public Works
Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, (202) 225 -6335; offered me a great opportunity to have
Congressman Amory Houghton, 1110 Longworth House Office Bldg., challenging work in my hometown, and to
Washington, D.C.20515 (202)225 -3161. be able to raise a family here," says Mobbs.
Trip to Reading, PA
A great big THANK YOU from the Editorial , lit 11E
Board to everyone who contributed to -
County Corridors during 1998. To our .. - -.. 1
monthly columnists, a big HUGI ,
Overheard at This Time of Year ik.,..„ - , ',. . '' • i 1 , .
One size fits all - yeh, right. J -
I thought you were getting the wrapping paper. 0
Do we have a crescent wrench? t = ° .
Did you remember to get stamps? '~ t S
Buy now, pay later. and pay and pay. _
As seen on TV. ‘,. g , -r. r ... '
Your child will love it - only 99.95. r .
Easy assembly - uh huh.
Satisfaction guaranteed) : � ` -
A three year old bus, driven by accommodating bus driver
Don Cooper, took 28 Tompkins County people on an
IN SUPPORT OF CAREGIVERS overnight shopping spree. The bus was equipped with 3
by David Stoyell, COFA television screens and Peter Coats, who led the trip,
I have circulated copies of brought a great humorous video called "Big Business" and
_ r ,.p COFA's quarterly publication, one of the riders brought "Titanic" so travel to and from was
- IN SUPPORT OF entertaining and seemed really short.
CAREGIVERS, to every
ik I ' department. Please call or e- ,,.
'11 mail me if you would like to be
sent a copy of this newsletter y I on a regular basis. There is no '
charge. Please don't hesitate
to call me about your caregiving concerns. David
Stoyell, COFA, 320 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 or
607 - 274 -5492 or fax 607 - 274 -5495.
OFFICIAL AURORA - GRAM��� ° .`'.'„ `
by Aurora Valenti, County Clerk
We hope you are enjoying the beautiful extended
fall /winter season in Tompkins County! You should saunter
over to your County Clerk's Office while or when weather
permits and take a look at the Punch and cake awaited at the Ramada Inn - the
• •' ck I trt' '•' ` addition of two public access . housing for the night.
• i , ,, * „ .ip' )) ' terminals. Thanks to Peter and the Vending Committee for a
• • ; r �R r �f k„ We are pleased to great trip.
• • . - announce an information
1 1 . • system which gives you not
., • ` only all the information you If you have an idea for a trip in 1999, tell Peter,
.. 11 fmi 1 1- • • ever wanted relative to a piece 274 -6688; Patty, 274 -6674; or Lynda, 274 -5553.
, r- ...,...... of real property, but also a
lovely photo of the structures
on most parcels. Although it _-
has taken longer than we expected to provide this service r�
to you, we believe the wait was well worth it! We hope to v
see you soon.
Tompkins County Winter Weather Plan
For the first time ever, Tompkins County has a WINTER WEATHER PLAN to improve driving safety
during severe winter storms. The voluntary plan was put together by public agencies, schools, and major
employers in the County. In the event of severe winter weather, the members of this Winter Weather Alli-
ance will work together to assure safe and efficient travel on roads and highways. Drivers are asked to
cooperate with the decisions that are made about travel in the County during winter storms.
Travel Advisory
A travel advisory is a winter weather advisory, watch, or warning issued by the National Weather Service
or other agency. Travel is legal, but caution should be used due to wet, snowy, or slippery road conditions,
or limited visibility. Drivers should use lower speeds and allow for extra time to reach destinations.
Snow Emergency
A snow emergency is a determination made by a responsible municipal official for the entire county or
for a particular municipality, and applies to designated "snow emergency routes " —major arteries
and connecting roads that are marked with snow emergency road signs. There is to be no unneces-
sary travel and no parking on snow emergency routes. Employers are encouraged to limit operations.
Schools, organizations, and businesses will work to share information about closings or schedule
changes to avoid choking the roadways at times when snow removal is the first priority. Drivers should
have appropriate vehicles and equipment (snow tires or chains) and use good judgment in using the
roadways. If they impede snow removal operations, stranded vehicles may be ticketed and towed.
Emergency Road Closing
The Tompkins County Sheriff or designee will close roads in the county only under dire circumstances.
If an emergency road closing is declared, all pedestrian and vehicular traffic is prohibited except for
emergency vehicles and personnel associated with emergency service organizations (for example,
law enforcement, fire and rescue, public works and utility crews, and medical personnel).
State of Emergency
A state of emergency is a rare occurrence usually associated with a natural disaster or similar public
emergency. If a state of emergency is declared, residents will receive further instructions via the emer-
gency broadcast system and other media.
• Minimize your road use during severe winter weather.
• Stay informed about changes in the weather, road conditions, and official decisions regarding road use.
During adverse weather conditions, local media are your best source of information.
• Make sure your vehicle can safely handle winter road conditions. Stalled or stranded vehicles are evidence
of inadequate ability to travel snow - covered roads, and drivers will be deemed to be in violation of New York
State Vehicle and Traffic law.
• Employers that intend to close workplaces should not release employees during severe weather, but before
or after it.
American Red Cross of Tompkins County '' `��. �,
Bell Atlantic 1 . ;
Borg - Warner Automotive ' ti
Bovis Constuction Corp. , .n ,
Cayuga Medical Center , ..f :_
Citizens Telecom
Cornell University r � ° `
" ,,s
Dewitt Historical Society
n 5
Emerson Power Transmission S%
Ithaca College
New York State Electric and Gas
Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) EXCERPTS FROM THE WINTER
Tompkins - Cortland Community College WEATHER PLAN
Tompkins County Airport In the event of severe winter weather, the
Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce public agencies, schools, and employers in
Trumansburg Home Telephone support of a voluntary Winter Weather Plan
City of Ithaca Police Department intend to be allies for safe and efficient road
Cornell Campus Police transportation.
New York State Police
Tompkins County Fire, Disaster and EMS Severe Weather Forecasts
Tompkins County Sheriff's Department Information on local weather forecasts will
be available to the members of the Winter
Dryden Central School District Weather Alliance through the Tompkins
Groton Central School District County Sheriff's Department.
Ithaca City School District
Lansing Central School District Communication
Newfield Central School District The Sheriff's Department will confer with the
Trumansburg Central School District
T-S-T BOCES County Highway Division regarding
weather forecasts and road conditions.
City of Ithaca Public Works Department Town, Village, State, and City road /street de-
New York State Department of Transportation partments will communicate road condi-
Tompkins County Public Works Department Lions and clearing efforts through the
Town of Caroline County Highway Division. The status of win-
Town of Danby ter weather situations and decisions will be
Town of Dryden communicated to members of the Alliance
Town of Groton by fax, e -mail, or telephone as previously
Town of Ithaca arranged.
Town of Enfield
Town of Lansing Public Education and Information
Town of Newfield
Town of Ulysses It is the intent of the Winter Weather Alliance
Village of Cayuga Heights that every Tompkins County resident who
Village of Dryden uses the roadways be aware of the Winter
Village of Freeville Weather Plan. During adverse weather con -
Village of Groton ditions, the responsible public official will
Village of Lansing disseminate information to the media,
Village of Trumansburg
Unclassifieds The Personal Touch
For Sale: Congratulations to:
Home. Great location: private, yet close Cheryl Conover, Health Department, who retired 11/1/98.
to town, trails. Garage, basement, 3 bedrooms, Enjoy! Enjoy!
sunroom. $87,900. 607 - 844 -4796.
Joline Hendrix, County Clerks, who moved from Senior
Red Loft Bed $75. Freezer 5 Cubic foot Recording Clerk to Principal Recording Clerk.
$75. Call John Davis 533 -3622.
Merrileen Wilcox formerly with Assessment, who
Deluxe Queen Innerspring Futon commenced her employment as Senior Recording Clerk at County
Mattress for platform bed. Like new. $100. Call Clerks.
David at 387 -5792.
Janice Johnson, Youth Bureau, and Jane Murphy on the
Wanted: birth of their son Jon (Jack) Johnson Murphy.
Used crib - with or without mattress.
Please call Barbara at 277 -1374 or email at
bb35 @cornell.edu.
INTER -BARK, Inc. Dog Trainers Sport
Network Obedience classes with the best
instructors. Classes are held in a clean
environment. We offer beginners classes and all
levels of competitive obedience. Starting Jan. 9, a _
1999. Call after 6 p.m. weekdays: 535 -8832, \ �� ; \ I \
739 -0466 or 589 -4562. t _� __ ,
Services: • I! ls Jw H L. _I�.`�.
Zart Computer Services - For all of your -
computer needs: consulting, computers and
accessories. 266 -7492.
I'm on a Committee
Submitted by Michael A. Koplinka -Loehr
Articles to be considered for the January 28 issue must be
received by noon, Monday, January 11. Lengthy articles should
AO( be on disk. Send by interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, Finance,
� 116 1 2 � or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Fax: 274 -5505.
�� - Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
these ads, however we do need the full name of the person submitting the ad. Use
Oh, give me pity, I'm on a committee this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, County
Which means that from morning to night Corridors c/o Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
We attend and ammend and contend and defend Please type or print legibly) Thanks!
Without a conclusion in sight.
We confer and concur, we defer and demur
And re- iterate all of our thoughts
We revise the agenda with frequent addenda
And consider a load of reports.
We compose and propose, we suppose and COUNTY CORRIDORS
oppose Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
And the points of procedure are fun! editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is
But though various notions are brought up as solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
motions Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
There's terribly little gets done. to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial
Board is made up of: Bit Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Sheriffs; Liz
Croop, Mental Health; Lisa Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance - Purchasing; Iretta Ellis,
We resolve and absolve, but never dissolve Information Services; Ruth Pond, (Editor), Finance; Michelle Pottorff, Bd. Of
Since it's out of the question for us. Representatives; Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures; and Vickie Wagner,
What a shattering pity to end our committee (Artist), Drafting Technician.
Where else could we make such a fuss? Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
Corridors, c/o Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
- Phong Ngo