HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03 IF .
A Newsletter for
I Employees and Retirees
1 I of Tompkins County
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MARCH 1998
Volume 11 Number 3
11 /01/P
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col iii. ).- . SNOW FIGHTERS .,,, � w
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by Wart Hu�erfnrJ
Department of Public Works
w ` r cy • �. ,mss
3: a.m. the phone rings and ` , - -
u km who it u. Thc caller from
the Highway Department wants you
1 �;
to come in. An hour later You .rte io
A plou w truck or asanding truck one
Ilk designated route while most other / _ people MC still fast asleep. d
Sometimes you no more than get 2 .. ._
home from work and you arc asked i
in Cosa, lark. Other limns are jag Sw Fpnws.w nova 250 nuwsel roan x, a storm
when you arc sitting down fora nice
cal or gating caddy to Jo some- covered roads become the work abrasty, Thousands .,t nuics ,re
thing wish your lamJy. Itcnm,s wish place for the nen several hours or logged on havardousroads each year
the ob. but it lakes more than that to more. and the few accidents with plow and
respond to the phone calls time after Plowing the r oads means handling sanding equipment base heel minor
time after time. What It takes is a atruck that with front plow and wing wish no tom.. We can be and arc
sense of dedication, pride in your is over l3 feet wide on roads that are very proud of that record.
work and pn,kssmnalism. It is orally 10 Ica wide. Maneuvering
genuine fe,ling Out what we do is around ears and obstacles and yes Anelfesvv,winter program.. tic
very Important. 'missing" hundreds of madloscs a that requires all t hat has already oxen
day all takes place unnoticed. ',hag mentioned and many other efforts as
Once on the route the driver en- Ing the roads with impatient duvets, well. 'Framing, communication, • an•
counters c ndilmns that MOM, Jrnvarsthm are unskilled on slippery prod from equipment momenar.e
skills that rake Years to develop. roads and dealing with w hocks t hal personnel: planning...aneJutna.and
Skills that enable IA, safe and elle, Jfe n1u equipped for the oondituos
live use of trucks that cost an average 'In au t c:1 dirrrtti radgue• "MISSING HUNDREDS
d f ,750141 each. The slippery snow 1 mg urs and many unes oor
, r.ihtl ho tyare enngamenm t q,ani „n p OF MAILBOXES :1
are Tompkins County's first
drivers and spread ro o
moss cal wilt and ahranr Iled
sc. < 'nun • DAY ALL TAKES
I Ina npted storm will intaimng adequate sunptic• •.
vend or salt user _t) moles .d ,,,,a. keep the operations come de an .s•
stall newsletter needs Once over usually takes about hour +atonal in each and evcrr aorm
name. hours and then many times ynu wart
all over again. Slanvtimcs confti.,ns Although in the cativor laic 1• ar.
ale such that drovers are wisely mine. in the dtv. n a <nn l.ke we are .l
ukII, ase send your supgeslisn Io tans In Irasel becawe of the hanrd• there all ahmc, we kn.wv chat vmt.
N e letter, " Central Sconces (if nn road conditions. Snow foghtcry cr ews fr the Star, Dc i
using U.S. Mad,send to Newsletter, can not wait until snoit inns ins T ranspnrtaliun, To wn s•villaec,
9 Central S,,, . Biggs Center pawn. s w n must 'maid Ihccilyarc ton, t w.ukirng for
Budding A, 301 Hanna B. Dales conditions improve by bong out min gooal- to prondc the safest
[bus r c o we d N.Y. NBNq. Sugges
be eoconsidered. +Tara u nty there s1 le roads for nor :,
dons re by April 8. 1988 will Inat Iwinrthe cou work families and Iricnds. ommo..
force alone will spread over 5,1111
Inn of salt and ,war 1,1111 Inns of
by Scott Heyman, County Administrator by Jackie Yoder, Benefits Manager
Have you ever been part of a small group like a reunion Just a reminder to all County employees - -- the Employee
committee or a nursery school board? If you have, you Assistance Program is there if you need it. EAP services are
provided to employees and members of their immediate family by
know that getting things done in groups, even the smallest Family & Children's Service of Ithaca. EAP can provide up to
groups, is never easy. eight brief assessment/counseling sessions per year.
Referrals to qualified professional resources may be made for
Larger groups are / problems or issues that do not lend themselves to prompt
much harder to resolution. EAP is there for you — the number to call is 273 -
manage, and t, 7494.
harder still to t NEWS FLASH * * ** NEWS FLASH
change and n , ,
' / . A special open enrollment period for health insurance has been
y - •,?.. • scheduled for those who may have missed the opportunity in
Changing < ; December. If you are interested in switching your health
` x;. ,
government insurance from PHP to BCBS, or vice versa, you can do so
organizations is + „ . • ) • .' )11k1C. during April 1998 and the change will be effective June 1,
especially difficult. i �" �1 1998. Call Jackie Yoder, Benefits Manager, at 274 -5528 to
�`R request the necessary forms, or if you have questions.
But making t changes to 11 1
improve a local ' 1L
government with �' "'
26 departments, 55 � � � ,(
advisory boards, veKte _ .1
4 123 programs,
countless state and federal mandates, dozens of different
funders each with their own expectations, and a governing • µ'Vi
board representing the people of one of the most diverse
localities anywhere — well, it's downright difficult. county Vacancies as of PROOFREADER: TC3'. pan- For additional information
n nc (331 hours per week /. Grad D regarding Qualifications cmtact the
March 16, 1966
County Personnel Office.
Fortunately we live in a community, and work for an BUYER: Purchasing and Central
Services; AAS and one year ex-
organization, with more than its share of people who are NEY: MS: parr -time (17 1.2 hours
per week), flexible scheduling nail. GROUNDS SUPER VISOR:
willing to pitch in and work for the greater good. able. Admmion to har required TC3:11S plus three years cxpcnencc Happenings
Grade E. OR AAS plus MC year experience.
Grade J. Krnn Murphy. son of former
P R O F E S S I O N A L County Administrator John Murphy
The people who have tried to improve Tompkins County THERAPIST (Psychiatric SOU.! CONTINUING TREATMENT and leas wile Molly, is on the mend in
Waked Mental Heath; alter hours SPECIALIST: Mental Health at a Brcwsier, New York. hospital after
government over my 13 year tenure as Administrator have programming. MSW or PhJ re• Meadow House; BA in Human Se,- being mnhcd in an auh,acddcm on
quircd. (trade 14. vices, Mental Health, related (kW Fcbrua,, kYh.
had some frustrations but they have had a lot of help. I OR AASplus two years experience Murphy. employed b' IBM. was
PUBLIC HEALTH EN- Grade 111. riding man automobile with his
hoPhope of them ever go back to " getting by t s always GINEER: Health engineer's : BA in se. side after when he was struck broad•
9 " 9 9 ] ,' I Y ffinecring or NYS engmecr's liecnw:. C O M P U T E R side ahcr being thrown into the on-
Grade 11. OPERATOR.TECHNICIAN: Data eo,,,,ng lane of traffic M a n, MA.,
worth it to look for ways to improve. Processing: AAS in Computer through a s,ops. , He was hatedm
SUPERVISING PUBLIC Operations or related field OR cra,„1 condiGnn for several days,
HEALTH NURSE. RSN plus two B(ICES Data Processing Program and man expressions of affection
years experience as Pudic Health plus one year Hapcnenec OR HS and support have been um to the
As an organization Tompkins County is in my opinion, on Nurse. Grade 14 plus two years experience Grade family b,. C,mnty employee,
John Murphy was County Com.
the verge of understanding what it takes to be a world c STENOGRAPHER, District M 1 C R O C O M P U T E R missioncr of Budget d Administra-
At for ncy's Office, high school SPECIALIST: Data Processing: HS lion from 19711 to 1973 and County
employer and governmental body — teamwork, ethics and g r a d u g a tt p h . 3 G typing 80 wpm plus one year experience. Grate 9. Administrator from 1074 to 1985
honesty, a sense of basic fairness, a setting aside of HEALTHY NOTES
personal antagonism to focus on the work at hand, -
agreement that the people we serve come first, and - = _ By `aann`R't °pen " " hh
-� March is National Prim s Control Month Common
reliance on facts, not opinions. h ousehold poisons to keep out of the read, of'nxplor•
- Y ' ,fr1 . `_ jo tog" childrco sec:
J 1 -- � b - -- n„m —
We will never become as good as we want to be or even " � 1 �r��= u vaws
as we should be. but if we keep these principles in mind, �c j ,<n.a
we will never stop getting better. ( yam a • Fm: � moon
--s:/ rim ,s „y pawn 1 rmum u rs
------ ' ' G rraa a< rapt. <
,P • TO make your home safe. these 7 steps can nl help, ,' 4 ' ( - > ' 1 06 - '"- I. READALL LABELS and follow i them
��`; / / / / / /�[j �/y/� �= 2 2. Clearly mark all poisons; do not stoic tore no
them m IoM
(���`�� ( s J �� % � G ��� !' C � or leverage containers.
3. When possible use chid- resistant packaging
••11J.i1� L I STARtFY 6E.iLrve "ME i. Never sell medicines _ may _
4-1N51-61102, I NEAR Ns1Esv w rt oUtt
S. Throw away unused portions of from nu.
6. Teach your children to stay away from storage areas
[ / ^ — ) y��{,f A��� ke q � �� �� (An'PASJY SAO.' and medicine cabinets. Use child -proof locks.
page 2
Helping you stop smoking: burning sensation in your nose, throat irritation and
Lots of options give smokers a fighting chance! sneezing or coughing. The spray is only available by
By Jared Jones RN Employee Health
About 25% of Americans smoke, despite the well known Nicotine inhaler: The Food and Drug Administration
dangers. Quitting is never easy but more smoking (FDA) approved use of the nicotine inhaler in July of 1997
cessation aids are available now than ever before to help but it's not currently available in the Ithaca area (please let
you succeed.
Employee Health know if you find it!) . This product
Nicotine addiction The reason its so hard to stop contains a cartridge with a small amount of nicotine in it.
smoking is that cigarettes contain nicotine, which is highly Puffing on the inhaler releases nicotine vapor into your
addictive. Nicotine reaches your brain about 5 seconds mouth where it's absorbed by your cheek lining. The
after you start smoking a cigarette and causes immediate inhaler delivers about one -third the nicotine of a cigarette.
feelings of pleasure and alertness. Your brain reacts to Non- nicotine therapy: The FDA has also approved the
nicotine in the same way it does to cocaine, morphine, first non - nicotine medication as a stop- smoking aid.
amphetamines and other addictive drugs. If you smoke, Bupropion hydrochloride (Zyban), an anti - depressant also
your body becomes used to having a certain amount of
nicotine each day. When the nicotine in your body drops, known as Wellbutrin, is believed to increase blood levels of
dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical that causes a "feet
you may have withdrawal symptoms. These can include
good" response similar to that produced by nicotine.
trouble sleeping, a depressed mood, restlessness, Zyban is available only by prescription. You typically begin
frustration, anger, anxiety and an inability to concentrate. taking it a week before you plan to stop smoking and length
Changing the source In most cases, stop smoking aids of treatment usually varies from 7 to 12 weeks. Side effects
(both over - the - counter and prescription) provide an may include headaches,. dry mouth, difficulty sleeping,
alternative source of nicotine that is gradually reduced. drowsiness and anxiety.
Although you're still getting the nicotine, you're not getting Which is best? Costs for these stop- smoking aids usually
it from smoking, so you're not inhaling the cancer - causing run between $75 -200 per month. So far, none of these
chemicals in cigarette smoke. products have been proven more effective than the others
Nicotine replacement products include: in helping you stop smoking. But using any one of them
Nicotine patch: When you wear a patch , it releases a doubles your chance of success.
steady dose of nicotine that's absorbed by your skin. The For more information on quitting smoking, call the
patches contain varying amounts of nicotine and need to Employee Health Quitline: 274-6681.
be replaced every day. You may need to use the patch for
up to 8 weeks. Side effects may include minor skin Employee Health opens
irritation, which is why doctors recommend that you don't QuitLine (274 -6681)
apply a patch in the same place each day. The patch may
also cause nightmares if worn at night. to support employees who want to quit smoking
Nicotine gum: Nicotine gum is sold over - the - counter in 2 If you're trying to quit smoking, CONGRATULATIONS! If
and 4 milligram (mg) strengths. You use the gum whenever you're a smoker, quitting smoking is the single most
you have a nicotine craving or when you anticipate a important step you can take to improve your health.
craving. Unlike regular chewing gum, you chew the nicotine To give employees the best possible support during the
only briefly, then "park" it between your cheek and gum for quitting process, Employee Health has expanded the
about a minute.You then repeat the chew - and -park cycle services it offers through its regular phone number (274 -
for about 30 minutes with each piece. The lining of your 6681) and has created the QuitLine.
cheek absorbs the nicotine. Call the QuitLine and get support while you quit:
The gum has little taste but makes your mouth feel * Information on the different methods of quitting smoking
"peppery". One piece of 2 mg gum will deliver about the and their effectiveness
same amount of nicotine you'd receive from one cigarette. * Written materials with tips on the best ways to quit
Side effects can include heartburn or nausea if you chew * Suggestions for overcoming cravings and other
the gum like conventional chewing gum. symptoms
* Help in developing a plan for quitting
Nicotine nasal spray: Nicotine, as a nasal spray, is * Caring and enthusiastic emotional support and
sprayed directly into each nostril. You use it in anticipation encouragement (in person and by telephone)
of or at the beginning of an urge to smoke. The spray may * Creative ideas on rewarding yourself for quitting
help reduce your cravings faster than the gum or patch * The names of employees who have already quit or who
because it delivers a relatively high dose of nicotine to your are also trying to quit (with their permission of course).
nasal membranes, which are capable of absorbing it * Having someone to talk to and share "progress reports"
rapidly. with is always a help.
Side effects may include watering eyes and nose, a
Upcoming Programs Sponsored by the Caregivers Resource
Center of the Tompkins County Office for the Aging
Submitted by David Stoyell, COFA
April Lunch Time Series: •
Wt= .
/ = -,. "Caring for An Older Relative"
Thursdays, April 9, 16, 23, and 30
4 �~ Noon - 1:00 PM
2nd Floor Board Room
° Tompkins County Trust Company
' `� 121 East Seneca Street, Ithaca
On April 9: Presentation by Lisa McElroy, Geriatric Psychologist
(This will be the first in a series of four free lunch time informal gatherings for people
working downtown and any others concerned about caring for elderly relatives. Dr.
McElroy will address the challenges of balancing roles, responsibilities and the
complex emotional factors leading to stress. Participants will have an opportunity to
share. Topics for the remaining three sessions, on consecutive Thursdays, will be
suggested by those present at this first meeting. Pre - registration is not required. Bring
your brown bag lunch if you wish.)
"Living With Alzheimer's Disease
Two Presentations by Staff of the Alzheimer's Association of CNY
Wednesday, April 29
2:00 - 3:30 PM, and repeated 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Cornell Cooperative Extension Education Center
615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca
(Kellie Camp- Thomas, Education Coordinator, and Nancy Siefka, Southern Outreach
Coordinator from the CNY Alzheimer's Association will present information that can
help families caring for individuals in all stages of Alzheimer's disease. Topics
covered will include an overview of the disease and its diagnosis, current research
directions, managing difficult behaviors, and resources for caregiver support from the
early stages to the end stages of the disease. Free and open to the public.
(For more information on either program, call 274- 5482.)
Yesterday when they were young
Do you recognize these County employees? These pictures were in the Newfield News July, 1980.
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° Eurerra Williams rods In one fine ar, during Saturday's Old Home Days panda.
T 1
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Photo by Roberta Sperling •
Employee of the Month
Jackie Bowman and some of her art.
Man for the Future
By Mary Pat Dolan and improved public
water systems. Only
_ - Department of Social the Town and Ciryut
Services Ithaca had zoning
- � and planning
_w. ` -• - - • - 1 he year s about f served as�u >i-
-----"------".......-,:;•.-9,:k1.---; 1959. Frank Liguori has a 9
J been this county's planners to offer the
a` c ' ` - mental Health wince vicempomdmgn-
'`.' �, - �� on Heu .1 .1 f rastructurc
� j 1 r T oar the from porch h with - devcMpmenl which
the mayor of one of the Frank feels is one of
r,?,� /1 v • 1 1 lit countYs villages. They ^ r the hallmark of the
� F ..` v V 1 _ _ are talking shout the s - l planners' mission.
�"■ -- /. i p� �y lack of sewer service in g County legislators
I // a ■
1 ``' l t villa and v• � ' �' abet rcco®simd
Q \ ��� flowing septic tanokrs. - th needed In that do
' - ''1 J 1 .Frank", ho said. 'we'll • more In stimulate
have sewers here over community planning • �`� I my dead body.' Some , - ! if they were to meet _ " ` the multiplicity ai
time later, the mayor t` ` S, if p Y
passed away and sewers • • ` problems facing
/ % - soon followed. You 'w wow.* a.ea them, and in 1999
- + ` hat to he patient. F °OS kig the then Board of
- -_ - _~ r
The war was over. The pysulatinn and development ire Supervisors created the County planning department and
created ens fastest ram ever. The housing market is ex- named Frank aslhe first director.
tremcly active with young veterans and others looking for In addition to his 16 years of experience as Director 01
• their owns dream home and their own lot. Growth is taking Environmental Health (a positinn he continued for 6 months
place in all ofahe county's municipalities, boll Large and after Leong named Director of Planning), Frank brought s
small. and Frank Liguori is working with Local officials in bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from Syracuse
places where the population and assessment arc still iasul6- University and n maner's degree in unitary engineering
"ent to support the needed infrastructure . Ile needs to eon. from Harvard m his work with the County. He had spent do
_ since themlhal they must hook ahead and sec ncesnnwns and war years in the Commissioned Officers Corps id the U.S.
- villages, riot they will be next year. but m !her will he in Public I lcalth Service where he had send around mihsary
r � . j C i, �jnyV MA U ten years Of more. hales in Nonh Carolina. protcaing both the area .and thc
• -__. _ - _ _ T� r - - L — {.� Q h was ancra which Frank recallswithpridc and fondness. 'moos from the threat of malaria and typhus. Frank ,ors •
_ It was an era during which he played J kcv role in assisting recently retired from reserve vtalus with the sops. ham!,
the villag es like Grimm. Cayuga I)eights. Trumansburg, and auaed the rank of Colonel.
• s :..% , ..... 0\ 1 ) \ - - m • - - ••`) • -- Dryden in building sewers. waste wate treatment facilities eons on page 4
_ 1
nit 1 - _ - Articles and Tinton pieces for Mu employee and retiree newsletter are selected by Ole tenant, edironaf board bared in
�r' \ -' 1 A� - hey interest to Tompkins County employees and Armco. Material is origami and is .solicited from current and former
- , - ..1- � y �/r»reJ, retiree, retiree, and others.
s � \ ► - �� f p
This news:mais pubhshedby County Central . Sense. using publishing' tnunirofmvam lawnet Submissions ram.:
- r r � - -� - .77.-_-
' - -
be (vomiter, o,igrnal*. on whole paper. srncle sfaredbenoan, lines, double spaced between pang nph.r..Submissions will nor
"� ,t be published that do not include and author's name and signature, olepanenL d Cu telephone number, Publishing dead- - iii rr - �' � ' Sine IS 3:30 p.m. nine days before the second County of the mnth. Publication and dartnhtoum Is nn rho mcond (:uun
rvp ) davole6rmoxm.
r� - -_ a — o r f il- . • 1 Marerialf publicarirsnusdsrtodbv the rditnnodbaurd hdhich rrsenrs the ng8twe •Gmnv,abmnnhms, lhreduonal bowed
_� � I A /� ,Y 's made up Chnp p( DSS' 1, Sh p ena n fHuhasingond CennalSrmcal. Suxr Neymunf,tmnsm.Jrmmnl.Jrnredhss-
c _ - - _9 1/20 1 . 1� / , /�� son (Administration), Janet Nusenson (.Stop OBIS, Geri Borbd (}•both Bureau!, Greg Smeaad (Central Sane.). �5lanho
•��„� Strarsberg (011ie for the AginXA and Judy Tynyk (Mental Health Chita'). Amrks and other eomrap ndence mw be sent to
Newsletter. C e n t r a l S m i t e s through C o u n t y email. o to N e w s l e t t e r . Pureoasmgand C e n t r a l Biggs Center
Building A, 301 Harris B. Darer Dove. Ithaca N.Y. 141350 via U.5. Mad.
Tompkins County Training & Development
"T &D" will provide you with updates and information about in- service education and workshops,
Partners for Quality, and helpful hints for your professional development. Feel free to contact
Jerry Feist or Diane Bradac at 274 -5590 if you have any ideas, questions, or suggestions.
Partners for Quality
Another loss ... Many people are still reeling Guiding Principles
from Greg Kirchgessner's tragic death. Recently we
experienced another loss. Problems with process, not people
Bob Henderson, a local consultant who was More often than not, problems result from
working closely with Public Works' Partners for inefficient, ineffective, or convoluted processes.
Quality initiative, died unexpectedly on February Instead of blaming eo le for what goes wrong
19 Bob thought very highly of the employees with (playing "the blame game "), understanding and
whom he worked, and was pleased and impressed to improving the process will result in better services.
see the steady improvements they were making.
Bob's wife, Darlene Wychick, talked about Bob's Management by fact
fondness for and commitment to the Public Works Rather than making decisions by history ( "We've
staff. She has offered to donate his library of Quality always done it this way! "), gut feeling, or "the
resources to Tompkins County as one way to help squeaky wheel school of management," this
sustain the positive momentum that Bob helped involves gathering data, analyzing it, and coming up
create. with better decisions and new approaches based on
Those of us who knew and worked with Bob measurable facts.
mourn his death. Although he was not a full -time
County employee, the County benefitted greatly from Customer focus
his presence. We will miss him. Our customers include the taxpayers (who want
work done well at the lowest possible cost), our
- — -- vendors, our clients, our business associates, our
colleagues, and anyone who works for us. While
Quality Recognition our customers may have conflicting needs,
There was a catered breakfast to say "thank you" to understanding, prioritizing, and meeting their
the employees who work diligently to keep the legitimate needs will result in improved services
County's highways, airport, and buildings open and increased satisfaction.
during severe weather events. Barbara Blanchard, Shared leadership
Anita Fitzpatrick, Scott Heyman, Peter Meskill, & This means employees and managers working
Barbara Mink got a taste of what it's like to start together to identify the most important services to
early as they came to the 7:00 AM breakfast. improve, and how. Not everything can or should be
decided through consensus, but everyone must feel
Quite a few Partners for Quality teams have recently free to make suggestions for improvement without
completed significant efforts and are being recognized fear of reprisal or resentment. This is a labor -
by the County. The bad news is there are so many management partnership which requires give and
people that there is not enough space here to list the take to succeed.
names of everyone involved. The good news is that the
County's recognition items (clocks, mugs, and T- Continuous learning
shirts) have arrived and are being distributed. If you Nothing is perfect, but "practice makes better" when
were part of a Pf Q team that completed its work, and we learn from experience. By learning from
you should have received a recognition item but did successful and unsuccessful practices - our's and
not, please contact Jerry at 274 -5590, or by email at others' - we can focus energy on opportunities and
jfeist @tompkins - co.org. solutions to continually improve quality.
Tompkins County Training & Development - More Spring Workshops and Classes
To register: Check in with your supervisor, fill out the training registration Corm, and send it our way or e-mail us at
diane_bradac@einstein.co.tompkins.ny.us Call Diane or Jerry at 274 -5590 if you have any questions.
Personal Resource Management with Tom Lipa
from Family and Children's Service of Ithaca
Thursday, April 9 from 9:00 -12:00 at the HSB Conference Room 141
' Are you handling finances and managing your personal budget? Are you
' able to lan ahead? Can you save for emergencies or the unexpected? Want
P Y g P
to learn how get out of debt and stay out of debt? Then this may be the
0 f 11 • workshop for you....
4 Aaaarrrggghhh...I m stressed out. with Esther Herkowitz,
from the Employee Assistance Program, Family and Children's Service
of Ithaca Thursday, April 16 from 10:00- 12noon
• Are you feeling stressed out? Feeling overwhelmed with work and family
Mi pressures? Out of balance? If you could benefit from a workshop on stress
reduction, relaxation, and want tips for better handling of everyday stress,
then call to enroll today.
Creating Web Pages with Bob Yavits Thursdays, June 4, 11, and 18th from 8:30- 11:30am at TC3
If you need to learn how to create and update a web page, there are many web authoring software options, which can
be quick and easy to use. The problems, however, arise when you hit one of the inevitable glitches in these new
software packages, or it you want to switch to another authoring package. Learn how to use and recognize HTML.
This easy to use scripting language will give you flexibility and skill in web page creation and maintenance. You will
learn how to use graphics and color, scanning, linking, enhancing graphic images, and other critical elements for your
web presence.
Designing an Effective Newsletter with Marcelle Toor Tuesdays, April 7, 14, and 28 from 9:00 -12:00 at TC3
Whether you have been designing newsletters for years, or are just thinking about the image you want to create, your
newsletter must grab your reader's attention in order to accomplish your purpose. Learn how to design a newsletter
that not only looks good but also reads well and gets the message across. In this class you will learn the basics of
graphic design through exercises and slides, how to prepare your design for print and how to communicate with a
printer. At the end of this workshop, which includes three hours in TC3's computer lab, you will have a fully
designed, well- critiqued completed newsletter. Marcelle Toor, a graphic designer and former lecturer in the
Communication Department at CU has written two books on graphic design and specializes in teaching design to non-
designers. Her workshops get results.
We've had many employee requests for classes in Windows 3.1
(beginner and intermediate levels) and Word 6.0 in Windows 95.
Classes back by popular demand are: _ r
Word Processing Fundamentals - Thursday, March 19 and March 26th
from 9:00- 12:00noon with Lana Pfann maga-
(designed for beginners with no computer experience)
Principles of File Management in Windows 3.1 - Friday, April 17 from 8:30- 11:30am with Bob Yavits
Introduction to Windows 3.1 - Friday, April 24, May 1, and May 8 from 8:30- 11:30am with Bob Yavits
Introduction to Microsoft Word 6.0 - Tuesday, April 14, 21, and 28 from 1:00- 4:OOpm with Lana Pfann
Intermediate Series in Microsoft Word 6.0 - with Lana Pfann
Custom Toolbars, Draw,. Outlines and Graphics in Word - Thursday, May 7, 1:00- 4:OOpm
Advanced Formatting in Word - Thursday, May 14, 1:00- 4:OOpm
Columns, Enhancing Text and Spike in Word - Thursday, May 21, 1:00- 4:OOpm
Tompkins County
Courthouse. Ithaca, N.Y. 14850
Date: February 5, 1998
To: All Tompkins County Employees and Officers
From: Catherine Covert, Clerk, Board of Representatives
Scott Heyman, County Administrator
Subject: Conflict of Interest
The General Municipal Law of New York State and Tompkins County Local Law No. 4 of 1992
require any County officer or employee who has, will have, or later acquires an "interest" in
any actual or proposed contract with the County to disclose the nature and extent of such
interest in writing to the Clerk of the Board of Representatives. The laws define "interest" as
'Interest' means a direct or indirect pecuniary or material benefit accruing to a
municipal officer or employee as the result of a contract with the municipality which
such officer or employee serves. A municipal officer or employee shall be deemed to
have an interest in the contract of (a) his or her spouse or domestic partner, minor
children or dependents, except a contract of employment with the municipality which
such officer or employee services; (b) a firm, partnership or association of which such
officer or employee is a member or employee; (c) a corporation of which such officer or
employee is an officer, director or employee; and (d) a corporation any stock of which
is owned or controlled directly or indirectly by such officer or employee."
If you as an individual, member of any partnership, or stockholder or trustee in any
corporation, have an interest in any actual or proposed contract with the County, or anticipate
acquiring such an interest, you must disclose the nature and extent of this interest in writing to
the Clerk of the Board of Representatives.
Your disclosure of an interest in a contract with the County does not necessarily mean that
this interest must be ended. All disclosures will be carefully reviewed by the County Attorney,
and if necessary, by the Board of Ethics and/or the appropriate committee of the Board of
Representatives. The issue that will be examined in every instance is whether your contract
creates a conflict with your responsibilities as a County employee and, if so, how this should
be eliminated.
If the position you hold is designated as a "key employee ", you must also file an Annual
Disclosure Statement with the Clerk of the Board no later than May 15, 1998. The form for
this filing was sent under separate cover. If you believe you should file this form and have not
received one, please contact the Board office at 274 -5434.
A memorandum similar to this one is sent to all employees every year as a reminder of this
obligation. If at any time during the course of any year an interest such as described above
should arise, you must notify the Clerk of the Board in writing at that time.
. 1'
Y 0 u
by Theresa Lyczko, Health Promotion Program
Its All About You is the theme for the American Dietetic Plan Ahead For Eating Out. Choose a restaurant in
Association's National Nutrition Month. It means that advance and consider your options. Be the first to order so
healthful eating isn't complicated. It's just a matter of you're not influenced by others' choices and make requests
balance, variety and moderation. With this in mind, you that minimize fat.
can enjoy a nutritious eating plan without counting calories,
fat or cholesterol Create Your Own Take -Out. On weekends when your
schedule is different and you may have more time, prepare
Healthy Eating Can Be Made Easy With A Little and freeze a family favorite. (This is also a good idea for
Planning. At home, stock your pantry with rice, pasta, people who are the only member of a household). The
whole grains, canned beans, fruits and vegetables. delicious lasagna recipe that follows is something you may
Selected with care, these foods can provide good sources want to try. When the midweek rush hits, you can pop it
of fiber and be lower in fat. into the microwave and feel good about what you're eating.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
In a large bowl, thoroughly mix marinara sauce, water and
`' � = garlic: set aside. In a medium -size bowl, beat egg white.
I . — ...�
_ Tii<ao Stir in ricotta cheese. Coat 13x9x2 -inch baking dish with
RECIPE: Easy Spinach Lasagna no -stick spray. Spread 1/2 cup sauce over bottom of dish.
Arrange 1/3 of the uncooked noodles over the sauce.
1 32 -ounce jar chunky vegetable marinara sauce Spread the ricotta mixture over the noodles. Place another
1 1/4 cups water 1/3 of the noodles over the ricotta mixture, then an even
1/2 teaspoon minced garlic layer of the spinach and the remaining noodles. Pour
1 egg white remaining sauce over all. Top with mozzarella cheese,
1 cup reduced -fat ricotta cheese then sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Cover with foil. Bake
No -stick vegetable spray for 1 hour. You may remove the foil during the last 15
1 8 -ounce box uncooked lasagna noodles minutes to brown.
2 10 -ounce packages frozen, chopped spinach, defrosted Makes 6 Servings
and drained well Calories 285
1 1/2 cups part-skim shredded mozzarella cheese Fat: 9 grams
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese Saturated Fat: 4 grams
Sodium: 752 milligrams
Fiber: 3 grams
-- - Weight Watchers
Needs More Members
' \ \J 1�
\ Meetings are held Thursdays at 12:30 in the Lunchroom on
`\\ the 6th floor of the Mental Health Building. A 6 week
\ session begins March 26.
_ - --- - Reimbursement from Wellness Committee. For more
information, call Esther Sullivan, 274 -6333.
Stopping Distance Formula 4 xi
f ioer,
// oSrg
A 4 4 ,,v __ ,, :,„
All drivers take a fraction of a second to react before putting on the brakes. This time translates into reaction dis-
tance —the distance your vehicle will travel in the time it takes you to move your foot from the accelerator to the
brake pedal. To figure your reaction distance in feet, take the first digit of your speed and add it to the total speed.
Speed + First Digit = Reaction Distance
20 mph + 2 = 22 feet
In other words, at 20 miles per hour, your vehicle will travel 22 feet in the time it takes you to move your foot from
the accelerator to the brake pedal.
The faster you're going, the further your vehicle will travel before you can hit the brakes.
Speed + First Digit = Reaction Distance
55 mph + 5 = 60 feet
65 mph + 6 = 71 feet
Braking distance is also determined by speed. Here are braking distances for some speeds:
At... Braking distance is...
20 mph 18 to 22 feet
55 mph 192 to 224 feet
65 mph 267 to 316 feet
Now we can calculate the stopping distance for these speeds:
At... Reaction Braking Stopping
Distance + Distance = Distance
20 mph 22 feet + 18 to 22 feet = 40 to 44 feet
55 mph 60 feet + 192 to 224 feet = 252 to 284 feet
65 mph 71 feet + 267 to 316 feet = 338 to 387 feet
It's easy to see that stopping distance is very much greater at high speeds than at low speeds. The faster you are
going, the greater the distance you must allow between you and the car in front of you for safety.
Vending Committee Trip Survey
The Vending Committee is doing a survey of Tompkins County employees and
retirees to obtain their preferences for future trips. Please complete this survey
and return it to either Pete Coats or Patty Stamm via Inter - Departmental Mail at
the Health Department or mail it to us at: Tompkins County Health Department,
401 Harris B. Dates Drive, Ithaca, New York 14850. If you have any questions,
call Pete at 274 -6688 or Patty at 274 -6674.
Please rate your interest in the following categories by using this scale:
0 - no interest
1 - slight interest ' 2 - moderate interest
3 - strong interest
4 - would definitely plan to go
Within these categories, please indicate your preferences: (again, may choose
more than one)
Overall "
Football [ ] - Team
Baseball [ ] - Team
r NASCAR [ ] - Where
( , Other:
Atlantic City [ ] Turning Stone (includes Bingo) [ ]
Casino Niagara [ ]
9 k
yk Other:
Would you prefer this to be a day trip [ ] or overnight [ ]?
Franklin Mills [ ] Crossings Outlet [ ] Reading, PA [ ]
New York City [ ]
\ Other:
Toronto (e.g. Phantom of the Opera) [ ,]
New York City (e.g. A Broadway show or Radio City Music Hall [ ]
Overall � �, .)
Interest �. 1I= J
Sightseeing /Excursions:
Boston [ ] New York City [ ] Niagara Falls [ ]
Philadelphia [ ] Washington, D.C. [ ] Toronto [ ]
Do you prefer: a set itinerary (e.g. a show or a baseball game)
[ ] or do you perfer mostly free time where you can plan
your own activities [ ]?
Amusement Parks:
Darien Lake [ ] Hershey Park [ ]
Six Flags in New Jersey [ ] Cedar Point in Ohio [ ]
General Interest Trips:
The following trips are being "considered" for this year.
Please rate your interest in these locations using the above scale::
Captain Bill's Seneca Lake Dinner Cruise idea
Cooperstown - Baseball Hall of Fame /Howe Caverns
Hill Cumorah Pageant
Little League Museum/World Series - Williamsport, PA
Renaissance Festival
"Riverdance" which will be in Rochester in October
Just a couple more questions and then you're finished... ,
Would you prefer fewer trips with more subsidizing from the Vending Committee
[ ] or would you prefer more trips with less subsidy [ ]?
How many Vending Committee trips have you been on in the past?
Other Comments /Suggestions:
Name: Phone #:
Please return this survey by Monday, March 231
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Mygreat great great great greatgreatgreat grandfather, Daniel Tompkins, knew that the creation of this county would necessitate
the employment of public servants. He knew there would be stress. He knew there would be questions. He envisioned a newsletter,
much like this one. He spoke to me in a dream and said -if you build ft, they will come ". At first 1 thought he was talking about a
new county building, but then 1 realized he was talking about an advice column in the county corridors.
You can ask me anything. Maybe you would like to date a co- worker, but don't know if it's wise because it may strain your work
environment. Maybe you would like a smoother transition between home and work and don't know how to achieve it. Maybe you are
upset about something that you're not comfortable discussing with anyone else. Maybe you just want to see your letter in print and
hear what 1 have to say. -
may, _
You shall remain anonymous. Your letter and my response will appear in the = y' r-
monthly ssue of count corridors. send your letter to Ruth Pond in Finance, o ' „ '
y f y y _ -;�_:
and she will make certain that it gets to me. di do my best to advise you. At your service,
TRIP Personnel Personals
k . Get Well Wishes to:
1, ws Fran Armstrong, Payroll Coordinator, Finance.
Get well soon and come back. We miss you!
. • _ Sympathy to:
v John Murphy, retired County Administrator, on
r $ , ,`"' the death of his wife Molly.
David Norman, Corrections Officer TCSD, on the
Turning Stone death of his mother and Chris Norman, Civil Department,
April 4 TCSD, on the death of her mother -in -law.
Casino or Bingo Sergeant Jeff Norman, TCSD, on the passing of
$10 per person his brother.
Includes bonus package of over $20 father. Deputy Gerry Pallace, TCSD, on the death of his
for either Casino or Bingo Unclassifieds
For Trade:
Call Peter Coates, 274 -6688 For trade before summer - an 18 foot, good,
Patty Stamm, 274 -6674 or aluminum canoe for a good smaller canoe. Call Jan, 607 -
Lynda Rose, 274 -5553
273-4392 and leave message.
APRIL Monday, March 30 March 31 April 9
MAY Monday, April 27 April 28 May 7
JUNE Friday, May 22 May 26 June 4
JULY Monday, June 22 June 23 July 2
AUGUST Monday, August 3 August 4 August 13
SEPTEMBER Monday, August 31 September 1 September 10
OCTOBER Monday, September 28 September 29 October 8
NOVEMBER Monday, October 26 October 27 November 5
DECEMBER Monday, December 7 December 8 December 1
The County Corridors Board welcornes anyone who would like to attend a Board meeting. We meet in the Old Jail Conference
room on the dates above from 9:30 - I 1 a.m.
Any copy received after the deadline, will be held for the next issue. Many thanks for your cooperation.
At Articles to be considered for the April 9 issue
.. must be received by noon, Monday, March
30, 1998. Lengthy articles should be on disk.
Send by interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond,
'' Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY
14850. Fax: 274 -5505.
Future Culligan Se . Longest Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County
from oaq[ 3
In Ph,lh.Ir. Howell MN employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may be
His first assignment as Director of for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. No
Planning: Do something about the
solid waste problem. And with his Clerk. Board ofRcpresemaonn 4 0 q County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
staff of two. do something he did!
Within about sir hi, , come- In 105 iman when Avcrill Harr Witt G mm
t ,we of ..3,, these ads, however we do need the full name of the person
ty landfills were cited and in opera- New York State and Dwight Eisenhower was Presi s ubmittin the ad. Use this to send your ad via
lion. He remarked that those were dent°fine United Statn a yemngman named Donald submitting coupon P Y
m plc rtimes Tilt County program 1. Culligan became a member o the Tompkins C°w^- interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, County Corridors c/o
eliminated twelve old- fashioned ty Board representing the City of Ithaca. He is now
municipal open dumps. The im- sin.i ng hi, 3lst year and is du: longstscrrogmcm• Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
prevemcnt was spectacular. Hccam. her cote Tompkins Cixauvs establishment is 1027
mented, '1 newt imagined that 1 Previous longevity honors wore held by Harvey ., Ptease type or print legibly! Thanks!
would get involved again 19 years Stevenson of the Town of Enfield with3iycars ll '154.
later, only this tome it will take lsh.11 and Harris B. Dates of the Town of Lansing \ 411'
longer'. with q' years 11'157 -Pkl l
Asked how he force, himself 10 al- Donald Culligan retired in 1078 from the Ithaca
ways look emu ' he future, Frank City School System after 30 years of teaching. coaeh• Dowu a. Cua;y
replied that 'alter you do it enough. ing and administering athletic programs.
lookout at the future just becomes Soler 195R Mr. Culligan has served with (S different Board members and 9
part of the was you think and look at chairmen. He has served on almost every committee of the Board and has been
the world'. And as-with TOMTRAN, chairman of many Board commit tees. including 3t years onthr Health Commit.
which he quietly proclaims as one of tee. and is presently Chairman of the Public Safety and Corrections Committee.
ho best ideas, negotiating the world He has represented the County on the Soil and Water Conservation District.
of ideas and looking for way: that Reginnal Planning Board. and the Finger takes Association.
thiwc ideas tan become realities has He said 'holy -two more programs arc included in County government today
kept our first Employee Of The than in l'1.55. He mentioned serving with Harris B. Dates on the first ad hoc Air-
Month interested and involved for his po0 Committ ee and lengthening the runway from 3.000 to 4.000 feet and none
34 years of County scenes.. would believe him when he said the runway should go to 5,000 feel because we
would have jets landing here someday. F.arty•in his Counryeareer tic probed sac- COUNTY CORRIDORS
ccssfully to get permamon personal voter registration. He recalled working with
the late William Kerr on a resolution to study county -wide use of the Cornell Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected
MILES TONES Libran which eventually resulted in our Tompkins County Public Library and a
w b on Cayuga Street. Donrccalkd the dam ofwnrkingwith Represen. by the volunteer editorial board based on their interest to
Wove Claude Bolden of Groton in scketing a site and building the Tompkins
Kathy Wcst assumed the duties of Cortland Communnv College. Other phssicsl changes have Included the High- Tompkins County employees and retirees. They do not
Directlit of Budget & Finance on way Building and the new Puhlic Satety Building.
March 9, 1914,- succeeding Robert necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board.
Nicholas, lcrt rot a irm. position wiih
a ashingtnn. DC law firm. FREE CLASSIFIEDS Material is solicited from current employees, retirees and
a Washington
Wc,t returns In County nor+,cc Classified ads up to 20 words in length are free to Coun- others.
after three years as Contrrdkr of ty employees, retirees, and their immediate families,
(num& Racquet & Fitness Club y Material for publication is selected by the editorial board
and three years as an Associate with Ads may be for any purpose except that personal ads
Hollander, Sprague d Associates- will not be accepted. No County addresses or telephone which reserves the right to edit any submissions except in the
From 19774° 1981 she was employed instance of copyright articles. The Editorial Board is made u
in the Budget K Finance or- numbers may be listed in the ads. up
ftce,which mum timeindadcdfmr Deadline for receipt of a classified ad to be published in of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Sheriffs; Lisa
linen now assigned to the County the next issue is nine days before the second Court
Controller. >' County Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance-Purchasing; lretta Ellis,
The Budget & Finance Office paycheck of the month. Information Services; Scott Heyman, County Administrator;
receive, and disburses 01 County Ads should be sent to Newsletter,%Central Services
funds, receives unpaid taxes for all Ruth Pond, (Editor), Finance; Michelle Pottorff, Bd. Of
municipalities outside the city or (through County inter - office mail) or to Newsletter, %
Ithaca. ovcrsccs the lay fnrecloswc Central Services, Biggs Center Building A, 301 Harris Representatives; Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures;
and auction, provides certificates of
B. Dates Drive, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 (through h U.S.
CSidencyand tracks the County's in- g and Vickie Wagner, (Artist), Drafting Technician.
surance program and fixed assets. Mail). Correspondence may be sent through County inter -
department mail to: County Corridors, c/o Finance- Purchasing,
paw ; 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.