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Inside issue are comments from colleagues.
A Close Call From the Personnel Department
by Jackie Yoder, Benefits Manager
by Scott Heyman, County Administrator
Few of us who work for Tompkins County and picked up a
paycheck on Wednesday, December 31, realize how close I know that health insurance is an important topic
we came to the unthinkable. for many employees. We are still working on putting all
the final details together and will get information to you as
When the Finance quickly as possible. Anyone with questions is encouraged
Department and Information 1111 to call the Personnel Office (274 - 5528). Of special note
Technology Services to BlueCross BlueShield subscribers -- Cayuga Medical
Division looked at their , i /,� _ Center continues to be a non participating provider. This
calendars and saw the Newer_, means that the hospital will no longer accept the BCBS
Year's Day holiday for 1998 payment as "payment in full" and subscribers who have
fell on a payroll distribution inpatient services at CMC will be "balance billed" for the
date they did what they difference between what the hospital charges and what
normally do - they wrote to BCBS pays.
all employees, asked them
to get their time sheets in
early, and said they would
distribute paychecks a day One Day Pre - Retirement Seminar
earlier than usual on 1
December 31. -' The New York State and Local Employees'
VICKIE Retirement System is planning a one day pre - retirement
Nearly all departments got seminar in the Spring of 1998. If you are planning to
their time sheets in in a timely way, but on Monday retire within the next five years and you would like to attend
afternoon payroll coordinator Fran Armstrong heard that this seminar, you must make a reservation through the
the weather forecast for Tuesday the 30th called for up to Personnel Department. The nearest seminar will be held
a foot of snow. on_Friday, June 26, 1998 at SUNY Cortland. Seating
If she and the ITS and Budget Office staff who produce is limited and will be reserved on a first come -first served
and distribute the paychecks could not get to their basis. Please call Jackie Yoder (274 -5528) no later than
computers on Tuesday morning there would be no 3/28/98 to make a reservation.
Wednesday payroll, and since Thursday was a holiday it
would have to be distributed on Friday.
None of the people associated with putting out an accurate Thank you - Thank you - Thank you
payroll every two weeks look forward to the day that they
have to explain to more than 700 hard working employees, Special thanks go to all the people who braved the
many of whom have written checks "in anticipation of storm to open roads, dispatch emergency services, and
that their paycheck will be late. respond to the community's law enforcement and human
service needs. We are grateful for the dedication and skill
So Fran picked up the phone and talked to Rob Corpora, of the employees of the Highway Department, Sheriffs
Angie Swartwood, and lretta Ellis in ITS and asked if the Department, Fire & Disaster, Buildings and Grounds, and
four of them could put out the payroll late Monday the Airport for all your special efforts to meet the needs of
afternoon. All agreed it made sense and they were able to Tompkins County residents. Apologies to anyone we may
get the checks printed in time. Budget Office staff pitched have overlooked.
in and prepared the checks for distribution to departments.
When the Sheriff closed all roads on Tuesday morning their
foresight and good judgment paid off. When everyone
arrived at work on Wednesday morning paychecks were
distributed without a hitch. Only a few people knew how
close we had come the unthinkable.
Normally, no one thanks the payroll or budget office staff
for getting them a paycheck.
This time, maybe we all should.
Highway Department battling the snow.
picture by Bill Chapp, DSS
Comments from Colleagues of Beverly Livesay "Having worked in the County Personnel Department from
1967 -1997, I had a great deal of contact with Beverly Livesay in a
number of areas, from personnel in general to health insurance and
I served for 21 of Beverly's 24 years on the County Board. other benefit areas dealt with by the Board committee of which she was
I would like to state "Beverly's participation in local government can a member at the time. Beverly always felt free to comment and convey
be best characterized as constant, dependable, and fair minded ". Bev's her feelings and the "whys" and wherefore" for her particular opinion
expertise in the fundamentals of County government, including the New on a subject. With her long tenure on the Board, Beverly always had
York State Supervisors and Legislators Association, always brought a "history" as well as insight. One of the things I found most pleasurable
positive approach to issues facing the people of our area in the State. about working with her over the years was her ability to never look
Mrs. Livesay was the first woman down on anyone, regardless of the
president of the State Association. position he /she held within the County,
There are so many but always having time for a friendly
actions that Beverly has been a hello, whether in the Courthouse, the
strong influence in bring to fruition parking lot, or the grocery store! She
that it would take volumes of words always had a kind word and a smile. She
to describe. She has set a will be missed on the Board and within
noteworthy example of intelligent the County and when she leaves, much
govemment for all to follow." County background and hard work will
depart with her . Good health, much
- Donald Culligan, Former Member,
Board of Representatives happiness, much enjoyment and best
wishes for a long and happy retirement
and many wonderful hours with friends
"Bev certainly paved the and family, Beverly."
way for all the women who served - Louise McEwen, Benefits Manager,
after her on the County Board. she Retired
was so helpful, and she brought a
much - needed woman's point -of -view
to Board issues. She was especially "Beverly has contributed
significantly in human service and health ficantly in many ways to the welfare
of this County during her 24 -year tenure.
issues. She fought a lot of tough
battles for a lot of different kinds of It is not possible to describe all of those
people. Best of all, she never seemed ways, but what comes to mind foremostly
to lose her enthusiasm for what she , her input in three areas: human services,
was doing. She will be missed, and I solid waste and personnel.
salute her and welcome her to the elite Under the rubric of "human
group of retirees!" services," Beverly was instrumental in
-Mary G. Call, Former reshaping the partnership with the City on
Member, Board of Representatives consolidation of youth services, a
difficult and sensitive process which
worked out successfully because of Bev's
"We in Tompkins County can thank Beverly Livesay for the knowledge and skills. She has also provided leadership in child care
existence of a financially viable motor vehicle office here in Ithaca. issues, including the establishment of the County supported day -care
During 1995, when our DMV was in dire straits, Ms. Livesay ably gave center at Biggs. More recently, she has been overseeing the mandated
of her time and leadership in chairing a Motor Vehicle Task Force to federal and state changes that are now taking place in the welfare
establish a feasible manner in which to continue operation of such an Program.
office without imposing an additional tax burden on the real property tier guidance of the solid waste program during its most
critical time in the late '80s and early '90s was perhaps her severest test
This is but a single incident resulting in a positive solution to as a legislator. All through this difficult time, I watched Beverly keep
one of the problems posed during her tenure. Ms. Livesay's dedication her cool and guide the Board through many acrimonious debates and
difficult decisions. Her input was especially important in the
to the residents of this County is unparalleled, and I can say negotiations to design and build the County's Recycling Center.
unequivocally that politics never entered into any of her wise decisions. It's difficult to think about the handling of personnel contracts
1 feel honored to have had the benefit of the priceless guidance, support and related matters during the past decades without thinking about
and assistance of Beverly Livesay. I'll miss you Bev." Beverly's involvement. Personnel negotiation is her forte' and her
- Aurora Valenti, Tompkins County Clerk expertise often was critical to reaching a fair agreement with our
employees. Very important to Beverly, a matter for which she should
be especially remembered by the County staff, is pay equity. Her
"Over the many years that I have known and worked with undertaking of the pay equity study in the early `905 was a difficult and
Beverly, the one trait I have always admired is her compassion. time- consuming project that led to the restructuring of pay scales
Regardless of how busy she was, she always had time to say "hello ", or reflecting more accurately the work that County employees perform.
to ask "how are you ?" Beverly knew of my intense interest in off- A year ago Beverly was given an award by the New York
highway motorcycle issues and she always was quick to ask me how my State Supervisors and County Legislators Organization for her many
progress with the issues was going. She always had time to be contributions to County govemment. I am honored to have served with
personable and concerned; fine qualities I will remember." Beverly for sixteen of her twenty-four years as a member of the County
- Cheryl Nelson, Public Works Administrator -Stuart Stein, Member, Board of Representatives
GOOD BYE EXAMINATION FEE "Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice"
-- Free for under 21 consumption
by Stephen Estes, Personnel Technician
gfr ,At ,
Tompkins County is abolishing the civil service ' �;``
examination fee effective January 1, 1998.
As a result, there will be a slight change to the The new comprehensive youth services
application and notification process. Anyone who pre -filed information booklet, entitled "Fresh Squeezed Orange
an application during the twelve months immediately Juice, -A Healthy Guide to Teen Services in Tompkins
preceding the date of announcement will still be notified County" is available free of charge from the Tompkins
when the exam is announced. The change is that: County Youth Bureau. The pocket sized youth services
guide, formerly a little blue book known as "Info4Youth,"
You are now required to update your was edited and updated by newly elected County Board
application during the filing period. member Michael Koplinka -Loehr while he was employed
on a temporary basis with the Tompkins County Youth
An update can be done either by filing a new Bureau. Mike worked closely with area teens to improve
application or by completing a form affirming that the the book which is intended for use by 8 - 12 graders
information in your original application is still current. If you throughout the county in making decisions for a healthy
did pre -file an application, the second page of your future. The title was chosen by youth members of "306" --
notification letter will consist of this affidavit. You MUST fill the downtown Teen Center Project, and means: "Fresh" for
out this form (or a new application) and return it to youth, "Squeezed" for getting to the pulp, the essence of
Personnel prior to the final filing date in order to be eligible the matter, and "Orange Juice" for healthy choices. Teens,
for the exam. Failure to do so will result in disapproval of church groups, community youth workers, parents, grand -
your application and you will not be admitted to the test. parents — all community members interested in the well
This system will ensure that all interested being of our young people, can call the Tompkins County
applicants are aware of the test and have an adequate Youth Bureau at 274 -5310 to request a copy. The Youth
amount of time to update, obtain announcements and find Bureau will be providing copies for the staff in Probation,
study materials. It will also enable us to perform an Mental Health, and the DSS Services Unit. Any other
accurate candidate count and gather updated information county staff who work with youth who would like a copy
for interview purposes. If you file a new application or may request one by calling 274-5310.
update during the filing period, you will receive a "time and Booklets will be distributed to every 8 12 grader
place" letter about two weeks prior to the test. through county schools, and in addition, almost 100 "Fresh
Information Services has informed me that most Squeezed" Youth Ambassadors will be visible with t-
County employees utilizing personal computers now have shirts -- featuring the enlarged cover design -- to hand out
access to the World Wide Web. You can easily keep up booklets in the community. These Ambassadors are
with the vacancies list and various examination available to make brief presentations to any community
announcements by setting a bookmark or favorite to the group. Simply speak with someone wearing an "Ask me
Tompkins County Government home page at About.... Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice" t -shirt or call the
http: / /www.co.tompkins.ny.us/ Just click on the "Civil County Youth Bureau for a list of Ambassadors in your
Service Announcements" section and within seconds you area.
can have access to all of the examinations and vacancies Funding for graphic design and printing were
that are posted. If you are running Windows and Word 6.0 generously provided by all T -S -T BOCES schools, Borg -
or higher, you can download the Application for Warner Automotive Morse TEC Corporation, the
Employment, fill it out using the keyboard, print it out and/or Nelson B. Delavan Foundation, The Ithaca Bankers
save it for future use. You MAY NOT, however, send it Group (member banks: Fleet, M &T, Marine Midland,
electronically as we still require original signatures on the Savings Bank of the Finger Lakes and Tompkins County
last page. Trust Company), Ithaca Peripherals, Inc., The Service
If you do not have access to the Web, don't worry. League, and The Wiggins Memorial Trust. `h
We still mail paper copies of the announcements to all of As the County Youth Bureau celebrates its 20
the old mailing list locations, you can still trek down to the Anniversary this fall, we are proud to be able to provide this
end of the hall (or wherever) to view them, and you can still booklet free of charge as a part of our mission of "Creating
fill out the application form with ink. opportunities for youth — Our purpose, Our promise."
The Youth Bureau is supported in part with funds from
Tompkins County and the New York State Office of
Children and Family Services and the New York State
You can't stop the waves, Office of Children and Family Services and Tompkins
but you can learn to surf. County.
For More information contact Nancy B. Zahler, Director.
Choosing a health club
—new low rates for County employees mean it's both convenient and affordable
to stay healthy this winter (and beyond). By Jared Jones RN, Employee Health
Think health club membership is too expensive? Think again. If you've considered joining a health club, now is the time. Four
Ithaca area health clubs are offering special low rates to County employees that make the cost of health club membership
both affordable and attractive. And if you include the Wellness Committee reimbursement, its an opportunity not to be missed.
Here is a summary of "County employee" prices at four local health clubs. These prices are for: a 1 year paid in advance
single employee membership. Wellness Committee reimbursement has not been figured into these prices. After exercising
at your health club for 6 or 12 months, you can apply to be reimbursed for $50 (after six months) or $100 (after 12 months)
by the Wellness Committee. Thus, your yearly membership fee could be as much as $ 100 Tess than the figures below
if you receive the Wellness Committee reimbursement and pay for a year's membership in advance. That works out
to about $15 -20 a month for full membership (that's about 65 cents a day!).
Name of Club /Location Rates Comments
Ithaca Fitness -119 3' St. $ 289 /year or $175/ Free trial available with
Ithaca 6 months coupons crkit k` 4 r@P
City Health -402 W. Green St. $ 339 /year or $179/ Rates will go up in January.
Ithaca 6 months Free trial available.
Courtside -380 Pine Tree $ 432 /year -no 6 month rate Free trial available.
Road, Ithaca 1 ,,
YWCA- Graham Road West, $ 324 /year Tours available.
Ithaca \
Be a wise consumer when choosing a health club. Here are some guidelines for finding a health club that fits both your fitness
needs and your budget:
Read the fine print: Most clubs require you to sign a contract when you join. That contract is a binding legal document that
spells out rights and responsibilities for both the health club and for you. Read it carefully. Since there are many payment and
membership options to choose from, be sure you are getting exactly what you want. If you are unsure about the provisions
in a contract, ask if you can take the contract home to study it. If you are feeling pressure to sign or you feel that the club
representative is reluctant to answer questions, find another health club.
Check out the facilities: Most local clubs have a one or two week free trial period so you can check out what facilities they
have available. Do they have the exercise classes and equipment that interest you? If you're not sure what's best for you, do
they have certified fitness instructors who can help you design a exercise program? Are the facilities clean and well
maintained? Does the staff seem friendly and helpful?
You also need to check out the "feel" of the place: would you be comfortable exercising there? Does it feel friendly and
Find a club that's near home or on the way to or from work: Convenience counts; the easier it is to get to and from your
health club, the more you'll use it. The more you use it, the more you'll get for your money.
There are a variety of different membership options and price structures offered by the local health clubs. Save yourself time
and call Employee Health (274 -6681) about local health club memberships and the special County employee prices.
I have detailed information about health club offerings and can probably answer most questions.
County employees should send a boatload of thanks to the following employees who spearheaded the efforts to get local clubs
to offer reduced rates for County employees: Randy Good, Michelle Kelly, Tricia Eth, Cindy Cummings, and Diana McComb.
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start now and make a brand new ending.
Unclassifieds Personnel Personals.
For Sale: Congratulations to:
Your ad could have been here
Kirk Eby (from the ITCTC and the Planning Department),
For Rent: on the birth of his daughter, Brandy, who was born November 25,
Or here 1997.
Diabetes Education
Through a $10,000 grant from the NY
State Dept. Of Health, the Community Diabetes FOR INDIVIDUALS
Coalition made up of members from Cayuga
Medical Center, Tompkins County Senior Citizens'
Council, County Office for the Aging, and private 55 AND OVER
citizens, will sponsor free walk -in diabetes
screenings beginning January, 1998 at various at
sites in Tompkins County.
The Senior Center
The free walk -in screening is available to 1 19 West Court Street
anyone 55 years of age or older. The screening
will be conducted by nurses from Cayuga Medical Wednesday, January 21, 1998
Center at Ithaca and consists of a finger prick with
results available that day. from 10 a.m. to Noon
Persons with borderline, questionable or Articles to be considered for the February 12 issue must be
positive results will be invited to an educational received by noon, Monday, February 2, 1997. Lengthy articles
session at a later date. This session is also open should be on disk. Send by interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond,
to anyone interested in learning more about late Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Fax: 274 -5505.
onset diabetes.
For more information, call the Senior Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
Citizens' Council at 607- 273 -1511 or Cayuga and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
Medical Center at 607 - 274 -4127. will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
these ads. Use this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth
Pond, County Corridors Go Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
5 Reasons tto Attend A
Diabetes Screening
1. Late onset diabetes is a silent disease.
2. If not detected, diabetes can cause multiple
health problems as we age - at it's worst - COUNTY CORRIDORS
blindness or the loss of a limb.
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
3. If you are overweight, have high blood They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is
pressure or a history of diabetes in your solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
family. Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial
Board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment;
4. If you do no exercise and are sedentary. Lisa Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance- Purchasing; Iretta Ellis, Information Services;
Scott Heyman, County Administrator; Ruth Pond, (Editor), Finance; Michelle
5. If you do not have an annual physical, Pottorff, Bd. Of Reps.; Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures; and Vickie
Wagner, (Artist), Drafting Technician, Assessment .
where your doctor checks your blood Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
sugar. Corridors, c/o Finance, 125 East Court St., 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY 14850.