HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-10 R
/ ,; - V / R Newsletter for
i Employees and Retirees
,Imi 7 _, .._...,1 „
�.., of Tompkins County
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7- r --- --' — - \ ' i r /--- 11•14 Th r r.: ---1 - --' '4 - MI: - ' L\ L ;_i \ . OCTOBER 1997
Volume 10 Number 13
J ou wctnl ui lo move in... whA2re.
THANK YOU ___ _.___. .___ __.___ ,_w. _.....
Many thanks to the retirees ;
who took time to respond to the cut -out , '
in Corridors asking if they would like to
continue receiving the newsletter. The
response was about 30% and the 1, , •
responses contained some very .
positive and kind remarks. They are
appreciated. a ° t iiiiiiiiiilailatibili--�
- 1 , -- $
doorway - Greg Potter; bottom left - Sharon Heller; bottom right - Dean Eckstrom
Above you see the new (temporary) home of these three county employees
of ITS /GIS better known as Information Services. Their building is being
Fran Armstrong, Payroll Coordinator, renovated so they will be occupying this trailer located in the parking area
would like to remind you that you must downtown until renovations are completed.
take your Floating Holiday before Did someone say winter is almost upon us?
December 31.
APPRECIATION Employee Health Surveys Update:
by Mary Carnal, DSS
Following are excerpts from a Between September 17''' and 24th, more than 750 Employee Health
letter received at DSS. Surveys were distributed to County employees. These surveys were
Dear Steve Fraser: designed to provide Employee Health with specific information on what
"I had to take the time to County employees want from Employee Health. So far, response to the
let you know how much / surveys has been excellent and we expect to publish the results of the
appreciate your help. You have surveys in the December 4 issue of County Corridors.
made it possible for me to have a While response to the survey is voluntary, we need everyone's
input to develop the best employee health program possible. We have
much better life because of your extended the deadline for return of the surveys until October 17 to
caring and professionalism. Please maximize participation. If you have not filled out your survey yet but want
know, that I admire a person that to be included in the survey results, please fill out your survey now and
has some humanity and makes it return it to Employee Health via interoffice mail. If you would like to
their business to have deep respond but have misplaced your survey, please contact Employee Health
concern for others." at 274 -6681 and we will get another survey to you.
"My need arose and you
were there with a helping hand." Thanks for your cooperation.
"Thank you so very much." Jared Jones RN, Employee Health.
by Scott Heyman, County Administrator
Good bye to Julie Crowell, Public Information
Coordinator for the last four years, who is leaving for a post in _� 4 ,� o
the Spencer - VanEtten School District as a Librarian. Julie has - I
carefully and patiently shepherded our first organizationwide _-,- .. ; -��
public information effort through its difficult formative years. = .o: ^� o =_
When the County Board took the first steps toward this
program by providing live cablecasts of its own meetings the
year was 1992. A 28% one -year increase in social service THE CROSSINGS FACTORY i
caseloads was driving up the county property tax and forcing an STORES 1
increase from 3 cents to 4 cents in the local sales tax.
Taxpayers were incensed. The climate for a new public TANNERSVILLE,PA
information program appeared to be bleak.
But many members of the County Board thought those SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1997
circumstances only underscored the need for county
government to do a better job of informing the public about what
it was doing and why. The local print and broadcast media - , ,� 1 7 r zt
have for decades been cutting back on the resources they � . -1 A .
devote to covering local events; the time had come — not for "1 a a Ja&'z
"image building" or "spin control" but for a straightfoward
information program. The media like to say that the public has The Crossings features 96 stores with top names in
a right to know — but it is a right that does the public no good fashion and home furnishings including Casual Corner,
if no one delivers facts. Corning, Revere, Gund, Jones of New York, IZOD,
Julie gets no credit for the decline in social service Springmaid, J. Crew, Osh Kosh B'Gosh, Greg Norman
caseloads in recent years, but the flow of information to the Golf, Reebok, Levi's and many more! Save up to 75%
public is impressive indeed. Dozens of informative cablecasts off regular retail prices.
are shown on the government access channel (Channel 53)
every year, including candidate debates, issues discussions, Price: $10.00 per person.
and magazine- format and documentary programs. County
News is widely distributed three times a year and followup
surveys have shown that it is widely read. County departments
receive assistance and training and have succeeded in „ ��
generating many informative articles in the public media. The c��0 ��10 .' � t &I
county budget forum has generated interesting, informative, and
influential discussions that have helped to shape Board
members' actions in crafting the county budget. ATLANTIC CITY
Julie has provided a solid foundation for her successor
to build on. We'II miss her and we wish her well providing BALLY'S PARK PLACE HOTEL & CASINO
information to the next generation of taxpaying residents.
DECEMBER 7 & 8, 1997
f ' iiihk \ Trip includes: ovemight accommodations at Bally's 0 1 / r� Park Place, bus transportation, all taxes and baggage
- 1 IIIC _ ' handling fees, and casino bonus of $15.00. Price per
( person: $100.00 double occupancy (other rates available
� d upon request).
4 , a ` t� Bus departs at 7:15 a.m. on Sunday, December 7,
it -V: 7 � i0: w�,ti 1997 and retums at approximately 11:00 p.m. on Monday,
v .' IP ,.
�,, December 8, 1997
, - I BC
01, ( ��R` ; ,� Limited number of seats available.
- 7 11P V/ p '....WV !^'
k l \
•-— i
— r �� Seats reserved only upon payment of fee.
To reserve your seat or for additional information contact
Lynda Rose at 274 -5553.
Who are you going to be for Halloween - Batman? Superman?
or Heyman?
om w' Z ! P i , ...
The 3rd Annual Tompkins County Golf Tournament proved to n �' ' ?' ;' I. r 1
be a olfers dream come true. The day was fantastically. , " , . 1 -- '.
beautiful and Jackie Kippola did a tremendous job in
organizing the event for us once more This year we had 23 a • -- ' =''�'- ' ' *' - '�"' i >1 �
' 1 ' `
teams show up for the big day and we had 5 teams finish y l „ *r� ` ' ,; r'....06' with a 6 under par , winning score of 67!! Through careful eYdn � �' - + p "` I °
� : .;, M1
evaluation the "best" team proved to be Neil, Autumn, Mike m f h "
and Bob (see photo). They graciously accepted the trophies �' w % .
and plaque from our champs of last year and everyone else
made out with a nifty prize. -4Al ikihe. 1 -A \ •. A .
The winners of longest drive, JJ Franklin and Missy Lynch, ,�'.`' ti w ✓' 4 " p
received a cool sweatshirt and a box of golf balls. The closest ''
to the pin won a prestigious "Cornell” putter and those , ""'
winners were Ward Hun erford and Chantalise DeMarco. " . !
There was a frenzy of players competing for "Best Dressed" ,' , ,, : r 4
and although there was no prize for that category it seemed k�,.,
that The 19th Hole team (Craig Hopkins & company) a4- ti ,;
snagged that honor. Finally, to feed the hungry masses, w - s
Trumansburg Golf Course did a great job by providing a ---,-"'24';'_. o- t 4 ' `" , . d ,l
meal that included a selection of salads, sausage with ! r Y t ,., e x " `°
,1q AF d Sy ' ,
peppers and onions, and grilled chicken. I believe most ,, + ;' ; ■ t r.'''' ,-v , i 7 ,
' everyone was delighted with the day and perhaps, to make - • --' - ' ` °°` _ A 146 . 74 . ' " ,_ "``
next years tourney even better we will make everyone have at 15' PLACE TEAM
least 3 DRIVES and provide FREE beer for all ? ? ?!!! NOT! Pictured Leh to Right: Neil Bieberich, Autumn Bieberich (Finance), Mike
Conklin (B&G), and Bob Pietila
A special thanks goes to our vending committee who provided money for the lovely prizes that each player won. Thanks again
to all who participated and to all who helped make it an enjoyable day.
Your Humble Commentator Jeanne Boodley
Denny Fairchild, DSS Tony Denmark. 13&G Roger Griswold, Sheriff Barbara Blanchard. Board of Reps
David Chase, DSS Tom Cannon, B & G Daryl Avery. Sheriff Peter Meskill, Board of Reps
Frank Justice, Probation Mike Broadhead. B &G Tom Walpole, Sheriff Lee Shurtleff. Fire & EMS
R. Hart Ed Sawester Greg Phenes Dave Wall
Marty Adams. Highway Holly Stevenson. DSS Karen Bishop. Public Health Serena Sill. Highway
Betty Watkins, Engineering Cindy Cummings. DSS Patty Stamm. Public Health Ward Hungerford, Highway
Mark Edsall Rudy Laurenson Ron Cotanch Rick Sill
Bob Goerlick David Stevenson Frank Lamphier Leah Adams
Chantalise DeMarco. Mental Health Bob Nicholas, Airport Tom Richardson. Solid Waste Ed Hague, DSS
William Barrett, Family Court Bill Mobbs. Public Works Lynn Leopold, Solid Waste Mike Armstrong. Central Services
Paul Fairbanks Bob Mastepole Tom Powers Mike Arrnstrong Jr., Solid Waste
Pam Fairbanks Ralph Napolitno Mike Holmes Fran Armstrong. Finance
Craig Hopkins. Engineering Chris Brill, Finance Scott Heyman. Administration Jackie Kippola. Administration
Jim Fee Dave Crawford, Airport Linda Heyman Jeanne Boodley, Engineering
John Pichura Bonnie Scutt. Finance Skip Hewitt. Assessment Barbara Mink, Board of Reps
Sarah McGowan Carl Van Etten Georgia Hewitt Jim Kazda, Engineering
Frank Croteau, Public Health Valeria Coggin, Assessment Jackie Yoder. Personnel
Marty Keltog. Public Health Steve Whicher, Assessment Bob Slocum. COFA
Pete Mizera JJ Franklin, Assessment Joan Curtis
Joe Crosby Don Franklin, Retired King Stevens
Jamie Wright, Highway Lori Parker. Finance Missy Lynch. Mental Health
Roger Hile, Retired Chris Parker, B &G Sharon Cooper. Assessment Page Created by
Connie Hile Edward Teeter, B & G Deb Preston Chris Brill
Jerry Wright Jack Conger Scott Hoffman
Date: September 5, 1997 A YEAR GONE BY
To: All County Departments by Christine Brill, Finance
From David Squires, Finance Director Yes, it has been a year already. It was a year ago, the
Subject: Change in Payroll Systems and 8th of October, that our then 4 month old son, Connor
Payroll Checking Account was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Other than our
monthly checkups with his neurosurgeon, his oncologist
and his neurologist at Geisinger Medical Center in
Danville, PA our lives have retumed to somewhat normal.
Many of my friends and co- workers have asked how
Connor is progressing and I just wanted to let everyone
who might be wondering, how he is doing.
Connor is now 16 months old. He is doing wonderfully
No. 166 w, well. He has full use of his right side, something the
Charles Checkwrlter
1020 Bon Vie Way , 19 doctors told us he wouldn't have until well after he was
� 4•l, 6reanbacka, DC $ , , 1 year old. He even walks. As expected, his speech is
i .D delayed. However if his babbling is a clue, he will talk
i D
— - - - -- -- - - - -- - Several weeks ago the doctors "weaned" Connor off the
Phenobarbital that was used to control seizures. It was
We are in the final stages of converting our payroll a rough 5 weeks as Connor suffered from withdrawal of
system from the main -frame to a network platform. his dependency of this drug. But he made it, and so far,
Testing and parallel processing will begin this month with knock on wood, he is seizure free.
an anticipated conversion by the end of October. The
new system will provide much greater flexibility in He is a very lucky little boy, not all of these stories have
processing without imposing any undue burdens on a happy ending. Many angels prayed for him in his time
departmental payroll reporting. of need. I again would like to thank everyone who
contributed in any way when our family was suffering.
The most significant changes for employees will be You will never exactly know how much it meant to us.
(1) a new check format -laser printed on 8 1/2x11
stock, and (2) a new bank account (M &T Bank) on Connor is a very vibrant little boy and we are very
which the checks will be drawn. fortunate to have him in our lives. To anyone who sees
him, he is just a normal little boy.
The new check format will allow for expansion of data t , , , , 1
fields on the stub portion of the check and will provide I ". 3'' ": 0 741 f4 : 1 - `
the flexibility to accommodate additional information on ,Y
payroll deductions, leave accrual etc. $„
We have recently awarded the payroll checking account - q
to M &T Bank. Upon conversion to the new system, we `'
will begin utilization of our M &T Bank payroll account. ,,a - `' ias � t
Employees who do not maintain bank accounts, and ,
customarily cash their checks every payday at Fleet
Bank, will have to switch to M &T Bank to cash their
M &T Bank will also be responsible for the
distribution of payroll to other banks via direct deposit S �4[. tt li . r r
when that feature of the new payroll system has been f } — r
implemented. (anticipated April 1998). a / 1 , f
M &T Bank as part of their agreement will provide -- J
county employees with a free checking account for r� '=
12 months. The continuation of free checking service .1 ^ty ' " F 'N.
after the initial period would be dependent on
participation in direct deposit relationship with M &T Bank. Connor, left; with his brother Seneca.
Employees who are interested in taking advantage of /� �] '1 J / /
free checking offer should speak with the customer grain .JumoP u�arenedd VVeeh
services representatives at the M &T office on the October 19 - 25 1997
Tompkins County Training & Development
Please contact Jerry Feist or Diane Bradac al 274 -5590 for more information.
le id
V .� 1f/ ' 1 � � 1 / a itf Partners for Quality
``` e�`rrrr ����yy P
•- - Zi% > /
y TA Contracts Team
:� •
er s lsw�.
) ���.�� s;� This is to recognize the members of the Partners for
Z ...,0 O ', Quality Contracts Team: Chris Brill, Brenda Grinnell -
Crosby, Jim Kazda, Jackie Kippola, Peter Meskill, Cheryl
Computer Class Updates: Nelson, Bob Nicholas, Jim Skaley, and Linnett Warner.
Facilitators for the Team were Joan Jurkowich and Iretta
Intermediate Excel has openings for 5 Ellis. The Guidance Team included Scott Heyman, Bill
employees. Tuesday, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28 Mobbs, and Dan Winch.
and 11/4, 9:00 -12 :00 noon Hans Zobel
The Team was formed in January 1995. Members were
Managing Electronic Files has openings selected based on their position as stakeholders in the
for 2 employees. Tuesday, 10 /7, contracts process critical path. Its focus was to remove all
8:30 -11:30 am Bob Yavits non -value added steps in the contracts process. As an early
Introduction to Power Point has room step a flowchart was developed that showed just how
for 5 employees. Tuesday, 10/14, 10/21, convoluted the existing process was.
10/28 and 11/4 1:00 -4:00 pm Hans Zobel The Opportunities Statement read: The objective of the
Please contact Diane at 274 -5590 to Tompkins County Contracts Team is to develop specific
register for any of these classes. contract routing processes that are customized for the
various types of contracts to which the County is a party.
Other classes coming soon include These processes shall be time effective and efficient by
Performance Reviews, Problem Solving, reducing the number of steps, individuals, and approvals
Supervision Skills, Humor in the required, and will promote professional, courteous,
Workplace, Dealing with Difficult People, impartial, supportive interactions among all stakeholders by
and other topics. If you have a special being user friendly, providing need guidance, and clarifying
request for yourself or your department, roles in a proactive way.
please contact Diane or Jerry. The team met for several months to rebuild the red -tape
laden process and implemented many improvements in both
Board policies and standard operating procedures. These
`.1 ;� �' . 0 improvements were gradually applied to the existing
1 0 f ,rf), l procedures and have also prompted evolving additional
• :! t` \ �� � ��� `: .:„ unanticipated improvements.
Tuesday Brown Bag Lunch This project will have a significant impact on the hundreds
of vendors with whom Tompkins County conducts
T &D will be starting a Brown Bag business, as well as on the contract - handling staff and
Lunch Series for informal discussions. County Board members. The Team deserves special
Sessions should last 45 -60 minutes, an recognition for their diligence and recommendations.
will cover topics to help you be more L
efficient and effective in accomplishing
• •
your goals.
010 se •
Tompkins County Training & Development
This section provides you with updates and information about in- service education and workshops,
Partners for Quality, and helpful hints for your professional development.
Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
A conclusion is simply a place where you got tired of thinking.
A gift idea for people who like peace and quiet; a phoneless cord.
Why is abbreviation such a long word? oak
Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
Help wanted: Telepath. You know where to apply.
There cannot be a crisis today; my schedule is already full.
If at first you do succeed, try not to look so astonished.
Be nice to your kids...they may choose your nursing home.
Budget: a method for going broke methodically.
Shin: a device for finding furniture in the dark. � �
Windows 3.1 or '95 is just another pane in the glass. aN
How to Manajie Conflict
Created by the Assessment staff during PFO Daily Management Training, 8.97
♦ Listen to all sides of the issue. Clarify. Re -state in your own words the positions/
opinions of the parties involved.
*Attempt to defuse the situation. Let people vent their emotions, then try to
address the issue in a less emotional atmosphere.
♦ Be an impartial listener. Don't take sides.
♦ Search for common ground, areas where the individuals involved have some
general agreement.
♦ At first, meet with the individuals one -on -one in a private setting. If it appears
feasible and constructive, bring all parties together to see if an agreement or
possible solutions can be developed by the group.
♦ Look for win -win solutions, or at least one that all parties can live with without
holding a grudge.
*Facilitate communication. Often people don't have all the facts, are working with
misinformation or rumors, or simply don't talk about the issue that is causing
♦ If the conflict stems from a policy issue, try to fully explain the policy.
Flu shots for County Employees
by Jared Jones RN Employee Health
Last month's County Corridors announced the county flu shot program for County residents. County employees have
a separate flu shot schedule administered by Employee Health; Employee Health encourages all employees who want a
flu shot to get one.You do not need to be in the high risk categories mentioned in last month's article to receive a flu shot.
A flu shot will prevent you from contracting the most common strains of the flu but that flu shot won't protect you against
every type of the flu. The best ways to reduce your chances of getting the flu are by boosting your own immune system:
eat a healthy diet, exercise, manage stress, and get enough sleep.
The County Wellness Committee will cover half the cost of flu shots for employees. You pay only $4.00 of the $ 8.00 cost
of the shot which is payable at the time of the clinic.
Here's the current schedule of flu clinics for county employees:
October 21 - Health Dept., Rice Room 11:30 -1:00
October 22 - Downtown, Old Jail Conference Room 12 -1:30
October 23 - DSS, DSS Conference Room 11 - 1
October 30 - Mental Health, 3r Floor Treatment Room 11:30 -1
October 30 Library Sherman Peer Room 4:00 -5:30.
I will be contacting the following departments for separate arrangements: Sheriff/ Jail, Highway /Engineering /Public
Works; Solid Waste; Motor Vehicles; Airport/Fire & Disaster;Transit Center. Any questions, please call Employee
Health at 274 -6681. Thanks for your cooperation.
f rom t/e
A chive3...
"< p• S ,: a 4. ,: �, f
The following �.� 0
pictures and a �' ::'�:' k.;:0 x
information were ����
submitted by Joe
Roedel, retiree from x
Probation, who served f
s t�
as President of the
Tompkins County
10 a
Association in '69 � .
• i K ,
and '71. a e �
Joe reminisced
about the sit -down The entire Probation and Family Court, January '64 Judge Norman G. Stagg - 1967
Christmas dinner back row I to r: Joe Roedel, Leo Teeter, Dick Webster on his retirement
complete with a band; middle: Rita Brill, Ida Lane, Paul Churcher (Missing: Buela Wright, Clerk)
and the clam bake in front: Grace Bryant, Jean Angell, Fran Powers
the summer, both of
which were covered by / /JI () / /J
the $6.00 /year dues. f��o un c t man, " 3aid flr. Prawn, ' J have ieCected / y ou for
Spouses were invited
too for the cost of the
dinner or bake. th
.i3 `oF over icore i o /app scants. You i /ou d re
that ai a
Joe wanted / �
me to also say that as clear vote o/ confidence in y our abi./ 1,. and y our trainin
he now looks through
his pictures he realizes t rd tf
how important it is to or h a an d iti cou ld he the star oia fine career.
write on the backs of c� / /t / / them. Take a tip from young man /or a moment and then answered,
Joe and write on «�7 // rnc%� // »
yours. Thanks Joe. n h anhs 21ad.
Happy Birthday to You Volunteers Enhance
° Work Place Appearance
Every time a county employee 1 C by James W. Strehle, Airport Terminal Services Coordinator
gets a copy of County Corridors, a Back in April, the Airport Terminal Services
county retiree gets one in the mail. ° / ;; =' ,' Coordinator asked the Airport employees if they would
Over 260 are currently on the retiree list o t0, like to adopt a planter located in front of the Airport
and they are scattered all over the , ° ° Terminal. Nine people volunteered to plant and care for
states. The person who takes care of I ° one of the eleven planters. Jacki Carson from
this mailing is Edward Teeter, Continental Express and Andrea Scott from US Airways,
Buildings and Grounds, (pictured below 0 ° each took care of two planters.
on the left) and he deserves a big - 1 Once the growing season came in late May, "The
THANK YOU for doing this job. Edward 0 `, 4Lfr Pl Keepers" planned, planted and started to care for
recently celebrated his 41st birthday and '�jl� T 1 their plants. Three frosts and a couple of replantings
everyone commented about how he " 0 0 later, the flowers started to bloom and the appearance in
doesn't show his age at all. front of the Terminal took on a colorful new look. This
summer was dry, and hauling water out to the planters
for 15 weeks was a bigger job than most people realized.
You could tell that everyone who participated enjoyed this
project by the appearance of the plants.
Unknown to the participants, Joe Lockwood,
Manager of the Ithaca Agway store, came to the Airport
in late August and judged each planter. He graciously
z k contributed gift certificates to the "Airport Planter
Keepers ": $20 for first place; $10 for second place and
seven $5 for third place.
The Teeter family is well represented in the
County as follows: Edwin Teeter, Edward's twin brother,
Buildings and Grounds (shown above right); Edward's
sister, Lori Parker, Finance; and Lori's husband, Chris
Parker, Buildings and Grounds.
Were lucky to have them all! ® ®®
The results of his decision were: first place,
Andrea Scott from US Airways; second place, Kathleen
Murdough from US Airways; and third place, Lisa Wirth
from US Airways; Roscoe Watson from Advance
Security; Chris Strizak from the Fire Coordinators Office;
Terri Smith from Hertz Rental County Administrator's
Report; Mary Ridley from the Fire Coordinators Office;
Roxan Noble from the Tompkins County Airport
Administration Office; and Jacki Carson from Continental
It is nice to know that the employees of "The
--- — - F - Airport Work Community" do care and appreciate the
appearance of the place they work.
Golf is a game in which:
you yell fore,
shoot six, and
This County employee will be celebrating a 50th write down five.
birthday October 29. He works in Central Services.
Hint: It isn't Jack.
From Theresa Lyczko, Health Promotion Director, adapted from UC Berkeley Wellness Letter, August 1997.
You may have heard recently that the results of several studies indicate that exercise prevents breast cancer. Or you
may have read that other reseachers are reserving judgment on a casual link between regular exercise and reduced risk
of breast cancer. The reasons for the discrepancy in opinion have to do in part, with the fact that women who exercise
regularly have less body fat and higher levels of education. These factors may also influence breast cancer risk and it's
hard to disentangle them. Lifetime exposure to estrogen influences breast cancer risk also; professional athletes generally
have lower levels of estrogen than non - athletes. Therefore, some researchers theorize that regular physical activity may
lower estrogen levels. Exercise may be one factor, but diet, environment, age at first and last menstruation, age at first
pregnancy, and heredity are all involved. Exercise may have some protective effect, but too many questions remain for
now to know for sure.
So does this mean that there's no reason for you to exercise? Quite the contrary! There is more than enough evidence
that regular exercise reduces your chances of developing heart disease, diabetes, stroke, obesity and osteoporosis.
Exercisers also have a lower risk of dying prematurely from chronic disease than sedentary people. And it's never too late
to start. Brisk walking, cycling, swimming, and cross - country skiing raise your heart rate and are fun to do.
Helpful Ideas For Those Quick Microwave Meals!
At Home At Work
When your meal has to be on the table in a snap: When you just have a few minutes:
• Prepare just about any vegetable— fresh, • Heat up some split pea or vegetable
frozen, or canned. soup.
• Heat up canned vegetables as a side dish. • Heat up leftover vegetables, add a
• Mash beans and place in soft little grated cheese, and enjoy.
flour tortillas, grate a small • Top a baked potato with fresh
amount of cheese on tomato sauce and some
top, roll up, and =11=11=5 vegetables for a quick
microwave for meal.
quick burritos.
< r,
4 ee ellb1V /b.
5 o Dow- for Setter Health!
Quick Tips for Microwave Success Spice It Up!
• For even cooking, cut the vegetables Turn up the taste with:
into same -size pieces. • A spoonful of salsa
• Stir or rotate a half turn halfway • A sprinkle of tarragon
through cooking. • Chopped green onions
• Loosely cover food so steam can escape. • Lemon juice
• Use a fork to pierce whole, unpeeled • A sprinkling of parmesan cheese
vegetables or fruits to keep them from • Thyme, rosemary, and fresh parsley
bursting. • Garlic
• Remove vegetables when they are barely • Black pepper
tender. Let stand for three to five minutes.
Unclassifieds Personnel Personals
For Sale: Congratulations to:
Satelite System - complete full size dish. Sheila Ferrari, Finance, has announced her engagement
$395 or best. 564 -7081. to Gus Gerspacher of Linden, NY. The proposal was made on
1974 Mobile Home Nates Floral Estates: the Finger Lakes Trail in Cattaragus County in the midst of a
2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, $9,900 negotiable. group of 65 hikers. The proposal banner has been on display in
Please call 273 -6268 evenings. the Finance Dept.
Nintendo NES64 - new, never used,
must sell $125. Call Cindy at 387 -7060 after 5. Margo Umholtz on the birth of an 8 Ib. 10 oz. baby girl,
Freezer Beef $1 /Ib. hanging weight plus Courtney Louise.
cut/wrap /slaughter, processed at Owasco Meat.
CaII evenings 257 -5049 and ask for Laura. Welcome Back to:
Hay - $1.50 - $2.00 /bale. Call Laura Lauren Austin, Human Rights who has been out ill.
257 -5049. /OW% \\,,N..cAviee/'
1111 i t 3
- —.. 1
Home for sale: 14x70 trailer with
extension in the living room. 3 4 COUNTY CORRIDORS,
bedroom, 1 large bath. 4 car 9 PLEASE CALL RUTH POND, FINANCE, AT 274 -5580.
garage, 6 stall matching horse 7
barn with 11.2 acres. Located in
Summerhill, conviently located to 0 Articles to be considered for the November 6
Ithaca, Cortland, and Auburn. 3 issue must be received by October 27, 1997.
7 Lengthy articles should be on disk. Send by
i interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, Finance,
, or 125 East Court St., 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY
,t ( 3 •
Winter storage space to rent for 1952
Ford antique car. Barn or garage. 272 -8687. Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
Bailey's Book House or other will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
educational software for pre - schoolers on these ads, however we do need the full name of the person submitting the ad. Use
3 -1/2" or 5 -1/4" disks. Call David at 274 -5492. this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, County
Corridors c/o Finance, or 125 East Court St., 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY 14850.
Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
Beautiful, gentle, long- haired guinea
pig to caring, responsible home. Cage,
accessories and outdoor run included. Must
commit to grooming and attention. Call eves.
277 -5359.
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
liW 118111i
Win; editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is
"'�I solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
�. •-` Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
- `\ i � to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial
i_ •-. r I , i ��' Board is made up of: Bit Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment;
y f. " ". ` �� ��; , �I Lisa Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance- Purchasing; Iretta Ellis, Information Services;
0 Scott Heyman, County Administrator; Ruth Pond, (Editor), Finance; Michelle
,„i.,,,. „i.,,,. imp \ \ \\\ .. - -- 4, ,qunr l
■i■ �i� 1 r ��
- - Pottorff, Bd. Of Reps.; Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures; and Vickie •
4 41 - 1 �1 �� �-� Wagner, (Artist), Drafting Technician, Assessment.
Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
� � � - y Corridors, c/o Finance, 125 East Court St., 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY 14850.