HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-07a I ,
A Newsletter for
Employees and Retirees
of Tompkins County
H U ' -- .,--
7 7
, JULY 1997
seimi J , rr� Volume 10 Number 9
Judy Tynyk and others HAVE FUN IN THE SUN
arrested for GOOD. From the Healthy Heart /Health Promotion Program
Now that it is finally summer here in Ithaca,
- many of us are spending more time outside.
!, . _. Remember the following tips to protect yourself from
' "` , a ::..--. -- the sun's damaging rays.
' `'� —� � Avoid the sun's strongest rays between the
1 .. 4' hours of 10:OOam- 4:OOpm.
11 ft COVE UP ,
Wear lightweight ,
' > / >I -� "T - clothing and broad
y brim hats as much \ 1 1 \ ..,....:„.
as possible when in
the sun. la - ! , •
Judy Tynyk even got help from Michael Day, Deputy Sunglasses should block 99 -100% of the sun's
Sheriff, but to no avail. She was arrested and taken to UV rays. Children should also wear
"jail" along with several other County employees - all for sunglasses
the benefit of Muscular Dystrophy. Judy would like to
thank those who contributed monetarily for her release. SCREEN OUT UV
Use a sunscreen with a SPF of 15 or more.
Apply every 2 hours and after perspiring or
■E ■ ■ "_= 3 swimming. Do not use sunscreen on infants
111 , •- ! less than 6 months of age. For these infants,
1111� b Y '+ - limit sun exposure and provide protective
w covering
Vi y''
^4 VVA A common sign of skin cancer is a skin
; change, such as:
„.. , , -411, .,.
�' a growth
• a small lump
- . • a sore that won't heal
" , a change in the appearance of a
,;,, mole.
Kathy West, Deputy County Administrator and Peter Not all skin changes are cancer, but you
Meskill, Board of Reps., share a 'hot off t h e p ress ” should see your doctor if you notice any.
copy of County Corridors.
Questions from 4th Graders Personnel Pointers
by Scott Heyman, County Administrator by Jackie Yoder, Benefits Manager
picture shows yours truly Is a situation troubling you or someone you care
guiding a tour of the Old Jail i*r about.... ail Building for 4 graders from —at HOME?
Enfield Elementary School (just
over the hill from my house). WV —w ith a CHILD
They asked questions a1 —with R or PARTNER?
about the history of the =�., , ��: —a CO- WORKER or SUPERVISOR?
building and about where the with a NEIGHBOR or FRIEND?
cell areas were located. They — because of DRUGS or ALCOHOL?
asked why there had to be so N• ,. -.because of STRESS or BOREDOM?
many more cells for men than Vi ,`
for women — I could have used r` I;"
1 � a l . ! —do you feel CONFUSED, SAD,
a little help answering. _ -- , th 1 FRUSTRATED or RESENTFUL?
{ ' —do you feel ANGRY or DEPRESSED?
But mostly, as you can i i ,..
see in the picture, they wanted �,,
to see the tunnel to the main : `�` fl "'�'
: : �-� _ Call your Employee Assistance Program at Family &
courthouse. What is it about 9 = Children's Service of Ithaca at
year olds and tunnels ?
607 - 273 -7494
This service is paid for by the County and is available
€ to you and eligible family members. Professional,
*� �"` confidential assistance can be provided for assessment
_ e and referral, short-term counseling, consultation and
problem- solving.
No sense being pessimistic.
• It wouldn't work anyway!
, it v :
* ''' 6 ; . : ,i, from Me Arch tvei
t ' r �
Knowledge is free at the library.
Just bring your own container.
Lots of people want to ride
with you in the limo, but what
you want is someone who will
take the bus with you when the
limo breaks down.
Ben Johnson, represented the Town of Ithaca.
(date on picture is 1826)
Tompkins County Training & Development
Feel free to contact Jerry Feist or Diane Bradac at 274-5590 if you have training ideas, questions, or suggestions.
Ingrid Eisinger, Public Information Summer Intern, Jerry and Diane are What's happening?
compiling and working with the results of the In- Service Training Survey
distributed last month. Some of the preliminary results will help plan the County The first session of "All about
Fall and Spring workshop series. Of the fifty choices listed, the following 19 Pegasus" was presented by Dean
topics represent the highest priorities (needs and interests). Eckstrom and King Houston from
Information Technology Services
Benefiting from Diversity Building and Maintaining Morale on June 24th. A second "All about
Building Self - Esteem Civil Rights & Responsibilities Pegasus" will be held on July 17th
Coaching & Counseling Communication /Improved Listening from 1:30- 2:30pm in the Rice
Conflict Management Crisis Management Conference Room in Biggs B.
Dealing with Difficult People Delegating and Getting to Priorities
Developing Employees' Skills Effective and Exciting Presentations An office and paper organization
Giving and Receiving Feedback Harassment & Violence at Work workshop "Controlling Clutter -
Humor in the Workplace Individual and Group Decision Making Conquering the Paper Mountain"
Motivating Others Situational Leadership is being held on July 17th from
Stress Management 9:00 -12:00 at the Transit Center.
t � � � �� ����t��� � ��� r �t�� �1111� Organizing your office work area
` �� \ � ��� \ �I/ 1 / � �
� ` \ \ `1 1 / i /l / � ,� �` \ \\1 1 1 i 11 /� / i �; � \ ` I / / �- � t1 1��11/// j and dail schedule, processing
, q�1i \∎4P / „. a i r \ \ Nll // � y ,P g
a��•. 4 ..;U '2r.1! : : :.".`.%� %:= �: : ::-” ''. 1 ∎�: „' „.0 Ar •_.��` . '':.. %! ..t o ,t� ,, /� m paperwork, managing interruptions,
_`.., , ,i��.< :,,��. •aa: _ �� �:�\�.►I�,,,!� iii P P g g P
�i�� i i `-` =� overcoming procrastination, and
t 0� ! Partners For Quality ;It dealing with clutter will be covered.
o f / Eligibility Team lire's Robin Schwartz will facilitate this
.■�� Department of Social Services 1 10,d
% workshop. There are still openings;
+ � =�' This is to recognize the Department of Social Services Partners For Quality = = call 274 -5590 to register.
��� %6 Eligibility Team. Members of the team were Liz Bosman, Tricia Eth, Pamela 1 kg:—.; .
w � Jtp Gibson, Nanc Kreb Lona Morse, and Dawn Stockton. Facilitato for the � Ig
�� Team were Ipek Kursat and Sue Rob The Gu Team i nc l u ded , P���\ Twelve employees attended a Self -
,\ -% BBecky Bush, Bill Chapp, David Chase, Linda Eva, and Sylvia Slaight. Esteem workshop facilitated by
P ..3. The Team was formed in January 1996, following a survey conducted in the e,,,,,,_ % Susan Lerner on June 24th. The
” % ' latter part of 1995. Everyone in Eligibility was given the opportunity to fill
i �� % out the survey. Its focus was on improving the Eligibility process. Focus ����� =� feedback was excellent. There are
g r oups were also used to gather information. ��� \ ��� many follow -up requests from this
044 'fi t\ The Team charge was to make recommendations for reducing or eliminating V ik. group for topics such as:
• duplication in the process of County residents' applications for eligibility �
P —� �' benefits. This included developing a more accurate pre - screening system, • . office teamwork and dynamics
Ir ��% �` establishing a more uniform process between units, and identifying a system \ dealing with difficult co- workers
V4 1 that would allow fewer appointments, duplication, and trips to the Agency for k\ fir
.4 clients. The Team worked diligently to review current procedures, keep what *01,1" individual /group decision making
A\\ does work, and make recommendations about what could be improved. II��
� � , P ' y � / �j � and office communication
:� \ The Team spent 4 -6 hours a month over a period of fifteen months. Dur it / el& (verbal, phone, letters, e-mail,
•i '( ' this period they collected and analyzed lyzed information relevant to the Eligibility 1 := :.
►A =% Z•
f i r process, drafted and redrafted material, responded to staff concerns, and ����_� documentation etc).
Irl V�44, developed a Proposal which will: k \ ,�
404 • Reduce the number of imerviews per client, ARO
��� � • Use staff more efficiently, P�,e1.ice The Supervision and Performance
6�; • Reduce the number of workers each client must meet, ! :�Z�� Review workshops scheduled this
�i�1; • Help the Agency implement Welfare Reform, and � ;� = summer were re- designed and will
" A' • Reduce the amount of paperwork generated. \
/� / . e I \� �1\ ` I. soon be scheduled for September.
;! j rl This project will have a significant impact on thousands of clients and a large A.A
�� 1 �\ percentage of Agency staff. The Team deserves special recognition for their pp Dates and times will be advertised
i diligence and recommendations. elt � soon. Call 274 -5590 to let us know
40........I..., 1
:Z�: of your interest.
'7444 , :3„,....L....._._4_4 s...;
`I•i B arbara Mink 4.
v . As usual, Computer classes with
ta�► I Chair, Board of Representatives f / /' / ' .
t s�� �� June 27, 1997 tri��� TC3 will be offered this Fall. Dates
der ~' j A Ai
and times will soon be announced.
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Dr Seuss and Star Trek If Dr. Seuss wrote for Star Trek: the Next Generation.
Picard: Sigma Indri, that's the star, Geordi: There's sabotage among the wires
So, Data, please, how far? How far? And that's what started all the fires.
Data: Our ship can get there very fast Riker: We have a saboteur? Oh, no!
But still the trip will last and last We need to go! We need to go!
We'II have two days til we arrive
But can the lndrans there survive? Troi: We must seek out the traitor spy
And lock him up and ask him why.
Picard: LaForge, please give us factor nine.
Worf: Ask him why? How sentimental.
LaForge: But, sir, the engines are offline! 1 say give him problems dental.
Picard: Offline! But why? I want to go! Troi: Are any Romulan ships around?
Please make it so, please make it so! Have scanners said that they've been found?
Or is it Borg or some new threat
Riker: But sir, if Geordi says we can't, We haven't even heard of yet?
We can't, we mustn't, and we shan't, 1 sense no malice in this crew.
The danger here is far too great! Now what are we supposed to do?
Picard: But surely we must not be late! Crusher: Captain, please, the Indrans need us.
They cry out, "Help us, clothe us, feed us!"
Troi: I'm sensing anger and great ire. I can't just sit and let them die!
A doctor must attempt —must try!
Computer: Alert! Alert! The ship's on fire!
Picard: Doctor, please, we'll get there soon.
Picard: The ship's on fire? How could this be?
Who lit the fire? Crusher: They may be dead by Tuesday noon.
Riker: Not me. Commercial break, commercial break
how long will all these dumb ads take?
Worf: Not me.
Worf: The saboteur is in the brig.
Picard: Computer, how long til we die? He's very strong and very big.
I had my phaser set on stun —
Computer: Eight minutes left to say goodbye. A zzzip! A zzzap! Another one!
He would not budge, he would not fall,
Data: May I suggest a course to take? He would not stun, no, not at all!
We could, I think, quite safely make He changed into a stranger form
Extinguishers from tractor beams All soft and purple, round and warm.
And stop the fire, or so it seems...
Picard: Did you see this, Mr. Worf?
Geordi: Hurray! Hurray! You've saved the day! Did you see this creature morph?
Again I say, Hurray! Hurray!
Worf: I did and then I beat him fairly.
Picard: Mr. Data, thank you much. Hit him on the jaw —quite squarely.
You've saved our lives, our ship, and such.
Riker: My commendations, Klingon friend!
Troi: We still must save the Indran planet— Our troubles now are at an end!
Data: Which (by the way) is made of granite... Crusher: Now let us get our ship to fly
And orbit yonder Indran sky!
Picard: Enough, you android. Please desist.
We understand —we get your gist. Picard: LaForge, please tell me we can go...?
But can we get our ship to go?
Please, make it so, please make it so. Geordi: Yes, sir, we can.
Picard: Then make it so!
THE END Discovered on the World Wide Web by Bill Chapp, DSS
Civil Air Patrol Cadets Launch Rockets & Careers
Submitted by John Davis, Highway; Article by Matt Schulman, Lansing News
Crouching beside a small "I enjoyed camping at Niagara
solid fuel rocket, middle and '�°° ' Falls and off Bostwick Road,"
high school aged cadets of said Cadet Flight Officer Taqui
the Ithaca Composite Raza, of Lansing, but I've also
Squadron of the Civil Air flown and learned about
Patrol (CAP) exchange last minute counsel before space." Raza wants to become an Air Force engineer.
launch. Cadet Airman First Class Rebecca Gross is
The CAP cadet program is open to 12 -18 year looking forward to the 8 day summer encampment at Fort
olds, explained visiting Col. Bob Kantor, who founded the Drum in Watertown. "I hear you get yelled at a lot"
Squadron in 1987. The Ithaca squadron's 15 cadet laughed the Berkshire cadet. "Seriously," she went on,
members hail from Lansing and nine other Tompkins and "I'll get a lot of physical training."
Tioga county towns. Ithaca is called a "composite" "There is a lot of physical training," admitted
squadron because it also has a senior squadron for those Cadet First Lt. Justin Wood, of Freeville, "but we do
18 and older. learn how to fly." CAP offers a series of 5 orientation
Recruits generally join the CAP for aerospace flights that begin with learning how to to do a preflight
training, the chance to taste military organization or check and end up with the cadet actually planning formal
simply for fun. They work themselves up the 14 ranks by flight navigation plans for a point -to -point cross sountry
successfully completing cadet orientation activities, flight. "After level 5, you actually take over a plane's
physical fitness challenges, aerospace education and controls under the supervision of a qualified pilot,"
moral education classes. explained Wood.
Activities include first aid, public speaking, sports,
community service, search and rescue and model aircraft
and rocket building. Whether it's organizing a newsletter If you think your child might be interested in
or marching in June in a local parade, each activity is learning more about CAP, call John Davis, Sr., the Sign
designed to build personal judgment, self discipline and Mechanic at the Highway Department, at 533 - 3622.
a sense of teamwork.
If you can drive... - Yri . or telephone...
by Shirley Myers, Personnel
Two organizations which hel FISH, Friends In Service Helping, b� ®,.
people get to doctors' offices, grocery stores, volunteer p g'
provides rides to necessary appointments
or work sites, and other appointments are in dire need of in Tompkins County. Volunteers use their
your volunteer help. Their current roster of volunteers personal cars to transport individuals to and from those
has dwindled, and RSVP, the Retired and Senior appointments. Fish is also looking for telephoners who
Volunteer Program, is reaching out to the community to take messages from the answering service and then
help fill the needs. Volunteers of any age are welcome. make follow -up calls to drivers. Both drivers and
GADABOUT provides rides for individuals sixty telephoners work four hour shifts one or more times
and over and people with disabilities. Gadabout will train each month.
drivers for the commercial driver's license test. There is These two agencies provide critical services to
no license fee for the volunteer. Gadabout drivers work our residents. If you can help meet the needs of these
in four hour shifts. Volunteers choose to work one or organizations, please contact RSVP at 277 -4545.
more shifts per week. Gadabout's van and mini -bus
service is provided throughout Tompkins County. Thank you.
Library Staff Recognized
from Janet Steiner, Library Director The Outstanding Customer Service Award went
Trustees of the Tompkins County Public Library to Principal Account Clerk typist Michelle Benjamin who
honored library employees at their annual Staff was cited for her warm, caring, friendly and helpful
Recognition day. Longevity awards were made to attitude.
Rosalie Wilcox, Librarian II, 15 years, Eva Bennett, The Safety and Security Task Force received
Stenographic Secretary, Amy Davis, Library Clerk and recognition for their team effort in producing the library's
Melanie Pacelli, Librarian II, 10 years. first Safety and Security Manual. This team was one of
Keith Van Etten, Library Clerk, was recognized twenty library teams who worked on problem solving
for consistent helpfulness to his colleagues. through group decision making during the past year.
Unclassifieds WARNING: Pickup Trucks & Gas
For Sale: Cans Can Be Deadly!
1984 Chevy caprice estate Submitted by Frank Croteau, Safety & Health Coordinator
wagon,152.000 mi., good brakes, tires, am /fm
cassette deck, 8 seats, good family car, runs well, The national highway traffic safety administration has
tilt steering wheel, trailer hitch, 51. V8. BEST issued a warning to users of portable gas cans.
OFFER. CaII 257-8310. At least 24 fires, five injuries, and
extensive property damage have been attributed to ■
`90 Chevy S -10 Blazer Tahoe pkg. the unlikely combination of portable gas cans and
Auto, PW. PL, Tilt, Air. 77.000 mi. $7,800. Call those plastic bed liners many people install in their
eve. 277 -0218 / day 266 -5438 leave message. pickup trucks. Most of the fires have occurred
when fueling portable gas cans in the bed of the
Suzuki GS650L '82 original. Great pickup truck, particularly if the truck has a bed
shape - must see! $995. Call 589 -4966. liner.
• Federal officials warn that the bed of the
E -Force Cross Trainer - $50. Call Judy truck and the bed liner act as an insulator, allowing
564 -9244. static electricity to build up in the can while it is
being filled. That static electricity eventually
1985 Toyota P/U, runs great. $700 or creates a spark between the container and the fuel
b /o. 589 -4966. nozzle, and bad things start happening rather quickly.
The NHTSA recommends that you take gas cans out of
1984 Dodge Charger $500 or best offer. your vehicle and fill them on the ground. Also, touch the pump
Call 273 -2569 leave message. nozzle to the inside of the container's opening before fueling to
insure that no static electricity has built up.
Mobile Home 12x65 in Newfield. 2 While the majority of these fires involves pickup trucks,
bedroom. completely furnished. Central air - this advice goes for automobile drivers as well. The carpet in the
natural gas, washer, dryer, new carpeting, cars trunk can also act as an insulator and present the same fire
aluminum awnings, skirting and utility. hazard.
Landscaped lot. Reasonable. 272 - 3012. (The preceding article was taken from the AMA activist review.)
Air Conditioner - Fedders 12,500 btu, Articles to be considered for the July 31 issue must be
$200. 257 -0250. received by July 21, 1997. Lengthy articles should be on disk.
Send by interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, Finance, or 125
For Rent: East Court St., 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY 14850.
1 bedroom, unfurnished basement
apartment with off- street parking, and utilities UNCLASSIFIEDS
• included - $450/mo. Available August 1st. Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
References required. Call Mary or Dale 273- and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
2770. will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
these ads, however we do need the full name of the person submitting the ad. Use
this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, County
Child Care Fair - Saturday 8/9/97 Corridors c/o Finance. or 125 East Court St.. 2nd floor. Ithaca, NY 14850. .
The Day Care and Child Development Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
Council of Tompkins County, Inc., is sponsoring
a Child Care Fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the
Women's Community Building, 100 W Seneca St.
This free event will provide a forum for
parents to meet representatives from family day
care homes, day care centers, school -age
programs and nursery schools from the COUNTY CORRIDORS
Tompkins County area. It will also feature two Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
twenty minute seminars entitled Choosing Child editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
Care at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.; appointments with a They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is
Child Care Referral Counselor for referrals from solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
the Day Care Council's referral list and activities Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
y to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial
for children including arts & crafts, story telling by Board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment;
Mary Carey and story hour by Read About. Lisa Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance- Purchasing; Iretta Ellis, Information Services;
Call Lynne at the Day Care Council for Scott Heyman, County Administrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Ruth Pond,
(Editor), Finance; Judy Tynyk. (Chair), Weights and Measures: and Vickie Wagner.
more information, 273 - 0259, Monday - Friday (Artist), Drafting Technician, Assessment.
9:30 - 4:30 p.m. Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to County
Corridors, do Finance. 125 East Court St., 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY 14850.