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Volume 9 Number 2
"' 4 _ DO YOU LIKE IT ??
Elections - Prizes
Refreshments ..... . , ... ..
by Roberta Chiesa, Manager rt -
The Annual Meeting of Tompkins Employees '' w
Federal Credit Union will be held March 7, 1996 at 5:30 t , ,; , k ? , t `i , '
p.m. at Ithaca Town Hall, 126 East Seneca Street. We v � , � , , , d t,,
will be electing two members for the Board of Directors. 3 ,.; y ,i , ,'-,,,•; S ` } 4 a ,
There will be a short meeti elections, prizes and , `. g } rfe }, r ,
refreshments. '''''''1%.,
Credit Unions are co- operatives, that is, they are
run by the members through the Board of Directors
whose members are elected by the general membership.
Therefore, it is important that the membership be fully
represented on the Board.
Also, bring your questions and suggestions - we
want to hear what you have to say! See you Thursday,
March 7
The birds don't like it ...
by Ward Hungerford, Highway Supervisor
Rick, a Motor Equipment Operator for the
Tompkins County Highway Department, epitomizes our
ili standard of fair play and non - discrimination. Rick was
ill 0 0 recently plowing snow on the
Cc / westside plow route doing a i , ,
la _J/tank to everyone who gave so CI fine job missing those roadside // ,
structures revered by (most)
many hour6 of their time to a63i.�f homeowners. But, Rick missed (.. , / ''
ill C I � / � � missing one, the most tt� A.
Lip fftoie a /Acted tcj ffte good o` 96. important one it would seem, ` `�`,`
the one in front of his house. i ,
Your efforts mere were, When Rick was asked - r ► y
i�cuc appreciated. � • how it happened... how could it ' -, .c
� � I happen, he responded with the
"professional highway shrug ", at the same time showing
All 61 that grin, usually a result of the ringing in your ears from
ill ili �, listening to country music and Winston Cup racing
(together). Then we figured it out... if you knock down
your own mailbox when you are plowing the road in front
of your house, "you might be a redneck."
< y . GET READY... 1
,. . a, s * _ APRIL IS COMING
+;�' �:: �°� " ti by Louise McEwen, for Wellness
*_ _ - : a of This year, the Tompkins County
s � �° a : iii, Employees Wellness Committee and the
' , 7 , , �, F to �. } ( { r ( Tompkins County Health Department's Healthy fl, r `' y , " � I ![ :+� '' '� Heart Program will be cooperating on the Spring
� ,
. Into Shape Program. We are excited about this
i;1.. � . ' ' ,'f and hope County employees will begin to plan
t I , t t E k 6 �- t t T. ,. ahead
`. f `4 4` , , . e r . -, The Spring Into Shape Program will begin
Ei ... r��� ' . - , _ \\1 - on April 8, one day after Daylight Saving Time
} '; begins, which will allow more daylight at night to
,.= v i' �.. � jog, or otherwise exercise outdoors. The program
will run through May 19, 1996, with points to be
\ i . turned in no later than May 24. Each team will
; ;`: consist of 6 to 8 members, with at least half being '
..c,..-- County employees: each team will select a
Captain who will be responsible for turning in the
some people don't like it... team's points each week for tabulation.
As you know, we requested logo
suggestions for Wellness in past issues of
FDA Approves Olestra Corridors and we had several great entries, and
Submitted by Sue Kilgore, H.D. we thank all who took the time to respond. The
With a cover story in Time magazine, olestra could be entry finally selected was submitted byGalina
voted Time's "Food Additive of the Year." On January 24, 1996 the Rozenfine in Planning ... we think you'll find the T-
FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved olestra for use in shirts made up for all who participate in the Spring
certain snack foods and required all products containing olestra to Into Shape Program very attractive with our new
be labeled. Because of its unique chemical composition, olestra logo. In addition to everyone receiving a T- shirt,
adds no fat or calories to food. Potato chips, crackers, tortilla chips we anticipate the top three teams receiving gift
or other snacks made with olestra will be lower in fat and calories certificates to Wegman's and a random drawing for i
than snacks made with traditional fats. several other teams for bagels or other treats from
Despite its calorie -free properties, olestra is not entirely a the Ithaca Bakery.
"free lunch ", and its approval has been very controversial. The FDA This is our first bit of information. We plan
acknowledges that olestra may cause abdominal cramping and to have a Preliminary Information Form ready for I
loose stools in some individuals. In addition, the fat substitute the March Corridors but please remember, all
inhibits the body's absorption of certain fat - soluble vitamins and registrations must be complete by March 29.
nutrients including carotenoids. For these reasons the agency is So ... start thinking about participating,
requiring Proctor & Gamble and other manufacturers who use start thinking about your team members, and get
olestra to label olestra. The following labeling statement will be ready to Spring Into Shape ... we think this will be
required on all products made with olestra: "This Product a particularly enjoyable program this year!
Contains Olestra. Olestra may cause abdominal cramping and
loose stools. Olestra inhibits the absorption of some vitamins
and other nutrients. Vitamins A, 0, E, and K have been added." LOVE YOUR CHILD
Olestra's approval means that FDA has determined that the BUCKLE UP
available data and information establish that olestra is safe for use Submitted by Sue Kilgore, H.D.
in savory snacks. Keep in mind the approval was based on whether Nearly 40% of children ride unrestrained in
there is reasonable certainty of no harm" from olestra; not on motor vehicles in the US and almost 3/4 of front - seat
whether olestra is effective in helping people eat less fat or lose fatal injuries occur in children not properly restrained.
weight. Three tips from the National Highway Traffic
Proctor & Gamble plans to market the product soon under Safety Administration:
the trade name Olean. It will sell Olean to snack and cracker 1. Never put a rear facing child seat (those
makers for use in their products, so consumers can expect to find used with infants) in the front seat of a car with an air
bag. 2. Make sure all children are firmly buckled up
the ingredient in a range of snacks in the future, including Proctor no matter where they sit.
& Gamble's own Pringles brand potato chips. Test marketing 3. The rear seat is the safest place for
snacks made with Olean is expected to begin over the next several children of any age to ride.
Source: DNS Alert - January/February 1996 Source: Health Promotion Practitioner January 1996
Division of Nutrition, Correll University
Department Head Meeting Minutes Department Head Minutes
January 10, 1996 January 31, 1996
Present: Covert, Crowell, Mobbs, Franklin, Valenti, Leinthall, Present: Franklin, Covert, Austin, Heyman, West, Valenti, D.
Tynyk, Beach, Dolan, Cole, Stein, Squires, Steiner, Dentes, Ekstrom, L. Stanley (for G. Dentes), Stein, Hanson, Leinthall,
Zahler, Hanson, West, Heyman Cole, Mobbs, Beach, Tynyk, Zahler, Steiner, Crowell, Nelson,
Kippola, Croteau, Kerr, Zifchock
1. 1996 meetings. Those present: decided to hold department
head meetings every third week during 1996; to continue to 1. MOTORCYCLE POLICY. Frank Croteau and Sigrid Kerr
meet in the Old Jail Conference Room at 3:00 p.m. on explained the proposed ban on county employees driving motor
Wednesdays; asked Kathy West to continue to chair the vehicles other than cars and trucks on county business. The
meetings; adopted new ground rules which will be displayed at County Safety Committee, consisting of Frank Croteau and
future meetings. Scott agreed to prepare the minutes. safety officers who represent all County departments, has
2. Department head response to restriction on rollover endorsed the policy.
eligibility. A letter to Board members from department heads Scott said he felt the policy should go to the Board of
was discussed, revised slightly, and approved. Irene will bring Representatives for review irrespective of the department head
it to Scott for distribution to all Board members; Scott will also vote on the subject, but that department head input, and the
include it on an agenda of the budget committee. input of other employees, is important because the issue is
Those present said they felt it was important that the complex and everyone's opinions and thoughts are important.
policy change be re- reviewed, and critical that the process He said he felt the Board should make the final call because
issues and their impact on collaborative decision making be stakeholders in this issue are not only employees or department
addressed. heads, they include taxpayers and service delivery recipients.
3. Reports: There was wide ranging discussion of all aspects of
Irene Stein reported that department heads have been the issue. Department heads were divided in their views but
asked to elect a replacement for her as a respresentative on did not take a vote at this meeting.
the Leadership Council. All were asked to consider their Scott said he would try to organize a "dialogue" on the
willingness to do this; an election will be held that the January subject in Corridors and invite employee comments. Nancy
31 department head meeting. said it was important not to convey the impression to
Scott Heyman reported that a joint daily management employees that they were being asked to vote on, or decide,
team induding all staff in the Board office, County Attorney, and this issue by themselves and Scott agreed.
County Administration is scheduled to kick off on January 26. 2. CARBONLESS FORMS. Alice explained that the chemicals
Mary Pat Dolan reported some of the preliminary emitted by carbonless forms when they are used disturb some
information on block grant funding proposals for her employees. There is currently no substitute for carbonless
department. forms and there are some situations where the department
Alice Cole reported that the Nursing Division in her must use them. But a substitute for them is now being
department is now called the Community Health Services developed and department heads should eliminate or minimize
Division. their use when an employee requests this and circumstances
Kathy Leinthall reported on the details of new State permit.
legislation that takes effect this month and mandates that the 3. REPORTS.
presence of sex offenders in a community be made known. Irene reported that all department heads have been
She pointed out that many sex offenses are not covered by the heard from on the reappropriation or "rollover" policy; one,
law. George Dentes reported that drug arrests doubled in 1995 David Squires, opposes 100% elibilibility for rollover, and one,
as compared with 1994. He also reported that Willard is not Henry Theisen, did not wish to vote because of his role as
being used as a drug rehab center as planned; he stated that advisor to the County Board.
District Attorneys around the state are not recommending its John Beach reminded everyone of the Death
use because to do so they must recommend no jail time for Notification Seminars he has organized and about which all
felons and they do not wish to do this. department heads have literature.
Aurora Valenti reported that the governor's budget Bill Mobbs reported that the flooding on January 19
proposes elimination of written tests for learners' permits as a caused between one -half and three quarters of a million dollars
money- saving measure. It also would result in five -year driver's of damage to County roads; damage to bridges has not yet
license renewals instead of four. been assessed. He said that the circumstances of that day
Jim Hanson reported that his department will be highlighted the need for clarification of road closing policies of
working with the County Board's Planning Committee to local municipalities.
determine the future of Biggs Building A after 1997. Scott reported that the budget committee has adopted
Nancy Zahler reported that the governor's budget cuts goats for the year that include: 1) development of greatly
youth services funding by 7 %. improved and appropriate measurable objectives for County
Bill Mobbs reported that the area's four transit systems budgeting units; 2) inclusion of the cost of space in all budgets;
(City, Tomtran, Cornell, and Gadabout) are on the verge of 3) a new role for the budget reorganization advisory committee;
merging and will soon select a new name. 4) modification of budget forms to the satisfaction of all users;
Scott Heyman reported that Lauren Austin has been and 5) periodic in -depth review of programs.
appointed Director of Human Rights and will start her position on WE'VE REDE5I6NED THE QUESTION I uHY BECAUSE +E WOULD
January 16. She is an attorney from Syracuse who has ORGANIZATION CrVV T DO THE MOST NEVER THINK OF IOEAS
specialized in employment and labor law. AT THE BOTTOM EES 6ETPAID 1 DONCEPT.
ANT E111.01 1 1 )
Cartoon submitted by Alice Cole, H.D. ' t 'f�,
�� The state health and transportation department staff gave us
► injury and death numbers for motorcycles and cars but no way
�1� to compare them. We then obtained the 1994 Traffic Safety
Facts that were prepared by the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration. The Safety Committee distributed this 5 page
Motorcycling and Your Rights report to all safety officers and department heads. Three key
Update by Cheryl Nelson 1. Per vehicle mile traveled, motorcyclists are about
By the time you read this article, you should have 20 times as likely as passenger car occupants to die in a motor
received a copy of an editorial I wrote entitled Riding a vehicle traffic crash;
Motorcycle; Freedom of Choice - Not Exactly. If for some 2. Per registered vehicle, the fatality rate for
reason you did not receive a copy, please let me know at 274- motorcyclists is 4 times the fatality rate for passenger car
0302 and I will get you a copy. About 900 copies of the editorial occupants;
have been distributed to county employees and interested tax 3. Motorcycles are more likely to be involved in a fatal
paying residents of Tompkins County. Also, I want to thank all collision with a fixed object than are other vehicles.
of you that have assisted me in my efforts to get the editorial to These numbers confirmed for me that motorcycle use
all county employees and all of the employees that have shown has significant risks. I have other concerns and responses I
their support of it want to share.
Since that article was distributed, the issue was debated You may have seen some other statistics stating that
by the department heads for about one hour with no resolve and the motorcycle death rates have declined. Indeed they have, but
no action taken by them. Scott Heyman stated that regardless these numbers were published by a motorcycle organization to
of whether or not the department heads took action on the show the best side of the numbers not the complete picture. The
subject, it would move to the Board of Representatives for action. bottom line is that motorcycle deaths and injuries are still
substantially higher than other motor vehicles. When I worked
Therefore, it is important that you let the Board as a nurse in the local Emergency Department we used to call
members know if you concur with my editorial. If you think this motorcycles "murdercycles" with good reason. Bodies just don't
issue doesn't relate to you, think again. Could it be possible that fare well when they meet pavement or fixed objects at any
a ban on employees wearing high heels will be the next item for speed.
discussion and action by the county? If you think this is a On another issue, the proposed amendment is not
farfetched notion and couldn't happen - watch out, it's on the saying employees can't drive to and from work on a motorcycle.
horizon! How we get to and from work is our own business and should
In summary, if you are not a motorcyclist and you think remain so. The policy does however bring other issues to the
that this issue has nothing to do with you, think again. Freedoms forefront concerning the availability of county vehicles to conduct
and choices that you have become accustomed to may be the business. Department heads and employees will need to
next item on the "hit list" - all in the name of safety. At this discuss these issues, I hope in a reasonable manner.
point, it appears that the policy referenced will move to the Further, I do not believe the County or any employer
Governmental Operations & Administration Committee can provide a risk -free environment. But the county
(March 11, 1996) and then to the full Board of administration does and should have the responsibility to reduce
Representatives (March 19th). risk exposure for all employees. This is why we ask our nurses
Therefore, if you agree with the content of the editorial to wear latex gloves to protect themselves from HIV and
please contact the Board of Representatives members Hepatitis B, and why we ask Public Works employees to wear
immediately and let them know your thoughts. Also, please personal protective equipment such as hearing protection, safety
share this information with other county residents that you think shoes and special gloves. It has been pointed out that only one
would like to show their support, as well, by contacting their motorcycle accident has occurred on County business. One, is
Board of Representatives member. not unimportant if it happens to be you, and I hope that I never
Thank you for your time and consideration and for see one case of work contracted Hepatitis or HIV.
helping common sense prevail! Some employees express concerns that the policy will
infringe on their freedom of choice or may be a step toward other
(all materials in this effort prepared and copied at lifestyle restrictions. I understand the concern but do not agree.
personal expense - no county time or funds were used) We already work under many restrictions as I have noted. We
have to accept the fact that taxpayers pay our salaries. The
taxpayers who are you and I, want our costs to stay low.
Motorcycles Reducing and preventing risks where possible will keep costs
Another Perspective lower. Also, the county" is not some mystical beast that only
(Unedited) by Sigrid Kerr. RN DPS, Health Dept. casts a cynical eye toward the dollars involved. The County IS
I am writing in support of the proposed amendment to you and me and I personally do care about the welfare of the
the County Policy 01 -37 "Employees who operate their own employees that I am responsible for. County policies may
motor vehicles on County business may only operate appear to be dry and bureaucratic but they are generated and
passenger cars and trucks." I am a middle manager at the enforced by us, and policies help to ensure that your safety is not
dependent on the benevolence or lack thereof, of your Health Department, a safety officer for our building and a P Y P
Registered Professional Nurse. Initially, when this amendment department. Lets focus on changing policies that don't make
was proposed I felt that I needed to know whether the statistics sense. This one makes lots of sense to me, common sense.
backed up my own assumption that motorcyclists suffer more I urge you to consider these points.
injuries and deaths than other motor vehicle operators.
The first and second round of statistics Frank Croteau
(Health & Safety Coordinator) and I requested were not helpful.
by Scott Heyman, County Administrator by Nancy Zahler, Youth Bureau
County government's risk management professionals o . -,; �a ,
and I have proposed a policy that would prohibit employees . __,_ , ,_, Highlights from 1995
who drive a motor vehicle on County business from using ,
anything but a passenger car or a truck. o u '-
�,. �
Elsewhere in this issue are articles by Cheryl Nelson, Labor Management Partnership Agreement signed to
Public Works Administrator, and Sigrid Kerr, Director of protect workers who improve services.
Patient Services that present the arguments for and Employees surveyed about their vision for Tompkins
against this policy very well. County and the role of County government to help the
The only area of discussion that has not been covered Board of Representatives in their long range planning.
by these two articles is, I believe, the question of what Employees involved in Stakeholders group succeeded
happens to employees who, for whatever reason, need to in increasing parking at new Human Services Building.
or choose to drive their motorcycle to and from work. The Contracting process tackled by inter - departmental team
answer is that the policy addresses only what employees to reduce unneeded steps and delays.
do on County business, it does not infringe on what DSS creates first ever labor management coordinating
employees do on their own time. If an employee who used committee.
to drive a motorcycle on County business now cannot All DSS supervisors receive training to support
provide his or her private vehicle that employee's participation and quality.
department will have to figure out how to get the work of
Phone team works to find better ways to communicate
the department done. with internal and external customers.
Tompkins County has never mandated that an Eligibility units form a team to streamline client intake
employee must show up for work with transportation with forms and procedures.
which to conduct County business. Yes, we ask many Public Works creates Quest Team to oversee quality
people to do so. Yes, it may cause problems and possibly implementation.
even some expense if this policy causes some people to Buildings and Grounds team improves service to
discontinue driving their personal vehicle on County library by re- examining customer needs and work
business. But the information I have seen makes a clear processes.
case that the taxpayers who pay the departments who pay Planning Department works together to improve their
our worker's compensation costs should not be asked to services - as result, a new directory to help customers and
pay the costs of an unreasonably risky behavior. staff find downtown offices is being developed.
Employee opinions on this topic are sought and are Office for the Aging staff are working together to find
valued. The views I expressed above are the views I hold better ways to serve their customers.
based on the information I have. I'm still listening and a Nearly 100 employees and managers learned Mutual
substantial number of your co- workers have been Gains negotiating skills.
thoughtfully reviewing this topic and making their views 24 departments and divisions get computer training
known. In the end the County Board will decide whether to through classes organized by Information Services.
change existing policy. Employee needs and views on this
issue are important, and County Board members must also MONEY ISN'T EVERYTHING.
take into account the needs of taxpayers and service USUALLY, IT ISN'T ENOUGH!
delivery recipients. When all the facts are in they will make
the call.
After a year of gathering opinions about the mission and MOTORCYCLE UPDATE #2
goals of County government the Board of Representatives
held its first retreat on that subject on a recent Saturday in '...scio by Cheryl Nelson, P.W.
February. `'
At a second retreat on February 28 they will finalize On February 21, 1996, the Tompkins
their draft version of mission and vision statements and of County Department Heads voted 11 to 4
long range goals for our organization. These will then be AGAINST the proposed motorcycle ban (policy)!
circulated widely for employee and community comment. Yes, common sense does prevail in Tompkins
All of us can be more effective in what we do if we have County government.
a clearer sense of the broader and of the longer -range
context within which we function. While it is fine that we Don't forget to sign up for a trip.
work to improve our efficiency a well prepared vision and Pmail to Public Health /Leighann_Baldwin or an
goals statement will enable us to come up with better —
answers to the question, "efficient at doing what ?" Future inter - office note care of the Health Department.
issues of Corridors will make it possible for you to be part —
of this important process.
1 •
Tompkins County
Courthouse, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850
Date: January 30, 1996
To: All Tompkins County Employees and Officers
From: Catherine Covert, Clerk, Board of Representatives
Scott Heyman, County Administrator
Subject: Conflict of Interest
• 9
The General Municipal Law of New York State and Tompkins County Local Law No. 4 of
1992 require any County officer or employee who has, will have, or later acquires an
"interest" in any actual or proposed contract with the County to disclose the nature and
extent of such interest in writing to the Clerk of the Board of Representatives. The laws
define "interest" as follows:
"'Interest' means a direct or indirect pecuniary or material benefit accruing to a
municipal officer or employee as the result of a contract with the municipality which
such officer or employee serves. A municipal officer or employee shall be deemed
to have an interest in the contract of (a) his or her spouse or domestic partner,
minor children or dependents, except a contract of employment with the
municipality which such officer or employee services; (b) a firm, partnership or
association of which such officer or employee is a member or employee; (c) a
corporation of which such officer or employee is an officer, director or employee;
and (d) a corporation any stock of which is owned or controlled directly or indirectly
by such officer or employee."
If you as an individual, member of any partnership, or stockholder or trustee in any_
corporation, have an interest in any actual or proposed contract with the County, or
anticipate acquiring such an interest, you must disclose the nature and extent of this
interest in writing to the Clerk of the Board of Representatives.
Your disclosure of an interest in a contract with the County does not necessarily mean that
4 this interest must be ended. All disclosures will be carefully reviewed by the County
4 Attorney, and if necessary, by the Board of Ethics and /or the appropriate committee of the
Board of Representatives. The issue that will be examined in every instance is whether
your contract creates a conflict with your responsibilities as a County employee and, if so,
how this should be eliminated.
If the position you hold is designated as a "key employee ", you must also file an Annual
Disclosure Statement with the Clerk of the Board no later than May 15, 1996. The form for
this filing was sent under separate cover. If you believe you should file this form and
have not received one, please contact the Board office at 274 -5434.
A memorandum similar to this one is sent to all employees every year as a reminder of this
obligation. If at any time during the course of any year an interest such as described
above should arise, you must notify the Clerk of the Board in writing at that time.
4.0 > •••• , 1)6
entor Scene
Free Caregiver Series OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM
The Caregivers' Resource Center Tompkins County now has a Long Term Care
and Cornell Cooperative Extension are Ombudsman Program located at the Office for the
co- sponsoring a Spring Family Caregiver Aging. The task of the local ombudsman program is
Consumer workshop series for caregivers to be responsive to the complaints and problems of
of older or disabled adults. Four sessions residents of long term care facilities. This is
will be offered on Wednesdays, from accomplished by organizing community based
10a.m. to 12 noon at the Cooperative assistance to advocate for residents in skilled nursing
Extension Building on Willow Avenue in homes and adult care facilities thereby giving residents
Ithaca. a stronger voice in their own care and lives. The heart
The first session on Wednesday, of the ombudsman program is the trained volunteer
March 6, 1996, will explore Insurance ombudsmen. Certified volunteer ombudsmen
Concerns. The second session on receive, investigate and resolve complaints made
Wednesday, March 27, 1996, will focus on behalf of residents of long term care facilities.
on Estate Planning and other Financial They monitor the quality of care, help protect
Questions. The third session on residents rights, assure treatment with dignity and
Wednesday, April 24, 1996, will be on respect, and encourage residents to express their
Strengthening Grandparent
Caregivers. The fourth and final opinions.
To become a trained certified ombudsman one
workshop will explore Housing Issues must be at least 21 years of age, be interested and
on Wednesday, May 29th. capable of fulfilling the advocates role, and be a
To register for one or more of sensitive, caring, open- minded person interested in
these free workshops, please call advocating for residents of long term care facilities. The
Cooperative Extension at 272 -2292. For job of an ombudsman can be rewarding and satisfying.
more information, please call Marilyn There will be training for the Long Term Care
Strassberg at the Office for the Aging, ombudsmen available in the coming months so if you
274 -5482. are interested in becoming an ombudsman, please
contact Regina McGriff at the Office for the Aging 274 -
Cornell Vet Students 5482 for more information.
Volunteer -
A :_.' ittes! 61' .1 , ^ • 4, 9 ,, y ' . r A , 1 ; i �i
1. k
The Office for the Aging has been Tarr.
contacted by some Cornell Veterinary
students who have volunteered to feed ..
and /or walk the animals of older ( 1 f ...
Tompkins County residents on an
emergency basis. If you know of anyone
who has become ill or who has been t , ' '
hospitalized and whose animal needs 1.
care for a short period of time please -
call Marilyn Strassberg 274 -5482 and
she will try to locate a volunteer sitter for
the pet. (What a nice thing to do!!)
The deer don't like it...
I 1
Unclassifieds Personnel Personals
For Sale: Help Wanted:
Psychic. You know the rest.
25" RCA Color Console TV (1975).
Works well $75. Also, a 2 section L- Co- author for book on self reliance.
shaped queen sleeper sofa - excellent Congratulations to
condition. Call 387 -5310.
Full size refrigerator, works fine (brown), Harlin McEwen who is leaving his position as Police Chief
$40. Older gas stove (1970's model ?) at the city of Ithaca for a post with the FBI in Washington,
Also works fine (white) $25. Interested? D.C. We'II miss you.
Call Anne, 387-9073 Well Wishes to:
FAX Machine. Like new! Many features. Fran Armstrong, Finance /Comptroller who has been
$220 or best offer. Call 272 -2570. hospitalized. We wish you a speedy recovery.
1987 Chevy 4X4 Pickup. Excellent -
condition. $6,000 O /B /O. CaII Brad at Thank you:
273 - 1443 after 4:30 p.m. ...for the beautiful flowers. They really helped to
Clothing size 3/4 - 7/8: dresses, brighten my room. Kathy Franklin
dress pants, jeans and shorts. Excellent
condition. Best offer call evenings. ...very much for the beautiful bouquet you sent me
Autumn - 589 - 6041. when I was in the hospital. It really does help to be reminded
1995 Yamaha PW 50. Only ridden for that one has the support of old friends. l can report that I am
four months. Like new! $1,200 O /B /O. doing well. Having a hip fixed is turning out to be a relatively
(607) 659 evenings. simple matter - so far as the patient is concerned. I will hole
1986 Chev Chevette. Automatic. Good in for a while now - and will be greeting you on the street when
bomb around car for teenager. $300. spring comes. Best wishes to you all. Clara Goodman
Call evenings 607 844 - 3793 .
For Rent: Articles to be considered for the March issue
must be received by Monday, March 1 1 . Send
by inter -dept. mall to Ruth Pond,
One bedroom apartment in Interlaken. Finance /Purchasing or 125 East Court St.,
Large yard, parking. $300 plus. Call Ithaca, NY 14950. FAX: 274 - 5505.
546 -2068 or 275 -9142.
One bedroom semi - furnished apartment IF A TRAIN STATION 15 WHERE
in City of Ithaca on bus line. Off street THE TRAIN STOPS,
parking - $490 includes all utilities & TV WHAT HAPPENS AT A WORK STATION?
cable hook -up. One person preferred.
Wanted to Buy: Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
Woman's (size 7 -8) and children's (small these ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to Corridors c/o Finance - Purchasing.
sizes) ice skates in good condition. Call Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
Janis, 273 -2416.
41111." • - .+i 4 ¢ ma y` . .
'' e 1 s '�1�'"r 8
' 6
+ '
�. *� �'�. ' < �`` Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
' ` ° ' . +' '' editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees, and
1' r, _
-4 . w ` retirees. Material is solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
' Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the
right to edit any submissions. The editorial board is made up of: Bill Chapp,
. , '' te r' - �. v ' . • ., Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment; Iretta Ellis, Information Services; • y • '. 1. Scott Heyman, County Administrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Ruth Pond,
. • w d . r • - , ;ti , 'i.. �
, (Editor), Finance- Purchasing; Marilyn Strassberg, Office for the Aging; and Judy
, ' 'r`� Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures.
°r Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
Corridors, c/o Finance- Purchasing, 125 East Court Street. Ithaca, NY 14850.
But, "Frosty" loves it!
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Employees and Retirees
of Tom kins County
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Department Head Meeting Minutes PHCP 70th ANNIVERSARY
December 7, 1995 Special Meeting CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL CARE NEEDS
1. Topic: Action taken by the Board of Representatives County Celebrates Physically Handicapped Children's Program
at their December 19th meeting in regards to
reappropriation of unspent funds. Families who need help paying for the medical
Scott described the action taken by the Board of care of their children under age 21 who have physical
Representatives in relation to an amendment to the disabilities or chronic illnesses may be able to get help
fiscal policy, proposed by Representative Proto, to limit through the Tompkins County Physically Handicapped
rollover to departments to 75% which passed in a 9 to Children's Program (PHCP), according to Ellen
5 vote. This was a shock considering a vote in June Brazauskas, Supervisor of the Children with Special Care
Needs Unit.
of 11 to 4 in the opposite direction. If you have or know of children with special care
Department heads voiced concern over this needs, call or visit the Health Department and find out
sudden change in policy, feeling it was in bad faith. more about Tompkins County PHCP. We're joining with
Many felt that it would just encourage department the NY State Health Department to celebrate the
heads to use up all their money on frivolous items so
that no rollover remains. program's 70th anniversary.
Scott suggested that department heads talk to "PHCP is invaluable to families. It covers drugs,
their Committee Chairs and to also prepare individual visits to physicians, as well as equipment related to the
statements to the Board on how this change will affect child's health needs, such as wheelchairs," said
their department. Irene, Aurora, and Jim Hanson will Brazauskas. "Many families with little or no health
begin preparation of a joint statement from department insurance usually are eligible. Currently, 125 of
heads as well. Tompkins County's children are being helped, with a
Scott will ask the new budget committee chair to range of medical needs," she added.
put the fiscal policy on the first agenda of the new year. The Tompkins County PHCP also has case
He said that the new committee would most likely be managers who work with families of children who have
formed by the second Board meeting on January 16th. physical disabilities or chronic illnesses. Case managers
provide parents with information about their child's
condition, assist families in negotiating the often complex
New Years Resolutions care of services for their children with special health
care needs, and help arrange for medical visits and
by Scott Heyman, County Administrator necessary services. They also insure participation in
One form of New Year's Resolution is the goals recreational activities; help increase normal linkages
and objectives that most County employees establish for between the medical and educational systems; advise
themselves and discuss with their supervisor each year. families of other services and benefits and, when
My supervisor is the County Board and I go necessary, help them obtain needed services and
through this process with them each year. benefits.
Two of my goals are probably not of great The Physically Handicapped Children's Program
interest to very many employees: 1) Ensure that Board was created by the NY State Legislature in 1925. The
members get the information they need to make policy Children's Court Act expanded health services for
decisions; and 2) Supervise 18 County department heads handicapped children, with the state and county
in a way that supports them and enables them to be governments sharing the costs of providing care. Now,
effective. PHCP assists more than 12,000 families each year.
Three other goals that I have set for 1996 may The program covers a variety of severe chronic
be of some interest to you. They are: illnesses and physical disabilities: cardiac defects; gastro-
1) Support the Partners for Quality initiative; in intestinal, genito- urinary tract and other congenital
particular, improve education and training offerings to anomalies; hydrocephalus and convulsive disorders:
employees, support County managers in a way that hearing impairments; long -term diseases that cannot be
enables them to lead more effectively, and work with the cured or completely corrected; missing limbs; genetic and
County Board to develop a long range plan that chronic disorders and permanent disability resulting from
becomes a guiding force in the development of the trauma.
County budget. For more information, contact Tompkins County
2) With Board members, staff, and Public Health Department, Ellen Brazauskas, 274 -6644.
Information Coordinator Julie Crowell, to improve the
quality and quantity of information about County
government that reaches the public. Millions of Americans aren't working ...
3) Complete the budget reorganization process but thank goodness they've got jobs!
by determining success indicators for all County
programs, and include that information in budget p40 3p
Wish me luck. I'll let you know in December or "We're all in this alone." Lily Tomlin
January how I think I did.
Recycling Program Update
.1 % For All County Buildings
For the past seven years, Tompkins County employees have been separating out office
paper for recycling. In 1993, the program added glass containers, metal cans, corrugated
cardboard, and mixed paper to the list of recydables. Now it's time for another improve-
ment to the program that will divert even more material from employee waste baskets.
Effective immediately, you may now add boxboard, magazines, opened mail, envelopes
and phone books to the other recyclable papers (see the complete list on the back). You
may mix them together in your deskside bin and then put them in the appropriate hall-
way storage bin. Similarly, all recydable containers may now be mixed together. This will
help increase the amount of recyclable material being diverted from the trash from
County buildings and will streamline collection. There is no longer a requirement to keep
all the paper or container types separate. All recyclables now come in to the Recyding and
Solid Waste Center in two groups -mixed paper and mixed containers -where they are
sorted into many different categories for sale to manufacturers.
Look for the larger storage bins for mixed paper and mixed containers near your work
area. Please turn this sheet over to see the list of recyclables with guidelines for their
A Note About the County Recyding Law:
As a gentle reminder, all residents, businesses and institutions in Tompkins County are
required to recycle, and that includes County government. If we all do our part by putting
recyclables in the proper recycling bins, we will have much less trash left to throw away.
44 \I. ED :1 RE( :ICLI \G 131N FOR 1OLR DESK OR 11'ORK STATIO \? 44
The Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Division has small deskside
recycling bins that can fit under or next to your desk. If you would like a bin,
please speak to the leaner in your building or call Barb O'Brien at Buildings and
Grounds and she will see that one gets delivered to you. She can be reached at
274-5299, Monday through Friday until 1:00 pm.
Solid Waste Management Division and Buildings and Grounds staff are working together
to make the program convenient and efficient. Please watch County Corridors for notices
about future recycling program changes. We welcome your suggestions or comments. For
questions about recyclables, call the Solid Waste Management Division at 273 -6632; for
questions about collection procedures, call Buildings and Grounds at 274-5292.
(Over, please.)
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Stop by County Administration County
and brouse through our library of
book, videos and audio tapes or Administration
call Kathleen Drew at x5551 ! Library
and she will send your selection
01 1 . 11.11
o you. by Kathleen Drew
Book Author(s)
7 Habits of Highly Effective People Steven R. Covey
Customer Service in Local Government Bruce W. McClendon
Deming Management at Work Mary Walton
Deming Management Method Mary Walton
Empowered Teams Wellins, Byham, Wilson
Excellence in Government - TQM in the 90's Carr & Littman
First Things First Steven R. Covey
Knowledge for Action Chris Argyris
Leadership Counts: Lessons for Public Managers Robert D. Behn
Leading Teams Zenger, Musselwhite,
Hurson & Perrin
No Contest - The Case Against Competition Alfie Kohn
On Becoming a Leader Warren Bennis
Principle Centered Leadership Steven R. Covey
Productivity Improvement Techniques ICMA
Punished by Rewards Alfie Kohn
Putting TQM to Work Sashkin & Kiser
Quality is Free Philip B. Crosby
Recovering Prosperity Through Quality Robert A. Schwarz
Reinventing Government Osborne & Gaebler
Running Things Philip B. Crosby
Skilled Facilitator Roger M. Schwarz
The Reckoning David Halberstam
TQM in Government: A Practical Guide for the Real World Cohen & Brand
Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Creative Roger van Oech
What is Total Quality Control? The Japanese Way Kaoru Ishikawa
Zapp! The Lightning of Empowerment Byham Si Cox
*Next Month: Video and Audio 2apesS
Unclassifieds: Personnel Personals:
For Sale: Happy Retirement to:
Mobile Home at Hillside Acres Rt. 366
Ithaca. Need to see immediately. Asking Kay Cleland, Senior Account Clerk/Typist in Assessment.
$7,000. Call Dina at 277 -1816.
o Ford Pickup 4-speed Windsor.
Good d runner, body dy rough. $ $600 obo.
273 -1700. by Cheryl Nelson, PW
White wedding dress size 12 with veil. On December 19th, Linnett Warner, Doreen Schrader,
Brand new, never worn. $600 obo. Call Margo Koonce, Jackie Maloney, Michelle Eighmey, Shirley
277 -6462 after 5:00 p.m. Hilker and Cheryl Nelson, all of whom are members of the Public
Attention Hunters: PSE Pulsar Works Administrative Resource Team (A.R.T.), donned their
Express. 70 lbs. Detachable quiver, Santa hats and went Christmas carolling. The A.R.T. partners
arrows, trigger release. Tuned perfectly. were joined by their carolling friends Mary Mills of Assessment,
Asking $180. 564 -1088 after 6 p.m. her two sons, Matthew and Adam, and Dayton Umholtz. Lynn
Leopold of the Solid Waste Division offered her time and musical
Wanted: talents by leading the carollers and accompanying the singing by
Used kitchen cupboard bases for garage playing her autoharp which truly lent an angelic and seasonal
work space. Call Sara at 272 -6394. touch to the singing.
For Rent: The original plan was to visit both the Reconstruction
One bedroom apt. In Interlaken. Large Home and Lakeside Nursing Home, but Mother Nature decided
yard, parking. $300 plus. Call 546 -2068 or to turn Ithaca into a winter wonderland so the carolling was cut
275 -9142. short and took place only at the Reconstruction Home. The
Service: residents and staff were very appreciative of the visit and some
Toy Trains: bought, serviced, repaired, even joined in the singing.
restored. Lionel, American Flyer, Marx, The A.R.T. partners hope to carol again next year, so, if
Ives, O -gauge and Standard. Call Jon you would like to join them in this volunteer effort, and share in
after 5 p.m. at 838 -3540. the true spirit of the season. Watch for details in future editions
of County Corridors.
January 22 - 28 Articles to be considered for the February
by Theresa Lyzcko & Sue Kilgore, H.D. issue must be received by Monday,
It's not easy being a smoker today. February 12. Send by Inter -dept. mail to
Sometimes it seems the only ones who can light Ruth Pond, Finance /Purchasing or 125
up without thinking are actors in old movies. East Court Street, Ithaca, NY 14650.
That's because the health risks of tobacco
smoke are not just the smoker's problem. FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS
Tobacco smoke hurts everyone who breathes Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
it. And, it literally takes the breath away from and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
people with asthma, allergies or other chronic these ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to
diseases. Corridors c/o Finance - Purchasing. Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
The Tompkins - Cortland- Cayuga Tobacco
Control Coalition urges: If you smoke, be a
good neighbor. Don't light up in public places.
And, it's especially important not to smoke
around children, even at home. The health risks
of tobacco smoke threaten everyone.
Cigarette smoking is estimated to be
responsible for 87% of all lung cancer deaths. COUNTY CORRIDORS
The death rate from lung cancer in both men and Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the
women continues to rise in Tompkins County. In volunteer editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and
men, the death rate from lung cancer in 1990 retirees. Material is solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
was 45 per 100,000, rising to 60.3 in 1992. In to edit any submissions. The editorial board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social
women, the death rate from lung cancer in 1990 Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment; Iretta Ellis, Data Processing; Scott Heyman,
was 16.9 per 100,000, rising to 22.6 in 1992. County Administrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Ruth Pond, (Editor), Finance -
Lung cancer has replaced breast cancer as the most Purchasing; Marilyn Strassberg, Office for the Aging; and Judy Tynyk, (Chair),
Weights and Measures.
frequent cause of cancer death in NY State women. Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
For more information about creating a smoke Corridors, c/o Finance- Purchasing, 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
free environment, please call either Theresa or Sue at
the Health Department, 274 -6710.