HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-11 ti3'" A Newsletter tt
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.:r �. .. :: {:: of Tompkins County
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\ y NOVEMBER 1995
Volume 8 Number 11
• t •' by Cheryl Nelson, PW
_ : '; On Sunday, October 1,
�-� --• •--` " Tompkins County employees, their
4 * '• q 1 ,' friends and family members who
`' "..4-..t ; . * r ' j . , , * - �g, ' enjoy motorcycle touring, took to
• ' . the highways for a scenic fall foliage
ride. The picture perfect weather
gi p . made the day complete. The group
/ ; .• gathered at the Public Works facility
._ on Bostwick Road. The riders
traveled out of Tompkins County
County employees get ready to ride. pictures by Barry Nelson along Rt. 34 into Cayuga County.
The tour then continued along Rt. 90
to Rt. 5 and then ended on Rt. 38.
The day's activities concluded with
dinner at Christy's Lake House
-t; , ' / A. 7� ° Restaurant in Casawasco.
Why didn't the ride take
s °, •..' - , ! t , place in Tompkins County? Well,
•' x r �« x ' earlier this summer the potential of
'f banning motorcycle use by County
employees who use them for
� ° m �° transportation while performing
'° ;, • ; ° t 1 111' County business on County time was
�► ' - raised. Out of discussions among
y the employees who ride and enjoy
gip - -- motorcycles, the idea of a sort of It "protest" ride sprang forth. Thus the
reason that riders left Tompkins
County to go to another County to
spend the day, enjoy the sites and
spend money.
Everyone had such a great
• time that we hope to make this an
annual event. So, if you are a
County employee who enjoys
motorcycling, touring with a group
and having a great time with friends
and co- workers, stay tuned for next
Can you identify these 3 County employees? (hint...2 work for PW and the other used to) year's event!
See back page for answers.
Department Head Meeting Minutes October 11 p 1995
1. Recap - 1996 Budget and Capital Programs -
Following a marathon Budget and Fiscal Policy Committee
meeting, the budget is basically set. The Public Hearing will be
held on November 14, site to be announced, and the budget vote
Department Head Minutes October 25, 1995
will take place on November 21.
2. Review of Department Head Meeting Ground Rules -
Scott asked that all Department Heads review the ground rules, Health Choices at County Functions
and think about any changes or improvements that need to be Alice urged Department Heads to remember to utilize
made to make the Department Head meeting better. He will do nutritious food choices for employees when planning county
a formal survey of Department Heads in December regarding this functions. The Health and Environmental Quality committee
subject. supports this concept fully. The Health Promotion unit can be
3. Reports: contacted for videos, pamphlets, cookbooks, etc. Suggestions on
Partners for Quality - The Leadership Council items to be placed in vending machines should be directed to
brainstorming on education and training offerings for the Vending Committee members.
employees. A similar session for middle managers will be Guidelines for Paying for Ergonomics Equipment
conducted on November 15. Guidelines for ergonomics equipment purchasing and
Organization! and Staff Development - Nancy Zahler use of ergonomically correct equipment is being developed.
said the group working on this would appreciate any feedback on Employees must have the proper tools to do their jobs in a
the computer training sessions that the county employees have healthy environment. Scott will talk to Purchasing about buying
been taking through TC3. adjustable chairs. Department Heads should contact Frank
Human Services Building Committee - The Board of Croteau for on -site analysis if desired. If he recommends
Representatives will receive a full presentation on October 17. something, it must be purchased. Department Heads should call
The group was charged developing a preferred downtown site Scott if funding is a problem.
and a plan for the current site. The schedule calls for designing Fixing the Budget Forms and Process
the building in 1996, putting it out to bid in the fall of that year, Staff need to meet to vent and identify concerns. Scott
ground breaking in January of 1997 and the building opening in will convene a de- briefing meeting and will revisit the issue in the
1998. The downtownsite being looked at presently is on the future when new county software is in place.
comer of N.Plain and W. State Streets. Department Head Reports
4. Department Head Reports Mary Pat announced that an informational meeting
Cheryl Nelson reported that Public Works has a new about the new building will take place on November 2 at 9:00
phone system. Please do not be discouraged if you hear a fast a.m. in the DSS Conference Room. Other meetings for the
buzzing signal when you call. That is not a busy signal. Hang on community are in the works.
and you will be connected to a live body or to voice mail. Dean apologized for not alerting staff that employee
Teddy Zimrot reported that on December 9, the annual names and office phone numbers went out as a test on the
Human Rights Awards dinner and presentations will be held. worldwide web. This will be discussed further at a future
They are looking for nominees by November 15 in four Department Head meeting.
categories: individual, a young person, an educator, and a group. Irene reported on BRAC. They are trying to determine
Irene Stein announced that the COFA plan will be their role for the future.
presented at a meeting at the Salvation Army on Monday, David Squires said that the county is implementing a
October 23 at 10:00 a.m. The plan is available for review in new purchasing system. All office supplies will be done on state
COFA's office and the meeting is open to the public. contract. Direct Deposit is still being explored - be patient until
Aurora Valenti reported that the County Board the new computer system is up and running.
recommended a $2.50 per year motor vehicle user fee. Nancy reported that long range planning with the middle
Unfortunately, the state has put a moratorium on "new managers will take place on Wednesday, November 15 in the
regulations ", and since the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles must morning, details to follow.
sign off on the new fee they have interpreted this as a Cathy updated everyone that Board of Representative
"regulation ". Efforts are underway to reverse this. meetings in November will be held on November 9 at 5:30 p.m.,
Janet Steiner reported that the Friends of the Library Public Hearing on November 14 at 7:00 p.m. and the budget vote
Book Sale is continuing and that the first two days alone, the sale is scheduled for November 21 at 5:30 p.m.
netted $100,000. The Internet work station is now up and running County Administrator's Report
at the Library. Tutorials are scheduled in one half hour sessions On November 9, Senators Kuhl and Seward will be
and time is limited for users until more work stations are up and meeting with Board of Representative members and Department
running. Heads. Please submit all questions in advance to Chairman
Mary Pat Dolan reported on a vacancy for the New Stein.
York State Public Welfare Director position. Anyone interested in Court House security will be enhanced with the use of
more details, see Mary Pat. a card swipe and keypad system.
Nancy Zahler reported that she will be speaking at a Scott solicited members for the Local Parole
state workshop on their municipal youth commission system. Commission.
5. County Administrator's Report Teddy Zimrot will be retiring on December 29, 1995.
National Quality Day will be held on October 26. It is a Anyone desiring more information about the position should
full day workshop at TCCC. This year it is sponsored by contact Personnel.
Motorola. See Scott if you are interested in more details.
Since many employees took advantage of the SEARCH ALL THE PARKS IN ALL YOUR CITIES
ergonomics training, an issue around payment for ergonomically YOU'LL FIND NO STATUES OF COMMITTEES
helpful items has arisen. He described a proposed system and
asked for department head feedback on it.
About a third of all County employees will be
packing in the not - too - distant future •
The Board of Representatives is slated to select a Probation staff then were sardined into one part of
site for a new human services building this month -- one floor of the main Courthouse.
possibly before you read this. Within a year after the big move of DSS and
The employees in the Social Services, Probation, Probation (and many others) to Biggs A in 1986 County
and Youth Bureau departments, along with Central Board members who had supported that move were
Services staff, are scheduled to move there sometime in describing it as "temporary."
1998. Why should we now spend millions of dollars
A stakeholders group of employees from those on a new building, when money is so tight? The
departments have worked directly with architects on heating system in Biggs A is 63 years old, has never been
preliminary site planning and building design, and are modernized, and is not getting any younger. The time will
expected to follow through on the real thing. soon arrive when that building, aside from any
Various employees, directly and through CSEA, discomforts, would become the scene of emergency
have said they have concerns about security and parking shutdowns of entire wings. An energy and space
at a possible downtown location and many of them have efficient new building makes better sense than a rehab
been personally involved in developing solutions that of Biggs A.
address those concerns. There are no County offices today and there will be
The construction of this new building will ring down none at a new building that even approach the elegance of
the curtain on a period of change and reconfiguration for the nicer corporate offices (except the Airport Terminal
County government. which is being paid for by the airlines).
In 1985, County operations were centered on the But well laid out space with decent finishes and
Courthouse Complex, the Airport, Bostwick Road, Biggs practical, well -made furniture send an important message
Building B, and a whole host of rented spaces scattered all to our employees and our clients - -we're not about
over town. Since then a Public Safety Building has been plushness, but we are here to stay and we will do
constructed, the Old Jail reconstructed, the Mental Health, whatever we do well.
Solid Waste and Transit facilities built on new sites, and a Even today when everything government does is
superb new Airport Terminal has appeared on the "grass being scrutinized it makes sense to do what we do well and
runway." with an eye to the long term. If we must change, if we must
Social Services employees in particular can view shrink or grow, we will adjust and we will do that, but we
this move as historic. For many years they were should stop and I'm glad we have -- viewing every
shoehorned into the Old Courthouse. From the 1960s decision we make as "wait and see ".
through 1986 they occupied a maze of offices and hallways Of course everything we do can change; but we
that eventually spread over the tops of four separate have been a primary vehicle for meeting common needs
buildings. The furniture was rickety, the finishes were ratty, since April 17, 1817 -- when Daniel Tompkins was the
and the layout could not have been more inefficient. nation's vice president. That isn't going to change.
FITNESS DOESN'T HIBERNATE Don't let the weather stop you. You will be
by Sue Kilgore, Health Dept.
When the weather turns
cool, bears can hibernate, but
you can't. Your body is built for
invigorated by a lively walk in the fresh air or participating
r in winter sports activities. If you prefer the indoors, a brisk
� walk in a shopping mall is a perfect way to stay active. Or
check out your local fitness center.
activity. And that means staying Remember that as a County employee you can
active during all four seasons. be reimbursed $100 per year for membership in a
The Healthy Heart/Health Promotion Program recommends health club.
at least 30 minutes of activity, three to five times a week for Videos and other materials on physical fitness are
fitness. Make that your goal in order to feel better and be available for browsing or borrowing from the Healthy Heart
more energetic. library. To learn more about physical fitness in all seasons,
please call 274 -6710.
Did You Know? • — •
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PMAIL DISTRIBUTION LISTS ...�� IM �NM �wrr•a . 1 iiiii !
ri.alIYI•' sr IMP' 1■1NM Ile Mb- •-•ID a
by Tom Herden, DSS ay. 7 — — 11•111111•&-A. AIM&
Pegasus mail, the network email (electronic mail) EMILIMIXAINVIE11",
program which the County is using, supports a feature called
Distribution Lists. A Distribution List consists of a set of email
addresses for persons to whom one might wish to address an
email message as a group. Unlike the Address Books written A.R.T. SPREADS HOLIDAY CHEER
about last month, that serve as lists from which you can select by Cheryl Nelson, PW
addressees, you must use Distribution Lists as a whole or not at The Public Works Department Administrative
all. Like the Address Books, Distribution Lists can be either Resource Team (A.R.T.) has decided that it would like to
Private (created by, maintained by, and available to just one spread some happiness to local senior citizens during the
email user) or Shared (available to all email users with accounts holiday season. A.R.T. is seeking interested County
on a particular server.) employees to assist them in this endeavor.
The most common use for Distribution Lists is as a The A.R.T. partners feel it would be in the true
quicker, easier way of disseminating an item of information to a spirit of the holidays to visit one or more of the local senior
target group — essentially as one -way communications — without
having to manually redefine the group each time. centers and sing holiday songs and entertain the residents
A more powerful use for Distribution Lists is as ongoing (the details are still being worked out related to date, time,
'virtual discussion groups' for persons sharing involvement with location). However, A.R.T. is asking that if you are a
or interest in a particular topic. By addressing all informational County employee who would enjoy participating in this
and discussion- oriented email to their Distribution List, such a holiday happening, please contact Linnett Warner at 273 -
group would ensure that no member, regardless of geographic 6632 or Roxan Noble at 257 - 0456 by November 30th. (This
location or individual work schedule, would fail to receive a given is a non - work related activity and will be done in the
item of information, nor would anyone miss an opportunity to evening or on a weekend).
make their thoughts regarding the item known to the group. One Come and be a part of this holiday hospitality!
benefit of 'virtual group meetings' is that they're
self - documenting.
Information Services has created a Distribution List Did you hear about the new
called "All County Employees (with network accounts) ", a copy restaurant on the moon?
of which has been placed on the server of each LAN (local area
network) that can exchange mail with at least one other LAN.
This Distribution List includes addresses for all network Great food, no atmosphere.
accounts to which persons on the LAN in question can send
email. Use this Distribution List with care. Placing it in an
address field is equivalent to sending mail to the network group Flexible Benefits Program
#EVERYONE on every individual LAN to which yours is
connected. When all of the county's networks are linked, you will by Louise McEwen, Personnel
be able to send an email to literally everyone with an account on Donna Lynn of SIEBA Ltd., our flexible benefits plan
the network by using this Distribution List. administrator, will conduct informational and sign -up meetings on
The "All County Employees (with network accounts)" November 28 and 29 as follows. We hope that with this early
Distribution List will be updated and redistributed every two notification, all interested employees will be able to fit one
weeks or so, at the same time as the "County" Address Book session into their schedule to team more about the program
written about last month. and /or re- enroll or enroll for the first time.
If you'd like to share a Distribution List you have created
with everyone else on your LAN, ask your LAN Administrator for Remember — it saves you taxes!
help. Be aware that lists shared in this way are by default
readable -- but not editable -- by everyone with an account on TUESDAY, November 28
your server. If your group's membership is somehow 9 :00 - 10:30 a.m. Sherman Peer Room, Library
confidential, some special handling will be required to allow 11:00 - 12:30 p.m. Rice Conf. Room, Biggs B
usage of the list without allowing email users to its contents. 1:45 - 3:30 p.m Sadd Conf. RoomB, Biggs A
If you'd like to have a copy of a Distribution List you've
created (and that you are willing and able to maintain) distributed WEDNESDAY, November 29
to each of the county's LANs at the same time as the updated 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. Public Works, Bostwick Road
"All County Employees" list, please contact Information Services. 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Mental Health Conf. Room
If you use DOS Pmail, you can access Distribution Lists (6th Foor, MH Building)
by pressing [F6] while viewing the Send Message: Editing 11:00 - 1:30 p.m. Old Jail Conference Room
Screen. In Pmail for the Mac, choose <MailingLists> from the (125 E. Court Street)
<Addresses> menu. Both can access work in Pmail for 2:30 - 3 :30 p.m. Training Room, Sheriff's Dept.
Windows. (779 Warren Road)
All employees should try to attend one session, any
What's the difference between a computer and a time and any location, particularly if you have any questions or
used car salesman? concerns about the effect of the program on your tax returns.
These will be the only meetings conducted for the 1996
The salesman knows if he's lying. program so let's have a great turnout!
by Paula Herman, Mark Crimmins- Murdock, and Bemice Yarosh, DSS
N ovember is National Adoption Month, and Tompkins County employees are active in both adoption
and foster care. Two of them have graciously agreed to be interviewed for County Corridors. ' .,,,,..
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a Jean Yaw has been an employee for 25 years, all of mac. Craig and Laurie Fuller have been foster parents
tnem at DSS. She and her husband Clifford, have been foster since May, 1992 and recently finalized on the adoption of the two
parents for 5 years. They have been adoptive parents for a little children that had been in their care.
over one year, and are preparing to finalize on their second Craig said, "We heard through another foster parent
adoption. who is a member of our church. She had her kids in church and
Jean said, "I first learned of the possibility of being a we asked about it. We came home and talked about doing it and
foster /adoptive parent through casual conversation with a former then went to one of the informational meetings." Laurie added,
adoption worker who wondered if I might be interested. It so "I thought the classes were helpful. They gave a good overview
happened that I had been thinking about it and so I attended an of the situation and what to expect."
informational meeting. There I received the necessary paper "We had just finished classes when we learned of a
work, and lots of stuff to read which I took home to my husband ly foster parent who was moving out of the area and looking for a
and said to him, this is something we should pursue. - 0 family for the children she had, " Craig told.
The handouts were really helpful and they portrayed the <=';$ • Laurie said, "We had the children one weekend and
kids realistically. I was told it was not an ideal situation nor were y+ , 1 then they moved in and almost right from the beginning we
the kids ideal. Most of the training classes we attended were .`', * wanted to adopt them, which we did." Craig said, We could see
helpful although a lot seemed like common sense. Especially '``( the children had had enough moves and needed a permanent
helpful was the sex abuse training because I knew nothing about _ ii, home. We were their fourth foster home."
it. The panel of active foster parents was also helpful. When asked if the change over to adoption had affected
We waited a little over a year. We had originally come the children in any way, Craig replied, "There is an emotional
in for adoption but switched over to foster care in the middle of release for us and there is a settling for the children. They know
the classes, because we had never parented before. they have the same family, school, church, etc. now and
One afternoon about 4 p.m., the adoption caseworker permanence is the big issue for them. They have a release of
came to my desk and said there were 2 children with their birth sorts as well. The school has noted a big difference in their
father in the interview room and the children needed to be placed behavior - much improvement." Laurie responded that "Of
with me then. Also in the room were 2 CPS (Child Protective course there is the adjustment too, in that they can no longer
Service) workers and the foster homefinder. I had daycare simply call up DSS and complain about their home and get
already set up but the kids came with next to nothing so I had a moved. As Craig said, we were their fourth foster home and that
lot of buying to do immediately and then get reimbursed for. I permanence took some getting used to."
had to learn who was allowed to take the children for visits, who Would they do it again - this time they both answered
was allowed to know we had the children, the children's food "Yes, no question." Craig summarized saying, "When you see
allergies, their food schedules etc., etc., etc -0� the need and see how the children respond, you can't turn
About 3 -4 months after the children were in our home, away. Now we need to get that extra room finished for some
I thought of the possibility of adopting them if that ever became ; III. , more."
possible. It was two years later that the agency asked if we '� ' Craig noted that the people he works with have been
would be interested in adopting if the children became free. We ll(t;;I 4 very supportive.
of course said we would. It's been a year and a half after that For further information on becoming a Foster and /or Adoptive
■ that one child has been freed and the other almost freed." Parent for Tompkins County, please contact the Intake/
When asked if she would do it again, Jean replied, Homefinding Unit at DSS and ask for Paula, Kim or Beth. The
"Yes, in a heart beat. It's been worth it, a real learning numbers to call are: 274 -5285; 274 -5647 or 274 -5266.
TRIPS - TRIPS - (details in Dec. issue)
Don't Forget January 13 Basketball Game
■ to ask for your floating holiday by December 1. February 17 Shopping Trip -
to send in your pet pictures by December 1. March 31 Hockey - Buffalo Sabres vs. Boston Bruins
► to take a toy to the Credit Union (or buy candy). April ? Theatre in Toronto - Sunset Boulevard?
May ? Baseball
June 16 NASCAR at the Poconos one day.
C �p July 12 -14 Boston, MA for 2 nights
a � �j August ? Hershey Park overnight at Hershey Lodge
0 ktat)nexid? September? Atlantic City Overnight at Taj Mahal
October ? Football
Send us your business card and well advertise for you. November ? Shopping Outlet Mall
December ? Radio City Music Hall Christmas Show
Personnel Personals
For Sale:
Queen size waterbed frame with Welcome to:
headboard and padded side rails - dark Brenda Jones, Keyboard Specialist in the clerical pool at DSS.
oak. Call 564 -7773. Heidi Yavoski and Bobbie Werneau, CU interns in Child
Protective Services, DSS.
'94 GMC Safari Van. Deluxe conversion Goodbye to:
package. Excellent condition, low Cathy Eldridge, caseworker in Long -Term Care, DSS.
mileage. Call after 6 p.m. 607-844-9519. Mark Crimmins - Murdock, caseworker in Homefinding at DSS.
For Rent: Happy Retirement to:
One bedroom semi - furnished apartment in Jan Stermer, caseworker in Adult Protective at DSS.
City of Ithaca on bus line with off - street Jeanne Fenner, Keyboard Specialist - Clerical, DSS.
parking. Includes all utilities and TV cable
hook -up for $490. One person preferred. Returning:
Call 272 -2570. Judith Barber, for two months as a caseworker at DSS.
Service: Transfer:
Toy Trains: bought, serviced, repaired, Kristin Karwoski, caseworker in Adult Protective at DSS.
restored. Lionel, American Flyer, Marx, Condolences to:
Ives, O -gauge and Standard. CaII Jon Barbara Mearse, COFA, on the loss of her mother.
after 5 p.m. at 838 -3540. Congratulations to:
NY AIRPORT MANAGEMENT ASSN. Helen Beach - Mother: Finance; Robert Albert - Grandfather:
B &G; Theresa Albert - Aunt: Youth Bureau; and John Beach -
CONGRATULAT!ONS!!! Uncle: Stop DWI; on the birth of Michael D. Beach born 11/3/95.
At their annual conference held in Buffalo,
the membership of the New York Airport Jo Hulslander, DSS, & Paul Heliseva on the birth of Katlyn Anna
Management Association (NYAMA) elected 11/12/95.
Robert A. Nicholas, the manager of Tompkins Thank you:
County Airport, to the position of President of
their organization for 1996. Thank you so much for the flowers & cards & wellness wishes.
Membership of NYAMA ranges from We appreciate all you did. Sincerely, Jean & Jack Daugherty.
airport managers of the larger State airports like
LaGuardia, Kennedy, Buffalo, Syracuse, Thank you so much for the lovely flowers. It was nice to be
Rochester and Albany to the owners and thought of. Arlene Guest
operators of dozens of small general aviation
facilities throughout the State. Members also FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS
include airport consultants, fixed base operators, Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
airport equipment manufacturers /suppliers and and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
various other aviation interests. The appointment these ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to
is for one year. Corridors c/o Finance- Purchasing. Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
by Marilyn Strassberg, MSW
The Caregiver's Resource Center &
Alzheimer's Support Unit is beginning a new
weekday support group for caregivers one
Wednesday a month, beginning Wednesday,
December 6, 1995 from 2:30 - 4 p.m. at the Office COUNTY CORRIDORS
for the Aging (COFA), 320 North Tioga Street. Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the
Sometimes talking with another caregiver can be volunteer editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and
retirees. Material is solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
the best medicine for those difficult times in your Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
life. Please join us, if you can, at our to edit any submissions. The editorial board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social
organizational meeting on December 6 or call Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment; Iretta Ellis, Data Processing; Scott
Marilyn, at 274 -5482 with your caregiving Heyman, County Administrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Ruth Pond, (Editor),
Finance- Purchasing; Marilyn Strassberg, Office for the Aging; and Judy Tynyk,
concems. The Resource Center has a wide library (Chair), Weights and Measures.
of pamphlets, books and videos that can be Correspondence may be sent through County inter- department mail to: County
borrowed free of cost. Corridors, c/o Finance- Purchasing, 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
Cover picture identification: L to R- Cheryl Nelson,
PW; lretta Ellis, Info. Ser.; & Roxan Noble, PW.