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IP" „AT lig :: V ' El Newsletter for
Employees and Retirees
! of Tompkins County
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rrri twori i OCTOBER 1995
Volume 8 Number 10
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by Roberta Chiesa, Credit Union
First place team: David Chase, Denny Fairchild and Frank Justice. One thing that touches all of our hearts is
Absent from the picture: Joanne Conley, State DSS employee the sight of a small child laid up in the
hospital, whether it's for emergency surgery
FORE SCORE AND TWENTY EIGHT or long -term treatments. A little person is
by Jackie Kippola, Administration someone who should be active and happy, September 22nd, 68 people ventured out to Trumansburg Golf ppy'
Course for a day of fun -time golf. The mix of both long -time golfers and not sick, hurt and /or frightened in an
first -time golfers proved to be interesting and entertaining. After about 4 unfamiliar place -
hours of playing, the skies opened up and a downpour attempted to wash That is why Tompkins Employees
Federal Credit Union is joining the New
out the tournament. But there were still some VERY dedicated, die -hard
golfers and who kept despite the rainy York State Credit Union League's
g you know who are) y y ) t la In p p y g p y community involvement campaign "Credit
conditions. Now there's some fine Tompkins County sportsmanship! Unions Care for Kids." From October 16
Once those die -hard golfers came into the clubhouse, we all enjoyed through November 20 we'll be collecting
lunch and awards. Craig Hopkins from Engineering tallied the scores and gifts and money for kids who are
announced what place each team ranked. Thanks to generous donations hospitalized. We are helping the kids at the
from the Vending Committee, Tompkins County Airport, C & S Engineers, Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca. You can
Suit -Kote, Pals Sports Center, Erie Building Supply, and Landis & Gyr, all help too! Next time you come in just bring
68 golfers were able to choose a prize from the prize table. a small gift for a small friend. You'll find our
Congratulations to Denny Fairchild, Frank Justice, Joanne Conley, and collection box prominently displayed at the
David Chase for capturing first place; they were each awarded a trophy credit union. Most needed are coloring
and possess ownership for 1 year of "THE PLAQUE ". Each year, the 1st books, crayons, dot -to -dot books, magic
place team's names will be engraved on THE PLAQUE and it will be markers, games, toys, books and videos.
displayed in their office - until next year's tournament! (All but the last two need to be new and in
This golf tournament provided a neutral setting for 20 different their original wrapping for infection control
departments /divisions to socialize with co- workers who generally see other purposes). You can also make a cash
staff in a formal, professional setting; many players reported that this was donation. Or, just stop in and buy some
a fun way to meet everyone where titles didn't matter. We are all looking candy for sale in the office. All proceeds to
forward to a bigger and better tournament next year. (See page 4 for a go for this cause making it extra sweet.
complete listing of players and placings) Thanks for helping us show this
1 If anyone participated in the tournament and did not receive a prize
please community that we truly care for kids.
ase call Jackie Kippola at 274 -5548.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1995 by Scott Heyman
BUDGET DELIBERATIONS. Scott presented a summary of the UPDATES
current status of the County budget. UNITED WAY. Leighann Baldwin is again chairing the County
The actions of the Board's program committees would United Way campaign. You will be hearing from your building
result in a 1.8% increase in property taxes. Total spending of coordinator or your solicitor, probably a short time after this issue
local tax money on optional programs would go up 10 %, about of Corridors appears.
half of this coming from the County's reserves. The reason taxes The local United Way effort has struggled in recent
would go up so little is that mandated costs are down. years after the President of United Way of America was found to
be engaging in a number of misdeeds. Although the Tompkins
MANAGEMENT TIME ACCOUNTING. There was discussion of County United Way was uninvolved in that scandal, and only a
Scott's recent memo reminding everyone that managers may small portion of what is contributed locally goes to the national
only be required to report total time worked plus fringes used for organization, local agencies have not been able to make up for
each two-week period; they may not be required to use a fringe deep federal and state budget cuts through increased local
for each day, or each week, in which they did not work the full giving.
number of Code 1 hours. The importance of the United Way is manyfold. County
Department heads continue to have the sole authority employees have an excellent record of giving to local health and
to set work hours /schedule for all employees. human service agencies. Nearly half of all employees contribute
There was discussion but no resolution of whether the every year. Please consider this year's appeal carefully and give
right side of the time sheet should continue to be used, but Scott as much as you can.
reminded everyone that those who use it should only do so in an
accurate manner. 1996 BUDGET. The County Board budget committee wound up
proposing a County budget with the same level of tax increase
INSERVICE EDUCATION. Nancy Zahler reported that this that I recommended (none), but with a significant shift away from
committee has been organizing a continuing education series for ongoing funding for roads and bridges and toward a long list of
clerical /office support staff. Department heads will be able to spending increases in other departments and agencies.
review their recommendations soon.
PFQ. Partners for Quality (see other reports in this newspaper)
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. A committee of the is beginning to pick up more and more momentum. COFA and
Leadership Council has developed a draft of this which will soon Planning jump on board this month, my office plus County
be ready for review and to be tried out in the Services Division in Attorney plus the Board's staff in a month or two, and when the
DSS in connection with their involvement in Partners for Quality. contracts team finishes there are many cross - functional projects
begging for attention.
PARTNERS FOR QUALITY. At the most recent meeting of the
Leadership Council union reps questioned the commitment of the STAFF DEVELOPMENT. Our efforts to increase greatly the
Board to this initiative. Barbara Mink immediately arranged for quantity and quality of training offerings for all employees, both
some followup discussion that she believes will show strong in direct connection with PFQ and otherwise, are bearing fruit.
Board commitment; like all the rest of us the Board is still Literally hundreds of employees have received computer training
learning about the impacts of that initiative on how we do our and attended mutual gains training.
LONG RANGE PLANNING. The County Board's long range
COFA HEARING. COFA's annual public hearing on its services planning initiative has touched all needed preliminary bases this
plan will be October 25 at the Salvation Army building. year. County employees, the general public, department heads
as a group, and soon middle managers as a group, have listed
YOU'RE NOT SUPERMAN. Mary Pat reported that Ted Merritt the "desirables" that make up their vision of the County's future.
is well on the mend after a terrifying and damaging fall. The Board will be using this information to develop a draft vision
statement -- if all goes as planned, around the end of year.
YOU'RE NOT EITHER. Scott reported that Judy Tynyk and
Kathleen Drew are also on the mend.
Scott reported that a new building security plan for the main by Louise McEwen, Personnel
Courthouse has been proposed by the State. A meeting to
describe it will be held on October 18 at 3:00 p.m. It is very possible that Wellness will take
Ergonomics training sessions have been held twice and responsibility for running the 1996 Spring Into Shape
more are scheduled soon. Program, and we'd like to have a logo for T shirts, tote
Countywide, mandated right -to -know training is being bags and other articles we might decide to use for
conducted by safety officers during September and October. It
will be briefer than last year. participants in Wellness programs. If you are interested in
creating a logo, submit your suggestion (either an original
or very good photocopy) to any member of the Wellness
I'M NOT OUT OF SHAPE Committee by November 20, 1995, and we will select the
I'M A PERFECT CIRCLE! winner... maybe the $10D prize will come in handy for
the holidays! We will limit this to County employees only.
r •
o .�ewp 4■' by Stuart W. Stein, Chairman, Board of Representatives
Whether it's a cat, a dog, a %C..� — 1 N _ When I was elected Board Chair in 1994, and
horse, or some people 0-'"' , again in January 1995, I prepared a statement of
find great companionship ° o u °, c° the many goals and objectives that I wanted to
i ti: .� owning a pet. If you have a achieve for County Government. In those statements, I
p et, we'd like to see it. In the emphasized that one of the high priority goals was to
O M . L�� 1 December issue of County involve all of our employees in finding ways to improve the
Corridors will be a section for delivery of services and management of our government.
_ !1.,, _i 1 your pets. Send us your It has been a little more than a year, now, that we
pictures (no bigger than 3x5 if activated and appointed members to the Partners for
possible), with the name of your pet. Pets in costume Quality (PFQ) Program for the County. While I am not a
would be great. Send them to Ruth Pond, Finance- member of the Leadership Council, I keep informed about
Purchasing, by interdepartment mail or to 125 East Court PFQ's progress from reports and discussions with Board
Street, Ithaca, NY 14850. Please do not send irreplaceable Members Mink and Evans, and by reading the committee's
photos. Send them by Friday, December 1 minutes. I have always seen this to be a process of
gradual restructuring of relationships and changing the
Did You Know?? ways in which we work together to provide County services
to our citizens. Recently I have had the occasion to
PMAIL ADDRESS BOOKS discuss the PFQ program with Tony Denmark and David
by Tom Heiden, DSS Chase, the heads of two of our employee unions, and
Pegasus mail, the network email (electronic mail) members of the Leadership Council. I assured them, and
program on which the County has standardized, supports I want to assure all of our County employees, that my
a feature called Address Books. commitment to the PFQ program is stronger than ever.
These contain listings of persons and their email I am pleased that the process appears to have now built
addresses, and can be either Private (created by, a strong foundation, and that the Leadership Council is
maintained by, and available to just one email user) or tackling several projects that will build a partnership
Shared (available to all email users with accounts on a between County staff, administrators and elected officials.
particular server.) Using Address Books makes � � .
addressing email to persons with accounts on other file m
servers much easier.
Information Services has created an Address Book Maybe I think too much, but doesn't
called COUNTY, a copy of which has been placed on the
server of each LAN (local area network) that can exchange calling it a "UFO" identify it?
mail with at least one other LAN. This address book
contains a listing of all the network accounts to and from
which persons on the LAN in question can send and
receive email. It will be updated and redistributed every A BURNING ISSUE
two weeks or so. Been trying to quit smoking? Join the thousands of
If you use DOS Pmail, access Address Books by Americans who have kicked the habit. A good day to start
pressing [F3]. In Pmail for the Mac, select <Address is the American Cancer Society's GREAT AMERICAN
Books> from the <Addresses> menu. SMOKEOUT on Thursday, November 16. Giving up the
Both methods of accessing Address Books are weed can be tough, especially if you've smoked for years.
available in Pmail for Windows. The first two weeks can be the hardest. Take it one day at
a time. You, instead of tobacco, can once again take
Time & Timing, charge of your life.
"Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each A FEW QUIT TIPS
human being has exactly the same number of hours and ...get rid of your cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters, and matches.
minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. ...change your routine. Notice the habits that go with
Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't smoking and do something different.
save time to spend another day. Even so, time is ._.Drink lots of liquids, except coffee and alcohol. They can
amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time trigger the desire to smoke.
you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire ...Keep healthy snacks handy such as fruit and vegetables,
tomorrow. Success depends on using it wisely by or try sugarless gum and mints.
planning and setting priorities. The fact is, time is worth ...When the urge hits, take a deep breath, hold it, and
more than money, and by killing time we are killing slowly release it. The urge will pass.
our own chances for success. GOOD LUCK!
- Dennis Waitley, The Jov of Working For more information, please call Sue Kilgore at the Health
Department: 274 -6710.
Liiii4040 GOLF RESULTS 0�.��
1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place 5th Place
Denny Fairchild, DSS Valeria Coggin, ASMT Gary McKay, HWY Judy Drake, M HLTH Bob Nicholas, AIRP
Frank Justice, PROB Don Franklin, ASMT Jim Hogan Amy Miller, M HLTH Bill Mohhs, P WOR
Joanne Conley Ed Hughes, ASMT Jamie Wright Ed Munson Bob Mastropaolo
David Chase, DSS Gary Bartz, ASMT Roger Hile, HWY Doug Hagin Jim Leana
6th Place 7th Place 8th Place 9th Place 10th Place
Craig Hopkins, ENG Marty Adams, HWY Daryl Avery, SHER Karen Bishop, P HLTH Scott Heyman, ADM
Jackie Kippola, ADM Ward Hungerford, HWY John Watkins, SHER Patty Stamm, P HLTH Linda Heyman
Jeanne Boodley, ENG Mark Edsall Tim Kessler, SHER Karl Stamm Suzi Cook, C ATTY
Ed Daily Don McEvoy Jeff Potter, SHER Ron Cotanch Tim Clive
11th Place 12th Place 13th Place 14th Place 15th Place
Melissa Lynch, M HLTH Tom Richardson, S WA Ed Hague, DSS Les Goehner, PROB Barbara Blanchard,BOR
Sharon Cooper, ASMT Jim Kazda, ENG Mike Armstrong, C SER Bill Apgar, PROB Katie White, PLAN
Deb Preston Tom Powers Fran Armstrong, FIN David Wolf, PROB Amy Gronlund, PLAN
Scott Hoffman BJ Boy M.Armstrong,Jr, S WA Dave Payne Tom Niederkorn
by Marilyn Strassberg, COFA
Jackie Yoder, DSS Lori Parker, FIN Currently the Caregivers Resource Center and Alzheimer's
Bob Slocum, COFA Chris Parker, B & G Demention Unit helps facilitate four support groups: an
Alzheimer's Support Group that meets at the Office for the Aging
Joan Curtis Kathy West, ADM bi- weekly, a Caregivers Group that meets monthly at Cooperative
King Stevens Lynn Watros, SHER Extension; an Eldercare Support Group that meets during the
academic year at Ithaca College; and a Support group for
Library Staff Recognized caregivers of adults with Developmental Disabilities.
by Janet Steiner, Library Director In addition, the Resource Center at the Office for the Aging is
Two Tompkins County Public Library staff considering helping to facilitate a new support group for
members received recognition from their peers for caregivers that would meet during the week at the Office for the
delivering outstanding customer service. Aging if there is sufficient interest. Please call Marilyn Strassberg,
Sandy Gilcott, Computer Operator/Technician, Caregiver Coordinator at 274 -5482 if you would be interested in
was cited for her willingness to help other staff either a new weekday support group or more information on any
members at a moment's notice, for being of the existing groups for Caregivers.
responsive, cheerful and conscientious, for Besides support groups, the Caregivers Resource Center
responding creatively to challenges and for her continues to offer free individual counseling and a library of books
warmth and friendliness. and videos on issues of concern to caregivers. Please call us if
Jane Dennis, Head of the Circulation Department, we can help!
was cited for her good listening skills, open -
mindedness, respect for others opinions, fairness, SENIOR HOUSING OPTIONS
and patience. Cooperative Extension's HOST (Housing Options for Seniors
Carole Kearns, library clerk, received the Today) Program is sponsoring an evening on "Shared Living
Crackerjack Award for best employee performance Residences for Seniors" on Thursday, November 2 at 7 p m. at
under stress. Cooperative Extension, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca. Mary Eleanor
Longevity awards for number of years went to Wall of Illinois has been invited to share her knowledge of how
Mary Nygaard, 25; Sandy Gilcott, 20; Shelley this works in her state. She oversees the operation of 5 such
Garvey, 15; Terry Harbin, 15; Marie Quick, 15; homes each housing from 4 to 7 independent persons, age 62
Marilyn Breen, 10; Nora Grimm, 10; Keith and older, who live in the style of an extended family. Call David
VanEtten, 5; David Verdery. 5_ Stoyell at the HOST Office located at COFA, 274 -5482 for more.
by Janet Steiner, Library Director
Access to the Internet is Due to limited space and Internet tutorials are designed for
now available at the Tompkins equipment, only one Internet those who have little or no exposure
County Public Library. Library workstation is available. to the Internet. Users will learn how
Director Janet Steiner announced Consequently the library may need to locate information on the Internet
today that library users will now be to limit a library user's time on the using Netscape. The Library is
able to use the Internet to find up to Internet. "We hope to expand our looking for volunteers who are
date information. "Public access Internet capability within the next familiar with Netscape and the
to the Internet at the library few months," Steiner said. Internet and who would be willing to
ensures that all citizens have Public access to the Internet is teach others. If you are interested,
equal access to the information supported by the Time Warner call Janet Steiner, Director, 272 -
superhighway." Cable Company and Tompkins 4557. Tutorials are scheduled in 30
Users may browse on the Internet County Data Processing, who jointly minute blocks on Monday
on a first -come, first -serve basis. sponsored the Internet for Kids afternoons, Tuesday evenings and
Access to the Internet is via user- project this past summer. That Saturday afternoons. Register in
friendly Netscape software. project enabled the library to speed person or by calling the Reference
Tutorials on using the Internet are up its public Internet service. Department at 272 -4556.
available at various times throughout Only 10 -15% of Public Libraries in
the week for those library users who the county are currently offering Experience enables you
have little or no experience with the public Internet access. Reference to recognize a mistake
Internet. Users 16 years of age and librarians are integrating the Internet when you make It again!
younger must have a signed into their reference service.
parental permission form on file.
by Diane Bradac, Director of TEDC
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October brings fun and frolic for the children at We "graduated "thirteen of sixteen "Panda Bears"
TEDC. They are busy exploring the Fall season: walking in August - our largest group ever! We've filled many of
in the woods, playing with the mud and hopping into the these openings, however a few remain. We have 4
fallen leaves, watching the squirrels and birds prepare for current full time openings for 3 and 4 year olds and 1
winter, taking the annual trip to the Pumpkin Farm (see opening for a waddler (18 - 26 months).
picture) and looking forward to the upcoming halloween The County continues to offer a 15% subsidy for
celebrations. childcare. Please call Diane or Ann at 273 -6785 for more
On Tuesday, October 31, we will once again be information or details. We'd be glad to acquaint you with
"trick or treating" through Biggs A and B. We'II come "a our program and give you a tour.
haunting" between 10 -11:30 a.m. To help ease the travel
arrangements and child exhaustion, we'd like to walk just Learning, Loving and Growing Together
one corridor (second floor) in Biggs A. First Impressions Make Lasting Impressions
Unclassifieds CHECK THEM OUT!
For Sale: New additions to the Healthy Heart/Health Promotion Library
SOFABED - King size Lazy Boy. Green, are yours for browsing or borrowing.
burgundy and beige plaid. Like new. 273-
8220 after 5 p.m. Molly Elmo, Retired. New Books:
► Fitness Walking by Therese Iknoian
Nintendo game system with 20 games. • Nolan Ryan Fitness Guide
Asking $150 OBO. CaII Cindy, 277- Step by Step Eating to Lower Your High
1106 from 8 -11 a.m. or 5 -7 p.m. Blood Cholesterol
► Strength Training for Women by James & Susan Peterson
Exercise Bike in good condition: $30 Healthwise Quantity Cookbook
negotiable. Also Stair Stepper (practically
new) for $85 negotiable. Call 273 -4366. Videos:
► Smart Exercise by Covert Bailey
Full size refrigerator (brown) and gas • Take it Off, Keep it Off by Dr. Ulene (with companion book)
stove (white): $40 each OBO. Both work The Real Scoop about Diet & Exercise
fine. CaII Anne 387 -9073.
If you're looking for up -to -date information on healthy eating,
exercise and other current topics, chances are you will find it in our
Energy Saver Hot Water Tank $45 OBO. library.
Weight Bench & Weights $40 OBO. Two Your calls are welcomed by trained personnel at the Healthy
10 Speed Bikes $50 OBO. 277 -8702. Heart/Health Promotion Program. You can get suggestions on how
to choose and prepare delicious low -fat foods, selecting exercise to
Personnel Personals fit your life- style, advice on how to stop smoking, or how to set up
a blood pressure clinic. Presentations to groups can also be
Congratulations: arranged.
to Sharon Cooper, Assessment and John So, come check us out at the Health Department between 8:30
Cooper, Building & Grounds, on the birth a.m. - 4:30 p.m. M -F at 401 Harris B. Dates Drive, Ithaca. Please
of their granddaughter Megan Denise call ahead to either Theresa Lyzcko or Sue Kilgore at 274 -6710.
born September 25th - 6 lbs. 12 ozs.
new employee, Mary Mills, Senior OCTOBER 28
Account Clerk Typist, in the Accounting HOT LINE 1-800-416-3824
Department at Assessment
Thank you to: Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
the many folks who took time to say nice and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
things about our Grandparents issue. will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
these ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to
The County Corridors Board Corridors c/o Finance- Purchasing. Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
Don't forget...
Daylight savings time begins Sunday October 29.
Set your clocks BACK one hour.
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the
v olunteer editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and
�'�=• ;`� 4;;IL
retirees. Material is solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
tie* Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
�1���+11+'' to edit any submissions. The editorial board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social
(� Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment; Iretta Ellis, Data Processing; Scott
`�+' Heyman, County Administrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Ruth Pond, (Editor), • -'� Finance-Purchasing; Marilyn Strassberg, Office for the Aging; and Judy Tyn
9: Y 9, 9 9 Y k, Y Y
r r,m. r r• ) ' (Chair), Weights and Measures.
Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
"T love my new computer. It even has a spell checker." Corridors, c/o Finance- Purchasing, 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.