HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09 A N ewsletter for
Em Io ees and Retirees
... I County
of Tompkins o y
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irr Volume 8 Number 9
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- Dean Eckstrom, Director, Computer Services with
The Information Services department (Data Processing) will be installing the new network server to replace the old "Main
Frame." The new system is several times faster than the old, it has the same overall disk capacity and the memory is four
times larger. The old system cost the County $400,000 in 1989. The new system is going to cost approximately $30,000
exclusive of software. Take a look at the size difference in the pictures above.
UP WITH THE BIRDS by Jackie Yoder,DSS AaaCHOO: Is it the Flu?
I woke up with the birds this morning. Figuratively by Karen Bishop, Health Dept.
speaking. It was 5 a.m. and I could hear them singing Yes, it could be. Flu season is fast approaching! Your
outside greeting the new day. I was filled with energy and best defense is to get a flu shot. Mark your calendar for a
wanted to do something. I thought I might go for a walk or flu shot in October. These clinics are being offered by the
do some aerobics. Exercising is great for reducing stress, Tompkins County Health Department. There will be NO
and after all, it is budget season. Then I had a better SPECIAL CLINIC for county employees. The first clinic
idea. I took a cup of flavored coffee outside, sat down and is October 4 at Ithaca High School from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m.
just listened. I could hear a cardinal proclaiming he was And the last one is October 26 at the Senior Citizens
king in the large spruce trees. A chipmunk was chiruping Center from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. Identify yourself as a county
nearby. The phoebes joined in. employee to clinic staff and pay $2.50 for the flu shot.
We've been lucky this year. We've had cardinals, Wellness Committee will pay for half ($2.50) per county
goldfinches, blue jays and an occasional rose - breasted employee. Senior citizen /retired county employees will
grossbeak at our feeders all summer. It's a spectacular be required to bring their Medicare card to clinic this
sight - one many people only see on Christmas cards. This year for billing Medicare part B. There are 12 clinics and
morning the chickadees were first at the feeders. you are welcome at any of them.
It was a wonderously cool morning. Dawn gradually For questions about the flu, the flu vaccine or clinic dates
became daylight. Soon I heard raindrops on the patio roof, and times, call the Health Department at 274 -6616.
but that didn't stop the chickadees. They know a good
thing when they see it! And, so do I. You can attend all
the stress - reduction training you want to but l'd rather October is BREAST CANCER
just get up with the birds! AWARENESS month (See page 7)
The 1996 County Budget by Scott Heyman, County Administrator
For the last three months I have tried to paint a picture for I have recommended over $1.9 million in spending for 1996,
employees and retirees of the County budget and how it works. more than a 9% increase over 1995. This is a major increase.
Every year when the nights turn colder the "real thing" comes Most notably I am recommending $800,000 in increased funding
along -- a new proposed County budget is put out on the table. for roads and bridges. I believe the County Board is prepared to
The 1996 County budget follows on the heels of four years of stop the process of deterioration of this basic part of the
intensely difficult fiscal problems; the "low light" of these four community's infrastructure and of its economic base.
years, as described in my previous columns, has been the Other major changes include $140,000 in funding to sustain
staggering growth of the costs of Class A mandates: Social Mental Health programs in the face of State cutbacks and more
Service programs, education of preschool handicapped children, than $100,000 in increases for Buildings and Grounds which
and legal defense of indigents. cannot pay its electricity and gas bills with the amounts that the
But the current (slow) economic recovery is providing welcome Board has allocated to it in recent years.
relief from welfare program costs, revenues are up and costs I am recommending that a considerable number of agencies
down in the handicapped children's program, and legal defense and departments continue to live with less than they need and
costs have not continued their upward spiral. Coupled with are accustomed to, in order to free up the funds for catch -up in
unexpected growth in the County's reserves because of what I believe the County Board views as critical areas.
underspending in these same accounts last year we have an
"easy" budget to deal with for 1996. So even an "easy" budget includes a full plate of difficult
The fact that I recommended no increase in County property choices.
taxes has already received considerable attention. I believe that
our overall fiscal situation makes an increase unnecessary. Warmest wishes for a
Some will undoubtedly argue that our positive financial picture speedy and complete
makes a decrease possible, and others have already said that recovery to Ted Merritt,
we should enact a small increase in the name of stability from
year to year and in order to position ourselves even better for ` Judy Tynyk, and Kathleen
hard times ahead. Both arguments can and will be made with �� Drew. Our thoughts and
validity, as can mine. prayers are with you.
t o II Recycle
1. Scott reported on all actions taken by the Board of 5. Dean Eckstrom reported that most departments are now
Representatives on July 25 on midyear budget changes in networked by computer and some are hooked up to the Internet.
response to the State budget and on reappropriation (rollover) of Dean will notify departments of their Internet addresses as they
departmental funds from 1994 into the 1995 or 1996 budget. are linked to the system.
2. Kathy West provided a schedule of dates for review of 6. Alice Cole asked any department heads who have not yet
department budget requests. Department heads said they responded to her memo on the status of employees' risk ratings
wanted to be sure that the Board understands how arduous was for Bloodborne Pathogens to do so right away. She also
the process of complying with the Board's mandate to provide announced the 25 year employee Carl Burgess' retirement party
budget requests and information in a completely new format, the would be held August 31.
third time in five years that this has been the case. 7. Scott reported that:
3. Nancy Zahler provided an update on employee training It is absolutely critical and required that all employees and the
offerings and on plans for these for the upcoming year. In public vacate buildings promptly during fire drills.
particular she highlighted that nearly 200 employees attended The current fiscal policy continues to allow department heads
mutual gains training recently offered by Bernie Flaherty. to ask for and receive contingent fund reimbursement for the cost
She reported that at the meeting on September 13 from 2:00 of replacing employees who are out of work due to illness or
to 4:30 Ipek Kursat will facilitate a meeting at which department injury for more than two months.
heads' vision of the future of Tompkins County will be explored Any department head who receives a complaint from a
and articulated. member of the public or from an employee should under no
4. Irene Stein reported on the Leadership Council. She said a circumstances reveal the name of the complaining party to the
logo has been selected and refined. individual being complained against except with the complaining
COFA and Planning Departments will be joining the Partners party's permission. This can expose citizens with complaints to
for Quality effort in September through Quality in Daily Work Life anonymous, harassing responses.
training, and the three departments of Administration, Attorney, The early retirement window was recently reopened briefly and
and Board of Representatives will be doing so as soon as two employees were able to jump through.
training resources allow. Department heads agreed to continue for one year the practice
of charging back to all departments the cost of cablecasting
A COMPUTER'S ATTENTION SPAN IS AS County Board meetings. This practice will be recommended to
be discontinued, and the costs paid through the County Board's
LONG AS ITS POWER CORD! own budget, next year.
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CVat4 ma / eli a free MAMMOGRAM
Eligibility Requirements:
• over age 40
♦ no, insurance coverage, limited coverage or off -year Medicare
• no symptoms
• have never had a mammogram
Call 607 - 274 -4500 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday
sponsored by : TOMPKINS COUNTY BREAST HEALTH PARTNERSHIP which includes County Office for the Aging.
They're working together to prevent breast cancer in our community!
Ithaca Breast Cancer Alliance Walkathon Registration Form
Saturday October 21, 1995 Come join us! Show your support for the fight against breast cancer.
Bring your friends and co- workers and enjoy the walk and the rally. Please ask for a minimum donation of $5.00 for walking all or
part of the three - and -a -half mile course. Checks should be made payable to Ithaca Breast Cancer Alliance and sent to IBCA, PO
Box 853, Ithaca, NY 14851. Please write Walkathon on the front of all checks. Registration at the Center Pavilion on the
Commons at 12:30, Walk from 1:00 to 2:30, Rally on the Commons from 2:30 to 3:30.
Is there a group of co- workers or people in your organization who would like to walk together? You can carry a sign to
identify your group if you like. Please duplicate this registration form as needed for group members.
Name List Your Sponsors here
Address Sponsors' Names Amt. Pledged Amt. Rec'd
City/State/Zip $ $
Phone: home / work
Do you need any special assistance? Please specify
$ $
I am unable to participate in the Walkathon, but would like to $ $
make a donation of $ to Ithaca Breast Cancer
Alliance. (Please send your contribution to IBCA, PO Box 853, $ $
Ithaca, NY 14851.)
$ $
For more information or to volunteer your help please contact
Andi Gladstone at the IBCA office -277 -9410. My own pledge $ $
by Nancy Zahler, Leadership Council • reduce the unnecessary interruptions related to phones
The DSS Coordinating Committee comprised of an equal
number of labor and management representatives has decided not rely on the main switchboard for its success, and
to begin implementing the quality initiative in the Services should lessen the reliance on the switchboard, if
Division. Service employees were asked to identify the work possible
processes which make it difficult to provide quality services to
their internal and external customers. Based on the survey should be implemented without hiring additional staff,
responses, the Coordinating Committee selected a pilot project and the team should keep in mind current financial
which will "develop the most efficient and effective process constraints when they propose solutions.
for answering and routing incoming phone calls in the
services division." Since calls to the Services Division often Sharon VanEtten, Kathy Wilsea, Cherri Hartman, Andrew Timm,
involve the health and safety of the most vulnerable members of Nancy Tee, Beth Jolles, Donna Whitaker will serve on the
our community, this project is a concrete and important way to department's first quality team. The team members will get
improve the quality of County services. What do they mean by started with an all day training session in early September.
an efficient and effective process? For this team, it means that Maryanne Banks, Penny VanShoick and Jackie Yoder will
within 6 months the team will recommend an improved process provide support to the team throughout the data collection,
which: analysis and recommendation stages of the project to assure the
• will allow the public and other DSS units to reach who project's success. GO TEAM!
they want in services with as few transfers as possible ............................:..................................:.............. ...............................
Unclassifieds Personnel Personals
For Sale: Thank you:
1990 14x70 Mobile Home. Excellent -to employees and Department Heads for bouquets, phone
condition. Comes with many extras. calls and visits while I was in TCH. I hope to be back on
Call 532 -4488 for details. the job soon. Judy Tynyk, Weights & Measures
Black Cowboy boots - brand new.
Women's size 8 &1/2. Paid over $200 - -to the Communications Committee of the Leadership
asking $50. Tags attached - still in box. Council for the logo prize money of $250 and the honor of
Call Shannon Doucett, 533 -4060. winning. Ruth Pond, Finance - Purchasing
Leer Truck Cap off '82 Jeep Pickup:
w= 62 "; length= 97 &1/2 ". Extra height GOOD JOB KELLIE
27 ". Good shape - $100. 273 - 1700. The following editorial which appeared in "The Ithaca Journal" on
September 12, 1995, is reflective of all the hard work and dedication of
SPEEDY RECOVERY Kellie Henehan, Personnel. Kellie has "engineered" this program and
Get well wishes to Ted Merritt, DSS, who was resulting municipal cooperation almost single - handedly and we thank her.
injured in a fall and is in Strong Memorial Hospital, 1 ° On the consolidation front
601 Elmwood Ave., Floor 5 -1400, Room 15A
Rochester, NY 14642. Why not send a card? Real consolidation efforts between local governments are in their
infancy. The smallest moves can be painstaking, while talk about
Recreation Sub - Committee consolidating the city and Town of Ithaca in the future seems almost
radical. But progress is being made and should be noted.
of the Vending Committee Tonight, the Town of Ulysses Board will vote on a new county-
Our July trip to Boston was wonderful. Twenty- wide consortium. It's tied to the Omnibus Employee Testing Act of
six people were able to attend and witness a 1991 that will implement drug testing for commercial drivers license
humpback whale right off the back of our boat holders at the start of the new year. Ulysses would join the county,
"showing off' her baby for us. We also enjoyed a city, villages and its sister townships in a collective, cost - sharing
lobster bake, learned the proper way to open a effort and choose a third party administrator to oversee everyone's
lobster (front row got a lobster- juice bath), did program.
some site - seeing and shopping in Boston and We encourage efficiency like this. The savings might not be huge
even had a few minutes to spend in the hotel pool. in any one joint project, but a number of efforts will add up. The
Our August trip to Hershey was enjoyed by the public wants this kind of approach to government because it is
35 people who went. what's expected in the private sector. The days of 12 plans for one
Our October 10 trip to the Buffalo Bills /NY Jets program should become a thing of the past."
has a few available seats. Cost is $35 /seat.
We also have a few seats available for our
November 11 bus trip to the Franklin Mills Outlet
Mall. Cost is $5 per person. Big hit last year! FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS
The dinner cruise on Captain Bill's on Seneca Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
Lake was terrific and enjoyed by 96 people. Even and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
the weather cooperated (knock on wood!!). will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in
these ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to
We are getting ready to plan for next year Corridors Go Finance- Purchasing. Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
and are ready for your requests. Please
contact Leighann at the Health Department.
E -mail = Public_Health /Leighann Baldwin.
Thursday, October 12, from 10 a.m. to 12 Noon,
at the Senior Citizen's Council, Optometrist Dr COUNTY CORRIDORS
Wallace and Audiologist Mike Pitchel will talk, Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the
volunteer editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and
show helpful equipment, and answer questions retirees. Material is solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
pertaining to sight and hearing problems. To Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
register for this workshop, call the Senior Citizen's to edit any submissions. The editorial board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social
Council, 273 -1511. This workshop will be very Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment; Iretta Ellis, Data Processing; Scott
Heyman, County Administrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Ruth Pond, (Editor),
helpful for anyone who has problems with vision or Finance- Purchasing; Marilyn Strassberg, Office for the Aging; and Judy Tynyk,
hearing loss. It is co- sponsored by the Finger (Chair), Weights and Measures.
Lakes Independence Center, Caregivers Resource Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
Center of COFA and the Senior Citizens Center. Corridors, c/o Finance- Purchasing, 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.