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N A Newsletter for
Employees and Retirees
1 l E.
,i I o f Tompkins County
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Volume 8 Number 6
THERE OUGHT TO HE A LA I4( b Judy Tynyk, Director, Weights and Measures
You've worked hard all week and all you really want to do is go
home, put your feet up and relax. But, before you can do that,
you have to stop at the supermarket and pick up a few things. As 6, ' '�l 1 / , z ^';',2,4',1. � T " ",k0
you quickly scan through the store's sale flier, you spot some � ' " '" ,,
items on sale that aren't on your list, but you decide to purchase `r<
• them anyway in order to take advantage of the advertised L, 0 r ih „ +;
savings. jl
The first sale item you put into your cart is a 32 fl. oz. bottle of
Glass Plus. The regular price is $1.99: the sale price is $1.79; a
savings of $ .20.
Sale item number two is a 10 oz. can of Planters Mixed Nuts :
regularly selling for $4.49. Today it's on sale for $3.29, a savings i '"Y
11 ,
f $1.20. ,„, ?'
Purchase number three is a 64 fl. oz. bottle of Wisk on sale for
$3.79. That's $1.10 less than the regular price of $4.89. 1
As you head for the checkout, you're patting yourself on the ft ', hk
back. After all you've just saved $2.50! As the clerk scans your A
purchases, the expression on your face changes from one of (�
satisfaction to one of shock as you watch your $2.50 windfall go Weights and measures tolerance vs. scanner error
out the window - all three of your sale items scanned at the
regular price. the label to within the MAV. However, Weights and Measures
You're one of the lucky shoppers because you were paying has no authority at this time, to protect consumers from pricing
attention, caught the mistake and pointed it out to the clerk who overcharges by computer- assisted checkout systems even
then corrected the mistake. You leave the store feeling though their mistakes equate to a much more substantial dollar
vindicated because you have your $2.50 savings in your pocket. loss for the consumer.
Unfortunately, unless the clerk points out the mistake to the Let's go back and look at one of the sale items from a Weights
management, and the management takes the necessary steps to and Measures point of view and compare the package checking
see that the mistake is corrected in the computer- assisted tolerance to the scanner error: the 32 fl. oz. bottle of Glass Plus
checkout system, you can go back again tomorrow and purchase is allowed an MAV of 0.6 fl. oz. or 1.9% tolerance, which at the
the same three sale items and the same thing will happen again - unit price of $1.79/gt. equals $ .03 (A in photo); the $.20
they will scan at the regular price, not just for you, but for overcharge by the scanner is equivalent to a shortage of 3.6 fl.
everyone who buys any or all of these products. It this happens oz. or 11.2% of the labeled contents (B in photo).
to be a chain store, these items are scanning incorrectly in all If a consumer takes something from a store without paying for
the stores in the chain. Your $2.50 savings just became a it, it's called shoplifting and it's a crime. If a computer- assisted
major windfall for the chain because, unlike you, most shoppers checkout system takes something from the consumer, such as
don't watch the indicator at the register to see what price they are the savings they are entitled to because an item is on sale, it's
actually being charged, or if they do see a mistake, they don't called a mistake.
speak up. I think that the real mistake is that in New York State no one,
When Weights and Measures does Package Control (checks not even Weights and Measures, has the authority to inspect
the net contents of the package), very specific procedures are and test scanners in order to take official action against a store
followed and packages are held to a specific tolerance (Maximum forcing them to maintain a high level of accuracy on these
Allowable Variance) based on the net contents stated on the devices. Until someone is given the authority, maybe they should
label. When a specified number of packages in the lot" tested be called "scammers."
exceeds the MAV or the average error of the lot is a negative (Note: The 3 items mentioned in the article were sale items
error, then Weights and Measures can take official action to have
the product removed from the sale.
purchased by Dennis Abbey, Director of Weights and Measures,
Steuben County, and all 3 items did scan at the regular prices.
Weights and Measures can protect the consumer by checking Director Abbey did a comparison, Weights & Measures tolerance
packages to ensure that they contain the net contents stated on vs. scanner error, on all 3 items.)
THE BUCK STOPS HERE: Understanding County Finances and the County Budget
For the next few months, this column is going to focus on County finances.
This is an important subject for County In Tompkins County the "average" taxpayer
employees and the public to understand. Yet, few owns a house and lot with an assessed value of
do. about $100,000. This taxpayer will pay $499 to
The subject is a simple one: anyone who Tompkins County for property taxes this year.
knows what money is and who can add and subtract Is this a lot? Nearly all would say yes. It is
could understand it. But it is a complicated one in much lower than other New York State counties;
that there are a lot of little pieces of information to only 10 counties in the state have county property
keep in mind to understand the bigger picture. taxes lower than ours. Some are two and one half
This month I'm going to describe total County times as high.
spending and total revenues. In July, I'm going to But the property tax "bite" in this state is
write about the various County departments, how much higher than in other states and all property
their financial pictures differ from one another, how taxes, including Tompkins County's, have been
they are required to manage their money, what rising much faster than inflation since the early
happens when things go well, and when they go 1980s.
wrong. Finally in August, I'm going to try to explain So just as private businesses feel the
the most complex and influential aspects of County pressure of competition from other companies, we
finances: the impact of sales tax receipts, mandated feel the pressure from taxpayers to let them keep
expenses, the fund balance, and debt management. some of their money for other uses. Since the
Please send me questions as these columns recession of 1991 arrived, that pressure has become
appear and I'll try to answer them. much stronger.
During 1995, Tompkins County government That same average taxpayer pays an 8%
is scheduled to spend $85 million; by law it must sales tax on taxable items. An estimate is that that
operate with a balanced budget, so revenues are will amount to about $1,900 for a family earning
also scheduled to equal $85 million. $50,000 per year. The state collects all of it and
The charts below show some of the ways keeps half, or about $950. Tompkins County
that spending and revenues are divided. govemment will receive a little over a quarter of it, or
The great majority of residents and taxpayers about $500. And the city, village, and /or town that
have busy lives and usually don't pay a great deal of the family lives in will receive about $450.
attention to County government. But when they do, One other County charge has captured the
there are two subjects that hold their interest: local public's attention in recent years, the Solid Waste
taxes, and any proposals to cut services that affect Annual Fee. That same homeowning individual or
them directly. family paid $62 this year for this. Again, are
Local taxes in the County budget primarily Tompkins County solid waste costs high? They are
means real property taxes and sales taxes. significantly higher than other states where anti-
pollution efforts are years behind New York's, and
average to low compared to other New York State
NEXT MONTH: How departments manage their budgets.
1995 Adopted Budget -- Appropriations 1995 Adopted Budget -- Revenues
(6.0%) Debt Service (11.5 %) Federal Ad (0.2 %) General Fund Appropriation
(24.9 %) Pa (21.6 %) Sales Tax
(24.5 %) Contracts & Supplies - Other "'
(20.6 %) Slate Aid r- — r
- ' (0.9%) Equipment s
= — (1.9 %)Airport Fees
(5.8 %) Fringes i
' ( I I I (9.6%) Other Fees
(2.1 %) Highway Supplies. Bridges, & Town Services J (3.1%) Service Contracts
� ii
(6.6 %) Health Related fees
(7.4 %) Professional Services X11 (11I) (7.5%) Sold Waste Fees
(25.4 %) Social Services Programs (20 5%) Properly Tax
An UPDATE! on Partners for Quality
by Ipek Kursat and Barbara Mink
Our Partners for Quality Initiative(PFQ) is in its infancy,
but growing fast! Here is the first of our UPDATE!s on - developed a Labor - Management Partnership
what is happening with the initiative now and what we're agreement
planning for the rest of the year. - developed a process for setting goals with
First, some thoughts on what PFQ is and what it isn't the Board, county employees, and the public
The quality approach means that if we analyze the way we - developed methods for departments to improve
do our daily work, keeping in mind the needs and ideas of internal communications, better utilize employee
everyone who is involved, we can come up with a better suggestions, and collaboratively manage job
way of working. That means it will take Tess time and performance.
money, fewer "go rounds" with checks and approvals, and • The "Contracts Team ", our first interdepartmental
the result is a more efficient and effective workplace. project, has started streamlining the contracts
PFQ is not about layoffs or downsizing - it is about process. They have identified specific goals and
finding ways to provide more and better service success indicators, tracked the time it takes for
PFQ is not a way to make sure everyone is happy contracts to move through the approcal process,
all the time - but is a way to give more power and and are ready to start talking with their customers
responsibility to the people doing the work to see how to improve the process.
PFQ will not eliminate supervisory responsibilities • We have begun implementing PFQ in the
or decision making - but it will make sure the departments of Public Works and Social Services.
people affected have input and understand the Public Works has chosen Buildings and Grounds
whys of those decisions as its pilot site; DSS is piloting in the Services
PFQ will not change people's personalities - but it Division. Coordinating Committees in both
will give people tools for dealing more effectively departments are now asking for employee
with each other and with challenges that arise. suggestions to identify work processes which
Now for some specifics: could use streamlining.
• The Leadership Council, which oversees the • The Office for the Aging will join in September. By
process, is the first policy- making body in our the end of this year, one more large department or
history where administration, board members, two more small departments will also have begun.
management and labor unions have worked With our resources, we expect to be able to
together to create a new work environment to accomodate one small department every quarter,
benefit everyone. So far the Leadership Council or one additional large department every six
has: months. This way, every department will have
- selected pilot departments to begin implementing joined PFQ within three years.
PFQ In a quality work environment many things will change for
- worked out the specifics for coordinating the better, and many challenges will be exactly the same.
implementation in departments Partners for Quality is an attempt to find the right balance
- arranged orientation sessions and training in so everyone can be proud of the work they do and the
leadership, facilitation and project team work organization they work for.
by Frank Croteau, Employee Safety and Health Coordinator
The Health Department conducted fire extinguisher .x.
on May 23, 1995. This training is required by g Y � 9 q
trainin . ��V�. �� �,
OSHA standards before any employee can use a fire k a� �� u;
extinguisher to put our an incipient fire. n 41(14 .
Note: Incipient Fire is defined as a fire which is
in the initial or beginning stage and which " , _ _
can be controlled by the use of a portable "° ' " -N
fire extinguisher without the need for�'� s ��h
protective clothing or breathing apparatus.
Training was conducted by LT Wheaton of the Ithaca Fire
Department and Carl Nyberg from G & H Extinguisher Alice Cole putting out a fire with an ABC extinguisher
Service. They did an excellent job and all 24 employees photo by sigrid Kerr, Director of Patient Services
who participated actually got to put out a Class B liquid fire.
The mighty leader of the pack, i.e. Alice Cole, Public If you want to schedule training for your department or division,
Health Director, is shown here putting out her fire. it has contact Carl Nyberg at 273-6580. Cost is $50 plus you have to
been said many times that she sure knows how to put pay for recharging of the fire extinguishers that were used. Total
cost will probably not exceed $100, but please call Carl to confirm
out a fire and she finally got caught in the act. this price.
Summary of actions taken and items discussed: full minutes are available from department heads.
May 10, 1995 May 24, 1995
1. EMPLOYEE SAFETY AND HEALTH Board of Reps member Tim Joseph reported on current
Current policy was reviewed. Special emphasis planning for the County's public information program. In the
was put on the need for Safety Officers to communicate past, television cablecasts have been used extensively.
back to department heads and other staff, and for all staff to This will decrease somewhat and resources will be directed
seek out Safety Officers. instead toward attempts to make the public aware of what
Safety policies adopted by the labor /management they actually receive for their tax and fee dollars.
safety committee are binding on all departments and all
employees, so this communication role of management staff Sue Kilgore, Health Department Clinical Nurse, described
and Safety Officers is especially critical. a tobacco education program that her department is now
Several department heads described their providing. (Info - 274 -6710)
frustration when indoor air problems are identified and
solutions take a tong time. Scott said that all serious indoor Scott provided an update on the employee safety and health
air problems are addressed quickly, often on the spot; program. Defensive driving training has recently been
situations that cause only annoyance or discomfort, and that provided for 84 employees. Slots were allocated on a
require major expenditures to fix, will of course take longer priority basis, with employees who drive the most receiving
and department heads should help employees to top priority. Training for employees in office ergonomics will
understand this. soon be offered.
2. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS There was substantial discussion of the Budget committee's
Aurora Valenti updated the group on the work of the proposal for 1996 budget review. Alice Cole, Irene Stein,
Motor Vehicle task force. and Jim Hanson reported that:
Jim Hanson reported that three major community
development block grants have been approved. The committee is recommending no cost of living
increase in base budgets so that, during the process of
3. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT reviewing departments' special requests for added funding,
Scott reported that the County Board had approved some real priority setting can take place.
the early retirement program, and department heads need The committee is considering recommending that
to make their recommendations on the positions that can be departments be able to plan for the future by holding their
included without harming the work of the department. own funds that are unspent at year -end in some sort of
There was extensive discussion of the Budget reserve status.
committee's recommendation that no cost of living increase The committee is asking that Scott provide more
be included in fiscal targets, but that special requests be detailed recommendations on departmental requests.
welcomed. Scott explalined that the Board sees this as a Department heads presented their written
way to establish priorities. Department heads feel that the objections to the zero cost of living increase proposal and to
lack of agreed -upon criteria for priority setting will make a the lack of a rational system with stated priorities for
political free - for -all, with employees' jobs at stake, a likely reviewing special requests to the committee, and the
outcome. committee has promised a written response.
ULTIMATE OFFICE AUTOMATION Irene Stein reported that two or three smaller departments
will be joining the Partners for Quality initiative soon, in
NETWORKED COFFEE addition to the Social Services and Public Works
David Boyd, ITCTC wants you to know that you can Have you ever encountered an error at the
now obtain Ithaca Transit passes/tokens in the offices of supermarket checkout due to the scanner? The
the Ithaca - Tompkins County Transportation Council, Corridors Board would like to hear from you if you
located with the Planning Department in the Old Court have. If you do not pay a lot of attention when you're
House, 121 East Court Street. Please see Teresa Linde checking out, we'd like to challenge for assistance, 9 you to watch 9 Y
and compare prices. We think if you don't use
MADNESS TAKES ITS TOLL your eyes, you could pay through the nose!
PLEASE HAVE EXACT CHANGE Send your comments and findings to Judy Tynyk,
Weights and Measures. Use the interdepartmental
mail. We'II let you know the results without names.
Scott Heyman asked the County Corridors Board why we rarely have controversial articles in our newsletter. The answer
was simple - no one ever submits any, possibly because they fear retribution. Scott answered that this would not happen. So,
feel free to submit articles to the County Corridors Board that may go "against the grain" and we will consider them for
publication. We w!!l not, however, publish personal attacks. The Editorial Board
The opinions and views expressed in these articles do not necessarily represent those of the County Corridors Editorial Board.
I'd Rather Have A Say Ms. Ellis' assertion that non union employees will not be
Iretta Ellis expressed a union related concern in the May allowed to participate in any decision making processes is
issue of County Corridors to which I feel compelled to incorrect! In fact, decision making at the employee (labor)
respond. level is one of the corner stones of a successful quality
I have always subscribed to the theory that one has the initiative. Day to day work units made up of union and non
right if not the obligation to affect change. Thus, if I felt union employees will be participating in shared decision
there was a need for change I pursued along the avenue making.
available to me to affect that change. Voting on issues that It is true that the labor portion of the PFQ Coordinating
concern me is an example. I can not, in all good Committees must be appointed by the authorized
conscience, complain about an election or a school budget representative body i.e. Sheriffs Assoc., CSEA,
if I don't take the opportunity to vote. I also tend to get Confidential, Management, Etc. These committees must
involved with committees of interest so that I can - again - deal with issues including but not limited to release time,
have the opportunity to affect change. gainsharing potential, performance management, Human
However, these opportunities would not be available to Resources etc. It is therefore imperative that from CSEA's
me if I were not eligible to participate i.e. vote (because I standpoint as legal representative of the White Collar Unit
registered) or serve on committees (If I were not a town or that members of these committees also be union members
district resident and/or property tax payer.) who can be authorized to act on behalf of CSEA.
The point is, if one wishes to be part of the process that
affects change, one should be willing to be part of the
organization (s) that is authorized to make changes.
I can't help but wonder why an employee who must, by David A. Chase
law, contribute dues would choose not to join the union. In
doing so they also choose not to be entitled to many of the
union benefits. These benefits include the not -so-
insignificant right to have a say (affect change) in the union President, CSEA
process. White Collar Unit
Volunteers are asked to serve two Archery Baseball
4 hour shifts. The games will be Basketball Bowling
ob Nicholas, Airport held at Cornell University, Ithaca Boxing Canoe /Kayaking
Manager sent us a memo which he College, Cortland State and Owego. Cycling Fencing
sent to all Airport staff concerning The needs include help with Field Hockey Gymnastics
the Empire State Games being held scorekeeping, faxing results back to Ice Hockey Judo
in Ithaca this year. Albany, chasing baseballs, parking Lacrosse Shooting
Volunteers are needed to assist cars, selling souvenirs, and helping Soccer Softball
with all events. He suggests that if at the information booths and Tennis Track & Field
you have some time to give, you concession stands. Many of the Volleyball Watersports
should contact Jeff Gargiulo at sporting events also needing help Weightlifting Wrestling
257 -8500. are listed in the next column.
Owasco Lake properties. Parcel 1: Cottage on a
Marilyn Strassberg, COFA, and husband one acre with 100' lake frontage; Parcel 2: one acre
Richard, proud grandparents of a grandson with 90' lake frontage.
born to son Michael and his wife Lisa. The Call Jim Strehle 315 -497 -0613.
baby's name is Noah.
THANK YOU TO: AKC -OFA Golden Retriever puppies will be ready to
go June 25th. Females $350, Males $300. Call
Jan Aneshansley who left her position in the Laurie or Robert 546 -6276 evenings.
Healthy Heart Program June 9. Thanks, Jan,
for all your good work on the Wellness Queen size waterbed: 8 tube softsider w /split box
Committee and your work on the employee springs and steel 6 leg frame. Uses conventional
blood pressure clinics. We appreciate your very queen sheets. Asking $200. Call Russ 589 -6494.
real interest in good health for all County
employees and residents. Good luck in your For sale for parts: '81 Chevy Luv truck with diesel
future endeavors - we'll miss you. engine, standard transmission. $250. Call after
6 p.m. - Don 659 -4704 or Marleta 642 -8432.
the Vending Committee for the bagels and
cream cheese enjoyed by County employees on FREE:
May 31 for Employee Recognition Day! Grey tiger kittens with white "boots ": litter trained;
8 weeks old; 1 male, 1 female. 532 -9361
LITERACY VOLUNTEERS Older Pick -up truck. Some repair OK. Please call
by Denise Lentini 387 -3583 and leave message.
Literacy Volunteers of Tompkins County, Inc. Is TQM seeks PFQ for long term mutually satisfying
an independent, not for profit organization which relationship. If interested, contact the Corridors
provides adults 18 and over with free, Board.
confidential help to improve reading, writing and
English proficiency skills. Adult learners are
matched with trained volunteer tutors. Each FOR RENT:
partnership meets for two hours a week to work 2 Bedroom Trailer - Unfurnished - No pets -
on goals set by the adult learner. The focus is Mecklenburg area - on 40 acres. Call 387 -5453.
on helping the learner attain real -life skills such
as getting a drivers license, writing up work ATTENTI O N 1 1 1 1 1 1 f
order, or helping children with school work. The
primary objective of the organization is to help The Recreation Committee is thrilled to offer a last minute bus trip to
those adults of the community whose literacy HERSHEY PARK
skills are at a basic level. on August 19. We will be staying overnight at the Hershey Lodge.
We welcome new volunteers as well as adult The cost is $80 per adult (based on double occupancy) and $20 for
learners. Tutor trainings of 21 hours occur children under 18, sharing a room with 2 adults. Deadline for
periodically during the year, usually in the fall reservations is JULY 3. Call Leighann, 274 -6674 to reserve space.
and early spring. Learners are accepted into the
program all year round. Please call 277 -6442
from 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. for more information. COUNTY CORRIDORS
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the
volunteer editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County
BUDGET: A method for employees and retirees. Material is solicited from current employees,
retirees and others.
going broke methodically
Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which
reserves the right to edit any submissions. The editorial board is
made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper,
C: \DOS C: \DOS \RUN Assessment; Iretta Ellis, Data Processing; Scott Heyman, County
RUN \DOS \RUN Administrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Ruth Pond, (Editor),
Finance- Purchasing; Marilyn Strassberg, Office for the Aging; and
Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures.
LOOK OUT FOR #1 Correspondence may be sent through County inter - office mail to:
DON'T STEP IN #2 EITHER County Corridors, c/o Finance - Purchasing, 125 E. Court St., Ithaca,
NY 14850.