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Newsletter or
d Employees Io aas a n Retirees
f Tompkins County
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MAY 1995
Volume 8 Number 5
by Ruth Pond, Finance - Purchasing i Ii
On Saturday, April 22, 1995, forty-seven County
it employees, retirees and their friends, ranging in age from
11 years to 70 +, boarded a bus headed for Toronto to see 4 1111 I i
Phantom of the Opera. The pick -up spot was the Highway
Department Parkin g Lot on Bostwick Road where there
was ample, lighted room to leave cars. The bus was very . . ... i......1 it," w iv,,
nice: upholstered, adjustable seats with foot rests; a small
screen to show video tapes; and a restroom in the back. ,'°. --- 4,,
There were rest -stops on the Thruway coming and going
to stretch legs, feed tummies and use restrooms.
Leighann Baldwin, Escort and Dick Stilson, Bus Driver,''
were a good team to keep us informed and safe. The Beginning - Leighann checking us in
Once in Toronto we stayed at the Delta Chelsea, a lovely
hotel just a brief walk to the Pantages Theater where we
had orchestra seats to see and be thrilled by a magical
performance. A rta _
. 4 0
The next day I asked those who attended to sum up the lr
.,. '' ' "
trip in one word. The responses included: tremendous, Y "
eye- opening, excellent, satisfying, uplifting, fantastic, C
superb, enlightening and rewarding. One person said
"impossible" and then quickly added, "I mean it would be
impossible to sum up such a great trip in just one word."
Have you been on a County trip? If not, there are a lot of u
folks who think it's one of the best things they have done The Mi - A glimpse of Niagara Fal
and would like to thank the Vending Committee for its
109 : 1 ._
,,,,,, , . .,
The End - Homeward bound with Bus Driver Dick Stilson
The above phrase comes from a 1990 book by Peter Simple - - nobody said anything. And if the employees
Senge. It is a phrase that is talked about more and more haven't been hurt or disrespected, and have no concrete
by private and public sector organizations. reason to feel afraid, how can they be so wrong? Simple -
It includes a couple of important ideas that are being their manager is not initiating the kinds of on -the -job ,
actively developed by the Leadership Council. dialogue that enables employees to understand what is
One is that drastic improvements in the training and really going on. And like most people, they fear what they t
educational opportunities we offer our employees are do not understand, and they fear people who do not share
needed. Nancy Zahler is spearheading this effort; the important information with them. This is how stalemates
widely- offered computer training through TCCC is the first happen and it all starts with assumptions based on few or
important result. Many more are planned and department no facts. Managers do it. Employees do it. It goes on
heads have set aside the money to pay for them. everywhere - - literally everywhere. Academic research on
The phrase also refers to the practice of listening to and the subject has found this pattern in every part of the world.
learning from each other. Were starting to organize teams
that will look for improvements in work processes; one of The "shared leadership" that is one of the foundations of
the keys to their success will be that everyone with a hand the quality organization we are going to build won't come
in a process will be at the same table — learning from each about because somebody decides it's a good idea. It will
other by hearing each other talk about what they do. be built step by step. It will begin to become real when
Lastly, a learning organization is a place where we do not we leam to speak out, ask tough questions and expect
sweep the tough subjects under the rug, where the things answers; when we start to learn from each other.
people feel strongly about can be discussed in ways that
enable us to learn from each other. The skills to do these difficult things are limited in most of
We have a very long way to go in this regard. us. Most of us did not have families or schools that knew
Employees feel that their manager takes actions that hurt how to teach them, or even that they were important. They
their interests or show disrespect; but they say nothing. are important. As your and my work unit begins to work
Ask them why they say nothing and they say they are in teams to solve problems, we are going to solve
afraid to speak up, "management can find ways to hurt us." problems, and we are going to receive formal training with
Go talk to the manager and you hear only glowing words of frequent followup in interpersonal skills and on- the -job
praise for those same employees, no idea that anyone communication. There are good books in my office and at
feels hurt or disrespected, and absolutely no idea that the library on this subject for anyone who can't wait.
anyone has any reason to feel afraid. How can the
manager be so dense?
by Louise McEwen, Personnel
On May 11, eleven County employees
who reached the 25 -year milestone in q
their County employment were
welcomed into the 25 Year Club. We
congratulate: I • tat- 14PA
John Beach, Stop DWI ` ' w E .4 1 ? 5 J
Arthur D. Dawson, Sheriff „ a ; of . tom. JJJ �
Lawrence LaPlant, Sheriff OP
Donald Lawson, Public Works y I ��
Yvonne McGinnis, Social Services _s.
Judith Miller, Sheriff
William Mobbs, Public Works Members of the 25 Year Club
Calvin B. Nobles, Sheriff
Nancy Turner, Social Services tv s:
Ashley Westmiller, Public Works %,:v.:,,
Jean Yaw, Social Services " -- . ,
Many current 25 Year Club members, ;� alk
Board members, County administration, New inductees at dinner `
and other guests enjoyed a delicious left to right: , d
buffet at the Airport Ramada Inn. We Nancy Turner , t
are glad so many of you could join us in Yvonne McGinnis t ° :
saluting all of our employees ees who have Ashley W estmiller
P Y Y ' f� � ,;�
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been with the County for 25 years or Judith Miller ...!
Alk more! Calvin B. Nobles r =,
1 - i= itiliii
1. Completion of discussion of Public Information c. Stress management seminars — Dept. Heads should
Program be open to employees' interest in these and convey any
Scott H. reported that the County Board's Public requests to N. Zahler.
Information committee seemed to be receptive to the
Department Head position that the Board should assume d. Scott requested opinion on whether employees should
financial responsibility for Board meeting TV coverage. all have business cards. It was suggested that a generic
Julie Crowell reviewed the remainder of the Plan. Several card where an employee could fill in name, etc. would lead
Department Heads asked for technical assistance with to those who needed to use them having them.
preparation and presentation of program material.
D. Eckstrom would like ideas about how to put County e. Reminder: If Dept. Heads want mandate status of
information on the Worldwide Web Network. any program changed, they need to notify Kathy by May in
order for the Board to act in June.
2. Schedule for Budget Reorganization Issues
Presentation and Discussion (K. West). f. Indoor Air Quality and other safety and health issues
The group scheduled a May 15 Special Dept. Head will be reviewed at the next meeting.
meeting to go over budget changes recommended by the
Task Forces. Location to be announced. Noon - 12:45 Department Head Mini - Reports
p.m. Lunch; Meeting 1-4. Eric Lerner will be speak in last a. COFA will hold its Annual Luncheon on May 22, Noon
portion of the meeting. Task Force Department Reps. will at the Airport Ramada. The Luncheon will be a celebration
send reports to Dept. Heads in advance. of COFA's 20th Anniversary.
May 18, 3 -4:30 Department Head Meeting to finish
reviewing reorganization proposals (if necessary). Old b. Alice Cole reported that if additional meningitis cases
Jail. occur at Cornell, the entire Cornell community (30,000
people) will have to be immunized immediately, and she
3. Department Head Reports may have to ask for the help of other County departments.
...... ..... .
Leadership Council - M.P. Dolan, I. Stein
The issues of how the Leadership Council needs to deal
with grievances about County Departmental procedures
and practices was discussed. Confidentiality and GOOD BYE B I G G S A
appropriateness are issues that require careful attention. On the 18th of April, the Board of Representatives voted not to
This subject will be considered further at the next expend any significant funds on upgrading the heating,
Leadership Council Meeting. ventilation, nor air conditioning in Biggs Building A. This decision
The status of the effort in DSS, Contracts and Public virtually makes certain that in the not - too - distant future Tompkins
Works and of the Logo Contest was reported. County's use of that buildling will end.
lnservice Ed. - D. Eckstrom The Human Service Space Study Committee chaired by
There has been good response to the Computer Course Barbara Mink is now determining whether to build a new building,
either in or near downtown or at the Biggs Center, or whether to
offerings. renovate space in or near downtown to provide for the
departments and agencies now in that building.
BRAC - J. Hanson. Cost Saver report was made at the
latest Brac meeting. Jim expressed some of his and other As soon as that group has made tentative decisions about who
Department Head concerns about "fits" with some actual might be located in a new building they will set in motion a
Departmental situations. planning process that will include staff from departments and
agencies. Parties tentatively slated to be in a new building will be
Public Info Committee Kathy Leinthall. They are involved in the locating and design of that facility. Parties
tentatively slated not to be in a new building will form relocation
working on goals and objectives. Last night a talk show on task forces with guidance from the County Board.
the Space move took place with B. Mink, S Heyman, MP
Dolan, Jim Kazda and Kathy participating. News media reported over the last couple of months that the
County was talking to the City about constructing a parking
4. County Administrator's Report. garage for DSS employees. Those reports were incorrect. First,
a. A meeting will be scheduled for Department Heads DSS employees are far from the only ones involved and affected.
to determine their views about the content of the County Second, to the best of my knowledge no substantive discussions
Board's mission and vision statements for County have taken place at all of how much parking will be provided, for
whom, or at what cost. Insofar as parking affects County
government. employees County government is obliged to negotiate the impact
b. Performance Management Committee would like of any changes from the present situation and time for such
some examples of successful performance review negotiations has been set aside as part of the planning process.
practices submitted to them via Scott.
•• • V• �•_
Scott Heyman asked the County Corridors Board why we rarely have controversial articles in our newsletter. The answer
was simple - no one ever submits any, possibly because they fear retribution. Scott answered that this would not happen. So, 1
feel free to submit articles to the County Corridors Board that may go "against the grain" and we will consider them for
publication. We will not, however, publish personal attacks. The Editorial Board
The opinions and views expressed in these articles do not necessarily represent those of the County Corridors Editorial Board.
PFQ AND NON -UNION EMPLOYEES by Iretta EIIis, Data Processing
I have worked for Tompkins County for almost six years In my tenure at the County I have never been approached
and I must say that I am excited that the County has taken by a union member or union representative to join the
on the "Quality" initiative as described in "PFQ." I union, and I have never been given any good reason to join
previously worked for private companies that had taken on the union. A few years back when the law was passed
this task and the proven money savings was unbelievable requiring all employees to pay union dues, I questioned this
and no jobs were lost in the process. and was told that the reason behind this additional loss of
Tuesday, April 18th, the Board of Representatives money from my paycheck was because the union was
approved, via resolution number 90, the "Endorsement of required to represent all employees in items such as
Labor - Management Partnership Agreement." The grievances, even if they do not belong to the union. So, in
resolution is in reference to the "Labor Management the meantime, if I am supposed to be represented by the
Partnership" agreement between the County and the union already and have no real reason to join, why at this
CSEA. I agree with the PFQ initiative and in fact took the point should I be told that I have to join in order to help in
four day facilitator training to help with this initiative. I the decision making process of PFQ.
believe that increasing quality in the County is the only way
that taxpayers can be reassured that we really are working I did call David Chase, white collar president, and he
as fast and efficiently as we can with the resources stated that the simple answer would be to join the union.
available. He also stated that the union employees who are in these
With all of this said, I do have a problem with this leadership groups are supposed to get input and opinions
agreement because I am not a union member. Therefore, from all employees including non - union. He also stated
I am not allowed to participate in any of the decision that it is a law that only union employees can represent any
making processes yet I am required to perform my work employees. So, if I were to join the union and sign a card,
under the PFQ guidelines. Out of the total eligible blue and that means that I can help make PFQ decisions and
white collar employees, 68% are union members and 32% represent employees. When you sign the card and join is
are not members. That basically means that almost one there some type of union training that tells me how to
third of labor is not allowed to participate in the decision represent employees any differently than I may be doing
process of PFQ yet the County stated previously that PFQ now?
included everyone!
MOVED by Ms. Mink, seconded by Mrs. Livesay.
WHEREAS, the Labor Management Partnership Agreement developed by the Leadership
Council is designated to serve as the basis for Tompkins County's Partnership for Quality effort, and
WHEREAS, the agreement has been approved by the County's CSEA White and Blue Collar
Units and County Department Heads, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Tompkins County Board of Representatives endorses this agreement on
behalf of the County.
Signed and sealed April 18, 1995
The County of Tompkins and the C.S.E.A., Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL -CIO for the Tompkins County Unit 855 (White and
Blue Collar Unit), form this partnership in a joint effort to bring a total quality philosophy of excellence to the workplace.
1. a) We agree that the implementation of this partnership is a joint effort recognizing the unique strengths and
contributions of labor and management.
b) It is in our joint interest to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the services we offer.
c) By working together we can create and foster an environment of trust among all employees, union and
d) We plan to work together in a cooperative rather than an adversarial manner.
2. The membership of the Leadership Council shall be comprised of, and appointed by, the following:
Position Appointed by
One Board member /Chair of the Council Chairman of the Board of Representatives
County Administrator Not applicable
Two department heads Department Head Group
One middle management employee Management Employee Group
Three CSEA White Collar employees CSEA White Collar Unit
One CSEA Blue Collar employee CSEA Blue Collar Unit
One Confidential employee Confidential Employee Group
The Sheriff of Tompkins County Not applicable
One Deputy Sheriffs' Assoc. employee Deputy Sheriffs' Association
3. a) Any department or county government which establishes a coordinating committee similar to the Leadership
Council to assist in the implementation of Partners for Quality within that department, will also have an
appropriate balance of union, management and confidential representatives. Union members will be
appointed by union leaders, confidential employees will determine their own representation, and
management representatives will be appointed by the department head.
b) Teams working on approved cross - functional projects and in daily work units will include representation from
across the workforce.
4. All parties agree to pursue alternative reward and recognition systems for department employees, including
gainsharing and other options.
5. We agree to document all quality efforts and share that documentation.
6. We agree to jointly participate in Total Quality training programs, as appropriate.
7. a) No one will lose employment or equivalent rate of pay with Tompkins County because of efficiencies
resulting from the Partners for Quality initiative. The quality initiative in this context is defined as an
increase in efficiency resulting from any changes to work processes made by employees, or by the
application of quality principles and methods as adopted by the County by anyone in the workforce.
b) Nothing in this agreement takes precedence over any Civil Service Law or regulation, or current collective
bargaining agreements between the parties.
8. If Tompkins County and any other County employee groups not signing this Labor Management Partnership
Agreement reach an agreement, either signed or through adoption of a policy, which in the view of CSEA White
or Blue Collar provides terms more favorable than this agreement, the CSEA White or Blue Collar Units will
have the option to apply said terms to their respective agreements.
9. The parties agree to review the provisions of this agreement no longer than five years after its effective date.
Sue Kilgore, County Clinical Nurse OPPORTUNITY FOR EMPLOYEES
If all bicyclists wore helmets, one life a day would TO SERVE ON APPEALS
be saved, one head injury every four minutes
would be prevented. If you would like to serve on a committee to hear
Bicycles and warm weather are here. The Tompkins County appeals on position labor grade ratings and to make
Health Department reminds all bicycle riders, including children, recommendations to the Commissioner of Personnel,
to wear safety helmets. It is now a New York State law for contact Beverly Livesay in writing by June 2. She is
children under age 14 to wear safety helmets while riding a the chair of the GA Committee, Board of
bicycle. Bicycle riders that wore helmets had 74 - 85% fewer Representatives.
head injuries, according to a recent study in Seattle.
Approximately 557,000 people are treated in emergency rooms
for bicycle injuries each year. One third of all bicycle related ENERGIZER BUNNY
emergency visits and two thirds of all bicycle related admissions
involve head injuries. ARRESTED
Head injuries account for 62% of all bicycle related deaths (962
per year). Disabilities such as Toss of hearing, vision, speech, CHARGED WITH
short-term or Tong -term memory loss are experienced by many BATTERY
others who sustain serious head injury.
There are three standards to use as guidelines for purchasing
a safe bicycle helmet. Make sure that it is certified to meet one
of these standards: 1. American Society for Testing of Materials VIDEOS FOR FAMILY CAREGIVERS
(ASTM); 2. American National Standards Institute (ANSI); or 3. by Marilyn Strassberg, COFA
SNELL Memorial Foundation Standards. For the most protection Caring for an older or disabled adult can be
from head and neck injuries, select a helmet with a hard shell. overwhelming, especially when this includes
it is extremely important that the helmet fit the head properly managing the financial and legal affairs, A recent
to offer the best protection. Do not purchase a helmet that a workshop series sponsored by Cornell Cooperative
child will "grow into'; replace it as the child grows. Also replace Extension and the Caregivers' Resource Center is
a helmet that has sustained an impact, as it will offer little or no now available on videotape, and may be borrowed
protection. from the Caregivers' Resource Center. The topics
Call the Health Department for more information on bike safety include:
rules and bike safety programs available to children in Tompkins I. Getting Organized: Record - keeping for
County. A packet of information is also available which includes Social Security, Veterans' benefits, income
mail -in coupons for rebates on the cost of helmets. For more tax information and health insurance claims.
details please contact Sue Kilgore at 274 -6710.
2. Maximizing Resources: Reverse
mortgages , housing expenses, legal
concerns, estate planning.
3. Banking and Credit: Getting the most from
your bank or credit union.
4. Health Insurance: Medicare, Medigap,
•� Medicaid, Long -Term Care Insurance.
a X � 5. Family Matters: Widowhood, asking for
(1 help from other family members, :
'�� communication skills.
;� 6. Managing Financial Resources for Your
Future: Investing.
7. Health Care Decisions and Community
1 Supports: Health care proxies, living wills,
2.4 ` �"` — sa ftgA , and community resources.
OOW.. o..s w+
—...o te..r re r.t o....
"Tri'r.RE'S no uIAY 1 CAN WORK TO l7t'xUN51zE If you would like to borrow any of these tapes, call
astiERNMFAT WITH 91C4I A SOU STAFF!" Marilyn Strassberg at the Caregivers' Resource
Center at the Office for the Aging at 274 -5482. There
is no charge for borrowing materials.
r �
by Leighann Bak/win, Heath Department
At their April meeting, the Vending Committee considered a request from Pepsi to increase the cost of soda by 5 cents a can;
due to the increase in cost of aluminum. After careful consideration, the Committee declined the request.
The Vending Committee is pleased to announce that we have begun what we call the "PARTY FUND." We will provide to i
departments $5 for each employee to help cover costs toward party or picnic supplies, food, etc. for the division or department.
The way this will work is that the department, division, or work group will plan an event, and then the request for funds will be
made through the Department Head to the Vending Committee.
To date in 1995, the Vending Committee has spent: $882.07 on equipment; $191.95 on flowers; $340 on memorial donations
0 and $1,316 on bus trips. We have budgeted $3,625 for the employee party fund to cover the $5 per employee donation.
r i r i
1 1
The Recreation Committee has provided 3 bus trips this We have purchased the tickets for the Radio City Music
year, (see front page) and has had 46 employees/retirees Hall tri We will be attending the Sunday, December 10 ,
along with family members and/or friends attend. By year's 2:30 p.m. show. This trip is presently sold out, but we
end, the Committee anticipates that over 200 would consider a second bus if there is enough interest. If
employees /retirees will take advantage of these wonderful
you are interested in a trip to Radio City, please drop a
trips. If you aren't on our reservation list and would be note to Leighann at the Health Department .
interested, we would be glad to send you a copy of the
schedule - just drop Leighann a note at the Health A request from the Recreation Committee - we would
Department. love to hear from you, but we have been rather busy at the
office. If you have any last minute questions, please feel
We have a few seats left for the July 7 - 9 trip to I free to give Leighann a call. However, if it is not a time is
Boston. Included in the cost of the trip is bus of the essence" type situation it would be easier if you
transportation, 2 nights accomodations, whale watch and could send a note to Leighann, c/o the Health Department,
lobsterbake. The cost is $165 per adult (based on double and she will forward your request or question to the proper
occupancy), $80 per child under 18 (if they share a room committee member, who will be able to do any research
with 2 adults). Call Leighann at 274 -6674 for more needed and get back to you quickly. This will allow
information or to sign up for this trip or any others offered Leighann and the rest of the Recreation Committee to
by the Recreation Committee. f 1 continue to perform their jobs in a quality fashion!
We are considering offering a Cruise Package for the
Just a reminder to all who attend the bus trips: the
end of February or first of March, next year. Trips being Recreation Committee provides a member on each bus trip
considered are a 3 night trip to the Bahamas which will cost to assist participants. This member is responsible for
in the neighborhood of $700 and a 7 night trip to the working with the bus driver, passing along any needed
Eastern Caribbean which will cost about $1,000 per information regarding itinerary, and help with minor troubles
person. If you would be interested in this type of trip, that might occur on the trip. Each employee, family
please drop a note to Patty Stamm at the Health member or guest is responbsible for their own behavior.
Department. The Committee member is available to assist with any
I I problems, but is not responsible for circumstances that are
beyond their control.
We still have room on our bus trip to the Renaissance
Fair on July 22. We will be leaving at 8:30 a.m. and I I
returning to Ithaca at about 5:30 p.m. The cost for this trip IT'S NOT HARD TO MEET EXPENSES,
is $10.50 for adults and $6 for children 6 -12. Children 5 THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!
and under are free. If you are interested, contact Leighann
at 274 -6674. 1
We still have a few seats on the August 26 ...EVERY MORNING IS THE DAWN
Marineland /Niagara Falls trip. The cost includes bus OF A NEW ERROR...
transportation, 1 night's accommodation and entry fee to
Marineland. We will be spending time on both sides of the 1
falls and a full day at Marineland. Cost is $80 for adults 1 I
(based on double occupancy) and $50 for children under WHY IS "ABBREVIATION"
18 who will be sharing a room with two adults. Contact 1 SUCH A LONG WORD?
Leighann for reservations. I I
L 1
by Tom Herden, Data Processing
The folks in Purchasing learned recently that one Friendly watchdog needs home. German Shepherd/Retriever cross,
should not turn off a pc while Windows is loaded 9 year old spayed female. Owner moving from country house to
(unless it's locked up and you don't have any other apartment. Pat Baker, 387 -5906. Leave message.
choice). They recalled being told by someone from
our department at some point that this was a safe CAN YOU HELP US?
practice. I said I'd make sure to let everyone here
know that it isn't. Now you know too. Mom partied without protection and we are the result! We are 7
Siberian Husky /unknown mix puppies with bodies shaped like Labs
or Golden Relievers: we vary in color; four males and three females;
APOLOGIES FROM THE EDITOR we are seven weeks and ready for faces to lick. We have been
wormed, shot and socialized. Mom needs a home too. She is black
In last month's issue there was a picture of and white with bi- colored eyes. She is housebroken, gentle and like
some of the County employees who were trained us, likes cats. We are free and yours for the asking. Please plan to
as Facilitators for the Partners for Quality neuter us. Call Kathy or Tina, anytime, at 532 -9480. And, thanks!
initiative. Two members of that group were
pictured but not named. Sincere apologies to
Michelle Kelly, DSS; and Scott Heyman, County ALL YOU CAN EAT
Administrator. (1 have now learned to use my
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, JUNE 18 8 A.M. TIL NOON
Moose Club of Ithaca
125 N. Fulton Street
A Unit of DSS which deals with Family Preservation
and Treatment Foster Care.
Tickets in advance: Adults $4 5 -14 $2.50 Under 5 free
Tickets at the door: Adults $5 5 -14 $3.00 Under 5 free
Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees,
r etirees and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except
no professional ads will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone
numbers may be listed in these ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to
Corridors c/o Finance- Purchasing.
Please type or print legibly!
June 14 FLAG DAY
The judge frowned as he peered COUNTY CORRIDORS
over his glasses. Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the
"Haven't !seen that face of yours volunteer editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County
employees and retirees. Material is solicited from current employees,
before? retirees and others.
"Indeed, sir," the defendant Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves
replied hopefully. "I gave your son the right to edit any submissions. The editorial board is made up of: Bill
Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment; Iretta Ellis, Data
violin lessons last winter." Processing; Scott Heyman, County Administrator; Louise McEwen,
"Ah, yes," recalled the judge as he Personnel; Ruth Pond, (Editor), Finance- Purchasing; Marilyn Strassberg,
Office for the Aging; and Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures.
leaned back in his chair. Correspondence may be sent through County inter - office mail to: County
"TWENTY YEARS!" Corridors, c/o Finance - Purchasing, 125 E. Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.