HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05 A
Newsletter for
ct L[K] Employees and Retirees
of Tompkins County
* 1 1
Volume 6, Number 5
by Louise McEwen
by Dan Winch 1. We're still working on scheduling the self- defense classes with Kathleen
Address labels are usually full of Garrity; as soon as days and hours are firm, we'll notify all departments.
errors, generally with the spelling of 2. We're hoping to get the Weight Watchers At -Work Program rolling
surnames. Check this one out!! again with an informational on June 2, registration on June 9 and eight -
Sometimes when I order things that week session beginning June 16. We need at least twelve signups so if
could be expenses as a rep that I interested and you haven't signed up, please call me at Personnel
immediately (274- 5526).
could deduct on my income tax, I add 3. Wellness Committee members celebrated National Employee Ilealth and
to the address, "Tompkins County Fitness Day on May 19 by placing bowls of apples in County offices; we
Board of Reps ". Somehow I do not hope you enjoyed and also enjoyed some of the activities planned for
think that I fit the intent of the person that day. Pam Purvis had sent out the informational poster.
making out this label!! 4. We will meet again on June 10: if you have any comments or
suggestions, please let a Committee member know.
SHIP TO 5. We welcome two new members - Janice Johnson, Youth Bureau, and
Michelle Eighmey, Public Works. )411 DANIEL M. WINCH /11* 0
How about accumulating some
humorous addresses from County staff QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
and do a feature in the Corridors. I'm by Mamie Kirchgeuner - Human Resources
sure people are willing to submit Just a reminder - the Human Resource Committee of the
humorous entries themselves so no one Employee Council is willing to try and track down answers to
gets hurt. any employment related questions you might have. Questions
should be directed to any member of the committee:
LILAC TRIP CANCELED Barbara Karaviotis - Mental Health - 274 -6300
Frank Justice - Probation - 274 -5380
by L<aghann Barham Mamie Kirchgessner - Human Rights - 274 -5307
The bus trip to the Lilac Festival was Pat Nowakowski - Data Processing - 274 -5407
canceled due to not enough Sophie Stark - Sheriff's Department - 257 -1345.
reservations, but we are very interested
in planning future trips. If you have Your identity will be kept confidential if you request, but the
any suggestions, please call Margo Committee would like to publish in County Corridors answers
Koonce at 272 -9257 or Peter Coats to questions of general interest. Call or write the above
274 -6688. mentioned committee members.
by Maryanne Banks
Dear County Employee: 7kafr& tyoa 4ottlae, fat all de
About 170 children are in foster care in our County. Many ra dew deft me otreit ?le foot ?ut0-
require supervised visits with their parents. The visits strengthen the *wen ‘elfit cad oat Flue
parent -child bond and increase parenting skills, toward improving and
eta44 Flue S‘teld cad ea?k de
preserving family situations.
To encourage these goals, we are designing a visitation room Emeertfesteit Pool 4 Penny mud
and playground area. A 9x9 room contains only a table and a few toitizeeated sad Get act 7 daft?
chairs. 4¢aau< ufat 9 would hwe dare
We are asking for your assistance in providing a fun and safe u<GClsout tau. Vaa mete aluratje ac
environment for these visits by your donation of items that we can use &ad 41fticel, and Callia9 to take
with families during their visits. The kinds of things we can use are:
time ictz ffce
paper plates /cups, egg timer, diapers /wipes, first aid kit, microwave lad eee44, *dal
oven, small refrigerator, futon couch, chairs, beanbag chairs, coat
1 4 '.,
rack, rocking chair, pillows, child's table or small picnic table, plastic
j �• :
crates, games, books, puzzles for all ages, crayons, chalkboard/chalk, ,
tape player, clock (battery), polaroid camera with fills, fence,
playground equipment, gift certificates, etc. PERSONNEL PERSONALS
If you have donations or questions, please contact a
committee member (Amy Carpenter, caseworker intern 274- Congratulations to:
5527 or 256 -2518 or Dody Smith, foster mother at 564- Mitzi Banner, and her husband, proud parents of
9547). THANK YOU! Chad, born April 23. Mitzi is a Medical Examiner
at DSS.
LEGAL ADVICE FOR SENIORS Sue (County Attorney) and Deane Cook on the birth
of their second child Jennifer Elaine, born May 10.
by MarilynStrassberg
Aging Services Specialist Stephanie Delczeg, caseworker at DSS in Childrens
The Office for the Aging has contracted with Neighborhood Services, is getting married in June.
Legal Services to provide free legal advice on certain civil Welcome to:
matters to Tompkins County residents age 60 and older. An Robert S. Slocum, Principal Account Clerk/ Typist at
attorney can give advice on such civil matters as establishing County Office for the Aging.
a Power of Attorney, rights of nursing home patients, Social Sympathy to:
Security and SSI appeals, Medicare and Medicaid denials and Hugh Hurlbut (Personnel- Retired) on the loss of his
landlord/tenant problems. If you need such legal advice, brother -in -law on May 11.
please call the Neighborhood Legal Services at 273 -3666 for Don Franklin, Assessment, on the loss of his mother
an appointment or Marilyn Strassberg at the Office for the on May 16, 1993.
Aging, 274 -5482, for more information. On Leave:
Belinda Malpert from DSS is taking a temporary
leave. Elizabeth Arthur will fill in. Liz worked here
as a student from Cornell, then Case Aide, and
VOLUNTEERS SERVING Independent Living Coordinator, going back to
LEGALLY BLIND SENIORS Syracuse U. for more learning. Welcome back!
The First Quarter of 1993 saw an upswing in the number of Gratitude toward:
visually impaired elderly who registered with the Office for the Interns in Intake/Homefinding at DSS graduating
this spring: Mike O'Neil from CU and Lori
Aging and began receiving support services. Fortunately, the Massicotte from IC. Mike has agreed to do case
Office for the Aging also has had an increased number of reviews for the Preventive Services project.
volunteers come forward to serve as "Friendly Visitors" for
Peter Caine from CU who will intern in the
those whose visual impairment has left them legally blind. Independent Living area in Preventive Services.
These volunteers meet - usually on a weekly basis - and help
Other CU students who have been invaluable to the
with reading, writing, walks outdoors, or just offer an Services Division and will be leaving: Mandi Liebling
opportunity for friendly conversation. For more information (Intake Homefinding), Heidi Andrews, Jeanne
on these support services or on becoming a "Friendly Visitor", Tibbits (Childress Services), Stacie Heck, Anne
Mettler (Child Protective Services, and Amy
please contact David Stoyell or Marilyn Strassberg at the Carpenter (Preventive Services).
Office for the Aging 274 -5482.
COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S by Scott Heyman, County Administrator
In last month's Corridors I invited applications for the position
of Executive Assistant to the County Administrator, but noted Total Quality Management is an approach to the
that some reorganization of my office might occur. management of private, public, and not - for - profit
I am planning to recommend to the County Board that the organizations whose popularity is soaring around the world.
position of Executive Assistant to the County Administrator It is based on American management ideas that were taken
(Labor Grade 12) be reclassified downward to Secretary (Labor to Japan at the end of World War II where they flourished.
Grade 9). Some of the higher level duties of the existing The Japanese have used "TQM" to create new standards of
Executive Assistant position will be assigned to the existing organizational efficiency and product /service excellence.
Principal Account Clerk Typist position in Budget and Finance. People who work in TQM organizations cannot say
This change will reduce the total payroll for Budget and enough good things about it. Briefly, supervisors become
Finance and for Administration and will provide added flexibility leaders who view their primary job as getting their
that we think will make sense for both offices. employees the resources they need to get their work done,
All of this means that a position of Secretary will need to be and who see their own employees as the best source of
filled, contingent on County Board approval. This will be an
Exempt position under Civil Service, which means that no test information about better ways to do that work; customer
ever has to be taken but also means that no Civil Service satisfaction becomes the highest goal of the organization,
protection applies either. Please fill out an application and one that everyone strives toward together; and an
forward it to Personnel if you are interested. To those of you organization - wide commitment to continuous improvement
who applied for the Executive Assistant position, I am sorry. is fostered.
However, my office is not exempt from any of the budget cutting Interested? Joseph Sensenbrenner practiced this
that has been taking place and we have to look at every vacant approach as Mayor of Madison, Wisconsin, from 1983 to
position as a means of improving efficiency and saving money. 1989. He hosts and moderates a four - hour videotaped
Have a happy. , , presentation on his experiences and on TQM in general.
I have secured a copy of the tape and it will be shown in
the Old Jail Conference Room at the following times:
Tuesday, May 25, from 8:30a.m. to 12:30p.m.
Tuesday, June 8, from 10:00a.m. to 2:OOp.m.
.. summer ! Wednesday, June 9, from 8:30a.m. to 12:30p.m.
A I l and Friday, June 25, from 12:30p.m. to 4:30p.m.
Many, if not all, County departments, and many County programs within departments, have adopted formal
"Mission Statements" or "Statements of Purpose" over the last couple of years.
These have been encouraged by me and by the Board of Representatives as a means of establishing for the
record "who we are" -- why we're here and what we're here to do. In many cases they only seem to state the
obvious, but sometimes the obvious is not obvious to everyone.
For the better part of a year, the Fiscal Affairs Committee of the County Board has been attempting to
draft a Statement of Purpose for County government and for the County Board of Representatives. Their
initial draft is printed below. These drafts are being submitted through CORRIDORS for the review of any
and every County employee who would like to have something to say about them.
Please send any suggestions whatsoever that you might have on these Statements of Purpose in care of my
office, and I will make sure that the Board of Representatives sees your comments. There is strong
agreement on the Committee that a Statement of Purpose should in a real literal sense be the statement of
all the employees of an organization.
Since Tompkins County, as an organization, "belongs" to the people of the community, widespread public
input will be requested as well.
Tompkins County government exists to promote safety, health and well -being of all who live, work and visit
here by providing mandated and desired services which the community wants and for which it is willing to pay.
The County provides two kinds of service -- those that aid and assist, and those that regulate.
The primary objective of all officials and employees of County government is to provide service to their
community cheerfully, efficiently and effectively.
The Tompkins County Board of Representatives is the chief policy - making body for Tompkins County
government. This means that the Board of Representatives selects which services the community wants and
for which it is willing to pay; establishes priorities among those services; maximizes outside revenues to support
those services and to minimize local taxes and fees; sustains a viable tax base through targeted efforts to
develop and vitalize the local economy; establishes the appropriate balance of various kinds of local taxes and
fees; and assures that taxes and fees are used efficiently and effectively to provide priority services. To
accomplish all these things, the Board of Representatives annually takes the following actions:
1. Informs the Public. Develops an annual strategy to assure that the public receives sufficient,
accurate, timely information about County services so that citizens may have meaningful involvement in
local government decision - making and be aware of available services.
2. Plans. Assures that there exist for each department of County government a Statement of Purpose and
specific goals and objectives which have been approved by the appropriate committee of the Board of
Representatives and are available for public review.
3. Assesses Service Delivery Needs. Assesses the current state of service delivery needs and
accomplishments. In doing this, the following are examined:
a. The strength of public support for addressing the particular need through County government
b. Appropriateness of County government involvement in addressing the particular need, and the
. 07-7\- _.... desirability of addressing the need through the use of public or private resources;
' c. Severity of the need for the service;
d. Probability of success of meeting needs based on the management strength and approach of the
provider department or agency;
e. An inventory of other existing public and private services available to meet the need to determine I ,
the extent of unmet needs and the mix of prevention, intervention, remedial and regulatory services
needed; and
f. Number, dispersion and demographic characteristics of those experiencing the need.
4. Levies Taxes and Fees. Assesses the resources available to support services that have been determined
to be needed, including the amounts and kinds of taxes and fees to be levied. The following are taken
into account in making these assessments:
a. Ability to pay;
b. Desirability of requiring payment directly from service recipients; #4
c. The leveraging effect of taxes or fees in producing other income; 4:. 0,
d. Whether the payment method promotes a desirable goal; and
e. Whether an appropriate balance among taxes and fees exists (since all taxes and fees are less than
perfectly fair). The views of the public regarding all of the above will be carefully considered.
5. Allocates Resources. Based on all of the above processes, allocates available resources when it adopts
a budget for Tompkins County government.
The May 5th meeting was a very informational one. Board members Charles Evans, Barbara Mink and
Nancy Schuler were present. I again want to thank these representatives for attending and participating.
Charles Evans conveyed to the Council that it is allright for employees to speak to Board members. This
point was very informational for those employees who had been told directly or felt that speaking to Board
members was unauthorized or inappropriate.
Nancy Schuler asked the Council for its assistance in developing a list of questions or concerns that
employees might have for candidates for the job of Personnel Commissioner. Even though the request was
coming late in the interview process, it was discussed that this Employee Council would be an appropriate
vehicle for getting employee input in the filling of vacancies of department heads in these departments that
are support and service to all departments within the County. The Human Resources Committee, headed by
Barbara Karaviotis, is collecting any questions relevant to the Commissioner of Personnel. The next Council
meeting will be June 2, 9- 11a.m., at the Ithaca Tompkins Transit Center, Willow Ave.
by Suzanne Stopen, Director PHCP CSCN
"I'm having trouble paying for my 9 year old's insulin medication
and my doctor told me to call "...
"My child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and I could use .1 �,*
some support around our educational choices "...
Johnny is 2 1/2 and isn't t talking yet. I'm worried something is wrong"... I* it
I I iV
These statements are typical examples of calls the Tompkins County Health Department CHILDREN
WITH SPECIAL NEEDS division regularly receives. This division promotes appropriate, comprehensive family centered
services in the community to meet a family's own needs and goals. The division serves children from birth to age 21 who are
physically disabled or have a long -term illness. Their diverse needs are met through 3 programs: Infant Health Assessment
Program (IHAP), Early Intervention Program (EIP), and Physically Handicapped Children's Program (PHCP).
The IHAP tracks children birth to 3 years who are at risk for delays or lags in growth and development. Infants at risk could
be an infant born to a mother under the age of 16 years, those infants with a medical problem at birth, or an infant weighing
Tess than 3 pounds 15 ounces.
The EIP provides support and guidance while evaluations are being done.
The PHCP provides financial assistance and case management for as long as a child is eligible, the family is interested and /or
until the child reaches 21 at which time referrals are made to other agencies to continue services.
If you are concerned in any way about your child's growth and development, or if your older child has a disability or long term
illness, give this program a call at 274 -6644 or write to Tompkins County Health Department, 401 Harris B. Dates Drive,
Ithaca, NY 14850.
I want to thank all managers and
middle managers for your vote of
confidence in reelecting me to a two -
year term representing middle IA Ay
management on the "All Managers
Negotiating Committee "; it's a good
feeling to know that one's judgment
and expertise are valued by one's
peers. For personal reasons, I have
chosen to resign from the official
committee, however, as I have OAP
notified our chair, I will continue =_ =_
to attend meetings and contribute +e
what I can in a meaningful and
constructive way. I would urge all
managers to do likewise. Once again,
thanks for your vote!
Louise McEwen, Benefits Manager
Who's on First? RETIREMENT UPDATE...
This is a story about four by Louise McEwen, Benefits Manager
On May 13, Social Security and NYS Employees' Retirement System representatives
people named Everybody, held a half -day seminar at TC3 for several counties including Tompkins. As some
Somebody, Anybody, and of you know, you could not get into the seminar because of our late notice from
Nobody. There was an important Albany, and the quota had been met. I have tried to schedule a similar meeting for
job to be done, and Everybody Tompkins County only at TC3 but because of problems getting a room suitable for
was sure Somebody would do it. the seminar, I will probably have to postpone this until September. In the meantime,
Anybody could have done it, but if any of you have problems or questions pertaining to your Retirement which cannot
Nobody did it. Somebody got wait until September, I would remind you that Retirement representatives are still
angry, because it was Everybody's at the Horseheads Village Hall each second and fourth Tuesday of each month (no
job. Everybody thought Anybody appointment necessary). I will keep you posted on the seminar as soon as scheduled
could do it, but Nobody realized -- the program on May 13 was very informative and all employees 45 years and over
Everybody wouldn't do it. So should plan to attend the Tompkins County meeting.
Everybody blamed Somebody - `
when Nobody did what Anybody _.. -- - - • - -- - . _
could have done! ' -
.a _~ \I P ` J� _ , it . An 911 . , Nliki. -0.--..•..
UNCLASSIFIEDS _____ _ = - �.
WANTED TO BUY: �.- _' . •,4 `--_�� _ �i� - •
Used Softball Glove - Left °°``" ` `' 1 ' - - - _
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handed, Adult. Call Susie � - -' - - w -- " j - �% �a �.�A� J.~
evenings 539 -6967. - , J ' - S � j" �'
Newfield area. Bright, sunny,
carpeted, 2 bedroom apt. $235
per month, includes utilities. Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their
Call 564 -0082. immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted.
No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads. Use this coupon to
FOR SALE: send your ad to Corridors c/o Central Services. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY!
1986 Ford Escort - Auto - Air.
$700 or B.O. 838 -3102 after 5.
1982 Plymouth I- Iorizon excellent
engine - $150 or B.O. 589-6453.
Bright and airy, redecorated 2BR `
mobile home, quiet section of
well kept park near Cornell.
Convenient parking and bus. Cats COUNTY CORRIDORS
okay. Affordable at $7,500. Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
Call Susan at 273 -0135. editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
Material is solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
FOR SALE: Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
RV 1988 Mallard 24' Mini to edit any submissions. The editorial board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social
Motor -Home 31,600 miles. Many Services; Sharon Cooper, Assessment; Iretta Ellis, Airport; Scott Heyman, County
extras, excellent condition. Administrator; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Ruth Pond, Purchasing and Central
Double bed, full bath, sleeps 6. Services; Marilyn Strassberg, Office for the Aging; and Judy Tynyk (Chair), Weights
Asking $17,000. 533 -4010. and Measures.
BUMPER STICKER Correspondence may be sent through County inter - office mail to: County
OF THE MONTH Corridors, c/o Purchasing and Central Services: or contact any board member, or
via US Mail to: County Corridors, c/o Purchasing and Central Services, 125 E.
Since I gave up hope Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850
I feel much better!!