HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02 Peh 1993
�'" �� A Newsletter for
Employees and Retirees
,,,_, ` of Tompkins County tim.::)6(1,2_5„-\ii-c-
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Remember... THE OLD JAIL
The Health pictured here on February 10, 1992 before renovations began.
Department Is A h
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Resource { {
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By: A Cole, Director of Patient v I►' ' i ) 1 11
Services — Health Dept. =- -
"Can I catch tuberculosis from a client ?" '• }
Iow can I get tested for TB ?" ,' "„ i
`Where can I get written information on
Questions such as these are floating „ .H o,.
around various county departments. The : t
answers to these and similar questions are
as simple as a phone call to the Health ,,
Department, 274 -6601. Please use us as a lib t ikt ,.
resource for oral and itten rumor control, presentation of rose lea THE OLD JAIL MADE NEW AGAIN
training and TB testing. We even offer This picture was taken on January 11, 1993 after a years worth
adult tetanus boosters for a small fee. of renovations had been completed.
We are not an employee health clinic. If
you are sick, see a physician. However, we
R {
offer many preventive health services. - .
; .
Video tapes on assorted topics are avail- v , a." r , `,
able on loan. The bloodborne pathogen in- �: • � _
service tape is being loaned out through y : �;'� ! ,
Joyce Musson in
office. in the County i I I II i 17 Administrator
a 11 ` 1 „ R a M
Don't let questions or rumors weigh on . (t 1 ! i ,
your mind. Be assured if someone has a �,, 1`$
communicable disease at your worksite, ;1 i I
the Health Department is required by law
H ; , ', ■
vestigate the concern and protect and '— '`-" "'' = "-"'
girate the contacts. Call the nursing
division at 274 -6601 for more information. I
All calls will be treated confidentially. ;, t ,b'4
By Cheryl Nelson — Public Works
present their recommendations. Each meet - Committee representative for a copy.)
As stated in last month's report, a series ing ended with an attempt to get consensus I want to thank the employees that at-
of open forum sessions were to be held in from the group of the items that should tended the meetings, the Human Services
Biggs A to fmd out what employees wanted move forth to the Human Services Commit- Committee for its attention to this matter
to make the building more secure. The ses- tee and the Board of Representatives for and seeking help to resolve it through the
sions were held on January 13,14,15 and 19; consideration. A seventeen -page report list- Employee Council, and the staff at The
two per day to allow employees to fit one of ing the summary of each session, the number Community Dispute Resolution Center for
the sessions in on their calendars. of times a particular item was a priority helping facilitate the open forum sessions.
Eighty -one persons (20.3% of the total among the eight groups and a listing of all Remember Employee Council meets on
Biggs A occupants) attended the open the raw recommendations was submitted to the first Wednesday of each month, 9:00
forums. The employees saw what steps had the Human Services Committee on a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Sadd B Conference
been taken to make the building more February 2, 1993. The Human Services Room. Be sure your representative knows of
secure since the Schuyler County tragedy on Committee and the Board passed a resolu- any ideas, thoughts, or comments you would
October 15, 1992. They were then asked to tion on February 2, 1993 for a security plan like brought up before the Council.
for Biggs A. (See your Biggs A Security
rel.= — s COMMUNITY
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.Aco. ^°' _ B : Louise McEwen, Benefits Manager
—, .4 _.2! .7 Y By: Louise McEwen, Chair
I've recently received material from
Ithacare which may be of interest to some In the January issue of CORRIDORS,
employees and retirees alike. Ithacare is the County Administrator's report men -
By: Louise McEwen — Benefits Manager offering two new services to our com- tioned formation of an Employee Safety
munity — a newly - established speaker's Committee and listed members. At our
We have now received a supply of Publi- bureau with experts ready and eager to last meeting, we decided meetings will be
cation 919 from the IRS, "Is My Withholding speak to groups in the community on many held on the third Thursday of each month,
Correct for 1993 ? ". Many people are fmding topics related to senior issues, and an from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. For now, we will be
that because of tax law changes during 1992, Adult Day Care Community. The Adult meeting in the Court House Conference
they may not receive a Federal tax refund Day Care program is available at $30 per Room; we may meet in the Conference
this year, or if they do, not as much as they day and is designed to give Senior Citizens Room in the Old Jail in future months. If
were looking forward to having. If you'd like living with relatives who may both work you have issues you'd like to see put on the
to take a second look at your Federal with- during the day an opportunity to enjoy table, please let a representative know or
holding, this bulletin provides a good themselves during the day, meet new send me your comments and we'll be glad
worksheet for helping you compute your tax friends, and participate in meaningful and to consider them. Or, if you wish to be on
to make sure you're having enough withheld enjoyable leisure time. Currently the pro- the agenda, let me know ahead of time and
during 1993. Just let us know if you'd like a gram is offered on Tuesdays and advise of your topic of concern so you may
copy. We expect our supply of the 1993 Form Thursdays. Scholarship money is available be included on the agenda before it is sent.
W-4 in the near future for anyone who needs through the Office for the Aging for those We hope for employee participation. I
to change his/her withholding. (Of course, in need. Transportation to Ithacare, lo- believe all members realize we have much
don't forget a good alternative to paying cated just a short distance from The Com- work to do in future months, based on the
Uncle Sam more is to put aside some monies mons, can be provided by Gadabout for a full agendas at the last two meetings. AD
on a before -tax basis into our Deferred small fee. If you feel your Loved one could input is solicited and most welcome!
Compensation Program! Many employees benefit from this service, please contact
are forgetting this is available to them.) Ithacare for more information at 273 -4080,
or write them at 115 South Quarry St.,
Kirsten Pierce has joined Childrens Ser- Unfortunately this column will be short as we've not had another meeting as this issue
vices (DSS) as caseworker replacing Kim goes to press. However, we have several things on the agenda for our next meeting and
Dickerson who accepted the position as will keep you posted via department mailing. A reminder, however, is due concerning
in the I cep e the position
Unit. reimbursement on fitness club memberships. Many of you have forgotten that no
reimbursement towards your membership fee may be made until after expiration date
of the current membership. Wellness has voted to continue this program until 7 /1/93 at
Although Lorna Sultan has left us (Ser which time we'll take another look at it so we will either reimburse after 6 months of the
vices Division of DSS), we welcome aboard membership at $50, or 12 months at $100. You must submit a paid bill showing club's
two more students, Mandi Liebling and Lori name, employee's name, dates of membership and amount paid. For example, if your
Massicotte for a total of 8 students /interns annual membership started 10/1/92, you may submit for the $50 after 4/1193 by sending
(several being from Cornell). the appropriate bill.
Patricia Carey began work in November
1992 as Legal Unit Administrator.
The following is the schedule for the County Corridors Editorial Board meetings.
Sincerest Sympathy...
1 We were sorry to hear that Laurie February 9th
Dunham's father passed away. March 9th
April 20th August 10th
May 18th September 21st
June 15th October 19th
t TTENTION July 13th November 9th
August 10th December 7111
The Board meets at 9:30 a.m. and should receive article submissions by the day prior
to the meeting to allow for mail and copying of the article.
Send us pictures showing how you're en- Articles may be submitted to County Corridors, c/o Purchasing; Judy Tynyk, Weights
joying retired life. Include a brief article &Measures; Louise McEwen, Personnel; Iretta Ellis, Airport; Sharon Cooper, Assess -
about your travels, and activities. Pictures ment; Joyce Musson, County Administrator's; Marilyn Strassberg, COFA; Bill Chapp,
will be returned if name and address are DSS.
included on the back of the picture. We welcome articles from all employees and retirees.
Send photos and articles to:
County Corridors t ---- -- °�
c/o Tompkins County Purchasing and
Central Services ` _ ti <<
125 E. Court St. � M ;
Ithaca, NY 14850 " ' °1 1 iks l ;
4 . N *7,0 1 /4. -
1L.: C
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Dave Jayne of Buildings and Grounds installs locks in the newly renovated OId Jail.
Tompkins County began occupying the OId Jail January 8, 1993.
1 .
By: Marilyn Strassberg — COFA
Municipalities in New York State are al- more current information on individual final decision on each individual applica-
lowed to provide property tax exemptions to school districts and municipalities. tion.
homeowners age 65 and over for taxes levied Completion of an application is necessary New applications must show proof of age
by village, town, county and school districts. to receive all appropriate tax reductions. and home ownership and attach a statement
This is an income eligible program and Residents of the City of Ithaca and residents of their 1992 income. Those who have
municipalities now have the option of setting of the towns in Tompkins County must file received this exemption in previous years
a maximum annual income limit of up to their applications by March 1, 1993, to be need only to complete the short -form and
$21,300 for participation in the exemption eligible for this exemption. (Residents of the income statement that the Assessment Of-
program. villages in Tompkins County have already fice automatically mails to them each year.
Tompkins County legislators so far have filed their applications, as applications for After paying full taxes for many years,
kept a maximum income limit of $18,600 for village homeowners were due by January 1, this is a way for older residents on fixed
Tompkins County taxes. However, other 1993.) The Tompkins County Assessment incomes to remain in their own homes! For
municipalities have different limits for their Office at 128 East Buffalo Street (2nd floor) more information or an application, call
senior tax exemptions. The Tompkins Coun- in Ithaca has the responsibility of making the either the Assessment Office at 274 -5517 or
ty Assessment Office at 274 -5517 can supply the Office for the Aging at 277 -0148.
New Outreach Coordinator and Volunteers
Serum Visual Im aired Elderl ,., g Y p Y
', •
By Marilyn Strassberg and David Stoyell - Office for the Aging
UPDATE O N TO M P KI N S David Stoyell is the new Outreach Coordinator of the "Social Integration for the Blind"
EMPLOYEE DAYCARE Project, a program aiding visually impaired adults age 55 or older in Tompkins County.
CENTER Working out of the Office for the Aging, Mr. Stoyell will arrange for assessment of the
extent of an individual's visual impairment and keep in touch on a regular basis with those
who are legally blind to help them take advantage of community resources. Mr. Stoyell will
also try to match newly identified legally blind individuals with volunteers who can visit
By: D. McComb, TEDC Board President regularly and help with tasks such as reading mail, ordering talking books, writing letters
or just joining in friendly conversation.
If you know of someone in need of these services or would like more information on
Enrollment is high. The infant room volunteering (2 -4 hours a week), please contact David Stoyell, Outreach Coordinator or
which can have eight babies is full. If any Marilyn Strassberg, Aging Services Specialist at 277 -0148.
County employees are expecting and want to
use the Daycare Center, it is strongly advised
they get on the waiting list as soon as pos- FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS
sible. County employees do have a priority �7 �7
a the wait of and the County does help (awith Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their
a portion of County employees fees (about p � Y
15 %). immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted.
No County addresses or telephone numbers maybe listed in the ads. Use this coupon to
County employees are on the Daycare send your ad to Corridors c/o Central Services. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY!
Board and are actively involved in the
management of the Center.
If any employee group (example,
Employee Council) is interested, I'm sure
the Director would be willing to meet with
them to give more information on the
Daycare Center.
1 J