HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-07 1 COUNTY CORRIDORS • v.,. 111, No.V A Newsletter For Employees and Retirees of Tompkins County July 1990 FIRST ANNUAL 25 YEAR CLUB E HEAD N UP COUNTY COGSWELL DINNER HELD UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN by Judy I. Tynyk By: Scott Heyman Cathy Emilian, Caseworker in the Com- The first inductees into the Tompkins County 25 Year Club were honored on June 21, munity Support Services Program with the 1990 at the first annual 25 Year Club dinner held at the Sheraton Inn. Mental Health Department, and Walt The evening commenced with a social hour and the presentation of flowers — a cor Cogswell, Probation Supervisor, are slated sage for the ladies, a boutonniere for the gentlemen. The buffet dinner, highlighted by a to co-chair this year's United Way Cam beautiful cheese and fruit display, consisted of such culinary delights as herbed baked paign among County employees and chicken, baked New England Scrod, top round of beef, Waldorf, pasta, 3 -bean and fresh retirees. garden salads, seasonal vegetable, Lyonnaise potatoes, and assorted buffet cakes. Emilian will be co-chairing the Campaign Following dinner, Beverly E. Livesay, Chair of the Personnel Committee, expressed the for the forth year, while Cogswell is replac Board's appreciation to all past and present County employees for their dedication and mg Probation Director Kathy Leinthall. continued service to the taxpayers of Tompkins County. Scott Heyman, County Ad- During the last three campaigns, County ministrator, presented the 25 Year Club members with a Certificate of Appreciation and employees nearly doubled their total giving gift (those members unable to attend the dinner will be receiving their certificate and gift to the United Way from $7,853 to $14,070. in the mail). In addition retirees are now solicited direct- ly and in 1989 donated $912 as a group. Other County employees involved in the Campaign include County Administrator f f;14;(it; Scott Heyman, who served on the Campaign Cabinet for the last three years and is General Campaign Chairman this year; r Kathy Leinthall, who continues to serve on it the United Way Board of Directors; and ;, s ,' . * . x ' ' v. ■ John Beach, who is chairing the Public Ser- . e vices Division of the Campaign and is a ';: ' r t f * member of the Campaign Cabinet. In addi- \: � r P. tion more than 24 employees served as coor- dinators and solicitors for the County' s ef- A , ,, _ i:74. k forts. The 1990 United Way Campaign is slated ‘A j v. i- to kick off on September 21st. County Employee ., " r.` • ' C to the .. * a United Way - • , - $14,070 Tompkins County 25 Year Club members who attended the first annual dinner were, 4 4"�,. `': row 1 — Albert M. Donohue, Jean Malison Welch, Donald J. Culligan, Joanne Brazo, Ed- • •: > ward Mikula and Ruth S. Miller; row 2 — Ann Moses, Zdenka K. Stepan, Clara Goodman, Marion J. Wensky, Marjorie Boykin and Robert L. Howard; row 3 — George W. Guest, $7853 99'7 .. ..,,,, 7 �YIY: Roland D. Churchill and Harris B. Dates. Annette S. Andrews came up from Florida for • • • the dinner, but missed the photo session. - >,, ,: The rest of the 25 Year Club members who were unable to attend the dinner include the w i n g: E Ar mstrong, Helen L. Bergsten, Louise Betters, Irene H. Betts, Viola C. ;"1 throyd, Phillip C haffee k Da Helen V. De nnis, H aze l Eva, The L Finch, ommie Fish, John E. Gilbert, Frances Grant, Jim Hill, Evalda J. Holman, Harold K 198 asten- 1986 1989 1990 huber, Frank R. Liguori, Charles O. Miller, Agnes R. Nolan, Thomas G. Payne, John L. County employees have nearly doubled Potter, Joan P. Sheffield, Raymond J. Stark, Carleton Thall, Leon H. Tucker, Josephine T. their contributions to the TC UW in three Yeaton, and Edgar Zhe. years. WE ARE NOT LOCATED IN STEWART PARK! TOMPKINS COUNTY PICNIC by Youth Bureau Staff has been moved four times and is currently An eavesdropper listening in on a typical located on the 4th floor of Biggs A above the The 3rd Annual Tompkins County Picnic phone conversation at the Tompkins Coun- Probation and Planning Departments. will be held Sunday, August 26, 1990 from ty Youth Bureau might hear this exchange: Many of the people who came to the 3 p.m. in Stewart Park. A chicken barbec , YB: May I help you? department's open house last month were salads and beverages will be provided by CALLER: Yes, my daughter is inter- surprised to find there was a fourth floor. Versatile Food Management Services. ested in attending Cass Park... The Youth Bureau has eight offices; the rest Music will be provided by Direct Drive YB: That program is operated by the of the corridor is rented by Odyssey Re- Sound Systems, Inc. Ithaca Youth Bureau, I can give you their search Associates. Those who missed the There will be free merry-go -round rides phone number. open house are invited to take the stairs or for the children, clowns, face- painting, and a CALLER: I thought that is the Youth elevator by the Sadd Conference Room up Day Care raffle. Bureau I called. Aren't you the people in one flight to the "penthouse" to take a look Registration forms will be sent to depart - that new building by Stewart Park? around. ments in early August. Cost to the employee YB: No, the Ithaca Youth Bureau is a Janice Johnson and Gale Trimble were will be $1.00 per family member up to a max - department of City government and is listed hired recently as Program Management imum of $5.00 per family. The remainder of under City of Ithaca in the phone book, not Specialists to monitor the agency operated the cost will be paid from vending machine Youth Bureau. The County Youth Bureau youth programs funded through the Youth revenues. ,- -- is a small department located in the old Bureau. They are responsible for helping hospital — Biggs Building A. programs provide high quality services con - CALLER: Well, what programs do you sistent with their approved proposals. illit„,,, ., ..„,„ Nancy Zahler, director, summarized the v , YB: We don't run programs ourselves; Youth Bureau's role by saying "We expect a * l l i we proride funding and assistance to agen- great deal from agencies and we feel cies and communities who work directly obligated to making sure the staff, board and , with children and youth. volunteers working with children and youth � : �CALLER: Oh, then maybe you could have all the help they need to do a good job." . help me figure out what to do for my nephew Janice Johnson feels that "there are a lot of 1100 gip o who just moved to Trumansburg... dedicated professionals in Tompkins Coun- ry YB: Yes, there is the Ulysses Youth Un- ty operating excellent programs for youth limited program that runs a variety of and it's exciting to be a part of that effort." VOLUNTEERS programs for youth in middle school and Gale Trimble is the newest staff member of • high school. I can give you the name of the the Youth Bureau and is looking forward to NEEDED• 1 person to contact. Since we provide some of working with agencies since "youth are our the funding for their programs, we'd be in- future leaders in society." She is "glad to be terested in how helpful you find the a part of the County Youth Bureau to work NEW SENIOR PROGRAM TO program. We also compile a free directory with and support youth programs to more ef- OPEN of summer programs which we send to you. fectively meet the growing needs of young CALLER: Thank you very much, I people in Tompkins County." by Marilyn Strassberg didn't realize how much was available for In 1989, the Board of Representatives sig- children in the County. nificantly expanded its role in supporting The Tompkins County Health Planning The Tompkins County Youth Bureau local youth programming by budgeting Council and the Reconstruction Home are was created by the Board of Repre- S78 ,000tobesharedbyall municipalities. In proud to announce the opening of the first sentatives to plan, fund, coordinate and 1990 the Board doubled that financial assis- Adult Day Care program in Tompkins evaluate youth programs that promote tance and approved the creation of a new County. The program will be a pilot project youth development and prevent juvenile position to help local communities assess to provide socialization and activities for delinquency. The Youth Bureau acts as a their youth needs, plan new and expanded older, frail adults. The program will open on conduit for funds from the New York State programs and find creative ways to finance September 4 and operate two days per week, Division for Youth and Tompkins County to them. Susan Perkins is a Senior Program with capacity for eight adults at the communities and agencies operating youth Management Specialist working with Reconstruction Home site. programs. The department has expanded Caroline, Danby, Dryden, Enfield, and New- Adult Day Care is a structured day from two employees in 1977 to 8 positions field. She finds working with communities program designed to provide individualized to conduct needs assessments, compile very different from working with agency care in a small group setting for older, frail directories, account for over $800,000 in staff. "Volunteers are the backbone of those adults. Adult Day Care also provides a relief state and county funds, monitor 27 youth programs. It is gratifying to work with for caregivers and family members. For more programs, help 16 municipalities develop parents, legislators, educators, service information about admissions or volunteer and finance over 30 Local programs, coor- providers and youth who care so much about opportunities, contact the Program Direc- dinate the efforts of youth service providers the quality of life for the children in their tor, Peg Hopper, at the Reconstruction and to conduct inter- agency planning to communities." Home, 273 -4166. Volunteers can be us find creative ways to address unmet youth for one hour or more, to provide compani needs and improve the effectiveness and ef- ship or program assistance. Individuals or ficiency of publicly supported youth ser- » To be continued In the August edl- organizations having activities to share with vices. In the last ten years, the department lion of this newsletter. program participants are welcome. i ft : � n t h . :: E m l o e e o e Keeping County Corridors Clean HONORING FOSTER PARENTS y Bridie Hockenberry MEMBERS OF THE BIG HEART Thompson (Fernzerella to her close CLUB It Fern Thom P ( to come see what we were doing. Of course friends) was born and raised in you know what she thought! We still don't by Mary Pat Dolan Trumansburg, NY along with her five sisters know why she thought that! (We were known y and one brother. After she met and married as the "hellions" of Tompkins County Hospi- her husband Tom she moved to Owego to tai.) On Tuesday, June 29, members of the live and raise her family that grew to 9 When I asked one of her bosses to make Tompkins County Board of Repre- children. a comment about Fern, he said, "That's easy! sentatives, the County Administrator, the After her husband's death Fern moved She is a dedicated and loyal county Commissioner, and staff of the Department back to the Ithaca area with 7 children still employee." Fern is a dedicated employee of Social Services took time out to honor living at home. Somehow, even on county who does a good job, but she is much more some very special people in our community. wages, she was able to help put all of her than that — she is a compassionate, caring Tuesday was the Third Annual Foster children through college. Her children person whom I'm glad that I once worked Parent Recognition Reception, organised Tom, Marjorie (deceased), Cathy, Mae, with and is my best friend. and beautifully arranged by Beth Jones, the Joyce, Libby, Barbara, Mike and Jim all have Caseworker at DSS who is responsible for varying and interesting jobs from a foster home recruiting and training. registered nurse to a special agent for the About 55 people gathered at the Divi Ex military services. ecutive Tower to mingle, chat and receive Fern started working for the county in some special awards. Dan Winch, member 1974 at Tompkins County Hospital, where of the Board of Representatives, former she stayed for 6 years. When the hospital Chair of the Human Services Committee, went private Fern decided to stay with the gave a lovely speech on the reasons he so ad- county, and 5 bosses later she is still plugging mires our foster parents and said that, in his on. opinion, "they were all members of the Big Fern's base building to work in is at Biggs - Heart Club." Dan also had the honor of plea, Bldg. A. She is a very versatile in- passing out Decade of the Child Special �l4idual who has worked as a cleaner in all ' Achievement Certificates to five foster of the county buildings. She generally trains parent groups. These awards are presented all new employees for the cleaner position on behalf of Governor Cuomo and Commis within the county. Her knowledge of the sinner Perales to honor the work foster • inner structure of the de artments and their parents do on behalf of all of us in New York P +µ State. The people who were awarded certifi- needs are very helpful in training new per- PAP sonnet .• cates include Kay and David Blake; Crys- tean Fields, Jean and Ricky Stewart; Beth Ongoing Friendships and Martin Jolles; Irene and Bill Mai; and Sharon and Ernie Newberry. • In addition, Beth and Aafke Steenhuis, There are only 4 of us that started as''' °: who has taken over the organization of the cleaners at the hospital that are still Foster Parent Association, allowed every employed by the county, Jim Wilson, Doris foster family present to choose from among Selke, Fern and myself. Our friendships go • the many wonderful gift certificates that back as far as our 16 years of knowing each Aafke, Deborah Meyers and Sharon Rider •other. had solicited from area businesses and When I was asked to write some personal employers on behalf of our foster parents. It comments on Fern, I immediately thought of was a wonderful event, honoring some very several funny things that happened to us wonderful people. We hope that we might while employed at the hospital. The problem see you there next year. is I hesitate to document them! There is one occasion that I will mention where Jim, Fern / • and I were all working together on a job. We 1 MIN had really put in a tough day - scrubbing and t waxing Sadd Conference Room. After we y 1 ) - i , S IP - had finished the job the equipment had to be 1. hed off. When Jim turn d on the w ter pp ‘t Pa ` w NE e e a pressure was so great that the water hose ;,c . .. v flew out of his hand and drenched all three 1 1 lV., r, r of us. Well that was bad enough, but just as Fem Thompson, our employee of the x,:' >,-- - ,��i that was happening our supervisor decided month from Buildings and Grounds. 't 2 � = FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS ... . Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their im- mediate families. Ms may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. No . County addresses or telephone numbea may be listed in the ads. Use this coupon to send your �, i ad to Corridors c/o Central Services. • ' _ a � L J . l r , UNCLASSIFIEDS NOTES :: at Experienced seamstress will create women's and children's fashions, custom made especially for you by TYNYK Congratulations to Laurie Hockenberry ORIGINALS, from your pattern and and Joe Crandall who were married on June material. Reasonable price quotes in ad- 30th. fi p vance and assistance in material selection. f • /,r /, For more information call 564 -9244 even- Bob Deputron's wife, Donna, had a baby e ings and weekends. girl, Rebecca Ann, 10# 12oz on June 21, 1 1990. They also have 1 son, Jesse. FOR SALE - Encyclopedia Britannica, 1987 edition, 29 volume set. $1100 includes The Jack R. Rumsey family wishes to ... 20 volume set of The Annals of America thank everyone that was so helpful in their I and Britannica Atlas. Call 564 -9244 even - time of need. You have helped make our ings and weekends. days brighter. i Still FREE to good homes – KIT- • V . MIA flags are flying at all county com- TENS – various colors and ages, playful, , . ti plexes. • affectionate, born and raised outdoors but r a. litter trained. Call 564-9244 evenings and weekends. WANTED OLD BOTTLES...Cork Type...especially if the user or place where they were used, or place where they were found is known. Write Bob Clauson 3159 ST RTE 228, Alpine, NY 14805 i The recent survey that by the Vending Comto mittee see FOR SALE: Electric stove – good revealed s ome people want condition – S75.00. Datsun 1980 XL210 \ ATTENTION . a County employee bowling league. – parts – $50.00. Contemporary desk – BOWLERS! white – $35.00. WANTED: 3/4 mat - If you are interested in bowling in a tress/box spring, and gas stove. Call Pat – AO' & WOULD -BE 277 - 3314 or 387 - 5304. County employee league, dip and retum BOWLERS! this coupon to Kathy West in Budget and iii Nil. Finance, or Don Franklin in Assessment Dept Answers to June Airport Quiz – — V El I em also interested in helping to organize a County 1 ARFF – Aircraft Rescue and Fire Employee bowling league. Fighting Name AH-1. – Aqueous Film Forming Foam Dept. _ H 10 ome Phone �`-, -- ip- 1 J