HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-05 COUNTY CORRIDORS
Vol. HI, No.III A Newsletter For Employees and Retirees of Tompkins County May 1990
If you know a Tompkins County resident
age 60 or older who might be interested in
participating in a new adult day program,
' please call Marilyn Strassberg at the Office
for the Aging, 277 -0148, for more up -to-
date- information.
Jim Hanson, Commissioner of Planning and Kris DeLuca - Beach, Employment and
• Training Director. - .
■ BOARD TAKES A BREAK... OA by: Scott Heyman and threats. �! �' !, - / On Saturday, February 10, 1990, the Presentations were made by eac h of the �� "� .� .. • .
members of the Board of Representatives County staff answerable directly to the e,,,7 4
assembled at the Newfield Rod & Gun Club Board of Representatives; the County Ad- ' w ' 1 \`� o r% / for an all -day Retreat. ministrator, County Attorney, County]
The event, first of its kind in the memory Comptroller and Clerk of the Board.
of any Board member, including 33 year Outcomes of the meeting included a
veteran Don Culligan, was organized by resolve to improve information flowing to �� T �
Representatives Dan Winch and Deborah the public regarding not only the dclibera- FIRST Al�N V
Dietrich and was coordinated and tions of the Board of Representatives, but TOMPKINS COUNTY
facilitated by Cooperative Extension staff the services provided by County govern -
members Ann Mathews and Mike Dut- ment, and some initiatives that County Ad- 25 YEAR CLUB
tweiler. ministrator Scott Heyman is being asked to DINNER
Winch described the Retreat, which was follow through on to reduce paper flow and
initiated by him during budget deliberations ensure that proposals presented to Board The Tompkins County Board of Reprc
last fall, as an attempt to put Board mem- committees are brought forward in their sentatives cordially invites you to join them
bers in communication with each other in a most concise format with more extensive se honoring the first inductees into the
in relaxed setting when they were not under backup being provided only to Board mem- Tompkins County first
Year Club at a dinner
pressure to make decisions on any specific bers who want it. to be held at the Sheraton Inn, 1 Sheraton
issues. Winch stated that no specific Coun- Several Board members at the Retreat Drive, Ithaca, New York on Thursday, June
ty issues were discussed during the all -day cited the huge increase in the time required 21, 1990. There will be a cash bar from 5:30
session. to serve as a Board member and asked for to 6:30 followed by a buffet dinner at 6:30.
Discussions included topics such as repeats of the Retreat as a means of getting Reservations, including payment of $14.00
. defming the formal and informal roles that a handle on that workload. per person, must be received by June 11,
a County Board plays, how the Board County department heads spent a por-
operates, how members relate to each other tion of their February and April meetings 1990. See reservation slip on page 4.
and establish mutual expectations, relations discussing some of the points to come out of
with the media, and an assessment of the the Retreat.
Board's strengths, problems, opportunities
Employee of the Month
OM! ,
by: Mary Latten month! ".
In May, we would like to honor Hazel In Hazel's many years of service, she has
Eva. This month will make 25 years that she managed to travel around a bit, not only has
has worked at D.S.S. It is easy to describe she traveled from different units, but from t
this particular lady. She is very hard work- different buildings. It all started back in 1965, .
ing, conscientious and personable. After you when she started in the Medical Unit; she
have met Hazel it doesn't take long to notice wasn't a nurse, but a typist in the former
what a great personality she has. She is downtown DSS building. Then along came '
friendly, easy -going and has a great sense of the Medicaid program, and she worked in
humor. Not only is she helpful, but a detec- the wing of the old hospital, now the Biggs A
five on top of that! She persists until she building. She then moved to Biggs B build -
usually fmds whatever someone is looking ing, formerly called the "H" building, where ° / .
for. Just ask anyone in the Food Stamp Unit the Health and Mental Health Departments
if she hasn't found at least one missing file are now located. Hazel returned downtown
for them. to the DSS building and worked as a recep-
tionist, prescreener and back to typist. Hazel
was not one to stay in one place; she enjoyed -
Oh, how we love her baking! moving around. During this time there have Hazel Eva, our employee of the month
Some of her more famous recipes been 7 commissioners and many supervisors. from DSS.
However, since around 1975, she has stayed
have included apple cake, eclair in the Food Stamp Unit as a typist.
cake and chocolate chip cookies. There have been many memorable mo-
ments over the years, such as the time she was 1
sitting at her desk and kept hearing some Mother may I ? •
Some of Hazel's hobbies include crochet- funny noises. Being a good detective, she
ing, knitting, making crafts and baking. went to investigate what was going on. To her tell YOU Every thing I know
Usually in the fall, Hazel gets her crocheting surprise, she found the commissioner locked Your heart, your face, your laughter,
or knitting out to start on some Christmas in the bathroom! Needless to say, she res- makes me feel a glow.
presents. If there is a special occasion, like a cued him from his fateful predicament!
wedding or newborn due to arrive, she'll There were a couple of events that in
have her yarn out early making something volved two surprise birthday celebrations. Mother may I ?
special. The first time her daughter sent a clown with
Oh, how we love her baking! Some of her balloons to Hazel's downtown office, and he tell you, How 1 know its True? i
more famous recipes have included apple sang a birthday song to the tune of a popular because your warmth and love and care
cake, eclair cake and chocolate chip cookies. song. Another time, her daughter sent a mes- keeps me from feeling Blue.
Not too many people haven't tried or at least senger to her office to wish her a happy
heard of these. birthday, and on this occasion the messenger
Hazel and her husband Ron will rolled out a scroll and read a poem to her for other may I ?
celebrate their eleventh wedding anniver- all to hear! Shock, embarrassment and
sary this year. They were high school laughter followed the entertainment. tell you, All you mean to me
sweethearts who were separated and each you led, you taught, you nurtured
married someone else. They finally were til I saw who I could be.
reunited in an unexpected way after they Some of Hazel's hobbies include
each were divorced. Hazel had been crocheting, knitting, making Mother may I ?
recuperating from a serious illness at her crafts and baking. ,
mother's house. Unaware of this, Ron, who
had been working on a construction crew, tell you, What is my wish to you
stopped by for a pail of water. Ron instantly For God to keep you near him
recognized Hazel after all those years! It was Another hysterical moment occurred And in your heart you know,
a long romance, which culminated in mar- while cleaning up after Hazel's Christmas
dinner last year. After several attempts at
riage. With that came a combined family of starting and trying to repair the dishwasher, other may I ?
7 children, 14 grandchildren and a dog •
named Molly. Hazel's reaction to the num someone solved the problem. You have to
ber of grandchildren was "they better quit
dishes the dishwasher in, in order to get clean tell you, 1 LOVE YOU SO!
soon!" It is hard to keep track of 8 family
birthdays that are all celebrated in the same » continued on page 4 submitted by Janice Wood — Comp
troller's Office
4 i ii ii I The Central Data Processing department
III I111I .
t .04 ® 1 of Tompkins County might not be a familiar
. 1 department to some County employees, but
to others who rely on our services we are well
( ` Located in Building "C ', we provide both
"1� mainframe and personal computer (PC)
y A j� : support for the County. We currently have at
o v;. a ,w ,, $ r our location an IBM 4361 Mainframe com-
:$ b , _ '- puter, which we have approximately 40
,1 M : ° ' ` ,_ County employees of various departments
r4 ' - - , _ accessing daily. ■
r ,n ' ---- Fred Hoffman is the Systems Analyst, and
y1 tt ., r `-r..- � i oversees the Data Processing Department.
' , - �-2 _ _ - Fred has been with the County for 16 years.
y a —'�— = Also assisting with the mainframe is
r � , Programmer, Kim Glosenger, who has been
1 > '• �' °' with Data Processing for over two years. Our
The Central Data Processing staff, from left to right — night -time Computer Operator, Ken Frost,
Doug Stewart — Micro - Computer Specialsit; Angela Swartwood — Computer handles those jobs that cannot be processed
Operator/Technician; Fred Hoffman — Systems Analyst; and Kim Glosenger — Program- during the day. Ken has been with Data
mer. Ken Frost — Computer Operator not pictured. Processing almost year.
To assist with the growing number of Per -
EMPLOYEE WELLNESS SURVEY RESULTS Computer Computer aist y ,DougSt warti
upon. Doug has been in the position for
by Sigrid Larsen Kerr, RN you know who participated, here is what we about two years, but has been with Data
Last May, a very positive response was found: Processing for 5 years. He handles anything
Of eceived from county employees who par- 23% smoked cigarettes; 8% consumed from PC installations to training for PC
icipated in a Health Risk Appraisal survey more than 14 drinks a week or reported users.
conducted by a graduate student of The drug use; 25% used their seatbelts 75% or New to Data Processing was the acquiring
State University of New York at Bingham- less of the time; 11% had little or no physi- of the County's phone system. Angela
ton, School of Nursing. Slightly more than cal activity in their lifestyle; 9% measured Swartwood is the person County employees
50% of the total employee population par- high -blood pressures; 33% weighed 20% or call when their phone gives them problems.
ticipated. Of the employees who par- more over their height and weight She has been handling the phone system for
ticipated 34% were below 35 years of age, guidelines; 3% reported high distress levels; 6 months, along with her other duties as
53% were between 35 and 54 years of age and 12% have higher than average risk for injury Computer Operator/Technician. Angela has
13% were 55 years and older. Females to- because of their lifestyle, work environment been with the County for 11/2 years.
taled 67% of the response, slightly more than and or hunting activities.
the 58% of the total county female popula- Overall, 25% of the employees were
tion whereas males totaled 33% of the shown to have high risk profiles, that is: One MAKING STRIDES
response, slightly less than the 42% male quarter of the employees could lower their
population in the county work force at that risk profiles by reducing or quitting smok-
e. ing, reducing excessive drinking and drug The American Cancer Society is holding
Only 17% of the employees listed them - use, buckling their seatbelts at least 90% of a first -ever event in five cities across upstate
selves as single, 56% stated they were mar- the time, increasing their physical exercise New York on Sunday, June 10th. We would
ried, 5% separated, 2% widowed, 17% and reducing their caloric intakes to reduce like you to be part of it.
divorced and 10% were listed in an "other" their excess weight, and controlling their Making Strides is a five mile non -com-
category which employees listed as: co- blood pressure with a combination of diet, petitive move - along -a -thon, with par -
habitation, commonlaw, live -ins, and stress reduction and medication main- ticipants obtaining sponsors regardless of
engaged. tenance. Seeking professional counseling how many miles they walk, run, ride, skate
The majority or 62% of the employees through either the Employee Assistance board, roller skate, wheelchair or bicycle.
described themselves as either a profes- Program or private sources will help For more information contact Joanne Ter -
sional, technical, manager or an official. employees to cope with the stresses and williger, DSS 274 -5328, or The American
Clerical and sales personnel numbered 26% demands of our harried and hectic lifestyles Cancer Society at 273 -0430.
while 11% of the respondents described and lastly, consciously reviewing hazardous
"t hemselves in service, labor or as activities they undertake at home and at ducting an Employee Wellness Survey in
raftspeople, foreman and operatives. work to make them as safe as possible would May to determine what your health interests
Over a three week period, 57% of the reduce the risk of physical injury. are and what programs you would like to see
employees participated in private review ses- Thank you, to all who participated, com- the county offer in an employee v1 "•llness
sions of their computerized results. Now that mented and shared your health concerns. program.
As a follow -up to this survey I will be con -
Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their im-
mediate families. Ms may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. No Answer to last months question is Biggs
County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads. Use this coupon to send your Building A.
ad to Corridors c/o Central Services.
Q. Can you guess the County building
where this flower can be found?
A. Answer in next months issue.
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.1 by Marilyn Strassberg
A special low -cost academic program •
being offered to older adults this coming
.. summer at over 1,000 different colleges and
Pictured here are some of the kids from the Tompkins Employee Day Care Center who universities both in the U.S. and overseas.
participated in a May Day parade through Biggs A. Elderhostel is an educational program,
one specifically created for individuals 60
years of age or older. A companion 50 years
» continued from page 3 ' 1 old or older may accompany a participant
You might want to ask Hazel if she knows who is at least 60. The costs are kept low.
"Mrs. Smith ". We hear "Mrs. Smith" makes I will attend the 25 Year Club dinner The typical charge for a 6 -night program in
a good apple pie. By the way, we would like on June 21, 1990. the U.S. is S235 and in Canada $255. The
to know if Hazel has auditioned to replace costs include registration costs, six nights ac-
Vanna White yet? We hear she can do a commodations, all meals, five days of clas-
pretty good modeling job and that her Number attending ses and a variety of extra - curricular ac-
"tape" is being sent in for an audition! tivities.
As most people around DSS know, Hazel Elderhostel courses are in the Liberal
has many "duties ". Hazel handles the Avon Amount Enclosed Arts and Sciences. Thcy are not for credit,
line of products. She keeps us all in the most and there are neither exams, grades nor
fashionable accessories. She keeps many homework! No particular previous
people awake in the morning by managing a Name & Department knowledge or study is presupposed! Some
coffee club. If it wasn't for Hazel, there participants have Ph.D's while others have
would be a lot of sleepy people on the second never graduated from high school. All that
floor! Many consider her as their "sub- is needed is a lifetime of experience and an
stitute Mom ". She is so sympathetic, witty inquiring mind to enjoy the Elderhostel
and willing to listen, that many stop by for program of your choice either in the U.S. or
advice or just to talk. in over 40 countries abroad!
Hazel's aspirations are to retire and move Please stop in at COFA's office at 309
to Florida. She would love to open up her Make check payable to Tompkins North Tioga Street to take a look at the 17
own craft store down there. Even though County and return to Jeanne E. page Elderhostel catalog if you are int
she's been here 25 years, we hope these Frandsen, Tompkins County Board of ested in the program or write to:
dreams are some years down the road. We Representatives by June 11, 1990. Elderhostel
would like her to stay another 25 more years. 80 Boylston Street, Suite 400
Hazel, you're not ready to retire yet, right ?!!! Boston, Maryland 02116