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Vol. I, No.X A Newsletter For Employees and Retirees of Tompkins County December 1988
The Probation
Christmas Choir
Tune up your vocal cords fellow em- '� �` x }
ployees—the Probation Christmas Choir
will be making the rounds of County build-
ings enhancing the corridors with seasonal ' - - ,j e1
songs.For those of you that would like to z�`' # ,'
join in,feel free—we're even providing the ' I.
words. 7 ����� .,,
Rudolph the Red Nose r 't'
Reindeer 1 -,' i , `: 1`r 1 j
, °F
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
had a very shiny nose � °
And if you ever saw it, ,.
you would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer '
used to laugh and call him names, It
They never let poor Rudolph Top Row- Mitch Youngling, Tammy Negus, Nicki Albro, Kathy Leinthall, Linda
join in any reindeer games. Heberle,John Beach,Jan Zahler,Lena DiPaolo
Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Bottom Row- Diana Crane, Gail Harris, Sue Robinson, Kathleen Eaton, Walter
Santa came to say: Cogswell,Peggy Arcangeli Photo by Bill Chapp
"Rudolph with your nose so bright,
won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
Then how the reindeer loved him, Jingle Bells Rockin' Around The
as they shouted out with glee:
"Rudolph,the red-nosed reindeer, Dashing through the snow, Christmas Tree
horse open sleigh,you'll go down in history." In a one Rockin' around the Christmas tree at
O'er the fields we go, the Christmas party hop.
Laughing all the way. Mistletoe hung where you can see every
Bells on bobtail ring, couple tries to stop.
Making spirits bright, Rockin'around the Christmas tree,let
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let Oh what fun it is to ride and sing a the Christmas spirit ring.
It Snow! sleighing song tonight! Later we'll have some pumpkin pie and
Oh! the weather outside is frightful we'll do some caroling.
But the fire is so delightful Jingle bells,jingle bells,
And since we've no place to go, Jingle all the way! You will get a sentimental feeling when
Let It Snow! Let It Snow!Let It Snow! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse you hear voices singing,
open sleigh! "Let's be jolly, Deck the halls with
It doesn't show signs of stopping Jingle bells,jingle bells, boughs of holly."
And I brought some corn for popping; Jingle all the way!
The lights are turned'way down low. Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse Rockin'around the Christmas tree.
Let It Snow!Let It Snow!Let It Snow! open sleigh! Have a happy holiday.
Everyone dancing merrily in the new
When we finally kiss goodnight, *IP old fashioned way.
How I'll hate going out in the storm!
But if you'll really hold me tight
All the way home I'll be warm. attain i `EE r]'��!,�'�i1C�
The fire is slowly dying 0"h'' / sy�" 1\ �j 11�\jam
And,my dear,we're still goodbyeing,
But as long as you love me so,
Let It Snow!Let It Snow!Let It Snow! 1.! \ THIS PAPER IS RECYCLABLE.
s ' '��� Play Ball, Retirees
• by Robert N.Clauson
eimingroti I I taught 19 years in Vocational
- ""- Agriculture and Industrial Arts Shop,
(woodworking) prior to being a local as-
i `` sessor and part time Real Estate sales-
. i ,..j r' man.
At retirement I got right into playing
1 1 t --'- A Senior softball in the 10-team softball
-- 1 _ league in Sun City Arizona, a modern
i� retirement community.There I attended
.w many seminars and college courses on
Lpj0' things related to developing and keeping
Ms good health as a Senior or retired person.
�' Ball playing is a great way to do this,
_ m • especially if the player will make an extra
effort to get in better condition, like
regular fast walking exercise sessions
Mr. Robert Clauson, a member of the Senior League Softball Team. each week,or even jogging a bit.
If you're 55 or over, you could be part of his winning team! My dream of organizing a senior
softball team from the several county
areas in the Finger Lakes region became
a reality in 1988 due to excellent help from
a "spark plug" of a person, Bob Miller, a
Vacancies as of December 7 perience. Eligibility for NYS RPN license. Grade retired farmer on Podunk Rd., Town of
REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL NURSE: Ulysses.We played teams from Syracuse,
For applications or more information on Binghamton, Elmira, Rochester, and
openings listed below, contact the Personnel Health Dept. Hypertension Program; one PT g
Department,274-5526 position. Completion of a course of study ap- Cortland.And in a day of play-off games
ACCOUNT/CLERK TYPIST:High School plus proved by NYS Education Dept.as qualifying for at the end of the season, we took 3rd
one year clerical experience OR three years cleri- RPN AND possession of RPN license at time of place.
cal experience. Four college credit hours in ac- appointment.Grade 11. We would like to put out the word that
counting may be substituted for one year ex- SENIOR LIBRARY CLERK: BOCES; HS and WE WANT MORE PLAYERS FOR 1989!
perience.Grade 5. one year library clerical experience OR two years Perhaps we can have two teams...one for
AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC: Dryden Schools; of college OR five years clerical experience.
ry a Trying To Win Team,and one for a Play
$7.54-$8.29/hr.; two years experience as an Grade 6. More For Just Fun Team,which I call a
automotive mechanic AND appropriate TYPIST: Mental Health, DSS, Dryden Recreational team. This accommodates
operator's license and regs of NYS Commis- Schools, Job Training, High School graduation
OR two years clerical experience.Grade 4. men who can hit well, but not run. We
stoner of Education for bus drivers if applying for P have a league rule that a batter can have
bus driving position.Full-time training in automo- VACANCIES JANUARY 1, 1989: g
tive mechanics may substitute for experience on
TYPIST: BUDGET AND FINANCE, LG 4,25% a runner once he gets on first base, or
a year for year basis. TIME starting right from Home Plate.So all you
CASE AIDE: Mental Health; One year ex- ASSISTANT ASSESSOR: ASSESSMENT, LG Babe Ruth hitters have no excuse not to
perience in any position supporting human ser- 13 come play ball this coming spring and
vices programs in public or private agency. ACCOUNT CLERK/TYPIST: SHERIFF,LG 5; summer.Any retired person,55 and over,
Grade 4. SOLID WASTE,LG 5 (most of us are in our 60's, some in our
CLEANER:TC3; No minimum qualifications. PROBATION OFFICER: PROBATION,LG 12 70's) who would like to join the team
Grade 3. DISPATCHER: FIRE&DISASTER,LG 9 should contact the Senior Center, on
LIBRARY CLERK: Library (2 1/2 time posi- HEALTH AIDE:HEALTH,LG 4 South Geneva St., or Bob Miller at 387-
tions): HS OR two years clerical experience. LG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL NURSE: 9391,or Bob Clauson at 594-3622.
4 HEALTH, (20%TIME); DSS,(50%TIME),LG 11 I will be playing Senior League softball
PAGE:Library;Completion of eighth grade or PUBLIC HEALTH SANITARIAN:Health,LG 13
demonstrated ability to perform the work.Grade TEAM LEADERS(2): HEALTH,LG 12 in Florida this mid-winter and spring, to
1.(Two positions available.)
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF BUDGET AND learn how they have organized things
PSYCHIATRIST: Mental Health; Two years ADMINISTRATION: MENTAL HEALTH,MG D there.To us who have played softball,it is
clinical experience as physician AND Board CASEWORKER(2): DSS,LG 11 more fun, and takes less time and money
eligibility to practice psychiatry AND three years SENIOR CASEWORKER: DSS,LG 12 than the traditional retirement pastime of
training in mental health program,including ex- YOUTH CARE WORKER: DSS,LG 10 golf. It is healthy to get out there and
perience in supervision, consultation, or direct SR.FINANCIAL INVESTIGATOR: DSS,LG 10 throw,hit,and run!
service with community mental health or related INVESTIGATOR/ HUMAN RIGHTS: HUMAN
social agency programs.Grade H. RIGHTS,MG B, (50%TIME)
Engineering OR a license to practice as a profes-
sional sional engineer in NYS.Grade 13.
PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE: Two openings in » continued on page 4
the Health Dept.;BS in nursing AND one year ex-
Employee of the Month F ,ti ;
.G I. Payday 4 =y
„.. „.
., ,„ . ..„;;,-by Liz Loiselle
It's Monday morning and it's pay week. �*
In the County Comptroller's Office Fran
Armstrong is ready for the 500 plus time `',',
cards that must be keyed into the
mainframe computer before she leaves `
4 , 4
work for the day. ..
Many of you know Fran but for those of 't
you who don't, I'd like to introduce her.
Fran came to the County from Norstar
Bank in June 1984.During the four and a 1111 4. _
half years she's worked for Tompkins
County she has performed many duties in- •
eluding issuing Certificates of Residences, ' 'I 4C4 i t I -
collecting delinquent taxes, setting up a
system to track retiree payments of health Fran Armstrong, Payroll Clerk, County Comptroller's Office
insurance premiums and processing Ac- Photo by Bill Chapp
counts Payable to name a few.
TOMTRAN Fares to Increase
500 plus timecards NEWS RELEASE (Jan 17,1989)
Payroll Clerk's position.Think about it,the in JANUARY, 1989
next time you have trouble figuring out 2 Zone Cash $1.25 $l.OU
your fringes,Fran needs to know about the Dwight Mengel,Tompkins County
CSEA, Sheriff's and the managerial Senior Planner, announced today that 1 Zone Cash $ .60 $.50
benefits.Sometimes you can hear her talk- higher TOMTRAN bus fares will go into
ing to herself, especially when she effect on January 17, 1988. Fares will in- TICKETS Ten Tickets
reviewed the time cards that reflected the crease from$1.00 to$1.25 for 2 zone trips
flex hours worked this summer at Biggs and from$.50 to 5.60 for 1 zone trips.Tick- Adult 2 Zone $11 .00 $9.50
Complex. Her job is ever-changing, just et prices for commuters, youth, senior
when she thinks she's learned a system,the citizens and the fare for the Rural Access Adult 1 Zone $5.50 $4.75
system changes. (wheelchair accessible)service to TC3 will
Despite all this Fran loves a good chal- also increase. The new fares will effect the Etna Zone $8.00 $7.25
lenge.She will stick with a problem and see TOMTRAN Rural Routes of Dryden-
it through to the end.Retroactive salary in- Groton,Trumansburg,and Newfield. Youth $3.75 $2.75
creases last Fall was one of those challen- „ Why raise fares?
ges. "This represents the first general fare (Senio s) $3.00 $2.50
Fran's husband Michael works in increase in over 6 years." Mengel said.
Central Services.They have three children, TOMTRAN fares have remained constant
Michael serving our country in the Navy in since August of 1982,and fare revenue has Rural Access $2.00 per trip $1.50
Sardinia,Karen styling hair at New Images, not kept pace with normal increases in
and Krista who is in the sixth grade in New- For additional information call Dwight
field.Fran and Michael are avid golfers,in operating costs.Furthermore,federal sup- Mengel at 274-5370.
fact you might fmd them on the green in port of TOMTRAN has declined from a
some pretty adverse weather conditions. high of$97,769 in 1985 to$45,000 expected
They enjoy traveling and look forward to a for 1989.More revenue is needed to main-
tain TOMTRAN services.
time when they can retire and live out of a "The new fare represents a"fair fare"." A Thank You Note
"big” travel camper. This summer found Mengel stated. "In 1989, both passenger
them enjoying a few weeks as beach bums fares and County taxes will increase to sup-
on Myrtle Beach. The Corridors Editorial Board would
The next time you complete and sign Port TOMTRAN. The new fares will like to thank everyone who has con-
your time card or send in a health in- enable TOMTRAN to maintain the level tributed their time, ideas, and articles to
surance payment, rest assured they will of reliable,convenient and friendly service the newsletter!Keep up the good work!,
find their way across Fran's desk. the public expects.”
Thanks again and Seasons Greetings!
Healthy Notes
Anxiety Rx: perambulation None For The Road Still Best Advice a continued from page 2
The notion that taking a walk calms Some pointers from AAA on drinking
you down may have a sound basis. and driving:
Researchers at the University of Mas- Don't drink unless you really want to. GENERAL HIGHWAY SUPERVISOR: HWY,
sachusetts Center for health and fitness Don't let yourself feel pressured into it. MG D
have reported a drop in anxiety levels Only you know what is best for you. HWY,LG g
among 36 healthy men and women, ages If you decide to drink, sip your drink AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC:HWY,LG 12
30 to 50, after they took brisk 40-minute slowly.You'll probably drink less.
walks (3.4 to 3.9 miles per hour) on a Don't be fooled into thinking that fes-
laboratory treadmill. five holiday punch,merely because it tas-
Anxiety levels dropped an average of tes"better" than a straight shot of liquor, Unclassifieds
14% during the two hours following the is any less potent.
workouts.And anxiety levels dropped by Have a designated driver if you can- JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS!
the same amount for everyone,regardless someone who will not be drinking any Siberian Husky cross pups FREE to good
of intensity or gender.Of course,it's dif- thing alcoholic. home.Phone(607)659-3504 anytime.
ficult to study emotions scientifically.The If you don't have a designated driver,
drop in anxiety,as the researchers them- don't assume you can make it on your own. FOR SALE:1984 S-10 Pickup,
selves noted, could have occurred inde- Have someone else who is sober drive you FIBERGLASS CAP PS/PB tilt, Lots of
pendently of the exercise: people may home,stay at a friend's house for the night Extras $5,000.00 call Harold Brill 844
have simply expected to feel better.In any or call a cab. 8953 evenings.
case,they did feel better. Of course, the best advice of all still FOR SALE: CANON PC25 copier.
When you're feeling uptight, a brisk remains: If you must drink, don't drive.
walk is worth a try. And if you must drive,don't drink. Excellent condition. Enlarges, reduces.
Includes letter and legal size paper trays.
$600.Kathy West 272-2408.
Tell It To The Newsletter RIDE NEEDED to and from Groton
The Newsletter Editorial Board Wants Your Input. Village to County Courthouse. Work
Is there someone everyone in the County should know hiding in your Department?Do you know hours are 8:30-4:30, M-F. Merri Wilcox,
someone you think would make an interesting Employee of the Month?If there is a County employee work phone 274-5514, home phone 898-
you would like to see profiled in County Corridors,let us know. 4474 after 5:30
FOR A NEW LOOK to your old furni-
ture, call Custom Upholstery Services,
273-2993. Free estimates and fabric
samples to choose from.
Articles and opinion pieces for County Cor-
ridors are selected by the volunteer editorial
board based on their interest to Tompkins Coun-
ty employees and retirees. Material is solicited
t from current employees,retirees and others.
County Corridors is published by County
Central Services using desktop publishing typ-
ography and layout.Distribution is on the second
County payday of the month.
Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees,retirees and their immediate Material for publication is selected by the
families.Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted.No County addresses editorial board with reserves the right to edit any
or telephone numbers may be listed in the ads. Use this coupon to send your ad to Corridors c/o submissions.The editorial board is made up of
Central Services. Karen Barry(Central Services),Bill Chapp(DSS),
Shelia Ferrari(Purchasing and Central Services),
Scott Heyman (Administration), Joyce Musson
(Administration), Marilyn Strassberg (Office for
the Aging), and Judy Tynyk (Mental Health
Correspondence may be sent through Coun-
ty inter-office mail to
or via US Mail to:
ITHACA NY 14850.t