HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning-Officers-ReportDATE: TO: FROM: REPORT: VILI"AGE CF CAYUGA HEIGHTS BrentA Gross, Zoning Officer 408 E. Upland Road A permit application to bujld a ne\il office building.on the lot (existing building to be demolished) located atthe above referenced address, has been denied-because thL propdseA gi.5z;froniyard setbacK .l0,side yard setback, and 13'66' rear yard setback are tess than the 3'S'ietOacks required tiy CayugJHiig[b -- Zoning Ordinance Sec'tion 305€8: Puilding Setback; anO ne ploposed roof wil have a catculated lotcoverage of 25-4o/o which exceeds tre maximum @verage cll25%o allowed Uy Vifiage of C"Vug" H"igfrtZoning Ordinance Sec{on 305€9: Lot Coverage. fne orine-rlagent of this propertyji Jee6ng variancesas described above. Therebre, a,public heSring will be conducted on March 7,2o?2at 7:00 pm (virtually) to seek commentson.these variance(s). Documents about this project can be viewed on g,r'e vittigg'#eUifte, *,,rnr."avuqa-heiqhts.ny.us . You may viewlparticipate in trre virtual meeting by going to the 61owing tin[---- 836 HANSHAW ROAD. ITHACA . NY. 14850 (fi7' 257 -Wn. FA)( (604 2574e t0 ZONING OFFIGER'S REPORT February 23,2022. VII-LAGE OF GAYUGA ZONII{G BOARD OF APPEAI.S Join Zoom Meeting Link Topic: Mllage ZBA Meeting, Mar T,ZAZZ07:00 pM Eastem Time Meeting lD:411 U2il07 passcoOe: VGl.tme One tap mobile +19292056099,4118425407*! US (Naru york) It shouH be noted tr*m!: proiect is also subje-c'tb Site Plan Revienv by the Mllqe of Gayuga Heigtrb ilnn,ng Board, whhh *il! ?* conduc,t a puilic hearing on February *,zoleto-rnat<e a sEeRdetsnnination s the Lead Agency brthis-profect The blloruing prcperties are located within 200' and will receive this notice by mail: '!9_e-1: Poag & Rarrey, 1107 Triphammer Red I Q-_3{,1 : Bellisario, 1 01 7 Triphammer Road 1 &8-23: Tolard, 1 019 Triphammer Road 1*?Z: Joy Ban Trust, 4 Triphamner Lane1\\21: Joy BanTrust, g Triihammer Lane IQ{-ZO: Joy BanTrust 2 Triihamrer Lane'!9*9:z: Revlq tl:c,412S. UpanA noaO 10€€.4:410 Uphnd LLC,41O E. Uphnd Road'!99{'4(ts Uptand LLc,4Og e. UprinO noaa !g+?: Lambl6e,4S E. Uphnd Road 1G'3€: Sohnon & Demissd, 4o4E. Uplantl Road1W1,2: Comers ComnrurytV CenEr,40g E. Upland Roatt1O*1.4:. 1 09 S.euarry LLG,-\racant 6nd ZtO3O722s(iarabbaFile: fiW120214:59:55 PM