HomeMy WebLinkAbout505 The Parkway (2)PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that on May 3, 2021the Village of Cayuga Heights ZomngBoard of Appeals will conduct a Public Hearing viaZoom Meeting #95576698389 passcode754244,ta seek comments on the following project: 7:00 pm: Request by Meredith Austin Appleton (agent) for Olivia White (owner) of 505 The Parkway (tax parcel 6-5-2) to allow a new 5' high steel spindle fence to be located approximately 0' setback from the side/rear property line, which is less than the 15' setback required by 2018 Village of Cayuga Heights Zorung Ordinance Section 305-19.4 Yard Regulations. Brent Cross, Zantng Offrcer April2l,202l tuorry ?5s7ciqffi6? ! 455aa2 X'5hn4-40? rff,+1 Building Permit Application Review Village of Cayuga Heights Roof Replacement Appl ication Applicant's Signature Determination (To be filled by Code Officer) Submission Date 4/1812A21 Contact Information Upload Application Documents Primary Contact* Will receive emailed instructions after form submission owner Submitter's Email Address * mausti nappleton@gmail.com &Landowner Last Name ^ AUSTIN-APPLETON Landowner First Name* MEREDITH Landowner Phone Number* ltttfr-fi##-## 5166147251 Name of Contractor* Enter name of landowner if landowner is doing the work themselves Fence Contractor Phone Number #tt# -## -ltlttflt (607) 844-9011 Project Address Tax Map # of Project Property 6.-5-2 City Ithaca Need help finding your Tax Map #? Click this link to search for it: http :/i p_rep$y. to m p ki n s- co.org/l MO/search.aspx Street Name The Parkway Address Street Number lsos_l Address Line 2 State NY zip 14850 ls the Project Address the same as the Landowne/s Address? O Yes ONo Landowner Mailing Address lf the ProjectAddress is NOlthe samg as the Landowner Mailing Address, plea;9 make correctlols below, Address Line 1* 269 Fair Oaks Ave City* Rochester State* NY Project Description Address Line 2 z.p 14618 Type of Property Use Existing Residential v Description of Work We are hoping to replace the fencing around the property. We recently purchased the home (closing in mid May, with emailed permission to the village from current owner to go ahead with permit application), and require a taller fence to keep our dog from out of the yard. We are hoping to build a Sft steel v Don't forget to upload the Workers Compensation form or signed CE-200 Exemption forrn at the end of this application! https ://www.wcb. ny. gov/icexempUindex.j sp Your application can NOT be processed without this form! Project Square Footage 450 Building Permit Fees Cost Estimate 32,000.00 Building permit fees vary depending on the type of construction (Residential, Commercial, New, Renovations, Accessory Building, etc.). To estimate the fee, you may view the new Village of Cayuga Heights Zoning Fee Schedule at the following link: http://www.cayuga-heights.ny.us/TextYo20ando/o20PDFsiFormslBuilding_and Zoning_Fee_Schedule.pdf The Code Enforcement Officer will review this application and you will be notified of the final fee. i Previous i Comments WIlary $ {tagagaHerghtx MAHCHAM HALL 836 HANSHAW ROAD TTHACA, N.Y. 14850 Telephone 607-257-1 238 Oftice Hours IA.M--4P.M.4- DATE: TO: EROM: PROJBCT: AD}RESS: Brent Cross, Zonbg Offrcer N{,,t',tt 506,;: f@&il4 TAxPARcEL Na': 6'b'L The application for azonrngpermit forthe above referenced project has been denie.d- According to the documents provided, the proposed projecr will aot *iltwiththe ofio#ni secrion(s) ofthe village of cayugaHeights " fr&*rfurt* 0t5ry1gf 2. ALLOWABLE USE IN RESIDEI{TIAL DISTRICT Wo - flfrz't /4 nu'et-L"t' ^{G -?.ALL0IVABLEUSEINI./fiILTIPLEH0USINGDISTRICT 4. ALLOWABLE USE IN COMMERCIAL DISTRTCT N,4 5. HEIGI{T OF BUILDINGS, 6. YARD REQUIREMENTS 7- BTIILDING CO\IERAGE gKt)f S. PORCHES, DECKS AND CARPORT S P'X 6T 9. FENCES A}ID WALLS *ffirrr*tg,flfpfu 5'il1GH 37v*L PI*YU 10. BUII,DINGE,OORAREA TT'4 T1. OTHER If you wish to appear this decision, or want to seek a variance to auow the propo.sed project as submitted in the applicatio' you may ;;;";J;rn'upp.uyo*ianoe be considered by the Zoning Board of Appeis (ZBA)' s agemt), hereby rquetthe &A.toconsidertbe rylicaaioa as delrid above- Zoning Ordinance: 1. DISTRICT (LOCATION) Nfr lleredith Austin.Appleton Sigped by: _(owner ,/iY \ ^(l-t-vr ilate: APill21/21 fee: $100 receiPt no- Village of Cayuga Heights Zoning Board of Appeals Application Form ZBA Application Fee: $100 Check All That Applv: x Area Variance _ Use Variance _ Interpretation Request For Office Use OnIy Date Received Cash or Check Znning District Applicable Section(s) of Village Code: Property address: 505 The Parkway Tax parcel: 6-s2 ZOning OffiCef ' S detefminati6n- Declined due to height and not 90% visibility being without the required set back from property line ReqUeSted vaf ianCe of intefpfetation. we are requesting use or a s f@t steal picket tenceolid tene, with variance required as we are requesting it to be along the property line of the side/rear yards with less than g0% visibility Reason(s) that the requested variance or interpretation should be granted: ' See attached page for the criteria that the ZBA must use. " Use additional sheets if necessary. We are requesting a variance to be able to have a 5 foot funce along the side and r6ar property lines that is <90% visible, The steel fence has posts that are 518" with 4" gap between. We are requesting this in order to safely keep our dog within the fenced area, as we have concerns that he may be able lo jump over a 4 foot fence. We will be removing all deer fencing that was previously approved as a variance. we attempted to keep a design that was still quite visible, though could not find a steel fence that met the 90% visibility criteria. Thank you for considering. Property map photo attached, as well as a photo ofthe proposed fence design. Please attach any additional information that will help the ZBA, to evaluate your appeal, such as a narrative, survey map, photos, building plans, etc. By filing this application, you grant permission for Yillage of Cayuga Heights ZBA Members and Village Staffto enter your property for inspections related to your appeal. Owner/AppliCant: MeredithAustin-Appleton&DavidMaldow Signature: Phone number(s) : 51*614-7 251 Email addfgsS: maustinappleton@smail.mm DAle.. ut21t21 li''. Ik .g a ,l!1 -*-l [4.-'*i&-r ! i & * f t ;ffi r-!tri, r, n,:5 -r* .: {:, 'li** :""'ii * H -\.{c fr/pWytrrtffi LnC,+17N of ({uf,r/e(p f'u@a" 7tD Ttfr-fmoffif tlc,tVt*r a7 Lrrtsr'rn/e fu/ct#)w bo.- wtucuo Stpwlmry