HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Officer's Report -5-3-21DATE: TO: FROM: RE: REPORT: VILLAGE OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS 836 HANSHAW ROAD.ITHACA.NY. 14850 $0n 2s7 -t238' FAX (60n 2s7 49 t0 ZONING OFFICER'S REPORT Apnl22,2O21 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Brent A. Cross, Zoning Officer 505 The Parloray An application to construct a new 5' tall metal spindle fence at the above referenced address has been denied. Portions of the new fence are proposed to be located at approximately 0' from the side and rear property lines (see attached map), which is less than the 15' required by the Village of Cayuga Heights Zoning Ordinance Section 305-19.A: Yard Requirements. The applicant (agent for the property owner) has decided to seek a variance to allow the proposed proiecito be built as proposed, Therefore, a public hearing will be held on May 3, 2021 @ 7:00 pm via Zoom Meeting #95576698389 passcode #7 54244 to hear comments on the proposed project. The following properties are located within 200' and will receive this notice by mail: 5-4-17: Gilbert & Campbell,2Ol Forest Drive 6-4-1: Hall & Pollard, 523 The Parkway 64-2: Munay, 303 Comstock Road 6-4-3: Sinkow, 305 Comstock Road 6-4-4: Petrella & Pastor, 307 Comstock Road 6-5-1: Bensadoun,507 The Parkway 6-5-2'. Vt/hite, 505 The Parkway 6-5-3: Robinson, 102 Forest Drive 6-54: Levao, 202 Forest Drive 6-6-1: Young & Harrell, 103 Forest Drive 6-6-2: Bartek, 304 Comstock Road 6-6-3: Godwin, 501 The Parkway 6-7-2: Ostrom, 520 The Parkway 6-7-3: Aherne & Nguyen, 516 The Parkway 6-74: Li Hong & Xu Xin, 510 The Parlotay 6-7-5: Ramile & Schlather,502 The Parkway 6-7-6: Filiberto, 206 Klinewoods Road BENSAooUN (R.0') - /-,tt 472/866 -z.oixaclt ' -/ fAcrl'-/ -F.^r 22 \ l \ $ ls (.!(ng t: r lrt i 1 I I{\ F!r " vtHtfE FINE /r'-\ ,/ - - - o?tLn\(\\ $ttytE R. SffiI'E DEED WK 157, PrcE $7iN uap plRog- tJo. 6-5-E AREIi-O.670 ACffiS (\ E*l*-. t.. rNR 9j \ - --,z\ ':-- -\/\j { 1\ i1 i1 7l ? hl Iol rl s1zt UI €\ i I I I I I 1 P-^art{[ t,t,/V --- {6*r' cERTIFtcnnoN f*?i*Tff*:rflLcox'tlP , n*u *ur" to sd[E 5ffi5 - iiii ii. o-ii""ii"a to-no--rumrrot' N.r York stott LicilG it.drgigg. oft, thot this 6op coractly dclincoio @ dctudl B6;d on lha qlEud modr by ml or sor nry otc( .""i.rtsionr ittot il wi Prrporld in occo/doncq riln tm :ffi;i il; oi orccticc to; bnd i;llr rutuqy! odoptld bv itri rlr vorr Associotion oi Ptof$iond. Lond. sy*?Pnlth! Ne York ESociolion ot tstoros,qne! 4rlo tn'sl )il-o it"t j-iij"ns ;; viriblc lnclrehmcnr 'ith( no, ocims oropny-1in6 .x9l9l q- 9forn heo' ffiM 3. C. MIttER P.C. ENGINEERS AND SURVfiORS 205 NORIH AIJRORA SIRESI P.0, Box 777 ITHAC-A- NEW YORX I4E5I -.1"64'o' E A ffr- --- - *H4 ?ITI,E: SURVEY MAP No. 505 THE PARKWAY VILLAGE OT' CA\'UGA I{EIGHTS, TOMPKIhIS COLNTY' NEWYOR]< /^.-"" 1"-$dfs r rl\ls\rE-- 1rzllh i llil:l t\ t\'a\ =\rr\\ \\\ \}