HomeMy WebLinkAbout402 Hanshaw Rd Zoning Officers Report4i,.,:rP ) ,,:.rr ,i r-o : l \;.';-*, DATE: TO: FROM: RE: REPORT: VILLAGE OF CAYLIGA HEIGHTS 836 HANSHAW ROAD' ITHACA' NY' ]4850 (604 257't238 'FAX:(607) 257-49t0 May 27,2A21 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Brent A. Cross, Zoning Officer 402 Hanshaw Road An application to construct a new 8,tall open mesh tgT"9 at.the.above-'.:!f.yd address has been denied. portions of the new fence ,1" ptopo.qq to P: located at approximately 0' from the front property tines on noin nan.na* noal Ino-nigrtr"nd Road (see attached map), which is ress than the 25, required by the virrage orcrvugiFr"ights Zoning ordinance section 305'19.A: Yard Requirements. The applicant (property owng0 has decided to seek a variance to allow the proposed project to be buirt * propo""J. inlierore, a puutl" rr""ri"g wiil be herd virtuaily (see meeting info below) ;; J;" 7,'.ilAi1@ 7:30 pm to hear comments on the proposed project- Zoom Meeting #97 29412751 0 passco de #846267 Additionaldetailed information can be found on the Village website: ffi . cavuqa-neiqnis. nv. us under the DepartmenyZBA pull down/tab' The following properties are located within 200' and will receive this notice by mail: 9-3-6: Murfin, 615 Highland Road 9-5-8: Saltonstall, 409 Hanshaw Road g-O-t, lthaca City School District, 110 East Upland Road 12-3-1: JoffreY,527 Highland Road 12-2-1: 524 Highland LLC, 525 Highland Road 8-3-4: Kepecs, 101 West UPland Road 9-7-6: Anagnost, 100 West Upland Road 9-7-5: Wetherbee, 604 Highland Road 9-74. Schwartz & Lacson, 608 Highland Road 9-2-3: Russell,624 Highland Road Village of Cayuga Heights Zoning Board of Appeals Application Form ZBA Application Feq: $l{X} Check All That Apolv: )(,r,roYariarce - Use Variance - Interpreta(ion Request Property address:402 Hanshaw Road F'or Office Use Onty Date Received Cash or Check Zoning District AFplicable S.ection(s) of Village Code: Tax parcel:9-3-7.2 Zoning Officer's determination: Requested variance or interpretation:We want to build an 8'high, 90% open fence, set baik 3' from the property line. We are requesting a variance on article 305-101 : Fences exceedinq four feet in heiqht. Reason(s) that the requested variance or interpretation should be granted: " See attached page for the criteria that the ZBA must use. " Use additional sheets if necessary- The fence will be hidden behind a retaining wall on Hanshaw, and in e! ,andisa fencing material. The fence will therefore not produce a substantial change to the character of the neighborhood. The fence is similar in material and relative location to the road as the neighboring fence at 6'15 Highland Road. The fence is requested to keep our dog inside the property and deer outside of the property to prevent damage to the garden. An "invisible" dog fence is not suitable because Hanshaw is a hightraffic-road'pl;si attach any additional information thatwill help the ZBA to evaluate your appeal, such as a narrative' sulTey map, photm, buiHing phns, etc. By filing this application, you grant permission for Yillage of Cayuga Heights ZBA Members ana ViUage Staffto enter your property for inspections related to your appeal. Owner/Applicant: Signature: Phone number(s):505-500-5559 Brad Ramshaw Email address:brad ramshaw@cornell.edu --r-- tJ1o E o - ro .Cth ro (oz ou =ro -C(n C roT C\O$ +) ro s- GJ GJo =(o -Ct/)oEudCE GJ6q- F!i*rB:l *r." -rl.lrT f-.}'taaf d ffi ffi* F##p I dM nor4L'yw tt/e!,?ic N e t*ilsrtl t J.)T\rf,lEr w a ffilox D. LM &- AEkE 4, ' ciwm &E - Hm {./rJ./rr*5 ll{E \ ffi alE/!e4t gf, r.t LEItr F-a --,-" rE/!e4t gf, r.t LEItr F-a _-,-" g tot, &r5 Bs*um ffi. " &lrE9 *t''#ffi r/\D/t+lBtur\ -.f q Y;. B. F68'i \ I I-t 1 I o (o bo sf I T_tl reEs',oS -o..*ffi*** q \*+ '1 - Jrlu*eiF \'...ttr,':|!qBe{E E .C <uEL =ro-:z -:z(J9(o(o -o -ooooo oo (o m, . .l #"n 'i -. a$-- ;.id' '-/ , ,.--.Lg - i -'ttt." '/' '-"" I r{# !il6t'rt it*+! --#", i -t II Eotilolli (H,0,) i?&/1 7a or- =-:z() (o -o Pootts co I E = E =(o -:zo(u -o+)oo (o I ru '- GJ ro E C.JU C AJLL I ri q.ir =iE' o E o'l =; €Y-YO-.(JL)r(E()tr E= IIP€,p aoo (o '= .4. M,, N] I .Ii.' 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