HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA 701 Highland RdVillage of Heights ZonngBoard of Application Property address: Zonng Offi cer's determination: Ta"r parcel: the ZBA to evaluate your appeal, etc. of Cayuga Heights BA inspections related to your appeal .Reason(s) that the requested variance or interpretation " See_attached p4ge foq the griteria that the ZBAmust usere arracneq p?ge rof the gnteria that Ih>eL fttt^,Ctlwq yfintu+;du use. o Please attaclh any additional information that will such as a narrative, surrey map, photob, building pV lilinS this application, you grant permission for lMembers and Village Staffto enteryour property Owner/Applicant: Signature: Phone number(s):6oz L57 3@o Email address:rubfr h alnnd - Corn Cayuga Lan 2712North Tripha (607) 2s7_3 ZoningBoard of Appeals euestio Ms. Sarah Roberts and Mr. David Mohler 701 Hiighland Road Ithaca, NY 14850 4' Tall Cedar Fence Along Highland Rd. and Ha]mnton Rd.-two 6' sections along North Side -100'al,cng West side on Highland R.oad -45' along South side on Hampton Road right of entry path on Hampton R$ad 3' id lx6 vertical cedar slats up to 4, fr/ t.im "op"?rcssurs Lreareo post will be stained light grey for lveathered look -assumes spoil from post holes can be ,p."id on sit4 6' -7' (rmax) Tall cedar Fence Arong North side property Line -80 ' along North side w/ single 6' secti,on on NE co{ner - g6i totul -fence will be solid 1x6 vertical cedar slats up to 6' -fence will be topped with 1x2 v intervalsl as top detail w/ trim cop -pressure treated post will be st -assumejs spoil from post holes c Area variances (a) The zoning board of appeals shall have the , upon an appeal from determinLation of the administrative offcial grant area variances as defined herein. with the enforcement of such a decision or local law, to (Ul In nnaking its determination, the zonrtg board benefit to the applicant if the variance is sranted. as safety, and welfare of the neighborhood or determination the board shall also consider. of appeals shall take into consideration the ighted against the detriment to the health. rnity by such grant. In makinq such (X) Whether an undesirable neighborhood or a detriment to the area variance. change w I be produced in the nearby will be created character of the by the granting of The taller fence sections will not bo alons a Highland Road and the neighbor. The slor y road, only between the side yard of 701 Road and Hampton Road, but will be set b Arborvitae trees. Deer browse has limbed u fence will help add visual screening for the c .er 4' fence is planned for along Highland ck in the yard behind a hedge of eiisting p the existing Arborvitae and this proposed frner of the yard and deter children and tovs bid by: Chris Gruber (607) BB2-3544 Cayuga Landsca Compfltry, fnc. 2712 North Triphammer * Ithaca,ll-Y 14850 (607) 257-3000 * F (607) 2s7-s242 from exiting the yard towards the road. add beauty to the landscape rather than face the yard of 701 Highland, but both back drop to both yards. 'Ihe sections screening between the 2 properties. Deer both sides will be left open ended to allow: (2) Whether the benefit sought by the a :feasible for the applicant to pursue, other lt would be difficult, and irnpractical to Iilence and the visual and mechanical barri other method. Existing trees make the inhibit healthy plant growth making a density with plants would reQuire laiger sp r;hade. In addition to tough planting conditi taking more space away from the yird. A visual barrier and the low profile in plan vi erntirely, and decorative in nature, we feel visible, the decorative cedar fences will an eye sore. The framing of the fences will es are designed to look nice for a pleasing taller fence are intended to providi visual lusion is not the purpose of this fence so deer traffic. rplicant can be achieved by some method, than the area variance. ide the desired visual barrier of the taller of the lower fence along the road with any :ounding area shady and dry which would impractical. To achieve the heieht and tens that would likely decline in the dry a. staggered hedge planting would end up is much preferred because of the instant (3) \ilhether the requested area variance substantial. With both the taller fence and lower being open ended, not excluding the yard fence impact would be minimal (4) Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the e neighborhood or district: and.physical or environmental conditions in t The lbnces will not impede the flow of ani left open. The fences will not affect water al traffic, mainly deer, since both ends are urface flow since all panels will be kept offgrourrd level by -2" ' TJte fence panels wiil $e set to avoid existing trees and tree roots sono trees will be harmed. Lr4rl us ::t^"1:11,:"the decision of the board of apfear, but shan oot o"""..urily precrude thegranting of the area variance. The difficulq, if any, would he the desire t! provide more visual screening between the l]|; t*,:^r101 "l*.nt*d Road and the 19i!rr9or, rhe proposed taller fenie would giveboth parties more privacy and a good lookinf back drop fo. uott.r side yards. Both yardshilve a reasonable sized lawn urrd the." ;- -r1--- r or,,r ...*^ ^)):+2^-_^1 ,-1 alfeady some vegetative buffer of wild plantsatrd some additional pl*lt. No larg;e amoun[ of wild brush] branches, or plantings were lLTljl lh:re simply is not enough room for a natural wooded banierio frovio" tt "desired screenins. bid by: Clhris Gruber (607) BB2-3544 CayugaLandscap 2712 North Triphammer (607) 257-3000 * F Regarding the shorter fence along High browse pressure caused deer to eatthe lo. In addition, the density of the Arborvitae the lower branches. This was nature taking 701 Highland Road could have done. bid by: Chris Gruber (607) BB2-3544 Comptry, fnc. * fthaca,lYY 14850 (607)2s7-s242 Road and Hampton Road, increased deer branches of the Arborvitae hedge over time. aded out the lower branches, further thinning its course and there was nothing the client on t--\A A-s hH8SA?sil $F $JM{3 FI LV X !$ fi\$ss .ND Yqfi5t.li ff$ $sTSx(J_T sl t1\r ilztNsl{}p$F$R {Ff:fr ^/VfrHEtlgY il Ns \sX u (J v x ttj v \,X ilr)K.g utrl *\'} -lhB:"Aii 6- sh$M L\Sr,x+"n A- $E${Sou$' gR 5 $ $$s " ,s'Hf {I -.+-" -J-- 3R' Fr \ $H L*1y\$ 5H HJ $F ffi\it ,Yt N -F, Xs- o$'Hfi s€ €rFrR ,E:o r+Ms*s$i Tr*axN :o _l r1 *,-{IJt) AI5t e.r. ; c, f- \u') Sq{ rJ} MC0F 2<!*J Z_*+- $..{ -L ,< () .l:ti F{ V{tl\t--F o < q \-' K Mz II tAtsv tU s u. .+- s u: \|jf, IJ it$ 1) utJ 'A t- o v. 0 \rt<r l\ SuJ }L( VVUI str A ,KS $: h.s$ $N. \ r 1\. Z TT I r\r\* L- Pi fi =\9 L"-*J I -l'HN? R$ *RJr) -\ =F i"= S Y'i -,t* I-11 :il /'1 -RR* s1 G.* M\ r$- h-{*+. o\*{p 1--+$ *L )A \A hr ffisc{\ /.-\v i+l -\ -- 1i +'t q9 N ( .V\ N ,h l\ ) S_ +--i/ :-/ I I , tt I \J {r -a z- a") Il..* r\L,:,r = ft .t I tu +- l, *' \r\\tifl'r3 f-'\ii!iitiji! t_;I {!i 4rl? --ir LAi\..iltvl F- x \:+- $\ -E-c$ trt SR Ruo$+n tn* s*-2S$$$r$*=dsS:ttrNS zt/ N\** ,os .t Jt 6"ru, u. +- la6t --;_ t+ I (r- * LA r.r o 4tr