HomeMy WebLinkAbout26 Sunset DriveVillage of Cayuga Heights Zontng Board of Appeals Application Form ZBA Appltication Fee: $100 Check All That Applv: Area'Variance _ Use Variance _ Interpretation Request OLU 5, , rrr.r D'2\tJ<- Date Received Cash or Check Zoning District Tax parcel:r3 -G-3.L Nt $Xra fc"vtr.Jo u sheets ifnecessary. ftcZJ N)vvcIL Ua,4 Property address: Reouested variance or interpretation: h<,"... r,rr.ttn.,l tS ' See attached page for the cliteria that the ZBA must use. ' Use additional i(r,rt. h D \ \l\v\cn^tif&-, 0rl ft{J^€ fi)aii-e Lft;'n - 4- Please attach any additional information that will help theZBA to evaluate your appeal, such as a narrative, survey map, photos, building plans, etc. By fiIing rthis application, you grant permission for Village of Cayuga Heights ZBA Members and Village Staff to entet' your property for inspections related to your appeal. Owner/APPlicant: AA"'j'ytr ' ff ' 4 V-. 5, \ tv.r.vu a;r6a Signatute:Date: '1 - Z1-11 phone nurnber(s): (e O+ "Z-17 , 5G j,& ( vr.,e.\ G f-f, .zzZ , 5Z:S (\,- ;s Email address: fY\ qT 3 @ Co,lLne t( ,, ez[uu tb) ZBA Actions Permitted lbv NYS Villase Law Area Variance: An area variance is needecl if you want to cleviate UJrr ro*. dimensic,nal requitement of the Zoning Ordinance, such as heiglrt, yard setback, or lot coverage. The area variance criteria the ZBA must use are found in Village Law 7-712-B(3)(b): In making its determination, the zoning board 'of appeals shall take into consideration the benefit to the applicant if the variance is granted, as weighed against the detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the neighba,rhood or comruuniQ by such grant. In mahing such determination the board shall als,o consider: (1) whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby proper,ties will be created by the granting of the area variance,' (2) whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasiblefor the applicant to pursue, other than o.n area variance; (3) whether the requested area variance i,s ,substantial; (4) whether the proposed variance will harye an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the ne,ighb,orkood or district; and (5) whether the alleged dfficulty was self-created; which consideration shall be relevant to the decision ofthe board of appeals, but shall not necessarily preclude the granting ofthe area variance. Use Variance: A use variance is needed if you want to use a stmcture or ptoperty lor sornething not allowed by the Zoning Ordinance, such as a resta.urant in the Residence Distlict. The use variance criteria the ZBA must use are fourd in Village Law 7-712-B(2)(b): No such use variance shall be granted by a board of appeals without a showing by the applicant that applicable zoning regulations and restrictions have caused uymecessaty' hardship. In order to prove such unnecessat)) hardship the applicant shall demons'trate to the board of appeals that for each and every perndtted use under the zoning regulations for the particular district where the property is located, (1) the applicant cannot realize a reasonable return, provided that lack ofretutrn is substantiql as demonstrated by competent financiql evidence,- (2) that the alleged hardship relating to the property in question is unique, and does not apply to a substantial portion of the district or neighborhood,. (3) that the requested use variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood; and (4) that the alleged hardship has not been self-created. Interpretation Request: An interpretation request is appropriate if you do not agree wrth the Zoning Officer's interpretation of the Zoning Ordina.nce. Such requests must be made vrithin sixty (60) days of the zonng officer''s determination that is beng appealed. The interpretive role of the ZBA is found in Village Law 7-712-B(I): The board of appeals may reverse or qf.firm, fi\olly or partly, or may modify the ot.der, requirement, decision, interpretation or determtination appealedfrom and shall make strch order, requirement, decision, interpretation or determination as in its opinion ought to have been made in the matter by the adrninistrative fficial charged with t,he enforcement of such local law and to that end s'hall have all the powers of the administrative fficial from whose order, requirement, decision, interpretation or determination the appeal is taken. Complete Village Law: LLWL Stllugz rt 6'wgugw Heig\l* MARCI{AM HALL 836 HANIJHAW ROAD ITHACA, N.Y.14850 Telephone 607-257-1238 Ottice Hours 9A.M.-4P.M. .Z44tF - DATE: TO: FROM: PROJECT: Brent Crosg Zoning Offrcer TAXPARCELNO.:ADDRF:SS The application for aZanngPermit for the above referenced project ents proiae4 the proposed eroject will not comply with the following se Zoning Ordinance: 1. DTSTRICT (LOCATION) 2. ALLOWABLE I]SE IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT- 3.ALL.0WABI-EIJSEINMULTIPLEHOUSINGEIISTRICT- 4. ALLOWABLE USE IN COMMERCIAL DISTRTCT 5. HEI{fI{T OF BI.IILDINGS 6. YAID REQUIE.EMENTS 7. BLNLDING CO\/ERAGE S. POTICHES, DEICKS A}TD CARPORTS 9- FENCES A}ID WALLS 1 O. BIJILDING F}-OOR AREA 11. OTHER t\/4 /\frt 7flf?r /1rf If you wish to appeal this decisioq or want to seek a variance to anow the proposed project as submitted in the application, you may request .."r upp.uvoa-iuo* b," consider"a by the zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)' feB: $100 receiPt no. MtIIagu nt $,ryagu Hvightx MARCFIAM HALL 836 HANSiHAW ROAD ITHACA,.N.Y. 14850 PERMIT APPLICAilON FORM Telephone 607-257-1238 Office Hours 9A.M.-4P.M, NE!ry ONE FAMII.Y#101 NEW TWO FAMILY#103 MULTIPLE DWELLING#104 EXI ISTING, RESIDENTIAL #434 coivlMERclAL #437 DEMOLITION #600 APPLIGANT OWNER CONTRAGTOR PERMIT BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT SITE PLAN REVIEW SUBDIVISION OF I.A'ND OTFIER ADDRESS OL #z #B #R PR{E.IECT DESGRIPTION : TAX PAR.CEL I{O. 1 . F{.ESIDENCE DISTRICT . l',ltrlTiPLE HOUSING DISTRICT 3. ()OMMERICAL DISTRICJ *. l)ccuPANcY t/ N(2 U(i" 5. I.{EIGHT OF EU]LDING 6.'\TARDS 7. ilBUILDING COVERAGE . PORCHES, DECKS, AND CARPORTS tN-a . FENCES AND WALLS 10, BUILDING FLOORAREA 11,-16. OTHER 17. SIGNS PL"UMBING DE-IEBIfiINAIIW ONING PERMIIT fe lsee atitached plan review form) CODE OF STATE (see attached plan review form) NruO TUTU GAS CODE OF NEW YORK STATE flrolnopERw MATNTENANoE coDE oF NEWYoRK srATE CODE OF NEW YORK STATE (see attache'd REScheck form) tf l.le,l-tl O I t tC UTI LlTlES, DRIVEWAYS, ETC') BIIJILDING PERMIT ROW PERMIT OTHER #rW MACNET/IC 1929 -€n{r@-- --u*t o rrn,. r-r<l q{ d, rn s wJ1'lo. E t?+W, Rg 6 :{ iil' Gi ItII l I sglgg 3 3 r9 $s I-nl \sE xt lEsr Sir9t r :ir .. I EBt 5l Eir i Eili 1c \E I I I tI T I T I, I Eis ::$ F$d F s hv:t gF ts3s$pt' *z E3*CJ Sa:<z 5E,'ao |dtr3lit o-*F 2EHT 5s$tsa trl E =6JR FoJ E HT p aEeE $ ErF* S EH:g: -loFF sIf,AF tr LU- ,5* R6H E rgF Legal Description _ Sphedule .,A,, (0.007ace parcel) ALL THAT TRACT 8R PARCEL oF LAND situate in the Town of Ithaca , & village of cayugaHeights, coutnty of rompkins, state of New york, being bounded and described as follows: l. South 7l o AS, z 2. South gjo 16' 26i,' West 3.59, RUhINII\G THENCE along the centerline of aa existing stone retaining wag for an arc distance of 12.66,to a point, said course having a chord tie of South 43o Zl, 2g?, Vr/ss1 12.27, RUNNING THENCE along the centerline of an existing stone retaining walr for an arc distance of r6.25,to a point, saiid course having a ehord tie of sauth 6 7. l i. 52,, west 16.23, RUFINING THENCE along the centerline of an existing stone re,taining wall for an are distance of r g.03,to a poirrt, said course having a chord tie of North 5 zo l 3, 0 r ,, west 17 .64, E3o 16'26" East passing through an iron pin set at a distance of 0.g3, ande of 37.58, to the point and plaee of beginning; Said parcel cernraining 0.007 acres SUBJECT To covenants, restrictionso eassmeflts and encumbrances of record. hereby made to a survey map entitled ,.Lot line County of rs and Suweyors,