HomeMy WebLinkAboutRequestSlncc !9LO
Danny Donohue
I\{ary E. Sullivan
Executive Vice President
Denise flerkley
Joe McMullen
Locol 1000 AFSCME, AFL-CIO
April 13,2015
Kate Supron
Mayor, Village of Cayuga Heights
Marcham Hall
836 Hanshaw Road
Ithaca,NY 14850
,u,su #3:u|Y3$ Heighrs
RE: FOIL Request
Dear Mayor Supron,
Under the provisions of applicable New York and Federal Freedom of information laws. I
hereby request the following:
1. Record(s) indicating all non-confidential, non-managerial job titles in the Village of rCayuga
Heights currently unrepresented by a collective bargaining agent. These records should
include as much of the following informatjion as is available:
a. Job Title
b. Department or Division
c. Number of positions currently occupied
d. Number of vacancies, by position, if applicable
e. Full or Part-time designation
2. Information regarding employees who currently occupy the above positions.
Please include:
- --First rrame-
Middle initial
Last name
Job title
Work site address
Worksite city
Worksite zip code
Worksite phone
Date of hire
Unique employee ID
. 518'25V -1000 . t-800-342-4146CSEA, Inc. . 143 Washington Avenue, AJlbany, NY f 22f 0
www.cseany.org ""@"w
I request that the iist be provided to me electronically in Excel format, if possible, an<jl mailed
on disc or cd-rom to my attention at the a<jdress below, or by eiectlonic rnail to the adch:ess
ir:dicated belorv" Please sepamte each flelcl"
I agree to pay any reasonable copyi'g a'd postage fees, not to exceed $.25 per page o{. rrard
cop-v material. Please provide a receipt indicating the charges fbr each document.
As you know. the Freedom of Information Law lequires that ar1 agency respond to a requestwithin live (5) business days of receipt of arequest. Therefore, Irioulcl appreciate u,,r,nioo." n*
soon as possible and look fbrward to hearing from you shortly.
I1 lbr any reason any portion of this reques't is deniecl, please provide a written expianation fbrthe clenial inoluding a refbrence to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely,
along u'ith the name and address of the person or bocly to whom an app,eal shr:ulcl be clirectecl.Also, t'*rrhe eatetlnr-anyp-arfioft(i)-or'tixe-reqL,os-tddinlovntaTi6n are'Tleniecf. ple.ase pt",ttirtTnlt
re.ncaining infrtrrnation as requested as well as ull se gregahle portions rsf'othen+,ise exemltt
If you have any questions conceming this request, please contuicl
email at cseafoilresnonserEcqen inc nrrr
AnneMarie ltaymond via
I look forward to receiving your initial response 'vithin 5 da;,s as requirecl by New yorL< state
T.hank you 1br your prompt attention and assistance.
//'-:3 /'
i.- *-/
Aminata Stephens
Deputy Director oi Organizing
-gS€A - €+vif€€rvie'e-€rnployees As;uc-iatian-
143 Washington Avenue
Albany,NY 12210