HomeMy WebLinkAboutSample Resolution Acceptable Training for Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals Members.PDFNew York State Department of State January 204,7
Sarnptre Resolutlon
Acceptable Training for Planning Boaid
and Zoning tsoard of Appeals f\Iembers
WHEREAS'fown Law Sections 267 and271. Village Law SectionsT-712 and 7-718,
and General City Law Sections 27 and 81 provideJthat effective January 1,2007, all
planning board and zoning board of appeals rnembers in New York State, as well as
alternate members of those boards, must complete a minirnunr of four hours of training
each year; and
WI{EREAS the above sections of state law provide that a planning board or zoning
board of appreals member shall not be eligible for reappointrnent to such board if they
have not cornpleted the training required by law; and
WHEREAS the above sections of state law provide that the legislative body of the town,
village and city specifies which activities qualify as training to satisfy the state
requirements; and
hlcw, THEFIEFORE, be it
RESOI-VED, that the following list of agencies, commissions, associations, universities,
and other organizations are approved to provide training to meet the state requirements
when the training they provide pertains to municipal pflanning, zoning, community
design, environmental issues, economic development, and local government funciions
and practices:
1) the NYS Department of State; Department of Agriculture and Markets; Office
of the State Comptroller; Department of Health; Department of i
Transpotlation; Department of Environmental Conservation; Office of Parks,,
Recreation, and Historic Preservation; Hudson River Valley Greenway, _
: and
2) the New York State Association of Towns, the New York Conference of :
M;ayors, the New York State Association of Counties, the New York Planning
Federation, the American Planning Association, the Upstate New York
Chapter of the American Planning Association and it sections, and the Metro
; and
3) thre capital District Regional Planning commission, central New York
Comprehensive Planning Program, Lake Charnplain-N*ake George Regional ;
Planning Board, Long lsland Regional Planning Board, Southern Tier Central
Regional Planning and Development Board, Southern Tier East Regional I
Planning Development Board, Southern Tier West Regional Planning and
i\ewrYork State Department of State Janu6ry 2007
Hudson Valley Regional Council, Tug l-'lill Cornrnission, and Adirondack Park
Agency; and
4) the CountY Planning Federation,
County SoilCounty Planning department(s); and
and Water Conservation districts; and
5) the Albany Law School Governmental Law Center and lirstitute for Lr:gal.
Studies, pace Law School, Cornell University and its cooperative extension,
; and
: 6) on-l.ine planning and zoning training programs offered by the New York' Municipal lnsurance Reciprocal, Pace University and [-and l".lse l-aw Center,
i and ihe Lincoln lnstitute of Land Use Policy;
RESOLVED, that other training activities may be approved on a case-by-case basis by
the Town BoardA/illage Boardbf Trustees/City Council upon the request of a prlanning
boal'd or zoning board of appeals member; and be it further
RESOLVED, that any new member appointed to fill the last months of a term shall
first full term, but must
elsewhere herein; and
RESOLVED, that training received by a planning board mernber or zoning board of
appeals member in excess of four hours in any one year may be carried over by ihe
member into succeeding years; and be it further
RESOI-VED.that the Town ClerkA/illage Clert</City Clerk/Director of the Department of
Planning/shall create and maintain a system of tracking the
training individual
to the appointing
members co{tlplete annually; and such information shatl be presented
authority prior to considering a member for reappointment.
Motion by:
not be required to have attended training to be reappointed to a
thereafter comply with the municipal training policy as provided
be it further
Resolution Number:
Town Law S ZT1
Planning board, creation, appointment.
Autho'rization' The town board of each town is hereby authorized by local law orordinelnce, to create a planning board consisting oi nu" or seven members andshall, by resolution, appoint tie members of srlch board and designate thechairprerson thereof. In-the absenc.e of a chairperson the planning board maydesignate a member to serve as chairper."". ih* t,own board rnay, as part ofthe lor:al law or ordinance,creating said ptanning board, provide forthecompensation of pranning board"members. v' vrvv'vv r\''r trrc
Appropriation for planning board. The town board is hereby authorized andempowered to make such ap.propriation as it may sle fit ro, ptanning ooaroexpenses. In a town containing one or more viilages, or parts thereof, suchcharges and expenses ress fee"s, if any cortecteJ,"snuil be a charge upon thetaxablre property of that part of the towh outside of said villages and shall beassessed, levied and coilected therefrom in the ,url manner as other townchargers. The pranning board shail have the powei.ano auftrority to emproyexperts, clerks and a secretary and to pay rorrtreir "".i"e., and to provide forsuch other expenses as may be nucessary and pioplr, not exceeding in a1 theappropriation that may be made therefor by the io*'n nourd for such planningboard.
Town board members ineligible. No person who is a member of the town boardshall be eligible for memb"r"f,ip on ,u"f, pfroning OlurO.
Terms of member'9. filst appointed.'The terms of members of the board shall befor ternns so fixed that the ierm of one member shall expire at the end of thecalend;ar year in which such memb"r, *"r" initiaily appointed. The terms of theremaining members shall be so fixed that one term stiart expire at the end ofeach.ciele.ndar year thereafter. At the expiration of the term of each member firstappoinlted, his or her successor sfrail b;;pp"l;t;l;;", a term which shar beequal i' years to the number of membe* bi tf"'" n;u;;.
Terms rof members now in office. Members now holding office for terms which donot expire at the end of a calendai y"u, shall, upon ihe expir,ation of their term,hold office until the end of tne catenoar year uni *,uir successors shall then be-ii$H:J for terms which shail be *quai in years to ttre number of members of
Increasing membership. Any town board may, by local law or ordinanceincreasr: a five rqTbgr.ptanning ooard to ruuun ,"rb*rr. Additionar membersshall be first appointed for singr; Giqr as provided by resorution of the townboard i' order that the terms Jr,"rn"rs shail expire in each of seven
New York State Department of State January 2007
Sample Personal Training Record
.January 2007 - December 2AO7
Il1 a member of the
(Print Name)
certify that I attended the programs described above.
(Name the Board You Have Beenr Appointed To)
record with the Town Glerk
Please file this
At a meeting of the Planning Board on
,Planning Board OFFICE USl] ONLY
Application No.:
Date of Vbte:
Date Filed with
Municipal Clerk:
/t )-.VJ
the following motion was rnade:
I mw* that the pranning Board
E xf,|I"""
D approve with conditions (see below)
the applicatiqn for il Site Flan Review Approval
fl Preliminary.Subdivision Approval
tl Final Subdivision Approval
tr Special Use Permit Approval
D Other
made by
(applicant name)
for pr,cperty located at
(address / tax map number)
Approval of this application is sub.lect to.the following conditions:
tl Additional conditions are attached.
(Pl;anning Board Secretary). (oate1