HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 Parkway Place applicant answers and diagram.pdfPoints and proof for the Zoning board Benefit of variance to the applicant balanced against the detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood on community 1) Whether and undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties will be created by granting ofthe area variance. a' My neighbor who is immediately next to the described garage has seen the plans and is supportive of the changes [See letter from Bill Powers). b. My gara.ge would for the most part be out of sight for his house as it's on the o,pposite side of his garage and if anything gives a little more privacy to his garden. c. It also 'uvould be 'cleaner looking' than an open driveway with no real storage for the garbage/recycling containers, etc.d' Both garages would be very similar distances from the property line, Bill's is 1-'5" and mine is 2' 1." (atthe closest point), e. My garage would be in the same character and style of the house. (See drawings) 2) Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some other method, feasiblle to the applicant to pursue. a. I think I could go for a carport but it will not look as 'aesthetically in keeping'with the current home. b. Another location is not possible due to the property constraints. 3J Whether the requested area variance is substantial a. It does not seem to be subsl"antial as other buildings and garages have the same side yard setback. 4) Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborh,rod or district; and a. The property under review is off of a private road and since there is currently a parking area in this location there strould be no adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions. 5J Whether the allleged difficulty was self-created; which consideration shall be relevant to the decision of the board of appeals, but shall not necessarily preclude the granting ofthe area ofthe variance a. The house is a certain spacing to the property line and the garage' would lclgically be near to the house on the right side but not obstruct its view or take away from it. ilr9nN6 n0u5r AI I I'ARiWiYFLACT ti F{5TING DRVTWAY;n=E=nr- ercf--4^t{iiE v MVE ffiNE6 &lxlrresJE ffi/affi1rs 5ie5ro5 '5T€+UiJr ffi €!* is svPA!!SlPlgrA trtrAr,Gi I{OUSE REIIOVATICX i P{RI{#AT P|nCE ]]-dAcA. !Y 1CA50 Lu coNcRfl'r,LAB-\ I ,o-o' I 6'CMU TROIWALL CORT, ROD + PINNTD TO TOOTTR EVTRY 32' -rOOTrRT0 Br M|N|N/UM i / 4B'BTLOW FtNtstli/ GMDr, rooTrR T0 Bri t z, Dtr? x zo, v'lDr. WIIY: 2 #4 RE-ROD CONTINUOUS, . WALLS TO 9IT ON A PRT9SURT TRTATTD PLATT -WAILS TO tsE 2X6 CON9TRUCTION I6'ON CENTTR COVrRrD WrH # O5B SHETTING AND TY\TCK -SIDING TO tsE STUCCO PN9TERTD OVER CTMTNT tsOARD -R00r T0 HAVr 6 PICH DUITT USING TNGINTTRTD TRU59E9 SHTTTTD WITH t'osn covrnrD wltt 3OW tsUILDING FTLT AND SHINGLTD UgING OWENS CORNING L fl'IMT 9filNGLr5 C.&THY Eilttl!,&i!4 ir.iTERtGR Fe$igij 536 ELi,i S-1- EXTEI']S!Ci$ ITHA{)A., |i,Y. 1485C PitOi'lE: 6Q?-?7s-€t,i4 F fu1AiL: catnyemiilsr'1 1 @gmail.6tn t-,1;C*LE KFRtitESS t-i*usE RgFi*1JA?t&rd .1 FARI{'J''EY FLACE iTt.iACF., t{Y 14350 KERI{Es3 GANAGg PLAN ilAfE: 18-18-'itj SfAl-E: 1,4" = 1'