HomeMy WebLinkAbout112 Midway Letters.pdfBrent Cross
Pifalo, Victoria Grace [vpifalo@illi nois. ed u]
Wednesday, August 08, 2012 8:42 PM
Brent Cross
Letter of Support-Mindlin/Levine Variance
To the Zoning Officer and Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Cayuga Heights,
T am r^rri1. ina t-nr o*r wrrLrrrv uu €xprcss my support for the variance requested by our Midway neighborsMindlin and Levine. Speaking for my family, we absolutely deligtrt travinq such 5n
cvl.anqitzo narrlan in nrrr rzinini+.' Tl-,a L.^..^€.i+^vs vqrusrr r1r vu! vrurlrrLy. rne penerats, however, go beyond one neighborhood andcan be seen as a collecLive good for the communiuy.
Victoria Pifalo
1002 Triphammer Road (at the corner of Midway & Northway)
Kit Lambert
331 Savage Farm Drivennaca,Ny 14950Zoning Officer
Village of Cayuga Heights
836 Hanshaw Road,.
Ithaca,NY 14850
Dear Sir:
6/"-u/ g s,&o /2-
It is my understandile lhat the purpose of a zoning ordinance is to protect theresidents in its jurisdiction.
with that in mind, until the deer problem is resolved, it would seem perfectly
:^Tl*]: for residents to protect their properry from deer damag" uy
"r""tirrgoeer renclns.
As a long time member of the Ithaca Garden club residing on Highgate circleand developing a lovely garden with many specimen planis, it beJarie impossibleto live with the increasing damage of the deer. I rroilli,n. ai,tcendal with a smallgarden plot, but the deer control me still by not allowing me the freedom to enjoymany of the plants I like because they find them quite d-electable. There areprotective fences all about and though they arcnot that attractive,they are beingprotective.
At this point in time, it would seem that your zoning ordinance is protecting thedeer and not your residents. It does not make sense and should be reviewed.
Fred DeWolf & Margaret Gallo
11l Midway Road
Ithaca, New York 14850
Zoning Board of Appeals
Village of Cayuga Heights
Marcham Hall
836 Hanshaw Road
Ithaca, New York 14850
July t4,2OLZ
To Whom lt Concerns:
It has been our pleasure to be a neighbor of Mindy Mindlin for nearly 20 years. During that time she
enhanced the value of her property and our neighborhood by gardening extensively. We have greatly
enjoyed the improvement in the views from our property.
We support her application in order to maintain the investment she has made in her property.
Fred DeWolf
Margaret Gallo
h" ro, eo/L
lro: Cn'1"gu t{<gn+e h".,iy BoanJ oS &p*U
Rt: E^ci,g on Mdy Mindhn ond Roy L*rin,s p.p.dy
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ct*t*ttr' /"*ry, ,-t-ar\r)../1,, * *fr? q _.LuL ga*d a4, a_
129 Midway Rd.
Ithaca" NY 14850
July 17,2012
To Whom lt May Concern:
My wife, Monica Touesnard, and lwanted to convey that we are in support of Mindy and Roy Mindlin,s
request for variance on their fence. More specifically, we support their request to install the aluminum
fencing, professional deer fencing, or any combination of the two.
We appreciate the time, effort, and investment that they have put into their beautiful garden over the
years' lt is and has been a source of pleasure for our family over the years as we are able to enjoy its
beauty. While we would prefer there not be a need for fencing in the Village, the reality is that the deer
population makes it impossible to maintain a garden of any caliber unless steps are taken to protect
plantings from the constant grazing that occurs. Over time, it is our hope that the Village's deer
remediation efforts are successful. But we do not expect that to be the case in the near future and we
are sympathetic to the desires of the gardeners among us to be able to take reasonable steps to shelter
their work from destruction.
As it stands now, the Mindlin's already have temporary deer fencing around their garden. lt lacks any
aesthetic appeal, does not have enough gates to allow access to the yard, and on occasion has been
breached by deer. Frankly, any of the alternatives they are now considering would be an improvement
both visually and functionally to what already exists today.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
W#, 'il{a:=,
Mark Milstein
cc: Mindy Mindlin, Brent Cross
To whom it concerns:
I live across the street from Mindy Mindlin and Roy Levine. I have no objection to their
fencing and understand the need for it as my yard is home to between r.r,,"n and twelve
I urge you to allow their variance request so that they can maintain their beautiful yard,
which benefits all of us.
Thank you,
,1- /\*t(
Mary Bartek
304 Klinewoods Road
Page I of1
Brent Gross
From: Zellman Warhaft [2w16@cornell.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 g:b4 AM
To: Brent Cross
Ge: twcny.rr.com, 1950
Subject Zoning appeal Mindktin
To the Zoning Board, Cayuga Heights:
I am in full support of the Mindiin Levine variance application. Ms Mindlin is offering improvements
to her existing, non compliant fencing. She has put forward a reasonable plan which will maintain thebeauty of her garden without adversely affecting the surrounding aesthetics. I do not believe her fencingwill change the character of the neighborhood. Although I am not an immediate neighbor I am pleased
to see that she has no complaints from her immediate neighbors. Surely this is u o"ry importanicriterion
in granting a variance.
Zellman Warhaft.
I I3 E Upland Rd , Ithaca NY 14850
Cayuga Family Medicine
Dr. Jamie Loehr and Dr. Mary Howson
Lisa Clauson, FNP and Barb Wood, FNp
302 W Seneca St
Ithaca, NY 14850
607-697-036 0,'fax 607 -27 2-0240
DOB: 10/03/50
Dear Sir/Madam,
MINDY MINDLIN is a patient of mine. She suffers from medical conditions that benefit from regular
physical activity. Her history shows that her conditions are under better control when she is gafuening in-frcrhomegarcien on-a-regitibrbasis-Thtrs;-l-ps€€a+m€arcl-thatshe-eo.ntinuegard"tring&Ldedjeal
Thank you very much for your time and assistance. lf you have any questions, feel free to contact me at
my office.
J; G "9,--'Jamie Loehr. M.D.
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