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Local Law No. 1 of the yeir f 99g
Moratorium on Telecommunication Towers
by the Board of Trustees of the village of cayuga Heights as
Section 1. purpose
(a) The Federai Terecommunications Act (the ,,Act,,)was signed into raw in Februaryof 1996' The Art preseryes the authority oitorui go,i"-L"rrrs over reasonabrenondiscriminatorydecisions t.gurdirr5l it . ptu..rri*t,
"orrrt*.tion, and modificationof telecommunicationto*"ru. fh;;;ssage of the Act, the increased sale of airwaverights and issuance of licenser Lt til FC-c, the irr"*rJ demand for wirelesscommunication services, and new technor"gv rr"r. i;;" a significant increase inthe demand for telecommunicationio*"r, within the State. The Vilage has receivedseveral requests to locate such towers ,nnd u..esrory *.r'*ithin the v'rage orexpects to receive such requests.
(b) The village has significant concerns over the location of terecommunicationstowers within the village' The vitlage would like to lrr.ur. thattheinstallation ofthese towers proceeds in a ashion-th-at minim izes anyadverse impacts whilemaximizing services and benefitr tuit., community. The vilrage wants toaccommodate the need for telecommunication t"rlrr *irile regulating their locationand number, minimize adverse visuai.n rt, ,rrro"gi-p.oi.. o.rigrr, siting and
;::Tiilffi'r",fl,:i:::t" physical ou.ug. to adjaceni propertiesluna *I*,uge joint
(c) This law is necessary in order to address the village's c.oncems byprohibiting thefiling of new applications for t"*.r cJnstruction and ihus oefer official govemmentalaction permitting the constru.tion oitoovers to give the village time to research thelssues and adopt alocal law regulating telecomirunlcution towers and accessory usesconsistent with the comprehenriu, ptu1, of the Villaee.
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(a) For a period of one hundred twenty (120) days from and after the effective
date of this law, no application for the construction or erection of a
telecommunications tower of accessory use may be filed, accepted or
processed. For the pwpose of this law, an application for tower construction
rttutt.U. deemed to mean any request for official action by the Board of
Trustees or other boards or officers of the Village which request and approvbl
would in any way commence or continrie the process whereby a
telecommunications tower or accessory use is or may be constructed or
(b) The imposition of this law shall not affect the processing of applications for
tower construction for which approval has been granted prior to the effective
date of this law or for existing towers.
Section 4. ValiditY
unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way
affect the validity of the remaining portions of this law'
Section 5. Effective Date
Th" lr* sh"il be"otie "ff.ctive
upon filing in the office of the Secretary of State'