HomeMy WebLinkAboutVerizon Wireless to construct a 120' wireless telecommunications off Pleasant Grove Rd.PDFMayor Walter Lynn
Village of Cayuga Heights, Marcham Hall
836 HanshawRd
IthacaNY 14850
7 Ertnaand Iwan Azis
Dear Walter,
For the reasons outlined in "Expressions of Concerns by Lowell place Residents,,dated september 18, z!o-s an{ in presentationr; at-the meeting of the village planning Board onS.eptember 19, many of the affected residents of the Village continue to be concerned about thesiting of a 120 ft'tall cell phone tower at 186r/2Pleasant 6ro*." Rd as proposed by verizonwireless' As a result of
lmeStin_e.on Friday, september 23, of residents of Lowell place andupland Rd', we request that the village of bayuga H"ightr;;l,oy a consultant to independentlyveri$r the propagation studies submitt-ed by virrizon wlreless and provide aoui"e to tt
" villagewith regard to other suitable locations for a cell tower in both the village and the Town of Ithacathat would meet the needs of verizon wireless and other cell phole service providers who maywish to locate towers with! the village. At_lg1st half of the pJopr" trrut the proposed tower wouldserve appear to live in the Town of Ithaca. Hiring an independeniconsultant is consistent with thevillage ordinance with regard to cell towers (t [d on pagl r ifnnioit c) and,even if it is finallydetermined that verizon'sproposed site is the ,mty reasiite oie, would go a long way to satisfuthe residents of the Villagethat this is, indeed, the case.
If the village does hire an independent consultant, we respectfully request that atleast theimmediately affected residentsiav" utr opplrtumity to meet with the consultant.
Yours sincerelY'
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4 Jean-Luc Margor 1i[/-^J-5 chandra*or"*ffiHff"r/ flhl^ il- v1A,, ta/,A : c/@^r/rst.
6 ZiilahEisenstein and Richard sru,n6ul. *g fu^L- ?h4. '-,
siP 2 / 2005
cLEIK',s oFF|CSe
r0 JudyandrohnHopcroft 9;€,^_ lt#&n**:ea*tt aF" \
11 Anitawatkins andoon{td,/F"ppbE_ ,2"i., Ul^rtl*rr__+ D* (** y, L"llr r -t\nrra watKms and Dondldf"ipb"tl_ t(hzdo, tala>th'-.* 'D* (** )o q{l
t2 Judy virgitio and W lhAArlb .A
carorine and Jeffiey Rust6d, i rq p. ,9or*a - qU, P_-+ , ti&dt+4.tfuprfi<f,
* Lowell Place addresses
Ntxotl PrnsoDy LLp
Clinton Square
Post Office Box 1051
Rochester, New york 14603-1e51
(s8s) 263-1000
Fax: (585) 263_1600
Direct Dial: (585) 263-1333
E-Mail: rburgclorf@nixonpeabody.com
Septernber 15,20AS
Brent Cross, Code Enforcernent OfficerVillage of Cayrga Heights
Marcham Hall
836 Hanshaw Road
Ithaca, New york 14g50
Application for a Special perrnit and site pran Approvar from the VilragePlanning Bo ard by lJpstate cenurar Neiwork, dtbi a y enzon -wireress,
toconstruct a r20' wireress terecommunications facility orr pilur*t Grove Ro adin the Viilage of Cayuga HeighLts, New york
Dear Mr" Cross:
At the village Board's August 15, 2005 hearing on the above-referenced matter, theBoard requested certain additionaiinformation as follows:r
L's 4uuvs-r.crerenc(
i' The Board asked for additional propagation information showing that therequested 120 foot height was the minimum treigrri
"Z."*ury to provide service. Enclosed atExhibit M is the propagation study riro*ing wira-t the coverage footprint would iook 1ike at 100feet (versus the i20 fe& that is proporlal. -Also
included in ExhibiiM is another copy of thepropagation at 120 feet for the Board's convenience for comparison purposes. The primarycoverage deficiencies resulting from a decrglse; th;il;osed 120, height are visible on theplots to the northeast, east andlouthwest of the propoJa-iite. As the anienna centerrine goesdown to 100' the coverage footprint ,h.iokr, t",*ini "*age holes and reducin g caLrcapacity tounacceptable levels. _
2' cin+1lar.wT:i:tt has approached the village and indicated that it, too, needs afacility in the area' As the vinale rn"iurug"s co-location, it wanted to ensure that verizonwireless'proposed monopole would work for cingular as'welt. The Board asked verizonwireless to confinrr whether cingurar would be abie to use the proposed tower.
verizon wireless has contacted cingulal, and spoke"with Jirn Finigan, who is responsiblefor cingular's cayuga Heights project. He confirmed that the proposed facility would work for
|j;ili?: ffttr ;ffle
height or ioo' v"'i"o" ivirr;ffi; rnade rhis height on the rnonopole
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Nlxorl PrRsonY LLP
Brent Cross, Code Enforcetnent Officer
SePtember 15,2005
3. Photo sirnulations were included with the original subrnission frorn viewpoints
surrounding the tower. However, the Board asked for an additional photo sirnulation from a
narticular residential area, along"Pleasant Grove Lane." On September 6, 2005, Verizon
frir"l"rr, engineers flew another test balloon at the proposed height and at the proposed location
of the facilrty,and prepared photo simulations showing what the monopole would iook like from
Pleasant Grove Lane. The photo sirnulations are attached at Exhibit N.
. We.look forward to further review of the application at the Board's Septernber 19,2005
hearing. please do not hesitate to contact me if the Village requires any additional infonnation
prior to that time.
Robert W. Burgdorf
cc: David Tyler, Village AttorneY
NrxoN PrnsoDy LLp
Clinton Square
Post Office Box i051
Rochester, flew york 1 4603-1 OS1
(5Bs) 263-1000
Fax: (585) 263-1600
Direct Di,al: (5S5) 263-1333
E-Mail: rburgdorf@nixonpeabody.com
Septernber lS,Z0AS
Brent Cross, Code Enforcement Officer
Village o f, Cayuga Heights
Marcham Hall
836 Hanshaw Road
Ithaca, New york 14g50
RE: Application for a Special Permit and site Plan Approval from the VillagePlanning B9?ta by upstate cellular Network, dhiayenzon wireless, toconstruct a 120' wireless telecommunications facility off pleasant Grove Roadin the Viilage of Cayuga Heights, New york
Dear Mr. Cross:
At the village.Boq{'s August 15, 2005 hearing on the above-referenced matter, theBoard requested certain additionailnformation as follows :
1" The Board asked for addition al".propagatron information showing that therequested 120 foot height was the minimum heighi ,,""."rru.y to provide service. Enclosed atExhibit M is the propagation study showing wha=t the coverage footprint would look like at 100feet (versus the 120 fe& that is ptbpor"al. Also included in Exhibiiu is another copy of thepropagation at 120 feet for the Board's convenience for comparison purposes" The primarycoverage deficiencies resulting from a decrease ir th;;r;;osed 120, height are visible on thepiots to the northeast, east and southwest of the proposed ,it". e. the anienna centerline goesdown to 100' the coverage footprint shrinks, te:wing
"ou".ug. holes and reducing call capacity tounacceptabie levels. -
2" Cingular.Wireless has approached the Village and indicated that it, too, needs afacility in the area. As the Viliage .n"ourug", c,o_location, it wanted to ensure that Verizonwireless'proposed monopole would work for cingular as well. The Board asked yenzonwireless to confirm whether cingurar wourd be abie to use the proposed tower.
verizon wireless has contacted cingular', and spoke_with Jim Finigan, who is responsiblefor cingular's caytrga Heights project. He ionfirmed that the proposed facility would work forcingular at an antennae height or ioo' verizon lffireless has made this height on the monopoleavailable for Cingular.
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NlxoN Prneoov l-l-P
Brent Cross, Code Enforcement Officer
Septernber 15,2005
3" Photo simulations were included with the original submission from viewpoints
surrounding the tower. However, the Board asked for an additional photo sirnulation from a
partio,iar residential area, along"Pleasant Grove Lane." On September 6,2005, Verizon
ivireless' engineers flew another test balloon at the pr,oposed height and at the proposed location
of the facllity, and prepared photo simulations showing what the monopole would look like frorn
Pleasant Grove Lane. The photo simulations are attached at Exhibit N.
We look forward to further review of the application at the Board's Septernber T9,2005
heaing. Please do not hesitate to contact me if the Village requires any additional information
prior to that time.
Robert Sr. Burgdorf
cc: David Tyler, Villags Attomey