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Treasurer's Report August 15, 2005.PDF
Wllage nf 6.aguga Hvig\tz MARCHAM HALL 836 HANSHAW ROAD |THACA, N.Y. 14850 Telephone 607-257-1238 Otfice Hours 9A.M.-4P.M. August 15,2005 L TREASURER'S REPORT Abslroct hos been distributed for this meeting. Finonciol reports for Moy, June ond July hovebeen distributed electronicolly. A limited number of copies ore ovqilobie of the meeting. Yeor'end. The onnuol report wos submitted to the office of Stote Comptroller of the end ofJuly, ond is ovoiloble for inspection in the Clerk's office. The stotements will be oudited byour independent quditors in the foll. A resolufion (ottoched) is required tor ine yeor-endtronsfers. 2. 3' EFC Funding. The bonds for the Trickling Filters closed in tote Juty. I S'..Lff$#rt bond ^ / {}documents, os well os the drow request for the remoining omount iop[roximotetv$i,ooo) . 2S /, 4. Trqnsfers & R From: 401410.410 A0r 620.430 403120.430 A05il 0.430 A08160.430 F0 I 990,41 0 G01990.410 Clerk Contr Exp Villoge Holl Insuronce Police Insuronce Sireet Insuronce Refuse Insuronce Woter Contingency Sewer Contingency RESOLUTION REQUIRED A01460.410 401910.410 A019 r 0.410 A01910.410 401910.410 F01420.410 F01830.460 Records Mgmt Contr Exp Speciol Insuronce Speciql: lnsuronce Speciol: Insuronce Speciol: Insuronce Woter: Aitorney Ploni: Plonning Amount 1,000 9.500 22,630 r 1,500 3,300 6,000 r.000 ol of Absfrocis.OLUTION REQUIRE ReSeltfullV submitted, / i'f {r-AW{Vffi {effref Silber Treos0rer Village of Cayuga Heights YEAR-END TRANSFERS Account A00909"000 A01110 . 10 0 A01110 . 410 A01210.410 A01320.410 A01325.410 A014 10 . 10 0 A014l-0.410 A01420 .470 A01440.100 A014 60 . 100 A01460.410 A01"480.410 A01620.100 A01,620 .4L0 A01620.430 A01640. t_00 A01640.200 A01640.410 A01640.440 A01640.460 A01650.410 A01680.410 A01910.410 A01990.400 A03120.110 A03I20.720 A03120.200 A03120.410 A03120.430 A03120 . 4 90 A03410.11_0 A03410.200 A03410.410 A03410.430 A03410.440 A03410.450 A03410.490 A03620.100 A03620.400 A05010.100 A05110.100 A05110.410 A05110.430 A05110 . 4 90 A05112.100 A05112.41_0 A05182.400 A07140.400 A08160.100 A08160.410 From Contingency (1,300) (410) (50 ) (210) (3.940) (4/000) (4,320) (1,410) teeol (6,7 50) (6, 4L0) (3,140) (4/ 680) ( 150 ) (53,390) teaol (110) (6,630) tr, gaol (s60) (620) t:oo r (1,110) (10) tz, rool To Conti_ngency 110,000 r, goo 1,190 :, gSo L, 490 2, I20 g,000 :uo t, S_ZO 35, 4 g0 l_5, 600 7 ,930 3,290 23,000 l-, 030 10,000 170 t,l'ro 1,030 1",7'10 2,930 11,500 ]to 660 1.000 o, ozv FUND Balance JUSTICE: pers Serv ,fUSTICE: Contr Exp MAYOR: Cont Exp AUDIT: Cont Exp TREAS: Contr Exp CLERK: pers Serv CLERK: Contr Exp ATTORNEy: Contr Exp SPW: pers Serv Records Mgrnt: personnel Records Mgnnt: Contr Expense PUB fNFO: Newsleucer VIl, HALL: pers Serv VIL HALL: Contr Exp VfL IiALL: Insurance CENT GAR: pers Serv CENT GAR: Equip CENT GAR: Contr Exp CENT GAR: Utilitres CENT GAR: FueI Facility TELECOM: Contr Exp INFO TECH: contr Exp SPECIAL: fnsurance SPtrf-TAT.. a^h+i-^^u! !vrn!. uull Lt_llgency POLICE: pers Serv-Sworn POLICE: Pers-Non Sworn POLICE: Equip POLICE: Contr Exp POLICE: fnsurance POLJCE: Equip Maint FIRE: DPW Pers Serv FfRE: Equip EIRE: Contr Exp FIRE: fnsurance FIRE: Utilities FIRE: Rescue Contr Exp FIRE: Equip Maint NYSUFPBC: pers Serv NYSUFPBC: ContT EXp STREET ADMIN: pers Serv STREET: Pers Serv STREET: Contr Exp STREET: fnsurance STREET Equip Maint CAP IMPR: Pers Serv CAP IMPR: Contr Exp STR LIGHT: Contr Exp HCS: Coffinunity Center REFUSE: Pers Serv RF.F'tI.(E.. r'a^n+F trvh VilJ.age of Cayuga Heights YEAR-END TFUAI.ISFERS REFUSE: Insurance REFUSE: Tipping Fees REFUSE: Equip Maint COMM ENV: pers Serv COMM ENV: ConIr Exp EMP BEN: Retirement EMP BENI Workers Comp EMP BEN: Unemployment EMP BEN: Disability EMP BEN: Health EMP BEN: HealIh/VcH Funded EMP BEN: Retiree Heal"th FUND XFER: Capital ATTORNEY SPECfAT,: fnsurance qPtrr-TAT . fnn+.i --^.rL LUrn!. vutiLl-.n9ency SUPPLY: Water purch/SCLIWC SUPPTY: Water purch/Ithaca SYSTEM: Pers Serv SYSTEM: Equip SYSTEM: Contr Exp EMP BEN: Retirement EMP BEN: FICA EMP BEN: Workers Comp F.MP T1trNI' ni4.1-\i li+. -ruavrrJ;y EMP BEN: Health EMP BEN: Health/VCH Funded EMP BEN: HeaLth/Retiree DEBT: Interest- Serial Bonds SPECIAL: Insurance PLANT: Utilities EMP BEN: Health,/Retiree EMP BEN3 Health/VCH Funded PLANT: Contr Exp SPECfAI,: Contingency VfL IIALL: Cap Expense FIRE: Capital Exp SEWER LTNES * CAPITA], CONSTRUCTION WWTP Capital Project Transfer to Other Funds Account A08160.430 A08160.460 A08160.490 A08st_0.100 A08510.400 A09010.800 A09040.800 A09050.800 A09055.800 A09060.800 A09060.810 A09060.820 A09554.900 F01420"410 F01910.430 F01990.400 F08320.410 808320 .420 F083s0.100 F08350.200 F08350"410 F09010.800 F09030.800 F09040.800 F09055.800 F09060.800 F09060.810 F09060.820 F09710.700 c01910.430 G08130.440 G09060.820 G09060.810 G08130.410 G01990.400 H0]-620.200 H03410.200 H08120.200 H08 130 . 200 H09901.900 From Contingency (ss0) - (3,970) (5,040) rsaol (153,840) (1,140) (2,580) (6,250) (1.540) (1,370) (1,190) (e60) (10 ) (3,040) (10) (1.160) (2, 690) ( 12, 050 ) (4,800) (47 0) (60) (200) (41 0 ,220) (16,350) (163,580) (7I , 640) To Contingency 3, 300 110 1, 910 1,380 ? ??nJ I JJW r, ooo ,_ro 1uo z,l ao 4, 060 1.340 13,870 1'l oon RESOLVED TO AUTHORTZE THE ABOVE TRANSFERS EFFECTIVE 5/37/2005,