HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing to change LL1 of 1984 providing the granting of real property tax exemptions under Alternative Veteran's Program.PDFCarl King 4 Highland Park Lane Ithaca,NY 14850 607.266.7363 30 June 2005 Mayor Walter R. Lynn and Board of Trustees Village Office 836 Hanshaw Road Ithaca,NY 14850-1548 Dear Mayor Lynn and Board of rrustees of the viltage of cayuga Heights: I would like to ask your support for a change to the village of cayuga Heights local law relatedto the real property tax exemptions under tire AltemativeVeterans' program. Specifically arevision to the Village of Cayuga Heights Local Law No. I of the year ]gg4,which I haveattached to this letter (Attachment 1). TIre Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York provides an arternative exemption fromreal property taxation for qualified veterans of defined periods of war, combat zones and forveterans receiving a seryice-comected disability. h tqs+ when New york added the law, eachmunicipalitywas allowed to set the maximum exemptions by local law. A table was provided so lhx a municipality could choose a maximum for waiime veterans for exampl e ragingfrom alow reduced maximum of 6,000, basic maximum of g12,000,and up to an increased maximumof 27 '000' I've included page one of the altemative veterans exemption application whichinciudes the tabie (Attachment 2). h 1984, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Cayuga Heights enacted Local Law No. 1 setti'gthe real property tax exemption for veterans atthe l,ow:est possible maximum, two steps beiowthe "basic maximum." In fact a 1998 assessment of surrounding municipalities (Attachment 3)shows that the Village of Cayuga Heights set the lowest maximum of ANy surrounding ---- - / municipality. Additionaily, the Tompkins County Govemment operations Committee at their May 1g, 2005meeting unanimously adopted by voice vote an increase in the Tompkins County maximumexemption limit by two steps (moving the it one step above the basic maximum). In thecommittee meeting nores it was nored that,,,theviliage "f c;yd;H;igilffie onrymunicipality that has set a lower maximum limit...,, The time has come to address the low maximum set in 1984 by our Board. I would ask that theBoard consider increasing the real property tax exemptions under the Alternative veteran,sProgram to match the town orhnsing urrd rro* tompkins County. This would increase themaximum to one step above the basic maximum. tnl roitowing would be the new maximums:Wartime - $15,000, Combat Zone-$10,000 and Disability $so,ooo. This is an appropriate timeto support our veterans. Sincerely, Carl L. Kins Norma Mannin From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Walter R. Lynn [wrl1@cornell.edu] .t.uesday, August 02, 2OOS.l 0:4b AM L:ijl3yTning; Jeffrey Sitber at Corneil; Dave TyterFwo: Keterence my earlier snail mail letter Carl_Kin930_J u n e_2005. doc Carl_Kin930_June_ 2005.d0c (30 ,..pjcase advise me regarding this reguest. I am asking Norma to obtai' documents referrecl to in Mr. r(ing's letter. Also we should see whether thecounty enacted the recommendations of it Government operations committee. r agree this matter shouldbe discussed by the Trustees at its next mee;rng-^:^"^""'' Walter --- begin forwarded text Subject: Reference my earlier snail mail lerter To : mayor @cayuga-heights. ny. us Cc: cking} @twcny. rr. com From: clking@nyseg.com Date: Tue,2 Aug 2005 IL:82:49 -0400 X-OriginalArrivalrime: 02 Aug 2005 15:325 2.0r73(uTC) FTLETIM p,-[72230FD0:0tc5g???]x-PMx-version: q.7 .0.rrL 62I,-Antisp am- Engi'e : z.o .z. o,Antisp am-D ata :2005.8.2.r4 x-llMx'Yersion: 4'7'L'128075, Antispam-Engine: z.0.B.0,Antispam-Data:2005.8.2.74 Mayor Lynn, r sent you a "snail rnail" letter on June 30, 2005 asking fo. help in addressi'g some concerns related to theAlternative Veterans' program real property tax exemptions. l Did you receive that letter ? Are you and the Board going to discuss this? Thanks Carl King You can use my normal email (below) to reply. ching2@twcny.rr.com P, hr,. h l-+"r^l A t '^t On I CgY etur s ov.'ryna%-o a@,^Cad Village of Cayuga Heights Local Law No. 1 of the year l9g4 Lcrc{ rrl t c o**e d be to.l A L'ocal Law providing for the granting of real property tax exemptions under theAlternative veterans' program, pursuant to ciapier 525, Laws of I9g4, state of New york Be it enacted by the Board- of Trustees of the Viilage of Cayuga Heights as follows:The Village of Cayuga Heights hereby grants real properfSi tax exemptions for veterals ::!-e.ill^llltemative veterans' Exemption Prograin, with tie rouo*ini--,o*imum ievetsor exempnon: 1) Basic War Veteran- Exemption for those honorably discharged veterans (and cerlainof their family members as set fortir in the enabling iegisiation) who served durigg tireSpanisir-Arnerican War, the Mexican Border periJd, frorld'War I, World War II, the. Korean War, or the Vietnarn War period: 15% of assessed value with amaximum of g6p€€f,ff t z ) o o o 2) Cornbat Zone Veteran Exemption for flrose veterans qualifying und.er the BasicWar Veteran Exemption who can atso document service in a combat theater or zone:additionar 10% of assessed varue, with a maximum "i$4f s0 -ior'o ., o3) Disabled Veteran Exemption for the qualifying veterans wiro have received. aservice connected disability compensation .utitrj from the Veterans' Administration:addirionar per9enrage of asseised value.quit to 50% oroisauitity;;;, with amaximum of gZOf€&O0 aotooD This Local Law is effective immediately. (I}/ga) FFlr:rl"l : tlSSESSt"tENT DEPRRT|,IENT FRX N0. : 27455A7 tluq.' E3 2AES 11:4TRf,1 FS H* gH? EEHFu,ocdcqfl HEEps$pEsg nnffiHHfrHEfiEFHgf;H scdotc{ FFri rLbq€ rillthFxii d( 6rL TJ'tr4Ee4E I/JHFFi! --tFguJ{>O (foocl(fFE(f{D $t ,$' i$tt? (ft gt lt tL tLo()e FFFEEE J.JJ (rI t- (\l C') F F (V (f} 1-- ftI dt F-O O (f f{ C\t t\| f\t tq (t) (Y) (r) + { { qf FTTTFFF* r r r \*\f '+ tEf s c+ sf lil rl '+ rtr tf + lir !+ '+ ErnfteXF&trFL]c.rFFr,' .' dl r* ri + Y Y 5 I LJ q t +hhhEfr+fihFhr-:F S 5 F E F g S S 8 s H E E E ul0ld ,Q.L{f }- rtr I-L E ndsE*{ .aS :.i= s\, lJ J=tl.Ift SHH strE<IIJ FEEr{-(/lt ul:IEF{ EIU 3+z.-a9IEELfiiLf;=ul tu ^XHHFo(9r-Z tlt ovr EEIion- (J i.H#u Ftr LU 4\^rn"Ji E rs* ffi><' ilr <. 1a={ 15v\\ '<) tl) L)a .b c .q e-F wX IJJ# ttl}v,c),tl|ttl5 lJ- r E.f Q r--UE cnHz: E o- i'izdOU)F{ i".,\ <.J c ti. UJ 'Ll' u- coctl Horli)atuJfi crl U 4:ta{f et!f FG(fo TD Faa Er or=6ocf poct(arf ocsof! Fo (= LN Er=o.cf (:)F{fe!+ Cfc'{" 'if e€q? +.sr eEo -idt slf) F'JF1{di E r:t .qf, {5 .,, c\l I o(f(} ata o€rfoc{ {fcta Otr'l oOq ct c\,1 ec)o clc)F r$c{ 'tf c]*(} {\t {}a ry o ftl c)c!od C't a c) m Ee!l? a U) Ed c?ctcl \$I cl(f* cp oGc] r.-i e fi (:ct{5 E(fo o{}od (9 t3fl r'.t (fa c{ 11a fi 4)oq ftJ cfclc3 ot luJ l-*' i4z rLlF {t }{H }{F<l<X }{}{}(l{}(}( a UJ Hrl {H H lt H r!tIodd rJ z.t z zllltr]FfflAI L?Jp z. UJ - (5l 5lJI O frt dUJI ILflfr a z. F lrr'l6l $.J z. OFolEI(Dl clc/H H/ddg <lt)IslJIFl LLI f-OI EFI fEt otjl (J A Paul Tunison,8/3/05 1:22 PM -0400, Response from the Tompkins county Board of Heal - 2 .,dlr,r i- j:,lt:, i{!, t,i :'.L ,.,..- rr. r-i[,iii] I r;y,.:-1jd Jul5'!? ?005 H. f,,irch*al F,ip'rt'meil , fhairtler'i{ru bts"r t iir; ru r Li a.!' u # * L e. k* | rit* nri qJ ru i':i Fn I itti r ter {' Ll m ri} | FE i $n F,li., E'r-;:r: iZfr ELlt.:ua, f4a'tt','u h 'l48fitl 'j4# W'i . fl'j'lJri'lilFi : ln fallnio", i.jp tr.r c,U{ r*csr:t,JiE,ergsit,n r*gei-ciing'lret*t syEt*n-r fBF c'"1dtr€*EFs ih13 Pr:lrrj si Fiealth lir* dad:$*rl !:hat ln recsunl$*n r:f tt iub*t*ntlirl infr{***F** dir fe*r l*.11 y*fif ih* fe*'*ill rb# h* irc:m'aacd fr--'rtliFX- t-t*,,ljs,/EH', ffi* *cr-*S fr,i ttlll,l end llj{J5',vili rt+t bne rel'isetJ Ttil] fit"?fi ftn* ,:nn sider*d ncrsiutl'3 thp cc*cerns ihei y:u r **ard hm a;lpreerE*i' Hprte'rer' tvs i*i'u *ttir*ur *aard lrr*niber'q' hxtilns ilusln rf,'"'ls\iJed d'1* d**lirh]il Et'laiiirrlj prrl"*- *.it i*.d A: t-,* *r*ng,g in is* sirunturs, rqitlsqrsr {itst'#"e h;re rjnfie c}Lir [*f f" bg s,E i'rir .*s pJEEibl; l* af! ita{*r s.1r*r*l*uel Lii]F}lst*nt in $ilr *ti*i1t* p:arti;lly' rfie4i th* {r\,*fall rl*$t r,rf *ltf iEsi+r :}'ElF"i'rr ni*nitLlnfl* Fl-stlr&[fl" i$h lflh cerlF{fl* h+:,*,il'/ rr:b+.idils,l bv ths te,.gray*ru gi g1; lluumfo.-' ,*,1, th+ 3i.Jl 14 f€* nfr Ef,Ll'ruJt is lr:n'; pariilue' anfi l*'fl 'rrnuld '+*r+ rrunh F'retsrtfl Er,tfl*1 r*rji:ri.t,rg to,*.[ol "oiton In,rlC*rt;, f,bli#Jl i1, +,,'t, flHdueF;i liiiti thr: iili-.14 te'* irn *niri ir,-'m*i-n+[i Thr Zt{r[' f*; i'+ dua P+gr:s: J , *{JfiF ' Thsnl'; yrlil ffd 'y'flLrr LlnLJF.f$tnndEnF in this rrrnfi*r, er'ti plm'** f+nlfr{ii sq}* ii b'rl;"i hgr'6 ant furtirer qu*stiens. Y'rrurutruli'. ,-+'l{drq"{ lWrT HE,AITH Yrr tr r f'xn:rrur iq.rt" ;l l-i r;i[th1' [ -.r.:un lrlt r n j1i *" tfu-"*s-* J*frrcy SnerJelter, F'l,*,, Trmpkine f}'qlr't'r Ec'erd tj*: .l*ttn Al-irlBtbs*fr, Lrlif;dt'{ d tfillriftffi*iiLil HEr;l"fii ,-lnnntl-ss n V,r ;'tC - T*mp Fi ni tru urrtl Ati*rn *9' *$iite*#p.af . Fr**.iC*nt nt Bleedih ,:' 1,,,-," .':'l''r'::::'.-'.,''' 1.'i'r":'lf,'.'i':i.:: :'-l:ll. :i .. '.:i.,...:'.'.'.'-''',....'':.:':''.':..,:..'''''.. l,r{l ,r.1t.:^]q i{, q ):iit:ir. I 'rl'ii i'ir.l.,-;, \.;';' 'r'-.i! - i':;5r Printed for 'tWalter R. Lynn" <wrl1@cornell'edu> _ Village of Cayuga Ileights Locat Law No. I ofihe y{ar $g4 A Local Law providing{or the granting of real property t*x exemptions under theAlternative veterans;r.og.uri, pursuant to chapter 52s, Laws of Lgg4rstate ofNew York Be it enacted bv flre Board of Trustees of the viilage of cayuga Heights as follows:The village of -cayuga Heights rrerety.gra{s reai propefiy tax exemptions for vetera's ;i3i:,ff *f*tati ve veterirt' n*.*ption rrosar;;,oitrr ar. forrowirig maximu'r ievers 1) Basic war veteran- Exemption for.tho-se ho'orably discharged veterans (a'd. certai'of their family members aslet ronr, in ,rr".*;;ri"gi"lrrirrrorg who served duri'g rhespanish-A'rnericq war, the Nr"*i*o gorder perioi, w"rra war I, world war II, theKorean War, or the Vietnam V/arperiod: 15% of assessed value with a riraximum of $6,000.00 .,2) combat zoneveteran Exemption for those veterans qualifying under the Basicwar Veteran Ex-emption who "un "rro document ,"*i", in a combat theater or zone:additional 10% of assessed uufor, with amaximum of $4,000.003) Disabled veteran Exemption for the qualifying veterans who have received" aservice connected disability^cJ*n.**n ,#rriao;th" veterans, Administration:additional percentage of assessed value "qufi;;;Iirof disabilityrating, with amaximum of $ZO,OOO.OO This Local Law is effective immediatel y. (10/ga) A MOTIO]\ TO HOLD A PUBLIC HEARNG TO CONSIDERINCREASING REAL PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTIOI\S FOR VE'IERANS ' The Board of Trustees has been asked to consider amending Local Law No. 1 of the year1984 which granted increases in real property tax exemptions under the Alternativeveteran's Program, p,ursuant to chapter 525,Laws of iggl,state of New york, in orderla-4grqasg the Basic War veteran, iombat zoneYeteran Exemption and DisabledVeteran Exemption benefits as follows: 1)Basic War Veteran Exemption ........... 15% of assessed valued to a maximum of $12,000 (increased from $6.000) 2) Combat Zone Veteran Exemption an additional rjyo of assessed varue, with a maximum of $20,000(increased from $ 1 0,000) .3) Disabled Veterans Exemption with a maximum of $40,000 (increased from 920,000). Basic war Exemptions - 23 individuars (@$6,000 max)- Total: $13g,000 combat zoneExemptions - 40 individuals (@$10,000 max) -- Totar: $400,000 Disabled veterans Exemption - 6 individu ais (@20,000 max) -- Totar: $1030950(special percentage based on current assessment) Veterans Paraplegic Exemption - 1 individual __ Total: $340,000 (based on currentassessment) Basic War Exemptions - 23 individu als (@$12,000 max) Total : $276,000 combat zoneExemptions - 40 individuars (@$20,000 max) Totar: $g00,000 Disabled Veterans Exemption - 6 individuals ($40,000 max) Total: $103,950 (specialpercentage based on current assessment) Veterans Paraplegic E:remption - 1 individual -- Total =_$3401000 (based on current assessment) Inasmuch as granting these increases in Veterans exemptions would. effectively reduce the taxable assessed valuation of Village properties from $301,4351752 to $300,897,752. Forillustrativepuq)oses, hadthis changebeenimplementedpriorto fhe2006 Village budget this would have required an increase in the Viilage Tax Rate from $6.05 to $6.061. What its effect would be in future years will depend upon the assessed evaluation of village properties and the revenue required to carry out Village fiscal obligations Village of Cayuga Heights Local Law No. 1 of the year l9g4 A Local Law providing for the granting of real property tax exemptions under theAlternative veterans' program, pursuant to ciap?er 525, Laws of l_9g4,state of New York Be it enacted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Cayuga Heights as follows:The Village of cayuga Heights hereby grants real property tax exemptions for veteransunder the Altemative Veterans' Exemption Progranr, *ith ur" following maximum levelsof exemption: 1) Basic War Veteran Exemption for those honorably discharged veterans (and certainof their family members as set forth in the enabling iegislation) who served durilg theSpanish-American War, the Mexican Border perioi, frorld War I, World War II, theKorean War, or the Vietnam War period.: i5% of assessed value with a maximum of $6,000.00 ., 2) Combat Zone Veteran Exemption for those veterans qualifying under the BasicWar Veteran Exemption who can also document service in a conbat theater or zone:additional 10% of assessed varue, with a maximum of $4,000.00 3) Disabled Veteran Exemption for the qualifying veterans who have received aservice connected disability compensatiott tutitt[ from the Veterans' Administration:additional percentage of assessed value ,q,ru-l to 50% of disability rating,with amaximum of $20,000.00 This Local Law is effective immediately. (10/ga)