HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemorandum Northeast Senior Citizens.PDFfI.
Dave Tyler
From: Norma Manling
Date: 0612A/2005
Re: Attached request for rnoney from Northeast Senior citizens
\il/e received a request ftom the Northeast Senior Citizen's Program for money. . ..copy attached.
\)Talter asked me to investigate the history behind this request and ^sk for yorri opinion. Here is
what I found.
History: copies of allreferencedrninutes areattached- r"IEr L -t l'll. lieu -tl'e"w * Yuo-*tnt\ht
6/17 /96 Resolution 4764 - Contribute to Norrheast Senior Citizens through CHCA
Voted to contribute $1000 to the Northeast Senior Citrzens through the Cayuga Ff.ght,
Community As sociation.
B/l,e /e7 Re: the request from the N.E. Semor Citrzens for the annual contr-ibution from
the Village of $1,000, Attomey Tyler quoted the law shrch prohibits gifts or loans of public
moneys to plivate organtzaions. This information will be for-wardeJ to that group.
10/20/97 Response frorn the Office of the State Cornptroller regarding the Senior Cirizen,s
rssue indicates there appears to be a way to support the otgirnzauon on a contractual basis, so
long as it is payment jn return fot a tangible benefit provided to the Vrllage and its residents.
The question of findrng sornething that will fit will be decided upon at the November meeflnE.
1"0/28/97 Trustees were asked to have ready for
about what programs, etc. they would like to get from
for the Village's contribution.
1/ 19 /98 Resolution 4886 - Postpone decision on request for contribution to Northeast
Senior Citizens. ' '.Voted to postpone the decision on the request by the Northeast Senior Unit
the November meeting their thoughts
the Senior Citizens orgarizatton in return
Phone (6W267-1238 r Fax (6971257-4!t1t"t
June 20,
fot ftnancizl support in the amount of $400 until such time as someone representmg theorganizaion ot the Office of the Agrtg who can answer Trustee's qo.stiois will appear beforethe Board.
6/15/98 Attotmey Tylet distributed copies of a dnftagreement between the Northeastseniots unit of the Seniot citizens Councd ,rrd th. village of cuyrguHeights for review. It was
3t""9 to provide payrnent in the surn of $1000 for seryiJes and benefits as outlined in the draft.The Attorney will have the finar dtaftfor Board action at theJury meeting.
7 /20/98 Resolution 4937 -Authorize Mayor to sign agreement with Northeast seniotsunit' ' "'voted to aathotize $9 Mayor to sign th. ugr".#n,i,,irn the Nortleast seruors unit fotservices
^t ^n ^mount of $1000 f year.
puestion. . ..do1tou haue a coplt of the agreernent? Iye can,t seen to fnd arytthing here.
May 26,2005
Affred DiGiacomo
Treasurer, Northeast Unit
1025 Hanshaw Road
Ithana, Ny 14850
e/rr/o >
Village of Cayuga Heights
836 Flanshaw Road
Ithaca NY 14850
Re: Funding for Senior Citizens programs
I arn writing to you on behalf of the Northeast Seniors citizens unit of Lifelong (formerlyknown as the Tompkins county senior ctr?rry c";ilt;#;ing what ever funding theVillage can contribute to our Seniors organization.
our programs begin in septembe r Janhyear and continue until June, In December we have aHoliday lunch at the Ramada inn for our member and a chicken Bar -B-e in June. our meetingsare held at St. Catherine,s meeting hall.
Your continued financial tuppott enables us to provide luncheon programs l0 months of theyear for seniors' This allows many of the seniors a day during the month that they can share intlae fellowship of others, make new friends and gain n.* tnoi,t.age and experiences.A copy of our May 2a05 fiscal report with a proje"tion ro, *r future fiscal year is atfached.Additional funding is needed for ihe coming fiscal year.
Please make out the check to NORTFIEAST sENIoRs LrNIT and send it to my homeaddress 1025 Hanshaw Road, Ithaca, Nry 14g50.
,-J* od#'f of our members, I thank you for your continuing financial support of our Norrheast
Sincerely yours,
c: Robeft Dyer president
,til,'l r/,/
t*ftg 7hr V /t[fJx- (-ar..{n}>,,H
n-A6r"L r-761znn-' a^AU\ rT y'h,
ry r&-
I'l,w lwcL
May 2005
F-inancial Reporf September l, Z0A4 to May Slr Z00S
Balance; September 1.2004 $2,465.22Income:
Dues Income
48 Members @ 5.00: SZ4A.AA
15 Members @ V.00: $t 12.00
16 Members 85+: Free
Total Dues Incorne $ 352.OA
Holiday Luncheon g Z}S.O0
Chicken BQ -- NA
Coffee donations $35.00
Total fncome
Total Funds $725'oo'
$ 3,19A.22
Holiday larncheon 5649.68ChickenBQ $NAPrograms $100.00
Printing Newslener $114.93
Postage for Newsletter $Zgl3A
Bingo Equip. $t62.75
Labels etc. W+O
Total Supplies _ ----.--gzog.ts
Contributions $100.00@)$z4.ooTotal Expenses to date $1.479.06
Balance May 3l, ZOA4
Tompkins trust bhecting sr,633.26 $r'7tL'26
Cash on Hand $.78.00
Accounts Payable
Chicken BQ June $Zg0.O0
St Catherine Donation $600.00
Printing June & August $23.00
Postage lune & August $53"00
Post Office Box rent $43.00
Total Accounts payable $1.019.00Anticipated Balance August 31" Z00S $692.26
By Alfred DiGiacomo
TreasurerNE Unit,
fi'81 gE,,
g *$ gAgE
$sF $s f [g F $$Af $F* r 2E
rffry ggry
'TI'RTHEAST 'Ef\fro*s
ur{trof LIFELON. of romptins coun'MEMBERSHIp nppr_icnird[i"'' vw'.rr
September l,ZW4* August Sl,ZOA|
PHoNE# F,ts-.. --_"----
LJJiI,i ffiBf RrH DArE ( Hens)-.-fiis)-Location: (pJease check one)Month Year
::::::::,srrts- vlrage or Lansing
lenclose g
,HTf f:on, $7.00 per coupb ) 85 snd over is FREEffi[itr**^*l,f * ;,. "J ;;,1 ;ii# ;"#i#ffJ,,; ffif ;Lffi:,,receive the Nelustetter.
a, hly l#gL-2741lwouldbewilli,ng@
HOSPfTAL|TY lrcrrtf,E'ar 'a Comminees orilj['{ffirY- MEMBERSHIP- $EW'LETTERPUBLICIry ecrErirar h,FrsuNsHrNE_ ;#ffilE *- :S::S^y_:y:TRANSPORTATION
H:ilff: ;:; 5;f:'i;'H#"5."i, jl.Board of Truste,
ror i'-.i. ;;fi;;:"rlfrin" village or cavuga
PRESENT: Iiayor IArrorney ryler: tlj:::::r rrustees
supt. nru.'*-" rreasurer silber'
ABSENT: frr.r"t"" Kusse.
l:::*"t: co-llyer, Fle:rils, Kira, Kozen;Dupt. of ?.W. Cross; police cii", Wall; Fire
OTHERS: Scorr whi +r.^_Ann Meltz""t *htthan' Joe,, sh,ti;;;,:;;,'ili"il;JXjfrry;,n3", Elizaberh
ry Dunning, uouy illj;rlliiev Kiefer,
;1" ffi":::;t:"'-'n:
,o""t'ns ro order, opening ir ro privilege or rhe rloor.
posal fo. "t*
and Joe Laile
will serv" _ntoi:"a orr-a.-r-,lt' representins Cornell Un:'-versit
1i;i;i{F.t;'l;itL" i;:: j;*plurt" ilT. ;;;fftx#ii"";
of grass th(srabiti.ze6 o-.15"sth of the properry from rhe illi;- tl" proposal ioroti.s-a srrip
*sffi : itj*:ixi;" ;:ff :;'u"j;1i :i:"tiil;i is*ini"":1""i';:rJl iil'"
::: ;;:j ii, Ti*:i:u:;":",: :: :. d .""'" """
;::iii'fr'ff ::".ff "*:l,F:n:ii*;ings wiil b"
"on.r"yed ro .n;"ttt* of the Public
"".t "*i"rriir"", and rhe find_
!..aay r{atyas, Elizabeth Moun
through the suPt- of p.i,tr.
ll "t l5 ; : ::"*',':.":#; t;;: *:; i" tf
":* t jd Thiii i ; i;.'i i' r, tT iii:t j,u*t
" "
co eurtail i.t
a u
i J"
inr"'; ;, I :: i'jil,. "#fff I; "" Il:'" ::; ;J
"; j*,., ff :r t: i' :ffi j : ".Motion by Trustee Ki.ra, seconded by lrustee Kozen:I?:u? ro,approve rhe minuresf*rnished itt'"t"u" in coov o^li " specia' meeror",,_.roJ"u.irr. __,, -vrr'. ri"r."""l;:ilfr:"lirfl.lr;rliifrl"*l:::r"."r,
***The Mayor: reported on the following:
-Iriunici.pal Officials met o" rra.,rr]_ artr.the need for r.r
:lTg:;;:;;; j:i5il+i*:TilJ',''u,ulr'.'hosred bv cirv Mavor cohen who srressed
-r,r3tter from Bob O{r"frof"J-.""1useable "o,p"rili_,r,"."
--Hor Board congarden ;;;;;,'":'o*"f:lto"t possrble need ro cha;rerrer - under
chipper "ttiu", "uiu-"'i-.rl"i"ilge
policy regarding_pi"r."p-Ji"'
-Requesr ,,,*-"Ili;;":::f$i";::;"!i"ii"":.:: ''o'"'", coitinuation or'n"",-
cirizens ;;;^:r."t (ovacs for tLso for ;h; ;;;.;-LUUU annual conrriburion ro Norrheasr SeniorMorion by rrusree Fleming, "u"olllj'r;.;;:r::T::i:
^r Lw rrvrL
,,,#:JjH;:,: ;J:::_::,::
ro r{'Rri{'o,,,*,* crrrz'Ns r'R'uc}i .HCAnelghrs Communiry associai:.Ji. ..
uo t u d yn i l
"""*-^ * ;; ;" H ;::'::. ";,I::::: T:" :ili:..:ii;:::iiHffi : ;h :T::"
Fire supt'Dty presented his month,, llJ"r, vhich is on file in rhe village 0ffice.Attorney Tyler reported that the final draft of the Time Warner Cable Franchise
utes of regular meeting - B/1B/97 ,.i t! ,
3 l'.'i j-
.otion by Trustee Collyer, seconded by Trustee Kira:
V0TED to approve the Abstract of Warranrs dared g/Ig/gl in the following amounrs:General Fund - g26,99\.89; Sewer Fund _ $gS,ZSi.lg; Warer Fund _ 95,685.06.Trustees Bisogni, colryer, Ki;"; Meinhardt vored yES.
Attorney Tyler distributed
a Memo fron Elena Flash re Cable Franchise * still
:Re the request from the N'E. senior citizens for the annual contributi-on fromthe villerge of $1,000, Attorrruy Tyrer quoted tt," r,r, which prohibits gifrs orloans of publ-ic moneys to pri.vate organizations. This.infornation will beforwarded to that group.
'Police cbief l{ar1 submitred his monthry report which is on fire.
fStifr]"tr voiced his concerns about the upgrading of the phone sysrem relarive
Re the letter frorn Kristie 0rCo:as a resurr or late paym"", """11!'oi'l'ix:i:fi ;rr;::t:L;l::i"";:"1:'"Il.ilrf*l,informed that the viirage office personnel acted. properly in returni-ng her check.MotionbyTrusteeKira,seconded'byTrusteeCo1Iyer:
RESOLUTION 4853 _ ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSIONenter Executive Sessi.on at 10:45
..1""," ,.r"ii,,g to physicar ab*ily ::'":lirnHf"ll":;"$";:il::: "ilisogni, Co11yer, Kira, I,teintiarJr vored yES.***
Trustee c.llyer moved and Trustee Kira seconded to reconvene into regular sessioirat 11:07 pM.
Trustee collyer moved. and. Trustee Kira second.ed to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 11:0B.pM
Anne Krohto
AiJU Minur Regular Meeti:rg - l:0/20/97
fl3;,r", Archirecrs/ Feasibility
41990.4 Conringency
Trustees Bisogni, Coliyer, Kira,
48160.43 Refuse InsuranceAQtrn "n;;:::.,, xeruse EquipmenL Mainc
- ^-J J v . -t uont lngencyA?/irc..avvJ rqurpment Sale
F2665 il il
G2665 ,r
45110.2 Streers EquipmentF8350.2 Water EquipmenrGBI20.2 Sewer Lines Equipment
434L0.45 F.D. Conrracrual Exp.
Kusse voted yES.
Refuse Tipping Fees
Workers Comp fnsur
new revenue
1, 600
14, 500
14, 500
14, 500
by rrustee Bisogni: secondeu o;*irr"ree Kira:vur.srr ro approve rhe Absrract of Warranr" Orl:g .|0/20/97 in the following amounrs:
t'eneral Fund - g30,855.18;-;;""r Fund - s:0,ii1.69; warer Fund _ $18.00.Trustees Bisogni, colryer, iir", or"";*;o.ed yEs.
Attorney ?yIer reported on the fot 1n..,.;-_, 1 /\r:;ffi3i:f.:*,;f::;.i: ;*T,i:,*::i::,.:{ffT:i:fii{T*::"l:t.,i:t.l*;T,;:""nag::eemenr. , rhese *";;-,;;;iii :;.::;"';,:l:""iTfil"j"f;ji{;::.:"j*;i"t:"";; :t: i:x:ff ;,iii:l!g *:*:$ l*i*'3': ";, :i5.,3.*:t:.,:; "*:r.
;;::,Robin palnrer or Elena ei""i ,lirr ,"pi;";;; in"^urrrrg.. Lz7 ne_sponse from rhe officeii;5li"tilt;"t:'l:'"i1"-'"r]lor,,, lr'"-i""i"r'ci.i""i",:."",,"-indicaEes
rhereii-rs;.*";; i"-:]r::"";::":t tt''' o's*;i;;;io,, oo a conrraerual basis, so long asdents' itre question of firrdiot"tgibre benefit provi-ded ao rr-," Virlage and its resi-November r""iiog g something that will rit wiri ie decided upon ar rhePol'ce chlef ,ua1' presented his monthly report which is on file in the virlage office.Motion by Trustee Kira, seconded by Trustee Bisogni:RESOLUTION 4863 - AUTHORIZE POLICE CHIEF TO SELI USED POLICE CAR;:;:1":"";":T;:::.:nr"i klr r?-ldve*ise ror the sale or rher'""..
"*illTSri;:: : if ,i l,fft
:Tl":l;d j:;. ";; =.
":' "
Ji",Xiiftr'ili" chevv
chief wa'l announced the receipt of ."fri,ooo o"*aion to the por-ice Department.Motion by Trustee colryer, seconded by Trustee Kusse:
iiiiia::;":illi'" Police chier^I'll^ro purchase new 40 caliber Glock rirearms and"*i"t:.ng-;r;;;-!-':nt
usins the $5,000 giit ;;;;;Kira,;-il";;-;;.;o"iiil" e mm rirearms ro Glock c}li ""i,::i::i';rliJl:o;"il;"..
*rttrMotion by Trustee co11yer, seconded by Trustee Krra:REs0rurroN 4865 _
I3]ii_,::_111_thorizg rhe rax corlemo,tlertii:icarion ro i";;;r_:^.,:.:1:"tlor to transfer rhe
vo'- pd vtrc +vurynrirs _ounty for releww T-,,_*^^Itlu"y. Trustees
List of Overdue Taxes andBisogni, Collver. Kjr: r.,,_-^Voted YRS +++
Minutes of a snenir.r M^^+-"-^
Heigh rs';d #$d#ffilii#{#.'}:, 3 "ff ori'.flliffi
:,:'r:li .
u,'r",e o r cayuga
iffiilt;"yi]";,ll:erson; ifu,ruu. Bisogni, collyer, ,;;,;;;: Kira, Kusse; supr. or
ABSENT: Trustee Meinhardt.
Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 4:30 pM, openj-ng a discussionregarding uol:?"-pointr" ruquu"t for const.u"rioo of a pole barn at a cost of:Ji':::-'::""::;1.:16r; ;:;*:i*'*'i:;required ror Bolron ro expena tnis
The First congregational church has requested to instalr directionar signs atHi;::,::"i:1;: ;HffT';,i*"lj:tft,i"i:X,:l'i i: ::;":::::"-,.,he sign
Motion by Trustee Fleuring, seconded by Trustee Kira:
RESOLUTION 4866 _ ALLOW DIRECTIONAL SIGNS FOR CHURCHvor'D that, because it i_s a reouesr .^^^r;_-::'"*-
er,'r"iD 'uK u
garionar church ro""r.a r.-d;^nrii;r:ff"i5r;"ii'dry";;3"::3;..r: ;:::"fi:rr;;;"directional sir,u"i"""ti";;fil ;:,r:::T,:ff:;:"ff,:f ;*jj ;t:##i":;;"".,rre v*rage
;ff ::"H:"';l:;ll,'*";ff ;'::" ;::; " il.:f; ",*:. l:.:;:l:,,::1,::i:;n po in r, x cap a c i ty
Motion by Trustee Col1yerr seconded by Trustee Fleming:. RESOLUTION 4867 - API]I-OVE CONCEPT OF BOLTON POINT CAPACITY
Yg'u? to approve rhe concepr "':i,:,:il*{:[::":r"" ;,;""", wirh rhe under_standing that runless iir.--"irl" cost would be,incurr"d bv irr" yi11"g: :i c"y,rg" Heighrs residenrsi" "*""uJuol-*itt"o
355'000'000 gallo"" oi';;;"r avairable flr'.r"" by rhe village.rustees Bisogni, Collyer, ff"ri"g, Kira, Kusse voted yES.options were discussed in connecaron rrli the coinprehensive water sysrem proposal,including nethods or itt"'i;;;"" of . warer tro, a"r.on point '.J ,i," ciry of rrhaca.There was sentiirre uo*rsr-;;;;l:"t that option 34 sirourJ-u"-iir.r,*r
Motion by Trustee Fleningr seconded by Trustee Collyer:' REs'LurroN 4868 - AurHORrzE polrcE cHrEF TO.HTRE D'NALD
''ANLONiliiitli::H;H,l;tl;"rfli"f-wa1l to hire Donald scanron ror rhe posirion or:;iil::: ;iHt;;: ;*.:"tmi ;i:. Td:; ii"illlooil":':,i:l :";:.fiifuh"::
Supt. Cross
It wil_j be
a-meno explaining
discussed further
Trustee Collyer moved and Trustee Flemine
Meeting adjourned at 5:25 pt{
the need for the purchase of a usedat the November meeting.
seconded to adjour the neeting.
Anne Krohto
.) . i vrlLrLbr, uI' (.:AYUGA HEIGHT''/ BOARD nn m.'L. !vf!I\', u.r, IRUSTEES
&inures l;o ;, f^^..f --7:30 I,M i.^,!. regurar *uutllt of rhe Board of Trusrees..vv rl'r _LD_.ilhe village Harl.
PRESENT: Mayor 1
3:;::;j:,;;i;;, T::;:::;.';ff ;:ff 3ff ::.li
ABSINT: fr,r"tu" FLemins.
il*i'51;, ll.;;, I::'5;, Ii'#liii,;,.
held il,Jan:r.iry,*S,, 19,9.g a;t
OTHERS pRESENT: Martha Aridillie Evans, Mike ;fi";;f 'rong) Robert Mircherr, Dooley Kiefer , I4/ttRon schmidr,Mayor Andthe floorerson called the meeti-ng to orde:
Martha Ar*..r^-- D_
---^o uv urQ€r at 7:30 PM opening it to privilege of
appeared J^".tf-:"t:. Econonic Developmenr pl;
.ti:,ii; :gi-ii# tr ;ii * "ryi1"
:"ff 'if:liff * ; :-6 trTi: i:ilii;i: i.: :
.are schedu
she hopeJ-*-"g {J";;;;;"J"e^hoPes a plan "iil u.,"io.oi"ll.o1 i.,rr:";;Sr*"erinss
r' "' o r i i J" l' ";no" *;*: {lll L":;il :x li: *r"' :: H j t**.:" :
rr; " :.Di_s cuss i-onof the -N;;r:l:ted^ eoncernir
i*"ruf i:i:_ritl*i#!;"ii"iil.l':ln::l:e
Mueller and Helen pai, co-presiden,s
ir would,p::po'.-).-'in"'ii-e'
;::orr for
i1"l; i::jil*r{t:,iliiin:fii]ff"":ff-
ac'livitie""oii".".r ay it",.",0 since
Morj.on or ri
was raken-;".Tliiff-;o;;;";"fl':;ff":trlf;riff llli:i{;U*TJ:
t,u***o--1." #""1,-.--,.,'*l.?.*::ee Meinhard r :
,,,f,911-gj'ge;.e,sorr=* *n r.jt:i:t'*t=t",'#&.;1?1?11['.ToB
qo'"ERrBurro x ' o'*
re+ancial'lsuor,..i'-. i*l--i='lolon on the reorroo
;#L1i;#'i#';{:ijt{*:;{ii;ffi T#}itr#H;iil{:;iiffi ,,;,
Robert Mirchepresenred*nutl^ll,Ii::tt"l1 Ross a."o"'i1."" oirr".rour-.;;;^feasibilirrl-."?""-Associat"t o::lt.:cEs, p.c. of-voorhe."r*ru, ;;,
:*{;:-.oo'iiii"i",l"**:" l;::iil:T;::i}:i' :" 'r'"-""- sr"rion. --HJ*iJui""ua
iii:" fi "Tl:
r_, ." -;",
i ^r =o fi;ii:t; :;
?5:ii:: TI tl Tii il{j :" tJ:;ijl; "'
::":"0 ;"";i;;":;HTjTf "loj.li. u-u,,uiiti ;;; :*'"'ing buildi,
or a possible new ut." .il",.lllt_ttonal task: .rrri-"r'.;"".'::-:fls option. He"oio-properry on N.ti*L'l" ,r"rioi'-'ional ""u''^in^orawbtci" "i-'n-itt
and building new on
; :" i ff . t: *r, " i# H T#r ffi tr** * -ltr ;iltiii,tl**.m
Morion by Trus,
t"tt"" the study tna "o***;; ;;":. associaLea witt.,.:task :. -ir-'"-
voTED ,o "oo.o,
ee Kira' seconded tr ;;;; ;;- 'n" Februarv meeting
;t:::"1,."iinJ"r,ii; ffijff ;; i#;:T":isogni:rrustees ui""'i', ."'i,"i,'il,i:, T:j;+:;::J,':HIJH+#l'ir,ji:"rnii il00,",",,'.l'!5
. $arorts R.eporr: *?r)r
;;::1", Warer projecr has been approved by the DnC and senr on for necessary signa_-NE Area Tran'sit study met as a group on saturda), January 17.
,. ,r*tott"s of regular meeti"g -ffi#8-jij.,g
nas been appointedr !1" Application and Resume wi'l 1 be forwarded to theTrustees Bisogni, corlyerl'riu*iog, Kira, l,reinrrarat voted yEs.***
vv srt LJ .
renovatj.on/ cons t ruc_
two weeks.
Trustee Meinhardt suggested walter Lynn as a possibre candidate to serve in thiscapacity.
-Photos subrnitted by l"lrs' weaver of the^on-golng unsightly, unsanj-rary conditi-onof the dumpster rocated on ttu-6orners
-cournuniti center property adjacent to theTcrc' supt' cross will contacr Dougt" rr*"i-n"iorur, dumpster olmer, to ask hinto try to convince Joe ciaschi, property ownerr to provide a larger dumpster forhis tenants.
concerning j.nformation the Village should requestin their inforrnation packet for the Census 2000request all three itenized paper Lists.
monthly report which is on fi1e.
*rn response to the Mayorrs queryfron the census Bureau a"""rii"iprogran, the Board advised him to
Supt. of p.W. Cross submitted his
VOTED to grant permissiontor bid for a front canopy
A-DA regulations. Trustees
Supt. Cross re.
he believ; ;:";:;:"tft,:::]":ff":id had been received' ror granire curbing and
Motion by Trustee Flerning, seconded by Trustee Kira:
vor'D,. award,:{i:iliry:,i::i::.i1fi*l]i"'ll*!H:::":i},:::, rnc,,hB .n1ybidder' at a cost of $tt' zs7*. w'rh addiiionat g2.00/fr. for radius secri.on.Trusrees Bisogni, col'yer, i,i"_i";,^d;;;-;;fiiarat vored yEs.
supt' cross reported that the disposal locatj.on of village yard refuse is at theTown of rthaca where ti''" rutt'"J is "iripp"a "io." the closing of the county 1andfill.He reported that the- villag"-1"-oor ueing ask"d to contri.bute one-half the annualcost or $1,600 for rhe renial of rfr" "hi;p;;.- Supr. Cross, alrhough he feels rheservice should be gratis, is reluctant ,i'"!ir."s the issue with Town officiarsfearing lt nieht possibry 5eoparaize the gooJ-*orting relationship berween the tr,roDPtrs' The Maior is instrulr"a-to approach the issue with David Klein, chairman ofthe Town's Dpif.
supt' cross req:-e:teg, approval for the purchase of a 19w garbage paeker, reeommendinga side load packei' ttrereui """iring orr" p";;;; ro colleci the entire garbage roure.After extensive discussio"'ot-i"rroing issue"r-irr" Board took action as follows:Motion by Trustee Fleuringr second.€d by Trustee Ki"ra:
''TED to approve rhe purchase of a side load garbrF:-p?g!"r per capiral ?rojecrRequest as presena_:9 it supr. iro"", ar a cosi of $eolooo. ir.r"."es Bisogni,Co11yer, tr'leming, Kira, f"r"int,"rat ""."J_fnj:"-
Motion by Trustee FleuLing, seconded by TrusLee Kira:
to supt' cross to draw up specifications and to advertiseand addirional work ro ii."'Viii"ge HaI1 ro comply wirhBi.sogni, Co11yer, Fleming, Ki;;; Meinhardt vored yES..rt**
Fire Supt. D"y submitred his monthly report which has been placed on flle.Supt. Day reported hetion and plans lo meet
has contacted twowith the Safety
architects re fire houseCommittee within the next
."etEer from ,Joseph Rosenblche righr-of-way ,r" irr"i-#-J: ijll;.cross resarding improvemenrs; fetter from NyS c"*par.iier saying that bvi;;!::"t ror a new rorrnur"-i., ;;:;:,;:ff,il"I.#_;::":ff""il::i"3""" "
- The Tompkins County fDA acc<cooling, ""-.iuo wilr be ,"""iij"lnjni"i53*rj;"9i"n' ror Lake source
supt. of p.w. cross submit,ted *** : financing the project.
his monthly report, which is on file.supt. cross rewhile ""-""aijoorted
to the Boar-d.on the inter*municipal water project.i,..',oi,,.J, ;;; ;"';rffT::;.r;:,.*;"*X: -"iii*.."ry
tne no.,! wirr be
i::i*{d"i"i"3nl"il$"f"ff';:1, *". wirh the conrracror and landscape
;:.;n:,ul*:"fl:;:;":lti":.:i'*:i:"ffiiJ: ",ffi::'ffi n"*il:;'"
er'*!;;i;; :i:ff ffff'_:"": ::::_::1 McKinney has ,endthe pubii"-r"rr" Deparrmenr. ; or eniv ""tr"']"i:i::';:';3::::::" ,r.
Fire supt. Day submitred his month1-|r"n.rr, which is on fite.
Tl"-1-::"rney -reno5red on the folro;;,4n agreement has been prep"r"i-1;r_!r.",1"rgr.easr seniors unit, whichii:ffatire services thal tiruv riirr provide ir.-i"t,rr' for paymenr of
Motion by Trustee Fleming, seconded by Trustee Krra:
official ffl;:,":*;il!: need to have an Acrins clerk ro perrorm any
Motion by' Trust.ee Kusse, seconded. by Trustee Meinharrir.
RESOLUTION 4938 _ APPOINT JEFFREY SILBER AS ACTING CLERKto appoint. ,Jeffrey Silber as Acting ClerkHeighrs. Trustees Fleming, -*liJ,
Cayuga of the Village ofMeinhardt. voted yES.AtLorney Tyler will be on vacation fromknow.in advance ir som.;;"";;"errorr i_mggtinq. rrevqEu _Llt
august i_4-31 , lgg8 . Let himhis place for the August
::;::iff'.:'iff'r:iiHiff: his monrhry reporr, which is on rile, and