HomeMy WebLinkAboutTreasurer's Report 2.17.2005.PDFUtllage nt 6.aguga Hetshtz MARCHAM HALL 836 HANSHAW ROAD |THACA, N.Y.14850 Februory 17 ,2005 2. t. 6. Tronsfers. l-rom: A01990.400 Contingency A03410.200 Fire Dept. Equipment A01990.400 Contingency A01640.410 Cenl Goroge Contr Exp G0.l990.400 Sewer Contingency WWTP Reserve A0.|325.410 Treosurer Contr Exp 403410.410 Fire Dept Conir Exp 403410,490 Fire Depi. Eqpt Moinl 405142.490 Snow Eqpt Moint G08130.460 Sewer Plont pre Treotment H08130.200 WWTP Trickting project Pleose note ihot we ore reoching the port of the yeor where burdgeis ore running low.Deportment heods ore responsible for ensuring thot finds ore not expenOed,''without proper outhorizoiion. of Abslrocts.RESOI-UTION REQUIRED TREASURER'S REPORT I regret thot I om unoble to ottend the meeting of Februo ry 22. please feel free to contoctme vio e-moilwith ony questions obout my report prior to thot time. Abslrqct ond Finoncicl reports hove been distributed electronicolly prior to this meeting. Alimited number of copies ore ovoiloble o.lthe meeting. Bonds: WWTP Project. We received hove been notified thoi our long-term finoncing isscheduled io be issued in July. We hove documents thct we need to prepore ASAP. AnnuqlAudit. You should hove on oudit repor.f. Budget. Per our discussion lost month. I om hoping thoi we'll hove a speciol meetingscheduled for Morch devoted exclusivelv io iha hrrr-Jnci Amount $r,400 6,000 2,590 )t- 500 420 s2,750 Telephone 607-257-1238 Office Hours 9A.M.-4P.M, 4. 5. RESOTUTION REQUIRED lll9!Yl?1" qpPlov-e th: ebslcc! or AuditEd \/otcrlels D"- $191,980.63, ond inslruct fhst the Treosurer moke poyments lhereon. ey Silber + 6, fe.fbr.^nA {>Ll 3