HomeMy WebLinkAboutStearns and Wheler, LLC Agreement.PDFF.EB-15_05 TUE O2I14 PI{ STEARN$&I^IHELER
t$tearns & Wheler, ILC
l5nvironrnental Engineers and Scientists
FAX N0, 3156554180 P, 05
0nc Rerningrort fark l)rive
Ctzonovla, f'y lj0J5
t(,t, (Jrj) 65i_sr6r
[rt. tltt) 65j-.ltS0
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Irebrunry l S, Z00j
I'he Honornble WalterR. Lyr.,n, Mayor
V-iling* of Calugn Heights
836 Flanslurw Road, Marcham I.Iall
Ithaca, Ny l4BS0
Re: ProfessiorulserviccsAgreenrcnt
Enginceri n g l"p:l - .f grtiary phosp h oru s Rsrnoval Up gracle' cayuga Heights Municipnl Tfra.stewnter Treatment pra't
Itear Mayor Lyr.rn:
T'his letter and attached stnnclanl couditions will scrve as alAgreemcnt berween trre villagcof Cayuga Heights, rucw.york_i0\IniElij anti Srearns & Wtriicr, tLC (ENCiNLi.rlR) forllro fcss ional servic cs o n thc r* rcrenc cdlrol ect.
scoptd;pF SnRYICE,S
HN(,-INEER shnll provide llasic serviccs as outlincd below.
1' Frcpare a drali' report, includiug schematic layouts, skctches, and conceptual clesigncritcria, as appropriate,-dcscrlbing.a pra'h, "o*,"liiu owrroR,s muuicipalwfi$tswater truatment plnnt to reducJthe concentration ottotat phosphorus in thc plantefflucrtt to 0'? rnilli-qrarns pcr liter. rhl rertiary u*t**, *yrtem shall provide capacityfor trcatment of up ttl.2-'0 inillion galloru per clayof wast#ater on a* annual av*agcbasis and up to 5.0 rniilion gnltoniper day of wastcwoG, on a pearc hourly basis.
IJcvclopntettt of the plan for |pErading owNER,s municipal wastewater trcatne'rplaut for tertiaryphoiyitgntu..e{ttvEl shall incl'dc rn evairjation of tluce alrernativcwa.Ftewficr lreaturcnt lechnorogic"s fdr tc=rtiarypr,orprr*u, imovar as for]ows;
' Dcsign aud^cortstruction of a h,igh-rate chemical coagulatiorr" flocculntion an4setrling svstel_n for terri;rry phoiprronrs ,-*;;;i ** rh6 AcrIFLo systcmetcd by Kriiger, Inc" -
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literu'us &Whcler
(;00n0cd('rrl V:rrylltrrrl $rc$acltuscltri l(rllhrlpshirs Nrwyork No11hClroliufl viqii'lil
FEB-15_05 TUE 02I14 PI{ STEARNS&I^IHELER FAX N0, 3156554180 P, 06
February 15,200j
Page ?
'fhe Ilonorable Waltcr R. Lynn, Mayor
Villngc of Crryuga Heights
' Dcsigr ancl construction of a high-rate chemicnl coagulation, flocculatiort anrlsettling system for tertiary phosphorus removal using the DcnsaDcg systcmrnurkctcd [-ry Infilco Degremont, Inc.
' Design and construction of a continuous backwash, upflow, tleep-bed sanclfiitration systEm for tcrtiary phosphonu removal using ttre bynasana filter
sy$tenl rnarkctcd by the Parkson Corporation, the Astrasand filtcr markete4 by
U.$. Filtcr-DavcoIrroducts, ortltc Technasancl Iiltermarketcd byWcsTech, hrc.
The cvaluation of altematives shall include development of conccptual siring
intbrmation and budgetarycapital and nnnual operating and maintenance cost estimate$, for cach altcrnativc, including potcntial impacts on cxisting wastewater *J *tuagotreaturent systcms rcsultiug finm hantlling of Lertiary slud.gelfiltcr bachvash flows.
2' Rcvise thc drs.ft rcPort, if nccessary, iu rcsponsc to OWNER'g review commcnts andfumish ten (10) copics of thc final rq)ort tbr use by OWNER in obtainigg regulatory
approvals rcquircd for impleurcntation otthe projEct.
3. Assist OWNER in obtaining regulatory npprovals of the Engineering Report tryprcparing writtcrt respon$Es to New York State Department of Environmeutal
Conservation (NY$DHC) and Ncw York State Environmental Facilitics Corporation(NYSEFC) rcview corunrents"
4, Assist OWNER in satisfying SEQIVSERP environmcntal rcview requirements
associatcd wlth implcntcnl,ation of t'hc proposcti projcct, It is anticipatecl that a NegativeDeclararion will bc issqed for the project nrrci thal an Environnrenial Impact StatJrrrent(EIS) will not be required.
5' Assist owNER. in-rpplying for short-tcrm and long-term, low-interest financingavlilabie undcr the Clean Water State Revolvine Fund (CWSRF) adrninistered by the
NYSDF'C for thc local sharc of projcct rlesign o,rd conut ,.,ction costs.
for lhe llasic Scrvices outlined irt thc nhove Scope of Services, or Atlctitiorral Serviccs,OWNER sliall pay ENGINEER zu: hourlyrate equal to ENGINEER'5 $alary Cost tirnes afsctor of 2.37 for all servicos rendcrcci byprincipais and employees engaged dircctly og thcFmjcct' plus rcimbursable oxpenses at currcrit iates or at cost. Thc totallost for ilre nasic
5c'rvioes dc,tcribcd ultovc shallnot exceed $28,800 without prior writtel authorization frour
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