HomeMy WebLinkAboutTreasurer's Report 1.18.2005.PDF2. Jonuory 18,2005 l. TREASURER'S REPORT Abstrqct ond Finonciol reports hove been distributed electronicclly prior to this meeting. A limited number of copies ore ovoiloble of the meeting. Bonds: WWTP Project. We received the $250,000 in Short Term Finoncing from the NYS Environmentol Focilities Corporotion. Once the Trickling Filter Project is completed the NYS EFC bonds con be issued. 3. Annuol Audif. The droft reporl presented no issues. I will osk the ouditor fo issue the finol reoort. Does the boord wont to meet with the ouditors? 4. Budget. Brief discussion on budgei ossumptions, ond finonciol status to dote. 5. Tronsfers.RESOTUTION REQUIRED From: A0,l990.400 Contingency A01990.400 Contingency A01990.400 Contingency A01990.400 Contingency F08350.200 Woter System Equipment F08350.200 Woler System Equipment G0i990.400 SewerContingency G01990.400 Sewer Contingency To: A01210.410 Moyor Contr Exp A01420.410 Atiorney Contr Exp A01620.410 Villoge Holl Contr Exp 409060.810 Empl Ben: Heolth/VcH F01420.410 Woter/Attorney F08350.410 Wcter System Contr Exp G0B120.490 Sewer Lines Eqpt Moint G08130.490 Sewer Plont Eoot Moint Amount $500 15,000 2,000 500 7,050 8,000 2,700 5,000 Pleose noie thol we ore reoching the port of the yeor where budgets ore running low. Deportment heods ore responsible for ensuring thot finds ore not expendeiC without proper outhorizotion. 6.A of Abstrqcts.RESOLUTION REQUIRED Respectfully submitted, Jeffrey Silber Treosurer RESOLI/;ED to qp-Brove Ihe trqns.fers doted 1;/1,8120A'5 os,lisfed below: RESOLVED lo opprove fhe Absfuqcl'of Arrdited Vouch'ers Dsied 11ill8/2005 in the',ormouxrf of $V'5,,922,117, qnd ins*u:ct thqt lhe Tressuxer rnoke rpety,rnents the.reon.